




中文名: 马丁·路德·金 外文名: Martin Luther King, Jr.

别名: 美国民权运动领袖

国籍: 美国

出生地: 美国亚特兰大

出生日期:1929.01.15逝世日期:1 968.04.04 职业: 牧师 毕业院校:波 士顿大学 信仰: 基督教 美国黑人民权运主要成就: 动

代表作品:《 我有一个梦想》


Reading Notes On “Martin Luther King”

We all know a famous speech “I have a dream” given by Martin Luther King, but I believe that most of us know little about him. In order to get more information about him, I read the book “Martin Luther King” and a legend and great life formed in my mind.

In January 15th, 1929. Martin Luther King was born in southern states of Atlanta, Georgia where white people thought they were superior to black people, so we can imagine how difficult for the Kings to itherre, but such condition live gave him a firm and persistent character and laid a fundamental in the rest of his life.

Also, we know that “Non-violent resistant” was come up with Gandhi who led the struggle for Indian independent from Britain by refusing to fight. Gandhi’s ideas appealed to King and healso believed a peaceful approach would be the best way to fight against racial discrimination ,so during his life time ,though he led many boycotts marches demonstrations ,such as the bus boycott to ask for equal ride right, sit-ins to ask for equal vote right and so on . They all took peaceful ways to fight for their legal rights. For these reasons, King was thrown into prison 16 times ,but every time he was set free, he continued his fight with even more energetic and confidenceFor his outstanding contribution to the peace, perceived The Nobel Peace Prize in December,1964. However, King was murdered in 1968. The word were shocked by his death, the then President Johnson order the American flag to be flown at half-mast, and the third Monday in January is now a national holiday in King’s memory.



当时美国正值战后经济发展的巅峰时期,强大的政治、军事力量使它坐上了“自由世界”盟主的交椅。然而,在美国国内,曾经在战争期间维护过民主事业的黑人却在经济和政治上受到歧视和压迫。面对丑恶、冷酷的现实,年仅17岁的金发现了自己真正的价值是“为上帝服务”,他矢志为社会平等与正义作一名牧师。1949年,他进入著名的克拉泽神学院学习两年,获得神学学士学位;尔后进入波士顿大学攻读宗教学和教理神学,获得神学博士学位。5年大学期间,他孜孜不倦地尽情遨游在人类知识的海洋中。他潜心研究过马克思的社会主义、列宁的共产主义、法国哲学家勒努维埃的人格主义、爱尔兰哲学家伯克利的道德理想主义。他阅读柏拉图、卢梭和托洛的著作,潜心钻研过尼采的“超人”哲学和甘地的“非暴力主义”。他并非简单地、机械地接受这些思想家的观念,而是把它们作为可以播种自己信念的沃土,逐步形成了自己独到的理论基础。 金认为,人人生而平等。不论男人女人、黑人白人、老人小孩和智者愚者,也不管人的爱好、资历和财产是否相同,都是人,是能够思维的人类大家庭中的一员,应该受到尊重。

金主张公正无私的爱、普遍的爱,爱一切人,甚至要爱敌人。“敌人不爱你,因为敌人不懂得什么是爱;我们爱敌人,是对一切人的救赎性的善良态度。” 信仰人的尊严和价值、基督教的普遍仁爱、甘地的不合作精神,构成了金的思想基础和行动准则。




















1、In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.


2、I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law.我提出:一个违反良心告诉他那是不公正法律的人,并且他愿意接受牢狱的刑罚,以唤起社会的良心认识到那是不正义的,实际上他表现了对法律的最高敬意。

3、The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.


4、a man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.


5、We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无限的。

6、In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.最终,我们记得的不是我们敌人的话语,而是我们朋友的沉默。


January 15, 1929, Martin Luther King was born in the US city of Atlanta, 501 Auburn Street, a small building of Victoria. His father was a pastor and his mother is a teacher. Where he learned how to postpone your love from the mother, sympathy and understanding of others;Learned from the father of bold, strong, candid and frank. Blacks living in th

Although the US post-war economy has developed rapidly, and strong political, military boarded it "free world" chief of Kau Yi. Blacks may have in the domestic economic and political discrimination and oppression. Faced with the ugly reality that is determined to achieve social equality and justice as a priest. He has enrolled in the Boston University Kelaze seminary and in 1955 received a doctorate of theology in Alabama, Montgomery City Baptist Church for a single Christian pastor.

December 1955, police authorities in violation of section Montgomery bus segregation ordinances seats on the grounds that the arrest of black women, Rosa Parkes. Gold was with several black activists organized "Montgomery municipal improvement associations" and called on the city of nearly 50,000 Ethiopian law and public companies as long as a year boycott, forcing the court to abolish local carriers seating segregation. This is the first time in the southern United States Ethiopian forces achieved their struggles to open a sustained the civil rights movement for more than 10 years prelude, and also makes payments into the civil rights movement leader Dr. training.

April 4, 1968, the ethnic elements were assassinated. The US government, from 1986 onwards, the annual January 3 Monday for Martin Luther King National Day.

