







教学重点:一 般过去时的句式结构。







1、知识与能力目标: 掌握动词过去式的构成,掌握一般过去时句式的应用,根据情境正确使用一般过去时谈论过去的事件。

2、方法与过程目标: 改变教师一味传授的权威地位,拉近师生之间的距离,学生乐于探究、主动参与,用归纳法得出动词过去式的构成规律和一般过去时的句式特点,发展学生的归纳能力、推理能力和应用能力。

3、情感态度和价值观目标: 通过情境教学,激发学生的学习情感,激发学生爱祖国主义热情.五、课前准备:





wait play

dance live study cry carry stop

2、do begin go give sing




cut make











1、没有变化,如 : cut-cut

2、改变元音的,如 : writebought





2、否定句:主语+didn’t +动词原形+„„

3、一般疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形+„„?

(二)、学生在归纳出三种句式的基础上,两人一组,完成课本67页的A3部分,老师巡视,帮助答疑并校对答案,学生分角色阅读并表演对话,体会一般过去的三种句式在具体情境中的应用,通过“The last dodo died in 1681.”这句话,问学生现在你们还能看到渡渡鸟吗?为什么?从而加强对学生的环境保护意识的教育。



1、Andy went to the park.(改为一般疑问句,并进行肯定和否定回答)

___________________ ?Yes , ___ ____ /No ,_____ _____

2、We heard another whisper.(改为否定句)We ____ _____another whisper.3、Does he often climb up the hill ?(用yesterday 改写)______he _______up the hill yesterday ?

任务三:掌握动词to be 的一般过去时的三种句式

(一)学生找出书中含动词to be 的一般过去时的肯定句、否定句、疑问句及其肯定、否定回答形式,观察分析并归纳出动词 to be的一般过去时的三种句式。

1、肯定句:主语+ was /were+„„

2、否定句:主语+was not /wasn’t +„„

3、一般疑问句:was /were+主语+„„?



创设情境,同桌自编对话练习动词 to be的一般过去时句式,如: A: Were you born in Huai’an ?

B: Yes ,I was./No ,I wasn’t.A: When were you born ?

B: I was born in 1992.Were you born in 1992 ?

A: No,I wasn’t.任务四:画一条时间轴线




1、We listened to music the whole night.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定问答)


2、She arrived there at 9:00that day.(对画线部分提问)


3、Tom borrowed the bike from him yesterday.(改为否定句)


4、She was ill last Sunday.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定问答)


5、They were at home yesterday.(对划线部分提问)













1.引出动词:阅读文章My Weekend,找出动词。

My Weekend

I get up early on the weekend.Then I play sports.I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.On Saturday morning, I read some books and watch TV.In the afternoon, I do housework.I cook dinner for my family in the evening.On Sunday, I often go shopping with my friends.I clean my room, too.I am busy but happy on the weekend.2.带出过去时:将上一每篇文章转换成过去时——完成填空练习。

A Busy Weekend

I _________(get up)early last weekend.Then I ______(play)sports.I ______(have)milk and bread for breakfast.On Saturday morning, I ______(read)some books and ________(watch)TV.In the afternoon, I _____(do)housework.I _______(cook)dinner for my family in the evening.On Sunday, I ______(go)shopping with my friends.I _______(clean)my room, too.I _____(am)busy but happy on the weekend.3.总结与过去时搭配的时间副词:在下列的单词或词组中,圈出与过去时搭配的时间。

now, yesterday, this weekend, on Monday, this Monday, last Monday, on the weekend, last weekend, usually, sometimes, every day, tomorrow, next weekend, several days ago


Passage A

Yesterday was my birthday.I got up early.After breakfast, I climbed mountains with my friends.In the afternoon, I went to the park with my family.We saw beautiful flowers in the park.We rowed a boat on the lake.We flew kites.In the evening, we had a big meal at a restaurant.After dinner, we ate birthday cake.I made the cake with my son.It was yummy!

I was tired but happy yesterday.Passage B

I was happy last Teachers’ Day.On that day, I went to school by bike.When I got to my office, I saw some beautiful flowers on my desk.My students bought the flowers for me.In the morning, I received some mobile messages from my friends.In the afternoon, I didn’t have any classes.I had a party with my students in the classroom.We sang and danced together.We took many pictures.In the evening, I had a big meal with my family.We ate good food.I had a happy Teachers’ Day!


Past Tense

Add “ed” to the verbs:

① + “ed” : cleaned, watched, visited

② + “d” :

③ y→i,+ “ed”: studied



1. 语法学习内容相对枯燥, 把大集体分成小团队便于为每位学生分配任务, 让人人有事做, 个个有担当。避免部分同学游离于学习氛围之外。

2. 针对重要的时态之一的“一般过去时”, 我们设计了三个达成目标:1.学习一般过去时陈述句的构成, 能在情境中正确地使用。2.掌握规则动词过去式的构成, 记忆部分不规则动词过去式, 会运用。3.能灵活运用行为动词的一般过去时进行提问和对话。根据学习内容难度的不同, 学生的接受和掌握能力差距较大。特别是部分同学对目标三的达成有困难。这就需要同学之间团结协作, 互帮互助。组成一个“强扶弱, 弱辅强”的互补的团队。


小组合作学习不必每个环节都运用, 那会适得其反。在一般过去时的教学过程中, 以情景教学做主导, 根据学习目标, 本次教学设计了下面的情境流程:1.看图说历史上的同一天发生的事, 呈现一般过去时的陈述句→进入动词过去式家族, 总结过去式的构成, 同类词归类→互相提问, 了解同学的过去, 操练一般过去时的疑问句及回答→编制对话, 综合运用一般过去时。结合学习环节, 教师设计了三次小组合作学习。

小组合作的第一次实战是在动词过去式的总结环节。教师设计的活动是“为过去式成员找朋友”。教师先给出装有例词的小房子, 学生们先用一两分钟独自思考, 根据自己已掌握的知识, 在不同的小房子里写下同类词。然后小组汇总, 仔细观察, 共同讨论, 总结规则。最后选取一组呈现成果, 其他组作补充。在交流过程中, 教师作适当的修补和完善。集集体智慧的学习结果是, 词汇量得以扩大。在这个环节中, 词汇搜集最多且正确率高的小组可以拿到“最佳组合”的奖杯。

小组合作的第二次是在操练一般过去时的疑问句时。这轮设计的活动是:互动采访和互改日记。本次活动执行任务的是学生个体, 不是集团讨论, 但采用了允许同组同学提示或提供场外帮助等方式。这轮活动题量多, 得细分后进行, 所以评价方式改为打星制, 用星星颗数为小组积分。

最后一次, 在进入了知识运用的高潮时。本阶段小组合作时间最长, 难度加大。教师呈现预先录制的视频, 并提供给学生一定的语言素材。学生灵活运用素材, 组合出多个可能与视频内容相符的对话, 通过猜测, 进行剧本创作和配音表演, 对一般过去时进行综合演练。这个环节是课堂的高潮, 学生们对知识掌握有了积淀, 参加活动更有自信, 所以他们情绪高涨, 激情满满。有一次课件出现了小失误, 声音没能放出来, 答案没能公布的状况下, 学生们竟然把热烈的讨论延伸到了课外。本次评价是最终评价, 兑现积分, 评出“最佳小组”。


采用小组合作的学习方式可以有好的效果。但在运用之前必须认真做好功课。第一, 分组与座位配合, 但还必须考虑到强弱分配。小组形式必须常态。第二, 各组设计一个具有鲜明特征或能迎合学生兴趣的组名, 让组员有归属感。第三, 组员有角色分配, 能产生责任担当意识。更重要的是培养好小组的领头羊。第四, 必须有评价, 让学生产生竞争意识, 培养集体荣誉感, 也能让小组合作更有激情。


1. 提高参与度。为避免小组长一人顶全片天, 小部分同学充数的现象, 分组后, 教师通过给每个组员设定身份, 如一小组四人, 每组的四位成员分别都叫:ap-ple、orange、pear、peach。小组交流结果时, 我们可以请各组的apple发言, 或是每位orange在同轮活动时都做记录员。这样的方式可以促使每位成员都参与活动, 且有事可做, 得以体验成功感。

2. 凸显教师的指导作用。当小组活动出现了问题时, 教师应及时进行干预和指导, 更重要的是, 老师应该事先做出问题预测, 并采取一些相应措施, 避免临时手忙脚乱。在这次活动中, 教师课前对环节的设计用了心思, 每项活动都设计了情境。但在活动过程中, 教师仅仅巡视了全场, 却没有机会做具体的指导。究其原因, 可能是在活动预设时, 为学生作好了一切困难提示, 这会减弱学生的思考度。教师要考虑给小组留一些适当的学习障碍, 在活动过程中再做指导和点拨, 可以加大小组讨论的意义, 加深学生对知识的印象。

3. 讨论过程需要冷静而不冷场。大部分的讨论喧闹声太大, 一容易对其他组产生干扰;二会减低自身思考活动的实效。教师要指导学生在讨论时有理有据, 轻声慢语。有争论时求助于第三方, 而不要争个面红耳赤, 既不利于团结, 更不能得到好结果。有些组的讨论出现同学间的沉默不语或是推三推四, 教师就要及时加入, 亲自参与, 让气氛热起来, 活动做起来。

4. 小组活动是需要而不是作秀。为形式或是仅仅为活跃课堂的讨论都不需要。在安排小组活动时要注意时机恰当, 内容适合。讨论一定要有准备, 讨论的过程时间充裕但组织不松散, 讨论态度严肃而又积极。



一般现在时通常表示现在经常发生的或习惯性的动作或目前的状态。一般现在时常与often, always, usually, sometimes, seldom, every day, on Saturdays, once a week, twice a year, four times a day 等时间状语连用,这些时间状语可看作是该时态的标志。例如:

She sometimes talks with foreigners in Japanese. 她有时用日语和外国人交谈。

He goes to the cinema once a month. 他每月看一次电影。




be 指is, am, are,我们要会区别运用:我(I)用am 你(you)用are, is 连着他(he)她(she)它(it)。单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。例如:

I am from England. Are you from England, too? 我来自英国,你也来自英国吗?

Her pencil sharpener is blue. 她的铅笔刀是蓝色的。

These girl students are all 16. 这些女生都16岁了。



I often go to bed at 11 o’clock. 我经常在11点睡觉。

Jack studies in a famous middle school. 杰克在一所有名的中学学习。



变否定,很容易,后加not 就可以;变疑问,要知晓,一提二改三问号。


They are Chinese.

→ They aren’t Chinese.

→ Are they Chinese?

肯定回答与否定回答:Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.


改疑问,变否定,do 或does 就要用。改疑问,一添二改三问号;变否定,don’t, doesn’t 动前添。注释:肯定句改写为疑问句时,句首添上do 或does(用于单三),动词改为原形,句尾加上问号;改为否定句时,在动词前面加上don’t 或doesn’t(用于单三),动词改为原形。例如:

Tom does his homework in the afternoon.

→ Tom doesn’t do his homework in the afternoon.

→Does Tom do his homework in the afternoon?

肯定回答与否定回答:Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.



Mr. Wang usually goes to work on foot. 王先生通常步行上班。

Do you call your parents every morning? 你每天早晨都给你父母打电话吗?


Many western people don’t like the number 13. 许多西方人不喜欢数字13。

Four plus two is six. 四加二等于六。

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起,从西方落下。


I’ll tell you as soon as Li Xiao comes back. 李晓一回来我就告诉你。

We’ll visit the Great Wall if it is fine tomorrow. 如果明天天气好的话,我们就去登长城。

(4)在某些以here, there 开头的倒装句中,用一般现在时表示正在发生的动作。例如:

Here comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。

There goes the bell. 铃响了。


Jack throws the ball to John and John catches it. He jumps and casts it into the basket.



一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或存在的状态,还表示过去习惯性、经常性的动作、状态。一般过去时经常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday(昨天), the day before yesterday(前天), last night(昨天晚上), last week/month/term/spring/year(上周/月/学期/去年春天,去年), three days ago(三天以前), in 2000(在2000年), just now(刚才), at the age of 12(在12岁时), one day(一天), long long ago(很久很久以前), once upon a time(从前)等,也可以用在when, since 等连词引导的从句中。例如:

Bob went to Shenzhen three weeks ago. 鲍勃三周前去了深圳。

Children got up early on the morning of June 1. 孩子们在六月一日的早晨起床很早。

When I was a child, I often went to the park with my father.




动词be 有was, were 两个过去式,was是is, am 的过去式,用于第一、三人称单数;were是are 的过去式,用于第二人称及其他人称的复数。



walk→walked, play→played, work→worked, need→needed



Step2.Talk about your last weekend 1)Ask the students to talk about their last weekend in pairs by using the similar conversations like the following.--Excuse me, „ How was your last weekend?--It was boring.--Really!What did you do ?--I stayed at home and did my homework.What about you? Did you have a relaxing weekend?--Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.I had a very busy weekend.--What did you do?--Well.On Saturday morning I„ 设计意图:让学生在谈论自己的周末活动中运用一般过去时的几个基本句型How was your last weekend? What did you do ? Did you„Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.2)Choose some pairs to show their conversations.设计意图:通过对话中语言使用的准确性来检查学生对一般现在时的掌握情况。

3)Ask other students to retell what their classmates did last weekend.Eg: „had a boring weekend.He just stayed at home and did his homework.„had a very busy weekend.On Saturday morning she„ 设计意图:①检测其他学生倾听的能力和获取信息的能力。②让学生运用一般过去时进行复述。Step3.Grammar Focus T: Just know you talked about your last weekend.During your talk, you use the Simple Past Tense.Do you know the Simple Past Tense? 1)Get the students to recall the usage of the Simple Past Tense.2)Ask the students to say the general way of judging the Simple Past Tense.Show the words and the phrases like yesterday/ „ last night/„ two days ago /„ in 1990/„ just now„ 3)Ask the students to translate the sentences.我昨天早上6:30起床。(I got up at 6:30 yesterday morning.)他妈妈上星期上班晚。(His mother went to work late last week.)设计意图:让学生回顾一般过去时的基本用法和特征性时间状语。Step4.Helen’s Last Weekend

1)Ask the students to fill the blanks with the correct forms according to the context.Helen ______(is)busy last weekend.On Saturday morning she _____(get)up at 6:00 o’clock.She _____(go)to school by bike.She _______(work)all day at school.On Saturday night she ______(stay)at home and ______(study)with her son in Xinqi.But on Sunday she _____(live)in Honglian.She was so tired that she _______(stop)doing anything and _______(relax)herself all the morning.In the afternoon, She ______(write)something for her English lesson.On Sunday night, she ______(have)to work and _____(sleep)late.2)Ask the students to find the regular verbs and the irregular verbs in the article above first, and then ask them to conclude the rules of regular verbs and irregular verbs.设计意图:通过短文填空来了解学生对一般过去时的掌握程度。

The rules of regular verbs : ① stayed,relaxed,一般在动词原形末尾加-ed;②lived,结尾是e的动词加-d;③stopped,结尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,双写该辅音字母,加-ed;④studied,以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y 为i加-ed;Stayed,以元音字母结尾的动词,直接加-ed。设计意图:让学生通过观察动词的形式变化归纳一般过去时动词的变化规则。

Irregular verbs : is–was get–got go– went write–wrote have–had sleep – slept Show more irregular verbs and ask the students to tell the past tense of these verbs.run–ran sit–sat begin–began drink–drank swim–swam sing–sang come–came give–gave make–made eat–ate drive–drove ride–rode wear–wore wear–wore tell–told find–found bring–brought buy–bought teach–taught put–put read–read let–let say–said see–saw know–knew feel–felt keep–kept meet–met „ 设计意图:复习不规则动词的一般过去时形式,在不规则中找出相对的变化规则。

Step5.Memory Challenge T: What did/ didn’t Helen do last weekend? Do you remember?

Ask the students to talk about what Helen did or didn’t do during last weekend by using the positive and the negative sentences of the Simple Past Tense.Show some pictures to help students to do this more easily.Eg: Helen went to school by bike last Saturday morning.She didn’t go to school by car.She worked at school last Saturday.She didn’t stay at home last Saturday.She lived in Xinqi last Saturday.She didn’t live in Honglian last Saturday.She wrote something last Sunday afternoon.She didn’t watch TV last Sunday.Get the students to find out the differences between the positive and the negative forms of the Simple Past Tense.设计意图:让学生根据Helen’s Last Weekend文中的信息和图片提示用一般过去时的肯定句式和否定句式描述Helen在上周末中所做的事情,使学生在句子运用中比较一般过去时的肯定式和否定式之间的不同点。Step6.Ask questions about Helen’s Last Weekend Get the students to ask questions with What, When, Where, How, Why, Who, How long „See if the can use the special questions of the Simple Past Tense correctly.Eg: What did Helen do last Sunday afternoon? How did Helen go to school Last Saturday? Ask students to conclude the general features of the sentence structure.设计意图:让学生以What, When, Where, How, Why, Who, How long 等特殊疑问句式对Helen在上周末中所做的事情进行提问,使学生在运用中体会一般过去时特殊疑问句的基本结构特点并予以归纳。

Step7.Help Edison with his English Homework Edison’s Homework 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct forms.1)Mr Brown ______(live)in Tokyo in 1990.2)I __________(practice)English yesterday morning.3)hat _______(do)your father do last Monday? 4)We often________(go)to the park after diner.5)We_______(have)a class meeting every Tuesday.6)He_________(see)a funny TV show last weekend.7)Lily _________(read)a story the day before yesterday.8)The boys ________(visit)his uncle two days ago.9)They often ______(clean)their classroom after school.Look!They _______(clean)it.Edison’s Homework 2: Change the following sentences.1)I was very busy last week.(改为一般疑问句并肯定回答)_______ you very busy last week? Yes,I______.2)There was some orange in the cup.(否定句)There ________ ______ orange in the cup?

3)Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)Lucy _______ _______ her homework at home.4)His father worked all day last Monday.(改一般疑问句)______his father ________ all day last Monday? 5)My brother read a lot this morning.(划线提问)______ ______ _____ brother_______ this morning? Edison’s Homework 3 : Writing

My Last May Day

My family like go on vacation.We always go to beautiful beaches.We had great fun in the water.But last May Day we went to the mountains.In the mountains there are many beautiful flowers.We enjoyed ourselves very much.At noon, we make our lunch in the mountains.The food was delicious.After lunch, we went on our trip.At last, we get to the top of the mountains.The air was nice and clean.We feel really relaxed there.I wanted to go to the mountains next time.Tell the students that there are 7 mistakes(错误)in Edison’s article.Ask students to discuss in groups to help Edison correct the mistakes.设计意图:以Helen的儿子Edison的上周末英语作业为载体,让学生进行一般过去时练习的综合运用,从动词变形、句型转换到篇章改错层次提高。Step8.Mr Bean’s Last Weekend

T: My son always says his weekends are boring, some of you say so.We do the same things on weekends.But some people don’t.Who’s this man, do you know him? Show a picture of Mr Bean.His last weekend is quite different.Let’s see.Show some pictures and phrases: do some shopping, play sports with his friends, drive his car to „have afternoon tea with a boy, dance on the street, ride an old bike to the mountain, go to the beach, eat sea food, write a travel diary Ask the students to talk about the pictures by using phrases like this: Mr Bean went some shopping last Saturday morning„ 设计意图:①以学生感兴趣的喜剧人物Mr Bean的上周末活动为线索,拓展周末活动的使用词汇,弥补因学生周末活动类同造成使用动词狭窄的不足。


课题 Starter Module1 Unit3 课型 listeningandspeaking

教学目标 学习向别人介绍某人的用语

教学重点 This is my… She/He is …

教学难点 Be 的变化运用

教具 多媒体、录音机 课时 1

教学课程 1.Greeting.


T: This is my friend…

S: Hello, … This is my father…

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.


1)复习打招呼的用语 Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening。


What’s your name? I’m …

How are you? I’m fine, thank you.

3)练习向别人介绍某人This is …


1)Work in pairs part7

2) Listen and number

3) Write the sentences.



Complete part3


