



关系代词:who, whom, whose, which, that

关系副词:when, where, how, why





I have two close friends who are good at playing chess.


We saw a fox whose tail was very long.



关系代词:who, whom, whose, which, that

关系副词:when, where, how, why





Let’s watch the English book that I bought yesterday.

(English book是先行词,下划线部分是定语从句)


We went to the place where she stayed.





She has got a map of China which is about 2 meters long.

(map是先行词,被of China隔开了。下划线部分是定语从句)

I know a girl from Ningbo who has passed TOEFL.

(girl是先行词,被from Ningbo隔开了。下划线部分是定语从句)




对于定语从句的研究已经很多 (成善祯1996、黄国文1996等) , 但从句法方面着手研究的并不是太多。本文旨在最简方案的框架内对定语从句的内部结构进行分析。

英语定语从句的引导词分为wh-关系词 (wh-relatives) , 如what、which、whom、等等 (例1) 和非wh-引导词 (non-wh-relatives) , 而后者又有两种情形, 一种是由that引导的定语从句 (例2) , 另一种是由零关系词 (zero relatives) 引导的定语从句 (例3) 。

(1) I met the man [who lives next door]in town.

(2) The book[that you lent me]was interesting.

(3) I enjoyed the meal[you made us].

对由wh-词引导的定语从句的结构分析有比较一致的意见, 即wh-词通过wh-移动到从句之首, 在原位置留下语迹, 而对非wh-词引导的定语从句却有两种不同的观点:一种认为由非wh-词引导的定语从句中不存在wh-移动, 而相反的观点认为由非wh-词引导的定语从句如同wh-词引导的定语从句一样存在wh-移动。针对两种不同的观点, 本文第二节探讨“that”一词的句法特征;第三节论述定语从句的中心语特征, 分析论证带有wh-词的定语从句中存在有wh-移动, 但由非wh-词引导的定语从句即由that引导的定语从句和由零关系词引导的定语从句中不存在wh-移动, 其[-wh]特征前移而非wh-词前移与中心词[-wh]特征核查, 从而满足经济原则, 保留that语迹效应理论的完整性和维护that作为标句语的共识。

1 That是一个标句语, 而不是关系代词

传统语法学家将that看做与who、which等一样的关系代词 (Quirk er al 1985:366 (参见Radford 1988) , 即that在深层结构中位于从句动词之后, 通过wh-移动到了从句句首, 即[spec.cp]位置 (例4) 。

(4) a. The book

b. The book [s′[s I put that on the table]]

Radford (1988) 指出这样的分析不对, that只可能是标句语, 而不是一个如同who、which等的关系代词, 理由如下:

一是That不能作介词补语, 而典型的代词 (如关系代词who、which) 可以作为代词补语。

(5) a the book [pp about which]they were arguing.

b the man [pp to who]he was talking.

二是典型的wh-代词带有具体的句法、语义特征, 而“that”只带有语法意义而无词汇意义, 因此应为标句语。

三是典型的wh-名词词组可以出现于限定性与非限定性定语从句中, 而标句语则只限于某一种, 如that只出现于后面跟限定性从句的句子中, for只出现于后面跟非限定性从句的句子中。

四是在that引导的定语从句中可以出现复制性代词 (resumptive pronoun) , 而由wh-词引导的关系从句中不可以出现这样的词, 如例 (6) :

(6) a.He is someone [that you never know whether to trust him or not]

b.*He is someone [whom you never know whether to trust him or not]

(6a) 与 (6b) 的对立表明, that作为一个标句语, 是没有经过wh-移动的, 也就是说其后没有因wh-移动而留下语迹。因此, 可以用him填充在动词trust的后面以满足投射原则和论旨关系准则。而b中的whom经过了wh-移动, 在原位置上留下了语迹, 再用him来填充一个已经被占有了的位置, 违反了投射原则与论旨关系准则。从而可以说that是一个标句语, 而非关系代词。

2 中心语特征

乔姆斯基在最简方案 (1992、1995) 中指出, 在疑问句中, 因为中心语C°带有[+wh]特征, 使得疑问句中的wh-词通过wh-移动到了[Spec.CP]位置以核查Co的[+wh]特征, 从而使句子在句法上得到完全解释 (Principle of Full Interpretation) 。Lasnik把这种因核查特征需要而进行的wh-移动叫做启发性的自身意义 (Enlightened Self-interest) 。例 (7) 中, 疑问词who因为要核查中心语的[+wh]特征, 由动词think后面移到了[Spec, CP]即句首位置上。

(7) Who do you think will say what?


(8) You think who will say what?



中心语Co的[+wh]特征通过带有[+wh]特征的who的移动而得到核查, 因而得到完全解释。

定语从句中的中心语特征是怎样的呢?Rizzi (1990) , Tellier (1991) 分析了所有的中心语的特征如下:

a.[+wh, -pred]疑问句

b.[+wh, +pred]带有wh特征的定语从句

c.[-wh, +pred]不带有wh特征或由that引导的定语从句

d. [-wh, -pred]陈述句



因为Rizzi的中心语C°的特征 (+/-wh) 与疑问句的中心语的wh特征重叠。Ning (1993) 把定语从句中中心语C°的特征定为[-wh, +pred], 即定语从句中的wh词不具有疑问意义。[+pred]特征也就是中心语选择一元谓语 (one-place predicate) 的补语从句。[+pred]特征使得关系代词作明显的wh-移动, 即从从句中的谓语后的位置移动到从句的[Spec.CP]位置, 使得中心语的[-wh]特征得到核查, 因此定语从句算子—变量结构图如下:


3 由wh词引导的定语从句

现在回到由wh词引导的定语从句的具体操作上, 由wh词引导的定语从句如同上图所述, 通过了wh-移动到[Spec.CP]位置上, 如例 (15) :


a. I know

b. I know the man [CP [IP Lord Emsworth will invite who]]

移动后的who在原位置留下了语迹, 从而满足投射原则和论旨关系准则。因此, 对于由wh词引导的定语从句的句法结构没有歧意, 但对于由非wh-词引导的定语从句的句法结构呢?

4 由非wh-词引导的定语从句

在上文中已经指出, that是一个标句语而非关系代词, 既然这样, 例 (4) 中that由动词后位置移到了[Spec, CP]位置的观点是错误的。that应在中心语的位置, 没有做任何移动。上文已经指出定语从句中的中心语具有[-wh, +pred]的特征, 所不明确的是that既然是一个标句语, 不是一个关系代词, 而例 (9) 中没有别的关系代词, 那么, 是什么在进行wh-移动呢?或者, 还是根本没有进行移动?一种比较一致的看法是, 没有wh-词引导的定语从句中有一个隐性的关系代词 (covert (i.e) empty relative pronoun (Quirk et al 1985) , (empty wh-operator) (Chomsky 1981) , (non-overt relative anaphor) (Stahlke, 1976;Huddles, 1984) 。这个关系代词统一由O标示。所不一致的意见是, 一部分人 (Radford, 1988;Kayne, 1972) 认为隐性关系代词也同wh-词引导的关系代词一样做了wh-移动。而另一部分人认为隐性的关系代词没有经过wh-移动, 而是留在原位置 (in situ) 。但他们对为什么隐性的关系代词没有作移动说明原因。我赞同后者的说法, 认为隐性的关系代词引导的关系从句中不存在wh-移动现象, 我们知道, 最简方案中的经济原则明确告诉我们, 当可以移动特征 (feature) 时尽量不移成分 (constituents) 当移动成分时尽量移动最小 (the smallest constituents) 和最短距离的成分 (the shortest distance constituents) 。据此, 笔者认为在由非wh词引导的定语从句中隐性关系代词没有做wh-移动, 是隐性关系代词的[-wh]特征移动到了[Spec, CP]位置以核查中心语的[-wh]特征。这种解释也保留了that-语迹效应, 即明显的标句语后面不可以跟语迹的理论。

(13) a. I know the man that Mary will invite.

b. I know the man oi that Mary will invite ti.

按照前者的观点, 也就是隐性的关系代词通过了wh-移动到[Spec, CP]位置, 例 (14a) 不存在问题, 即隐性的关系代词o由动词invite后位置通过wh-移动到了[Spec, CP]位置, 在原位置留下了语迹, 满足投射原则与论旨关系准则。同时, 隐性关系代词先行管辖 (antecedent-govern) 其语迹。但在 (14b) 中如果分析隐性关系代词o做了wh-移动, 则会违背that语迹效应。

(14) a. the letter that will surprise Poirot

b. the letter

Pesetsky (1982:306) 对隐性关系代词在定语从句中做主语进行wh-移动从而违背that语迹效应所作出的解释是:that在这种情况下不是平时的标句语而是象征一个关系代词, 即that结合了标句语和隐性关系代词的特征, 从而先行管辖其语迹。that在这种情况下由标句语变成了关系代词。我认为这样的解释不完善, 难以自圆其说:第一, 既然that语迹效应已成为不可违背的理论, 在其他情况下不允许, 而在隐性关系代词在定语从句中做主语时又开绿灯;第二, 将已经公认的that是一个标句语又加上了关系代词的特征, 不就是变相的承认that和who、which等一样可以做关系代词吗?

我们不如将定语从句中的隐性关系代词留在原位置, 而将其[-wh]特征前移与中心语上的[-wh]特征核查, 即特征移动而非成分移动。这样既保持了that语迹效应理论的完整性, 又符合经济原则。


本文通过对that特性的鉴定和定语从句中中心语的特征分析, 遵照最简方案中的经济原则理论框架, 得出有wh-词的定语从句通过了wh-移动以核查中心语特征, 在原位置留下语迹以满足投射原则和论旨关系准则。而由非wh-词引导的定语从句中不存在wh-移动现象, 理由如下:1) 移动不符合经济原则;2) 移动违反that语迹效应理论;3) 移动推翻that为标句语的共识。

摘要:对于由wh-词引导的定语从句普遍的意见是因为中心语上-wh特征需要核查, 从而存在有wh-词的前移至SpecCP位置的现象。对于由非wh-词引导的定语从句却有两种意见:一种认为由非wh-词引导的定语从句中不存在wh-移动, 另一种认为由非wh-词引导的定语从句中存在wh-移动。从经济原则出发, 得出非wh-词引导的定语从句中不存在wh-移动。



[1]Cook, Vivian&Mark Newson.Chomsky s Universal Gram-mar:An Introduction.Oxford:Blackwell Publishers LTD, 1996.

[2]Gisborn, Nikolas.Relative clauses in Hongkong English.World English.2000, 19:357-371.

[3]Gutierrez-Rexach, Javier.The structure and interpretation of Spanish degree neuter constructions.Lingua1999, 109:35-63.

[4]Radford, Andrew.Transformational Grammar:A First Course.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1988.

[5]Radford, Andrew.Syntax:A Minimalist Introduction Course.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1997.

[6]Seppanen, Aimo.Dialectal variation in English relativiza-tion.Lingua, 1999, 109:15-34.

[7]成善祯.That能用来引导非限定性定语从句吗-[J].外国语, 1996, (6) :57-60.

[8]黄国文.英语的对比型强势主位结构[J].外国语, 1996, (4) :23-27.

[9]温宾利.自由关系分句中介词用法初探[J].现代外语, 1995, (2) :61-64.

[10]温宾利.wh-疑问分句与名词性关系分句的区别[J].现代外语, 1995, (4) :42-46.

[11]温宾利.wh-词与wh-分句[J].现代外语, 1996, (2) :49-53.



一、 先行词决定关联词





1. 在从句中作表语,先行词无论是人还是物,关联词一般用that。

例如:My friend, Betty, is not the girl that she used to be. 我朋友贝蒂,已经不是原来的那个她了。

2. 当主句是who或which引导的特殊问句时,先行词不管是人还是物,无论在从句中做主语或宾语,关联词通常用that,而不用who或which。

例如:Who is the lucky boy that has been recommended to Tsinghua University by the headmaster?谁是校长推荐去清华上学的幸运男孩?

Which is the cell phone that is the most practical here?这儿最实用的手机是哪一款?

3. 先行词为物,无论在从句中做主语或宾语,关联词通常用that和which都可以,但以下几种场合用that,不宜用which。

1) 先行词被形容词的最高级修饰。

例如:What do you think of the latest iPhone 4S that has come on the market?你觉得市场上最新的iPhone 4S怎么样?

2) 先行词被序数词修饰。

例如:The last gift that he received on his birthday is what he likes most. 他生日收到的最后一个礼物是他最喜欢的。

3) 先行词被不定代词修饰或本身就是不定代词。

例如:There is little that can be done now. 现在几乎什么都做不了。

All that glitters is not gold. 发光的不都是金子。

4) 先行词前面有any, no, very, only, last, next等修饰。

例如:Thank you very much. You are the only person that understands me. 谢谢你。只有你懂我。

4. 与第三种情形相反,先行词为物,关联词用which,不宜用that。

1) 先行词在从句中紧跟在介词之后充当宾语。

例如:What a pity! I lost the pen with which I used to do my homework when I was young. 真可惜!我年轻时做作业的笔被我弄丢了。

2) 在非限制性定语从句中。

例如:Ted came wearing only a T-shirt, which is a stupid thing to do in such cold weather. 泰德来时只穿了一件T恤,在这么冷的天这样穿是件愚蠢的事。

5. 先行词为人,无论在从句中做主语或宾语,关联词一般用who和that皆可。但以下几种情形宜用who / whom,不用that。

1) 在非限制性定语从句中。

例如:The famous basketball star, who tried to make a comeback, attracted a lot of attention. 那位想复出的著名篮球明星吸引了很多的注意。

2) 先行词为everybody, everyone, anybody, anyone, somebody, someone, one, ones等。

例如:When I went in, they were talking about someone who / whom I didn’t know. 当我进去时,他们在讨论一个我不认识的人。

3) 一个句子中有两个定语从句,其中一个用了关系代词that,另一个要用who。

例如:The girl that is standing by the window is my friend who speaks English very well. 站在窗边的女孩是我的朋友,她英语说的很好。

6. 先行词为两个或两个以上分别表示人和物的短语。

例如:He told us about the people and things that he had seen on the way. 他告诉我们他一路上的所见所闻。

7. 先行词在从句中充当介词宾语,有以下三种情形:

1) 介词位于从句之尾,先行词为人,关联词一般用whom, who, 或 that,一般可以省略;如果先行词是物,关联词则用that或which,也可以省略。

例如:The man (whom / who / that) the reporter spoke to is Gao Xiaosong who got 6 months in jail for drunk driving. 和主持人说话的人是高晓松,他因酒驾而判6个月的监禁。

Nearby is the bus(that / which) we came here on just now. 我们来时搭乘的汽车刚刚还在附近。

2) 介词位于从句之首,先行词为人,关联词只能用whom,而且不可省略;先行词是物,关联词只能用which,也不可省略。试比较:

例如:The man to whom the reporter spoke is Gao Xiaosong who got 6 months in jail for drunk driving.

Nearby is the bus on which we came here on just now.

3) 如果介词与动词是固定短语,介词不可提前。

例如:They often think of the boy (whom / who / that) they looked after when he was young. 他们时常想起他们年轻时照顾的男孩。

8. 在从句中作定语,如果先行词是人,关联词用whose;如果先行词为物,关联词whose或of which都可以。


例如:A teacher is a person whose duty it is to help his students learn their lessons well. 教师的职责就是帮助他的学生学好功课。

The poor man lives in the house whose windows are all broken. 那个穷人住在一个窗户都坏了的房子里。

= The poor man lives in the house of which the windows are all broken.

= The poor man lives in the house the windows of which are all broken.

注意:先行词为物,在从句中作定语,用of which时,所修饰的名词前一定要用定冠词the加以修饰。

9. 先行词为time,在从句中做状语,关联词一般用that或when或省略。

例如:I’ll never forget the hard time (that / when) I stayed in that country. 我永远不会忘记我在那个国家的艰难岁月。


例如:This is the first time (that) I have seen such a beautiful sight. 我第一次见到这样的美景。

10. 先行词为way,在从句中做状语,关联词用that或in which或省略。

例如:At first nobody knew the way (that / in which) President Al-qaddafi of Libya was killed. 开始,没有人知道利比亚总统卡扎菲是怎样被杀的。

11. 先行词指代不明。所谓先行词指代不明,是指先行词不是一个具体而明确的人或物。这时,我们通常套用以下两种句型:1) anyone / he who ……;2) those / people who ……。

例如:Anyone / He who studies hard is sure to learn his lessons well. / Those / People who study hard are sure to learn their lessons well. 学习认真的人定能学好功课。

12. 先行词无论是人还是物,如果前面有the same, such, so或as修饰,关联词通常用as。

例如:I’m afraid such a man as he is can’t do it well. 我担心像他这样的人做不好。


1) such / so …… as(定语从句)与such / so …… that(结果状语从句)不同。关键是看从句的句子成分是否完整,完整的用that,否则用as,因为引导定语从句的关联词在从句中一定要充当一定的句子成分。


Mr. Green has never set such a difficult task as his students can’t finish.(定语从句)格林先生从未出过让他学生无法完成的难题。

Mr. Green has never set such a difficult task that his students can’t finish it.(结果状语从句)格林先生从未出过这么难的题目以至他的学生不能完成。

2) 先行词前面出现了修饰语the same,一般用关系代词as,但有时也可用that。区别在于:用as,表示两者相像;而如两者指同一样东西或人,则用that。


Rosy wear the same clothes as Jenny does. 萝丝穿着和简妮一样的衣服。

She is the same teacher that was praised on Teachers’ Day. 她就是教师节那天被表扬的老师。

二、 先行词决定关联词的人称和数


1. 关系代词who, that, which以及as,它们可以表示单数概念也可以表示复数概念,引导定语从句时完全取决于先行词。请比较以下例句:

I, who am your teacher, will try my best to help you out. 我是你的老师,会尽全力帮你。

He, who is your teacher, will try his best to help you out. 他是你的老师,会尽全力帮你的。

Do you know the boy who / that is playing basketball over there?你认识在那儿打篮球的男生么?

Do you know the boys who / that are playing basketball over there?你认识那些在那儿打篮球的男生么?

2. 先行词为one of +“复数名词”短语,要注意从句的主谓一致问题。一般情况下,定语从句的谓语动词要与one of 后面复数名词一致,确切地说,“复数名词”是定语从句的先行词,即从句在人称和数上须与其保持一致。

例如:He is one of the people who have witnessed the horrible traffic accident. 他是那起悲惨交通事故的目击者之一。

但是,one of + “复数名词”短语前如果出现了the, the only, the very等修饰语时,one是定语从句的先行词,从句在人称和数上须与one保持一致。

试比较:He is the only one of the people who has witnessed the horrible traffic accident. 他是那起悲惨交通事故的唯一目击者。

3. 先行词为集体名词,如果着眼于该集体的整体,关系代词用which / that;如若要表示该集体的成员,则通常用who。

例如:The football team, which is playing very well, will most probably win the game. 这个足球队踢得很好,最有可能赢。

The football team, who are having baths, will be back here for supper. 在洗澡的足球队很快会回这儿吃晚饭。



(1) who引导的非限制性定语从句:

Our guide,who was a French Canadian,was an excellent cook.


Then he met Mary,who invited him to a party.


My gardener,who is very pessimistic,says that there will be no apples this year.


(2) whom引导的非限制性定语从句:


Peter, whom you mey in London, is now back in Paris.


Mr Smith,from whom I have learned a lot,is a famous scientist.


(3) whose引导的非限制性定语从句:


The boy, whose father is an engineer, studies very hard.


Above the trees are the mountains whose magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface.


The play,whose style is rigidly formal,is typical of the period.


一. as引导的非限制性定语从句位于句末时,一般可以和which互换。

the author was brought up in a small village, as (which) is recounted in some of his stories.


she is extremely popular among the students, as (which) is common knowledge.



spiders are not insects, as many people think.


二. as引导的非限制性定语从句可以放在句子的最前面,而which引导的定语从句不能放在句首。

as is often the case, the girl forgot to her dictionary.(不能用which)


as you will find out, all is now settled.


三. as引导的非限制性定语从句可以放在句子的中间,which引导的定语从句也可以放在句子的中间。

water, which is a clear liquid, has many uses.


taiwan is, as you know, an inseparable part to china.



1.I know the boy.The boy can speak English well.I know the boy _____ can speak English well.2.I have a friend.His father is a teacher.I have a friend _______ father is a teacher.3.I can’t find the house.My friend lives in it.I can’t find the house _______my friend lives in.OR: I can’t find the house _________________ my friend lives.I.定语从句的分类:

1.In their class there are fifteen students who can speak English well.2.In their class there are fifteen students, who can speak English well.3.She has two sons who are P.L.A.men.4.She has two sons, who are P.L.A.men.II.限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句的区别:


2、限定性定语从句的关系代词做宾语时,有时可以省略,而非限定性定语从句的关系代词不可以省略。eg: This is the girl(whom)I met yesterday.She sang a song, which we liked very much.3、非限定性定语从句中的关系代词可以代表一个单词、词组或整个句子。My brother lives in Zhongshan, which is only two hours’ drive from here.The English party , which was held in our school, was good.He lost his bike, which made him unhappy.III.定语从句的基本结构:先行词+ 关系词 + 从句

关系代词有:who whom that whose which 关系副词有: when where why IV.修饰物体时关系代词that和 which的区分 只使用that的情况:

1、当先行词是nothing, something, anything, all, each, everything ,much, little, few, none,(the)one等不定代词时。

eg.Do you have anything that is important to tell me?

2、当先行词被all, any, some, no, not, every, each, much, little, few等修饰时。eg.I have some books that are very good.3、当先行词被形容词最高级、序数词所修饰时。

eg.This is the first book that I bought myself.The biggest bird that I caught is this bird.4、当先行词被the very, the last, the next, the only 等词修饰时。

eg.This is the very book that I lost yesterday.5、当先行词又有人又有物时。

eg.I won’t forget the things and the persons that I saw.6、先行词在从句中作表语时。Eg)Our school is not the one that it used to be.只能使用which的情况。

1、非限制性定语从句中。eg.Mary has a book, which is very precious.2、在介词之后。eg.This is a house in which lives an old man.3、当主句中的主语被that修饰时。eg.That dog which I found in the street belongs to Mary.Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronouns(which / that).1.This is the only book ____ I got last year.2.Is this the book in ____ you are interested?

4.Rose still remembers the trees and teachers____ exist(存在)in the mother school.5.All the desks ____ are bought look really wonderful.6.Do you have any money ____is used to build the factory? 7.Tom has a toy, ____ was given by his father.8.This is the second watch ____ my father bought for me.V.修饰人时关系代词that 和who, whom的区分。

先行词是one, ones, anyone, those,people时,宜用who;? 在There be开头的句字中,宜用 who;

先行词指人,且关系代词前有介词时,只用whom;(She is the girl with whom I went there.)whose是代词的所有格,可指人也可指物。

I saw a woman whose hag was stolen.Please show me the book whose cover is red.Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronouns(who / that).1.Look at that lady ______ name is Polly.A.who B.whose C.that 2.The girl ______ could sing well went to Europe.A.who B.whose C.whom 3.Tom is the first boy _____ left the room.A.who B.that C.which 4.Those ______ want to go to the Great Wall sign your name here.A.that B.whose C.who 5.There is an old man ______ wants to see you.A.who B.that C.whom VI.关系副词when, where, why 和介词+which之间的关系。关系副词when, where, why可以用适当的介词+which来替代。如:when=in/on/at…+which, where=in/on/at…+which, why=for +which介词的位置非常灵活,有时放在关系代词之前,有时放在动词之后。eg.1.I won’t forget the date when(on which)I was born.2.This is the room where(in which)I lived.= This is the room which I lived in.3.I don’t know the reason why(for which)he haven’t come today.4.Tom still remembers the days when(in which)they lived in Tianjin.Fill in blanks with why, where ,when.1.The reason ______ I’m calling you is to invite you to a party.2.This is the house _____ I worked two years ago.3.I’ll never forget the day _____ I joined the army.4.That was the year _______ I went to America.5.This is the reason ________ I come here.定语从句讲解 2 Fill in blanks: 1.He is the famous scientist ________ will give us a lecture next week.2.A good teacher is one _______ students not only respect but also love.3.Have you found the little boy _________ you have been looking for these days? 4.On my way home I met the girl about ________ you told me yesterday.5.At last the policeman found the man ________ wallet was stolen on the bus.6.The papers ______ they are searching for have been discovered here.7.New York is the first city to _______ she has ever been in her life.8.The house is not the one _________ it was when we lived in it.9.They finally arrived at an island ______ name was very strange to them.10.Is there anything interesting in this book _______ is worth reading? 11.The first runner ______ reached the finishing line was my classmate.12.The only thing ________ we can do for the man was to give him some money.14.Do you know the years _______ the great scientists was born and died? 15.I have never been to the village ________ my mother worked as a teacher.16.Can you take us to the square ________ the important meeting was being held? 17.I know the reason ________ the factory didn’t carry out the production plan.18.In the park she met an old friend, _______ invited her to his house for a visit.19.Our teacher, ______ wife fell ill yesterday, cannot come to work today.20.His medicine, _______ was kept in a broken bottle, was all spoiled(坏了).21.He died of hunger during the war, ______ we all suffered for lack of food.22.The new car, for______ I have paid several thousand pounds, isn’t run well.23.Last Monday I went to Beijing, _____ I attend an important meeting.24.My dog, _____ temper is very bad, often barks at my family.25.Jack drove too fast and, what’s more, very carelessly, ______ worried her very much.Exercise: 1.TOEFL is a test for students _____ native language is not English.A.whose B.that C.of whom D.for who 2.Much ____ I have read has been of little help to the problem.A.what B.that C.which D.as 3.I still remember the garden _____ my son could not tear himself away.(勉强使自己离开)A.which B.where C.to which D.from which 4.In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person ____she could turn for help.(turn to sb.for help)A.to whom B.who C.from whom D.that

5.She heard a terrible notice, _____ brought her heart into his mouth.A.it B.which C.this D.that 6.I shall never forget those years _____ I lived in the country with the farmers, _____ has a great effect on my life.A.that;which B.when;which C.which;that D.when;who 7.Alice received an invitation from his boss, ____ came as a surprise.A.It B.that C.which D.he 8.Next week he will visit the airbase ____ he worked 25 years ago.A.when B.as C.where D.which 9.Mr.White took us to a small town, ____ he set up his first factory.A.where B.here C.which D.that 10.August 15,1999 is one of the greatest days in his life _____ he was accepted by a university.A.while B.that C.which D.when 11.I wonder if you know anybody ____ parents work at the airport.A.whose B.their C.his D.her 12.It was a cold winter night , and there wasn’t anyone ____ the boy could turn to for help.A.that B.which C.whom D.what 13.This is the only English-Chinese dictionary ____ could be found in the teacher’s reading-room.A.what B.it C.which D.that

14.She keeps her keys and money in the handbag ____she takes with her everywhere.A.which B.so C.therefore D.when 15.Our concert turned out to be a great success, ____ they had never expected.A.what B.that C.when D.which 16.The Yangtze is the longest river in China, ____ which several bridges have been built recently.A.onto B.through C.above D.over 17.I’d like to join the tennis club _____ which my friend belongs.A.to B.for C.with D.in 18.He arrived late, _______ was annoying.A.what B.that C.which D.who 19.The weather turned out to be very good, _____ was more than we could expect.A.what B.which C.that D.it

20.I have to book ahead(事先预定)for the concerts _______ are usually held in London.A.where B.what C.which D.they


---1who/that 2whose 3that/which;where/in which---1that 2which 3that 4that 5that 6that 7which 8(that)---1B 2A 3A/B 4C 5A---1why 2where 3when 4when 5why Fill in blanks 1who/that;2whom;3whom/that;4whom;5whose;6which/that;7which;








23where;24whose;25which Exercise: 1ABBAB 6BCCAD





1.The girl who came this morning is my sister.

2.Those who wish to go to the park must be at the gate by 7:50 am.

3.After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town where he grew up as a child.


1.Mr.Shang, who came to see me yesterday, is an old friend of my father’s.

2.Mary, whose children are at school all day, is trying to get a job.

3.He said that he had never seen her before, which was not true.

4.The college, where he studied for four years, is a famous one.

5.The 8:30 train, which is usually very punctual, was late today.


1. 形式不同


2. 作用不同


a) What is the name of the tall woman who is standing there?


b) Toronto is a city (that) I’ve always wanted to visit.



a) Rome, which is the capital of Italy, has a very long history.


b) Yesterday I met Professor King, who came from the University of London.


c) He lent me a dictionary, which was just what I needed.


3. 先行词不同


eg.A middle-aged woman killed her husband, which frightened me very much.



eg.A five-year-old boy can speak two foreign languages, which surprises all the people present.



4. 关系词不同

限制性定语从句可以由that, which, who (m), where, when, why及“介词+which/whom”等来引导,而非限制性定语从句通常由who (m), whose, which, when, where及“介词+which/whom”引导。


eg.This is the girl whom I met in the street.


先行词“the girl”在限制性定语从句中作宾语,可用who代替whom。

eg.A young man had a new girl friend, whom he wanted to impress.


先行词“a new girl friend”在非限制性定语从句中作宾语,不可用who代替whom。


a) She has two brothers who are working in the city.

她有两个弟弟在这个城市工作。(其意思是强调:She hasmore than two brothers.)

b) She has two brothers, who are working in the city.

她有两个弟弟,他们在这个城市工作。(而这句是说:Shehas only two brothers.)


a) He will wear no clothes which will make him different from others.


b) He will wear no clothes, which will make him different from others.
