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因此,在很多方面,1986年的税制改革对FDI的影响到今天都是一个开放性问题。然而,尽管这个特定的问题如今已经有些过时了,但是给母公司提供信用的全球税收制度国的FDI应该相对而言对税率不那么敏感这个话题仍然是持续的热点。海恩斯表示(1996年)对它做出了最好的表达,根据现存文献检测了是否国家级税会影响美国内区域的FDI,从而创造性地提出了属地纳税对抗全球纳税的处理办法。以往的研究探讨国家税收对于国家FDI的分布的影响,结果并不明显(参见例如,考夫林,Terza和Arromdee,1991)。像联邦税,跨国公司根据他们在母国面临属地纳税还是全球纳税可能会对国家级税有不同的反应。海因斯(1996)的实证策略是调查FDI在美国各州的分布,并且研究比较“非信用体系”的状态下的外国投资者相对于“信用系统”下的外资投资者FDI的税收敏感度。他发现,随着税率高1%,非信用体系投资者FDI的减少比信用体系投资者FDI的减少多 9%。



文献也只是最近才开始研究除企业所得税以外的其他税。例如,德赛,弗利和海因斯(2004)最近的工作论文提出的证据表明,间接营业税对FDI的影响与企业所得税对FDI的影响是一定范围内是相同的。与此类似,双边国际税收协定对FDI的影响直到最近仍然是未被开发的实证课题。关于谈判减少国家在其他事项上的代扣所得税的税收协定有成千上万个。沃德-Dreimeier(2003年)和Blonigen和Davies(2004)发现没有证据表明这些条约在任何显著的方面影响FDI的活动. 3.3机构



由于这些原因,尽管跨国FDI研究通常包括机构以及或者贪污腐败的措施,但并不经常把它作为分析的重点。魏的论文(2000年;2000B)是一个例外,表明各种腐败指数与FDI有着强烈的负相关性,但其他的研究中没有发现这样的证据(如惠勒和么,1992年)。海因斯(1995)提供了一个有趣的“自然实验”的方法,通过研究1977年的美国反海外腐败法中关于处罚美国跨国公司贿赂外国官员的规定。他估计在法案实行的之后一段时间后会发现该法案对FDI的负面效应。这种自然实验分析为将来提出更令人信服的证据带来了希望,尽管发现这样的天然实验是非常困难的。 3.4 贸易保护

外国直接投资和贸易保护之间的假设联系被大多数贸易经济学家看作是还算明朗的。即高贸易保护应该让企业更有可能替代子公司生产出口以避免贸易生产成本。这通常被称为关税跳跃投资。也许是因为这个理论相当简单而且寻常,一般情况下很少有研究专门检验这一假设。另一个可能的原因是数据驱动。在各行业间一致的非关税保护形式很难进行量化。许多企业层面的研究采用产业级别的措施来控制各种贸易保护方案,但往往结果好坏参半,其中包括Grubert和Mutti(1991),科格特和张(1996),和Blonigen(1997)。一种替代产业阶层措施是通过反倾销给企业提供特定的相当大的反倾销税来实现的。公司面临着要使用更加精确的措施来应对法律保护,Belderbos(1997)和Blonigen(2002)均发现关税跳跃FDI更有力的证据,尽管Blonigen的分析结果强烈暗示出这种反应只有总部设在发达国家的跨国公司才能看到。这可能是关税跳跃贸易保护与其他措施混合的另一个原因,外商直接投资需要大量的费用,很多小出口企业可能无法融资或寻找有利可图的方面。事实上,贸易保护可以明确地针对FDI较少的进口来源地。这表明外国直接投资和贸易保护可能是内源性的,关于这一问题几乎没有被实证过。有一个例外是Blonigen和FIGLIO(1998年),他们发现的证据表明,增加外国直接投资进入美国参议员的州或美国众议院的地区,会增加他们把票投给进一步的贸易保护的可能性。 3.5 贸易效应

先前讨论到这一点的局部均衡研究在很大程度上忽略了外商直接投资的贸易影响,而这与潜在的FDI 的变化拉动力有着密切的联系。可能最常引用FDI的动机是作为出口到东道国家的替代品。由于巴克利和卡森(1981)的模型所呈现出的,可以认为出口是固定成本较低,但运输和贸易壁垒可变成本较高。与子公司服务于同一市场引入FDI允许大幅降低这些可变成本,但可能涉及更高的大于出口成本的固定成本。这表明了一个自然发展规律,一旦国外市场对跨国公司的产品需求达到足够大的规模,那么将会从出口发展到FDI。

在早期的论文中利普西和Weiss(1981;1984)对美国对东道国的FDI 以及出口进行回归分析,发现了一个正相关性,这违背了FDI替代出口的原理。然而,这些论文忽略了东道国市场这个变量的内生性,这一变量可以将跨国公司引进FDI以及出口产品的意愿朝着相同的方向增加或者减少。Grubert和Mutti(1991)根据出口销售,使用了利普西和Weiss(1981)类似的数据得到了负相关的回归结果,尽管结果在统计学上是不显著的。

Blonigen(2001)认为,问题在于贸易流量,要么是用最终产品替代了跨国公司的分支机构在同一国家生产产品,要么是将生产最终产品所使用的中间产品作为流量统计。前一种情况导致“贸易”和“外国直接投资”之间的负相关关系,而后者显示两者之间的正相关关系。 Blonigen使用日本出口美国的10位制的关税协调制度下产品级别的贸易和FDI数据,结果显示日本对美国的FDI增加引起日本生产这些产品的中间产品的出口也增加了,但是最终产品的出口却下降了。赫德和里斯(2001)和斯文森(2004)分别使用日本企业层面的数据以及美国行业层面的数据提出了类似的证据。





无 锡 职 业 技 术

毕 业 设 计 说 明 书(英 文 翻 译)





1.The Lotus Mountain is one of the new Eight Sights of the Goat City in Panyu District of Guangzhou about 20 kilometers away from the city. In the mountain area, there is a well-preserved ancient quarry dating back 2000 years, a pagoda built during the Wanli reign of the Ming Dynasty, an old castle constructed during the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty and a newly set-up Guanyin Statue which is the tallest of its kind in the world.

2.The Lotus Mountain comprises 48 red-rock hills.The red sandstone here,with its high density and fine grains,is a kind of good material. So, as far back as the 2nd century BC during the Western Han Dynasty,people had started quarrying stones here for construction.

3.The Lotus Pagoda is 50 meters high and was built at the highest point of the main peak. Therefore,in the past, it often served as a navigation mark for the ships that sailed upstream from the Lingding Ocean along the Pearl River to Guangzhou.

4.In Chinese Buddhism, Guanyin has 36 incarnations. Before the Tang Dynasty, it used to appear as a male and was gradually changed into female afterwards.She looks sedate and kind. With a magic vase and a willow branch in her hands,she has supernatural power to bring the dead back to life.

5.By the side of the statue is the Guanyin Pavilion.It was completed on Oct . 20th.1997, that is , Sept. 19th in Chinese lunar calendar,the birthday of Guanyin. Inside the Pavilion, there are 1000 small Guanyin statues of jade.wood.bronze and coloured porcelain—a fact that makes it worthy of the name Thousand Buddha Pavilion.

6.At the northeast end of theLotus Mountain stands an old castle,built at the third year of the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty(AD1664).It was a barracks for the Qing army and was a supplementary part of the defense system at the Pearl River estuary set up by the Qing government during the Opium War.

7.In the 19th century, China was in an era when its feudal social system was on the wane while the Western capitalist countries (especially Britain) were at the best of times when they enjoyed a rapid industrial development.

8.The Chen Family Temple, also called Chen Clan Academy, was also a school for children of the Chen Families.In 1959,it was converted into the Guangzhou Folk Art Museum,for the temple structure itself is a comprehensive expression of the exquisite Guangdong folk arts and crafts.

9.Covering a ground space of 15,000 square meters, with a floor space of 6,400 square meters, the Chen Family Temple was built in the traditional Chinese architectural style.

10.On the wall on the either side of the main entrance is a picture carved on bricks,depicting different stories from Chinese historical novels.They are regarded as representative works of the exquisite Guangdong brick-carving.

11,The stone drums at the main entrance are a symbol of social status of the Chen family. In the feudal society ofthe Qing Dynasty,people could place a pair of drums in front of their house only when someone in their family had been conferred an academic degree of (or higher than) “jinshi’,a title given to successful candidates in the imperial examination.

12.The two portraits on the door-leaves are door-gods. Original door-gods were two legendary gods,Shentu and Yulei, who, it is said, were able to catch ghosts and protect a house from evil spirits.

13.Look at this picture. A hen and some chicks are walking leisurely looking for food under the shade of the big leaves of a banana tree. The chickens here are not portrayed just for chickens’sake but are likened to the present generations of the family.Also, the big leaves of the banana tree are compared to the great property or great wealth created by past generations, because the Chinese words for “big leaf” and the words for “great property” or “great wealth”are homophones of each other.

14.At the tops of the balusters are carved several kinds of fruit that abound in South China:peach,star-fruit,papaya and so on.They are symbolic offerings to the Chen family’s ancestors.

15.Here is the rear hall of the temple and was the place where the Chen people worshiped their ancestors.On the shrine there used to be tablets of their ancestors,which were arranged in the order of seniority in the family. The one at the top was “Emperor Shun”,who was believed to be the remote ancestor of the Chen family.

16.It covers an area of about 30,000 square meters. Its exhibits include physical objects,historical pictures,diagrams and three grand scenes.Chinese people’s fighting against opium over 150 years ago is played here again vividly. This site reminds people of the war which shocked the world at that time.

17.With great efforts, 1,150,000 kilograms of opium was seized from British people on the sea in this town. From June 3rd to 25th,1839, Lin Zexu destroyed all the confiscated opium here in public. This worldwide-astonishing event is called Destruction of Opium in Humen. It marks the beginning of the modern history of China.

18.It took 20 days to destroy all of the forfeited opium. This action gave a message to the world that Chinese had the determination to ban opium and opium trade, to fight

against foreign invasions.

19.The construction area of this exhibition building is 2,400 square meters.On the first floor is the theme about Lin Zexu’s ban on opium and some historical facts related to the Opium War.This theme is subdivided into eight parts.

20.The exhibits on the 2nd floor tell us a complete story of the Opium War in an accessible way. They use not only pictures and physical objects,but also war settings,terrain models on sand and soil. What’s more, acoustic, opticand electronc techniques are employed to bring vividness to the exhibits.

21.Loyal Horse Monument is an important antique in this exhibition hall. A touching story about it is what I am eager to share with you .

22.Opium War Museum has a collection of more than 3000 pieces of relics. Among them, 13 pieces including “Cannons Used in the War” are listed as national A-level cultural relics. All the exhibits on display witness the Chinese resistance to foreign insults and invasions during that period.

23.For celebrating his birthday at the 26th year ofKaiyuan in Tang Dynasty, emperor Xuanzong ordered that each of the 81 states and counties in the country should choose a big temple to be named after reign title, Kaiyuan, so Lifeng Temple in Chaozhou was renamed Kaiyuan Temple.

24.Kaiyuan Temple is a quadrangle in palace style,currently covering an area of 17,000 square meters. As one of the four most famous temples in Guangdong Province and thee largest of its kind in east Guangdong region. Kaiyuan Temple was listed as the key cultural relic protection units by the State Council in July,2001.

25.Jingang Hall was built in Ming Dynasty. There are two Jingangs in the hall and they are it’s guardian spirits.They are called as “Heng” and “Ha” generals by the folk.

26.Built in Song Dynasty, the hall of Heavenly King is the only existing Xieshan- styled- roof structure left over from the Song Dynasty and so is highly valued in architecture.

27.Legend has it that it was just under the Bodhi tree that Sakyamuni attained his great awakening after practicing meditation for 7 days and nights, and became Buddha.

28.On the west and east sides of the Daxiong Bao Dian are the 18 arhats. According to sutra, they will never have their afterlife and remain in the earthly world to preach for the Buddha.

29.To the north of the Daxiong Bao Dian is the Scripture House, keeping a lot of costful cultural relics of the temple collected for more than 1000 years..

30.Here is the statue of Guan-yin, the Goddess of Mercy. In this miserable earthly world, Guan-yin is widely respected and has a large number of believers.
