



David-D,Nancy-N,Laura-L,Max-M,James-J,Sarah-S D: Nancy,what are you planning to do this weekend? N: (wared her away)Alash!I haven’t made any plans yet. L: You look depressed,Nancy,what’s on your mind? N: I’m stressed out .I can’t concentrate in clash.I’m afraid I’ll fail the exam. L: Oh,come on.There’s really no reason to be.You always do well

I think it is a good idea.What do you think we will do there?Maybe some hiking,and… M: (Suddenly appeared,and took Nancy’s and Laura’s on the shouder)Hi,I see you looks very happy.can you tell me what are you talking about? L:

Oh,we are said to go to the Nationnal park. M: That’s good!I can go to? L:

Sure. M: Oh,it must be very interesting ,we could roast hot dogs and hamburgers over a fire! L:

Good idea!Also,we can take some interesting photos.Oh,no!My camera (SLR) bad!And can no longer take! M: As if James has a camera,now call I ask him. (Max has just come up with early to mobile phones,James is coming) J:

Hey,max,could you take a look at this for me?Ican’t get this darn flash working. M: Sure.Let me have a look.Hmm,seems like the flash actually works.But I’m not going to fix it,but you can help you call Sarah,she must have to fix. J:

Only this,I have to asked her to it,so ,good bye. L: Hey,you see,that’s not Sarah?But she looks very bad complexion. J: Hi,Sarah!I just want to go to see you.Are you all right now? S: Not really.My nose’s stuffed up and I’m having trouble breathing.I’m worried about my health.And,I’ve missed some classes,so I’m behind in my work,too. J: Don’t worry.Everything will be OK.Are you taking any cold medicine? S: Yes.The doctor gave me some pills,but they made me drousy,and I couldn’t study,so I stopped taking them. J: I know what you mean.But your health is more important than studies,you know. S: Well,you’re right.I did too tired,maybe I can go back to sleep? (David was playing with mobile phones and found that it’s raining) D: Oh,look at the ghost weather!It’s raining!Oh!The rain bigger and bigger,(fuck fucking),It’s raining cats and dogs! S: And cows!We’re going to go home to hurry up ,or becomes drowned rat!Go!Quick! (Coucluding remarks:When we want to go to do someing,there will always be a stumbling block,we have to face the reality,and that’s life.)



A: You?

B:Why do you think we will accept you? C:Do you have any strong point?

K:Let me see. I can play basketball, play computer , and I also good at English. A:Oh, you are so versatility . You are my star.

B:But the most important , can you dance? Can you sing songs ? Of course I think you can’t..

C:Just show your voice and dance to us. (Show time)

A:My dear, it’s unbelievable! You are my superstar. Please don’t refuse me B:You sense to pass the trial.

C:Welcome to be our new member. (A……..)

B:This is the persent to show our congradulation. C:Oh it fit you so much.


K: How happy they are. I want to join them.Can I came up with you ? A: You?

B:Why do you think we will accept you? C:Do you have any strong point?

A:Oh, you are so versatility . You are my star.

B:But the most important , can you dance? Can you sing songs ? Of course I think you can’t..

K:I can, I can have a try , give me a chance. C:Just show your voice and dance to us. (Show time)

A:My dear, it’s unbelievable! You are my superstar. Please don’t refuse me B:You sense to pass the trial.

C:Welcome to be our new member. (A……..)

B:This is the persent to show our congradulation. C:Oh it fit you so much.

A: You?

B:Why do you think we will accept you? C:Do you have any strong point?

K:Let me see. I can play basketball, play computer , and I also good at English. A:Oh, you are so versatility . You are my star.

B:But the most important , can you dance? Can you sing songs ? Of course I think you can’t..

C:Just show your voice and dance to us. (Show time)

A:My dear, it’s unbelievable! You are my superstar. Please don’t refuse me B:You sense to pass the trial.

C:Welcome to be our new member. (A……..)

B:This is the persent to show our congradulation. C:Oh it fit you so much.

K: How happy they are. I want to join them.Can I came up with you ? A: You?

B:Why do you think we will accept you? C:Do you have any strong point?

A:Oh, you are so versatility . You are my star.

B:But the most important , can you dance? Can you sing songs ? Of course I think you can’t..

K:I can, I can have a try , give me a chance. C:Just show your voice and dance to us. (Show time)

A:My dear, it’s unbelievable! You are my superstar. Please don’t refuse me B:You sense to pass the trial.

C:Welcome to be our new member. (A……..)

B:This is the persent to show our congradulation. C:Oh it fit you so much.


The Little Tadpoles Looking for His Mother 小蝌蚪找妈妈【英语剧本】

(小蝌蚪在荷叶下睡觉,突然,他们醒了。) 小蝌蚪们:(小蝌蚪伸懒腰,蝴蝶们把小蝌蚪吵醒了,小蝌蚪侧耳倾听,)

Listen! Listen! Let’s go and see.

小蝌蚪2:OK. Wow! How nice! (看到外面的世界很漂亮) 小蝴蝶们: Good morning. 小蝌蚪1: Good morning. Who are you? (你是谁啊?) 小蝴蝶们: We’re butterflies. Who are you? 小蝌蚪2: We’re little tadpoles. How are you?

小蝴蝶们: Fine. Thank you! Let’s sing and dance.(让我们一起唱歌和跳舞吧) 小蝌蚪们: OK.

(小蝌蚪、蝴蝶边唱“How are you” 边跳舞,然后蝴蝶妈妈过来了) 蝴蝶妈妈: Oh, My babies! 小蝴蝶们: Mummy! Mummy! They are little tadpoles.(介绍他们是小蝌蚪) 蝴蝶妈妈: Nice to meet you.(很高兴认识你们) 小蝌蚪们: Nice to meet you, too. 蝴蝶妈妈: My babies, are you hungry?(宝贝,你们饿了吗?) 小蝴蝶们: Yes, yes, we are hungry.(摸摸肚子,很饿) 蝴蝶妈妈: Let’s go home.(我们回家吧)

小蝴蝶们: OK. Goodbye, little tadpoles.(蝴蝶妈妈带着小蝴蝶们飞回家) 小蝌蚪们: Goodbye.

(小蝌蚪在荷叶下游涞游去,他们现在很难过) 小蝌蚪3(哭泣): Wu------ Where’s mummy?

小蝌蚪1: Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Let’s go and look for her.(别哭,别哭。我们一起去找妈妈)


小蝌蚪们: Mummy! Mummy! 鱼: Good morning, Little Tadpoles. 小蝌蚪1: Good morning. Are you my Mummy? 鱼: No.(挥着尾巴,摇着脑袋) 小蝌蚪4: Where’s my Mummy? 鱼: Sorry, I don’t know. Goodbye.(对不起,我不知道)(然后游着尾巴走了) 小蝌蚪们: Goodbye. (小蝌蚪在荷叶下游涞游去,他们现在很难过) (鸭子出场)

鸭子: Good morning, Little Tadpoles. 蝌蚪2: Good morning. Are you my Mummy? 鸭子: No. 蝌蚪1: Where’s my Mummy?

鸭子: Your mummy has four legs. (你们的妈妈有四条腿) 鸭子: Goodbye. 小蝌蚪们: Goodbye.

(小蝌蚪在荷叶下游涞游去,他们现在很难过) (乌龟出场,伸缩着脑袋,游出场) 乌龟: Good morning, Little Tadpoles. 小蝌蚪们: Good morning. Are you my Mummy? 乌龟: No, Your Mummy is there.(指着跳过来的青蛙)


小蝌蚪们: Mummy! Mummy!(小蝌蚪们很高兴,大叫) 青蛙妈妈: Come here! Come here! 小蝌蚪们: Mummy! Mummy!

青蛙妈妈: Oh, my babies. Let’s go home. 小蝌蚪们: OK!. (高高兴兴地跟妈妈回家)



Scrooge-Cherry Ghost-Elain Jacob-Selina Main Idea-Stony Scrooge: i hate having this god damn Christmas. In my opinion, Christmas is nothing but the excuse of avoiding work. merry Christmas, merry Christmas! such as for me is eyewash.

Jacob Marley 飘过。。。

Scrooge:who is that ?

Jacob Marley:How are you doing?Scrooge。接近(Scrooge)remember me?you

Scrooge: what are you doing here? you’ve been dead for 1 years .迟疑一下what do you want with me ?

Jacob Marley: my dear friend ,I come here just want to tell you my true experience .you know, I was selfish and greedy in the past .as you r now .when I died 哭,my spirit have to wander the earth with heavy chain .i made it link by link ,yard by yard . To me, this is more difficult than death. You should give up your vices.

Scrooge: humbug !you r kidding me .i don’t believe it .

Jacob Marley: if you insistyou willfollow in my footsteps. tonight, a ghost will show u something ,….飘走


Scrooge: I seem to have seen him somewhere Scrooge: .me?思考一下的样子,yes ,its me .i remembered ,I haveso many happy memory ,搽泪水 but it is past 。I remember my girlfriend dumped me and married a rich merchant .i ‘ve been crying for 3 days . Scrooge苦笑:no ,I’m a fool take me to other place


Scrooge:my employee, bob ,their family r preparing dinner .they are so happy

Scrooge: die ?why ? Scrooge低下头

Scrooge: what ?I treat him so hard 仔细听的样子。I wish all of them merry Christmas。Little tim ,stand on your foot quickly。带Scrooge离开

Scrooge:四周看看,很惊讶的尖叫起来。What happen to me ? why I

am in a grave . Scrooge: no ,please help me .help .

Scrooge:从床上醒来:its so horrible, I must change myself。打电话:bob ,this is scrooge。I‘d like to give you a raise in salary

第五篇:英语小剧本——《小红帽》 - 副本

Little Red Riding Hood 旁白



小红帽: 猎人:



小兔子 * 2





旁白:There was a pretty little girl,She wore a little red cap. It was from her grandmother. The girl loved the cap very much, So everyone called her ‘Little red-Cap” One day ,her mother called her from the garden.


妈妈:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里) 小红帽:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing? 妈妈: (一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)

Grandma is ill . please go and see her. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma. Remeber you must walk along the main rode. 小红帽:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok! I remember 妈妈: (亲切地看着小红帽说) Be careful. Don’t run off the path,It’s dangerous, and don’t break the basket .Don’t forget to say “Good morning” to your grand mother.

小红帽: Yes ,mummy. I will be careful . Goodbye, mummy. 妈妈: Bye-bye. Darling.


(小红帽挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁) 旁白:Little Red-Cap set out, She was so excited, She saw the woods. She wanted to go into the woods, She forgot her mother’s words.

小红帽: Wow!Flowers, How beautiful! (放下篮子采摘)

Hei, my little friends.i am here,I am here! 小伙伴们(小兔子 * 2





:Hi. Where are you going? 小红帽:Grandma is ill. I will go to see her. 小兔子:What a pity. take them to grandma and say hello to her.(送出胡萝卜) 小青蛙: Grandma is ill. These are our gifts. Here you are.(送出莲蓬) 小熊猫: These are our favorite food, They are good.(送出竹笋)

小猫: Does grandma like fish? They are very fresh. Take them.(送出鱼) 小猴子: Look, there are some peaches. They are very yummy.(送出桃子) 小红帽:Thank you so much. My dear friends.

小红帽和小伙伴一起跳舞。 大灰狼:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台,做找东西状,东张西望)

I am wolf. I am hungry and thirsty. (做狡猾的样子和小红帽打招呼) Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going?

小红帽:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill. 大灰狼:But where does she live? 小红帽:Her house is far.She lives near the mountain. 大灰狼: How pretty the flowers are! Why don’t you take some flowers to your grandmother? 小红帽:Good idea!(小红帽和小伙伴们一起采摘花朵) 大灰狼:(悄悄地藏到大树后)


旁边:Little Red-Cap picked some flowers for her grandmother.The wolf ran to the grandmother’s house.He knocked at the door.

外婆:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,打几个哈欠,躺倒在床上。) I am an old woman, I am not well today., perhaps I am ill. I must go to bed.see you. Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now. (做找寻的样子) Where is Grandma’ s house? (高兴地对观众说) Aha , it’s here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang.

婆:Who is there? 大灰狼:装出小红帽的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说

it’s me Grandmother, I have some cake and flowers for you. Open the door.please. 外婆:I am in bed. Come in. 大灰狼:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Good morning. Grandma , 外婆: What a strang voice you have. 大灰狼: I have cold. My throat is sore. 外婆:No, you are a wolf.惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上)help help…


大灰狼:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy! 小红帽:(高兴地敲门)Grandma.Grandma. 大灰狼:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Goodmorning 小红帽:What a strange voice you have. 大灰狼: I have a cold. My throat is sore

旁白:Little Red-cap went to the bed.She saw the wolf,She was surprised.

小红帽:Wow! What a big eyes! 大灰狼:I can see you pretty face. 小红帽:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big mouth? 大灰狼:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you! 小红帽:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No!

大灰狼:(追到小红帽,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)It’s delicious. I like sleeping.

旁边:The wolf jumped out of the bed, He ate Little red-cap, Then he went to sleep. A hunter came to the grandmother’s house.

猎人:How does the old woman feel now? is she better? I must go and see her.


My god, it’s the big grey wolf, hahah,I’m been looking for you for so long 大灰狼:(发出呼呼的响声) 猎人:(端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach! (摸摸Wolf的肚子)What’s in it?

(从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) LookScissors. (做剪Wolf的肚子)Cut, cut, cut. 外婆,小红帽:Thank you.

猎人:The wolf Woke up!

大灰狼:(起床,两手托着大肚子边跑边说) Help! 猎人: (开枪)Bang, bang!

The bad wolf is dead.

大灰狼: (应声倒下) 所有演员(一起欢呼,并鞠躬谢幕): Thank you

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