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1 英语教学及网考的现状分析

1.1 教材难度偏大, 容量较大

开放英语的授课的教材以刘黛琳主编的《开放英语》为主导, 网考英语复习资料为辅助。该套教材容量较大, 语法点多且细, 综合性强, 词汇也较丰富, 对于学生的听说读写方面都要较高的要求。教材中对话和文章的篇幅稍长, 在短时间的授课中需要压缩性地讲解完教材和网考资料, 对于授课教师和教学对象要求颇高, 而教材与试题的联系是有联系却并不紧密, 这对于网考英语的辅导要求更大。

同时近些年随着机考题库的不断增加, 试题并非完全按照《教学大纲》的要求, 考察和教材的相关语法、词汇等, 有些考试题目超出考试范围, 比如一些科技和商业方面的阅读, 对于非该专业的教学对象来说, 相当困难。

1.2 教学主体和教学对象的沟通和态度的问题

其一, 授课教师本身对开放英语的教学不够重视, 电子教案备课较为简单, 讲解不够浅显细致。其二, 开放教育的学生往往对于开放英语的学习不够重视。

根据调查, 因为工作家庭较忙、缺乏学习英语的氛围和动力及对英语的畏惧情绪是开放学生出勤率不高的主因。其英语面授课出勤率平均只有40%左右, 能够在授课后仔细复习并背诵单词词组等的学生仅为20%左右, 平时工作和生活中经常接触英语的仅有15%左右。

同时授课教师与学生的沟通方式较多, 面授、小组活动、网上答疑和网上实时交流等多种互动, 但由于学生计算机操作能力欠佳和工作较忙等原因, 学生无法做到直接与授课教师联系解疑, 沟通的迟缓和延后也导致学生的学习主动性不高。

1.3 教学方法和教学条件的局限

开放教育要求构建“以学生自主学习为主, 多种教学媒体和手段助学为辅、教师面授辅导为补充”的个别化自主学习模式, 但开放英语的教学时间相对紧凑, 面授课只能简略地挑重点讲授, 要求学生更多地使用多媒体、网络、网上交流等模式进行课后自主学习, 而这些对学校的教学、组织管理、计算机及网络资源平台的后备支持等均有较高要求。

开放英语教学往往由于条件的局限, 将众多的班级安排在一间较大的阶梯教室进行授课, 甚至出现同时授课人数超过200名的情况, 而在正常授课中也往往出现150人左右的大班。当学生出勤率较高时, 往往教室里因为人数过多而嘈杂不安, 后排学生连PPT电子教案也无法看清楚, 在如此的学习氛围和环境中, 很难保证教学质量和学习效果, 所以努力提升教学条件也是刻不容缓的。

2 提高网考英语教学质量的方法

2.1 加深学生对于网考英语的认识

根据笔者对学生的调查, 近10%的学生因为没有参加面授课或未能与其它同学交流, 在第一次网考时才了解网考英语的模式和计算机操作的技巧, 而30%左右的学生对于每年网考的具体考试时间和网考英语的概念都没有具体的定位, 所以加深学生们对于网考英语的认识应放在第一位。

首先教师可以在学生入学时就介绍相应的网考知识, 比如每年网考的次数, 网考报名的时间, 特别是网考的考试模式、机考的特殊性和重要性等, 让学生对网考有个初步的了解。其次在网考英语的授课同时, 教师也必须向学生介绍一些适合网考英语学习方法、注意事项以及考试的技巧等, 这样不单可以加强学生们对于网考的认识, 也可以降低学生对于新的学习模式、考试模式的畏难情绪, 更好地调动其学习积极性。

2.2 因材施教, 更新观念

开放英语授课对象较为广泛, 学生年龄差距较大, 英语水平参差不齐, 出勤率相对较低, 授课难度也较大, 所以授课教师必须更新已有观念, 应该将教学内容、教学形式与学生的学习需求结合起来, 做到根据学生学习要求, 针对成人学生的特点, 因材施教, 因势利导, 分层次授课。

对于英语基础较为薄弱, 学习目的主要是为了通过考试的学生, 授课教师应主要指导学生的考试技巧、加强其应试能力的培养;对于基础较好, 日常生活和工作中与英语接触较多, 学习目的主要是希望提高自身的英语水平的学生, 教师应加强其听说训练, 培养学生的学习兴趣, 使其获得灵活运用英语的能力;而对于英语网考免考的学生, 比如年纪超过40周岁或者是通过大学英语四六级或公共英语三级的学生, 教师不应苛责他们的到课率或是一定要完成网考练习量等。

2.3 精简教材, 使之更有针对性

开放英语教材的容量丰富, 教师应删繁就简, 根据网考的考试大纲和历年的考试题型试题等, 将考试中出现频率较高的词汇、词组和语法进行归纳和总结, 编成词频表和重点语法册, 自制成一本网考汇编, 做到考试有针对, 也便于学生查漏补缺。

同时将网考中将出现的题型和模拟试卷精简, 将最具有典型性和代表性的题目单独抽出, 为学生汇编成册, 并在其后附上答题释疑, 仔细地为学生分析出错的原因, 加深印象以便学生做到高效地复习。对于阅读理解和完形填空之类的题目, 主要讲解阅读的技巧, 比如逆序阅读, 关键词阅读法等, 通过对这些技巧的演示和操练, 达到效果;而对于在网考英语中所占比分较大的翻译和作文题目, 教师可以着重讲解一些注意事项, 如文章结构、格式、翻译法等, 并通过指导学生背诵例句、例文等方式, 起到辅导的作用。

2.4 培养学生自主学习的能力

开放英语的学习特点和学生特色决定了培养学生英语自主学习能力的重要性, 因为教师无法满足每个学生的具体需求, 只能在面授课中提纲挈领地讲解一些语法语言重点和宏观性的学习方法和模式, 因此学生的课后自主学习非常关键。

网考英语需要参加网络机考, 所有机考的题型均为一致, 但是参加网考的每位学生考题均为随机抽取, 考题几乎均为不同, 所以在面授课中教师必须指导学生灵活使用网考英语的附录光盘, 通过操作和练习光盘中的习题, 掌握一定的考试技巧, 培养其课后自主学习的能力。

教师也建议学生课后使用工具书、如牛津词典、朗文词典, 或是网上的在线词典, 如金山词霸等来查询单词, 而对于语法阅读等方面的自主学习, 则可以通过一些英语学习网站, 同时学校的网站上也应加强网考模拟试题的训练等项目, 以方便学生随时地自主学习。

尤为重要的是学校也应当构建自主学习资源库, 例如网考英语的系统学习资源数据库, 提供大量丰富的多媒体资料, 如教学视频, 听说视频, BBC广播等供学生下载, 作为学习的参考资料。

2.5 加强教师与学生之间的交流

适当运用多种手段增进授课教师与学生间的交流, 教师应坚持每天上网, 及时解答学生的问题, 回复学生发的帖子和留言, 成为学生自主学习的好帮手。除已有的网上交流、实时互动等活动, 教师还可以利用实时聊天工具QQ、MSN或是新浪微博及社交网络等。通过在QQ里建立班级群, 群发消息, 共享复习资料或是直接与学生视频交流等方式, 加强师生间、同学间的交流, 努力营造良好的英语语言学习氛围, 让答疑解惑在第一时间完成。

教师应加强自身服务意识, 除了通用的电子邮箱、办公室电话等联系方式, 也可以通过短信平台与学生交流。比如在授课前, 将授课的具体时间、地点、参考资料等信息详细地用短消息告知学生, 并在考试前通知学生考试日程安排, 温馨提醒考试时学生带好准考证、身份证, 以便其提前做好准备。

2.6 运用适当的教学方法, 注重教学安排

使用多媒体教学为主, 适当穿插其它的教学法如任务式教学法, 通过学生教学任务的完成, 达到教学效果, 这种方法即“综合教学法”, 同时注重以教师为主导有效讲解重点。同时英语学习是一种技能, 需要不断操练和实践, 才能熟练掌握, 所以教师也应当尽量为学生创造英语学习环境。首先根据学生的学习意愿和基础进行分班, 尽量安排非大班化英语教学, 其次在教学中尽量多地为学生提供操练英语机会, 最后还要根据网考英语的特点, 注重考试技巧的讲解。

网考英语的考试时间固定在每年的4月、9月和12月, 所以应合理安排教学, 除每学期固定的教学安排, 在每年4月和9月的网考前应适当安排一次到两次密集型复习课程, 将重要语法和词汇等精简地梳理一遍, 加深学生印象, 有的放矢, 并在考前尽量安排上机模拟考试, 使学生熟悉网考上机的操作模式。

3 结束语

总之, 开放英语课程的网考出现仅有数年, 对于提高网考英语的教学质量的方法还在试验中, 还有许多地方需要改革和完善, 这些都需要在实践中不断地摸索和调整。只有通过以上的方式才能真正有效利用各方面的资源, 调动学生的积极性, 满足学生们的个性化学习需求, 促进开放英语网考教学质量的进一步地提高。

摘要:开放英语作为电大开设的一门基础的公共课程, 授课难度较大, 而要求学生通过开放英语II (2) 的网考, 更是难上加难。通过精简教材、因材施教、合理安排教学时间、培养学生自主学习能力等多种方法提高网考英语教学质量。



[1]李红.如何让电大新生适应开放教育模式下的英语教育[J].内蒙古电大学刊, 2007 (7) :75.

[2]张颖.如何提高基层电大英语网考试点教学中的到位率[J].科技信息, 2010 (3) :78.

[3]贾光茂, 方宗祥.大学英语教师角色困惑的起因与消解对策[J].南京邮电大学学报, 2008 (4) :12.

[4]黄娜.开放英语自主学习低效原因及对策[J].福建广播电视大学学报, 2010 (1) :47.


1.AKA(Ai so Known As)据我所知

2.ASAP(As Soon As Possible)越快越好


4.BBL(Be Back Later)一会回来

5.BTW(By The Way)顺便说一下

6.CWYL(Chat With You Later)一会儿聊

7.CUL8R(See you later)再见

8.DLTM(Don’t Lie To Me)另撤谎


10.F2F(Face to face)面对面

11.FYI(For your information)



13.GTSY(Glad To See You)


14.HB(Hurry Back)



16.HAND(Have a nice dayI)


17.HRU(How are you?)你好吗?

18.IC(I See.)我明白了。

19.IDK(I Don’t Know.)我不知道。

20.IOW(In Other Words)换句话说

21.ISS(I Said So)我说的

22.KIT(Keep In Touch)保持联系

23.LOL(Laugh out loud)大笑

24.LTNS(Long Time No See.)好久不见。

25.NP(No Problem.)没问题。

26.OMG(Oh My God/Oh My Gosh)天哪。


28.PO(Piss Off)生气了

29.SYL(See you later.)等会儿见。

30.WAI(what An I diot)大白痴

31.YOYO(You're On Your Own.)你要靠自己。


A:wsup(what’s up?)你怎么了?

B:not much,ws up w/u(notmuch,what’s up with you?)没什么,你呢?

A:nothing jc(nothing,justchilling,)没什么,单纯地在放松。

B:me too.我也是。

A:how was ur day.(how WaSyour day?)你今天过得怎么样?



A:gd gd(good.good)也不错。

B:so u datin anyl(so.areyou dating anyone?)你有在约会吗?

A:yup y(yes.why?)有,为什么这么问?

B,o im jw,seems like u gota new bf evry wk(Oh,I’mjust wondering,Seems likeyou’Ve got a new boyfriendevery week,)哦,我只是在想你好像每个礼拜都有个新男友。

A:shut up 101 (shut up——laughing out loud)哦,闭嘴(大笑)。



Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short passage to express your views on a given topic.You should write at least 80 words and base your writing on the Chinese outline below:



The Internet has become a symbol of modern society.For example, via the Internet, we can send a message to a friend or a relative in a distant place within seconds;we can talk to each other or even see each other;we can do shopping without going out;we can stay home and do business with foreign companies.In fact, we can do many things more easily and more cheaply using the Internet.So, I cannot imagine what society would be like without the Internet.题目2

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a story about what happened to you or to someone else.You should write at least 80 words and base your story on the Chinese outline below:

1. 事件发生的时间和地点

2. 人物

3. 事件的经过

A Day to Remember(难忘的一天)

It was Sunday.Our teacher Mr.Zhu led us to a park nearby.Usually we go to the park to spend our holiday.But today we went there to take part in voluntary labor.We got there at nine o’clock.Mr.Zhu divided us into three groups and then we began working.Group One was responsible to plant trees and water flowers.Group Two were busy collecting litter left by the tourists.I was in Group Three.We went to the children’s playground and cleaned all the equipment there.We worked very hard.At about eleven we finished work.We all were tired but very happy.I will never forget the day in my memory


Saying something about going abroad for holidays(谈谈出国度假), 可以包括以下内容:

1.How to choose a certain country.2.Why are you willing to go abroad for holiday.3.Advantages and disadvantages.4.What are you going to do in the country.In recent years, going abroad for a holiday has almost become a national pastime.Traveling is indeed fun.I am dreaming of going abroad for holiday.The ideal destination is Paris.Paris is very beautiful and full of romance.Still, going abroad will make me know more about the world and enrich my life.I can experience the different culture in another country.Going abroad for holiday can also be exciting.I will do a lot of shopping in Paris and buy presents for my friends.I hope my dream will come true one day.题目4


5.The importance of learning English.6.How to learn English well?

7.What are your good experience and failing lesson?

Why I like learning English? Firstly, English is very useful.English is the most widely used language in the world.If we make a visit to foreign countries or do business with foreigners, we need to communicate with them in English.Secondly, with China becoming stronger and stronger, we have more chances to go abroad.We can know the English-speaking countries much deeper if we know English.Both China and English-speaking countries have realized the importance of the culture exchanging.Above all, English is useful and important, we must master English.题目5

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an email to a business partner in London about your trip next month.You should write at least 80 words and base your email on the Chinese outline below:

1. 接受邀请下星期到英国观光旅游

2. 希望对方能到机场接你

3. 告诉对方你抵达的日期和航班号等

Dear Mr.Brown,I would like to accept you invitation to go to Britain for holiday.Britain is my dream destination.Would it possible for you to meet me at the airport? The plane leaves Tianjin at 18:25 and arrives in London at 20:50 next Tuesday.My flight number is CA5027.I am really grateful for you kindly support.I am sure I will enjoy my stay in Britain.Bob

Yours faithfully


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a note to tell your boss that you cannot attend this afternoon’s meeting.You should write at least 80 words and base your note on the Chinese outline below:

1. 你刚接到妻子电话

2. 你不得不回家带小孩上医院看病

3. 晚上跟老板联系


There  are both advantages and disadvantages in distance learning, and as stated  earlier, Distance Learning is not for everyone. Here are a few of the advantages  in taking a distance learning course, and also a few disadvantages in distance  learning. Advantages in Distance Learning Flexibility in schedule  Can access class when convenient for you Do not have to leave confines  of home No everyday trips to campus Save travel time, gas, babysitting  fees For study purposes can repeat lessons as often as needed Work  independently (telecourses, some online) Disadvantages in taking a Distance  Learning Course Easy to procrastinate No face-to-face  interaction/socialization No immediate response to questions Will spend  more time studying_ _In a distance learning class be prepared to study  on a weekly basis at least two hours for every credit hour of class taken. For  instance, if a class is 3 credit hours, weekly study time should be no less than  six hours per week for the class.


共享教案:学习! 21英语网

高三教案 第404期 发布时间:-11-08 India first, college can wait! (P3) I. Pre-reading Suppose you had received an admission to your dream university, and you were also offered a chance to volunteer in western China. What would you do? II. Reading Read the story and choose the best answer: 1. Sagorin chose to go to India instead of New York University because ____. A. she decided that going to university would be a waste of time B. she could put off college but only had one chance to volunteer in India C. she had long dreamed of going to India to work for the needy there D. New York University didn’t appeal to her 2. Sagorin becomes a volunteer as a result of ____. A. her determination to change the world B. her parents’ encouragement and help C. the training she’s received at school D. being inspired by Drishtee volunteers 3. Which statement shows that Sagorin’s parents supported her decision? A. They were a little worried about her safety in India. B. They gave money for her travel and living expenses. C. They helped her to get more information about India. D. They were proud of her for choosing not to go to university. 4. The underlined word “pledge” probably means ____. A. help to collect B. decide to return C. refuse to donate D. promise to give 5. What is the main point of the article? A. To prove helping the needy is a great experience. B. To call on teenagers to follow Sagorin’s example. C. To introduce a volunteer named Sagorin and the decision she made. D. To encourage more volunteers to work for Drishtee. II. Post-reading 1. IT was an opportunity 19-year-old Jodi Sagorin felt she couldn’t pass up. pass up: 放过, 放弃,拒绝 Her offer was too good to pass up. 2. “It’s just one of those things; it was meant to be.” be meant to be/do something 打算或注定要做某事 I thought we could be friends, but I guess it just wasnt meant to be. 3. Last month, Sagorin packed up her belongings and headed over to Uttar Pradesh as an intern (实习生) for Drishtee... pack up:把……打包, 整理 You should pack up your tools at the end of the day. 4. When Sagorin broke the news about deciding to put off college, her parents felt pride, nervousness, fear and excitement. break the news:披露消息,透露消息 The local TV station was the first to break the news about the Presidents visit. Key: II. Reading 1. B。根据“It was an opportunity 19-year-old Jodi Sagorin felt she couldnt pass up”,这是Sagorin不想错过的机会。而其他选项并没有在文中提到。 2. A。根据“Since her younger days, Sagorin had read inspiring stories of change makers throughout the world and decided she wanted to get involved somehow.”, Sagorin从小就希望能给世界带来改变,“She decided volunteering would be the path shed take”,成为志愿者是她“make a difference”的途径。 3. C。选项B和D是文中没有提到的`内容。A项表现的是Sagorin的父母对她的担心,只有答案C是正确的,父母帮助她收集关于Drishtee的信息,购买关于印度的书籍,都是父母对Sagorin远赴印度的实际支持。 4. D。根据上下文,Sagorin赴印度前集资了$3,500,作为感谢,她会在印度给“those who pledge money towards her trip”寄各种小礼物,所以可以判断“pledge”的大意是“答应捐钱”。 5. C。本文的主旨大意是介绍志愿者Sagorin和她放下学业去印度做志愿者这一人生选择。从文章的结尾“Visit Sagorins blog at ifyouneverdid.com for more information.”,可以明确看出这一目的。Drishtee这个志愿者组织不是文章的主旨所在,作者更趋向于客观报道,而没有对Sagorin进行赞扬或评价,更没有号召其他年轻人以Sagorin为榜样。 Reading Obama’s body language (P4) 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 On TV, in newspapers, on the Internet C each new day seems to bring a new image of US President Barack Obama. ________ President Obama is a back-patter. After his victory in November , he met with outgoing President George W. Bush at the White House and “their body language spoke volumes (传递大量信息),” Allan Pease, the author of The Definitive Book of Body Language, told www.bodylanguageexpert.co.uk. ________ As the two walked into the White House, Obama led Bush by putting his arm around him and giving him a pat on the back, as if to signify (表示) this was his house now. Everyone Obama meets seems to be rewarded with this pat-on-the-back signature (标志性的动作). ________ But if you look closely, you’ll notice that “Obama’s touches are invariably one-sided”, Dr Peter Collett, a body language expert and former psychologist (心理学家) at Oxford University, told British newspaper The Guardian. ________ Collett believes Obama is engaging in “power touch”, although he probably doesn’t realize it. “He’s exercising his right as the most important person to touch and not be touched C it is his way of reminding everyone that he’s the guy really in charge. ___________ Everyone thinks he’s being friendly,” writes Collett. A. He touches other heads of state, but they don’t touch him. B. The fascinating thing is that nobody feels unpleasant. C. They represent very different ways of relating. D. So, perhaps by now, nearly two years into his term as the world’s most powerful person, we should be able to read the American leader’s body language. E. You can’t but help feel that it’s because he wants to be seen as friendly and approachable. F.By contrast, Obama has a forward-looking gaze and strolls about in a relaxed fashion during public appearances. G. Obama took control of the meeting by grabbing Bush’s upper arm during their handshake. Key: 1-5 DGEAB Qomolangma is wired up (P5) I. Pre-reading: making predictions: 1. Read the headline and look at the photo and then guess what the story is about. 2. Here’s the first paragraph: You can’t get away from a cell phone call, even at the top of the world. Make another guess about the main idea and the meaning of “be wired up”. 3. Don’t tell anyone else what you have guessed, but do write them down. Read on to the third paragraph. Now can you say what “be wired up” means? Key: The phrase means “be connected to the Internet.” The article is (probably) about Qomolangma having access to the Internet. 4. Go on predicting what is next to come in the article. II. While reading: 1. Read the article and then fill in the tables. 2. Choose the best answer: 1) Before 3G towers were installed near Qomolangma’s base camp in Nepal, explorers couldn’t ____ at the summit. A. send digital photos B. use wireless Internet C. contact their families D. contact the outside world 2) Due to the change, ____. A. explorers can spare themselves the heavy load of satellite equipment B. more will try to climb the world’s tallest mountain C. people will be able to find out more about mountain climbing D. explorers will find the climb less dangerous 3) Which of the following is TRUE? A. Veteran climbers like Viesturs praise the new technology. B. Whittaker completely approves of the new technology. C. For Viesturs, making a video call is not a great matter. D. Easy contact with family and friends has its disadvantages. 4) From the text, we can conclude that Dave Hahn ____. A. thinks the change is inevitable B. never expected this change to happen C. accepts the change, so long as it proves beneficial D. thinks the new technology makes the climbing experience less valuable III. Post-reading: 1.我有点老派。 2. 对于他来说,最重要的好处就是给家里打电话很方便。 3. 这些是否可能使这种经历贬值? Key: I. Pre-reading: 3. The phrase means “be connected to the Internet.” The article is (probably) about Qomolangma having access to the Internet. II. While-reading: 2. 1) 根据倒数第三段I remember sitting up all night figuring out how to send the photos out in big enough resolution.可知A错误。根据文章说以前可以用handheld VHF radios




为了给大学英语改革向更深层次发展提供真实有效的参考, 真正贯彻《大学英语课程要求》“听说领先”的教学原则, 不断完善大学英语四、六级考试的机制, 尽最大可能克服四、六级考试作弊方面的问题, 久经酝酿的网络考试 (Internet-Based CET) 于2008年12月21日首次在全国54所高校同时试点网考。从发展趋势上看, 四六级网考将进一步推广, 有望彻底取代笔试, 改变四六级一年两考的现状, 实现一年多考。这种新的发展与变化给大学英语的教与学带来了新的启示。


1. 考试方法

传统的四级考试是完全的笔试, 而四、六级网考则是依靠网络和计算机来进行, 考题从题库数千套试题中随机挑选的, 实现了“一人一机一套题”模式, 和新托福考试特别接近。对计算机和网络设备等技术上要求较高, 对学生计算机操作的熟练程度也要求较高。

2. 题型设计

新型的基于计算机网络的大学英语四级考试, 真正做到了“听说领先”的原则, 以听力为基础的考题占总考题的70%。试卷的摹本框架分为八个部分, 除了阅读部分之外, 其余几个部分都是以听力或视频材料为基础的。随后, 听力部分后设计了听力跟读题环节, 需要考生在规定时间内对着计算机话筒流利地重复之前听到的对话, 以此考查学生的英语口语是否标准。

作文部分也融入了听力要求, 首先看一段视频, 看懂了之后, 简单描述视频内容, 并阐发自己的观点。很显然, 如果听不懂视频, 就无法顺利完成写作。

这样的题型设计能更好地测试学生不同层次的语言技能, 有助于提高学生的听力、词汇、篇章理解、记忆、总结提炼等各方面的综合能力。

3. 听力材料

四六级网考的听力材料全部采用真实的语料, 和之前的录音材料有着本质的区别。这些材料既有录音, 也有录像, 相对来说能真实全面地反映考生的听力水平。听力材料的题材和来源也呈现多样化, 涉及的有访谈、新闻报道、讲座等, 一般选自VOA, BBC和CNN等媒体的新闻。


四六级网考是对过去英语教学理念及模式的一种挑战, 在此意义上, 四六级网考不仅仅是一个新的考试形式, 而是一个新的学习方法和学习体系, 是考查大学生综合语言能力的测试手段、测试内容的一种变革。这必然对大学公共英语教学产生深远影响, 也使广大高校教师和学生面临更大的挑战。

1. 首先网考对学生提出了更高的要求

作为学生要熟练掌握电脑的操作方法, 熟悉用计算机多媒体获取信息的模式, 尽量每天抽出一定时间登录英文网站, 大量阅读英语原版文章, 习惯在屏幕上阅读英文文章, 而且可以扩大自己的知识面;同时坚持练习英语打字速度, 达到40~50词每分钟, 从形式上完全适应英语机试的要求。

更重要的是学生要转变英语学习态度和观念, 坚持英语听力的长期训练, 充分利用网络自主学习平台。

2. 作为大学英语教师应该更加注重学生语言主观能力和综合运用能力的培养

CET-4改革要求大学英语教学的重要指导思想就是确立以交际为目的、学生为中心的教学新理念, 把改革的重点放在激发、引导学生的主观能动性和参与性上, 强调学生的语言综合能力。在实际教学过程中, 教师要在课堂上为学生提供足够的听说机会和环境。国外许多语言学家 (Krashen, 1982;Oxford, 1993) 研究发现:听是语言输入的重要途径, 通过大量的听力活动, 学习者逐步内化语言规律, 从而提高语言的交际能力。在教学中教师还应当使学生养成良好的学习习惯, 如晨听、泛读等。

另外, 大学英语课堂的教学时间是局限的, 教师不可能在很短的教学时间内提高学生的听说读写译水平, 应当发挥第二课堂的作用。第二课堂的形式是多样的, 内容是丰富的。可以利用学校电台、网络定时播放英语课程和节目;计算机中心, 语音室定时开放, 为学生提供自主学习场所;开设各种外语文化讲座。这样一方面可以激发学生学习的兴趣, 还在无形之中加大英语的输入, 从而真正提高学生运用英语的能力。

四六级网考虽然还处于测试阶段, 还存在各种困难, 但它肯定会成为今后大学英语测试的主流, 对我国的英语教学也是一种挑战。学生和教师都应积极应对挑战, 稳步提高英语综合能力和网考的应试能力。


[1]教育部高等教育司.大学英语课堂教学要求[Z].北京:高等教育出版社, 2007.

[2]杨冬梅.大学英语四级考试听力部分改革对大学英语听力教与学的及时反拨效应——个案研究[J].中国科技信息.2007 (18) .
