



1.Do you like to buy expensive shoes ?


Well, to be honest, I prefer to purchase comfortable and cheap shoes than expensive shoes. Because I am not a big fan of luxurious fashion.

2.When you buy shoes, do you prefer convenience or style?


Well, to be honest, I prefer to put on my feet pairs of shoes which is comfortable and practical rather than style. Because I am not keen on state-of-the-art fashion.

3. Why do you think some people buy many pairs of shoes?


Well, I suppose that a number of people purchase a lot of pairs of shoes because they have to put them on their feet everyday for working or doing exercise or entertaining. Moreover, they could be showed their style by these pairs of shoes.

4. Have you ever bought shoes online?


Well, to be honest, I have not purchased shoes online although it is on trend. Because I could not try to put pairs of shoes on my feet and the quality of these online products could be worse than realistic products when they are delivered to me.


lace-ups = shoes with laces

to slip something on and off = to put them on and take them off easily

worn out = tatty, shabby, the worse for wear, tired

sloppy = not tidy, lazy, slovenly

cost a fortune = cost an arm and a leg, expensive

high-heeled shoe



walking sandal

flip-flops (also knows as thongs)

trainers (also known as sneakers)

wellington boots (also known as wellies)

cowboy boot

walking boots (also known as hiking boots)

have money to splash around = have money to waste, to throw around



You should say:

Who you were with

Where you went

When it happened

Why it was unusual




The unusual meal I am going to tell you is what I ate with my best friend before graduation. He and I shared the same room and our beds were set together. During the college, we play basketball together, study together and even help each other find our true loves. Oh, a lot of happy memory.


The meal was in the evening before graduation. Next day, we would pursue our own courses. He would go to Xia’men, a southern city in China, to teach in a university, while I would stay here and start my work. We were parted thousands of miles, so that meal was very likely to be our last meal in several years, and it is.


Instead of eating in a restaurant, we bought some food and beer and came back to the dormitory where we lived for four years. We ate, drank and talked. We talked about our ambitions, expectations, lives, and paths ahead until about 4 o’clock in the morning. Then we packed our baggage. He embarked on his way to Xia’men. I took a bus to my small rented room.



第一部分相对简单, 话题多涉及姓名、家乡、兴趣爱好、工作学习等。话题贴近生活, 而且题目较为固定, 考官多使用基本句型和基本词汇, 目的是让考官初步了解考生的口语水平, 缓解考生的紧张情绪。因为第一部分时间短, 题目简单, 大多数考生往往会出现两种极端现象:一是, 考生急于给考官留个好印象, 对一个简单的问题, 滔滔不绝, 最终考官不得不打断考生, 造成一种隐性失分。第一部分的答案过于冗长, 被考官打断, 会影响之后两个部分的考试时间, 有时也会影响考生的自信。二是, 考生听到类似于“What would you like to do in the future?”, 只用一个词或者一句话来回答。第一部分的答案过于简短, 会让考官误认为, 考生缺乏陈述问题的能力。因此, 考生应该尽量避免以上两种极端行为, 将自己的答案控制在两到三句话, 即第一句话表明自己的观点, 然后用一两句话对自己的观点稍加解释说明。如果遇到why提问的问题或者优缺点的时候, 考生尽量多给出观点, 每个观点用连接词连接, 但避免将每个观点展开叙述。第一部分需要引起考生的重视, 因为考官在听到考生的答案后, 通常会根据自己的经验, 给考生划定一个等级。

第二个部分, 专题讨论是对考生叙述事情、描述事物等能力的考查。这部分题目的题卡也较为固定, 考生可以在考前着重练习近三个月的题卡, 同第一部分一样, 也属于可以提前准备的题目。第二部分的题卡, 基本可以分为描述建筑物或地点、描述一件事情、描述一个具体事物、描述一个抽象事物、描述一个人这五个部分。描述建筑物或地点的题卡, 考生应按照空间位置进行描述, 运用in front of, beside, near, next to, behind, on the corner of等地点状语的表达方式。描述一件事情的题卡, 考生应按照时间顺序进行描述, 运用at that moment, the following day, while, meanwhile, at the same time等时间状语的表达方式。描述一个抽象事物的题卡, 可以用头脑风暴法描述与此抽象事物的相关信息, 但要着重描述其中的某一方面。例如描述一部电影, 首先定义电影的类型, 用一两句话概括地描述观影后的感受, 然后重点描述剧情, 之后可以指出此电影的其他亮点, 比如导演、演员、主题曲、特效等。描述一个人的题卡, 要结合着与此人相关的某件事情展开描述, 尽量避免泛泛地列举很多事情。遇到此类题卡, 可以先进行简短的外貌描述, 然后通过描述某件事情来突出此人的一两个性格特点, 也就是考生选择描述此人的真正原因所在。无论是哪个类型的题卡, 考生应有“一”的概念, 是描述一个对象, 而非泛泛而谈。另外, 考生应在平时练习题卡的时候, 有意识地控制好时间, 争取在两分钟之内将自己的观点陈述完毕。

第三个部分, 深度讨论实际上是对第二部分的延伸, 是在第二部分的基础上更进一步地检测学生的口语水平。通常考官提出与第二部分话题相关的问题, 考生需要指出原因或给出解决方案等。考生容易在心理上畏惧第三部分, 因为很难预测考官的问题, 无法提前做好复习备考工作。因此这个部分更加考验考生, 是否能灵活地运用英语表达观点和进行交流。由于第三部分没有备考的时间, 考生需要在听到问题后, 在三秒钟之内立即作答, 否则考官会认为考生听懂题目没思路, 或未听懂题目, 然后考官可能会用其他的句型重复题目, 造成考生的隐性失分。在回答第三部分时, 考生可借助一些连接词, 例如firstly, in addition, furthermore, finally等, 使自己的答案逻辑有序。另外考生应该学会分析问题, 例如题目中出现people, 可以在作答时将其分成老人、中年人、青年人和小孩, 或者将people分为男性和女性。如出现restaurant, 可以将其分为快餐店、烧烤店、牛排店、自助餐店等。将题目中的关键词细化后, 考生会豁然开朗, 原本毫无思路的题目, 可以轻松地说出至少三个观点。

本文对雅思口语考试的三个部分分别给出了建议, 希望对考生有所帮助, 但总而言之, 练习地道流利的口语才是“硬道理”, 才是取得优秀雅思成绩的关键所在。

摘要:近些年, 出国热的现象仍在继续升温。而当中的绝大多数人是出国学习或进修, 雅思托福等英语语言测试是进入欧美国家的敲门砖。优秀的雅思托福成绩能帮助出国人员申请到综合实力强、学术气氛浓厚的顶尖大学。很多准备出国留学的都考了两到三个雅思或托福成绩, 再以最好的成绩申请学校。因此, 如何高效地学习英语, 复习雅思托福考试, 争取一次性拿到满意的成绩成了大多数出国人员需要解决的一大难题。尤其是在中国, 缺乏说英语的语言环境, 多数人不敢于开口练习英语口语, 致使雅思托福等考试的口语成绩较低, 成了取得高分的瓶颈。本文将以雅思口语考试为例, 分析考试题型, 提供一些解题技巧, 希望对雅思学习者有所帮助。


1. 约60%的考生,因"表情"被扣分(备注:本文所列百分比和其他评分数据,仅代表部分专家经验,并非官方统计数据)


(1) 几乎不看考官,可能被扣0.2分;

(2) 虽然看着考官,但是表情和口语答案并不配套;

(3) 因为考官面无表情,你原先勉强保持的微笑逐渐僵硬,直至像考官一样面无表情,这样,你可能被扣0.05分。


(1) 在备考阶段,一定要注意“表情和语言配套”;

(2) 在实际考试的时候,无论你紧张与否,无论考官是否面无表情,请你脸上保持微笑,哪怕很生硬。

2. 约70%的考生,因“舌头”被扣分


3. 约90%的考生,因“单字不重音”被扣分



4. 约90%的考生,只使用“单”词,而不使用“词串”


5. 约99%的考生,只使用“一种语法”,而不使用“多种语法”


6. 约99%的考生,只使用“一层结构”,而不使用“多层结构”


7. 约99%的考生,因“不敢提问”被扣分



8. 约99%的考生,因“哑巴思维”被严重扣分


【结语】:以上就是专家总结的雅思口语考试“被扣分” 八大“雷区”,考生们可以从中借鉴,并结合自身的情况总结出有效的雅思考试备考方法,为拿到雅思考试高分打下良好的基础。



It was the first time that I was given a class by a foreign teacher. At that time, our English teacher introduced an American young guy to us. Out of curiosity, most of us swarmed around him. Then, he had a free talk with us in simple but humorous English. He spoke quite slowly and clearly so that we could follow him well. Meanwhile,he would repeat just in time what students did not understand. Greatly inspired, most of the students took an active part in asking him questions and interacting with him. So the atmosphere was quite alive during the whole class. And... I have to say that through this lesson, we all improve our oral English and the courage to speak another language other than our mother tongue.


When comparing this to most of the classes we had at that time, where we basically just went through the textbook and took notes, it was a thousand times more interesting, and of course, meaningful. Actually, from this lesson, I came to the conclusion that it is not so difficult to learn English if we talk more in it And L also learned that English can act as an interesting and useful tool in communications with foreigners if we’re good at it.




Describe an old person who is interesting



who this person is

where did you meet with him

what characteristics you most like on him





Q. What are the advantages of having an elderly person at home?

Q. Is there anything that older people should learn from younger generation?

Q. What can younger generation learn from the older generation?

Q. What qualities does a person need to take care of old people?

Q. Do you think elderly people should be allowed to work?

Q. Do you think that elderly people should be taken care of at home?







Do you like shoes (or, are you interested in shoes)?

What kind of shoes do you like? Why?

How many pairs of shoes do you have?

How often do you buy (a pair of new) shoes?

Is price important when you choose shoes to buy?

Do you prefer comfortable shoes, or good-looking (fashionable) shoes?

Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?

Have you ever bought shoes online?

Do you like buying shoes on line?

Do you think men and women are equally interested in (buying) shoes?

19 Saving money

Did you save money when you were young?

Have you ever received money as a gift when you were a child?

Have you ever given money to other children/to help other families?

Do you think parents should teach children to save money?

Do parents give children (a lot of) pocket money in China?

Do you often save money? Why?

Did your parents give you money as an award when you did housework during childhood?

Do you often do housework in order to get pocket money?

20 Transport

How often do you take a taxi?

When was the last time took a taxi?

Do you know how to drive a car?

Do you prefer driving a car or taking a taxi?

Do you think everyone should get a drivers’ licence?

How do you usually go to work/school?

Does your home have a garden?

What kind of improvements would you like to see in the nearby parks/gardens?

16 Drinking water

Do you like drinking water?

Do you think it’s important to drink water? Why?

Do you like bottled water or water from machine? Why?

Is bottled water expensive in your city/country?

Is bottled water different with tap water?

Have you ever experienced being thirsty?

17 Painting

Do you like to paint and/or draw?

Did you enjoy painting/drawing when you were a child?

How often do you paint (or draw)?

Do you think painting (or drawing) is difficult (or difficult to learn)?

Have you (ever) studied (or, learned) painting/drawing?

Why do you think people like to have a painting (or other artwork) in their homes?

Why do you think some people buy wall paintings?

Do you prefer taking pictures or painting?

How do you think doing paintings is better than taking photos?

If someone took photos or did portrait of you, how would you feel?


1. A time you attended a party

2. A happy event happened recently.

3. A time when someone gave you money as a gift.

4. Something you complained but were pleased with the result.

5. A time you found information on the Internet.

6. A period of history you want to know more about. [New]

7. Something you do regularly that can help you in your studies or work. [New]

8. One thing you want to do but haven’t got enough time to do. [New]

3. Describe a time when someone gave you money as gifts.

You should say:

who gave the money to you

when it happened

what you did with the money

and explain how you felt after receiving the money.

4. Describe something you complained but were pleased with the result.

You should say:

when it happened

what you did

why you complained about the thing

and explain why you were pleased with the result.

5. Describe a time you looked for information from the Internet.

You should say:

when it happened

what you were trying to find

how much information you found

and explain how you felt after finding the information.

6. Describe a period in history that you want to know more.【New】

You should say:

what period of history it was

how you know it

what happened during the period

and explain why you want to know more about it.

9. A time when you received a good/bad service. [New]

10. One day off. [New]

11. A situation you showed something new to younger people/a younger person.[New]

12. A time your friend did something successful and made you proud. [New]

13. A time you had to change your plan suddenly. [New]

14. An experience you lost something but you found it in the end. [New]

1. A Party

Version A→Describe a time you attended a family party.

You should say:

when you attended the party

who attended the party

what people did in the party

and explain how you felt in the family party.

Version B→Describe one of the most impressive parties you attended.

You should say:

when was the party

what kinds of party it was

what did you do in the party

and explain why you felt impressed in the party.

2. Describe a happy event that happened recently.

You should say:

when something happened

where something happened

what you did

and explain why you felt happy.

7. Describe something you do regularly that help you in your studies/work.【New】

You should say:

what it is

how did you find it

how often you usually do it

and explain why you think this can help your studies/work.

8. Describe something you want to do.【New】

Version A→Describe one thing you want to finish but haven’t got enough time to do.

You should say:

what it is

what you have already done

why you haven’t got enough time to do it

and explain how you feel about it.

Version B→Describe a situation you wanted to do something but you didn’t have time.

You should say:

when it happened

what you wanted to do

why you didn’t have time to do it

and explain how you felt when you didn’t have time to do it.

9. Describe a time when you received a good/bad service (e.g. from a shop, restaurant) 【New】

You should say:

when you received the service

where you received the service

what services you received

and explain why you think this was a good/bad service.

10. A Day Off 【New】

Version A→Describe what you would do if you had a day off, free from work or study.

You should say:

where you would go

what you would do there

who you would go with

and explain how yo think you would feel at the end of this day.

Version B→Describe a free day you had.

You should say:

when it happened

how you spent the whole day

who you spent the free day with

and explain how you felt after having a free day off.

11. Describe a situation you showed something new to younger people/a younger person. [New]

You should say:

when it happened

where it happened

what you showed to the younger people/person

and explain whether the younger people understood you.

12. Describe a time your friend did something successful and made you proud. [New]

You should say:

who this friend was

what the success was

how your friend celebrated this success

and explain why you were proud of your friend’s achievement.

13. Describe a time you had to change your plan suddenly. [New]

You should say:

when it happened

what you had planned to do

what made you change your plan

and explain how you felt when changing the plan.

14. Describe an experience you lost something but you found it in the end. [New]

You should say:

when it happened

what was lost

how you found it

and explain how you felt after finding it.

★ 雅思口语Part2新题

★ 雅思口语新题及

★ 雅思口语Part2参考答案

★ 雅思口语part2结束句

★ 雅思口语part2近期改变

★ 雅思口语part2事物类话题

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★ 上半年雅思口语考试考官新题

★ 雅思口语part2话题考官9分整合



直译英语主要表现为对中文的每个汉字进行翻译,如“豆腐”通用的口语说法为来自日语的“tofu”,但很多考生直译为“Chinese beancurd”。这类表达会令来自英语国家的听者费解甚至误解。以下是雅思口语考试中考生常犯的此类错误及各自对应的正确表达:

值得一提的是,上面的错误既有忽略逻辑和表达习惯而造成的,也有因使用翻译器、翻译软件造成的。如,“How are you?”被译成了“怎么是你?”更有甚者,在使用翻译网站的时候因为服务器故障,要翻译的词直接变成了“web server error”。此外,还有一类直译英语则因违反了英语的语法规则,从根本上讲就是错的。常见的有:


这类表达不是传统意义上的错误英语,只是随着时间的推移,被赋予了老旧的时代特征,目前较少使用,不再鲜活。比如,大街小巷处处可见的“厕所”翻译为“WC”是祖母时代的事情,现在常见的说法有“men's room”“women's room”“restroom”“washroom”;飞机上的卫生间叫“lavatory”;家庭的卫生间通常叫“bathroom”。在雅思口语考试中使用陈旧的表达肯定难以赢得考官的青睐。以下是雅思考生在口语考试中常会用到的老式英语和它们对应的现代英语表达:







Do you know how to make (prepare) a meal?

Do you ever do any cooking? (If yes, include how often.)

Have you ever thought about learning how to cook?

Do you like cooking? (Why?/Why not?)

How often do you cook?

Why do you think people love cooking?

Do you prefer cooking at home or eating in a restaurant?

When was the last time you had a hearty meals at home? How was it?

Would you like to attend a cooking class?

Do you think it would be useful to teach cooking in school?

Foreign food

Have you ever tried foreign food?

Do you like to try some new food?/Do you like having foreign food?

What kinds of foreign food are popular in China?

Do you think having foreign food is popular in China?

Did you like to have foreign food when you were a child?

How often did you have foreign food when you were a child?

Do you think people will have more or less foreign food in China?

6 Plants

Do you like planting?

Do you know how to plant flowers?

Do you have plants at home?

What plants did you keep when you were a child?

How would feel if someone gave you a potted plant at as a gift?

Do Chinese like to give others plants as gifts?/Is it common for Chinese to give others plants as gifts?

7 Festivals & Holidays

Are there many festivals in China?

Do you think there’re enough holidays?

What’s your favorite festival/national holidays?

What do people usually do during festivals/public holidays?

What public holidays Chinese have?



I heard that there had been some problem with water leaking in their house, thus, they needed torip the floor out to find the problem of water pipe system hidden inside. Besides, they also took that chance to re-decorate their house. That’s why the noise of hammers, saws, drills seemed endless on the whole day. Because the owners didn’t have much time off from work, they had to begin very soon in the morning. I must say that the staccato hammer drill at the crack of dawn woke up all of citizens in the neighbour, and prevented us from going back to sleep again. As my house is next to theirs, I almost could feel that the walls shook and it drove meinsane.


Though being so bothered by the noise, I couldn’t do anything but for standing it, hoping it could end as soon as possible. After 2 hours, I nearly went crazy with that noise, so I called up my friends and asked them out for cafe and shopping.


Ex: The noise from the bar nearby drove me insane.

Staccato: short and not sounding connected

crack of dawn: the early part of the morning when the sun first appears

Nearly: almost

Go crazy: to become very angry about something

Ask out: to invite someone to go out


Describe something you do to keep healthy. You should say:

what the activity is

when you do it

how often do you do it

also, explain, why it is a good way to look after your health.

I am a not fitness freak and having failed to be consistent in the gym, I have finally restored my health by jogging every day. Every morning, I along with my friends go out on a 5 km jog in the city. We usually start with my house and then move forward towards the city centre and jog in the cantonment area for the most part. It is around 5 am that we start and I am back home by 6:30. This includes jogging and some chit chatting along the way. Also, sometimes we go out for breakfast together, in that case, we land up around 8 back home.


It has been one month since we started it and initially, we were two friends going together but now one more has joined us as well. I really like the jogging part when compared to the gym, because when jogging we are more close to nature and in so many ways get to know the city. There have been areas that we have found out together and it is amazing. Not only it helps in being fit physically but also mentally. There have been times when we have shared our sorrows together and the feeling is really beautiful.


Jogging is always a better option, I believe, because it increases your stamina and jogging in the morning helps you to clear your mind better when compared to other. Also, this is something one can do without much of restraint.



I am an NGO worker here and live with my parents. So, I am planning to visit any of the European countries, particularly Italy, with my parents. They have not been out of South Africa for a long time. Besides, I have conducted a minor research that Italy is the most attractive place to visit. The country contains a notable number of natural visiting places with beautiful landscapes. Moreover, the lakes of the country are excellent with their bluish water. The foods are delicious and almost all types of foods are available here. Besides, this is a destination for global tourists. Considering all these facts, I have planned to have the trip to Italy.


Initially, I have selected some of the most visiting spots in Italy. But all the other preparations are still remaining. I am unable to manage time for the preparations. I have to renew my passport in line with the passports of my parents. This is really a hefty task. Then I have to arrange for vis as though this is not a problem at all and manageable within one day. Then appears the issues of collecting maps for the locations I want to visit. Changing the currency is another potential issue to be considered. So, before starting the trip, I have to collect the changed currencies or it will be difficult to meet the expenses in Italy. Booking the aeroplane tickets is another important issue. I have to book tickets at least 15 days before the trip. So far, these are the necessary preparations that I need to take.


This would be a very special trip as I am travelling with my parents for the first time out of the state. In fact, this would a family trip where all the three family members will be present together for the first time. Earlier, I was unable to manage time for such trip and could not dare to even plan for. It was my occupational engagement that made me separated from my family. Only we met at the table at night during the supper. So, I made the plan to have the trip for a long time so that we could spend some quality moments together in a very special place. In view of all such aspects, this would be a special trip for me.
