






The Belt and Road Initiative: The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road


An oversight model drawing on random inspections by randomly selected law enforcement officers or inspectors and requiring the prompt release of results


Three stricts and three honests: Be strict in morals, power and disciplining oneself; be honest in decisions, business and behavior


The strategy Of Four comprehensives : Comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, comprehensively driving reform to a deeper level, comprehensively governing the country in accordance with the law, and comprehensively enforcing strict Partly discipline


Five development concept of innovation,harmonization, green, openness and sharing


Promote all-round economic political, cultural , social ,and ecological progress


Manufacturer of advanced and quality products


Platforms will be created for crowd innovation, crowdsourcing, crowd support, and crowd funding

9.天蓝、地绿、水清的美丽中国 A Beautiful China where the sky is blue, the land is green, and the water runs clear


Targeted poverty alleviation


Inclusive and green finance


Supply-side structural reform


Cutting overcapacity, destocking, deleveraging, reducing costs and identifying growth areas

14.大众创业,万众创新 Mass entrepreneurship and innovation


Coordinated reform of medical services, medical insurance, and the medicine industry


Build the armed forces through political work and reform, and run them by law




4.克强指数:(Li keqiang index)是英国《经济学人》杂志于2010年推出的用于评估中国GDP增长量的指标,它源于李克强2007年任职辽宁省委书记时,喜欢通过耗电量、铁路货运量和贷款发放量三个指标来分析当时辽宁省经济状况。该指数是工业用电量新增、铁路货运量新增和银行中长期贷款新增的结合。与GDP的统计相比,这三者与地方政府的GDP崇拜并无干涉,近乎没有作假掺水的空间和动机,故而所取得的具体数据更为真实,能很好地反映中国经济走势,“克强指数”为人们提供了另一种判断中国经济的方法。


6.影子银行:(Shadow Banking system),理财产品和信托不能算“影子银行”。正面且积极的看法是,“影子银行”有效地支持了实体经济发展,是利率市场化的预演。不管怎样,据称规模已达30万亿元的“影子银行”已经深刻地改变了中国金融发展的结构、业态与模式。

7. 流动性:(Liquidity)“流动性”这一专业金融词汇6月下旬一下子成了大众“热词”。6月20日,财大气粗的中国银行业爆出“钱荒”问题,接下来几天,债市震荡,股市暴跌。“恐慌”过后,回过神来的人们大多相信了监管层货币政策“维稳”的决心,不会轻易开闸放水,“钱荒”是一出“压力测试”。人们对国务院“盘活存量”资金的提法有了更深刻的认识。

8.IPO重启:被称为IPO堰塞湖的排队企业数目庞大,使IPO重启面临着巨大的压力。但对于此次IPO重启,市场似乎给予了更多的关注,新一届证监会主席肖钢对IPO重启的态度至今也不明朗,加上新股发行改革征求意见稿尚未落定,各界普遍认为IPO重启应当没有“这么快”。首次公开募股(Initial Public Offerings,简称IPO),是指企业透过证券交易所首次公开向投资者增发股票,以期募集用于企业发展资金的过程。当大量投资者认购新股时,需要以抽签形式分配股票,又称为抽新股,认购的投资者期望可以用高于认购价的价格售出。


比特币BitCoin 虚拟货币

第三篇:中国日报 中国特色热词翻译+句子详解 第一弹


industry of windfall profits In the latest session of the NPC, some lawmakers painted the banking sectors as an “industry of windfall profits”. 在最近一届全国人民代表大会上,一些委员将银行业称为“暴利行业”。


reimburse You can have expenses for flight tickets, meals, and hotel costs reimbursed. 飞机票,餐费和旅馆住宿均可以报销。


upset/ unexpected win The previous 77 Academy Awards ceremonies have had their share of unexpected twists, though the best-picture win by the upset winner “Crash” over “Brokeback Mountain”ranks as one of the biggest in Oscar history. 尽管在本奥斯卡最佳影片评选中,实现不看好的《撞车》击败《断背山》成为奥斯卡历史上最大的冷门之一,然而纵观前77届颁奖典礼,这种意外并不罕见。


be the scapegoat/ bear the blame If anything goes wrong, I always bear the blame.

悲情牌 tragedy trumpcard The party could only bring out their tragedy trumpcard to win the election. 该党派只好打出悲情牌以求赢得选举。

被解除隔离 be released from quarantine Animals will not be released from quarantine unless they are five-month-old. 动物知道5个月大才能被解除隔离。

本命年 the year of one’s animal sign He planned to cross the Yellow River on a motorcycle during the year of his animal sign. 他计划在自己的本命年骑摩托车飞越黄河。

逼供 forced confession The new standard stipulate that procuratorates do not use evidences collected from forced confession, torture or violence. 新标准规定,检察院不能使用通过逼供,拷问和暴力获得的证据。

鄙视链 disdain chain The so-called disdain chain works like this: British drama fans look-down upon folks who prefer US shows, and they in turn look down on South Korean soap opera fans. The lowest of the low in the disdain chain are the fans of domestic dramas. 传说中的“鄙视链”是这样的,英剧迷瞧不起美剧迷,美剧迷瞧不起韩剧迷,而鄙视链地位最低的则是国产剧迷。

比赛“放水”/ 故意输球 Match-throwing

Eight badminton players have been disqualified from the Olympics in a match-throwing controversy. 八名羽毛球运动员在比赛“放水”风波中被取消奥运会参赛资格。

闭卷考试 closed-book exam Students dread closed-book exam, because they think they are more difficult. 学生们都害怕闭卷考试,认为闭卷考试比较难。

闭门羹 cold shoulder Electrical appliances were popular at the trade fair. Incredibly, clothes and textile products were given the cold shoulder. 展销会上,家用电器受到欢迎,而服装和纺织品却吃了闭门羹。

避税 sidestep taxes Apple Inc sets up small offices around the world to legally sidestep taxes on some of its gains. 苹果公司在世界各地设立小规模办事处作为其合法的避税手段。

变相涨价 disguise inflation Experts perceive the current price adjustment as a form of disguise inflation. 专家认为此次价格调整实际上变相涨价。

飙车 drag racing Many people have written to the municipal government demanding an end to drag racing. 很多人给市政府写信要求禁止飙车。

表面文章/ 口惠而实不至 lip service During his campaign for presidency he paid lip service to the idea of environmental protection. 在总统选举中他承诺要搞好环境,但那只不过是在做表面文章。

病假 sick leave According to a survey, dealing with the frustrations of ageing and unreliable office computers contributes to workers’ unhappiness and sick leaves. 一项调查报告称,使用老化、性能不稳定的电脑办公使员工们感到郁闷,也导致他们请更多的病假。

补习班 cram study sessions The education department of Liaoning banned primary and middle school teachers from giving cram study sessions or giving extra classes off campus. 辽宁省教育厅宣布禁止中小学教师办补习班或给学生校外补课。

不良贷款 bad loan Major Chinese banks’ 3rd-quarter reports show that they are still under pressure from narrowing profit margins, non-interest income and bad loans. 中国各大银行第三季度的报告显示,它们仍然承受着来自利润压缩、非利润收入和不良贷款的压力。

不正之风 bad(harmful) practice As a pledge to farmers, he vowed to focus on correcting the bad practice of arbitrary price increases in fertilizers. 他向农民承诺,重点整顿随意太高化肥价格的不正之风。

步行街 pedestrians-only street Wangfujing shopping street has now become a pedestrians-only street.

财产申报 asset declaration Guangdong has launched a pilot official asset declaration program in a bid of flight corruption. 为打击腐败,广东已开展官员财产申报公示试点工作。

餐厨垃圾 kitchen waste Beijing is planning to ban individuals from collecting and processing kitchen waste from the 31 venues and 122 restaurants which have signed on as catering partners for the Olympic Games. 北京市将严禁个人在31家奥运场馆、122家奥运签约饭店对餐厨垃圾进行收集和处理。

操纵市场Market manipulation China’s top court is expected to release new judicial interpretations this year to help define criminal conduct involving market manipulation and illegal trading using insider information in the securities market. 中国高法有望今年出台有关操纵市场,证券市场内幕交易等违法犯罪行为的司法解释。

长途航班 long-haul flight Air France is expected to resume 100% of its long-haul flights and nearly all of its European flights. 法国航空将恢复所有长途航班和几乎全部的欧洲航班。

产假 maternity leave China plans to prolong the maternity leave for the nation’s working mothers from 90days to 98days(14 weeks). 我国拟将女职工产假由90天延长至98天(14周)。

产能过剩 excess industrial capacity

China’s central ministries sent a stern message about the implementation of a key document aimed at tackling excess industrial capacity. 国家部委日前下达指示,要求严格贯彻化解产能过剩矛盾的指导意见。

常委会 standing committee A labor contract system should be fully set up across the country, said Wang Zhaoguo, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of NPC, at a teleconference held in Beijing on July 25. 全国人大常委会副委员长王兆国7月25日在北京的一场视频会议上说,劳动合同制度应在全国全面实行。

唱对台戏 put on a rival show Don’t chatter while the boss speaks, or he’ll think you’re putting on a rival show. 老板讲话时不要交头接耳,不然他会认为你们和他唱对台戏。

茶道,茶艺 tea ceremony/ sado Sado, or the tea ceremony, originated in China, and is highly developed in Japan. 茶道发源于中国,在日本得到高度发展。

超前消费 excessive consumption The media undoubtedly played their part in the creation of “excessive consumption” patterns. 毫无疑问,媒体对超前消费的形成也负有责任。

超水平发挥 outdo oneself I really outdid myself that time, I had never given a better performance before and haven’t since. 我那次真的是超水平发挥,之前之后都没有过那么好的表现。

车辆配额 car quota

A car quota system went into effect in Guangzhou on July 1. 广州7月1日起实施车辆配额制度。

扯皮 shirk/ pass the buck After the accidental fire in the factory, all the workers involved kept passing the buck, saying it was someone else’s fault and not theirs. 火灾事件发生后,厂里所有与事故有干系的工人都相互推诿扯皮,说错在别人不管自己的事。

城管 urban management officer The norms, written in the newly-made measures on how urban management officers should exercise their power and responsibilities, require them to maintain “civilized language” and “dignified conduct” in the process of law enforcement, and bans any abuses of power or verbal and physical assault on others. 最新出炉的城管执法机关约束法令明确了城管执法人员的权限和责任,要求执法人员保持“语言文明”、“举止端庄”,严禁城管执法人员滥用职权,谩骂或殴打当事人。

成就感 sense of achievement One won’t feel a sense of achievement unless he has worked hard and overcome many obstacles. 人只有在努力工作并且克服重重困难之后才会有成就感。

城际高铁 inter-city high-speed rail The inter-city high-speed rail line connecting Nanchang and Jiujiang began operation. 连接南昌和九江市的城际高铁线路日前开始运行。 城际列车 inter-city train Beijing’s first inter-city trains are up and running. 北京首批城际列车已开始运营。

成品系列 ready-to-wear line Choo has since sold50% of his ready-to-wear line to concentrate on Jimmy Choo couture, spending most of his energy and time making couture shoes by hand. 为了把注意力集中在Jimmy Choo(周仰杰)时装鞋上,周目前为止已将50%的成品鞋系列售出,他目前把大部分时间和精力都用在手工制作的时装鞋上。

城镇住房公积金 urban housing fund We shall establish an urban housing fund to speed up housing reform. 我们要建立城镇住房公积金,加快改革住房制度。


be jealous/ be green with envy Her boyfriend was jealous of her talking to other men. 她和其他男人聊天,他男友吃醋了。

吃皇粮 on the government payroll Even in some small villages, large numbers of civil servants are on the government payroll. 有的乡下不大,吃皇粮的不少。

吃回扣 receive kickbacks Medical staff found to be receiving kickbacks or arbitrarily charging fees will be severely punished. 医务人员吃回扣、乱收费将会被严厉查处。

吃香 sought-after Young women in their twenties were the most sought-after candidates for the job. 招聘中最吃香的是20岁左右的年轻女子。

吃空饷 freeloading He was sarcastically given the name “most capable civil servant” for his nine years of freeloading.

他因为连续九年“吃空饷”而被评为 “史上最牛公务员”。

驰名商标 renowned trademark The revised Trademark Law, due to take effect on May1, will put an end to the use of the term “ renowned trademark” to promote products. 5月1日起生效的新《商标法》规定,“驰名商标”字样将不得再用于商品广告宣传。

冲动购物 impulse buys Modern men spend more on impulse buys than women do, research has revealed. 研究显示,现代男性冲动购物比女性花费更多。

充值卡 rechargeable card It is a rechargeable card. Remember to put money on the card every month and then you can use the mobile phone as long as you can. 这是张充值卡。只要你每月记得充值,这个手机你就可以一直用下去。

重复建设 overlapping project

In deciding the designated areas of investment and choosing specific projects, we followed the requirements set out in the 11th Five-Year Plan. This way, we can avoid overlapping projects or unwise investment. 在制定投资区域及选择项目时,我们遵从了第11个5年计划的要求。在此条件下,我们可以避免重复建设或盲目投资。

出场费 appearance fee Gold medalists of the London Olympics welcomes a new round of harvest back to China, including a large sum of bonus money as well as high appearance fees in commercial opportunities. 伦敦奥运会上勇夺金牌的中国健儿们衣锦还乡,又迎来新一轮的收获,包括一大笔奖金和参加商业活动的高额出场费。

出气筒 punching bag He makes a living as a punching bag for drunken businessmen. 他靠充当醉鬼商人的出气筒来谋生。

处女作 maiden work The job as an art designer could no longer satisfy him. He started writing scripts and in 1994, he got a bank loan for his maiden work. 艺术设计的工作不再让他感到满足,于是他开始写剧本,并且在1994年为他的处女作拿到了一笔银行贷款。

穿小鞋 make life difficult for/ make it hot for Bosses who go out of their way to make life difficult for subordinates are described, in Chinese, as giving them tight shoes to wear. 上司找下属麻烦,在汉语里叫做给它们穿小鞋

传销组织 pyramid scheme Police announced that they have broken a pyramid scheme with the arrest of 173 people. 警方称近日捣毁一个传销组织,一举抓获173名传销人员。

闯黄灯 run yellow lights The Ministry of Public Security announced that drivers who run yellow lights will, for the time being, not be penalized. 公安部表示对闯黄灯的死机暂不予以处罚。 创纪录 set a new record The number of trips is expected to set a new record, as a result of changes to be the country’s official holiday schedule. 由于国家调整了对法定节假日的安排,预计发送旅客量将创纪录。

创刊号 inaugural issue The official English-language journal of the Guangzhou 2010 Asia Games launched its inaugural issue. 广州2010年亚运会的英文官方会刊日前正式发行。

吹风会 briefing

In a Monday briefing on the new regulations, the government identified the first five pieces of land to be up for international bidding. 在周一举行的关于新规定的吹风会上,政府公布了第一批准备进行国际招标的5块地皮。

春运 Spring Festival travel rush The 40-days Spring Festival travel rush started on Saturday. 为期40天的春运自周六拉开帷幕。

次生灾害 secondary disaster China is on high alert for secondary disasters like landslides in the quake-hit region in Sichuan as the rainy season approaches. 雨季将至,我国高度防范四川地震灾区发生山体滑坡等次生灾害。

凑份子 whip-round You might have a whip-round to buy a joint present for her. 你们可以凑份子合伙给她买礼物。

错时上下班 staggered rush hour More buses and subway trains are needed for staggered rush hour plan. 错时上下班方案需要更多公交和地铁列车配合。

搭便车 give a lift It’s so kind of you give us a lift. 你真好,让我们搭便车。

打车软件 taxi-hailing app After experiencing a rat race in 2013, it seems that China’s taxi-hailing app market will witness a long-term duopoly situation. 在经历了2013年的激烈竞争后,中国的打车软件市场似乎正进入长期的双头垄断局面。

打包 put in a doggy bag/ wrap up Waiter, please put the rest of my food in a doggy bag? 服务员,请把这些饭菜帮我打包。 Could you please wrap this up for me? 帮我把这个打包好吗?

打盹儿 take a nano nap A government official was caught taking a nano nap during a conference. 一名政府官员被发现在开会时打盹儿。


发布日期:2013-04-03 15:09 来源:中国日报网


1. 打铁还需自身硬: One must be strong to forge iron.



2. 中华民族伟大复兴: the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

3. 空谈误国,实干兴邦:Empty talk harms the nation, practical action helps it thrive.


4. 关于改进工作作风、密切联系群众的八项规定: An eight-point code to cut bureaucracy and maintain close ties with the people


5. 坚持“老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打:To tackle corruption, the Party must crack down on the “flies” at the bottom and the “tigers” higher up.

背景:总书记2012年1月22日在中纪委全会上说,从严治党,惩治这一手决不能放松。要坚持“老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打,既坚决查处领导干部违纪违法案件,又切实解决发生在群众身边的不正之风和腐败问题。 6. 把权力关进制度的笼子: Power should be contained within a cage of regulation.


7. 根除滋生腐败的土壤:Dig out the soil which can grow corruption 背景:中共中央总书记习近平2013年1月22日中纪委全会上强调,要坚定决心,有腐必反、有贪必肃,不断铲除腐败现象滋生蔓延的土壤,以实际成效取信于民。

8. 简政放权:to curb the power of bureaucrats, rein in government spending 背景:李克强总理会见中外记者时说:“这次改革方案核心是转变政府职能,当然也是简政放权。如果说机构改革是政府内部权力的优化配置,那么转变职能则是厘清和理顺政府与市场、与社会之间的关系。说白了,就是市场能办的,多放给市场。社会可以做好的,就交给社会。政府管住、管好它应该管的事。”

9. 喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子:Talking the talk is not as good as walking the walk. 背景:李克强总理会见中外记者时说:“我之所以说改革是最大的红利,是因为我国社会主义市场经济还在完善过程中,靠改革进一步解放生产力还有巨大的潜力,让改革的红利惠及全体人民还有巨大的空间。改革贵在行动,喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子。”

10. 触及利益比触及灵魂还难:Sometimes stirring vested interests may be more difficult than stirring the soul.


11. 给权力涂上防腐剂戴上紧箍咒: Power should be executed with caution and responsibility.


12. 说真话、交实底:Be upfront and present the facts


13. 任何人都不能享有高于法律之上的特权:No one has absolute power outside of the law.


“中国式过马路”的英文表达是Chinese style of crossing road。中国式过马路,是网友对部分中国人集体闯红灯现象的一种调侃,即“凑够一撮人就可以走了,和红绿灯无关。”。出现这种现象是大家受法不责众的“从众”心理。



Recently,a heated debate arose online in China about the "Chinese style of crossing the road", a term referring to the tendency of large crowds of people to cross roads in disobedience of red lights.Shijiazhuang has begun imposing fines as high as 50 yuan ($8) on jaywalkers as part of a trial campaign meant to stop people from crossing roads at the wrong times and places.

The new rules treat pedestrians attempting to move across large and small intersections differently. When groups of pedestrians cross large intersections in defiance of red lights, the first three of their members will be fined; at smaller intersections, all jaywalkers will be punished.



【讲解】“Chinese style of crossing road”解释为中国式过马路,是网友对部分中国人集体闯红灯现象的一种调侃,即“凑够一撮人就可以走了,和红绿灯无关。”。 “jaywalker”解释为乱穿马路的人,jaywalk是它的动词形式,解释为乱穿马路。
