



Ⅰ教具 录音机,投影仪、一张加拿大地图


1. 检查生词及短语。

2. 教师展示准备好的加拿大地图,通过以下提问导入正课:If we

are to learn something about a country ,what do you want to know?

板书学生所提出话题。Possible topics:Size ; Population; Location; Language; History; Capital; Weather; Industry and agriculture; Education; Medical care

OK.Today we’ll learn something about Canada.What do you already know about this country?Is there anybody in out class who has ever been to Canada before?If none of you have ever been to this country before,do you want to go there sometime in the future?Why?


3.准备阅读课文。教师给出读前提问:1)What is the population of Canada?2)Is there plenty of fresh water in Canada?How do you know?


Key:1)The population of Canada is about 29 million.

2)Yes,Canada has one third of the world’s supply of water. Because there are five great lakes in the south ,and there are many others , especially in the north.



1)Canada is the largest country in the world.2)Canada covers 6 of the world’s 24 time areas.3)Both French and English are spoken in Canada.4)Settlers from France reached Canada earlier than those from England .5)English and French settlers fought against each other for a long time because they spoke different languages.6)The passage seems to suggest that if you speak only English in the province where French is spoken, you’ll have no trouble in talking with others .7)One third of the world’s water supply is found in Canada.

Key:1)False.(Canada is the second largest country in the world.) 2)True. 3)True. 4)False. (Settlers from France reached Canada in 1543 while the settlers from England reached Canada in 1497) 5)False. (They fought against each other in order to control the country). 6)False. (since there are French restaurants and all the teaching in schools is done in French there,you might have met with some trouble there if you speak English only.) 7)False.(Canada has got one third of the world’s supply of fresh water.)



Ⅰ教具 录音机 ,投影仪


1. 检查生词及短语。

2. 教师通过以下步骤导入本课

向学生提出下列问题:I’m sure you all know the story entitled

“The necklace”.Now read the play fast and find out how many people there are in the play and who they are.

数分钟后继续提问:Yes, you are right. There are three main characters in the play.Now please find out the relationship between the three people.


3. 根据本课内容,教师再提出一些问题,检查学生的理解程度。

1) When did the story happen?

2) Why do you think Jeanne could not recognize her old

friend Mathilde while Mathilde easily recognized her?

3) What made Jeanne think that Mathilde was ill?

4)When Mathilde mentioned the necklace,why do you think Jeanne was very much surprised?

5)Why did Pierre say it was wonderful news that they were invited to the ball at the palace ?

6)When Pierre said that he was the only person in his office to be invited ,what kind of feeling did he have?

7)Why didn’t Mathilde want to wear a flower for the ball?

8)What decision did they make finally?


4. 再放录音,学生跟读。将学生分为三人一组,分角色练习本剧的上半部分。

5. 讨论题(用投影仪打出):Why do you think Pierre and his wife considered the ball very important?In what way was it important to them?

6. 布置作业1)分角色练习本剧的上半部分;2)预习第70题;



《普通高中英语课程标准》对学生的阅读能力提出了如下的要求:“抓住要点, 获取主要信息, 理解文章内涵, 从上下文猜测不熟悉的语言现象, 分析作者的观点、态度、意图;读懂图表和说明书等, 并提出了注重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力。”在本节课教学中, 我运用关注、归纳、操练、综合运用四个步骤来培养学生综合运用语言的能力。


1. 用问题激发学生的学习兴趣

我通过PPT的形式, 展示出关于亚运会的问题:

A.When were the first Asian Games held?Where?

B.How many countries have hosted Asian Games?

C.When and where will the next Asian Games be held?

D.Are there Winter Asian Games?When were last Asian Games held?Where?

E.How often are Asian Games held?

F.Did China ever host Asian Games?When and where?

G.What need to be built to host the Asian Games?

H.How many volunteers are there in Guangzhou Asian Games?

I.What is the motto of Guangzhou Asian Games?

通过这一步骤, 学生关注到一些与描述运动赛事相关的词汇, 并为最后的输出打下数据信息的基础。这一步也是学生获取信息的过程, 使学生理解到本堂课即将探讨的话题。

2. 利用表达的需求激活已有的知识

我对课文加以改编, 将课文中的采访形式改编为一篇说明文, 介绍奥运会并以七选五的形式呈献在学案上, 以加强学生对课文内容的认识。这一步骤既提高了学生的阅读能力, 又训练了学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。

3. 聚焦目标, 温故学新

我请学生和自己的同桌交换手中的阅读材料, 即让同桌阅读另一篇不同的材料, 在各自阅读完交换材料后, 两个人为一组, 找出各个段落中在两篇阅读材料中都出现的词块。之所以找词块而不是单词, 目的就是让学生们对词的用法有更好的掌握。这一步骤训练了学生们处理信息的能力, 并且帮助他们归纳出了课堂输出所需的关键知识点。

4. 联系感悟, 内化扩展

我请学生结合学案上或者PPT上展示的归纳词汇, 复述学案阅读, 即通过归纳词汇, 介绍学案上的奥运会。在一名学生复述的时候, 另一名学生可以提示一些数据信息。教师设计这一活动的目的就是让学生操练内化相关词汇, 熟悉词汇的用法。由于时间关系, 各个小组中只有一名学生复述了阅读材料, 另一名学生仅仅是听, 或者给同桌提示数据信息。这一步骤训练学生们分析问题、解决问题的能力, 并且操练课堂输出所需要的知识点。

5. 整合知识、经验、见解, 完成任务

学生应用归纳、复述中的词汇, 结合板书中关于亚运会的信息, 介绍亚运会。在课堂实践过程中, 我发现了两个问题。一是由于时间受限, 大部分学生不能在下课之前完成文章, 从而导致展示的时候匆忙, 也没有做评价。二是针对基础薄弱学生的练习, 没有降低到学生所需要的程度, 这些学生在翻译时仍然感觉无从下手。这一步骤进一步训练学生分析问题、解决问题的能力, 并且让学生通过综合训练输出本节课所学的知识内容。


针对班级内的大多数学生, 本节课只能说部分达到预设目的, 还有许多地方需要钻研、改进。首先, 在第一步中, 提问关于广州亚运会知识的时候, 全体学生都能很好地集中注意力于这一话题, 并形成良好的学习氛围, 希望能够用自己所学过的语言描述亚运会。其次, 在第二步请学生做七选五试题的过程中, 学生虽然首次接触这样的试题, 由于所选五个句子都是各段的主题句, 80%以上的学生基本能顺利完成任务。再次, 在第三步骤, 请学生总结归纳词块时, 班级70%以上的学生能够很好地做出归纳, 这归功于学生平时良好的学习习惯, 但另约30%的学生由于没有良好的学习习惯, 主动性稍差, 没能顺利完成任务。在第四阶段学生复述各自材料的体育赛事时, 由于时间有限, 不是所有学生都完整地复述了整个赛事, 学生们的能力得到一定的训练, 为最后一步打下基础, 但还不全面。最后, 在综合运用输出过程中, 只有大约20%基础优秀的学生在有限的时间内充分完成了任务, 其余学生由于受时间限制, 需要在课下时间完成任务。


1. 课堂的各个环节都是为教学目的服务

本节课, 我所设计的各个环节的目的都是让学生最终能够有效地输出展示。

2. 阅读课中生词的处理

学生在阅读文章的时候难免会遇到生词, 包括在阅读母语文章时也是这样, 但这并不一定就会在很大程度上影响学生对文章的理解, 因为在很多情况下, 学生可以通过上下文来辨析出生词的含义。

3. 阅读题中七选五如何挖空

本篇文章, 我在七选五挖空的时候, 挖的都是各段的主题句, 这样针对高一的学生, 降低了题型的难度, 同时, 让学生们对篇章、段落的结构一目了然。

4. 如何让课堂有效带动基础薄弱的学生

当课堂中学生的水平参差不齐, 或者有较大差距的时候, 教师通常要照顾到绝大多数学生, 从而会削弱基础薄弱学生的学习兴趣。教师应当分层次教学, 尽量做到使优秀生吃好, 中等生吃饱, 后进生吃到。


Mr Peter Johnson, aged twenty-three, battled for half an hour to escape from his trapped car yesterday when it landed upside down in three feet of water. Mr Johnson took the only escape route—through the boot (行李箱).

Mr Johnson’s car had finished up in a ditch (沟渠) at Romney Marsin, Kent after skidding on ice and hitting a bank. “Fortunately, the water began to come in only slowly,” Mr Johnson said. “I couldn’t force the doors because they were jammed against the walls of the ditch and dared not open the windows because I knew water would come flooding in.”

Mr Johnson, a sweet salesman of Sitting Home, Kent, first tried to attract the attention of other motorists by sounding the horn and hammering on the roof and boot. Then he began his struggle to escape.

Later he said, “It was really a half penny that saved my life. It was the only coin I had in my pocket and I used it to unscrew (拧开) the back seat to get into the boot. I hammered desperately with a hammer trying to make someone hear, but no help came.”

It took ten minutes to unscrew the seat, and a further five minutes to clear the sweet samples from the boot. Then Mr Johnson found a wrench and began to work on the boot lock. Fifteen minutes passed by. “It was the only chance I had. Finally it gave, but as soon as I moved the boot lid, the water and mud poured in. I forced the lid down into the mud and climbed out as the car filled up.”

His hands and arms cut and bruised, Mr Johnson got to Beckett Farm nearby, where he was looked after by the farmer’s wife, Mrs Lucy Bates. Huddled in a blanket, he said, “That thirty minutes seemed like hours.” Only the tips of the car wheels were visible, police said last night. The vehicle had sunk into two feet of mud at the bottom of the ditch.

1. Which of the following objects is the most important to Mr Johnson in the story?

A. The hammer. B. The screw.

C. The coin. D. The horn.

2. “Finally it gave” (Para. 5) means that .

A. Luckily the door was torn away in the end

B. At last the wrench went broken

C. The chance was lost at the last minute

D. The lock came open after all his efforts

3. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Mr Johnson’s car stood on its boot as it fell down.

B. Mr Johnson’s car accident was partly due to the icy road.

C. Mr Johnson could not escape from the door because it was full of sweet jam.


D. Mr Johnson struggled in the pouring mud as he unscrewed the back seat.

4. What is the best title for this newspaper article?

A. The Story of Mr Johnson, a Sweet Salesman

B. Driver Escapes Through Car Boot

C. Car Boot Can Serve as the Best Escape Route

D. The Driver Survived a Terrible Accident


Every Christmas the giant tree in New York’s Rockfeller Centre sparkles with thousands of lights. From the beginning, when the building workers raised the first one during the year of Depression, it has been a symbol of hope. Daina Abad, like most New Yorkers, loved that tree.

In 2010, however, Diana was writing her will. The 33-year-old, from Staten Island, had been diagnosed with leukemia (白血病). Doctors said that she had nine months to live.

Her once chance for survival lay in finding a bone marrow donor. The most likely source for a match was a relative—but her family was tested and there was none.

Then, in February 2011, Diana got a call from the hospital, saying that out of four million people enrolled in the National Marrow Donor Registry, there was one match. The potential donor was talking about it. In March the donor agreed and the transplant was scheduled for March 27.

On that day, a doctor came in with marrow. Diana remembers him saying, “If it doesn’t graft within four to six hours, nothing will bring you back.” Diana asked a priest (牧师) to give her the last rites. Almost immediately after the two-hour procedure, she felt stronger. It looks like the graft had taken.

Donors are anonymous (匿名的), but when she was better, Diana sent a note through Registry. “You do not know the joy that I am experiencing,” she wrote. “I hope that one day we can meet and I can thank you in person.” Then, unannounced, he turned up on her doorstep on December 23. She says it was love at first sight. He says he didn’t feel it until the second time.

The meeting began a long-distance romance that reached the highest point under the Christmas tree in the Rockefeller Centre in December 2012. That’s where David proposed to Diana. She said yes.

5. Diana loves the giant tree in New York’s Rockfeller Centre because .

A. Diana agreed to marry David under that tree

B. they started their long-time romance under that tree

C. the tree sparkles with thousands of lights

D. the tree was raised during the year of Depression

6. Diana got the right marrow .


A. from her family members

B. from one donor out of four million people

C. immediately after she was diagnosed leukemia

D. on her 33 birthday

7. According to the doctor’s saying in the fifth paragraph, what will happen if the marrow doesn’t grow well in four to six hours?

A. A priest will give her the last rites

B. No one will take Diana home

C. Diana will get nothing

D. Diana will die

8. Which description is CORRECT according to the passage?

A. Diana wanted to say thanks to the donor face to face.

B. David went to see Diana after writing him a letter.

C. Diana and David fell in love at the first sight.

D. David did not feel better after two hours’ procedure.


If you are thinking of picking up some Chinese during your stay in the Middle Kingdom, there’s one character you will definitely want to know. 囧, which first appeared on oracle bones about 3,000 years ago, has become one of the most frequently used icons by the Chinese Internet community.

The character has gained iconic status and has come to mean “sad and frustrated”, as it resembles a frowning face. The symbol, whose original meaning is “bright”, has attracted a lot of online buzz with its new Net definition.

This new meaning has found wide-ranging use in expressions such as, “I was terribly 囧 to find myself in the same elevator as my boss after I had complained to him about a colleague”, or “It’s really 囧 that I was in such a hurry that I threw my handbag instead of the garbage bag into the trash can”.

This character has also given birth to a great many expressions appropriate for a variety of social situations. Bloggers are using it in their blog names, such as 囧 Pig. More than 500 囧 BBS were born overnight, such as “囧 Village” on baidu.com. And some Net users have even built an official website for 囧, such as “囧 Everyday” on Youku (a hot video sharing site), which hosts a daily humorous video on the emerging 囧 culture.

A recent report about Ig Nobel—a parody of the Nobel Prizes by the scientific humor magazine, Annals of Improbable Research—in a Beijing-based newspaper even used 囧 Science as a headline to describe quirky research on such questions as, does drinking coca cola kill sperm and why do people pick their nose. A cartoon of a robot carrying test tubes and wearing a 囧 face, won over many readers.

But despite its popularity, 90 percent of Chinese can’t pronounce this character, according to an online survey. It is believed 囧 is inspired by the shape of a window and the fact that a window lets in light and hence, brightness. No one is sure how this ancient character has come alive to gain increasing popularity in today’s life.




2教师给出读前提问:1)Go over the passage quickly and find out some American English words and expressions. 2) Which differences are greater, the differences in the spoken language or the differences in the written language?


Key: 1)略; 2) The differences In the spoken language are greater between the American English and the British English.



l) There is some difference between the American English and the British English.

2) Spoken English is more or less the same in both Britain and America.

3) Sometimes people from these two countries have a lot of difficulty in understanding each other.

4) The language always stayed the same as the language used in Britain.

5) The language began to change quickly from one part of the world to another.

6) A great many words and expressions have come into American English from different parts of the world.

Key: 1) True. 2) False.(Written English is more or less the same in both Britain and America.) 3) False.(People from these two countries do not have any difficulty in under-standing each other.) 4) False.(At first the language stayed the same as the language used

in Britain.)5) False. The language began to change slowly from one part of the world to an-other.6)True.


British English American English



Different words with the same meaning








一只小羊在河边喝水,狼见到后,便想找一个名正言顺的借口吃掉他。于是他跑到上游,恶狠狠地说小羊把河水搅浑浊了,使他喝不到清水。小羊回答说,他仅仅站在河边喝 水,并且又在下游,根本不可能把上游的水搅浑。狼见此计不成,又说道:“我父亲去年被你骂过。”小羊说,那时他还没有出生。狼对他说:“不管你怎样辩解,反正我不会放过你。”


一只青蛙坐在井里,一只小鸟飞来,落在井沿上.青蛙问小鸟:“你从哪儿飞来呀?” 小鸟回答说:“我从远处飞来.我在天空中飞了一百多里,口渴了,下来找点水喝.” 青蛙说:“朋友,别说大话了!天不过井口那么大,还用飞那么远吗?” 小鸟说:“你弄错了,天无边无际,大得很哪!” 青蛙笑了,说:“朋友,我天天坐在井里,一抬头就看见天.我不会弄错的.” 小鸟也笑了,说:“朋友,你是弄错了.不相信,你跳出井口来看一看吧.”


狮子睡着了,有只老鼠跳到了他身上。狮子猛然站起来,把他抓住,准备吃掉。老鼠请 求饶命,并说如果保住性命,必将报恩,狮子轻蔑地笑了笑,便把他放走了。不久,狮子被一个猎人抓获,并用绳索把他捆在一棵树上。老鼠听到了他的哀嚎,走过去咬断绳索,放走了狮子,并说:“你当时嘲笑我,不相信能得到我的报答,现在可清楚了,老鼠也能报恩。”










很久很久以前,一只长颈鹿和一只小羊碰到一起,长颈鹿看到小羊太小了,很看不起它。于是大摇大摆的走到小羊面前,高傲地对小羊说:“小不点,你在干什么呢?要不咱俩比谁本领大吧”。小羊说:“比就比,谁怕谁呀”。长颈鹿说:“看,那棵树上有许多果子,我们看谁能吃到果子“。小羊说:“好的”。结果长颈鹿个子高,很容易就吃到了果子。而小羊个子矮,又不会爬树,自然吃不到果子。又过了几天,小羊和长颈鹿又碰到一起。小羊说:”我们再比比谁的本领大吧“。小羊说: “前面有一个花园,花园里有好多花,我没看谁能采到花”。结果,小羊个子矮,它从栅栏里爬进去,很容易就采到了花,而长颈鹿个子高,没办法进到花园,也就采不到花。














由于我国经济飞速发展, 丁辛醇的市场需求量不断加大, 产品一直处于供不应求的状态。目前, 我国已建成的丁 (辛) 醇装置有总产能约为300万吨/年。国内的丁 (辛) 醇装置基本都采用以油溶性乙酰丙酮羰基三苯基膦铑 (ROPAC) 为催化剂的丙烯低压羰基合成工艺。ROPAC催化剂具有催化活性高、选择性好等优点, 而乙酰丙酮二羰基铑一般作为合成ROPAC的前驱物。近年来随着新型双亚磷酸酯配体的开发使用, 乙酰丙酮二羰基铑也可在相应的配体存在下直接应用于催化烯烃氢甲酰化反应[1,2]。

英国化学家G.Wilkinson最早报道了乙酰丙酮二羰基铑的制备方法, 但操作过程偏繁琐, 并且反应时间长达一星期[3]。瓦鲁沙夫斯基等先后报道了更为简单的合成方法, 反应时间短, 收率较高, 是目前广泛采用的合成路线[4]。该方法的铑原料为水合三氯化铑, 与N, N-二甲基甲酰胺与乙酰丙酮混合加热, 一步反应制备得到乙酰丙酮二羰基铑。反应方程式如下:

上述方法所用到的原料水合三氯化铑一般是由铑粉制备, 铑粉经处理转化为水溶性铑盐, 再与氢氧化钠中和制得水合氧化铑, 水合氧化铑用盐酸溶解后得氯铑酸溶液, 然后经蒸发浓缩得到水合三氯化铑固体。而将铑粉处理转化为水溶性的铑盐一般采用硫酸氢钠熔融法或中温氯化法, 铑的浸出率在98%左右。虽然铑粉经由上述两种方法处理可高效地可转化为水溶性铑盐, 但仍需碱中和制水合氧化铑, 水合氧化铑洗涤除杂质离子、盐酸溶解、蒸发浓缩等步骤处理后才能制得水合三氯化铑, 整个工艺过程较为复杂, 且在碱中和制水合氧化铑的工艺中, 溶液中的铑不能完全转化为铑凝胶, 还有部分存在于溶液之中, 且每步工艺过程均会有一定量的铑损失, 从而造成制备水合三氯化铑的单程收率较低, 上述方法制得水合氯化铑的收率一般不超过65%。

本文提供一种由水合六氯铑酸钠制备乙酰丙酮二羰基铑的工艺, 采用水合六氯铑酸钠作为原料。在采用六氯铑酸钠作为铑原料后, 对工艺条件进行了优化, 单程收率达到96%。制备得到的乙酰丙酮二羰基铑产物经IR、1H-NMR和13C-NMR结构表征, 与文献报道一致[5]。

1 实验部分

1.1 试剂与仪器

试剂:Na3Rh Cl6·n H2O, 自制品 (铑含量18.0%~19.0%) ;乙酰丙酮, 分析纯;N, N-二甲基甲酰胺, 分析纯;去离子水。

仪器:Varian-400型核磁共振仪 (CDCl3为溶剂) ;Prodigy型电感耦合等离子原子发射光谱仪 (ICP-OES) , 美国利曼公司;傅里叶变换红外光谱仪, 布鲁克公司。

1.2 乙酰丙酮二羰基铑 (I) 的合成

将由铑粉经中温氯化制得的水合六氯铑酸钠4.56 g和32 m L N, N-二甲基甲酰胺置于氮气置换过的100 m L圆底烧瓶中, 加热至90℃, 保持0.5 h, 然向反应液中加入14 m L乙酰丙酮, 继续升温至137℃保持1.5 h, 反应完成后将反应液自然冷却至室温, 加入180 m L去离子水, 混合均匀后过滤出乙酰丙酮二羰基铑沉淀, 去离子水洗涤滤饼, 干燥, 得固体产物1.89 g, 以铑计收率96%。

2 结果与讨论

2.1 乙酰丙酮二羰基铑 (I) 铑含量测定

用ICP-OES仪器测定了样品铑的含量:铑39.9%, 与计算值铑39.9%非常相近。

2.2 结构表征

2.2.1 核磁共振氢谱分析

乙酰丙酮二羰基铑 (I) 的1H NMR谱图如图1所示。图1中, 乙酰丙酮二羰基铑 (I) 有两类氢, 都归属于乙酰丙酮配体基团:一类是位于饱和烃区的2.07 (6H) , 它归属于乙酰丙酮配体中两个甲基 (C4和C5) 上的氢, 由于所处化学环境完全一样, 其化学位移相同, 表现在核磁谱图上为单峰;另一类是位于不饱和烃区的5.61 (1H) , 它归属于乙酰丙酮配体基团处于共轭不饱和环状结构的-CH=上 (C1) 的氢。

乙酰丙酮二羰基铑 (I) 的13C NMR谱图如图2所示。图2中, 化学位移值为26.99的单峰归属于乙酰丙酮配体中的两个甲基碳 (C4和C5) , 由于所处化学环境完全一样, 其化学位移相同为26.99, 只表现出单峰;化学位移值为101.66的单峰归属于处于共轭不饱和环状结构的-CH= (C1) , 由于共轭效应使得其化学位移值升高。另一类是位于羰基区的峰:187.22 (s) 归属于乙酰丙酮配体基团处于共轭不饱和环状结构上的C2和C3, 由于所处化学环境完全一样, 其化学位移相同;化学位移值为183.33, 184.06的峰则对应于乙酰丙酮二羰基铑 (I) 结构上的两个羰基。

乙酰丙酮二羰基铑 (I) 的核磁共振氢谱与碳谱均与文献报道一致。

2.2.2 红外光谱分析

乙酰丙酮二羰基铑 (I) 的红外谱图见图3, 在2 066~2 004 cm-1有两个强的特征红外吸收峰, 它们归属于乙酰丙酮二羰基铑 (I) 的两个CO的对称和不对称伸缩振动, 与文献报道完全一致。

3 结语

本工艺采用六氯铑酸钠为铑原料制备乙酰丙酮二羰基铑, 能够简化由铑粉制备乙酰丙酮二羰基铑的操作步骤, 从而缩短生产周期, 降低生产成本。用IR和NMR对产物进行了分析和结构表征, 结果与文献报道一致。

摘要:以六氯铑酸钠为铑原料合成了羰基合成工业中重要的催化剂前驱体乙酰丙酮二羰基铑 (Ⅰ) , 采用优化的反应条件产物收率达到96%。并用核磁共振氢谱、碳谱、红外光谱等对该产物进行了分析和表征。本工艺能简化由铑粉制备乙酰丙酮二羰基铑的操作步骤, 缩短生产周期, 降低生产成本。

关键词:乙酰丙酮二羰基铑 (Ⅰ) ,六氯铑酸钠,羰基合成


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