





After completing my military service, I have been looking for a challenging goal for me to achieve.And I found that the Intermediate of General English Proficiency Test fits my new achievement properly.I graduated from Taipei Commercial Junior College, majored in business administration.Instead of spending much time in playing, I devoted myself to my studies and paid attention to all meaningful things happened in daily life.By the way, I learned a lot from Mr.Wang, the professor of my business class.He is my good friend till now an often gives some appropriate suggestions toward my problem confusion.My father is, in the same way, a good consultant to me.As he said: I am in poor education, little for you;to clarify, what he have given is far beyond his words, I do think so.I was born in a country of Ping Tung Country, farming is our career of generations.There are four people in my family, Mother is housewife and my brother is a student of an Agriculture College.I am optimistic and active, and I am confident that I can pass the test.Thank you for your precious to read my autobiography.口语考试自我介绍范文2

My name is xxx.There are 4 people in my family.My father is a Chemistry teacher.He teaches chemistry in senior high school.My mother is an English teacher.She teaches English in the university.I have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam.I like to read English story books in my free time.Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the E-books to read.Reading E-books is fun.In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations.I hope to study both English and computer technology because I am interested in both of the subjects.Maybe one day I could combine both of them and apply to my research in the future.口语考试自我介绍范文3

From a middle class family, I was born in Hsin Ying, Tainan on October 10 th, 1965.My father is a civil official at Tainan City Government.My mother is a house wife good at cooking.Although I am the only child of my parents, I am by no mans a spoiled one.On the contrary, I have been expected to be a successful man with advanced education.I study hard at school.Besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite;whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting.“Being good is must;successful, however, is plus.” Father adopts the idea of his father.Especially in military service, I realized it more precisely.People said: Military service makes a boy to man, I agree that.I realized the importance of English and began to study diligently when I was eighteen.I did not start in my early age, but I hope that I could pass the test of General English Proficiency Test.And this is my best wish at the moment.


Hello! It is a great honor to have this opportunity for this test.

My name is ______. I am _____ years old, born in ______ Province. I am from ______ University, majoring in ______.Although I am the only child of my parents, I am by no means a spoiled one. On the contrary, I have been expected to be a successful woman/man with advanced education. I spend most of my time on playing basketball. I like basketball very much. That’s all.

Thank you.


第一部分相对简单, 话题多涉及姓名、家乡、兴趣爱好、工作学习等。话题贴近生活, 而且题目较为固定, 考官多使用基本句型和基本词汇, 目的是让考官初步了解考生的口语水平, 缓解考生的紧张情绪。因为第一部分时间短, 题目简单, 大多数考生往往会出现两种极端现象:一是, 考生急于给考官留个好印象, 对一个简单的问题, 滔滔不绝, 最终考官不得不打断考生, 造成一种隐性失分。第一部分的答案过于冗长, 被考官打断, 会影响之后两个部分的考试时间, 有时也会影响考生的自信。二是, 考生听到类似于“What would you like to do in the future?”, 只用一个词或者一句话来回答。第一部分的答案过于简短, 会让考官误认为, 考生缺乏陈述问题的能力。因此, 考生应该尽量避免以上两种极端行为, 将自己的答案控制在两到三句话, 即第一句话表明自己的观点, 然后用一两句话对自己的观点稍加解释说明。如果遇到why提问的问题或者优缺点的时候, 考生尽量多给出观点, 每个观点用连接词连接, 但避免将每个观点展开叙述。第一部分需要引起考生的重视, 因为考官在听到考生的答案后, 通常会根据自己的经验, 给考生划定一个等级。

第二个部分, 专题讨论是对考生叙述事情、描述事物等能力的考查。这部分题目的题卡也较为固定, 考生可以在考前着重练习近三个月的题卡, 同第一部分一样, 也属于可以提前准备的题目。第二部分的题卡, 基本可以分为描述建筑物或地点、描述一件事情、描述一个具体事物、描述一个抽象事物、描述一个人这五个部分。描述建筑物或地点的题卡, 考生应按照空间位置进行描述, 运用in front of, beside, near, next to, behind, on the corner of等地点状语的表达方式。描述一件事情的题卡, 考生应按照时间顺序进行描述, 运用at that moment, the following day, while, meanwhile, at the same time等时间状语的表达方式。描述一个抽象事物的题卡, 可以用头脑风暴法描述与此抽象事物的相关信息, 但要着重描述其中的某一方面。例如描述一部电影, 首先定义电影的类型, 用一两句话概括地描述观影后的感受, 然后重点描述剧情, 之后可以指出此电影的其他亮点, 比如导演、演员、主题曲、特效等。描述一个人的题卡, 要结合着与此人相关的某件事情展开描述, 尽量避免泛泛地列举很多事情。遇到此类题卡, 可以先进行简短的外貌描述, 然后通过描述某件事情来突出此人的一两个性格特点, 也就是考生选择描述此人的真正原因所在。无论是哪个类型的题卡, 考生应有“一”的概念, 是描述一个对象, 而非泛泛而谈。另外, 考生应在平时练习题卡的时候, 有意识地控制好时间, 争取在两分钟之内将自己的观点陈述完毕。

第三个部分, 深度讨论实际上是对第二部分的延伸, 是在第二部分的基础上更进一步地检测学生的口语水平。通常考官提出与第二部分话题相关的问题, 考生需要指出原因或给出解决方案等。考生容易在心理上畏惧第三部分, 因为很难预测考官的问题, 无法提前做好复习备考工作。因此这个部分更加考验考生, 是否能灵活地运用英语表达观点和进行交流。由于第三部分没有备考的时间, 考生需要在听到问题后, 在三秒钟之内立即作答, 否则考官会认为考生听懂题目没思路, 或未听懂题目, 然后考官可能会用其他的句型重复题目, 造成考生的隐性失分。在回答第三部分时, 考生可借助一些连接词, 例如firstly, in addition, furthermore, finally等, 使自己的答案逻辑有序。另外考生应该学会分析问题, 例如题目中出现people, 可以在作答时将其分成老人、中年人、青年人和小孩, 或者将people分为男性和女性。如出现restaurant, 可以将其分为快餐店、烧烤店、牛排店、自助餐店等。将题目中的关键词细化后, 考生会豁然开朗, 原本毫无思路的题目, 可以轻松地说出至少三个观点。

本文对雅思口语考试的三个部分分别给出了建议, 希望对考生有所帮助, 但总而言之, 练习地道流利的口语才是“硬道理”, 才是取得优秀雅思成绩的关键所在。

摘要:近些年, 出国热的现象仍在继续升温。而当中的绝大多数人是出国学习或进修, 雅思托福等英语语言测试是进入欧美国家的敲门砖。优秀的雅思托福成绩能帮助出国人员申请到综合实力强、学术气氛浓厚的顶尖大学。很多准备出国留学的都考了两到三个雅思或托福成绩, 再以最好的成绩申请学校。因此, 如何高效地学习英语, 复习雅思托福考试, 争取一次性拿到满意的成绩成了大多数出国人员需要解决的一大难题。尤其是在中国, 缺乏说英语的语言环境, 多数人不敢于开口练习英语口语, 致使雅思托福等考试的口语成绩较低, 成了取得高分的瓶颈。本文将以雅思口语考试为例, 分析考试题型, 提供一些解题技巧, 希望对雅思学习者有所帮助。


























I am ___________.I was born in _________.I graduate from senior high school and major in English.I started learning English since I was 12 years old.My parents have a lot of American friends.That’s why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English.In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes.I used to go abroad for a short-term English study.During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things.I think language is very interesting.I could express one substance by using different sounds.So I wish I could study and read more English literatures and enlarge my knowledge.Sample3:

My name is___________.There are 4 people in my family.My father is a Chemistry teacher.He teaches chemistry in senior high school.My mother is an English teacher.She teaches English in the university.I have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam.I like to read English story books in my free time.Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the E-books to read.Reading E-books is fun.In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations.I hope to study both English and computer technology because I am interested in both of the subjects.Maybe one day I could combine both of them and apply to my research in the future.Sample4:

My name is __________.I am from ______________.There are _______________ people in my family.My father works in a computer company.He is a computer engineer.My mother works in a international trade company.She is also a busy woman.I have a older sister and a younger brother.My sister is a junior in National Taiwan University.She majors in English.My brother is an elementary school student.He is 8 years old.Because of my father, I love surfing the Internet very much.I play the on-line game for about 2 hours every day.I wish I could be a computer program designer in the future.And that is why I am applying for the electronics program in your school.Sample5:

From a middle class family, I was born in Hsin Ying, Tainan on October 10th, 1965.My father is a civil official at Tainan City Government.My mother is a house wife good at cooking.Although I am the only child of my parents, I am by no mans a spoiled one.On the contrary, I have been expected to be a successful man with advanced education.I study hard at school.Besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite;whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting.“Being good is must;successful, however, is plus.” Father adopts the idea of his father.Especially in military service, I realized it more precisely.people said: Military service makes a boy to man, I agree that.I realized the importance of English and began to study diligently when I was eighteen.I did not start in my early age, but I hope that I could pass the test of General English proficiency Test.And this is my best wish at the moment.Sample6:

After completing my military service, I have been looking for a challenging goal for me to achieve.And I found that the Intermediate of General English proficiency Test fits my new achievement properly.I graduated from Taipei Commercial Junior College, majored in business administration.Instead of spending much time in playing, I devoted myself to my studies and paid attention to all meaningful things happened in daily life.By the way, I learned a lot from Mr.Wang, the professor of my business class.He is my good friend till now an often gives some appropriate suggestions toward my problem confusion.My father is, in the same way, a good consultant to me.As he said: I am in poor education, little for you;to clarify, what he have given is far beyond his words, I do think so.I was born in a country of ping Tung Country, farming is our career of generations.There are four people in my family, Mother is housewife and my brother is a student of an Agriculture College.I am optimistic and active, and I am confident that I can pass the test.Thank you for your precious to read my autobiography.Sample7:

1、Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is.It is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself.I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today.上午好/下午好/晚上好!我的名字叫……。今天有机会进行自我介绍深感荣幸。我乐意回答你们所提出来的任何问题。我希望我今天能表现的非常出色。

2、I am____ years old, born in province/Beijing, northeast/southeast/southwest…… of china, and I am currently a freshman(大一新生)/sophomore(大二学生)/junior(大三学生)/senior(大四学生)student at Capital Institute of physical Education.我今年……岁,出生在……省/北京,它位于中国的东北/东南/西南……等部。我目前是首都体育学院大一/大二/大三/大四的学生。

篇6:口语考试 面试自我介绍


Dear honorable judges,It’s the great privilege being here to get the opportunity to apply for a position of your big family.First of all, I have to say congratulations to your company’s going public in American NASDAQ stock exchange yesterday.I’m Leo.Just graduate from Hong Kong Baptist University, getting my master degree on Communication, and my bachelor degree in Xi’an International Studies University on Broadcasting &TV Journalism.I am a exact fan of film and a movie theater-goer.I collect all the movie tickets stamping in this notebook, with writing down my own remarks each time.Here are some of them.Of course, the only interest is far less enough to be a film producer.So I have spent a long-term period of time getting myself well prepared for the position.Firstly, out of the passion, I have been applying for any possibilities to get relevant and diversified experience on it.Fortunately, I was admitted by some quality corporations and departments for my industry and long-term accumulation.Two of them are Milky Way Picture Studio in Hong Kong and Huayi Brothers Media Corporation.I have participated in some film

projects like Painted Skin 2, Back to 1942, Drug War and so on.I guess you might have seen some of them.To be honest, at the very beginning, I was a green hand, and it’s quite hard for me to get involved.But, everything worth doing is worth doing well.After my hard times among the 4 years, something seemed to be repaid.One of my latest projects, Painted Skin 2.We all know the directer Wu Ershan was a perfectionist and he always exceeded the time limit.So I managed some commune with him about the very detailed goals he wanted to achieve at last, and then, coordinate frequently between him and sorts of film crew.Finally, we finished the movie 10 days in advance and we got 8 million yuan surplus which partially been used for enlarging our advertising campaign.Besides, when you serve as a film producer,I think you are on the way to be a superman with all-round abilities.So, I also have some experiences on making independent films, editing, performing as well as being a TV compere and journalist in Shaanxi TV Station, and one of the leaders of Shaanxi Universities Media Alliance.There is a disc in the resume including some of my works, and if you have time, please have a look.All of them enhance my capacities to operate a project with a mature insight.Tom Cruise always says that he never makes a shot without a challenge.Your company is always the one I dream of for years and I saw most of films your company produced.It’s clear that there is a long but exciting way to go for us: a more industrialized film production.I am always here, willing to be a member of your big family to accept all the challenges.Thank you!


Hello, my name is (姓名). I’m (年龄) years old. Now I study in (学校) as a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior, and my major is (专业). In my free time, I love taking exercise. Though becoming an athlete is not my dream, I believe that a healthy body is the key to a happy life. Thank you.


【关键词】公共英语 口语 测试 方法



发音的正确清晰,是口语的第一关。如果语音不过关,开口讲话时底气不足,或难以听懂考官或对方的发音,听力受挫,交流就会变得更加困难。要突破语音关,首先要明白的单个音素发音方法,尤其是对英语中那些特殊的音素,一开始就要养成良好的发音习惯。如thanks 中th 的发音就是英语的一个特殊发音,这个音汉语中没有,许多人把它读作[s],这是不可取的。发这个音的要领是,舌尖应该轻触上齿下面的边缘,气流由舌齿间的窄缝泄出,摩擦成音。要过发音关,平时必须严格要求,一丝不苟地去练,进而还需要注意句子中出现的连读,失去爆破,重音和语调节奏等。如果有疑惑,要及时向老师请教纠正。



句型是在自己脑海中建立外语语境的重要一环。解决语音和词汇的同时,就是要积累大量的实用简洁的英语口语句型。掌握句型的要求是不但在大脑“贮存”足够的句型,而且要在使用时灵活“调取”。 PETS中每个级别的考试都包含有固定的话题与特定场景相应的特定句型。例如电话场景,商场场景,餐馆场景,机场场景和建议、请求、命令、安慰、指责、兴奋、愤怒等不同话题。因此,在平时的学习中要注意总结不同的场景中的各种表达方式,而且要做到口语流利,形成对特定场景做出快速的语言反应能力。掌握句型的方法首先是背诵和即席发言。熟能生巧,学习英语口语就需要不断重复,要利用每个机会来练习说。说得越多,重复越多,你就会越清楚地表达自己。研究表明,如果一个词语或句子被重复60遍,就成了母语。熟读是说的前提,只要读得通畅,才会说得流利。古话说,“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”,就是这个道理。熟练句型的第二个方法是即席讲话。讲话时不要拘泥于题目,如谈论家乡的话题,有的同学只说一句“…is my hometown”,下面就不知要谈些什么。实际上,可以扩展到许多话题。例如:家乡的气候、交通、街道、等方面,还可以将话题引入家乡的文化、名胜(或有趣的地方)、及家乡特产去谈论一番。即席讲话就是要求学生克服自卑与羞怯,Enjoy losing face,在轻松愉快的气氛中用英语进行交谈。




在历年的PETS口语考试中,我们也时有遇到过这样的情况,有些考生面对考试中考官问到某些信息知之甚少或一无所知,而格外紧张或尴尬。事实上,PETS中每个级别的口试,其核心都是互动技能与有效交流。互动技能是指口试主考官与考生之间、考生与考生之间交替进行产出与接受的轮回语言活动。通过双方合作性的交流,共同构建对话,并从中获取各自所需的信息,达到交流的目的。它的设计与评分标准,重点也是看考生的交际能力的强弱,辅以词汇量的大小、语法知识的掌握,以及语言传递的流畅程度。它的核心精神即利用语言这一交流工具进行有效交流,巧妙地回避矛盾、解决难题、达到目的。正因如此,口试教师对考生进行口试评分时,主要是考查考生的语言应用能力及语言的组织能力,而非考核考生在某个方面知识掌握程度的深浅或发表意见或观点本身的正确与错误。所以,考生大可不必为自己缺乏某种信息而紧张或尴尬。如确实无从回答,不妨试试这句话“I‘m afraid that this question is beyond me. Maybe you could offer me some information about this?”,或许它能帮你忙。


参考文献: 


[2]Think in American English ,王强,新东方英语,2003 年第1期. 

[3]全国英语等级口语教师培训指南,教育部考试中心,2003年3月 
