





学海文以实例为据,向2013 届正处于考研复习中的同学们,讲一讲考研英语长难句的结构解 析技巧。




语从句、表语从句和同位语从句;形容词性从句,即定语从句;另外还有一种叫做状语从句。 那么,有些同学可能会问,究竟该怎样来分析长难句呢?有以下几点最为基础的步骤需要






4、分析句子中是否有固定词组或固定搭配、插入语等其他成分。 依照上面四个结构分析步骤,我们对下面的句子进行了分解与解析,希望同学们能够在看


例句:In Africa I met a boy,who was crying as if his heart would break and said,when I spoke to him,that he was hungry because he had had no food for two days. 例句分析:


这个长句可以拆分为四段:①“In Africa I met a boy”②“who was crying as if his heart would break”、③“when I spoke to him,that he was hungry because”、④“he had had no food for two days”. 第二,句子的结构分析。

(1)主干结构是主语+过去式+宾语——“I met a boy”;

(2)“crying”后面是壮语从句“as if his heart would break”; (3)“when I spoke to him”是介于“said”和“that he was hungry because”之间的插入语。


“crying as if his heart would break”应译为哭得伤心极了。 参考译文:






长句中的从句或短语化为句子分开来叙述,有时还可适当增加词语。例如:“He became deaf at five after an attack of typhoid fever.”该句有两个介词短语,代表两层意思。因此,按照分译法,







须从原文的后面译起,逆着原文的顺序翻译。例如:“There was little hope of continuing my inquiries after dark to any useful purpose in a neighborhood that was strange to me.”该句可分为三 部分①“There was little hope”;②“continuing my inquiries after dark to any useful purpose”;③

“in a neighborhood that was strange to me.”前两层表结果,第三层表原因。这句英语长句的叙





或按逻辑先后,或按逻辑顺序,有顺有逆地进行综合处理。例如:“The phenomenon describes the way in which light physically scatters when it passes through particles in the earth’s atmosphere that are1/10 in diameter of the color of the light.”该句可以分解为四个部分①“The phenomenon describes the way”;②“in which light physically scatters”;③“when it passes through particles in the earth’s atmosphere”;④“that are1/10in diameter of the color of the light.”其中,第




地球大气微粒时的物理散射方式。大气微粒的直径为有色光直径的十分之一。 通过对近年来试题的分析,我们可以看出,长难句结构复杂,逻辑性强,翻译起来困难相


清英语原文的句法结构,找出整个句子的中心内容及其各层意思,然后分析各层意思之间的逻 辑关系,再按汉语的特点和表达方式就可以译出原文了。在长句的英译汉实践中,我们始终应



1. Sometimes a population is described as aging, which means that the birth rate is either falling or growing very slowly, and as people retire from the workforce, there are not enough young people entering it to replace those who are leaving it. Sometimes a population is described as aging which means

that the birth rate is either falling or growing very slowly and as people retire from the workforce, there are not enough young people entering it to replace those who are leaving it. 有些时候人口可以用老化来形容,这意味着出生率下降或缓慢增长并且随着人们从劳动力群体中退休,没有足够的年轻人补充并替换那些退休的人们。

2. Whether most of these languages survive will probably depend on how strongly cultural groups wish to keep their identity alive through a native language.  Whether most of these languages survive will probably depend on

 how strongly cultural groups wish to keep their identity alive through a native language. Translation: 这些语言能否幸存将很可能取决于,文化群体通过本土语言维持群体身份的意愿有多强烈。

3. Ford’s announcement this week that it would cut up to 30 000 jobs by 2012 was as much a sign of its “legacy”, health care costs, as of the ills of the car industry.  Ford’s announcement this week that it would cut up to 30 000 jobs by 2012  (announcement) was as much a sign of its “legacy”, health care costs, as of the ills of the car industry. Translation: 本周福特的公告说,福特将在2012年削减多达30000个岗位。这个公告表明, 汽车行业的弊端很大,Ford公司承受的“遗产”, 即医疗保险负担, 一样很大。

4. Pushed by polls that show health care is one of his main domestic problems and by forecasts showing that the retiring baby-boomer(生育高峰期出生的人)will crush the government’s finances, George Bush is expected to unveil a reform plan in next week’s state-of-the-union address.  Pushed by polls

 that show health care is one of his main domestic problems  and by forecasts showing that the retiring baby-boomer(生育高峰期出生的人)will crush the government’s finances,  George Bush is expected to unveil a reform plan in next week’s state-of-the-union address. Translation: 民意调查表明医疗保健问题是其国内的主要问题之一,并且预测表明在生育高峰期出生的退休人群会压垮政府财政。受到两个因素的影响,George Bush有望在下周的国庆咨文中宣布一项改革计划。

5. In addition, the practice of tip pooling, which is the norm in fine-dining restaurants and is becoming more common in every kind of restaurant above the level of a greasy spoon, has ruined whatever effect voting with your tip might have had on an individual waiter.  In addition, the practice of tip pooling, which is the norm in fine-dining restaurants  (practice of tip pooling)And is becoming more common in every kind of restaurant above the level of a greasy spoon

 (practice of tip pooling)has ruined whatever effect voting with your tip might have had on an individual waiter. Translation: 另外,小费均摊制的做法是高档餐厅的标准,并且正在除街头小馆儿外的各种餐厅中越来越常见。 现在这种均摊做法正在毁坏通过小费对个别服务生产生的效果。

6. New York judges have not had a raise in 12 years, making the state one of the more extreme examples of a growing pay gap nationally between judges and other professionals, including partners at top law firms, who can earn 10 times the salary of the judge before whom they are arguing a case.  New York judges have not had a raise in 12 years  making the state one of the more extreme examples of a growing pay gap nationally between judges and other professionals,  including partners at top law firms, who can earn 10 times the salary of the judge before whom they are arguing a case. Translation: 12年间纽约法官的薪水并未上涨,使得纽约州成为一个法官和其他专家间收入鸿沟越来越大的典型例子,这些专业人士包括那些顶级律师事务所的合伙律师,他们在法官面前打官司,收入却比法官高出10倍。

7. The mayor and the Council, who serve part-time, were still smarting from last year’s decision to raise property taxes to make debt payments on projects they had approved when coffers were flush.  The mayor and the Council, who serve part-time were still smarting  from last year’s decision to raise property taxes to make debt payments on projects they had approved when coffers were flush. Translation: 市长和兼职的议会议员们去年在国库充裕的时候,决定提高财产税来支付之前批准的项目债务, 现在仍然为当初的决定伤神。

8. Catching up to the reality already faced by many of its members, the nation’s largest teachers’ union on Monday affirmed for the first time that evidence of student learning must be considered in the evaluations of school teachers around the country.  Catching up to the reality already faced by many of its members  the nation’s largest teachers’ union on Monday affirmed for the first time  that evidence of student learning must be considered in the evaluations of school teachers around the country. Translation: 跟上已经摆在很多成员面前的形势时,国家最大的教师工会在周一首次确认,在全国范围内,学生的学习必须纳入学校教师评估范围。

9. The National Education Association hopes to take a leadership role in the growing national movement to hold teachers accountable for what students learn — an effort from which it has so far conspicuously stood apart.  The National Education Association hopes

 to take a leadership role in the growing national movement  to hold teachers accountable for what students learn  an effort from which it has so far conspicuously stood apart. Translation: 国家教育委员会希望,在日益增长的全国性运动中扮演领导角色,以确保老师对学生所学负责。委员会长期以来一直在回避这种努力。

10. The union also made clear that it continued to oppose the use of existing standardized test scores to judge teachers, a core part of the federally backed teacher evaluation overhauls already under way in at least 15 states.  The union also made clear that it continued  to oppose the use of existing standardized test scores to judge teachers  a core part of the federally backed teacher evaluation overhauls already under way in at least 15 states. Translation: 工会同样明确表示,将持续反对以现存标准的测试分数来评判教师。现存标准是联邦支持的教师评估系统的核心部分,已经至少在15个州推行。

11. The union’s desire both to join and to stand apart from a White House-led effort to improve teacher performance represents the delicate situation it finds itself in as it confronts what Dennis Van Roekel, the union president, called “the worst environment for teachers I’ve ever seen.”

 The union’s desire both to join and to stand apart from a White House-led effort to improve teacher performance

 represents the delicate situation  it finds itself in

 as it confronts what Dennis Van Roekel, the union president, called “the worst environment for teachers I’ve ever seen.” Translation: 工会既想加入由白宫主持的致力于增进教师表现的努力,又想保持一定的距离,表明工会正陷入一个微妙的局面,因为它面对着工会总裁Dennis Van Roekel所说的“对教师来说,这是我从未见过的最烂环境”。

12. On Monday, the assembly voted by secret ballot to give Mr. Obama an early endorsement for his 2012 presidential run, a move that will allow the union to begin channeling its considerable political resources to the campaign.  On Monday, the assembly voted by secret ballot  to give Mr. Obama an early endorsement for his 2012 presidential run  a move that will allow the union to begin channeling its considerable political resources to the campaign. Translation: 周一,通过无记名投票方式给奥巴马2012年总统选举支持的举措,将允许工会动用可观的政治资源。

13. The debate over the new teacher evaluation policy largely focused on the concern that by even mentioning test scores, the union would further open the door to their use.  The debate over the new teacher evaluation policy largely focused on the concern  that by even mentioning test scores, the union would further open the door to their use. Translation: 围绕新教师评估方案的辩论在很大程度上聚焦于这种关注:只要提及测试分数,工会将进一步敞开使用测试的大门。

14. A century ago a high school diploma was both a certificate of academic prowess and a ticket to a good job, but in today’s competitive global market employers expect much more — as, increasingly, do universities.  A century ago a high school diploma was both a certificate of academic prowess and a ticket to a good job  but in today’s competitive global market employers expect much more —

 as, increasingly, do universities. Translation: 一个世纪以前,高校文凭既是学术实力的认证,又是好工作的通行证,但在全球市场竞争的当下,正如大学的期待越来越高,雇主们的期待也越来越多。








Sternberg notes that traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success.




【主干识别】Sternberg notes that +宾语从句

【其他成分】traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge为宾语从句,best assess和fail to measure为并列的动词短语,components also critical to problem solving and life success为creativity and practical knowledge的同位语,critical to problem solving and life success为形容词短语修饰components。









考研成功难又不难,一旦大家开始准备就要全力以赴。自制力差的学生可以找几个研友, 第 1 页 共 1 页




虽然有突破口、也有规律可循,但这并不意味着我们可以一劳永逸、高枕无忧,要知道,想要精通世界上任何一门语言,除非有天生的语言天分,否则偷不得半分懒,只能勤勤恳恳反复练习。一遍不懂读两遍,默念不行就大声念出来,遇到不认识的单词就查,不懂的句子就静下心来拆分结构。总之,读书百遍、其义自现,英语学习之路上没有笨蛋,只有懒人。 综上就是小编给大家提供的高分技巧,技巧就是牢固的知识点和强悍的答题思路,预祝所有考生2018考研有个好成绩。 凯程教育:

凯程考研成立于2005年,国内首家全日制集训机构考研,一直从事高端全日制辅导,由李海洋教授、张鑫教授、卢营教授、王洋教授、杨武金教授、张释然教授、索玉柱教授、方浩教授等一批高级考研教研队伍组成,为学员全程高质量授课、答疑、测试、督导、报考指导、方法指导、联系导师、复试等全方位的考研服务。 凯程考研的宗旨:让学习成为一种习惯;

凯程考研的价值观口号:凯旋归来,前程万里; 信念:让每个学员都有好最好的归宿;

使命:完善全新的教育模式,做中国最专业的考研辅导机构; 激情:永不言弃,乐观向上;







对该专业有辅导历史:必须对该专业深刻理解,才能深入辅导学员考取该校。在考研辅导班中,从来见过如此辉煌的成绩:凯程教育拿下2015五道口金融学院状元,考取五道口15人,清华经管金融硕士10人,人大金融硕士15个,中财和贸大金融硕士合计20人,北师大教育学7人,会计硕士保录班考取30人,翻译硕士接近20人,中传状元王园璐、郑家威都是来自凯程,法学方面,凯程在人大、北大、贸大、政法、武汉大学、公安大学等院校斩 第 2 页 共 2 页











例 1. The number of the young people in the United States who can`t read is incredible about one in four.


没有阅读能力的美国青年人的数目令人难以相信约为 1/4。这样,就使得译文极为不通顺,不符合汉语的表达习惯,因此,我们应该把它译为:大约有 1/4 的美国青年人没有阅读能力,这简直令人难以置信。

例 2. Television,it is often said,keeps one informed about current events,allow one to follow the latest developments in science and politics,and offers an endless series of programmes which are both instructive and entertaining. (85 年考题)

分析:在此长句中,有一个插入语“it is often said” ,三个并列的谓语结构,还有一个定语从句,这三个并列的谓语结构尽管在结构上同属于同一个句子,但都有独立的意义,因此在翻译时,可以采用分句法,按照汉语的习惯把整个句子分解成几个独立的分句,结果为:人们常说,通过电视可以了解时事,掌握科学和政治的最新动态。从电视里还可以看到层出不穷、既有教育意义又有娱乐性的新节目。


例 3. All they have to do is press a button,and they can see plays,films,operas,and shows of every kind,not to mention political discussions and the latest exciting football match. (85 年考题)


其他各种各样的文艺节目。 至于政治问题的辩论、 最近的激动人心的足球赛更是不在话下。

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例 4. Although perhaps only 1 per cent of the life that has started somewhere will develop into highly complex and intelligent patterns,so vast is the number of planets that intelligent life is bound to be a natural part of the universe.





例 1. The number of the young people in the United States who can`t read is incredible about one in four.


没有阅读能力的美国青年人的数目令人难以相信约为 1/4。这样,就使得译文极为不通顺,不符合汉语的表达习惯,因此,我们应该把它译为:大约有 1/4 的美国青年人没有阅读能力,这简直令人难以置信。

例 2. Television,it is often said,keeps one informed about current events,allow one to follow the latest developments in science and politics,and offers an endless series of programmes which are both instructive and entertaining. (85 年考题)

分析:在此长句中,有一个插入语“it is often said” ,三个并列的谓语结构,还有一个定语从句,这三个并列的谓语结构尽管在结构上同属于同一个句子,但都有独立的意义,因此在翻译时,可以采用分句法,按照汉语的习惯把整个句子分解成几个独立的分句,结果为:人们常说,通过电视可以了解时事,掌握科学和政治的最新动态。从电视里还可以看到层出不穷、既有教育意义又有娱乐性的新节目。


例 3. All they have to do is press a button,and they can see plays,films,operas,and shows of every kind,not to mention political discussions and the latest exciting football match. (85 年考题) 2 页 共 2 页



其他各种各样的文艺节目。 至于政治问题的辩论、 最近的激动人心的足球赛更是不在话下。

例 4. Although perhaps only 1 per cent of the life that has started somewhere will develop into highly complex and intelligent patterns,so vast is the number of planets that intelligent life is bound to be a natural part of the universe.










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The English Original: There were mists over the river and clouds on the mountain and the trucks splashed mud on the roads and the troops were muddy and wet in their capes; their rifles were wet and under their capes the two leather cartridge-boxes on the front of the belts, grey leather boxes heavy with the packs of clips of thin, long 6.5 mm cartridges, buldged forward under the capes so that the men, passing on the road, marched as though they were six months gone with child. 译文一:




The English Original:

The mountain that was beyond the valley and the hillside where the chestnut forest grew was captured and there were victories beyond the plain on the plateau to the south and we crossed the river in August and lived in a house in Gorizia that had a fountain and many thick shady trees in a walled garden and a wistaria vine purple on the side of the house. 译文一:

山谷后面那座高山和那个有栗树林的山坡,已经给拿了下来,而南边平原外的高原上也打了胜仗,于是我们八月渡河,驻扎在哥里察一幢房子里。这房屋有喷水池,有个砌有围墙的花园,园中栽种了好多繁盛多荫的树木,屋子旁边还有一棵紫藤,一片紫色。 译文二:


The English Original:

I practiced with it (pistol), holding below the target and trying to master the jerk of the ridiculous short barrel until I could hit within a yard of where I aimed at twenty paces and then the ridiculousness of carrying a pistol at all came over me and I soon forgot it and carried it flopping against the small of my back with no feeling at all except a vague sort of shame when I met English-speaking people. 译文一:

我练习了一个时期,尽量往靶子的下边打,想尽方法克服短枪筒那种滑稽的颤跳,到了后来,终于能够在二十步外打中离靶子一码远的地方了,后来我常常感到佩带手枪的荒唐滑稽,但不久也就忘记了它,随便吊在腰背上,一点感觉都没有,除非是偶尔碰到讲英语的人,才多少感到有点儿不好意思。 译文二:

我用它练习打枪,把枪举到靶子以下,竭力控制那可笑的短枪筒的震摇,直到我在二十步的距离瞄准而能命中一码以内的目标,这才清除了佩带一支手枪的那份荒唐可笑的心情。我很快忘记了它,我带着它在我的腰背后磕碰着却没有一丝感觉,除非碰到一个讲英语的人才微微感到有点害臊。 The English Original:

Maybe she would pretend that I was her boy that was killed and we would go in the front door and the porter would take off his cap and I would stop at the concierge’s desk and ask for the key and she would stand by the elevator and then we would get in the elevator and it would go up very slowly clicking at all the floors and then our floor and the boy would open the door and stand there and she would step out and I would step out and we would walk down the hall and I would put the key in the door and open it and go in and then take down the telephone and ask them to send a bottle of Capri bianca in a silver bucket full of ice and you would hear the ice against the pail coming down the corridor and the boy would knock and I would say leave it outside the door please. 译文一: 也许她会把我当做哪个阵亡的爱人,我们于是一同走进旅馆的前门,看门人连忙摘帽,我找掌柜的拿钥匙,她则站在电梯边等,随后我们一同走进电梯,电梯开得很慢,的的嗒嗒地过了一层又一层,到了我们那一层时,小郎打开门,站在一边,她走出去,我走出去,一同顺着走廊走,我拿钥匙去开门,门开了,我们进去,拿下电话机,吩咐他们送一瓶装在放满冰块的银桶子里的卡普里白葡萄酒来,你听得见走廊上有冰块碰着提桶的响声,小郎敲敲门,我就说请放在门外。 译文二:

她也许会装着我是她那个阵亡的男朋友。我们从正门进去,侍者会向我们脱帽致礼,我会在服务台前停下,向服务台女职员要房间钥匙,她会侍立在电梯房,接着我们会走进电梯,电梯升得很慢经过每一层都咔嗒一声响,接着便到了我们那一层。侍役打开电梯门站在那儿,她会走出电梯,我随着走出电梯,我们就沿着过道走去。我把钥匙插进房门打开房门走进去,接着便拿起电话要他们送一瓶卡普里白葡萄酒来,要装在放满了冰的银制的冰桶里,你会听到冰块碰着桶子的声音从走廊里传来,侍者会敲门,我会说请搁在门外就行了。 The English Original:

I was always embarrassed by the words sacred, glorious, and sacrifice and the expression in vain. We had heard them, sometimes standing in the rain almost out of earshot, so that only the shouted words came through, and had read them, on proclamations that were slapped up by billposters over other proclamations, now for a long time, and I had seen nothing sacred, and the things that were glorious had no glory and the sacrifices were like the stockyards at Chicago if nothing was done with the meat except to bury it. 译文一:

我每逢听到神圣、光荣、牺牲等字眼和徒劳这一说法,总觉得局促不安。这些字眼我们早已听过,有时还是站在雨中听,站在听觉达不到的地方听,只听到一些大声喊出来的字眼;况且,我们也读过这些字眼,从人们贴在层层旧公告上的新 上读到过。但是到了现在,我观察了好久,可没看到什么神圣的事,而那些所谓光荣的事,并没有什么光荣,而所谓牺牲,那就像芝加哥的屠场,只不过这里屠宰好的肉不是装进罐头,而是掩埋掉罢了。 译文二:


The English Original:

That night at the hotel, in our room with the long empty hall outside and our shoes outside the door, a thick carpet on the floor of the room, outside the windows the rain falling and in the room light and pleasant and cheerful, then the light out and it exciting with smooth sheets and the bed comfortable, feeling that we had come home, feeling no longer alone, waking in the night to find the other one there, and not gone away; all other things were unreal. 译文一:

那天夜晚在旅馆里,房间外边是一条又长又空的走廊,门外边放着我们的鞋子,房间里铺着厚厚的地毯,窗外下着雨,房间里则灯光明亮,快乐愉快,后来灯灭了,床单平滑,床铺舒服 ,一片兴奋,那时的心情,好比我们回了家,不再感觉孤独,夜间醒来,爱人仍在,并没有发觉梦醒人去;除了这以外,一切事物都是不真实的。





