



本帖最后由 米粒 于 2012-8-8 20:47 编辑

















格式要让别人看起来舒服,比如用Times new roman字体, 小四字号,行距1.5倍,整体版面不要太花哨。字体不要太小,行距也要恰当,不然阅读者没有耐心看下去。













3.你印象最深刻的一件事情? 4.你最有成就感的一件事?

5.你经历最大的挫折是什么?如何度过的?有什么感想或收获? 6.你现在最想做的事情是什么?


8.你的老师是怎么样评价你的?朋友怎么样评价你的?家长怎么样评价你的? 9.你最重要的课外活动和社区活动是什么? 10.这个外国名校为什么要录取你? 11.你的职业目标是什么? 12.为什么申请这个专业留学? 13.你将能为这个外国名校带来什么?

14.你对现在所学专业或者将要学习的专业有什么样的认识和看法? ……












2.文章的开头和结尾是否真的吸引人?是否能给人留下深刻印象? 3.文章是否有明确的主题?所有内容是否围绕这个主题? 4.文章有详细细节支撑吗? 5.文章有语法错误吗? 6.我能写的再好一点吗?



个人陈述,(PERSONAL STATEMENT,以下简称PS)是申请美国,加拿大,英国等西方国家的大学/研究生录取时由申请人写的关于自我的一篇漫谈体文章。当然有的学校要求的文章题目不一定叫PERSONAL STATEMENT,如有的学校让你写出动机(Motivation)兴趣,经历等。由于在中国的升学体制中,基本上是唯分数论的,因此中国的申请人对这类文件的写作和思维方式不熟悉。而欧美大学录取学生,发放奖学金,是通过全面综合考察申请者的条件来决

定的。所谓留学文书,如PS,推荐信,RP(Research proposal),CV等是一套文件系统,用以向录取院校从各个角度展现您的求学动机,学术学习能力,工作和研究经历,结合一系列更“客观”,可量化的指标:如GRE,TOEFL,IELTS,GPA等构成您的全貌。留学文书在西方的文化背景下是申请入学(奖学金)的极为重要的组成部分。其中PS往往对您的申请是否成功起到很大的作用。笔者在为数百计的申请人进行留学文书的咨询和写作过程中发现,由于中西方教育体制的差异和网上各种良莠不齐的“范文“的误导,许多申请人的PS写作理念非常混乱,本文结合中国申请人文书写作的常见弊端,简述PS的写作要领。





许多人都一知半解地听说PS需要“独特个性”(unique),和“煽情”(Emotional),因此挖空心思地找自己的“独特“点和乱“煽情“,结果往往南辕北辙,许多中国申请人往往用大段篇幅写一些不相干的个性,在招生者眼中,这完全不着边际(make no sense)。必须明确,PS这样一篇短短数百字的文章是没有地方去说不相干的废话的。通过PS您必须让招生者知道您选择该专业的明确和强烈的动机,同时具备充分的条件完成该专业的学习。当然在这个基础上每个人都可以通过很独特而有个性的文字来表达自己。如笔者曾经修改过一份申请CS(计算机专业)的PS,原文用了数百字描述他如何开展班级工作的经历。笔者将其改为:我喜欢思考,如何让事物运转得更有效率。在大学期间我担任班级文艺委员职务。在工作初期,成员经常因为性格、工作方式各异产生矛盾。后来我根据每个人情况,让性格外向,善于与人交际的人做外联及工作将协调沟通的工作;让善于思考、思维活跃、勇于创新的人做各项工作的筹备及策划工作;让有远见、有凝聚力的人做整个工作的进度安排、及分配各项任务。这样安排的结果是系统发挥了最佳效率。既突出了个性,又紧扣申请CS专业应具有的严谨的系统思维能力这一重要素质体现了出来。


“Simple is the best”请记住,招生人员每天要读大量的申请资料,只有那种简单有力重点突出的的文章才能打动招生人员。留学文书其实是您个人的广告,您仔细想想,给您留下深刻印象的广告哪个不是简明而有力的?中国申请人往往倾向于把自己的优点不分主次全都告诉招生人员,导致的结果就是招生人员对您的整体印象的模糊。笔者认为,PS中什么都是重点,就等于没有重点。






但是我们在任何时候都不要忘了PersonalStatement 的本义。所谓Personal,顾名思义,就是要求申请者写出自己的个性或者是个人特色来。作为出国材料的重中之重,你的任务就是要通过这一信件反映出你的个性。

















目前我国很多申请者的写作常常是没有主题。正如我在前面所说,他们误以为写自述都应该是一个套路,即在第一段写自己的学习情况,第二段写自己的课外生活,第三段则写自己如何要为建设祖国奋斗云云,几个部分之间没有一个有机的联系。许多申请者把各个部分都用黑体字、大标题分开,这些标题也通常是那种令人哭笑不得的豪言壮语,而且千篇一律。常见的有Torise where you have fallen(在哪儿跌倒就在哪儿爬起),Believe inyourself.You can doit(相信你自己,你就有能力)。这都是国外幼儿园小孩的水平,青年知识分子不应该总是把这些口号抄来抄去,这种方法是不好的。当然也有分成小标题写的,能够获得全额奖学金,不是那么绝对。我个人更喜欢的写作方式是从头到尾有一个主题,一气呵成。



当然这一项并不是一定要求的。如果对这个学校没有进行过什么研究,那就不要写下面这段话,什么你们学校有一流的师资(mostseasoned faculty),有一流的设备(first classfacilities),有一切为学生服务的精神(catering to students’needs),还有你们很注重多元化(diversity)等等。所有的学校都声称有这些特点,因此你把这些对方印在介绍手册上的话再抄一遍,只不过是占用了篇幅而已。






Sample PS_ MPH

Personal Statement

Academic Program: Epidemiology M.P.H.“Get out of here and never come back!” Forcefully pushed out of the pub, I sat down against a nearby wall to scrub the dust off my shoes and regain my composure.My pride was wounded, not because of the way they treated me, but because they did not believe what I told them.It was the second time I had been forced out of this particular pub, a place for gay gathering.This is part of my research project “Health education model of preventing HIV/AIDS based on employer-employee relationships”, which I was working on.I believed that in order to effectively prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, employers, who are on the top of business pyramid, should be first in line to know the disease well, because they can leverage the sufficient resources necessary to exert great influence on the disease prevention within their enterprises.This approach fits the circumstances in China particularly well.In face of this frustration, I didn’t give up trying.Before the start of the project, the local center for disease control and prevention had already counted the fifth reported case of AIDS virus infection, who later acknowledged that he had once provided sex service in that club or dated his homosexual partner.The devastating consequences if no intervention would be taken obliged me to try other means.Working as a team, three friends joined my endeavor and we handed out brochures outside the pub that introduced HIV/AIDS preventive measures with the elaborately-designed slogan “We understand you by showing our care to you!” Eventually, our persistence had been well paid off.Our respect of their personal

choice melted the toughness of the owner of the club and he agreed to give a hand in sending the information to his employees and clients.点评1:前两段基本上都在讲自己为了宣传防艾滋遇到的困难,没有涉及到太深的专业领域,不是十分单刀直入,语句不是十分非常简练。但是,传达了具体MPH 专业方向,这一点值得赞扬。很多申请者因为研究经历太多样化而不能确定明确的方向。而,这篇PS一开始就确定了目标,这一点非常好。

My name is Yuan, Chen.I grew up in a Nanjing family, where my mother is a senior experimentalist at the Key Lab of Reproductive Medicine of Jiangsu Province.Because of her profession, our daily communication inevitably touched on health-related issues like health care, disease control and prevention.She showed me the importance of public health and its impact on all aspects of human well-being.I was so intrigued by what my mother had devoted her life to that I made up my mind to follow her footprint.My aspirations eventually led me to the School of Public Health at Nanjing Medical University.点评2:家庭因素在PS写作中永远是一个重要的切入点,这篇PS也不例外。

During my years of college study, I was recognized for my academic performance and awarded with scholarships multiple times.Driven by curiosity and a desire to enrich myself, I have come out top in my undergraduate class for four straight years.Absolutely, college study is not only a matter of getting perfect scores in the class, as I understand.Since my sophomore year, I began to work on research projects at the Key Lab of Modern Toxicology of Ministry of Education, which consists mainly of graduate students.I detected the effects of pyrethroids(permethrin, cypermethrin, fenvalerate)and their major metabolite 3-phenoxybenzoic acid on rat sperm motility in vitro with a computer-assisted sperm analysis(CASA)system and then published two papers in English.The research work proved to be especially rewarding.It provided an opportunity for me to apply what I had learned in the classroom so that I gained a deeper understanding of it.But it also armed me with strong computer skills and laboratory techniques.The direct impact of public health on our society makes it not only an academic subject, but also a social issue.Instilling a healthy life style concept in the community through promotion of healthy habits is as important as conducting research.Upon this comprehension, I took part in the Red Ribbon Peer Association of my university, an organization which aims to bring HIV/AIDS peer education to the public, and to help find treatment for those in need.AIDS is a very sensitive topic that people are very reluctant to publicly discuss in China, due to the innate conservatism of Chinese culture.Government also avoids talking about it by blaming lack of information.Gradually, the disease has become a forbidden zone full of controversy and misunderstanding in the public eye.People have either not heard about it, or just do not know what to do with it.Some are so scared of it that they do not want to have any physical contact with infected people.Even in the health care industry, many people do not have sufficient knowledge of it, according to our surveys.However, in sharp contrast to the public’s ignorance are the brutal facts that we can no longer turn a blind eye.It is estimated that in China, there are 740,000 people living with HIV/AIDS, and the number is still climbing rapidly year by year.Each year, nearly half of the new reported cases are under twenty-five.As a group highlighting this sensitive issue in the face of people’s traditional views, we met with much doubts, disbelief and resistance.Many people openly mocked and shunned us.“AIDS is a western disease.How can it appear here?” “I do not want to talk to AIDS patients because I do not want to be infected.” “How is it possible for AIDS to be transmitted between man and man?” “AIDS is an immoral disease, and as long as I do not have sex with people who are immoral, I will be safe.” Faced with such benightedness, we used real stories, persuasive data, and vivid pictures with scientific relevance to help our “students” understand the disease, and we encouraged those concerned with the issue to join our organization.Gradually, people started paying attention and we gained some credibility within some special groups.For one of our events, “Tell the truth”, we invited AIDS experts, patients, and health officials on the same stage, discussing the issue face to face with the pubic.This event gained so much attention after some high profile media reported it that inquiries about our project flooded our mail boxes from all over the country.During this windfall, we received funding support from businesses and government, helping raise our project to a new level.Subsequently, we spent our school breaks and vacations in holding exhibitions, hosting seminars, visiting communities, and conducting surveys.Undoubtedly, fighting against HIV/AIDS is an arduous task and the road is long due to the traits of the virus—its variability and immune suppression.But then, “even a journey of ten thousand miles is started with your first step”, as an old Chinese saying goes, and I volunteer to become even an inch of what builds up this first step.In recent years, China has made some progress on HIV/AIDS prevention and control, but a lack of advanced concepts and expertise poses a bottleneck problem

to major breakthroughs.This is the reason why I turn to developed countries like the United States.I am eager to receive systemic and more advanced training in epidemiology in USA and aspire to future leadership in public health in China.This has led my decision to apply for the Epidemiology M.P.H.program in the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan.Holding the belief that one’s ability is not limited by what he already knows but what he is willing to learn and do, I am ready to become more than just a professional in the field of public health, but in fact a professional leader.全文点评:这篇申请文书,最大的亮点是有明确的专业方向,整篇文章中不离不弃一直在探讨流行病-艾滋防御问题。此外,MPH 申请不少学校比较看重统计学背景,密西根根大学的MPH专业也不例外,本篇PS中没有提及一些数理统计方面的背景。从文章中得知,学生本科为药学。据了解,国内药学很多专业没有设置概率,统计,经济学的课程。如果没有这些课程背景的话,PS中应该稍加一些该方面的内容。

计算机专业个人陈述中英文范文(PS Sample)


在我考虑写这篇PS的时候我想到了很多,但在我准备动手写的时候确感觉无从入手,并不是想不出什么,而是我觉得我有太多的话要说,太多的事情要写了.当我即将面临人生的一个新的十字路口,我没有像别人那样犹豫不决,继续工作,考研,留学,我的目标只有一个-出国求学!I thought much before I began to write the PS.However, holding the pen, I suddenly felt wordless because I have too much to say, too much to write.Standing on the crossroad of life, I determined to study abroad without any hesitations.出国留学的想法并不是源于我对国外生活的向往,而是源于我对专业的追求,因为我对我所学习的专业具有的与众不同的兴趣.我向往着再能够更加深入的学习和掌握信息科学的内涵,体会她的魅力!凭借着一种懵懂的感性指引将我带进了信息科学的殿堂,在大学几年的学习过程中,逐渐认识到了当前的信息社会,不仅需要一系列方方面面懂得信息技术的人才,更需要我们对信息科学和技术做更深入的研究,将这个学科的技术应用到各个行业。而且,信息科学很明显是未来的趋势,它将颠覆性地 改变人们过去曾经熟悉的生活方式。在对这个专业的学习过程中,我感到了它的有趣、挑战、永远与最新技术保持同步,最重要的是让我觉得它非常有前景,为了她挥洒自己的青春是值得的。

It was not the desire for the life overseas, but the pursuit of my professional study that aroused my idea to study abroad.I was longing for the further study and embedded understanding of the essence of Information Science, tasting its charm.Pocketing this interest, I came into the department of Beijing Forestry University.Through several years’ study there, I gradually realized that the modern information society needed not only the professional talents in information science, but also the embedded researches in this field in order to use it into every enterprise.Meanwhile, it is certain that the information science is just the developing trend in the future, which could historically change the ever familiar life style.Therefore, in the process of learning, I can taste its interest and challenge, with which I can keep abreast with the latest technology.Furthermore, I think it was valuable for me to contribute my youth into the Information Science, the most prospective enterprise in the future.从我的成绩单上不难看出,在大学阶段,我专业课程的成绩属于一般。我并不擅长考试,更不懂得考试中所谓的技巧,我更看重实践操作和社会的真实需求.我期望学到了解到的是能够代表这个时代的知识和技术.当时我主要通过阅读和自学一些原版的专业书籍教程来获取最前沿的知识,通过浏览网上的科技动态和专业论坛来获得第一手信息,以及拓宽自己的视野。再就是积极参与知识的实际利用和验证。

My ordinary score on my school report will tell you that I am not good at examinations.Those so-called “examination skills” are also strange to me.Instead, I emphasize the practical operations and the real needs of the society, expecting to learn the knowledge and technology that stands at the top of the period.Therefore, I got the latest knowledge mainly by reading large amount of English books and browsing the websites.Besides, I participated in many practical activities, in which I could use what I have learnt into practice.大二的时候当我的同学还沉浸在网络游戏的迷幻世界里的时候,我利用业余时间给一家小公司的网站做兼职的技术员,。可当时从学校学到掌握的知识很难用于实际工作,于是我搜集整理了一系列网站维护方面的专业资料。后来通过自学我掌握了HTML语言和CSS设计.从这第一次尝试的经历我获得了很多的收获,但我认为最大的收获就是这个过程中我遇到的难题.在制作网站信息板块的过程中资料的吻合程度一直无法解决,我的倔强的性格让我在困难面前越来越兴奋.我利用所有可以利用的时间上网查资料,最终通过细致的分类和鉴别,将它们有效的整理了出来。

In my sophomore year, just as other schoolmates were submerging themselves into the fairy world of PC games, I began my part time working experience by working as a technician on the website of a small company.Just at that exciting time, I found that it was very difficult to use the theories I learnt on class into the practical work.Trapped in the gap between the school and society, I collected and summarized much practical professional files from a series of websites and learnt the HTML

language and the CSS design by myself.From the first attempt in the society, I realized that I got much from difficulties rather than smooth work.On designing the information part of the website, I could not find the perfect combination between the files.However, as a hard-nosed boy, I was not defeated by the difficulties, but very excited towards them.By classifying and summarizing the files I found on the websites, I finally solved the problem.通过我不懈的努力我在专业技术水平得到了老师的认可,终于通过一次偶然的机会我得到了一个参与开发项目的机会,并作为技术骨干协助老师进行linux下iptables的模块开发。从理论的角度来看这个模块开发可以算做操作系统理论,而我对编写系统模块并不是很熟悉,这又是一次挑战.我在一本介绍module programming的书里找到了关于编写系统模块的信息, 凭借我大胆的尝试,虽然失败了几次,但最终成功的实现了项目的最终目标,顺利的完成了!失败是成功之母,我一直坚信这一点!

Taking advantage of my insistent efforts, I was finally kissed by an opportunity to participate in a developing project, in which I worked as a core assistant of my teacher to develop the Iptables module under Linux.From a theoretical point of view, the development of the module could be included in the basic theories of the operating system.However, it was another challenge for me because I was not familiar with the programming of system module.Finally, I found the related knowledge on a book named “Module Programming”.Thanks to my repeated attempts, times of failures, at last, presented me with the final success.Through this practice, I believe firmly that failure is the access to the success.中国科学院是引领中国科学技术发展的先锋,从小我就渴望着有一天能成为其中的一员!大四的那个夏天我实现了我的这个梦想!通过老师的推荐我协助中科院自动化所的老师们开发一个基于生物特征认证的接口,虽然只有短短的两个星期,但我从中受益匪浅.通过与实验室专家教授的沟通, 以及在图书馆里查阅相关文献,我将整个BIOAPI的接口规范,类和数据结构的设计,以及对生物接口的理念进行了深入了解。最终利用C++编写除了初步的与该实验室应用上的接口.成功后的喜悦不言而喻.I had a dream when I was just a kid----becoming a member in Chinese Academy of Science, the pioneer of the science and technology in China.My senior year witnessed me to achieve my dream.Under the recommendation of my teacher, I got the opportunity to work with the professors in automation department of CAS on developing the interface based on the biometric authentication technology.Two weeks was a short time, but a harvest time for me.Through the exchange with the experts and professors and looking up large amount of books and related literatures in the library, my understanding on all the specifies BIOAPI interface, the design of the 类 and data

structure and the biometric interfaces had largely deepened.Seeing the final success, the sweetest smile in the world blossomed on my face.我刻苦学习,认真的工作态度得到了中科院老师的欣赏,当我在本科的最后阶段我被中科院的老师推荐到他们的软件所中文信息实验室进行毕业设计.我参与的是一个研究生的课题,中文博客搜索引擎。

My assiduity in study and careful working attitude won the appreciation of the professors in CAS.Therefore, at the last period of my undergraduate study, I was recommended by them to complete my graduation design by participating in a graduate subject of Chinese Blog Search Engine.做为assistant.在这个过程中我完成了对blog数据的抓取和存储,采用的有C语言,perl语言,mysql数据库。通过自学和向师兄请教又学到了很多的新技术和知识,最终完成了一个博客搜索引擎的框架。

As the assistant, I completed the access and storage of the Blog data by using C language and Perl database.With the help of my studying fellows, I finally designed a frame of the Blog Search Engine and learn many new technologies.当我完成了大学的学习后,我接受了新浪网工作的OFFER。在这里我主要负责操作系统的批量安装、软件包定制以及安全配置,以及线上设备的正常运行,各种软硬件故障的检测和恢复。同时负责各种突发事件的响应与及时处理。还负责将整个公司数千台服务器和网络设备等的配置信息进行精确维护。

After graduation, I accepted the offer of working on Sina website, where I was mainly responsible for the batch installation of operating system, tailor of the software package, the safety configuration, the smooth running of the equipments on line, the test and recovery of various hardware failures.Meanwhile, I was in charge of the immediate response and disposal of the accidents and the exact maintenance of thousands of servers in the whole company.在新浪做为系统工程师.在这里做的事情很多.有应用程序方面的、操作系统方面的、网络方面的,还有各种硬件方面的.采用的技术和理论也涉及以上各类.平时遇到的技术问题主要是通过自己的判断思考和实践,结合其他专业文献以及自己所学的专业知识加以解决。

As a system engineer in Sina website, there are a lot of things to do in the application process, operating system and network as well as in the hardware.We generally solve the problems by our own practical experience combining with the related professional literatures and the knowledge we have learnt.几年的工作经历给我最大的感受就是我清醒的认识到自己的不足,我现在的水平举例我的目标-成为专业领域的专家,相距甚远.我不能在坐在自己的成绩上幻想了,我要超越我自己,在技术方面我有着太多的缺陷需要弥补,我相信我现在需要深入细致的学习研究和找到一个良好的学术氛围。

Years of working experience made me realized clearly that it has still a long way to go to achieve my dream---becoming an expert in this field.I have to step out of the “flowers” coating me now for my achievements to the further study for the next station on the way of life.Therefore, I need a nutritious academic atmosphere.好奇心是学习新技术的必要条件,我具备这一条件。其次是善于钻研,善于自学,动手能力强。这些在我上学过程中和工作以后更是得到了充分的锻炼。我相信几年后当我站在下一个人生的十字路口的时候我将更自信.我对未来充满了期待!

It was my curiosity that pushed me onto the road of learning new technologies and it was my strong learning ability and capability that presented me with the current achievement.I believe that standing at the cross road of life after a few years further study, I will be more confident and stronger expectative for my future.加了一个更吸引人的开头.你不需要简单复述简历上的东西,比如I major in XXX in XXXuniversity.去掉了高中就感兴趣...,原文并没有说明为什么,改文第一段已说明.去掉了GPA,这个GPA已经不错了,而且在简历里也有。个人觉得没有必要解释什么。如果想强调GPA的高,还缺少证据。其实,PS最好是一个研究型的,完全没有必要把GPA, IBT, GRE等写进PS.对接下去两段,对研究不大懂。稍微调整了一下语句,基本没有改。对社会活动什么的,个人觉得在简历里出现就可以了。

结尾,由于是交换生,没有必要说明为什么要选那个学校,交换嘛,美的选。总体是更加简洁,更加“研究型”“学术型” Universityoffer.net 修改后PS:

Not far from my university, Lake XXX, which has been famous for thousands of years as the most beautiful lake in China, is facing the problem of eutrophication.A hundred kilometres north at the boarder of XXX Province, Lake XXX, the XXX largest in China, is experiencing the outbreak of blue algae.These are just two scenes that depict the deteriorated clash between economic and environmental concerns I witnessed over the last decade in China, which attracted me to the environmental engineering program in ChinaUniversity University and attracts me to the exchange program in environmental microbiology in USAUniversity.In ChinaUniversity University, I’ve built a strong background in biological science which helps me to understand the sewage biological treatment technology and biodegradation.In the Biochemistry course, I learned about the metabolism of sugar, protein, and fat acid, especially the ways of sugar degradation which are known as tricarboxylic acid circle, Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway, and hexose biphosphate glycolysis.In the Environmental Biology course, I learned about the microbiology degradation and bioremediation of certain organic pollutants.I also understood the biogeochemical cycle which plays an important role in learing management and use of water resource.Extensive experimental and practical skills are also valuable assets I obtained during my undergraduate study.In an open microbiology experiment design project, my group designed an experiment on luminescent bacteria toxicity.We tested toxicity of landfill leachate of the whole processing flow in regulating tank and sedimentation tank.In the 4th student research training program of ChinaUniversity University, I worked on a project in the determination of seasonal variation of detection of disinfection by-products in drinking water.During the training, we have applied headspace capillary gas chromatography to determine the trace DBPs(Disinfection By-products), especially the THMs.For the research of the variation of DBPs through time and space scales, we determined the sampling interval and regional distribution.In addition, we detected the DBPs in local beverages.The research training improved my expertise in experiment designing, literature reviewing and device operating.During my intern in the Environmental Monitoring Station of Hangzhou City.I used XXX技术 to XXX目的.This experience enhanced my comprehension of my major and improved my team-work ability and communication skills.With my solid academic background in environmental engineering, I am ready to take a further step to enrol in graduate study.I am most interested in the field of biodegradation of contaminants in water and soils.In USAUniversity, I would be able to take courses that improve my expertise in this field, such as Water and Waste Treatment Plant Design.I would also be able to involve in advanced research carried out in USAUniversity.The graduate study in USAUniversity would improve my ability in practical problem solving and would be a key step in my professional career.Civil Engineering personal statement

In a world that is continually growing and evolving and problems such as global warming and population growth becoming ever more real, the need for innovation and fresh ideas from the engineering world becomes increasingly evident.It is this that attracts me to civil engineering as a career because although I am aware of the many pressures and demands I would be facing, the sense of achievement and the knowledge that I would be making a difference to the lives of others would be of great personal reward to me!

My fascination for engineering started when I was young, and has only increased since then.I enjoyed playing video and computer games that required planning and strategy.I watched ‘Extreme Engineering’ when it first aired on the Discovery channel and today I have seen every episode up to season five and am waiting to see the sixth season.I have a game called ‘West Point Bridge designer’ that has taught me about the different properties of each type of bridge and allows me to experiment with different bridge designs as well as using different materials in the most cost effective way possible.Unfortunately for my parents, this fascination extended into reverse engineering as well and ranged from my toys as a child to unused household items and broken cars and motorcycles as an adolescent.This interest was then nurtured during my schooling and college years-at school learning about the history of art and how the smallest engineering discoveries led to the biggest architectural breakthroughs, for instance the impact that the arch, concrete and the dome had on Ancient Roman and proceeding architecture.In college I thoroughly enjoyed mathematics and physics particularly in the applied sections, and although my grades do not reflect this, a big portion of my gap year has already been spent on preparation towards of their improvement.As well as a lot of revision, my gap year so far has been a wealth of new experiences and challenges from things as silly as learning to juggle and ride a unicycle to teaching myself to play the keyboard and getting my motorcycle license.I also had a job as a general labourer working under the site manager on a building site where I worked alongside the tradesmen and occasionally the architect, thereby gaining valuable experience in keeping to the strict requirements of working to time schedules and regulations, planning, problem solving and keeping quality of work up and expenses down.Previous to that I worked at my local supermarket as a general assistant and was eventually promoted to a team leader.I was responsible for liaising with my managers and keeping them up to date with what was happening around the store and making sure my staff knew what was expected of them throughout their shifts as well as doing my own work around the store.This taught me how to deal with people in a variety of situations in a polite and professional manner while also greatly improving my communicational and social skills.Being born and raised in South Africa and having made the transition and adaptation to English culture and way of life with ease, I have no doubt I would adapt in much the same way to university life.Also I think it is important that I have witnessed the differences in infrastructure between developed and third world countries and their respective effects on the surrounding populations and feel I could use this knowledge to my advantage.I am a very active person and sport has always been a big part of my life.In high school I captained my cricket and rugby teams and was part of the swimming, tennis and athletics teams and represented my home province in cricket, athletics and surfing.Living over here I am a member of the local

cricket and rugby club;I take part in the occasional darts and pool tournaments and am a regular at the local health centre.All of this means I have a lot of experience in performing under pressure, pushing myself and working well as a team.By the end of my gap year I hope to have: fulfilled my travelling plans where I hope to go backpacking in Asia as I think it will be an awe-inspiring and eye opening experience;have learnt many more new skills and gained more relevant work experience;and hopefully begin a journey into becoming a part of the great and prolific industry of ingenuity and creativity that is the world of engineering.By the end of my gap year I hope to have: fulfilled my travelling plans where I hope to go backpacking in Asia as I think it will be an awe-inspiring and eye opening experience;have learnt many more new skills and gained more relevant work experience;and hopefully begin a journey into becoming a part of the great and prolific industry of ingenuity and creativity that is the world of engineering.“The Foolish Old Man Removing a Mountain” is an allegory known to virtually every Chinese.The story tells that in ancient times there was an old foolish man by the name of Yu Gong who was determined to remove the WangWu Mountain, a mountain that blocked him and his family from having access to the outside world, in an attempt to carve out a road leading to the outside world and hence create conditions for his posterity to achieve economic prosperity.The project was a Herculean task and, to make the matter worse, the old man was rather advanced in age.His neighbors all came to dissuade him from the endeavor.But the old man’s answer was that if he should die, his children and grandchildren could succeed him.The day would come when the mountain could be removed ultimately.Inconceivable as they are, modern versions of this allegory occur in the frequently impoverished mountain areas in present-day China.The mountain folks resort to primitive manual labor(hence inevitably involving casualties)and simple tools and usually spend many years, even more than a decade, to open up routes inch by inch in order to have access to the market outside the deep mountains to sell their farm produce, so that their descendants will no longer be confined to the kind of isolated and economically unprivileged life that they are living.As a student with a Master’s degree in Road & Railway Engineering, I can never maintain a tranquil state of mind whenever I read of stories of this kind.I tell myself that I have the obligation and responsibility to help halt this dire reality.For this reason, I am determined to seek a Ph.D.program in Communication & Transportation at your esteemed university, a program that will enable me to reward my country with my knowledge of the advanced transportation engineering technology in the world.Of course, I am soberly aware that to be accepted into your highly-respected program I will inevitably be faced with fierce competitions.Nevertheless, my sound academic background, rich work experience and the ability to undertake independent academic research all testify to my qualifications as a worthy candidate for your program.My choice for Industrial and Civil Airport Construction and Highway Airport Construction and Highway during my undergraduate program at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, XX University, seemed to have derived from my family tradition.My father has long been a construction engineer and my interest in civil engineering grew as I saw my father working on construction plans and drawings and picking up bits and pieces of civil engineering knowledge.My academic performance at XX University, which is a key university in the country, has been consistently characterized by top ranking, receiving Student of Excellence award for four consecutive years.My solid and comprehensive academic foundation and outstanding performance came to the attention of the renowned airport construction expert Prof.XXX, under whose direction I undertook my graduation project Design of an Airport Runway.In this project, I completed the overall design of a civil airport together with the airport’s roadnet.The roadnet design fully met the relevant national standards and the overall airport layout was rationally designed, leading to unanimously positive evaluation by the reviewing panel.My undergraduate program was immediately followed by a postgraduate program at XX University, into which I was enrolled in my capacity as the top performer in the entrance examination.On a fiercer lever of competition, I doubled my academic efforts and managed to be among the top five in my class, winning “Class-A”

scholarships.My active involvement in research also bore fruits.I published several research papers, including XX, in such central natural science journals as XX and XX.Entitled Study of the Low-Noise Mechanism of the Asphalt Pavement, my Master’s thesis focused on those issues: the mechanism of noise production of tyres, the parameters affecting the tyre’s noise, the noise-absorbing mechanism of asphalt pavement and the pavement configuration parameters affecting the low-noise asphalt pavement.The thesis offered in-depth analysis of the effective voidage of the asphalt pavement and the pavement thickness as major factors in reducing the noise production.The new subject as well as the unique perspectives of my thesis won positive comments from the reviewing panel who rated my work as “significant for the subsequent research on low-noise asphalt pavement”.My distinguished academic performance and research potential led to my employment with XX Province Expressway Co., Ltd.which made me responsible for the construction and management of the XX Expressway, a key national project.As a major technical specialist, I was in overall charge of drafting relevant tender documents of pavement,participating in the construction of the roadbed, bridge, and pavement, organizing the spot check of the raw materials for the asphalt pavement, holding meeting to discuss technical details of the asphalt pavement, launching technical trainings and field inspections, implementing the Superpave projects.The accumulation of rich and comprehensive experience in construction and management, and the problem-solving skills, and the ability to work effectively and efficiently, both independently and in teams, are the three most important results I have achieved.Over the past four years, I have been given the “Model Employee” honor in my work performance evaluation.An equally important component of my employment is my independent research work.Two more papers, Construction Craft and Quality Control of SMA and Application of Superpave in XX Kaiyang Expressway were published in XX(national core journal of highway transportation).Some experts believe my papers offer detailed elaboration on highway SMA and Superpave pavement, providing important reference for the construction of other expressway projects.While feeling proud for engaging in national-level projects, I have also gained an insider’s knowledge of China’s underdeveloped conditions of civil engineering in road and highway construction.The areas of study that I will focus in my proposed Ph.D.program are closely connected with those conditions—the methods of designing

asphalt mixture, predictive evaluation of asphalt pavement performance, quality control of asphalt pavement construction, and the regeneration technology of old asphalt pavement.I expect that through your program I will be extensively exposed to the latest theoretical and technical developments in the world academia and take up fruitful research.If your highly selective program accepts applicants with sound academic performance, rich work experience and promising research potential, I can assert, without any shame of arrogance, that I am exactly the candidate you are looking for.Civil engineering personal statement

I have always enjoyed and achieved highly in science and maths.I also appreciate problem solving and the feeling of achievement associated with the practical use of design and technology, which I studied to GCSE level.Throughout the course I worked with materials including plastics, woods, and metals and designed and built various items including a table lamp and a propagator for germinating seeds.I have been involved in various projects with my father, including erecting a pergola, a wooden shed and building a large brick shed at the bottom of the garden.I also constructed a wooden chicken coop to my own design.These projects have given

me an insight into dealing with building regulations and the need for planning, design and accurate measurement.I have gained experience in the use of building materials, taking both cost and physical properties into account.Studying civil engineering at university will provide me the opportunity to further study the areas of science, maths, design and technology that I enjoy, as well as to gain many other skills.Studying civil engineering will offer me a wide range of challenging and fulfilling career opportunities.I would like to apply for the foundation year, which after completion, will allow me to progress onto the civil engineering course.I am particularly interested in how civil engineering skills can be applied with maximum benefit to society whilst having minimum impact on the environment.I did two weeks work experience with a consultant paediatrician in-------Hospital in----------during the Easter holidays of 2008.I also did two weeks work experience with a general dental practitioner in----------------.Both of these experiences showed me the importance of communication skills, leadership and teamwork in the smooth running of an organisation.After further consideration, I realised that I would not be happy in the healthcare profession and instead was drawn more towards civil engineering, which I feel is closer to my interests.During the last two years, I have participated in the school’s community action group, which involved weekly visits to a retirement home in--------to organise a coffee morning for the elderly residents.We served tea and biscuits and provided company to those who attended.During the school’s activities week in June I helped out in classes at the-------School for children with special educational needs.Outside school, I did voluntary work at St.Anne’s Hospice charity shop on Saturday mornings.I have also received a certificate from Millennium Volunteers for completing 117 hours of voluntary work.In school I am a silver prefect and am involved in the running of the------society.I enjoy languages and am learning-------in my spare time.I attended a one month intensive------course in the summer holidays at the-----centre in-------.I have attended a twenty hour weekend course by I to I on teaching English as a foreign language arranged by my school.I am a keen gardener with an interest in permaculture.I grow fruit and vegetables in our back garden and also keep several hens.This has made us self sufficient in eggs and Jerusalem artichokes and gives a good crop of strawberries in the summer.


In my undergraduate program, I received education across two fields—a degree program in law at the Law School of XX University and a degree program in psychology at XX University. My rigorous academic trainings across those two fields have given me necessary qualifications for pursuing a more advanced program either in psychology or in law, endowing me with a unique advantage in interdisciplinary knowledge.

As far as I am concerned, law and psychology are reciprocal. They all pertain to human behavior. As a matter of fact, my thesis in law, entitled “ XXX “ explores juvenile delinquency by examining the complicated psychological factors of the younger generation of China in family, school and neighborhood settings. However, there are essential differences between them. In terms of the causal relationships of human behavior, law is primarily concerned with the treatment of the consequences of human behavior while psychology probes into the motivations that cause people to act as they do. In the framework of human relations, law aims at orderly and well-regulated social relationship while psychology, with its interventions into the process of human development, seeks to facilitate the healthy development of the individuals.

While law and psychology are both indispensable to the proper functioning of our society, when it comes to making a choice between those two fields in which to pursue a graduate program, I decide to opt for a program in Developmental Psychology. My decision is motivated by the fact that law can only deal with the aftermath of human behavior whereas psychology can provide preventive measures against possible negative human behavior. Child & adolescent psychology, a field I am interested in, may facilitate the development of healthy personality structure that may enable children and adolescents interact with the society in a harmonious manner.

I have received sound academic trainings that a student of psychology can expect in China, excelling particularly in Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology and other core courses, all of which have imparted to me the necessary theoretical knowledge. My 87/100 GPA in Psychology has made me the top student in my class and the winner of a series of the university’s top-level scholarships. As an undergraduate, I have attempted at some tentative research by submitting essays and research papers to provincial-level and university-level journals (please refer to my Resume). In performing those researches, I find that I have benefited considerably from my solid mathematics foundation and the related methodology—my score for the Advanced Mathematics course is 98/100 while the SPSS was nearly full mark. I have mastered important statistical and quantitative methods, computer programming and LISREL with much facility and I excel in designing experiments and preparing questionnaires.

I started to perform formal academic research at the Developmental Psychology Lab in XX University two years by working as a research assistant to Prof. XX, a leading Chinese scholar on social development in childhood and adolescence and peer relations. By focusing on the peer relations, social cognition, social self-concept, attributions, and past social experiences, I completed a full-length research paper XX, which became a poster presentation at the XX. My research indicates that in addition to maintaining an appropriate level of social self-concept and optimistic attributional style, it is essentially worthwhile to emphasize another two strategies to improve the positive peer nominations: to pay special attention to the attributions to negative events of the life, and to attribute social popularity or success to some stable causes. Based on my distinguished academic performance, I attended the XX and the XX.

Off campus, I have worked as a social worker offering psychological consulting for the “No Worry Teenagers” column for the authoritative journal XX, dealing with the problems concerning interpersonal relations and social cognition of adolescents and young adults. This experience allowed me to gain insight into many important aspects of the mental lives of this group of people beyond the mere statistical data. However, it is a regret that my knowledge is insufficient to offer adequate consulting service to my audience of such diverse backgrounds. This fact reveals to me the need to undertake more advanced studies to improve my professional competence.

I am strongly interested in the developmental psychology of adolescents because by helping adolescents build up a healthy psychology that may enable them to successfully integrate into the competitive world of adults, hence fewer social problems could be created. In my proposed program, I would like to concentrate on the following subjects: social cognitive and social-emotional development in childhood and adolescence; peer relations and family relations and their influence on development; resilience in high risk settings; development of self-esteem; gender differences and similarities, and research methods. The University of XX’s graduate education is very strong in those fields. Your faculty consists of distinguished professors who come from leading universities and have made important research achievements. Your program offers students a total of 14 labs, among which Multiple Identities and Interpersonal Interactions Lab is most relevant to my study. I expect that your Ph.D. program can give me instruction in the fundamental theories and knowledge of developmental psychology and also give me rigorous training in planning, conducting and evaluating research. I would like to identify Prof.XX as my potential advisor, whose research interests covers a wide spectrum, including most of the fields I am interested in.






本研究选取中国社会交际心理作为理论框架,具体来说,我们依照Bond (1991)提出的“高语境”交际原则,Hofstede (1980)提出的“尊卑分明”交际原则及Hall (1976)对“情感交际”做出的解释对具有中国特色的个人陈述语篇的写作特点进行社会心理层面上的解释。我们将采用体裁分析的方法,运用Bhatia (1993)和Swales (1990)提出的图式结构(schematic structure)模型,对收集到的个人陈述语篇进行分析。





1. 层层剥笋。


2. 以情感人。



由上文得出的有中国特色的个人陈述写作的两个写作特点,我们不禁提出这样的问题:为什么中国大学生会不约而同的频繁使用这样的写作策略呢?实际上,在对比修辞学领域,前人做的研究已经证明了中国人习惯运用绕弯子的写法陈述自己的写作目的。但是在这个领域里的对中国特色写作方法的研究局限在对文本本身的解释,因此大部分研究把此特色归结为受八股文的影响,在文化层面的解释较少。因此本文从中国社会交际心理层面对具有该特色的写作方法进行解释。通过采访及小组讨论得到的对运用中国特色写作方法的社会心理原因,我们首先归纳出中国人习惯让读者揣测文章的写作意图这一心理。Bond (1991)认为,汉语交际中,交际双方对话语的理解更多的依赖语境,而不是明示。所以我们认为在写作方式上,中国人也习惯性的运用大量铺垫,间接指明意图,让读者去推测其中的含义。其次,很多被访者提到中国人在口头或书面交际中都会“绕弯子”。在这种交际心理的影响下,写作手段也趋向于含蓄,写作意图也是在做了大量铺垫之后,被放在文章结尾。再次,被访人还提到中国人在交际中重情感交流,期待对方的情感反馈。在中国,成功的交际都是基于双方情感交流同步,关系融洽的基础上的。也正因为如此,我们才能解释了中国学生大量运用个人故事和场景回顾作为例证的写作方法。只有通过这种叙述方式,才能让读者最大程度上得到有关作者成长的信息,并赋予足够的感情去体会、欣赏作者所获的成绩。



[1]祁寿华.西方写作理论、教学与实践[M].上海:上海外语教学出版社, 2000.

[2]Bhatia, V.K.Analyzing Genre:Language Use in Professional Set-tings[M].New York:Longman, 1993.

[3]Bond, M.H.Chinese values and health:a cultural-level exami-nation[J].Psychology and Health, 1991, (5) :137-52.

[4]Gao, G., S.Ting-Toomey, &W.B.Gudykunst.Chinese commu-nication process[A].In M.H.Bond (ed.) , The Handbook of Chinese Psychology[C].Hong Kong:Oxford University Press, 1996.

[5]Hall, E.T.Beyond Culture[M].New York:Doubleday, 1976.

[6]Hofstede, G.Culture’s Consequences:International Differences in Work-Related Values].Berverly Hill, CA:Sage, 1980.

[7]Kaplan, R.B.Cultural thought patterns in inter-cultural educa-tion[J].Language Learning, 1966, (16) :38-54.




个人陈述(Personal Statement),是申请西方国家的本科或研究生时,需要提交的一种介绍自我的漫谈体文章。个人陈述在整个申请材料的准备中占据了举足轻重的地位。在某些学校,个人陈述甚至已经代替了面试,成为了评价学生综合素质的关键环节。近年来,随着国内申请出国留学的人数与日俱增,个人文书写作指导也成为了一个新兴的教学领域。本文将从评价意义角度出发,比较个人陈述语篇的价值观与其评价意义的异同,以及在这过程中评价系统如何转换,为相关领域的教学从业者提供一定参考。


评价系统(The Appraisal Systems) 是系统功能语言学在对人际意义的研究中发展起来的新的词汇—语法框架,主要关注用于协调社会关系的语言资源和态度的表达(Thompson, 2008:F17) 。Thompson认为,评价意义“是所有语篇意义的核心,因此,凡是对语篇的人际功能进行分析都不可忽视它”。

总的来说,评价系统包括三大子系统:态度系统、介入系统和分级系统。态度系统是评价系统的核心。因为个人陈述这一体裁偏重陈述个人的经历和观点,态度系统也是本文分析中主要考察的维度。Martin (2000) 认为,态度系统可分为三种基本类型: (1)情感; (2)判断; (3)鉴赏。而在个人文书的写作过程中,这一评价类型,在中文与外文之间是相互对应的关系。

换句话说,评价(appraisal)可以简单地被定义为说话者对事情好坏的看法。对同样的事情,不同的群体有不同的评价标度。通过对评价意义的分析,可以看到不同的语篇类型有不同的评价标度,以及不同的评价标度所反映的不同的文化群体有不同的价值观(张美芳 2002) 。在本文中,它对于我们分析语言应如何在不同文化体系之间转换,十分具有借鉴意义。







以上三种类型各有特色,我们在指导学生进行个人陈述 “立意”时,应充分考虑学生自身的特点,结合目标院校和专业的需求,来进行选择。这样才可以有的放矢,更好地提供个性化教学








Someone may argue they are awkward and old-fashioned, but I consider the rhythm between lines as something extraordinarily attractive.






Though trembling with cold, I stiffened my neck, stretching my eyes over the ocean of people to see the speaker, while being determined to be as knowledgeable as him.

综上所述,正如某国外院校招生官所言,“Simple is the best.” 在指导学生进行个人陈述写作時,我们应该注意到,紧扣主题、简洁有力、重点突出的文章才是最能打动招生人员的材料。除了找寻合适的立意,审好题以外,更需要我们指导学生斟词酌句,通过个人陈述传达积极的评价意义。



Personal Statement

My interest in finance can be initially traced back to the bestseller entitled Rich Dad, Poor Dad written by Kiyosaki Robert T.and Lechter Sharon L..Though a ten-year-old boy at that time, I was much fascinated with the economic knowledge conveyed in simple expressions of the book which I read for several times and shared the cases in it with my friends.My motivation to explore the financial world also benefits from my parents both of whom have achieved higher education in finance and engaged in the relevant fields.Having received a rigorous academic training for my past undergraduate study in Renmin University of China, I’m eager to educate myself on an international scale.Finance appeals to me by its extensive and profound nature.As far as I’m concerned, the relationship between finance and economy is akin to that between blood and body.Just as the physical conditions can be reflected from the circulation of blood according to the Chinese medicine, the economic operation of a country can be judged from its financial status, funds flow, etc.My exposures to the professional courses of Money and Banking, Corporate Financing, Macro/Micro Economics, Econometrics, International Finance, and Insurance as well as the mathematical courses such as Mathematical Analysis, Advanced Algebra, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics have enabled me to lay a solid academic foundation of finance.Meanwhile, bearing in mind sound interpersonal skills and hands-on ability are the basic personal qualities required of a successful financial person, I availed myself of various opportunities to undertake practices.I began to invest in the stock market in 2007.In face of the frustrations at the outset, I audited all the courses of security analysis and investment on campus, read a lot of financial magazines and newspapers and consulted some professors and my parents.I was uplifted during such a process, not only in money making, but also in grasping the principles and regulations behind the stock market.I value my experiences in conducting research programs which acted as bridges linking my theoretical knowledge with the larger world where it would be applied.More importantly, I got much enlightenment and inspiration from making presentations, like my presentations regarding the comparison and analysis of appreciations of Yuan and Yen along with the cases of insurances.In these presentations, I tried to arrive at flexible and comprehensive command of complicated knowledge.Besides, I derived self-confidence and sense of joy in immersing myself in the fields where my interests genuinely lay.My other unique assets are attributed to my internships in different units where finance invariably plays an important role.When I worked in China Foreign Exchange and Trade Centre, I gained a full understanding of the trading systems of commercial banks and raised my own proposals which were soon adopted about their function setting.Meanwhile, I found a trader’s work busy but interesting, which allowed me to see my own strength and weakness gauged with the professionals.I had my professional skills and teamwork spirit honed during my internship in People’s Bank of China where I learned about the functions of the central bank and my prominent performance won recognition from the persons in charge there.Furthermore, my on-the-spot investigations in a goal

Applicant for Finance Program from Renmin University of China


Personal Statement

Program: Mass Communication

“If a nation can be compared to a large vessel at sea, then the journalists are its watch-keepers who timely report the treacherous shoals and hidden dangers to ensure the safe journey of the vessel.” This celebrated and thought-provocative motto by Joseph Pulitzer gives a most vivid and profound elucidation of the crucial role that journalists can play in contemporary social life. Regarding the role of the watch-keeper, I have my own understanding. The career of being a journalist entails “thinking allowed and thinking aloud.” He or she should, first of all, be an active, sensitive participant of social life and demonstrate independent and critical insights. Apart from such qualities as courage, social conscience, objectivity, enthusiasm and discretion, a journalist must have deep concerns for the destiny of his/her nation and the welfare of its people.

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