
















1 Reality

First of all,a differentiation between subjective reality and objective reality has to be made;that is,though a seeming paradox,there is a distinction between reality as perceived and reality itself.Within the theory of realism,this distinction is unnecessary,for both should by definition be harmonious.For literary impressionism,however,they are crucial,and some critics suggest that by this distinction,impressionism might be closer to reality than any other school of art.

To make the two forms of reality more vivid:a person,subject or situation is the reality itself,with specific sensory signals which will vary due to external factors such as fog,darkness,light,sound,or obstructions.In addition,inner factors of the receiving interpretive intelligence such as fears,dreams,fantasy or preoccupations influence the reality as perceived,that is to say,“reality is the synthesis of perceiver and perceived—each exists and creates meaning for the other”.(Stowell,32)The logic of realism depends on a consistent reliability of both interpretations and perception the logic of impressionism suggests that this correspondence is never certain and that the inscrutability and flux of life are its fundamental reality.Impressionistic fiction involves the constant interplay between experience and comprehension,the apprehension o life through the play of perception,qualified by the constant awareness that any description or presentation of reality is dependent upon the clarity with which it perceived.The impressionist writers can play with this phenomenon in that they choose the amount or intensity of those manipulating factors and thus can lead the direction of the novel between two poles.One is its extreme form,a photographic realism,that is an objective presentation that takes place without the interference of the instant of perception,that is to say before any inner factors or cognitive processes manipulate and interpret a meaning.At the opposite extreme of subjective impressionism,filtered through a narrator’s or receiver’s mind and its internal factors,is a form of psychological realism that re-narrated leads to stream-of-consciousness.Both extremes are not usually practiced solely;in fact,impressionist fiction achieves the best results when blending both.

2 Mediation between Sense and Perception

“Impressionism suggests that reality is ephemeral,evanescent,constantly shifting its meaning and hence continually defying precise definition.”(Nagal,22)The impressionist authors,like the impressionist painters,not merely represent the objects but use them to convey personal emotional reactions.On the other hand,the uncertainties of impressions,its apprehension difficulties and its stress in the relativity of points of view,create a constant interplay of varying perceptions of reality.As a result,the characters in impressionist fiction are constantly in a state of having to interpret the world around them and to distinguish the real from their own views of the characters who perceive only the limited,ambiguous,and ultimately unknowable surfaces of a reality of the senses.It is thus crucial to the reader to judge the character’s ability to comprehend and record reality.On the surface the reader depends on the narrator’s eye;the way he sees depends on his ability to interpret the world around him.The narrator might receive restricted,disordered,or ambiguous signals from the external world and be limited to perpetually tentative judgments.He may also reason quite logically from unreliable and incomplete data and arrive at an inaccurate formulation.At best,he might accumulate bits of data that ultimately coalesce into a unified generalization consistent with the sensations he has received,at which point he experiences a sudden movement of insight in a Joycean“epiphany”.Beyond the central truth-illusion theme,a number of important subordinate themes appear in impressionist fiction.One of these is the isolation that results from the individualistic nature of empirical limitations.Basically,in impressionism,each character lives alone,alienated from other characters,uncertain of reality.If a character is forced to an ethical choice,his awareness of the limitations of his knowledge forces him to a point of crisis and despair.An attentive reader can look beyond this at first apparently limited surface of the narrator’s mind by learning to judge the character’s inner stance;the reader understands the need to re-analyze,re-interpret and filter out the character’s influence.Thus,a more realistic image of the character’s world appears,and a multi-level fiction can be enjoyed.Impressionist writers usually very successfully play with those various levels of realism with and through the portrayal of the characters and their functions.

To impressionist writers,people seldom see their surroundings in a detached,accurate,scientific manner;there is always a tendency to humanize the facts of perception.Fog is not inherently dangerous,nor sunsets beautiful,but the emotional activity of the mind usually makes them seem so.An impressionistically described scene or experience will note the aspects which struck that particular observer;the choice may seem odd to someone else.To these writers,the best fictions are written with the fewest possible words rather than lengthy descriptions,they have generally agreed that it is by far more immediate to hear an event that to hear about it.The same accounts for the development of the characters.The focus is on episodes of isolated activity rather than lengthy patterns of coordinated events;characters are developed dramatically rather than through expository description.Thus it is particularly crucial to literary impressionism to choose the method carefully.Sensory perception necessarily implies a receiving intelligence,the identity of that intelligence can vary according to a variety of patterns within the impressionistic mode.

The stream-of-consciousness writing has an important but confusing relation with impressionism.Like impressionism,stream-of-consciousness attempts to show how the external world impinges upon an individual mind.Impressionism is one technique of stream-of-consciousness writing,but stream-of-consciousness writing is not necessarily impressionistic.Impressionism follows sensations only to the nerve-ends,while stream-of-consciousness writing follows them into the brain to see how they disturb the stream of thought and feeling.The closest parallel to stream-of-consciousness writing in paint would not be impressionism but those surrealistic works.

Ford Madox Ford was the first to apply the term“impressionism”to the style of writing he observed:

The main and perhaps most passionate tenant of impressionism was the suppression of the author from the pages of his books.H must not comment;he must not narrate;he must present his impressions of his imaginary affairs as if he had been present at them.(Ford,76)

He holds that the author must write his books as if he were rendering the impressions of a person present at a scene;he must remember that a person present at a scene does not see everything and is above all not able to remember immensely long passages of dialogue.Again,speaking of what he considers literary impressionism to be,and of Joseph Conrad in particular:”We saw that life did not narrate,but made impressions on our rains.We in turn,if we wished to produce on you an effect of life,must not narrate but render impressions.”(Ford,92)In his well-known preface to The Nigger of the Narcissus,Conrad states his opinion of what makes for effective writing:“Fiction─if it at all aspires to be art——appeals to temperament.And in truth it must be,like painting,like music,like all art,the appeal of one temperament to all the other innumerable temperaments whose subtle and resistless power endows passing events with their true meaning,and creates the moral,the emotional atmosphere of the place and time.Such an appeal to be effective must be an impression conveyed through the senses.”(Conrad,12)It is true in many impressionist fictions,the author’s presence would be against the impressionist idea;besides,creating a narrator opens a wide palette of images.According to the principle of immediacy,the impressionist authors through narrator are painting the pictures,which is more effective than a length description.The narrator’s shortcoming is underlined partly by comments on his personality,but mostly by the fact that a number of characters serve as narrators at times,seeing reality in different terms.So it is inconsistent with impressionism to have an omniscient author present.In order to show the narrator’s shortcomings,the impressionist authors sometimes use boxed stories where different characters serve as narrators.Such function is consistent with impressionism,such comments could describe the conditions that cause the other narrator of characters to perceive experience in a certain way,or provide a point of contrast,a superior perspective from which the character’s thoughts become ironic.The norm in impressionistic narrative devices is the creation of a narrative intelligence that is as restricted in interpretive power as any of the characters.The device is generally reserved for occasions in which the character has difficulty perceiving an event,is not present or in some other way is denied access to primary impressions.

3 Conclusion

As this analysis of impressionism has shown,the reality portrayed in impressionist fiction is matter of perception.The capturing of a subjective experience is most likely the most truthful picture possible and thus closest to reality.So impressionism is no simply a tendency in fiction,but a consequently carried concept o style and theme.




[1]Conrad,Joseph.Preface,The Nigger of the“Narcissus”[M].Lon don:J.M.Dent and Sons,Ltd.,1897.

[2]Ford,Madox Ford.On Impressionism[J].Poetry and Drama,1914(6):173.

[3]Kronegger,Maria Elisabeth.Literary Impressionism[M].New Ha ven:College and University Press,1973.

[4]Nagel,James.Stephen Crane and Literary Impressionism[M].Uni versity Park:Pennsylvania State University Press,1980.

[5]Peters,John G.Conrad and Impressionism[M].Cambridge Univer sity Press,2001.




















































