



Qing Ming is popularly associated with Jie Zi Zhui, who lived in Shanxi province in 600 B.C. Legend has it that Jie saved his starving lord s life by serving a piece of his own leg. When the lord succeeded in becoming the ruler of a small principality, he invited his faithful follower to join him. However, Jie declined his invitation, preferring to lead a hermit s life with his mother in the mountains.

Believing that he could force Jie out by burning the mountain, the lord ordered his men to set the forest on fire. To his consternation, Jie chose to remain where he was and was burnt to death. To commemorate Jie, the lord ordered all fires in every home to be put out on the anniversary of Jie s death. Thus began the cold food feast , a day when no food could be cooked since no fire could be lit.

The cold food festival occurs on the eve of Qing Ming and is often considered as part of the Qing Ming festival. As time passes, the Qing Ming festival replaced the cold food festival. Whatever practice is observed,the basic observation of Qing Ming is to remember one s elders by making a special effort to visit their graves, ashes or ancestral tablets. To make the visit even more meaningful, some time should be spent to remind the younger members of the family of the lives and contributions of their ancestors, and the story of Jie Zi Zhui who choose death over capitulation.


Afternoon, we walk after more than an hour came to the martyrs cemetery, the beginning, the students all sorts of gossip, but gradually the students laugh, talk less, “to see the monument to the martyrs”! The teacher said, then students interest and high up, although many people also want to start talking, but everyone knows, in a solemn cemetery cannot speak, to silence.

In the cemetery, although still before we see the cemetery, but many pine trees here, after exposed to wind and rain, no one care, still long so straight, so high, so green, this is like the spirit of the martyrs! Sacrifice for the country, immortal! Yes, how strong the 8 big words are shining with the sun.

I saw a lot of tombs. I thought a lot. Without them, we would not be happy. Today, we live very well. Martyrs rest in peace. Go to the tomb of the unknown soldier, my heart is hot, they do not know who did not have a lot of people to visit them, think of this, I cant help put in the hands of small white flowers to the nameless martyrs, sacrifice for the country, you died a glorious death heroic.

Behind the memorial hall, there is a pair of antithetical couplet Memorial Hall doorway, bandit hero kills Chiaki song, throw the head and blood of martyrs yoshina eons pass. Into the memorial hall, which records the Japanese abhorrent behavior, even using the shot acts of torture, to torture, huh! I really want to put these Japanese pulled down from the picture, a curse......

In the process of return, some students are very tired, but he always insisted, you help me, I help you...


19年后 ,重耳做了国君 ,也就是历史上的晋文公。即位后, 文公重重赏了当初伴随他流亡的功臣, 唯独忘了介子推。介子推最鄙视那些争功讨赏的人了, 他打好行装,悄悄地到绵山隐居去了。

晋文公听 说后羞愧 莫及,亲自带人去请介子推,然而介子推已离家去了绵山。绵山山高路险,树木茂密,找寻人谈何容易, 有人献计从三面火烧绵山,逼出介子推。大火烧遍绵山, 却没见介子推的身影,火熄灭后,人们才发现背老母亲的介子推已坐在一棵老柳树下死了。晋文公见状恸哭不已。为纪念介子推, 晋文公下令将这一天定为寒食节。第二年,晋文公赐老柳树为“清明柳”,并把寒食节的后一天定为“清明节”。













Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. Our family is going to visit the tomb together. There were many people who saw grave sweepers on the road, which reminded me of an ancient poem. Qingming rain have, the pedestrian on the road.” I asked my father, and now how in the poetry of said is not the same ah, pedestrians on the road is not deep sorrow. Dad said: “now life is good, peoples lives have improved, not sad.”. And then I said, “oh.” When climbing, because I am afraid, so I see the frightened, his legs trembling, grabbed his clothes for fear of falling. My mother looked at me so frightened and said, “dont be afraid, son. If you walk steadily, you wont fall down if you dont look down.” And then my feet were pricked by stinging branches and leaves, calling for pain. I said, “Im not going, Im going to be tied up for a while.” my mother said, “as long as you keep your faith, you will succeed.”.“ After listening to my mothers words, I stood up and continued climbing.

I didnt know how many times I had been tied up, but I kept climbing. When the tomb was over, I ran faster than anyone else, and fell and fell bleeding. Todays luck is not good, but I understand a truth: as long as perseverance is success, no matter how hard and tired you have to complete.


In my view, the Qingming Festival is a festival “remembering the past, thinking about the present, facing the future”.

Recall the past, is nothing more than a feeling “Qingming, the pedestrian on the road” heavy, “listen to the wind and rain Qingming experience. Grass flower ”Ming Yi sad lonely. Thinking about the first people during the first people in voice and expression; think about their good and bad; think of those people was not worth mentioning, but now things before thinking of those who lead a person to endless aftertastes; dont listen, now want to hear but did not hear the words; thinking......

Live in the present, that is, go out and tread on the green. The fireworks in March, the recovery of all things, bright spring days. Its absolutely a good time to take a step. The sky is blue, high and clear, like a blue satin. Golden sun, warm, mellow, quietly hung in the sky, with warm light, warm comfortable. Find a quiet park, put the spring breeze into the arms, and then listen to the song of the birds, quiet, beautiful...

Sitting in the window, looking out of the window, the rain, the smell of flowers and fragrance and light smoke and fire, thinking about how to face the next year of wind and rain. This is for the future.


I wash my face and brush my teeth quickly. Four grandpa on the newly bought car to come, we did not eat breakfast on the start.

To the hometown Of Lujiang is already nine o clock, we eat Lujiang breakfast rice dumplings, rice dumplings like the moon yellow at night, really too delicious! After we finished eating, we went to the tomb of our ancestors. Everyone said, ”Ancestors, we have all come to see you. Dont worry about it. Family members also use lujiang special way of worship, pull up grass to throw into the sky, although I do not understand, but I think it must be a custom of ancestor worship.


the death of our family are buried in people biandantang hill, where very far from my house, want to switch cars several road. i remember a child, i always am glad to go上坟, because the mother at one grave money, me, and i will fill the fields and everywhere to play, until his mother put on my drag car go.

i do not know from the start when i go to play it again no longer downtown, but one after another to observe each one graves. i once found in a dilapidated graves, no traces of burnt paper money, i am very surprised that on the down, the language carefully to identify the monument, as if engraved above the so-called “life took part in fighting this war,” and he was still a stranger miles! why, he should be buried in the martyrs cemetery ! why is no one above the names of relatives?

with questions about my curiosity ran to tell his mother, the mother does not rise, but slowly, said: “alas! you go get some paper money for him it!” i took over the delivery to the mother of a pile of paper money. he went to the tomb, while throwing paper money to the fire, he murmured: “no one has ever been up for your grave, you must be very lonely, and i do not know what you call not recognize you, but you year must be a hero, now has displaced bones, i burn some paper money for you now ... ... ”at this time, his hands gently caught one of my shoulders, i looked back and was the mother, she gently from my hands took some paper money, threw the fire, the paper money fell fire, one, two, four ... ...

this year went to the vicinity of cemeteries, and because the mother had severe rheumatoid arthritis, she could not , and i go, she is not a person at ease. so we at outdoor money, his mother threw some paper money said: “dad! you then you! small, remote, (my uncle) with ... ...”


Qingming rain have, the pedestrian on the road.“ This is a poem about Qingming Festival written by Du Mu, a poet in the Tang Dynasty. Memorial to relatives and friends in this traditional day year after year.

Its a years Qingming. I went to grandmas grave with my mom and dad to sweep the grave for grandma. I present flowers at Grandmas grave, hoping grandma can know our yearning and hope to get the blessing from the elderly.

There are many people who go to the martyrs cemetery to pay tribute to the dead martyrs, to worship them and to cherish their deep nostalgia, so as to encourage their children to learn their spirit.

There are many people with spades with small trees, to the designated place to plant trees, hope to add green to their lives, and more hope to create a green living environment for the sons and grandchildren.

Tomb-sweeping Day actually is not a simple grave, the memory of the deceased so simple, there are close to nature and love nature of life meaning. Qingmings festival spirit is about life and death. That is to say, life and death are equally important. When a living person commemorates his old man, he commemorates and gratefulness. He draws close to nature and draws strength from life in the spring of prosperity.

The customs of Qingming Festival are rich and interesting. In addition to the prohibition of fire and tomb sweeping, there are a series of custom activities such as going green, swinging, playing polo, and planting green willows.


Chinas traditional holiday tomb-sweeping day. First of all, this day is a national legal holiday, everyone will have a holiday. Second, in the day of this day is to pay tribute to our ancestors. Many people will go to the grave.

Sacrifice to the death of relatives and friends. Is the holiday in order to let every one of us have time to mourn the death of relatives and friends, even though the world does not exist. But to pay tribute to ancestors is brings us peace of mind.


Today is Qingming Festival. Fortunately, it didnt rain. Our family went to Zhuxi to sweep the grave. Zhuxi is located in the northwest part of Shengzhou, and is adjacent to Zhuji.

Zhuxi is the grandmothers home. We went to grave for our great grandfather and grandmother. Along the way, I saw the traffic, lively than usual, mostly to the countryside on the grave. I saw the car to the Pu Bridge, both sides of the road everywhere on the hillside peach red, Lee gray, red and white gnats, the scenery here is fine. Puqiao produces all kinds of fruits. Its the fruit town of Shengzhou. It seems that puqiao fruit is a good harvest this year. When cars arrive in Chongren, the fields are covered with green oil. The earth is covered with a green carpet. The young wheat seedlings are being joined; the golden rape, silver white radish and purple red grass flower make the field a colorful watercolor painting. The butterfly fluttering among the flowers, bees for nectar and bustling about. The car to Zhuxi, the village is surrounded by mountains, the air is fresh and sweet, gurgling stream is clear. Rolling hills, mountain pine and bamboo, a wild profusion of vegetation. Many mountain bamboo shoots emerged, the villagers shoulder hoe, carrying a bamboo basket, bamboo shoots dug in jubilant. From puqiao to Zhuxi, the villages on both sides of the road have built up a high and new house of three or four layers, no less than the villas in the city, showing a new scene of the new countryside.

Grandpa said, “in recent years, reform and opening up has made farmers richer. The more and more new houses are built, the more beautiful they are, and there is no difference between the rural areas and the cities.”



last qingming festival,i return home to worship my grandfather.qingming festival is a folk festival.in the past,the qingming festival was called “arbor day”。 but today,chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has grown. weeds are pulled,and dirt swept away,and the family will set out offerings of food and spirit money. unlike the sacrifices at a familys home altar,the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry,bland food. one theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area,the less appealing food will be consumed by the ancestors,and not be plundered by strangers.

with the passing of time,this celebration of life became a day to the honor past ancestors. following folk religion,the chinese believed that the spirits of deceased ancestors looked after the family. sacrifices of food and spirit money could keep them happy,and the family would prosper through good harvests and more children.


Qingming rain have, the pedestrian on the road......” Every year to this festival, I will silently recite the poem written by Du Mu, the poet of the Tang Dynasty, to express our thoughts about the ancestors.

On this day, I went to Wuxi with my family to visit my grandmothers grave. After the grandmothers grave, we each pick up a broom or mop, grandmothers portrait and tombstone clean. Then we put a few bouquets of flowers, several pastries and some fruit. Finally, well burn incense, folded foil, paper money and gold burn to the grandmother, to express our thoughts and wishes the grandmother, grandmother would get lots of money in another world, happy life. I hope my grandmother will bless me with a bright future. At this point, I could not help remembering the years I had spent with my grandmother. When I was very young, my grandmother had not passed away. At that time, the grandmother, although already full of wrinkles and white hair, loved me very much, and the amiable smile of my grandmother left a deep impression on me. But now, my grandmother has passed away, but her kind face is still in my mind.

The distant scenery came into my eyes. The birds sang beautiful music, and everywhere the golden rape flowers were everywhere, full of vitality and revival of everything. Qingming season, let us in such a special day, we remember the past at the same time, we also need to hope for the future, cherish life, make our lives more meaningful, do not idle away such a wonderful life. Let your every day fill full and real, this will not leave regret.
