




It was a lovely summer day in the country.Mother Duck sat on her eggs for a long time.After a while, one by one, ducklings came out ofthe eggs.Ducklings: Peep, peep

Mother Duck: Quack, quack!Are you all out? Duckling1: No, one egg is still here.Look how big it is!At last, the big egg came open.This duckling was very big and very ugly!MD: Oh,my!This duckling is big and different from the others.I wonder if it is a turkey.We will soon find out.Mother Duck took her ducklings to the water.One after another, the little ducklings jumped in the water.The Ugly Duckling also jumped in the water and swam very well.MD: Oh, he is not a turkey.Turkeys can’t swim.He is my child.Let’s go to the farmyard.But you must stay close to me and watch out for the cat.Duck1:Look at that duckling!He looks so strange.Duck2:He is so big and ugly.Go away!MD: Please, leave him alone.He is not doing any harm.But the ducks pecked the Ugly Duckling.All the animals in the farmyard bit him and pushed him, too.Ducklings: I wish the cat would eat you!MD: You should never have been born.So the poor, little duckling was very sad.Finally, he ran away.UD: Why does everyone hate me? Is it because I am so ugly? But I am really nice.The Ugly Duckling met two wild ducks.WD: What kind of duck are you? You are really ugly.But that’s OK, if you don’t marry one of our family Then the Ugly Duckling heard, “Pop, pop!” And the two wild ducks fell dead.Just then, many hunting dogs appeared.The Ugly Duckling was very afraid.So, he tucked his head under his wing.A hunting dog sniffed the Ugly Duckling.“Sniff, sniff!” Dogs: You are ugly!And they went away without touching the Ugly Duckling.UD: Oh, I am alive!No one wants me.Even dogs don’t want to bite me.He felt lucky but, at the same time, he felt sad.The poor duckling waited for several hours, and then, ran away.A storm began.The rain and lightning terrified the Ugly Duckling.He was so cold and wet!He ran and ran as he looked for shelter from the storm.Finally, he arrived at a cottage.An old woman, a cat, and a hen lived in this cottage.He went inside.UD: May I have some food? Old Woman: Oh, what a prize!Is it a fat duck? Now, I can have duck’s eggs.The old woman’s sight was very bad.So the duckling lived there for a few days.But the hen and the cat were mean to the duckling.Hen: I can lay eggs.Can you do that? UD: No.Cat: I can catch a mouse.Can you do that? UD: No.Cat: Then, what can you do? UD: I can swim.Cat: Oh, no one should swim!You will surely drown!UD: I won’t drown.Cat and Hen: You are a big liar!So the poor duckling left the cottage.Soon, summer turned into fall.The Ugly Duckling swam in the pond.A group of swans flew over the duckling.UD: What beautiful birds!I wish I could be like them.The weather grew colder and colder.Now, winter came.UD:I must swim and swim, or the pond will freeze around me.But every night, the space became smaller and smaller.Finally, the pond froze, and the duckling couldn’t move any more.Early in the morning, a farmer saw the frozen duckling.Farmer: Oh, poor duckling!I’ll take you home to my wife and children.The wife took care of the duckling.Soon, the duckling got well.But the children wanted to play with the duckling.Children: Come play with us!Come play with us!The duckling was scared.The farmer’s wife and the children chased the duckling around the farm house.Finally, he ran out the door.A beautiful spring came.The Ugly Duckling saw the butterflies dancing and heard the birds singing.One day, his wings felt very strong.So, he flapped them against his sides and flew high into the sky.UD: Wow, I can fly so high!What’s happened to me?

The Ugly Duckling saw a beautiful garden with a pond.He decided to rest there for a while.UD: I want to stay with these beautiful birds.But, they will kill me because I am so ugly.At least, I will die happily, if I can be with them for a while.So, he swam towards the swans.When the swans saw the young bird, they swam to him.UD: Peck me, if you must!And he bent his head down to the surface of the water.The Ugly Duckling saw a beautiful swan looking back at him in the water!UD: Oh!Is that really me? I am a beautiful swan!I am not an ugly duckling after all!The three swans welcomed the young swan.Some children came to the pond and threw pieces of bread into the water.Children: Look, there is another swan!This new one is the most beautiful of all.The Ugly Duckling was so happy.He was more beautiful than he had ever hoped to be.And now, he knew where he belonged.


角色:Actors SW——白雪公主(1个)




(一)旁白:(伴着音乐)In a beautiful country, there lived a king and a queen.They had a life princess.The family lived a happy life.But before long, the queen died.The king married another woman.She was beautiful, but proud and arrogant.She couldn’t bear anyone being more beautiful than her.She had a magic mirror.(王后出场)

Q:Magic Mirror on the wall.Who is the fairest one of all? M:Lips red as the rose.Hair black as ebony.Skin white as snow.Q:Snow White!Alas for her!旁白:The queen ordered her guard to kill Snow White secretly.The guard couldn’t hear to kill her, So he asked Snow White to run away as far as she can, and never let the queen find her.Snow White ran into the forest, she wandered aimlessly.Will she come to a small house.SW:Oh, it’s adorable!I like it here.(敲门,然后推开)

Hello!May I come in?(回头让跟在身后的小动物们安静)Shh„„(在小房子里到处看看)Oh, and from the look of this table, seven untidy little children!Why, they’ve never swept this room.I know!We’ll clean the house and surprise them.Then maybe they’ll let me stay.SW(指着小松鼠):Now, you wash the dishes.(指着小兔子):You tidy up the room.(指着小鸟):You clean the fireplace.(开始扫除,配“嘻嘻唰唰”音乐)„„

(打扫完毕,大家都累了,打着哈欠)SW:Oh, I’m a little sleepy myself.Oh, Oh„„(公主打着哈欠,睡在了小矮人们的床上)


Dwarf5:“Heigh-ho, heigh-ho.It’s home from work we go„„” Dwarf1:(走到床边,突然停下)Oh, No!(大家举起手中劳动工具准备打床上熟睡的公主)Dwarf2:(揭开铺盖)Oh, she’s mighty“purdy”.Dwarf3:She’s beautiful, just like a angle!(当大家都惊讶于公主的美丽时,公主醒来)

SW:Oh, dear„„(发现小矮人们)How do you do!I’m Snow White.Dwarf5:Snow White? The Princess!SW:Yes.旁白:Snow White told the seven dwarfs her story.The seven dwarfs invited her to stay will them.In the daytime.They went out to work while Snow White did the homework at home.They lived happily.(四)

Q:Magic Mirror on the wall.Who now is the fairest.M:Well, Snow White, fairest one of all.Q:snow White lies dead in the forest.M:Snow White still live, the fairest in the bed.Q:The blundering fool!(王后大发雷霆)


The queen decided to get rid of the Snow White by herself.She made an red apple that was poisoned.Then she came to the seven dwarfs’ house.(五)(第二天,小矮人们要出去工作了)

D1:Now, don’t forget, my dear, the, the old Queen’s a sly one full of witch craff.So beware of strangers.SW:Don’t worry.I’ll be all right.(拥抱小矮人)See you tonight.D1(非常开心):Uh, uh, yes, we-well, uh, come on, men!(小矮人们愉快地工作去了公主站在家门口目送他们)


Q:Mm-mm.Making pies? Pies made from apples like these.(王后拿出苹果递给公主)Like to try one? Hmm? Go on.Go on, have a bite.(动物们怕公主受到伤害,一起进攻王后,令王后摔倒在地,公主立刻出 门赶走小动物)。

SW:Stop it!Stop it.Go away!Go away!There, there I’m sorry.Q(假装心痛):Oh!My heart!Oh, my, my poor heart.Take me into the house and let me have a rest.(公主扶王后坐下)

Q(又掏出苹果):And because you’ve been so good to poor old granny.I’ll share a secret will you.This is no ordinary apple.It’s a magic wishing apple.SW:A wishing apple!Q:Yes!One bite and all your dreams will come true.SW:Really? Q:Yes, girlie.Now make a wise and take a bite„„Don’t let the wise grow cold.SW:(公主带着美好的愿望咬下了苹果)Oh, I feel strange.(难受)Oh, oh„„(晕倒)

Q(尖声狂笑):Now I’ll be fairest in the land!(大笑,逃走)Dwarf5(匆忙赶回):Hurry!Hurry!(发现王后逃走)There she goes!(追到悬岸边,王后无路可逃,用石头袭击小矮人)D5:Look out!Look out!(雷雨闪电将万恶的王后击下悬崖)

(六)旁白:„„So beautiful, even in deatl, that the dwarfs could not find it in their hearts to bury her, they fashioned a coffin of glass and gold and kept eternal vigil at her side„„

(小矮人们将白雪公主放在花丛中,静静地守在她的身边哭泣)The Prince, Who had searched far and wide, heard of the maiden who slept in the glass coffin.(伴着歌声,王子缓缓走到白雪公主身边,为她献上一朵美丽的玫瑰花,公主苏醒,王子牵着公主与小矮人们一一道别)SW:Bye—Bye!Bye—Bye Grumpy.Good—bye.Good—bye.(五子和公主离开森林,小矮人们与动物们依依不舍跟在他们的后面。全体绕舞台一圈回到台中)

All(唱歌)“If you are happy and know it clap your hands„„”


一、童话阅读趣味性, 贴近学生提效率

童话阅读材料具有体裁丰富, 形式多样的特点, 有很强的趣味性, 符合小学生的心理和年龄特征。由此, 在英语阅读教学设计中, 笔者有意识地将童话元素渗透到教学设计中, 拉近学生与教学内容之间的距离, 消除学生们对英语阅读的畏惧心理, 使英语阅读课堂充满天真烂漫的童趣, 充满童言无忌的讨论, 从而提高英语阅读效率。

教学完译林版小学英语四年级上册Unit1 Ilikedogs这单元后, 笔者考虑到本单元的教学内容都是围绕着“I like dogs”展开, 因而, 在教学导入环节, 笔者利用多媒体课件呈现了一则童话故事“Go away, Flobby”, 依托图文并茂的绘本呈现故事情节, 引导学生从主人公对小狗Flobby的情感变化 (从“Goaway!”的厌烦驱赶到“We are sorry!”的真心道歉) , 深入理解大家对小狗的喜爱, 从而吸引学生们的注意力, 激发学生们对小动物的喜爱之情, 以趣味横生的绘本童话顺水推舟地导入本课教学, 使得教学过渡更为自然。

二、童话阅读实践性, 角色扮演练口语

培养学生的语言运用能力是义务教育阶段英语教学的总目标, 文本阅读作为贯穿英语教学始终的重要环节, 对于培养学生的口语表达能力与语言运用能力具有十分重要的教学意义。由此, 笔者在教学过程中, 常常通过童话情境再现、童话角色扮演等活动, 为学生们提供语言实践的机会与平台, 从而提高学生们的语言素养。

在教学译林版小学英语三年级上册Unit 4 My family这单元时, 笔者考虑到“family”这个词无论是在阅读教学还是口语实践中都具有十分广泛的应用价值。因此, 在本单元的教学过程中, 笔者插入英语童话故事“Bear’s busy family”, 引导学生们通过猜测故事情节、复述故事内容, 提高对于故事内容的理解。在此基础上, 笔者“趁热打铁”引导学生开展以童话故事为背景的小组角色扮演活动, 在这个活动中, 要求学生选取故事中的情节, 进行角色扮演, 在扮演过程中要求加入相应的表情、动作, 并注意语音语调, 同时, 鼓励学生进行创造性的改编, 并在活动之后, 开展小组间的“童话情境大比拼”活动, 对学生的角色扮演情况进行组间评价, 选出“最佳小组拍档”, 并将成绩纳入形成性评价量表中。

三、童话阅读拓展性, 借鉴结构促写作

文学家罗曼·罗兰曾说过, 和书籍在一起, 永远不会叹气。这就要求我们要将阅读内化为学生自觉的学习习惯与生活习惯, 拓展为学生自觉的学习活动。在小学英语教学中, 笔者尝试以童话阅读开始学生的英语写作教学, 引导学生借鉴童话中的语言结构, 尝试进行简单的写作, 为他们今后更加系统的英语学习奠定基础。

教学译林版小学英语四年级Unit 5 Our new home这单元后, 为了实现教学的拓展性, 提高学生的综合语言运用能力, 笔者设计了一个手脑并用的教学实践活动———“画个小屋, 说说话”。在这个教学实践活动中, 笔者引导学生以小组为单位, 拿起手中的画笔, 画出心目中最漂亮的新房子, 并根据所绘作品, 结合本单元所学知识, 写一个小小的童话故事, 让漂亮的新房子更加热闹。在这个小组拓展活动中, 学生的积极性都很高, 有学生出谋划策设计小屋, 有学生拿起画笔认真画图, 有学生七嘴八舌地讨论故事情节, 十分热闹, 从而实现了口头表达与书面表达的双训练。



兔妈妈:(兔妈妈一蹦一跳从台右边上场)我是兔妈妈,我有三个可爱的孩子,一个叫红眼睛、一个叫长耳朵、一个短尾巴。咦?他们在哪儿啊?(左右看、找) (大声叫)红眼睛!




























































characters: hare、dog、monkey、goat 道具出场:

出场:小兔子肚子饿了,她想找些东西吃。找呀,找了半天。忽然发现小路边的地里长着一根萝卜。H1:Oh, a radish!

啊,一个萝卜!H2: A big radish!


H合:we’ll pull it out.One two three

我们把它拔出来。1 2 3 摔倒



H1:The radish is too heavy.这萝卜太重了。H2:I can’t pull it out.我拔不出来。


D1: we’re dogs.we’re


D2: Oh, Miss hare, What are you doing? 哦,兔小姐,你们在干什么?

H1:Hello, Mr.Dog.A radish, a big radish.It’s too heavy.你好,狗先生。一个萝卜,一个大萝卜。H2:We can’t pull it out.我们拔不出来。

D合:we’ll help you.Let’s pull it together.我们帮你。咱们一起拔。H合:Thank you.Let’s pull it together.谢谢你们。咱们一起拔。

H D合:One, two, begin!Ai---Hay—Yo!Ai—Hay—Yo!一、二、开始!哎----嗨----呦!哎---嗨---呦!

Oh, the radish is too heavy.We can’t pull it out.哦,这萝卜太重了。我们拔不出来。


M1: we’re monkey.我们是小猴。M:2: we’re hungry.我们饿了。M合: Oh, What are you doing?

H合:Hello, Mr.Monkey.A radish, a big radish.你好,猴先生。一个萝卜,一个大箩卜。D合:It’s too heavy.We can’t pull it out.它太重了。我们拔不出来。

M合: we’ll help you.Let’s pull it together.我们帮你。咱们一起拔。H&D: Thank you.Let’s pull it together.谢谢你。咱们一起拔。H,D&M: One, two, begin!一,二,开始!

Ai---Hay---Yo!Ai—Hay---Yo!Oh, the radish is too heavy.We can’t pull it out.哎---嗨---呦!哎---嗨---呦!哦,这萝卜太重了。我们拔不出来。


G1: we’re monkey.we’re hungry.我们是山羊。我们饿了。G2: Oh, what are you doing? 哦,你们在干什么?

H,D&M: Hello, Mr.Goat.A radish.a big radish.It’s too heavy.We can’t pull it out.你好,山羊先生。一个萝卜,一个大萝卜。它太重了。我们拔不出来。

G合:we’ll help you.Let’s pull it together.我们帮你。咱们一起拔。H,D&M: Thank you.Let’s pull it together.谢谢你,咱们一起拔。H,D,M&G: One, two, begin.一,二,开始。

HD : Ai—Hay—Yo!The radish is big.The radish is heavy.。哎—嗨---呦!这萝卜真大,这萝卜真重。

M&G Ai---Hay—Yo!We must work hard.We must pull it out.哎—嗨—呦!我们必须使劲干。我们一定把它拔出来。H,D,M&G: Ai—Hay—Yo!Ah, the radish is out!A big radish!We’ll eat it together.A heavy radish!


Class 4& 5 Grade 4

Narrator: Once upon a time there lived a woodcutter(伐木工)and his wife was a stepmother(继母)to his two children whose names Hansel and Gretel.They were very poor and did not have much to eat.Stepmother: Dinner!Hansel: It’s only a slice of bread, but we are starving(饿死了).Stepmother: What do you want? With so little money, all we can eat is bread.Father: We have almost no more food for our family.I’m afraid we will all die.Hansel: Oh, Father, we will overcome(克服)the difficulties(困难).Step mother: Oh, why did I marry a poor woodcutter? Gretel: Poor Dad.Always in trouble.Narrator: Hansel and Gretel finished the last crumbs(面包屑)on the plates and went to their room.They blew out the candle and tried to sleep.Gretel: What’s that noise?

Hansel: Sorry, it’s my tummy.I was thinking of chocolate and marshmallows(棉花糖).Gretel: Oh don’t.I’m so hungry and I can’t sleep.Narrator: As they listened to their tummies rumble(隆隆响), they heard more nagging(唠叨)downstairs.Stepmother: The problem is, there just not enough(足够)food for the four of us.The children will have to go.Father: What?

Stepmother: Do you have a better idea? Father: How has it come to this? Stepmother: Tomorrow, We’ll take them in the forest with little bread, and leave(留)them there.Father: But I can’t leave in the forest!The wild animals will kill them.Stepmother: You must!And you’ll never know-someone may find them and take them home.Narrator: The poor father was afraid of his wife.He said nothing.The children were in bed and heard their father and step mother said.Gretel: I’m scared.What are we going to do? Hansel: Don’t worry.I’m sure God will take care of us.Fairy: Don’t be scared, Hansel and Gretel.Let me help you.Hansel and Gretel: Thank you, kind fairy.Narrator: Quietly Hansel went outside and filled with pockets with small white stones.When morning came, they pretended(假装)they knew nothing.1 Father: Today we are going deep into the forest to cut some wood.Get your things.Here is some bread.Put in your pockets.Mother: Hurry up!

Narrator: As they walked along.Hansel stopped and looked around, and dropped one small white stone on the ground.Father: Why do you keep stopping and looking back? Hansel: Oh, I thought I saw a squirrel in the trees.Mother: Here is a nice place to rest.Why don’t you lie down and rest here? Father: We’re going to cut some more wood.We’ll come back for you.Gretel: Father, don’t leave us here for long time.Mother: Hurry up!We have to work!Come on!

Narrator: Hansel and Gretel was tired, they ate their bread and went to sleep.When they woke up, it was dark.Gretel: It’s dark and I’m cold.What will happen to us now? Hansel: Cheer up.We’ll find our way back home.Gretel: But how can we do that? We’re so far away from home.Hansel: Don’t worry.I dropped some white stones along the way.So we can follow them back our home.Gretel: How smart you are, Hansel!

Narrator: Holding hands, Hansel and Gretel followed stones back to their home.Father was happy and hugged them.Hansel and Gretel: Father, we were lost in the forest.Father: It’s happy to see you, children.I’m very sorry.Hansel: It’s all right.Stepmother: Stupid children.Why did you stay here? Go to your room quickly.Narrator: But the stepmother was very angry.She locked the children in their room.Mother: We’ll take them deeper into the forest this time, they’ll never find their way out!Father: Please!Don’t make me do this.How can leave my children to die? Mother: What? Do you want us all to starve(饿死)? Father: Of course not.Mother: Then shut up.Gretel: I’m scared.Hansel: Shhh… we are locked and I can’t pick up some stones.But I’m sure, we can come back home again.Narrator: When morning came, they started to walk into the forest with little bread.As they walked, Hansel took little piece of bread and dropped them along the way.But the hungry birds ate the bread.2 Mother: Another lovely place for a rest.Father: Stay here while I finish chopping wood.I’ll come back for you.Gretel: What are we going to do now? Hansel: Don’t worry, I have dropped some bread along the way.Come, follow me.Gretel: No!There is a blackbird eating crumbs.(crying)Hansel: Don’t worry.God will take care of us.Fairy: Be brave, children.Keep walking, you can find the way out.Good luck to you!Hansel and Gretel: Yes, we should be brave.Thank you, kind fairy.Narrator: They fell asleep, cold and hungry, but they didn’t be afraid any more.The next day they walked and walked, finally they saw a little house.And what a special house it was!Gretel: Look at this wonderful house.It’s made of cookies and candies.Hansel: Pink cake bricks(砖头).Gretel: And a gingerbread door!Hansel: It looks delicious.Gretel: And tastes even better.I eat the windowsill(窗台).They’re made of chocolate.Hansel: I try some roof(屋顶), it’s sugar!
