









辞职后,一直待在家中,冇粮出,我地叫做咩嘢 ?停水





当大蛋村长带着他的狼族来到外面的世界的时候,被花花的世界吸引住了,他们决定在对付那些整天说蛋疼的人之前,去感受一下潮流,于是他们去了KTV ,大蛋村长无可厚非的很开心的当了麦霸。






As the temperature soars during the summer, heatstroke becomes a genuine health concern that warrants serious attention, experts have warned. "Heatstroke is a medical emergency, and can be fatal if not treated promptly and with care," said Gu Chengdong, vice-director at the Emergency Department of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital.




中暑的英语表达就是:heatstroke。其学名是热射病。如果热射病的成因仅与阳光直接照射有关的话则又称为日射病(sunstroke)。日常生活中,我们更容易接触“轻度中暑”,其相应的英文表达为“heat exhaustion”。中暑会杀死细胞(kill cells),破坏中枢神经系统(disrupt the central nervous system)等,所以,医生提醒儿童、老人、户外工作者(outdoor workers)以及患有慢性疾病(chronic diseases )的人士要提高警惕。



选秀 talent show /talent-search show (NBA的选秀叫做draft,但和这种真人秀reality TV show 显然不是一回事) 选秀之举早已有之,比如各种文娱大赛、NBA选秀等等,但现在这个词多指超级女声、快乐男声、我型我秀、加油好男儿、红楼梦、春姑娘等各种电视真人秀比赛。选秀不在结果,而在运作过程中的商业价值。 高考 college (or university) entrance examination 高考改变了很多人、尤其是很多年轻人的命运,1978年恢复高考后,高等教育的发展进入轨道。当高考竞争愈来愈激烈时,就出现了高考移民(当然这也和户籍制度有关系)。 高考移民 NCEE migrant The term ‘NCEE migrant’ refers to students who covertly leave their hometowns and immigrate to other places a few days before the NCEE in order to get bonus points or be in a less competitive environment. When found out, they are penalized for undermining the fairness of the NCEE. “高考移民”是指基于获取加分和规避竞争等目的,高考前从就学地点迁往其它地点报名参加考试的学生,这些人因破坏高考的公平性,成绩往往不被认可。 驴友 Donkey Friends 当人们有了闲钱,就会开始对广袤自然的探索之心。该词其实是“旅友”,就是热爱户外运动的人。据说起源于新浪论坛,因“驴”和“旅”谐音,故而把音念转。驴友们通常自己组织、集体行动(也有喜欢单独行动的)、自负责任。 人肉搜索 Cyber Manhunt 和网络搜索相对的词语,即指网民们发挥自身力量以及周围群众力量,根据网络上发帖人提供的信息,人搜人、人找人,最终将某一人或某几人从茫茫人海中揪出水面。堪称21世纪嘴彪悍的搜索引擎。

“四有” 新人 New Generation with “Four Qualifications”

所有刚上学的人都要接受的教育;做个有文化,有理想,有道德,有纪律的四有新人,由邓小平同志在1985年提出,乃教育准则之一。但似乎今天在教育在朝着“有分数、有特长(琴棋书画等)”两有新人发展。 装修 decoration 以前,限于条件,所谓的装修,都是简单,甚至说是简陋的,或者根本就没有,也就是扫扫石灰水或者用白纸糊糊墙。90年代,随着人民生活水平的提高,装修也就进入了生活。

不 同时期,装修的潮流也不同,例如有一个时期,流行装天花,于是大家都装天花板了,后来有的人家的天花板就成了老鼠的运动场;有一个时期流行用木质的墙裙, 大家也一窝蜂的装墙裙,结果数年后有的人家就给白蚁蛀上了。各种潮流都引领风骚三两年,精明的人当然是根据自己的需要而设计装修的方案,不去盲目地跟风。

保安,保镖 security staff, security guard, body guard 第一次知道保安,是在先进文化的阵地--南方周末上看到的,记者先生们以敏锐的眼光看到了这一新鲜事物,并对之进行了热情的讴歌。记者先生特别描写了一个女保安--小姑娘穿着崭新漂亮的制服,一身的威严。

其 实,无论是保安、现代镖局和保镖,都是政府减负的产物、产业化改革的产物。在计划经济的极左年代,政府大包大揽,无论是医疗、教育、治安都由政府全包揽下 来了。这既养成了一些人的寄生虫思想,又不能够优化配置社会资源,还极大地占用了政府的有限资金,不能够落实到高薪养廉上来。于是就把一些小治安问题进行 了产业化改革,让社会力量来投资治安,谁投资,谁受益,谁安全。

今天,人民群众无论走到那里,都可以看到保安,到处都有安全感啊! 名片 business card 改 革开放之初,和香港商人会面,对方递上名片,受宠若惊的双手接过,还尴尬地想到自己还没有这个玩意,然后把这小纸片很当一回事地收起来。这大概是很多领导 都经历过的事情。名片这小纸片,写着某某人的姓名、官衔等等。有一年春节晚会,好象是黄虹表演了一个节目,两个候车的旅客,无聊之际,就用手中的名片来作 牌,斗了一番。这个出张科长,那个就用处长去打;这个出四个总经理,那个就甩出四个董事长!

还听说小学生们也大派名片了,写上“班长”“学委”之类的官名。 粉丝 fans 对于追星的人的称呼,是英文fans(复数,单数为fan)的英译。如今各种星漫天飞,歌星,影星,电视剧明星,广告明星,体育明星,政治明星„„粉丝群也是无孔不入,自从这个词出现后,地球上的人基本上就可以分为两类,追星的和不追星的,或者粉丝和非粉丝。 发廊 hair salon 发廊的出现,好像很突然。就好像小学生的作文:在大好春风之下,如雨后春笋般长出来了!





发廊又产生了“发廊妹”一词。像很多地方,发廊都是成片经营的,“发廊妹”们看上去很美,是一道风景。 跳槽 job-hopping 跳槽,就是指调换工作。至于为什么叫做“跳槽”,我想大概是与马有关的,马在马棚吃草的地方叫马槽,马有时不在自己的马槽里吃草,到别的马槽里吃草叫跳槽。换个工作,就叫做跳槽了。跳槽者 job-hopper。


红包 convert payment; (neutral)red paper containing money as a gift, (derogative) bribe, kickback 红 包,大概是来源于广东。广东人在喜庆的日子里都喜欢送红包,以示吉祥。例如某人喜结良缘,那么贺客就会给主人送上一个红包。送得最多的是过年,大人要给小 孩子送红包,这里的大人是指已经结婚的人,小孩子就是未结婚的人。这个红包大概跟北方的“压岁钱”差不多。不过压岁钱是家长放在孩子的枕头底的,而广东人 的红包是用一张红纸包起来,现在进步了,有了现成的红包了。 改革开放,招商引资,一些港商在事情办妥后,都喜欢给办事的人送上个小小的红包,聊表感激之情。 八卦 gossip 八卦,亦称“经卦”。是《周易》中的八种基本图形。八卦起源于原始宗教的占卜。《易传》作者认为八卦主要象征天、地、雷、风、水、火、山、泽八种自然现象,每卦又象征多种事物,并认为“乾”、“坤”两卦在


今天,八卦还有另外一个含义,就是指在娱乐圈中,非正式的小道消息或者是某个明星的隐私等新闻。如某某明星又走光穿帮啦,某导和某演员又有一腿啦。而刊登这样的消息的报刊杂志就叫做“八卦报纸”或者“八卦杂志”。 婚纱照 wedding photo 以前,照张相也不容易,结婚大事,也不过是照张小双人的黑白照。


走穴 “(actors, singers, etc.) perform for outside salary income without approval by the unit they belong to ”



这就是走穴了,又叫赚外快,广东人管这个叫“炒更”。 VCD 是video compact disk 缩写,泛指一种影碟机。


晒工资 wages online exposure “晒工资”并非将工资拿到太阳底下去晒,而是将工资条拿到网上去曝光。基于这一意蕴,该词可译为”wages online exposure”。 民 意调查显示,47.5%的人上网看过工资条,37.7%的人愿意本着”匿名填写,保证真实”的原则,将自己的工资条在网上公开。相关人士分析,”晒工资” 表达了人们呼唤收入分配透明的社会心态,但是,此类事件也可能会给社会带来负效应,如导致部分人心理失衡或无意间泄露商业秘密等。 非典型肺炎、非典、沙士 SARS 非典是2003年年始于广州的一种极其厉害的传染病,造成多人死亡。 非典是非典型肺炎的缩写,而SARS则是英文“非典型肺炎”的缩写,而“沙士”则是SARS的英文音译。


蛤蟆镜 goggles 蛤 蟆镜其实就是太阳镜的一种,流行于上世纪80年代初以后,由于其夸张的造型而被戏称为“蛤蟆镜”。改革开放初期,国门打开,社会复苏,人们的生活在不知不 觉中发生着变化。蛤蟆镜等装扮动摇了中国人数十年的整齐划一和单调乏味,成了年轻人流行文化里最初的冒险,“引领时代新潮流”。 交谊舞 ballroom dancing 流行于上世纪80年代初,当时,全国各大城市均出现在公园、广场等公共场所男女青年自发聚集跳交谊舞的现象。

喇叭裤 bell-bottomed pants; flare trousers 因裤形似喇叭而得名。它的特点是:低腰短裆,紧裹臀部;裤腿上窄下宽,从膝盖以下逐渐张开,裤口的尺寸明显大于膝盖的尺寸,形成喇叭状。我国上世纪80年代最流行的装束。 大哥大 GSM mobile telephone “大哥大”源于粤港人称呼帮会头目之谐语,后成为手提电话的俗称。“大哥大”只流行于手提电话初面世那几年,之后改称“手机”。 BP机(寻呼机) Beep Pager 1983年,上海开通国内第一家寻呼台,BP机进入中国。从BP机开始的即时通信,将人们带入了没有时空距离的年代,时时处处可以被找到,大大加速了人们的生活、工作效率,但也让人无处可藏。人们对它爱恨交加,但已离不开它。 万元户 ten- thousand-yuan household 是 指家庭存款在10000元以上的,称之为万元户。这个词是在70年代末产生的,那个年代万元户是个相当了不得的。万元户年代的1万元可以买到很多的东西 (米价0.14元,肉价0.95元)可以想到1万元是个什么概念。不过现在代好了,人们的收入增加了,这个词已经成了历史概念。

五好家庭 Five Virtues Family (outstanding in such five aspects as law-abiding, diligent study, family planning, domestic harmony, and industrious and thrifty management of the household) 从1985年开始,全国各地大兴“五好家庭”评选活动。当时的“五好家庭”的标准是:政治思想好、生产工作好;家庭和睦、尊敬老人好;教育子女、计划生育好;移风易俗、勤俭持家好;邻里团结、文明礼貌好。 呼拉圈 hula hoop 呼啦圈又称健身圈,流行于上世纪八九十年代的一项运动。由于其轻便美观,练习活动占地不大,很快成为一项老少皆宜的运动项目。当时全国各地兴起了一阵“呼拉圈”潮,纷纷举办呼拉圈比赛。 彩电 colored television set 改革开放后进入中国人的生活,如今彩电已是家家户户都能有的电器,买个什么样的彩电才是人们关注的话题。 倒爷 profiteer; wheeler-dealer 流行于改革开放初期,指的是那些倒买倒卖的人。 面的 taxi 出租车在上世纪80年代末和90年代初进入百姓生活。生活在北京的人,一提起“面的”,是一种多么有趣的感觉。出门招手,面的就到,街上随处可见的,被市民戏称为“黄虫”的面的,开启了北京出租车的历史。面的客货两用,十分方便,深受百姓亲睐。 下海 go into business 改 改革开放,从一个抽象的词语表达成为一段除旧立新且举世瞩目的历程,用了三十年。为了纪念这个不平凡又短暂的三十年,我们精选了在此期间人尽皆知的一些经 典热词与您共享革开放时期,随着市场经济的繁荣,许多人不满于现状,转而经商,称之为:下海。“下”字有屈就的意思,下海的许多人员原本是政府机关人员, 他们放弃有保障的就业体系而从事风险较大的商业行为,这也说明一种勇气。人们对商人从事的行业有“商场”、“商海”之称,故而下海这个说法沿用至今。 下岗 get laid off 下 岗,职工下岗的简称,是我国劳动力长期供大于求造成的一种客观现象。我国人口多,劳动力总量大、增长快,远远超过社会生产的需求,就业岗位相对不足,结果 造成不少需要分流的企业富余人员暂时找不到就业机会而成为下岗职工。职工下岗现象是计划经济条件下就业制度在经济转轨过程中的必然反映。 下岗再就业 re-employment of laid-off workers 黄金周 golden week “黄金周“指我国的春节、劳动节(现已取消)和国庆三个节日的每个节日的连续七天休假。如国庆七天休假称为“十•一黄金周”。 农民工 migrant worker 中国大陆特有词汇,指身为中国大陆特有的农业户口身份的工人;指从农村进入城市,依靠替雇主工作为谋生手段,但不具备非农业户口的社会群体。 房奴 mortgage slave (Mortgage slave is adopted to describe those people whose mortgage payment is more than half of their monthly salary.) “房奴”是指城镇居民抵押贷款购房,在生命黄金时期中的20到30年,每年用占可支配收入的40%至50%甚至更高的比例 偿还贷款本息,从而造成居民家庭生活的长期压力,影响正常消费。购房影响到自己教育支出、医药费支出和抚养老人等,使得家庭生活质量下降,甚至让人感到奴 役般的压抑。

钉子户 “dingzihu”; nail house (a person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project) 在城市建设征用土地时,讨价还价,不肯迁走的住户。 黄牛党 ticket scalper “黄牛党”就是俗称的“票贩子”。“票贩子”在北京行话叫“拼缝儿的”,而上海人称之为“黄牛党”,近年来上海方言还称“打桩模子”,还有更形象的比喻把这类人称之为“票虫儿”。 传销 pyramid selling 有实际产品,人员发展上线、下线、金字塔式的销售模式。 走后门 pull the string 不正当的手段来谋求达到某种个人目的,叫“走后门”。 潜规则 hidden rule


“超女”super girl (Super Girl Contest)

是中国湖南卫视从2004年起主办的大众歌手选秀赛。此项赛事接受任何喜欢唱歌的女性个人或组合的报名。其颠覆传统的一些规则,受到了许多观众的喜爱,是现今中国大陆颇受欢迎的娱乐节目之一。 “粉丝”fans

粉 丝,是英语“fans”的谐音。“fan”是“运动、电影等的爱好者” 的意思。所以,“film fan ”是“影迷”的意思。也可以理解为“××迷”或者“××追星族”一类意思。“fans”是“fan”的复数。原来“粉丝”被称为追星族。但是这个词汇早已 被时尚抛弃。现在许多年轻人对这个新词汇爱不释手,它已成为了时尚的代名词。 按揭 mortgage 指以房地产等实物资产或有价证券、契约等作抵押,获得银行贷款并依合同分期付清本息,贷款还清后银行归还抵押物。 双休日 two-day weekend 通常指周六和周日放假休息的时间,包括大人工作休息以及小孩学习休息。 1994年3月5日,是我国新工时制实行的第一个休息日,人们感到了一个不小的“解放”。

炒鱿鱼 get fired “ 炒鱿鱼”这个词,是形容工作被辞退、解雇、甚至开除。在旧社会,被解雇的人一听到老板的通知,便只好卷起铺盖走人。后来人们从“炒鱿鱼”这道菜中发现,在 烹炒鱿鱼时,每块鱼片都由平直的形状,慢慢卷起来成为圆筒状,这和卷起的铺盖外形差不多,而且卷的过程也很相像。人们由此产生了联想,就用“炒鱿鱼”代替 “卷铺盖”,也就是表示被解雇和开除的意思。 博客 blog “博客”一词是从英文单词Blog翻译而来。Blog是Weblog的简称,而Weblog则是由Web和Log两个英文单词组合而成。Weblog就是在网络上发布和阅读的流水记录,通常称为“网络日志”,简称为“网志”。 炒股 to speculate in the stock market 炒股就是买卖股票,靠做股票生意而牟利。“股市有风险,入市需谨慎”这句话是每个投资者都应该牢记在心的。


“三农”问题 Issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area A short term for the issues related with agriculture, farmer and rural area. Formally raised by researchers on rural issues in the late 1980s, the issues were regarded as of high importance for the country’s economic and social development. After fixing numerous policies to nurture agriculture, improve the life of farmers and speed the development of rural areas, the central government pointed out during the 2004 Central Economic Work Conference that these issues were “the most important of all the important works for the Party”. And more policies and measures are put in place in this regard. 两限房 House of “Two Limits”

Houses with lower prices and limited areas specially for families with low or middle income. In May 2006, the State Council required local governments to boost the supply of houses at low and middle prices to ensure the families of modest income could afford them. Specific guidelines about the qualifications and the details of the property transfer are set by local governments. Houses of “two limits” are usually sold at a price 30 percent lower than the market price. In Beijing, families with an annul income under 88,000 yuan and a per capita dwelling space under 15 square meters are eligible to apply for houses of “two limits”. 农村税费改革 Rural Tax and Fee Reform A reform in rural areas to ease the financial burden on farmers. In 2000, a pilot program was started in Anhui province under which the agricultural tax rate was cut, other agriculture-related taxes and fees were either written off or merged. The central government subsidized local governments through transfer payments to balance their reduced revenue. The pilot program was soon extended to other regions and the agricultural tax was totally done away with in 2006 throughout the country, marking the completion of this reform. Now farmers do not pay any tax except those growing tobacco. “三沿”地区开放 Opening-up of seashore, river shore and border areas A policy to open the areas along the coast, along the major inland rivers and those on the country’s borderline to foreign investors and stimulate the economic development with their geographic advantages. Since China launched the opening-up policy in the late 1970s, it chose four cities in southeast coastal areas and established special economic zones as a pilot program. In 1984, 14 port cities along the coastline were opened to foreign investors and businesses. The Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta were opened up in 1985. And four cities on the country’s northern borderline followed suit in 1990. Based on the experiences from the special economic zones, this policy is an important step in spreading the opening-up strategy across the country. 农村土地承包制 Rural Land Contract System A fundamental economic system in rural areas guaranteeing farmers’ rights to land owned by the collectives and the State by signing long-term contracts. Since the household responsibility system became an accepted form of agricultural land tenure in the early 1980s, the State formally approved farmers’ rights to rural land in 1986 by stipulating all farmers have the right to undertake rural land contracts based up on families in the General Principles of the Civil Law. In 2002, a specific law governing rural land contract granted farmers inheritance rights to their land and the ability to exchange land with one another, to sub-rent, to pool land and to mortgage it for credit. The land contract has an extendable term of at least 30 years and cannot be suspended without bilateral agreements. 抓大放小 Restructuring Major Enterprises and Relaxing Control over Small Ones A strategy for reforming the State-owned enterprises stressing that the major enterprises in key sectors should be supported to gain further development while the smaller ones should compete in the market. Initiated in the mid-1990s when the country tried to step up the efficiency of State-owned enterprises as a whole, the strategy was formally accepted as a principle for reforming the public-owned economy in 1997. Big public enterprises were encouraged to develop into groups or establish partnership with each other. Smaller public enterprises were reformed flexibly through market-oriented means, like becoming shareholding businesses, acquisition and merger and contracting managing rights to individuals. 经济适用房 Economical Housing Housing sold at low prices to low-income earners to get them affordable shelters. Starting in 1998, the central government decided to offer favorable policies to housing developers so that they could build apartments of specified sizes and prices. Families with living floor space or income under given standards could apply for purchasing the apartments at prices much lower than the market prices. Eligibility standards for purchasing economical housing are set by provincial authorities according to local situations. Economical housing is subject to special clauses for trading in market, which discourage profiting from the property. It is an integrated part of the State efforts to shelter groups with limited financial resources. 三资企业 Foreign-funded enterprises A term for three kinds of foreign-invested enterprises or ventures in China, which include Sino-foreign joint ventures, cooperative businesses, and exclusively foreign-owned enterprises. As an economic entity responsible for their own profits and losses, these enterprises are set up within China after being approved by relevant State departments and are run in accordance with China’s laws. Since reform and opening-up in 1978, these enterprises have played an important role in helping the country absorb foreign investment, introduce foreign advanced technologies and management know-how, as well as expand export. 铁饭碗 Iron Rice Bowl A guaranteed job many Chinese people dreamed of getting during the era of the planned economy. People didn’t need to worry about their future once they gained a post usually in government departments and State or collectively run factories. But since the reform and opening-up was adopted in 1978 and the new labor system and the market economy came into being, such a stable employment model, which hindered people’s creativity to a large extent, has gradually been shattered. The establishment of the new and competitive employment model has contributed a lot to the country’s productivity and its rapid development. 菜篮子工程Non-Staple Food Project In 1988, the Ministry of Agriculture started this project against a background that the country could not produce enough non-grain food with rich diversity. Under the project, agricultural bases were established to boost production and supply, and special markets for agricultural produce were set up. By the mid 1990s, food diversity was improved and a reserve network was established around the country. The project then shifted its focus on food safety and branding. 西部大开发Western Development A drive launched by the central government in 2000 to promote social and economic progress in the central and western parts of the country, which are relatively less developed than the rest of the country. By injecting financial aid and offering favorable policies, the State wants to speed up infrastructure construction, industrialization and poverty eradication in these areas. Officials, technicians and other qualified talents have been dispatched from the eastern regions to lend a hand. The campaign covers nearly 400 million people living in Chongqing Municipality, Sichuan Province, Guizhou Province, Yunnan Province, the Tibet Autonomous Region, Shaanxi Province, Gansu Province, Qinghai Province, the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. 又好又快发展Sound and Fast Development A goal set for China’s economic progress that underscores both quality and speed. Officials attending the Central Economic Work Conference in 2005 made “fast and sound” development one of the country’s goals. It was revised to “sound and fast” development at the following year’s conference. In his report to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2007, General Secretary Hu Jintao said the economy must advance in a comprehensive, balanced and sustainable manner by putting “sound” before “fast”. The change demonstrates the central government’s determination to bring about a shift in the country’s economic growth mode. 小康社会 A moderately prosperous society A blueprint for the development of the society featuring comprehensive improvement in the economy, democracy, science and technology, social culture, and people’s lives. In the 1980s, late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping set a target for the country to realize “a moderately prosperous society” by 2000, which was mostly about growth in the economic indicators. Jiang Zemin, the former president, officially widened the concept to cover more social aspects in his report to the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2002. Besides quadrupling the country’s GDP of 2000 by 2020, other targets included implementing the rule of law, fostering market economy, ensuring universal coverage of social security, and helping most people live a comfortable life. President Hu Jintao in his report to the 17th CPC National Congress added new elements to the blueprint by stressing transformation of the economic development pattern, and sustainability of growth. 循环经济Circular Economy A model for economic growth which aims at environmental protection Under this model, resources are used with higher efficiency and reused and recycled when possible, so that pollution is minimized and waste is reduced as much as possible. It also involves the transformation of industrial organization and allocation, urban infrastructure, environmental protection, technological paradigms, and social welfare distribution. An important part in China’s effort toward sustainable development, circular economy was officially raised as a target for China’s future growth in 2004. The State Council issued a file about promoting it in July 2005, making it a key guideline in the 11th Five-Year Plan and to achieve the specific goals in energy conservation and pollution reduction before 2020. 社会主义新农村 Socialist New Countryside To address the increasingly conspicuous imbalance in the country’s economic landscape, the fourth generation leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has gone to great lengths to correct the urban-rural divide. “Socialist New Countryside” is to date the most comprehensive solution it has prescribed. The concept first appeared in early 2005 in a major policy paper on rural development. The CPC-proposed a blueprint for the country’s 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-10). It portrays the “new countryside” as featuring “advanced production, a well-to-do life, civilized folkways, a neat look, and democratic management”. As part of the campaign, the central authorities are reorienting public finance to support rural development programs. 新型工业化道路 New Path of Industrialization A strategy for industrialization emphasizing reliance on technological progress, improved efficiency in resource and energy utilization, and sustainable economic growth. First raised by Jiang Zemin, former president, in his report to the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2002, the blueprint aims at a balance between industrial development and environmental protection, with the focus on promoting industrial advancement through developing science and technology and giving full play to China’s comparative advantage in labor resources. Endorsed in the report of Hu Jintao to the 17th National Congress of CPC in 2007, this strategy has become a fundamental guideline for the country’s economic progress.

南水北调工程 South-to-North Water Diversion Project A major project to channel water from the Yangtze River in the southern part of the country to the north through three canals. The project, considered by the authorities since the 1950s, was formally launched in 2002. Three 1,300-km canals will be constructed in the western, central and eastern parts of China so that water from the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will be brought to the north, where water supply is not adequate. With an estimated investment of 486 billion yuan, the three canals will be capable of transferring 44.8 billion cu m of water by 2050. 分税制 Tax Sharing System A policy arrangement between the central government and local governments on collecting and spending of different taxes. Popular in many market economies, the system divides all tax items into State taxes, local taxes and several shared taxes. The central and local governments collect taxes and manage the public affairs with the money as agreed. Transfer payments from the central government to localities are also part of the system to narrow regional differences. China started a reform in 1994 to introduce this system and established State taxation administrations as well as local taxation administrations to implement the system. 三来一补企业 Enterprises of Three Import and Compensation Trade A shorthand for enterprises that process imported raw materials, manufacture products according to imported samples, assemble imported parts and those that repay loans for imported equipments and technologies with products. Emerging in the coastal area in the late 1980s, all these enterprises export their products abroad. By taking the processing fee, they become the major force in the processing trade, which forms a big proportion in the country’s total trade volume. They played a key role in fostering the development of China’s trade. 利改税 Tax for Profits A reform measure requiring State-owned enterprises (SOEs) to pay taxes instead of submitting their profits to the administration. The State Council introduced this reform in 1983 by levying a 55 percent income tax on medium and large SOEs rather than taking their profits. Other measures soon followed, creating a complete tax scheme to encourage competition. This was one of the earliest steps taken to reform SOEs and establish a national tax system, showing that a mature market might be an effective way to improve industrial efficiency. 兴边富民行动 Program to Revitalize Border Areas and Enrich Residents’ Lives A State campaign to boost social and economic development of regions along the land borderline. In 1998, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission started the program to improve the lives of the ethnic people who comprise 48 percent of the 21 million residents in 135 counties along the borderline. Favorable policies and direct financial investment were granted to improve the infrastructure and public facilities, develop education, promote literacy, boost trade and nurture industries. By 2005, the government spent at least 15 billion yuan in the border areas through the program. 绿色信贷 Green Credit A policy to encourage the businesses to observe the rules and regulations about environmental protection with the leverage of bank credits. Initiated by the former State Environmental Protection Administration, currently the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and China Banking Regulatory Commission in July, 2007, the policy requires the commercial banks, when reviewing the application for bank credits, to consider whether the applying businesses have followed the environmental rules. The violators have less chance to get the approval, while the green businesses would get favorable treatment in this regard. The policy marks a start for the central government to step up the country’s environmental protection through market-oriented means. 廉租房 Low-rent Housing State-owned houses are rented out at modest prices to low-income families who do not have proper housing in the cities. In 1998, the ce ntral government required all cities to offer low-rent housing to families with the lowest income before the end of 2006 and the deadline was later changed to the end of 2007. In each city, the standards for a family’s per capita living floor space and minimum income are set by the local governments. Families whose living space and income are both below the standards are given low-rent houses. If the governments do not have enough houses, they offer financial subsidy to these families. The rent is set at about 5 percent of the family’s income. 家庭联产承包责任制 Household Contract Responsibility System The system allows farming households to manage agricultural production on their own initiatives while the farmland remains in the ownership of the rural collective. Started in Xiaogang village in Anhui province in the late 1970s, the system enables farmers to use land through long-term contracts and keep the produce after paying taxes. It raised productivity and increased agricultural output, both of which were preconditions for nurturing the economic takeoff, and comprehensive industrialization and urbanization. The start of this system is widely accepted as a milestone in the economic opening up. 假日经济 Holiday Economy A popular term to describe the huge public spending during holidays which contributes significantly to economic growth and structural upgrade. In 1999, the State Council decided to extend the public holidays for May Day, National Day and Spring Festival to one week. The holidays became good opportunities for people to travel, shop and generally enjoy themselves. Since then, the massive consumption has boosted tourism, retail, transportation, cinemas, exhibitions, sports and other related industries, thereby benefiting the people and the country. 财产性收入 Property Income Earnings from bank deposits, securities, houses and other personal or family properties. In his report to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2007, General Secretary Hu Jintao stressed, for the first time, that conditions should be created to enable citizens to earn income from their property. Hu’s remarks sent the message that China would advance the development of its capital market, enabling investors to share the economic boom. Figures from the National Bureau of Statistics showed that per capita property income in China averaged 240 yuan in 2006, or about 2 percent of people’s total income, while 70 percent of people’s average income came from salaries and 28 percent from pensions, subsidies and other benefits. “三步走”战略 Three-Step Development Strategy A plan for boosting the economy by hitting three major targets over three different time spans. Originally floated by the central government in 1987, the first step was to double the GDP of 1980 by 1990 and to ensure that most of the population had enough food and clothing. The second step was to double the annual GDP of 1990 by 2000 and ensure that most people were living prosperous lives. The third step is to quadruple the GDP of 2000 by 2020, ensure that most people are living well-off lives and have a fully operational market economy in China. The first two steps have been taken . At the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in December 2007, the third step was revised to quadrupling the per capita GDP of 2000 by 2020. 金税工程 Golden Tax Project The establishment of a uniform computer network across the country through which taxation authorities at all levels can better serve taxpayers. Started in 1994, the project aims to improve the transparency and efficiency of tax collection and supervision. By turning invoices, one of the most important taxation documents, into electronic data, it facilitates both taxpayers and taxation authorities. The project’s first two stages were completed in 2000 and 2003 respectively. The third stage, begun last year, will cover almost all matters of taxation.


一国两制 One Country, Two Systems An idea formally put forward by Deng Xiaoping, then leader of China, in the early 1980s to reunify the country. Deng suggested that there should only be one China, but the regions of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, once reunified with the rest of the country, could retain their original economic and political systems while other parts keep pursuing socialism. This arrangement was observed when the country resumed sovereignty over Hong Kong and Macao in 1997 and 1999 respectively. The two cities are now the special administrative regions of the country with a high degree of autonomy. The central government has also proposed the idea to the Taiwan authorities to speed up the reunification of China. 三通Three Direct Links Shorthand for direct links in post, transportation and trade between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan. Direct communication across the Taiwan Straits in most social and economical terms virtually stopped after the Kuomintang forces retreated to Taiwan in 1949. And the contacts, if any, were routed through intermediate places, mainly Hong Kong and Macao. In the early 1980s, the central government appealed to the Taiwan authorities for opening “three links”. The latter has consistently refused, but had to make concessions in the face of growing cross-Straits exchanges. “Three mini-links” was opened in 2001 between Fujian Province and the islands of Jinmen and Matsu in Taiwan. Cross-Straits charter flights were approved in 2003 for the Lunar New Year and the flights were arranged in 2006 for three other traditional Chinese festivals. 和谐社会A Harmonious society A blueprint for social development featuring decent living standards for the majority of people, a tolerant society and peaceful coexistence between the human society and nature. The concept was first floated in 2004 and then amplified in October 2006, when the Party set specific goals for building a harmonious society by 2020. The goals range from fostering the rule of law, substantial protection for private property, developed public services to foster creativity and more efficient use of resources. Stemming from ancient Chinese ideas about harmony, the blueprint underlines the need to fine tune relations between different social entities. The idea also appears in the country’s foreign policy, particularly its call for “a harmonious world”. 大部制 Super-Ministry System A very recent idea to restructure central government offices so that ministries, commissions and departments of the State Council with similar or overlapping functions can be merged into super-ministries. This scheme has been introduced in a reshuffle of the State Council approved by the National People’s Congress in March to improve efficiency, reduce the cost of policy making and its execution, and straighten out problematic chains of command. Five super-ministries respectively overseeing industry, transport, housing and construction, human resources and the environment were established.

Based upon the current changes, the central government vowed to undertake further administrative reforms in the future. 三个代表 Three Represents Shorthand for the call that the Communist Party of China (CPC) provides insight and leadership for economic and cultural progress, and commit itself to public good. Former CPC General Secretary Jiang Zemin, who was credited with its creation, literally admonished his comrades to “represent the development trend of China’s most advanced productive forces, the orientation of China’s most advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people”. The theory is the result of deliberations of the CPC’s third-generation leaders on legitimacy and Party-building. At the 16th CPC National Congress in 2002, it was formally written into the Party Constitution. 科学发展观 Scientific Outlook on Development A concept initiated by the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2003. It stresses a comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development that is people-orientated. With priority on addressing the needs and protecting the rights of the people, the country will not only grow in economic terms, but also in political and cultural terms. The growth aims to bridge regional disparity, the urban-rural gap, protect resources, and the environment. This concept is the core of policies by the CPC’s current leaders headed by Hu Jintao. At the 17th CPC National Congress in October 2007, it was formally included in the Party Constitution. 双拥 Double Support Shorthand for the administrative effort to enhance ties between the army and civilian communities. In essence, the expression means local governments and common people should support the army and give preferential treatment to the families of service people, particularly those killed while on the job, while soldiers should support the government and love the people. In connection with this effort, schools offer training programs to soldiers, while common people provide technological consultations and donate books and the use of other facilities to the army. In return, the army helps deal with natural disasters, major construction projects and other difficulties. 保持党员先进性教育Campaign to Educate Party Members to Preserve Their Vanguard Nature A campaign by the Communist Party of China to educate its members to stick firmly to the principles of the Party and serve the people so as to keep the Party’s vigor and leading role in the country.

From January 2005 to June 2006, the country’s 68 million Party members participated in the special education program. They refreshed their knowledge about the important theories of the Party at different periods, solidified their loyalty to the Party and improved the efficiency of the grass-root organizations of the Party in serving the people. 和平共处五项原则 Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence A set of norms governing relations between nations first raised by China. Put forward by then Premier Zhou Enlai in 1953 during negotiations between China and India, the five principles were originally meant to maintain friendly ties. Under the principles, both sides agreed to respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of each other, not to invade the soil of each other, do not interfere in each other’s internal affairs, the ties should be equally based, and mutually beneficial for the two countries to coexist peacefully. The five principles have been widely accepted in bilateral relations between China and many other countries. One of the corner stones of China’s foreign policy, it has also become an important part in the law on international relationships. 社会主义荣辱观 Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace An idea put forward to instill a value of moral standards among the pub lic, especially youngsters, in line with Chinese traditional values and modern virtues. The concept underscores the value of patriotism, consciousness of serving the people, belief in science, hard work, solidarity, honesty, observation of the law and plain living. It condemns the opposite of these virtues as disgraces. It was raised by Hu Jintao, general secretary of the Communist Party of China, in March 2006. And the concept is also known as “eight honors and eight disgraces”.

“三讲” 教育 “Three Emphasis” Education A campaign by the Communist Party of China (CPC) to remind Party officials to pay more attention to theoretical study, improve their political awareness, and be honest and upright. Jiang Zemin, then CPC general secretary, pointed out in November 1995 that Party officials should improve their self-education in the three aspects. And a national campaign was soon started among all Party officials. A conference was held in December 2000 which hailed the campaign as a success. CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao said the move had boosted the individual capabilities of Party members and the internal governance of the Party as well. 党务公开 Open Management of Party Affairs An institutional arrangement for branches of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at all levels to improve transparency. According to this principle, Party branches are obliged to make their processes for making decisions and carrying out activities as well as their achievements known to other Party members according to the characteristics of the issues. And if the issues are closely related to the interests of the public, the Party branches should also publicize their work to all. Formally included in the CPC Constitution in 2007, this principle was part of the CPC’s effort to promote democracy within the Party, protect the democratic rights of Party members and enhance the internal supervision of the Party. 爱国统一战线 Patriotic United Front A political union of all socialist laborers, patriots supporting socialism and patriots supporting the unification of China. First raised as the “ethnic united front” in 1935 by the Communist Party of China (CPC), it was meant to join the powers of all social groups regardless of their class, wealth and political positions to fight against the Japanese aggressors during the World War II. Despite changes in the specific concept and target of the union under different historical conditions, this union has remained a key strategy of the CPC to mobilize all social sectors to achieve the contemporary goals it sets for the country. Part of institutional arrangements for the country to consolidate and develop the people’s dictatorship, this union was embodied in the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, whose members include people from the CPC, the eight non-communist parties and other social groups. 南巡讲话 South Tour Speeches A series of speeches delivered by the late leader Deng Xiaoping, the chief architect of China’s reform and opening-up, during his inspection tour of southern Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, and Shanghai in early 1992. Targeted at domestic misgivings and confusion among some scholars and even officials about the country’s reform and development, Deng put forward some new viewpoints on a series of crucial issues, such as the core of Marxism, the essence of socialism, market economy, and how to emancipate and develop productivity. The significant speeches outlined an unequivocal path for the country’s further re 实事求是 To Seek Truth from Facts A term stressing that facts or practices are the single standard by which to judge whether a theory is valid. It is one of the core ideas of the Communist Party of China about socialism with Chinese characteristics. Repeatedly stressed by different generations of leaders, this term was formally raised by Deng Xiaoping in the late 1970s. It was to mobilize the country to look for means of development in economic and political terms feasible and suitable for China rather than those based on political ideology. It is still part of the principles for the CPC stipulated in its constitution. It is also a popular term extensively used in different aspects of social life. 与时俱进 Keep Up With the Times An expression that has become popular in official documents and speeches, accentuating the need on the part of the Communist Party of China (CPC) to keep pace with the rapid changes that have taken place in society. First appearing in former President Jiang Zemin’s speech commemorating the 80th anniversary of the CPC’s founding on July 1, 2001, the expression was included as part of the theme for the Party’s 16th National Congress in 2002. Under the principle, the Party vowed to adapt its ideology and work in tune with the latest developments in and out of the country to better serve the people. 信访 Letters and Visits A special term referring to actions of citizens or institutions to give information, make comments or suggestions and lodge complaints to the special administrative department in charge of receiving them through various forms. Letters and visits from the grassroots were lauded by State leaders as having remarkable significance in enhancing ties between the government and the people. Individuals and institutions could write letters or pay visits to the relevant department when they have information about or want to complain about the performance of the administrative organization, enterprise or institutions supplying public services as well as about their staff members. Departments receiving letters and visits are required to process the information and complaints according to a State Council regulation first adopted in 1995 and revised in 2005. 星火计划 Spark Program A State effort to popularize modern technologies in the rural areas to stimulate rural development and raise the farmers’ income. Started in 1986, the program offers support to technological projects easily applied and developed in rural areas, encourages factories and small businesses to develop these projects with incentives in several aspects, holds training courses in rural businesses and promotes agricultural technology among farmers. By 2006, local governments invested 14.3 billion yuan while the central government contributed 363.1 billion yuan to the program. 以人为本 Put People First An idea of the Communist Party of China (CPC) stresses that boosting the people’s interests and development are the purpose of the Party as well as the State. Formally raised during the third plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee in October 2003, this idea was tagged as the core of the scientific outlook of development by general secretary Hu Jintao in his report on the 17th CPC National Congress in 2007. As a ruling party, the CPC vowed to expand the people’s interests, respect the people’s position in political life, give play to their creativity and let them share the benefits of development. 两岸直航包机 Direct Chartered Flight Across the Taiwan Straits Flights between designated airports on the Chinese mainland and Taiwan during major Chinese festivals. Regular flights have been cut off between the two sides since 1949. In 2003, the Taiwan authorities allowed Taiwan airlines to fly Taiwan people living in the mainland with chartered flights from Shanghai for the Spring Festival. As a trust-building step, chartered flights were added in 2006 during three other holidays: Tomb Sweeping Day, the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid Autumn Festival. Airlines from both sides were allowed and the flights stopped at four mainland cities and two Taiwan cities. Negotiations are underway to arrange the chartered flights weekly or even more frequently. 基层群众自治制度 System of Community Level Self-Governance A grassroots democratic system in which rural and urban citizens manage the public affairs in their organizations and communities. Composed of the villagers’ committee in rural areas, neighborhood committee in urban areas and the conference of workers and staff in businesses, the system enables the members to carry out democratic elections, decision-making and supervision. An important part in the country’s political democracy, it was stressed as a fundamental system to adhere to in improving the socialist political system by General Secretary Hu Jintao in his report to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2007. 多党合作和政治协商制度 System of Multi-party Cooperation and Political Consultation A basic political system in China under which the Communist Party of China (CPC), as the party in power, consults all non-Communist parties and representatives of non-party personages to reach a common understanding before taking major decisions. Formally established in 1949 when New China was founded, the system is practiced through various forms. The two major forms are the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, of which non-Communist party members and non-party personages are members, and the consultative conferences attended by non-Communist parties and unaffiliated democrats who are invited by the CPC bodies at different levels. 依法治国 Rule of Law A fundamental principle of governance that stresses that the country should be administered in accordance with the law. It was formally raised as a fundamental principle in 1997 when former general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Jiang Zemin delivered his report to the 15th National Congress of the CPC. He stressed the principle should be fully observed as “socialist democracy is gradually institutionalized and codified so that such institutions and laws will not change with changes in the leadership or changes in the views or focus of attention of any leader.”

This principle was reiterated by General Secretary Hu Jintao during the 17th CPC National Congress in 2007. 民主集中制 Democratic Centralism A principle of organization in the Communist Party of China (CPC) as well as in the country’s political life, stressing both democracy and centralism. Enunciated originally by Vladimir Lenin, the principle stresses that the Party members have the freedom to discuss and debate matters of policy and direction, but must support the final decision once it is reached through a majority vote. Individuals must obey the Party or the organization, the minority must obey the majority, the lower levels of organizations must obey the ones at the upper level. It is one of the most important principles adopted by the CPC at its early stage and is upheld till now. 政企分开 Separate Government Functions from Enterprise Management An effort to draw a clear line between the roles of the administration and of the businesses. Under the planned economy, the extensive involvement of the government in economic operations resulted in the government making commercial decisions for the businesses and the State-owned enterprises offering public services to their employees, ranging from medical care to education. Since the country introduced the economic reform, it became a major mission for the government to separate the functions of the administration from those of the enterprises in order to improve the efficiency of both. 农转非 Change From Rural Residents to Urban Residents A change in the residential status of people under the household registration system. Since the household registration system was established in the 1950s, residents were put into two categories, urban and rural, according to where they lived. While urban residents enjoyed relatively better social security as industrial workers, rural residents had to depend on farming for a living.

Rural people could obtain urban registration under special circumstances, like entering universities or becoming army officers. This was difficult to achieve, but viewed as a quick way to a better life, especially in the 1970s and 1980s. As the country began to reform, so did the household registration system. The supply of commodities became more abundant on the market, and the difference in welfare of urban and rural residents was narrowed.

863计划 863 Program A government program to stimulate the development of advanced technologies. The figure “863″ comes from the fact that it was created in the third month of 1986. Approved by former leader Deng Xiaoping, the program aims at lifting China’s own efforts in scientific and technology research as well as in commercializing the benefits of the research. The program’s specific plan gives preference to research in biology, information technology, astronautics, laser technology, automation, energy technology, and new materials. A milestone in the history of scientific progress, the program has boosted China’s independent research capability, laying a solid foundation for economic and social growth.


“诺贝尔文学奖”的英文表达是Nobel Prize for literature。10月11日,瑞典文学院诺贝尔奖评审委员会宣布,中国作家莫言获诺贝尔文学奖。评委会的理由是“莫言的幻觉现实主义作品融合了民间故事、历史和当代”,莫言成为首个获奖的中国籍作家。


Chinese author Mo Yan has been awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for literature. A prolific author, Mo has published dozens of short stories, with his first work published in 1981. The Swedish Academy praised his work which "with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary". The 57-year-old is the first Chinese resident to win the prize. Chinese-born Gao Xingjian was honoured in 2000, but is a French citizen. 中国作家莫言获2012年诺贝尔文学奖。莫言发表了多部小说,第一部作品发表于1981年。瑞典文学院称赞他的作品“以幻觉现实主义融合了民间故事、历史和当代”。57岁的莫言是首位获得诺贝尔文学奖的中国籍作家。华裔作家高行健也曾在2000年获此殊荣,不过他是法国公民。


“诺贝尔文学奖”在文中的表达是Nobel Prize for literature,也可以说成Nobel Prize in literature或Nobel Literature Prize。莫言是笔名,原名为管谟业,其作品深受hallucinatory realism(幻觉现实主义)影响,其代表作及作品英译名如下: 《红高粱》

Red Sorghum


Sandalwood Death 《丰乳肥臀》

Big Breasts and Wide Hips 《酒国》

The Republic of Wine 《生死疲劳》

Life And Death Are Wearing Me Out 《蛙》






















“两学一做”学习教育在中央政治局常委会领导下进行,由中央组织部牵头组织实施,中央纪委机关、中央宣传部、中央党校配合做好相关工作。 1) 层层落实责任。

各级党委(党组)要把开展“两学一做”学习教育作为一项重大政治任务,尽好责、抓到位、见实效。省(自治区、直辖市)和部门(系统)党委(党组)要结合实际作出部署安排,加强具体指导。县级党委要发挥关键作用,制定具体实施方案,保障工作力量,加强督促指导把关。基层党委要对所辖党支部进行全覆盖、全过程的现场指导,帮助党支部制定学习教育计划,派员参加党支部各项活动。各级党组织书记要承担起主体责任,不仅要管好干部、带好班子,还要管好党员、带好队伍,层层传导压力,从严从实抓好学习教育。 2) 强化组织保障。 学党章党规、学系列讲话,做合格党员,这个被简称为“两学一做”的学习教育,正在8700多万的中国共产党全体党员中进行。“两学一做”也成为当下中国的政治热词。




此外,对于“坚持依宪施政,依法行政”的说法,北京京都律师事务所主任田文昌认为,强调“依宪施政,依法行政”,不得法外设权。一切行为必须依法有据,坚持依法用权,是对法治框架的进一步明确和强调。更重要的是,一再提到对违法、违规的公权力行为要坚决追究、必须纠正!并一再提到公众的监督。这些提法体现出依法行政的坚决态度。 田文昌介绍,这一表述是历年来最为明确、具体的施政原则。期待在新的一年里,迅速出台与之相对应的具体措施,尤其是要加速司法改革的步伐。只有司法改革真正得到实现,才能确保依法行政的落实。同时,才能确保经济体制改革的有序化发展。更重要的是,才能在改革进程中让每一个市场主体和人民群众感受到一种受到法律保护的安全感!从而才能消除顾虑,放心大胆地去奋力向前!

事实上,“依宪治国,依宪行政”并非首次被提及。例如,在十八届四中全会的公报中就曾有过相同的表述:公报突出强调宪法的核心地位,指出“依宪治国,依宪行政”。 要“依宪行政”,立法机关要在立法草案审查、审议时即审查和确保每一项立法都符合和体现宪法精神,行政机关在作出重大行政决策和实施重大行政行为时,要通过其法制机构审查和保障其决策和行为的合宪性。此外,还要健全和完善宪法解释程序机制。

4、向污染宣战:2014年3月5日(星期三 )上午9时,第十二届全国人民代表大会第二次会议在人民大会堂开幕,听取国务院总理李克强作政府工作报告,审查计划报告和预算报告。


出重拳强化污染防治。以雾霾频发的特大城市和区域为重点,以细颗粒物(PM2.5)和可吸入颗粒物(PMlO)治理为突破口,抓住产业结构、能源效率、尾气排放和扬尘等关键环节,健全政府、企业、公众共同参与新机制,实行区域联防联控,深入实施大气污染防治行动计划。今年要淘汰燃煤小锅炉5万台,推进燃煤电厂脱硫改造15OO万千瓦、脱硝改造1.3亿千瓦、除尘改造1.8亿千瓦,淘汰黄标车和老旧车6OO万辆,在全国供应国四标准车用柴油。实施清洁水行动计划,加强饮用水源保护,推进重点流域污染治理。实施土壤修复工程。整治农业面源污染,建设美丽乡村。我们要像对贫困宣战一样,坚决向污染宣战。 推动能源生产和消费方式变革。今年能源消耗强度要降低3.9%以上,二氧化硫、化学需氧量排放量都要减少2%。要提高非化石能源发电比重,发展智能电网和分布式能源,鼓励发展风能、太阳能,开工一批水电、核电项目。加强天然气、煤层气、页岩气勘探开采与应用。推进资源性产品价格改革,建立健全居民用水、用气阶梯价格制度。实施建筑能效提升、节能产品惠民工程,发展清洁生产、绿色低碳技术和循环经济,提高应对气候变化能力。强化节水、节材和资源综合利用。加快开发应用节能环保技术和产品,把节能环保产业打造成生机勃勃的朝阳产业。





政府的不安正是建立在对群众健康安全负责的基础上。对群众负责,光有不安是不够的,重要的是采取行动,让群众感受到政府敢于直面问题的勇气和进一步加大措施力度的决心。通过环保部新闻发布会,我们了解到,高污染高能耗产业大量聚集、燃煤燃油集中排放、快速增长的机动车,是地区大量排放的原因,也是改善的难点;冬季污染治理涉及多部门合作,将从积极推进城中村、城乡结合部、农村地区散煤治理等方面强化冬季大气污染治理。通过卫计委新闻发布会,我们得知,下一步将尽快制定针对儿童、老人等重点人群的防护措施;规范口罩、空气净化器等防雾霾产品的标准标识,指导市场消费„„ 可能有人认为,治理雾霾只是政府的事。现在看来,这种观点并不成立。一方面,落实政府的部分政策措施需要群众的积极配合;另一方面,群众自己要践行绿色低碳的生产生活理念,为治理雾霾贡献力量。政府也要转变观念,开诚布公治霾,依靠群众治霾,在社会监督下治霾。在北京市政府组织的治霾座谈会上,与会者给政府出主意、提建议,体现了公众对治霾的关心、理解和参与。蔡奇表示,建议意见也就是政府工作中需要改进的工作和问题,大家出的很多点子操作性都很强,比如如何让百姓知情,是政府需要改进的。


5、党的巡视活动:建立和完善巡视制度,是新形势下加强党内监督、提高党的执政能力的一项重大决策,是引领中国特色社会主义建设健康发展的一项重大举措,是党章赋予的职责。作为专员办的主要领导,在党风廉政建设上肩负着“一岗双责”的使命,既要管好自己又要带好队伍,确实压力很大。巡视工作如同机车上的制动器,对党员干部的权力具有约束和保护功能,对滥用权力的越轨行为具有防范和矫正功能。实行巡视与检查,对于专员办领导干部来说,就是要进一步促进决策民主化,深化政务公开,坚持勤政廉政,落实问责制度,强化刚性约束,增强监督合力。通过巡视,无论是对一般性问题的早提醒、早劝阻,还是对比较严重问题的早刹车、早采取措施,警示和防止了一批领导干部在错误上跌倒。因此,必须首先解决好一个对巡视工作的态度问题,真正明白巡视工作不是组织跟自己过不去,也不是领导对自己不信任,恰恰相反,巡视是爱护、监督是帮助,只有这样,才能提高认识,端正态度,摆正位置,纠正“监督就是不信任”的误解,主动诚恳地接受巡视组的监督检查。 巡视工作的对象主要是领导班子,重点是一把手,从现实状况看,受传统观念和体制机制的影响,目前有效的监督模式和监督方法主要依赖于上级组织对下级组织及其成员的监督。由于上级监督存在着信息源获取不直接、不及时、不全面等状况,使上级监督受到一定的限制;与之相比较,领导班子成员之间、班子成员和群众间彼此熟悉,相互了解,理应最有发言权,但同级监督和下对上的监督的效果还不理想。而巡视监督模式正是从我国的实际国情出发,将自上而下的上对下的监督同自下而上的下对上的监督以及同级监督紧密的结合起来,把党内监督和群众监督结合起来,实际意义上成为现阶段监督模式的必然选择。从实际的效果看,巡视不仅是下情上达,有利于上级党组了解和掌握下级党组最直接、最鲜活的情况,主动地发现和解决群众反映的各种问题,为制定和修订政策以及做好决策提供依据,而且还能促使各级领导干部更好地履行职责,自觉地接受群众的批评监督,改正工作中的错误。因此,巡视工作是新的历史条件下完善党内监督机制的一种创新。


