


摘要:从90年代开始,国内汽车行业经历了二十几年高速发展的黄金时期,然而近些年随着汽车销量高速增长期的过去,汽车厂商产能过高,市场转变为买方市场,竞争越发激烈。汽车品牌特许经销的营销渠道模式成本过高,盈利困难。而同时期电子商务迎来移动互联时代,严重冲击各行业。购车的用户群体也越来越年轻化,年轻的群体热衷使用移动互联产品,热衷网上购物的便捷体验。如何抓住年轻群体的消费习惯,利用网上渠道扩大影响力和份额,探索开拓汽车电子商务的发展模式已成为重大发展课题。本文通过归纳电子商务和营销渠道理论基础,并查阅国内学者对汽车电子商务发展模式的研究,结合国内汽车电子商务的发展历程和特征,从宏观和微观层面分析D公司汽车电子商务和传统4S渠道的结合方式。运用Business Model Canvas商业模式画布对D公司当前汽车电子商务的市场竞争环境、渠道能力进行分析,提炼D公司开展汽车电子商务的价值定位,客户渠道,核心资源,重要合伙人等商务模式建立的要素。综合D公司自身状况,提出电子商务渠道一体化,即以4S店作为电子商务主体,整合经销商与电商业务,赋予经销商互联网业务经营职责,以此解决汽车电子商务发展与传统渠道的冲突问题。本文也对D公司和其渠道商的电子商务业务进行详细规划,对经销商渠道进行互联网化升级改造,同时汽车厂也进行互联网化升级工作,并建立相应的互联网工作管理和培训。电商业务设立迎合网络消费方式的线上营销策略,提出适合D公司及D公司渠道商共同发展汽车电子商务的营销发展策略。本文的研究希望对与D公司同类型,拥有大量传统4S经销渠道的汽车企业发展电子商务提供新的视角,突破渠道冲突障碍,提出了一种明确的汽车制造商电子商务发展模式。






Chapter I Introduction

1.1 Research background

1.2 Research significance

1.3 Research Methods

1.4 The structure of thesis

Chapter II Literature Review

2.1 Core concept

2.2 The e-commerce model of automobile

2.2.1 The definition and connotation of automobile e-commerce

2.2.2 The development level of automobile e-commerce

2.2.3 The participant role of automobile e-commerce

2.2.4 The development mode of automobile e-commerce

2.3 The conflicts between automobile e-commerce and traditional channels

2.3.1 The conflict types and reasons of automobile e-commerce and traditionalchannels

2.3.2 The conflict solutions of automobile e-commerce and traditional channels

2.3.3 The analysis of the conflicts between network marketing and traditionalchannels on the basis of game theory

2.3.4 The solutions of channel conflicts based on channel power

2.4 Business Model Canvas analytical method

Chapter III Case Analysis

3.1 Company Profile

3.1.1 Historical Evolution

3.1.2 Development and growth

3.1.3 Market shares

3.1.4 Future objectives and channel strategy

3.2 The channel of D company’s dealers

3.3 The data marketing and e-commerce business of D company

3.3.1 The introduction of the e-commerce business in D company

3.3.2 The development strategy of the e-commerce business in D company

3.3.3 The business model of the e-commerce in D company

3.3.4 The development of e-commerce business in D company

Chapter IV Case Analysis

4.1 The Analysis of PEST Environment in D Company

4.2 The analysis of BMC business model canvas

4.3 The analysis of the development mode of e-commerce business in D company

4.3.1 The problems of positioning the key part of e-commerce

4.3.2 The business model of e-commerce is not clear

Chapter V Solutions of the E-Commerce in D Company

5.1 The change of positioning the subject of e-commerce-the integration ofe-commerce and channels

5.2 The adjustment of the business model in e-commerce

5.2.1 New value proposition - Automobile Services in the era of mobileInternet

5.2.2 The adjustment of key business - personalized, convenient andtime-saving services

5.2.3 The implementation of core resources-the Internet in the entire businesschain is upgraded

5.2.4 Partner network relationships - new responsibilities and managementmethods of channels

Chapter VI Conclusion and the further research

6.1 The main conclusions

6.2 The further researches

