


电影观后感 英文版

My Big Fat Greek Wedding


My Big Fat Greek Wedding is a movie about the heroin , Toula , who is a Greek woman and failed to marry a Greek boy ,falls in love with a non-Greek men .Despite the fact that her family ,especially her father , disagrees, they make every effort and manage to fight for their love, which is what true love should be ----without boundaries , regardless of age ,nation ,race, or whatever…

In the movie ,Toula is expected to marry Greek boy ,make Greek babies , and feed everyone until the day she dies ,which makes me think about women’s status in our old China .Greek women have the role in common with our traditional Chinese women in their family ---they do the cleaning ,cooking ,washing and so on. Many people say that the United States is a big melting pot for the reason that after immigrants were there for some time, they may become Americanized, and differences gradually melt down .But in the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, the Greek family keep their own customs and identities. We can conclude that each country has its own culture. Therefore there are many cultures in the world, and they are different but equal .So it is wrong for the racists to think their culture is superior to other cultures, because all cultures have both strengths and weakness .And since the cross-cultural marriage between Toula and Ian Miller is reached, we ought to accept and respect foreign cultures with an open minds and develop our awareness of globalization when we are confronted with the multicultural world.


仪征市第二中学 林会平


【关键词】:英文电影 教学资源 课堂教学 学习兴趣 英语是一种语言,而非一般的知识。英语学习首先要关注语言的功能,它是人们交流思想感情的工具,因此英语学习中需要包含情感态度方面和文化意识方面的目标。这恰恰是我们在日常英语教学中易忽视的方面。而英语影视欣赏可以弥补缺失,由于它在传播英语文化,提高学生的人文素养,帮助学生形成积极的人生观和价值观,以及有效地辅助听、说、读、写教学活动方面的重大作用,为英语课堂开创了又一片新天地。


1. 新课改的需要


2. 学生认知心理的需要


3. 创造性使用牛津教材的需要


1 引进课堂或给学生创造一个语言环境,使学生全方位地感受语言的刺激,使其很好地掌握语言知识,更进一步提高语言的应用能力。

4. 素质教育的需要




1. 电影欣赏有助于牛津教材课文的讲解

现行牛津英语教材课文的体裁多种多样,涉及自然科学、历史、文学、艺术等诸多方面,而有一些内容是学生们不太熟悉的。在讲授课文知识的过程中,利用电影欣赏就能使学生们对教材讲述的内容有深刻的印象也能更好地理解课文。如在上Module 8 Unit 1 The written word Reading时,通过电影《远大前程》的放映,学生们对课文中的人物形象刻画就更为深刻了。在上Module 8 Unit 2 The universal language Reading时通过播放《图兰朵》这部电影,学生们了解了故事的前因后果,对故事情节及人物之间的关系就清楚了。Module 8 Unit 4 Project讲述的是在虚拟魔法世界一勇敢男孩哈利波特成长和恶魔斗争的故事。在讲解完课文后通过欣赏影片《哈利波特和魔法石》,学生们对课文中提到的魔法世界有了一定认识。

2. 影视欣赏课有效提高了学生的语言技能


2 言学习的兴趣,从而更加激发学生对英语学习的热情。




基础教育阶段的英语教育有责任和义务培养学生积极向上的情感态度。学生在学习英语时的障碍及传统英语教学的弊端,使得英语学习成为一些学生的负担。有些学生在英语课上变得消极、沉默、麻木、呆板、焦虑和胆怯。这些消极的情感态度严重影响学习潜力的发挥。影视欣赏课的教学内容和课堂模式在一定程度上转变了学生对英语学习的紧张和厌恶。在电影课上学生们所表现出的浓厚的学习兴趣、大胆参与的精神和活泼开朗的个性慢慢延伸到了整个英语学习过程,提高了学习效果。同时,一些教育性的励志影片,如 《当幸福来敲门》、 《铁腕校长》、《浩劫重生》或《弦动我心》等展现出的主人公的爱国精神、不屈不挠的求生品质、不懈追求理想的决心和勇于克服困难的意志都引导学生树立正确的人生观和价值观。

三、 电影欣赏在高中英语教学中的组织

1. 甄别英文电影教学资源。



3 有碍学习者对剧情的理解,另一方面情景剧对话多、信息量大且密集度高,加之丰富的俚语、流行语和文化背景知识,更增加了理解的困难。此外,也不要选择卡通片,因为卡通片中的角色的语音和语调极其夸张,不易理解。最好选择题材轻松、内容简单、长度适中并且画面对语言说明作用强的影片,这样看英文电影比较容易,比如《公主日记》、《律政俏佳人》、《音乐之声》、《阿甘正传》等。

2. 做好观前观后的教学工作。


3. 注意积累与重复。


总而言之,英文原版电影的语言来自于真实的语言环境,文化内容丰富,在英语教学过程中的优越性有很大的利用价值和开发潜力。它不仅是学习英语的理 4 想工具,还是熟悉和了解外国文化的很好材料,特别是它对于生活化语言和西方社会文化的传递,具有其他语言教学模式不可比拟的优势。一部好的电影蕴含着丰富的知识量, 教师的课前准备工作也是相当重要的。如果教学方法得当,对英语语言学习者会起到事半功倍的效果。因此,作为英语电影欣赏课的教师,要对影视作品进行详细的准备和加工,设计好欣赏的目的和问题清单,组织有意义的教学讨论,努力探索教学方法,从真正意义上把英语学“活”。


[1]. 教育部. 2003. 普通高中英语课程标准(实验)[S]. 北京.人民教育出版社. [2]. 舒其惠.钟友循.1994.影视学教程[T]. 湖南师范大学出版社

[3]. 冯仪民. 2001. 新的基础教育课程体系中的外语教育[J]. 中小学英语教学与研究(2) [4]. 赵国强. 2001. 听说教学真实性原则应用初探[J]. 中小学英语教学与研究(4)

通讯地址:江苏省仪征市第二中学 211400 邮箱:huiping1212@163.com 5


1. Legally Blonde(律政俏佳人)

1、2 2. The pursuit of happiness(当幸福来敲门) 3. The Lion King(狮子王)


2、3 4. The Terminal(幸福终点站) 5. Notting Hill (诺丁山) 6. Forrest Gump (阿甘正传) 7. Pride and Prejudice (傲慢与偏见) 8. Sense and Sensibility(理智与情感) 9. War Horse (战马) 10. Jerry Maguire(甜心先生)

11. Homeless to Harvard(最贫穷的哈佛女孩/风雨哈佛路) 12. 白日梦想家 13. 儿女一箩筐 14. 格列佛游记 15. 叫我第一名 16. 美丽心灵 17. 真实的谎言

18. 忠犬八公的故事 19. 足球尤物 20. 时尚女魔头 21. 国王的演讲 22. 疯狂原始人 23. 蝙蝠侠前传


2、3 24. 地心末日


In winter I watch three movies.

The first movie is called ‘Barbie and the Three Musketeers’. (1/25/2012)

I watched this movie just two hours ago. Actually this is an old movie for me, but this is my favorite movie in a series of ‘Barbie movies’.

Corinne is a girl who grows in the village. Her father is a musketeer. She dreams that she can be a musketeer all the time. Corinne’s parents let her go to paris to be a musketeer when she is seventeen. Then seventeen-year-old Corinne goes to paris with her little cat, Miette. But everyone says girls couldn’t be musketeers. Nobody helps her. Although she gets into trouble on the first day, she still remembers what she dreams. Later she meets three girls who also want to be musketeers. They practice every day. The girls once find by accident that the prince regent wants to kill the prince because he wants to be the king. Finally they save the prince’s life in their way. Because of it, Corinne and her friends become musketeers.

I love this movie especially the leading character, Corinne. Corinne is one of the bravest girls I ever see in the movies. She always holds fast to her dream though no one believes girls could be musketeers. As her father said, ‘True courage is pursuing your dream even though everybody else says it’s impossible.’ It is always true in life. Many successful people make their dreams come true by persistence and pursuit. You can certainly succeed so long as you pursue your own dream.

Also, Corinne and her friends were very brave and united when they face the trouble. They prove that they could be musketeers with strength and courage. ‘All for one, and one for all!’ they said. That’s why the girls could save the prince smoothly.

The second movie is called ‘Barbie princess Charm School’. (1/26/2012)

In this movie, Barbie acts a girl named Blair.

In fact Blair’s real name is Sophia. She is a princess who was abandoned seventeen years ago, because her biological mother, Queen Isabella and her family died in a car crash except Sophia. Then baby Sophia was found outdoors by a kind woman. The woman named the baby princess ‘Blair’. Seventeen years later, by accident Blair becomes a lucky dog of princess Charm School. It means she can study in this school. In the school there is a princess called Delancey. Delancey looks down on Blair because Blair is not a princess. Because of princess Sophia was missing, Delancey is going to take over the Kingdom. Afterwards Blair knows her identity accidentally. She stops Delancey at last and shows the fact to


Blair is a brave and optimistic girl. She dares to stop Delancey although Delancey is blue blood. Blair believes that every girl can be a princess because character is more important than a crown. It is because of her character, Blair changes from a regular girl to a noble princess.

The third movie is called ‘Alvin and the Chipmunks2’. (1/26/2012)

This movie is the most awesome American movie I have ever seen.

The chipmunks called Alvin, Simon and Theodore are three famous rock stars. Alvin once hurts Dave by accident at a concert. So Dave has to stay at the hospital. So Tobey, a big boy takes care of them. Three chipmunks go to school on the second day. Some boys invite Alvin to join the school football team and Alvin says yes. Later three female chipmunks called Britney, Jitney and Eleanor go to see Ian and sing to him. Ian becomes the female chipmunks’ broker. The chipmunks and the female chipmunks have a contest at school and female chipmunks win. They can take part in a singing contest on behalf of the school. But Ian wants them to take part in another contest. So Ian closes them in a cage. Alvin takes them out. Finally the chipmunks and the female chipmunks sing in the contest together.

This movie is very funny. When I was sad, I always watch this movie to make me happy. I like the chipmunk named Theodore best because he is the youngest chipmunk in them. He usually makes mistakes. His mistakes always make me laugh. Also Theodore is the cutest chipmunks in them.


Sentiment after Watching Taken / 96 Hours

Directed by Pierre Morel ,the leading role was acted by Liam Neeson who was a famous actor from England .

Liam acted as a father whose work was special agent and was divorced with hie wife .His daughter was played by Margaret Grace,who in the film wanted to travel in Paries but need his father”s permission .After all the father whose name in the film was Bryan agreed to sign the agreement but asked the daughter named Kim call him every day in Paris.

Not everything went well in the life in Paris ,however, a group of kidnapper kept their eyes on Kim and her partner att the second they arrived in Paris , and they kidnapped them two in an quiet afternoon .

Then Bryan came into our scene and somehow rescued his daughter and punished the bad man, eventually he went home with his daughter and introduced her daughter to a famous singer who was willing to teach her daughter songs .

Liam is a perfect actor and by his brilliant act the father’s figure is picturesque. Bryan is a strict father that he will do everything he can to protect his daughter ,even strictly limit his daughter’s life .But he is also a father with love and skill by which he can fight with bad man .Not only does he cares ,but he also knows how to care.

Which the film attracts me is the tense stroy line.Following the line we see a strict and lovely father .Even when write this article now ,I found it excited to revenge this story.
