




General: 一般


Detail Drawing-大样图

Ceiling Plan灯光设计图

Electrical Layout Plan消防系统

MVAC Layout Plan地板图

Stone Pattern Detail灯具表

Florescent Light

Spot Light(directional /non-directional)

Light trough

Socket Schedule门窗表

Hardware Schedule洁具(卫生设备)表


Living Room饭厅



Master Bed Room客房










Conference Room储藏室亦可细分为 Wet(湿)Pantry and Dry(干)Pantry.Server Room –茶水间

Copy/Fax Machine Room – 主机室

Manager Office/Cabin老板房



员工休息间Rest room


机房machine room

闻香台perfume room

瑜珈 yoga





健身中心Fitness Center

乒乓室Ping-pong room

跳操房Exercise room

男浴室Male bathroom

女浴室Female bathroom

卡座区Elegant area

舞厅dance room

设备房Equipment room


配电间electric Distribution room 空调机房

休息区rest area

贵宾餐厅VIP Restaurant

贵宾接待厅VIP reception hall

化妆间Dressing room

备餐间meal preparing room/ pantry 宴会库房Banquet Treasury

商务中心Business Center

音控室media control room

灯光音响控制室Sound control room lighting 零点餐厅IndividualRestaurant


电梯厅elevator hall


鲜花店Flower shop


消防中心Fire Center



日本料理Japanese cuisine

自助餐台Buffet Dining Table



宴会门厅Banquet porch

开放厨房Open kitchen

阅读区reading room

行政入口Administrative entrance

消防前室front Fire Room

洗涤间washing room


储藏室store room

经理室Manager Room

无障碍通道Barrier-free access

信息屏Information screen

总统套房Presidential Suite

室外景观Outdoor Landscape


总统套房入口 Presidential Suite entrance

会客厅The drawing room

起居室Living room


餐厅dinining room

夫人房 lady’s room

应急通道Emergency access

主卧室Master bedroom

更衣室Locker room


书房 reading room

酒吧 bar

休闲区 Leisure area



茶水间Pantry room

贵宾接待室VIP reception


男卫male Toilet

女卫female Toilet

残疾人卫生间 disabled Toilet

清洁间Clean room

酒水库房wine Warehouse

家具库房Furnitures warehouse


水吧Water bar



会议室Conference Room

大会议室Large conference room

会议服务中心Conference Service Center

接待大厅Reception hall

等候区Waiting area


化妆区Make-up area

打印区Print Area

电话交换机房Telephone switchboard room

服装寄存处Clothing storage

收银Cash register

空调机房Air conditioning room(A/C room)

楼梯前室The stairs before the room



市场营销部sales & Marketing Division

销售部Sales Department

公关部Public Relation Department

预订部Reservation Department

客务部Room Division

前厅部Front Office Department

管家部Housekeeping Department

餐饮部Food & Beverage Department

康乐部Recreation and EntertainmentDepartment

工程部Engineering Department

保安部Security Department

行政部Rear-Service Department

商场部Shopping Arcade

Job Positions:

人力资源开发总监Director of Human Resources

人事部经理Personnel Manager


督导部经理Quality Inspector

人事主任Personnel Officer

培训主任Training Officer

财务总监Financial Controller

财务部经理Chief Accountant

成本部经理Cost Controller

采购部经理Purchasing Manager

采购部主管Purchasing Officer

电脑部经理EDP Manager

总出纳Chief Cashier

市场营销总监Director of Sales and Marketing

销售部经理Director of Sales


宴会销售经理Banquet Sales Manager

销售经理Sales Manager

宴会销售主任Banquet Sales Officer

销售主任Sales Officer

高级销售代表Senior Sales Executive

销售代表Sales Executive


总行政办公室 Executive Office

宾客关系主任Guest Relation Officer

公关部经理Public Relation Manager

公关部主任Public Relation Supervisor

客户经理Account Manager

高级客户经理Senior Account Manager

资深美工Senior Artist


销售部联络主任Sales Coordinator

资深销售中心预订员Sales Center SeniorReservation Clerk销售中心主任Sales Center Supervisor

礼宾部经理Chief Concierge


女礼宾员Door Girl

礼宾司Door Man

财务部 Accounting

营销部 Sales & Marketing Dept

总经理 General Manager

人力资源及培训部 Human Resource & Training Dept

常务副总经理 Deputy General Manager

房务部 Room Division

餐饮部 Food & Beverage Dept

采购部 Purchasing Dept

电脑部 Electronic Data Processing Dept.保安部 Security Dept

工程部 Engineer Dept

客房总监Director of Housekeeping

前厅部经理Front Office Manager

前厅部副经理Asst.Front Office Manager

大堂副理Assistant Manager

礼宾主管Chief Concierger

客务主任Guest RelationOfficer

接待主管Chief Concierge


车队主管Chief Driver

出租车订车员Taxi Service Clerk

行政管家Executive Housekeeper

行政副管家Assistant Executive Housekeeper

办公室文员Order Taker

客房高级主任Senior Supervisor

楼层主管Floor supervisor

楼层领班Floor Captain

客房服务员Room Attendant

洗衣房经理Laundry Manager

餐饮总监F&B Director

餐饮部经理F&B Manager

西餐厅经理Western Restaurant Manager

咖啡厅经理Coffee Shop Manager

餐饮部秘书F&B Secretary



服务员Waiter ,waitress

传菜Bus Boy, Bus Girl

行政总厨Executive chef

中厨师长Sous Chef(Chinese Kitchen)西厨师长Sous Chef(Western Kitchen)西饼主管Chief Baker

工程总监Chief Engineer

工程部经理Engineering Manager值班工程师Duty Engineer


保安部副经理Asst.Security Manager保安部主任Security Manager保安员Security Manager

商场部经理Shop Manager



翻译目的论, 其鼻祖是德国的翻译理论家费米尔, 早于20世纪70年代就提出了这样的系列模式。对于翻译界来讲, 这样的全新的模式的确存在着一定的意义, 所谓的翻译目的论, 其研究的焦点在于目的的选择, 在翻译的过程中, 基于一定的目的去进行翻译。在他看来, 翻译不仅仅是语言之间的等价交换, 其更多的是在一定的环境下, 基于一定的目的的人类交流。

翻译往往带有一定的目的性, 是符合目的理论的言语学科。其在1984年与赖斯实现了合作, 最终推出了书籍一本, 即《普通翻译理论基础》, 书本对于翻译目的论的基本规则进行了详细的介绍, 主要涉及以下几个方面: (1) 翻译的文本有赖于译者的目的; (2) 翻译的资料是语言和文化的给予者, 源文本是源语言和文化的给予者;在翻译的过程中, 两者的语言和文化实现了沟通; (3) 翻译文本不是对于源语言的机械, 全面的语言还原; (4) 翻译文本之间存在一定的联系, 上述的五个方面的重要性是不断递减的, 其中的目的原则是最重要的。从这样的次序排列可以看出, 在他看来翻译目的论的核心是第一点, 翻译的主要因素取决于翻译的目的。


翻译目的论对于我国高校网页中英文对照的实际水平有着一定的意义, 本文将从这个角度来审视我国高校重视网页中英文对照的重要性和必要性。首先, 这是高等教育网络化的客观要求, 现阶段由于网络被大面积使用到高校的办学过程中, 在网页的建设上开展相关的研究也就成了必要的内容;其次, 这是树立高校学校形象的主要方式, 现阶段我国教育不断发展, 趋向于国际化的发展模式要求进行网页的英文编辑;最后, 实现国际学术交流的必然要求, 目前我国的部分高校有着很多的留学生教育, 如此的网页设计有利于在此方面工作的顺利开展。

综上所述, 中国高校的英文网页制作的质量关系重大, 不仅仅代表着高校的形象, 更是体现了我国教育的国际化。在参考西方部分高校的网站建设的时候, 我们结合自身网站的建设, 还是看到很大差异, 尤其是在翻译目的论下体现出的差异, 已将我们的网页水平下降到一定的水平。无论是网页上的错误译法, 还是网页上的翻译漏洞, 都对大学网站建设不利, 都在交流上出现很多的问题, 这是我们不想看到的。也是作为高校, 必须不断去探索和发现的问题, 以求不断提高网页中英文对照的水平, 更好地实现文化的交流。


在翻译目的论的视角下, 我国高校网页制作上的中英文对照出现了很多失误和不足, 在这些方面还需要作出相应的调整, 主要可从以下几方面入手:

1. 具备尊重受众, 尊重读者的意识

翻译目的论, 要求在翻译的过程中以受众为出发点, 实现宏观层面上的翻译工作。实际上来讲, 它涉及翻译的全部过程, 对于译文的预定能力有着一定程度上的影响。在目的上出现失误, 主要是指译者在翻译的过程中, 缺乏尊重受众, 尊重读者的意识, 造成译文和读者的接受程度不符合。依照翻译目的论的理论, 译者需要依据译文预期的目的和功能来确定使用什么样的翻译技巧和翻译原则。这在高校的网页英文对照的过程中需要重视这一点, 对于学校的介绍不要将那些中国化的宣传直接翻译成英语, 而是结合英文读者的习惯去解释和说明学校的概况。

2. 具备尊重习语, 尊重译入语的习惯

翻译目的论主张, 原文是译文的信息提供者, 追求同样的性质, 同样数量的信息传达, 是译者做不到的事情。在此观点看来, 对外宣传的英语翻译首先要在明确目的之后, 保证读者和接受者在接受信息时不受到影响。结合英国当代翻译理论家诺伊贝特的观点, 对外宣传的翻译要完全结合目的语言, 也就是说要结合译入语的使用习惯、使用方式和使用频率, 从而实现与原始语言的用语习惯的一致性。在高校网页内容编辑过程中, 要尊重相关的习语使用, 尤其是在学校的专业介绍的版块上, 有些专业的术语尽量做到和语言上的一致, 充分体现出译入语的文化和气息, 这一点在我国高校网页编辑上做的不是很理想, 还需要不断强化。

3. 具备尊重原文, 尊重原文预期的态度

在翻译目的论看来, 译文的预期读者, 译文的受众都是对于中国大学比较感兴趣的人, 他们要么是想进修中国高校的学生, 要么是希望了解中国高校教育或希望和中国文化实现交流的学者, 或是希望和中国高校实现合作的外企人士。对于这些群体进行分析, 我们可以看到, 他们往往缺少一定的中国文化知识背景, 在此要求在翻译操作时注意适当的调整, 对于一些原文的内容, 进行详细的批注和解释, 将有利于其顺利地理解网站的内容, 这就是要求做到尊重原文的预期内容, 尊重原文的宣传目的。

4. 具备尊重文化, 尊重文化差异的素质

翻译目的论认为, 翻译应符合目的语文化的习惯。此时文化, 即社会个体成员为了实现异同点熟知的规范和惯例。文化性差异的存在是客观的、难以避免的, 在翻译过程中就是指译文和译语言之间在惯例和规范上出现了冲突, 这是要使用同化和异化的方式, 使翻译尽量做到符合目标语言的文化思维, 实际上文化性翻译失误的情况常常发生, 这就是因为译者没有注意内外有别、文化差异的原因。在高校网页的建设中, 要求译者做到尊重文化, 尊重文化的差异性, 做出适当的调整, 使高校的网站内容趋向于英语国家的表达习惯。

综上所述, 翻译的标准是多样化的, 翻译的目的也是多样化的。相应的翻译手段、翻译的方式也是多样化的。以目的论为理论基础, 我们可以看到, 为什么现在的翻译界出现了如此多的翻译标准, 因为翻译的目的发生变化, 其相应要做的改变也是多方面的。这也对译者提出了相应的要求, 其在翻译的过程中, 需要作出的改善也是必然的。


综上所述, 以互联网为基础建立的网页内容, 在新的形势下需要做的改善是多方面的, 需要不断调整, 尤其要以翻译目的论为基础, 广泛开展高校网页内容的改善和修正, 以语言的精炼、准确、高效为目标, 实现文化的有效交流。从而推动我国高校国际化发展的趋势。为此我们需要在以下几方面做好工作: (1) 具备尊重受众, 尊重读者的意识; (2) 具备尊重习语, 尊重译入语的习惯; (3) 具备尊重原文, 尊重原文预期的态度; (4) 具备尊重文化, 尊重文化差异的素质。相信在不断的探索和研究中, 我国高校在网页质量上将会出现很大的改观。

摘要:本文基于翻译目的论的相关理论, 从翻译目的论的起源, 谈及翻译目的论的基本原则, 在此基础上以翻译目的论的视角, 去审视现阶段我国高校网页的中英文对照, 在进过一系列的研究后, 发现翻译目的论的确在我国高校网页的中英文翻译中得到了广泛的使用。其对于以后的网页中英文对照研究具有一定的历史意义, 是很值得去深究的领域。



[1]孙迎春.“翻译标准多元互补论”研究[J].外语与外语教学, 2003 (8)

[2]卞正东.翻译目的论[J].无锡教育学院学报, 2004 (3)


acrobatic gymnastics技巧运动

athletics/track & field田径

beach volleyball沙滩排球

boat race赛艇

bobsleigh, bobsled雪橇


canoe slalom激流划船






downhill race速降滑雪赛,滑降

dragon-boat racing赛龙船




figure skating花样滑冰

football / soccer足球


gliding; sailplaning滑翔运动


Greece-Roman wrestling古典式摔跤

gymnastic apparatus体操器械




hold, lock揪扭

horizontal bar单杠

hurdles; hurdle race跨栏比赛

huttlecock kicking踢毽子

ice skating滑冰


item Archery箭术



mat exercises垫上运动

modern pentathlon现代五项运动

mountain bike山地车

parallel bars双杠


relative work造型跳伞

relay race; relay接力


roller skating滑旱冰




side horse, pommelled horse鞍马

ski jump跳高滑雪

ski jumping competition跳高滑雪比赛







table tennis乒乓球













walking; walking race竞走

wall bars肋木

water polo水球



winter sports冬季运动



Mens 10m Platform男子10米跳台

Womens Taekwondo Over 67kg女子67公斤级以上跆拳道

Womens Athletics 20km Walk女子20公里竞走

Mens Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard男子3米跳板

Womens Diving 3m Springboard女子3米跳板


Construction Project Design Contract


Project Name: 项目建设地点:

Project Location: 合同编号:

Contract No.: 设计证书等级:

Grade of Design License: 委托方:

Client: 承接方:

Design Firm: 签订日期:

Signed on: 委托方:(甲方)

Client(Party A): 承接方:(乙方)

Design Firm(Party B):

甲方委托乙方承担XX 项目(一期)工程设计,经双方协商一致,签订本合同。

Party A entrusts Party B to undertake the design for This Contract is made by the two parties after their mutual agreement.第一条 本合同依据下列文件签订

Article 1.This Contract is made on the basis of the following documents: 1.1 《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国建筑法》和《建 设工程勘察设计市场管理规定》。

1.1 《The Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China》《,The building regulations of the

People’s Republic of China》 and 《The developmental Law of the People’s Republic of China.1.2 国家及地方有关建设工程勘察设计管理法规和规章。

1.2 Relevant Building & Design Codes and Regulations of the State and of the Shanghai Municipality.1.3 建设工程的相关批准文件。

1.3 The approval documents that are required for this construction project.第二条 本合同工程设计项目的名称、地点、规模、投资、内容及 标准

Article 2.The name, location, size, investment sum, function, design contents and standards :

2.1 工程项目的名称: XX 项目(一期)

2.1 Project name: 2.2 工程项目的地点:

2.2 Project location:

2.3 工程项目的规模: 总建筑面积约平方米(其中地下面

积约平方米),高度 米。

2.3 Project size:The total floor area is approximately m2(of which the floor area of the underground area is m2),the total height is m.2.4 工程特征及附注说明: 商业办公综合楼

2.4 Project features & remarks: A commercial cum office building complex 2.5 工程项目的投资总额:控制在 亿元人民币以下

2.5 Project investment in total: Controlled Within RMB million yuan RMB 2.6 工程项目的设计内容及标准:红线内的建筑、结构、机电、总 体设计(包括3000m2 人防设计,不包括精装修设计、园艺设计和 艺术泛光照明等专业设计),施工图设计约为70000 m2(不包括五 层到七层的SOHO 区域

2.6 Design requirements and scope of work: The scope of work shall include master planning

and building design that are located within the boundary line.For building design it shall

comprise of the architectural, structural & M/E work.(including 3,000 m2of Air-raid shelter

design, but excluding other specialists’ design, such as the Luxurious Interior Design, Landscaping Design and Fa.ade Flood Lighting Design).The total floor area during the

working drawing stage is 70,000 m2(excluding the SOHO Area, which is starting from the

fifth floor level to the seventh floor level).第三条 甲方向乙方提交的有关资料及文件(见下表)

Article 3.Relevant documents which shall be issued by Party A to Party B: 序号



Name of documents 份数

copies 提交时间

Submission Date 备注

Remarks 政府批文

Government Approval Documents 全套

Full set 设计任务书

Design Instructions

规划红线图 Plan of Property Line 1 水、电、气源落实情况说明

Design Information of Utilities(water, electricity, & gas supply etc.)规划设计要求

Requirements from the Government 地质勘探报告

Soil Investigation Report 原打入桩的资料

Dsign Information of As Built pilings 概念方案

Concept Design Information

第四条 乙方向甲方交付的设计文件(见下表)

Article 4.Design documents which shall be submitted by Party B to Party A(listed as follows): 序号



Design Documents 阶段

Phase 份数

Copies 提交时间

Submission Date 备注

Remarks 方案设计文件

Schematic Design Documents 方案

Schematic 10 30天内

Within 30 days 初步设计文件

D.D.Documents 扩初

E.P.D.15 30天内

Within 30 days 初步概算文件

Preliminary Estimate 扩初

E.P.D 2 7 天内

Within 7 days


Working Drawings 施工图

Construction Documents 桩位图扩初批准后15 天

The piling drawings will be submitted within 15 days after the D.D.Approval 其余扩初批准后60 天

The rest of the drawings will be submitted within 60 days after the D.D.Approval 光盘文件

CD files 施工图


To Be Decided

注:设计文件深度按照《建筑工程设计文件编制深度规定》(建设部2003 年4 月版)执行。

Notes: The design documents shall be prepared in compliance with the

requirements of design documents for construction projects>(issued by Ministry of Construction dated in April, 2003).第五条 设计费用及支付方法

Article 5.Design fee and the mode of payment: 5.1 甲方应支付本合同项目的设计费为。


5.1 Party A shall pay the design fee of RMB yuan for this project to Party B(this fee shall include taxes and all other duties that should be paid by Party B as required by

the government regulations).5.2 支付方法(见下表):

5.2 The payment method is(listed as the following): 序号

S/N 阶段

Phase 金额(元)


Remarks 1 方案阶段

Schematic design 合同签订后30 日内days after Contract is signed 2 扩初阶段

Design Development 扩初批准后30 日内 days after the D.D.Approval 3 施工图阶段

Construction Documen 施工图提交审图后30 日内days after the C.D.Approval by the Authority.总包施工合同签订后30 日内days after the main contractor has been awarded 施工配合Construction coordination


每次支付70,000.00 元 installment payment shall be made quarterly throughout the entire construction period.Each installment amounting to 70,000.00 yuan 施工配合585,000.00 元


The Completion & Handing over stage 竣工验收后

After the completion and handing over of the project 第六条 双方责任

Article 6.Responsibilities of both parties: 6.1 甲方责任

6.1 Responsibilities of Party A:

6.1.1 甲方按本合同第三条规定的内容,在规定的时间内向乙


甲方提交上述资料及文件超过规定期限15 天以内,乙方按

本合同第四条规定交付设计文件时间顺延;超过规定期限15 天以上时,乙方有权重新确定提交设计文件的时间。

6.1.1 According to the contents stated in Article 3 of this Contract, Party A shall submit materials and documents to Party B within the stipulated time as described and shall be responsible for the completeness , correctness and validity of such materials and documents.In the event that Party A has delayed the issuance of such materials and documents, but not exceeding 15 days from the stipulated time, Party B could consequently postpone the submittal of the design documents as stipulated in Article 4 of this Contract.In case that Party A has delayed the issuance of materials and documents for more than 15 days exceeding the stipulated time limit, Party B shall have the right to determine the new date for submitting the design documents.6.1.2 甲方变更委托设计项目、规模、条件,或对提交资料作重 大修改,以致造成乙方设计需返工时,双方除需另行协商签 订补充合同、重新明确有关条款外,甲方应按乙方所耗工作 量向乙方支付返工费。

6.1.2 If Party A alters greatly the design project, scale, conditions which they have already

entrusted to Party B, or the materials provided by Party A is wrong/incomplete or Party A makes major alterations to the approved design and the information given, as a result of which, has caused Party B to redo the design work, or has generated un-necessary abortive works, both parties shall enter into negotiation and to draw up a supplementary contract.Party A shall compensate Party B for the additional work load in accordance to the new agreement.6.1.3 在合同履行期间,甲方单方提出解除合同的,乙方已开始设


6.1.3 Should Party A terminate the Contract during the contractual period, Party A shall

pay Party B according to the actual work done.6.1.4 甲方在收到乙方付款通知书后30 天内,按本合同第五条规

定的金额和时间向乙方支付设计费用; 在收到付款通知书的 60 天仍未支付,每逾期支付一天,应承担应支付金额千分 之一的逾期违约金。逾期超过30 天以上时,乙方有权暂停 履行下阶段工作,并书面通知甲方。甲方上级对设计文件不 审批或本合同项目停缓建,甲方均应支付应付的设计费。

6.1.4.Party A shall pay the design fee to Party B within Thirty(30)days upon receiving

the Notice of Payment from Party A according to the amount and the time stipulated in

Article 5.In case that such payment is delayed for Sixty(60)days upon receiving the Notice of Payment, then a penalty of 0.1% of the due amount of payment on a daily basis shall be paid by Party A.In case that such payment is delayed for a period over 30

days, Party B shall have the right to suspend their design work for the next phase and shall inform Party A in writing.In case that the management of Party A does not approve the design documents or the construction of the project of this Contract is stopped or..postponed, Party A shall nevertheless pay the due design fee.6.1.5 甲方要求乙方比合同规定时间提前提交设计文件时,甲方


6.1.5 If Party A requests Party B to submit the design documents ahead of the stipulated time

as mentioned in the Contract, Party A shall make additional payment for fast and immediate service.6.1.6 为乙方派往现场的工作人员提供工作方便条件。

6.1.6 Party A shall provide site office and all relevant office stationary for Party B’s personnel who are being sent to work site during the construction stage.6.1.7 甲方应保护乙方的设计版权,未经乙方同意,甲方对乙方


6.1.7 Party A shall protect the design copyright of Party B.Without Party B’s consent, Party A shall not duplicate of transfer to a third party or use the design documents for other projects.If the above-mentioned is happened, Party B shall have the right to claim.6.2 乙方责任:

6.2 Responsibilities of Party B:

6.2.1 乙方按本合同第四条规定的内容、时间及份数向甲方交付设


6.2.1 Party B shall submit to Party A the required design documents in right content, time and copies according to the clause of Article 乙方对设计文件出现的遗漏或错误应在施工前负责修改或 补充。由于乙方设计错误造成工程质量事故损失,乙方除负



6.2.2 Party B shall be responsible for correcting any omission or mistake in their design documents before the construction.If the design mistake made by Party B has caused l osses to Party A, Party B shall not only be responsible for taking the remedial measures, but also shall remit the design fee for the part of such losses and shall pay compensation to Party A according to the degree of such loss.The amount of the compensation shall be determined by party B and his insurance company and to be in accordance to the professional indemnity insurance coverage.6.2.3 由于乙方自身原因,延误了按本合同第四条规定的设计文件


6.2.3 If it is Party B’s own fault to have delayed the submission of the design documents

according to the stipulated time as described in Article 4, Party B shall deduct 0.1% of the due amount of the design fee on a daily basis for the delay period.6.2.4 合同生效后,乙方单方提出解除合同的,乙方应当按照有


6.2.4 After the Contract comes into forces, if Party B proposes to terminate the Contract,Party B shall compensate Party A’s losses according to the relevant regulations.6.2.5 乙方交付设计文件后,应参加甲方及相关职能部门的设计




6.2.5 After the design documents has been submitted, Party B shall also attend the approval meetings held by Party A and the relevant competent authorities and shall be responsible for making the necessary adjustments, revisions and supplements which does not exceed the scope of the documents of design requirements as originally defined based on the comments of such meetings.Party B shall be responsible for explaining design details to Party A and the main contractor;and shall be responsible for solving all the relevant design problems and to attend the handing over meeting.Party B shall send the relevant personnel to participate in the regular site meetings during the construction.Party B should optimize the design to assist Party A in meeting the project budget.6.2.6 乙方不得向第三方扩散、泄漏、转让甲方提交的产品图纸


6.2.6 Party B is not allowed to disclose and transfer to a third party any product drawing,technical and economic data etc.which are provided by Party A.In case that the above-mentioned is happened, Party A shall have the right to claim.6.2.7 未经甲方同意乙方不得将本项目的设计工作全部或部分转


6.2.7 Party B is not allowed to subcontract the design work completely or partially to any third party without the permission of Party A.第七条 其他约定

Article 7 Other provisions

7.1 甲方要求乙方派专人长期驻施工现场进行配合与解决有关问


7.1 When Party A requires Party B to send site personnel to the construction site for a long period, the two parties shall negotiate for these additional work and sign a supplementary service Contract.7.2 乙方为本合同项目所采用的国家或地方标准图,由甲方自费


7.2 Party A shall pay for all the relevant publications and standard collections of drawings issued by the state and local government which are needed by Party B for the purpose of designing the project.7.3 本合同第四条规定乙方交付的设计文件份数超过本合同第四


7.3 If Party B is requested to submit design documents , of which, the number of copies are more than those stipulated in Article 4 of this Contract, Party A shall pay for those additional copies.7.4 本工程项目中,建筑材料、设备的加工订货,甲方需要乙方设


7.4 If Party A requires Party B to provide personnel to assist them for procurement purposes, such as the procurement of building material, equipments etcs;the expenses needed shall be borne by Party A.7.5 甲方委托乙方承担本合同内容之外的工作服务,另行支付费


7.5 If Party A entrusts Party B to undertake those work and services which are beyond this Contract, Party A shall pay additional fee.7.6 由于不可抗拒因素致使合同无法履行时, 双方应及时协商解决。

7.6 When this Contract can not be executed because of the unforeseeable natural forces, the two parties shall timely negotiate to solve the problem.7.7 本建设工程设计合同在履行过程中发生纠纷,双方应及时协商


7.7 Both parties shall timely discuss each other for the settlement of any dispute arising

during the execution of this Contract.In case that such discussion fails, both parties have agreed appealing to Shanghai Municipal Arbitration Commission can be accepted.7.8 甲方聘请 为甲方的顾问,协助甲


7.8 Party A has engaged to act as Party A’s consultants to assist Party A to provide the design management and design consultation services.The fee will be paid by Party A directly and separately.7.9 本合同未尽事宜,双方可签订补充协议,补充协议与本合同 具有同等效力。

7.9 Supplementary agreement could be made between the two parties in case that any additional clause shall be added.The supplementary agreement shall have the same effect and power as this Contract.7.10 本合同一式八份,甲执四份,乙执三份,政府部门一份。

7.10 This Contract shall be made in 8 copies.Party A shall hold 4 copies.Party B shall hold 3 copies.The government authority department shall hold one copy.7.11 本合同以中英对照书写,如有矛盾,应以中文文本为准。

7.11 This Contract is prepared in both Chinese and English languages, in the event of conflicts in any of the provisions between the two versions;provisions specified in the Chinese language version shall take precedence.7.12 本合同双方签章后,在30 日内报项目所在地建设行政主管 部门备案。双方认为必要时,到项目所在地工商行政管理部 门签证。双方履行完合同规定的义务后,本合同即行终止。

7.12 This Contract, within 30 days after it has been signed and stamped by both parties, shall be submitted to the local government authority for endorsement.When it is considered necessary, both parties could send this Contract to the local industrial and commercial administration departments for registration.This Contract is to be terminated and expired itself after both parties have performed their duties as stipulated in this Contract.7.13 本合同经甲、乙双方盖章签字后自 年 月 日生效。


7.13 This Contract shall come into force beginning from the date when both parties have 1stamped it and signed it on _____month _____ year _____.委托方单位名称: 承接方单位名称:


Party A: Party B:(Stamp)(Stamp)单位地址: 单位地址:

Address: Address: 邮政编码: 邮政编码:

Post Code: Post Code: 电 话: 电 话:

Tel: Tel:

电 传: 电 传:

Fax: Fax: 62464000 开户银行: 开户银行:

Name of bank: Name of bank: 银行帐号: 银行帐号:

Bank account: Bank account:

签订合同代表(签字): 签订合同代表(签字):

Contract Signing Representative: Contract Signing Representative: 本合同于 年 月 日签于上海。

This Contract is signed in Shanghai on(date)_____(month)_____(year)_____.法定代表人: 法定代表人:

Legal Representative: Legal Representative:




中文名称 英文名称 中文名称 英文名称

向上抽孔 upward extrude 压线 score

向下抽孔 downward extrude 垫脚 locator

正面压螺母(钉)(柱)positive pressing nut(screw)(standoff)色拉孔 counter sink反面压螺母(钉)(柱)negative pressing nut(screw)(standoff)向上凸点 upward bump正面色拉孔 positive counter sink 向下凸点 downward bump反面色拉孔 negative counter sink 向上半剪 upward halt-shear向上抽芽孔 upward threaded hole 向下半剪 downward halt-shear向下抽芽孔 downward threaded hole 半剪 halt-shear

向上反折压平upward folding and flattening 接地标志 ground symbol向下反折压平downward folding and flattening 螺柱 standoff点焊 spot weld 穿孔(通孔)through hole

丝印 silk screen 抽引,抽凸 draw,extrude

攻芽 tap 冲孔 pierce(piercing)

断差 offset 变形 deformation

压平(两个料厚)hem 成形 form(forming)

向上抽引,抽凸 upward draw,form 凸点 bump

向下抽引,抽凸 downward draw,form 拉钉 rivet

扩孔 enlarge hole 规格大小 specification

代号 mark 数量 amount

加工性质 character 备注 instruction


中文名称 英文名称 中文名称 英文名称


enlarge hole 自铆 self-chinching


all round burr平头拉钉 set-head rivet


finish 定位销 dowel pin


hook平头铆钉 closed-end rivet

焊接线 weld line 塑料固定栓 fastener,plastic,push-type

压合胶粘剂 presure sensitive adhesive 尼龙绑带 tie wrap,nylon五金件 hardware 泡棉静电导片 gasket,foam,emi

贴纸 labeling 铍铜静电导片 gasket,becu,emi烤漆 paint 圆头螺钉 button-head screw电镀 plating平头螺母 nut flush铭板 nameplate平齐自铆 flush,self-clinching包装 packing 紧固螺丝 fix screw铁材零件 sheet metal parts 组装 assembly塑料零件 plastic parts 凹陷,顶针 sink mark压边铆钉 open-end rivet / /

插孔 jack / /

弹簧螺丝 fsnr,cap,scr / /

表三(钣金设计中常用的其它术语)中文名称 英文名称 中文名称 英文名称

厚度 thick 文字,记号 charactor半冲孔 spring slice 角 corner

基座 chassis 自锁螺母 nut self-clenching承座 bracket 轴肘式铆接 toggle lock承架 horsing 卡尺 cali per

下盖 base

打印字模 stamp letter

去毛边 deburr

反面 farside

正面 inside

下料 blank(blanking)
