





本学期教学内容共计五章,知识的前后联系,教材的教学目标,重、难点分析如下:第十七章 反比例函数


简单的实际问题。本章的难点在于对学生抽象思维的培养,以及提高数形结合的意识和能力。第十八章 勾股定理


本章重点是勾股定理和逆定理,难点是灵活运用勾股定理和逆定理解题。第十九章 四边形



第二十章 数据的分析




1.1《长度和时间的测量》 学习目标:

1.知道长度单位,会使用刻度尺测量物体长度、知道刻度尺的量程分度值。2.知道时间单位,会使用适当的时间测量工具测量时间。3.知道测量有误差,知道误差与错误的区别。重点:刻度尺与停表的使用方法及长度与时间的测量。难点: 长度、时间单位的换算。主问题:用刻度尺怎么测量长度?




2.会选择参照物描述机械运动,会根据对运动的描述指明参照物; 3.能举例说明运动和静止是相对的。

重点:学会描述机械运动;运动和静止的相对性。难点: 参照物的选择,理解运动与静止的相对性。







1.4《测量平均速度》 学习目标:




2.1《声音的产生和传播》 学习目标:

1.知道声音是由物体振动产生的。知道声音的传播需要介质。真空不能传声 2.初步学习实验探究声音产生和传播的方法。




2.2《声音的特性》 学习目标:


重点:影响音调高低和响度大小的因素及影响音色的因素。难点: 用所学知识分辨是哪个特性。


2.3《声的利用》 学习目标:




2.4《噪声的危害和控制》 学习目标:

1. 知道什么叫噪声。2. 知道噪声的来源。

3. 了解噪声强弱的等级及噪声的危害,知道控制噪声减弱噪声的方法途径。重点:控制减弱噪声的方法途径。难点:分析从什么地方控制噪声。

主问题:怎么控制噪声?并举例说明从不同途径控制噪声的方法? 第三章 物态变化 3.1

温度 学习目标:

1.知道温度的定义.摄氏温度的规定 2.掌握温度计原理.分类及正确使用方法 3.了解体温计的构造及显示原来温度的原因 重点:通过学习活动,使学生掌握温度计的使用方法。



温度计原理,总结温度计使用前, 使用时应注意的要点?

3.2:熔化和凝固 学习目标:



3.了解熔化曲线和凝固曲线的物理意义 重点:探究晶体、非晶体的熔化过程,培养学生的观察能力实验能力、分析概括能力









难点: 指导学生通过对实验的观察、分析、概括、总结出液体沸腾时温度随时间的变化规律,并能用图像表示出来.气体液化的条件、方法 主问题:







3.通过观察了解升华和凝华现象,知道生活中的升华和凝华现象。重点: 知道升华要吸热,凝华要放热。

难点:了解生活中的升华和凝华的现象,并能用物理的语言进行解释 主问题:


第四章 光现象





3.知道光在真空和空气中的传播速度 重点:光的直线传播。



4.2光的反射 学习目标:



4.了解什么是镜面反射,什么是漫反射 重点:利用光的反射解释生活中的现象 难点:光的反射定律 主问题:

探究“光反射时的规律”活动归纳总结光在反射时的规律? 4.3平面镜成像 学习目标:



3.初步了解凸面镜和凹面镜的光学性质及其应用。重点:平面镜所成像是虚像 难点:平面镜成像的特点 主问题:






3.了解光在发生折射时.光路是可逆的 重点:光的折射规律

难点: 利用光的折射规律解决简单的物理问题 主问题:




1.了解色光的三原色和颜料的三原色 2.了解光的色散现象






第五章 透镜及其应用 5.1透镜



2.了解两种透镜对光的作用,并会画对应的光路图 重点:凸透镜和凹透镜对光的作用

难点:凸透镜和凹透镜上的三条特殊光线画图 主问题:







重点:凸透镜成实像和虚像的主要特征,物距和像距的大小的比较 难点:凸透镜成实像和虚像的主要特征 主问题:


5.3凸透镜成像的规律 学习目标:





5.4眼睛和眼镜 学习目标:





近视眼和远视眼看物体时像分别成在视网膜的哪个地方?近视眼和远视眼是用眼镜来进行矫正请结合透镜对光的作用和近视眼、远视眼、老花眼的成因,想一想,写出矫正办法并简单解释。5.5显微镜和望远镜 学习目标:



重点: 了解显微镜和望远镜的基本构造和原理,视角的理解 难点: 能利用透镜自制显微镜和望远镜 主问题:


第六章 质量与密度 6.1 质量 学习目标:



3、通过实际操作,掌握天平的使用方法会用天平测物体的质量 重点:会用天平测物体的质量

难点:知道质量是物体的属性,掌握天平的使用方法 主问题:


6.2密度 学习目标



3.通过学习养成合作精神,以及在交流与讨论中应有的实事求是的态度 重点:密度知识应用十分广泛,它不仅能鉴别物质,还能求体积、求质量,而且和我们后面要学习的浮力知识、压强知识都有着密切的联系,关于密度的理解是




6.3测量物质的密度 学习目标




重点:因为托盘天平和量筒、量杯的使用方法及注意事项是学生在实际分析问题时经常出错的地方,为此作为重点。难点:因为独立操作学生难以真正做好,为此掌握固体和液体的质量与体积的测量方法是难点。主问题: 生活、生产中常要知道某种物质的密度,只要测出物体的什么?根据哪个公式就能算出物质的密度?液体和形状不规则的固体的体积可以用什么来测量?

6.4密度与社会生活 学习目标:



3、学会用密度鉴别物质的种类 重点:学会用密度鉴别物质的种类。难点:学会用密度鉴别物质的种类。主问题:


《英语课程标准》提出了新的学习方式:“自主学习、合作学习、探究学习。”英语学习方式的变革, 是实施新课程最为核心和最为关键的环节。课堂教学中应遵循“以学生为主体, 以教师为指导, 以学生自主探究为核心”。

1.运用“任务型”的教学途径, 培养学生综合语言运用能力;

2.突出交际性, 在用中学、在交际中学, 启发学生认识到学习英语的目的在于交流。


(一) 教学内容分析

本单元是以“邀请”为话题开展的教学活动, 学习如何正确使用can引导的句子表达邀请。

(Can for invitations)

1a-1c为本单元的导入部分, 主要通过邀请别人参加聚会的图文及听力活动导入单元话题, 要求学生掌握prepare for an exam, have the flu, help my parents, go to the doctor, meet my friend等短语, 学会使用Can you come to...?Sure, I’d love to./Sorry, I can’t.I have to/must...等句型进行有效交际。活动1a主要呈现话题词汇短语和基本句型, 1b通过听力练习加深学生对单元重点句型和词汇短语的认知, 1c则要求学生结合主题图内容展开问答活动, 完成简单的语言输出。

(二) 学生情况分析

学生已经学习过使用be going to do来谈论未来的计划和安排, 并已学习过have to作为“不得不”的表达法, 因此, 学生在讲述拒绝邀请的理由时遇到的困难不大。相对而言, 由于文化差异的因素, 学生在本单元中对英语语言中邀请以及接收、拒绝的交际用语的把握有一定的难度。

对于交际用语的使用, 笔者设置情景邀请学生参加乔迁派对, 并呈现接收和拒绝的表达方式;通过听力给学生提供真实的邀请交际模板, 让学生模仿交际以及语音语调。在此基础上让学生根据自己的实际情况邀请并回复各式各样的活动, 熟练运用目标语言, 并最终让学生能自如使用交际用语来书写邀请卡和邀请邮件。


(一) Knowledge goals

Words:exam, flu, invite, invitation

Phrases:prepare for an exam, go to the doctor, have the flu, meet friends, help parents.

Sentence structure:Can you come to my party?

Sure, I’d love to./Sure, I’d like to.

Sorry, I can’t.I have to...

(二) Ability goals

1.To make the students know how to make, accept and decline invitations.

2.Use have to, must to talk about obligations.


Teaching important points:How to make, accept and decline invitations.

Teaching difficult points:How to refuse others by using the phrases politely.


(一) lead in

Watch a video It’s party time! (如图1所示) , ask students to sing along with it.

Design statement:At the beginning of the class, the video can arouse the students’interests and their eager to learn English.

(二) Types of the party

What kind of parties do you know?What are they?

The students can learn birthday party, family party, wedding party, barbecue party, Halloween party according to the pictures (如图2-图6所示) .

Design statement:To get the students know the culture of foreign countries and to learn how to say different parties.

(三) Sentences

I have a new house.It’s beautiful.I’m going to have a housewarming party.I want to invite many people to my party, can you help me?

Ask the students:How to invite others?

Write the sentence patterns on the blackboard:

Can you come to my party?

Sure, I’d love to./I’d like to.,

Sorry, I can’t.I have to...

Sorry, I’m not free.I’m going to...

Ask students to go to the teacher’s party.Students can answer the question in real situations.

Design statement:The teacher provides the students with real situation to lead in the sentence structure.

(四) Phrases

If you can’t come to the party, you have to give a reason.I have asked my friends to come, but some of them refused, can you guess the reasons?

They are the real reasons. (如图7-图11所示)

Use the pictures to learn the phrases:have the flu, go to the doctor, meet friends, help parents, prepare for an exam.

Design statement:When we use pictures, it’s easy for students to know the meaning of the phrases and remember them.

(五) Practice on the book (1a, 1b)

Match the phrases with the pictures. (如图12所示)

Listen, Sun Ning is going to have a party, how many people can come to his party?Read the name lists:Ted, Tim, Kay, Wilson, Anna.

(六) Groupwork

There are some envelopes in my hand.In each of it, there is something special.For example, if you see a concert ticket, one of you in the group should ask, “Can you come to the concert with me?”The other students should answer it by using the sentences we have learnt today.

The things include:

movie tickets, plane ticket, swimming glasses, the paper-cut of the Chinese character“喜”, the baby’s bottle full of candies, a ping-pong ball and so on.

Ask students to perform their dialogues.

Design statement:In this way, the students have a chance to practice the language in real situations, and all of them can speak.

(七) Invitation e-mail

My families live far away from me.How can I invite them?I can send them an invitation e-mail.

I wrote an e-mail last night.Please have a look to see if it is good enough.

Design statement:It takes a long time if we ask the students to write an e-mail.So after the speaking, just ask them to fill in the blanks about an e-mail.They can write and use the words we have learnt today.

(八) Homework

Suppose you are having a weekend party, please write an invitation e-mail to invite all your classmates and teachers.

Design statement:After class, students can write down an e-mail by themselves like this.In this way, we can check how much they have learnt and mastered.


本堂课的课型是听说课, 笔者将教学重点放在引导、教授和对目标语言的运用上, 并在活动中创设较为真实的情景让学生运用目标语言。回顾反思, 本堂课的成功之处主要体现在以下几个方面:

(一) 整合教材内容, 合理设计教学

目前的教材内容丰富, 但在实际教学中, 并不一定需要每一个环节, 也不可能照顾到方方面面, 这就要求教师在备课的过程中整合教材, 合理取舍, 根据教学目标和教学重难点安排教学。本堂课的教学重难点突出, 设计合理。

(二) 教学设计思路清晰, 具有层次性, 高效性

将听说读写各教学环节落实到位。整堂课从引入、复习、教授、练习、听力、巩固到运用环节, 由易到难, 层层递进。每一步都关注了学生的配合状态, 随时对教学步骤进行调整, 是一堂真实的课堂。

(三) 创设了较多的情景, 能使学生在情境中运用所学知识

由于学生学习能力较强, 教师针对教学内容进行了拓展, 运用生活中普遍存在的事物, 让学生产生联想, 并运用目标语言组成对话, 小组合作。注重了对学生语言能力的培养和跨文化交际的理解。

(四) 师生互动、生生互动频繁


【关键词】新目标 英语 八年级 情境教学




案例一、在新目标英语八年级下第七单元What were you doing when the UFO arrived?这篇课文的主要语法是让学生掌握过去进行时,但是在真正进行学习的过程中,学生容易将过去进行时和过去时混淆,因为这两种语法在进行使用的过程中都可以表示过去发生的事件,只是过去进行时表示过去正在发生的事件。如果让学生单纯的进行理解,就会过于抽象。因此在进行情景教学中,可以将现实的情境引入到课堂中去,例如日常生活中经常会发生的打篮球、跑步和骑车等活动,将其进行设计,并结合动态的画面,让学生主动的进行思考,提升学生在课堂上的积极性和主动性,吸引学生的注意力。在这样的时候,可以将过去进行时的时态引入到课堂中去。

案例二、在新目标英语八年级第七单元“Would you mind turning down the music”这一章节时,主要的语法是重点句型“Would you mind(not)...?”,在对句型的学习中,可以设计如下的情景:将学生引入到一场郊游活动中,当到达目的地需要下车的时候,发现有的小伙伴睡着了,因此进行以下的沟通:“T :Look,who is sleeping in bus now?S: Lan Tong is sleeping.T: Would you mind helping me wake him up?S: OK,I will do it at once.”通过学生身边真实发生的事件的情景展示,让学生可以很直观的对知识点进行掌握,在积极、和谐的的课堂氛围中学习到一定的语法知识并进行适当的展开,对学生来讲趣味性不断的提升,学生可以真实的感受到英语在进行应用时的语言环境,熟练的进行运用,使得英语的学习不再抽象而是真实的反映在日常的生活当中,对自身的英语学习能力和实际的运用能力具有重要的促进作用。












能力目标:观察光在空气中和水中传播的实验现象,了解实验是研究物理问题的重要方法. 德育目标:观察、实验以及探究的学习活动,培养学生尊重客观事实、实事求是的科学态度. 教学重点:光的直线传播









德育目标:在探究“平面镜成像特点”中领略物理现象的美妙和和谐,获得发现成功的喜悦 教学重点:平面镜成像的特点.










1. 通过具体实例认识轴对称、轴对称图形,探索轴对称的基本性质,理解对应点连线被对称轴垂直平分的性质;2.探索简单图形之间的轴对称关系,能够按照要求作出简单图形经过一次或两次轴对称后的图形;认识和欣赏轴对称在现实生活中的应用,能利用轴对称进行简单的图案设计;3.了解线段垂直平分线的概念,探索并掌握其性质;了解等腰三角形、等边三角的有关概念,探索并掌握它们的性质以及判定方法;4.能初步应用本章所学的知识解释生活中的现象及解决简单的实际问题,在观察、操作、想象、论证、交流的过程中,发展空间观念,激发学习空间与图形的兴趣。







1. 掌握如何表达现在完成时。

2. 对比现在完成时,一般过去时和现在进行时表将来的用法。

3. 描述某人曾经去过哪些有趣的地方。

Important and difficult points :

1. 现在完成时态。

2. so 和neither 的区别。

3. have been to sw 与have gone to sw 的区别。

Structures :

Have you ever been to an aquarium ?

Yes , I’ve been to an aquarium .

No ,I haven’t .

No ,I’ve never been to an aquarium .

I’ve never been to a water park . Neither have I .

Functions : Talk about past experiences .

Period 1

Teaching of new lesson :

Step 1 Assign the task

New language

Have you ever been to Europe ?

Yes ,I have . / No , I’ve never been to Europe .

In this unit ,students learn to talk about past experiences in the other way .

Step 2 Warm up Section A (1a-1c)

SB Page 68 , 1a .

1. Read each of the words and phrases at the top of the page to the class .

2. Read the instructions .

3. Do a quick check to see where Ss would like most to visit .

SB Page 68 , 1b .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Point out the sample answer .

3. Play the recording .Ask Ss to check off their answers .

SB Page 68 , 1c .

1. Read the instructions for the activity .

2. Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class .

3. Then have Ss work in pairs .

4. Check the answers by calling on several different pairs of students to say their conversations to the class .

Step 3 Pre-task

SB Page 69 , 2a .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Point to the map ,play the recording and ask Ss to circle places on the map .

3. Correct the answers .

SB Page 69 , 2b .

1. Read the instructions .Point out the sample answer .

2. Point out the statements about the three conversations .

3. Play the recording again .Ask Ss to circle the word true or false after each statement .

4. Correct the answers .

SB Page 69 , 2c .

1. Point to the map and tell Ss they can talk about any of the places on the map .

2. Ask Ss to work in pairs .

3. Ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class .

Step 4 Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box .Ask students to say the statements and responses .

Exercise designing for Period 1 :词组翻译

1. 太空博物馆 2. 娱乐公园

3. 水上公园 4. 乘地铁

5. 去年 6. 明年


Period 2

Teaching of new lessons

Step 1 Pre-task

SB Page 70 , 3a .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Then read the story to the class .After you finish ,ask if Ss have any questions about words and phrases in the article .

3. Ask Ss to read the story again .Circle all the interesting things .

4. Discuss the students’ answers .

SB Page 70 , 3b .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Ask a pair of students to read the example in sample dialogue to the class .

3. Then Ss work in pairs .

4. Ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class .

Step 2 While-task

1. Read the instructions .

2. Ask two students to read the dialogue .

3. Ask another pair of students to talk about something else they have .They should use the phrase : Have you ever … ?

4. Ask Ss to complete the work in pairs .

5. Ask a few students to share their list .You can ask for details and explanations of their answers .

Exercise designing for Period 2 :词组翻译

1. 从没去过迪斯尼乐园

2. 玩得愉快 3. 结束 4. 主题公园

5. 当然 6. 一直 7. 许多著名的人物

8. 听说 9. 行驶不同的路线 10. 在同一个地方


Period 3

Teaching of new lesson

Step 1 Assign task

SB Page 71 , 1a .

1. Read the instructions.

2. Read each sentence to the class .

3. Read the instruction again and say , Put 1after the most important reason that you learn English ,put 2 after the second most important reason and continue the same way .

4. Do a quick check to see which reasons Ss think are most important .

SB Page 71 , 1b .

1. Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Ask two students to read it to the class .

2. Ss work in groups .

3. Ask several groups to say their conversations .

SB Page 71 , 2a .

1. Read the instructions and point out the sample answer .

2. Play the recording .Ask Ss to circle their answers .

3. Check the answers .

SB page 71 , 2b .

1. Read the instructions and point out the questionnaire .Ask a student to read the headings at the left .

2. Play the recording .Ask Ss to fill in the answers .

3. Check the answers. Ask Ss to write the answers on the board .

SB Page 71 , 2c .

1. Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Ask two students to read it to the class .

2. Ask Ss to work in small groups .

3. Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class .

Step 2 While-task

SB Page 72 , 3a .

1. Ask different students to read each of the paragraphs to the class .Answer any questions students may have .

2. Then say, Now read the paragraphs again and answer the questions .Correct the answers .

SB Page 72 , 3b .

1. Ask Ss to review the information in activity 3a .

2. Ss write articles about themselves .As they work , move around the room offering language support as needed .

SB Page 72 , Part 4 .

1. Read the instructions to the class .

2. Point out the example in the speech bubbles and have two students read it to the class .

3. Discuss the answers with the class .


Period 4

Teaching of new lesson

Step 1 Self Check

SB Page 73 , Part 1 .

1. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own .

2. Check the answers .

3. Ask Ss to make their own sentences with the words .

4. Write a number of students’ answers for each word on the board

SB Page 73 , Part 2 .

1. Read the instructions with the students .

2. Ask Ss to complete the task by interviewing other students .

3. Ask Ss to share their results with the class .

SB Page 73 , Part 3 .

1. Read the instructions and sample answer with the students .

2. Ask Ss to complete the task .

3. Ask Ss to share their short report with the class .Make sure Ss include details .

Step 2 While-reading

Have you ever been to Singapore ?

SB Page 74 , Section 1 .

1. Ask Ss if they have ever thought about traveling to a favorite foreign destination .Elicit ideas as a class .

2. Ask the groups to choose one of the capital cities in the box and write four things the group knows about it .

3. Discuss answer as a class .

SB Page 74 , Section 2 .

Ask Ss to read slowly and thoughtfully .They should be aware of the words they are reading as they read .

SB Page 75 , Section 3 .

1. Ask Ss to scan the reading to find more words for the different categories .

2. Ask the class for any unusual words that they have found .

3. 3c. Tell Ss to first read the false information given in the exercise .Then ask them to scan the reading to find the correct details to write a true sentence .

4. Ss complete the task .

5. Check the answers .

Exercise designing for Period 4 :单项选择

( )1. He to Canada ,so you can not see him recently .

A. went B. has been C. has gone D. have been gone

( )2. - have you been there since you became a teacher

-Twice .

A. How often B. How soon

C. How long D. Hoe many times

( )3. London has ever hosted the modern Olympics Paris .

A. So does B. So has

C. Nor does D. Neither has

( )4. - I haven’t been to the space museum .

- .

A. So do I B. Me too

C. Me neither D. So have I

( )5. There are many stores you can buy souvenirs from my hometown .

A . which B. where C. when D. there


Unit 10 It’s a nice day , isn’t it ?

Analysis of Unit 10

Teaching goals :

1. 描述与陌生人聊天就注意的事项,学习该聊些什么,如何将话题展开。

2. 通过学习与陌生人聊天来达到了解关心别人并增进友谊。

Important and difficult points :

Tag questions (附加问句)

Structure :

It’s a nice day , isn’t it ? Yes ,it is . I really love hot weather .

You’re Jenny’s friend ,aren’t you . Yes , I am .

The No.15 bus stops here , doesn’t it ? Yes , it does .

Functions : Make small talk

Period 1

Teaching of new lesson

Step 1 Assign the task

In this unit Ss learn to make small talk .On the Bb ,draw a picture of a boy and a girl waiting for bus .Include a large sign that says Bus Stop .Draw a speed bubble over each person’s head .

Step 2 Warm up

SB Page 76 , 1a .

1. Point out the four scenes .Help Ss understand that in all the pictures two people who don’t know each other (strangers) are starting a conversation .

2. Ask Ss to circle the pictures where they would talk with people they don’t know .Then have Ss write their own lists .

SB Page 76 , 1b .

1. Point out the four pictures .Then read the instructions .

2. Say , You will hear three conversations .They go with three of the pictures .

3. Play the recording .Have Ss write the number of each conversation in the box next to the correct picture .

4. Check the answers .

SB Page 76 , 1c .

1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures in activity 1a .Then point out the sample conversation in activity 1c .Ask two students to read it to the class .

2. Say,Now work with your partner .Make your own conversations about the people in activity 1a .Use the expression in the box .

3. Ask several pairs to say one or more their conversations to the class .

Step 3 Pre-task

SB Page 77 , 2a .

1. Read the instructions and point out the sample answer .

2. Play the recording .

3. Check the answers.

SB Page 77 , 2b .

1. Read the instructions and point to the lettered list of sentences .

2. Ask different students to read the lines of the conversation to the class .

3. Play the recording .Ask Ss write the letter of each line of conversation in the correct place .

4. Check the answers .

SB Page 77 , 2c .

1. Read the instructions for the activity .

2. Point to the conversations in activity 2b .Ask a pair of students to read the conversations to the class .Then ask all students to practice the conversation in pairs .

3. Point out the questions in the box .

4. Then have Ss work in pairs .

5. Ask several pairs to come to the front of the room and say their conversations to the class .

Step 4 Grammar Focus

1. Review the grammar box .Ask students to read the questions and answers .

2. Ask Ss to give other examples of small talk that use tag questions .Help Ss find the correct Yes or No short answer to go with each question .

Exercise designing for Period 1 汉译英

1. 天看起来要下雨了,是吗?是的,但是 我忘带雨伞。

2. 今天真的很热,是吧?是的,我希望下一场雨。

3. 你认为到中午雨会停吗?我想会吧。

4. 火车总是晚点,是吧?我想有时是的。


Period 2

Teaching of new lesson

Step 1 Pre-task

SB Page 78 , 3a .

1. Read the directions .Point to the blanks in the conversations .

2. Ask Ss to think of answers that would be correct in blank 1 for example ,I’m going to the beach or I always go to the beach on hot days .

3. Ask Ss to finish writing sentences in the blanks on their own .

4. Ask some pairs of students to read their completed conversations to the class.

SB Page 78 , 3b .

1. Point out the conversation in 3a and ask Ss to read it to the class

2. Ask another student to read the list of possible conversational situations .

3. Ask pairs to practice the conversation in 3a together .

4. If the class needs help getting started have the whole class make a conversation together .

5. Next ask pairs of students to make their own conversation .

6. Ask some pairs to say their conversations for the class .

Step 2 While-task

SB Page 78 , Part 4 .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Ask Ss to identify the people in the pictures .

3. Ask other students to give sample topics of conversation .Topics should be suitable for each person .

4. Ask Ss to work in groups and role play the conversations .

5. Ask a few students to share the sample conversations with the rest of the class .


Period 3

Teaching of new lesson

Step 1 Assign task

Teach the new words .

SB Page 79 , 1a .

1. Focus attention on the four pictures .

2. Point to the pictures one by one and ask a student to read the question under each picture to the class .

3. Ask Ss to check the questions that they think are good small talk questions .

4. Check the answers .

SB Page 79 , 1b .

1. Read the instructions to the class and answer any questions Ss may have .

2. Then point out the sample conversation in activity 1b .Ask two students to read it to the class .

3. Say , Now work with your partner .Make your own conversations about the people activity 1a .

4. Ask several pairs to say one or more of their conversations to the class .

SB Page 79 , 2a .

1. Point out the chart with the list of the three conversations .Then read the instructions .

2. Say ,You will hear three conversations .The people in each conversation are in a different place .

3. Point to the answer space and say , Write your answer in these spaces .Point out the sample answer .

4. Play the recording .

5. Check the answers .

SB Page 79 , 2b .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Point out the sample answer .Ask a student to read the sample question and answer to the class .

3. Play the recording .Say , Now write the letter in the correct blank in the first column .

4. Check the answers .

SB Page 79 , 2c .

1. Read the instructions .Say , Now you can have your own small talk conversations with your partner .

2. Point out the list of openers and ask Ss to read these openers to the class .

3. Then ask Ss to work in pairs .Have Ss make their own small talk conversation using the openers on the list .

4. Suggest that they write down the lines of their conversation and practice saying them to each other several times .

5. Ask several pairs to say their completed conversations for the class .

Step 2 While-task

SB Page 80 , 3a .

1. Call attention to the three notes .Read the three notes to the class or have different do it .

2. Ask the class to read the letters to themselves .Discuss any questions Ss may have .

3. Read the instructions to the class .Say , Each of the notes was written for a different situation .Match each note with one of the situation .

4. Ask Ss to finish on their own .

5. Check the answers .

SB Page 80 , 3b .

1. Read and explain the instructions .

2. Say , Now read the letter to yourself and fill in the blanks .You can use words from this unit or any other words you know .

3. Ask Ss to read their letters to their partner .Ask the partner to check that the answers are correct .

4. Ask some students to read their letters to the class .

SB Page 80 , 3c .

1. Ask Ss to make a list of ideas before they write their letters .

2. Discuss these ideas .

3. Ask Ss to write a complete thank you note .

4. Correct as many of the letters as you can in class .Invite some students to read their letters to the class .

SB Page 80 , Part 4

1. Read the instructions to the class .

2. Point out the handwritten notes in the picture .Ask a student to read the notes to the class .

3. Ask Ss to suggest opening questions the person standing in line might use and also possible responses the boy might give .

4. Ask students to work in pairs and hand out cards for each pair to write on .

5. Ask several pairs to say their conversation for the class .

Exercise designing for Period 3 词组翻译

1. 相处融洽 2. 帮助我复习数学课程

3. 举行他90岁的生日聚会 4. 等了十分钟

5. 浏览 6. 过街

7. 走路去上学 8. 在电梯里


Period 4

Teaching of new lesson

Step 1 Self Check

SB Page 81 , Part 1 .

1. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own .

2. Check the answers .

3. Ask Ss to make their own sentences with the words ,preferably sentences that are meaning for .

4. Write a number of students’ answer for each word on the Bb .

Step 2 SB Page 81 , Part 2

1. Read the instructions .Ss must read carefully to try to make their answers fit the context .

2. Ask Ss to identify the people in the pictures .

3. Ss complete the task

4. Ask a few students to share sample conversations with the rest of the class .

Step 3 SB Page 81 , Part 3 .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Ask Ss to identify the locations in the pictures .

3. Ss complete the task .

4. Ask a few students to share sample conversations with the rest of the class .

Step 4 Review this unit .

Exercise designing for Period 4 单项选择

( )1.-Do you think it will stop raining noon ?

-Well , it is really hard to say .

A. in B. by C. on D. for

( )2. -This is great weather , isn’t it ?

-It sure is .But it’s a little hot me .

A. to B. on C. with D. for

( )3.After you finish your homework ,you can go online for a while ,but you are not allowed computer games .

A. doing , playing B. to do , playing

C. doing , to play D. to do , to play

( )4.This is the place I spent my childhood .

A. there B. where C. that D. which

( )5.The box is heave for us carry upstairs .

A. very, to B. so, to C. too, to D. very, not to

( )6.If you go right now ,you late .

A. won’t , will B. don’t ,will be

C. won’t , are D. don’t , are

( )7.Why come a little earlier ? We have had a lot of delicious food prepared .

A. don’t B. don’t you C. not to D. aren’t you

( )8. fun it is to swim in the sea on such a hot day .

A. what a B. what C. How much D. How a


Review of units 6-10

Teaching contents :Review of units6-10 (SB Page 82-85)

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. SB Page 82 , 1a .Ask Ss to do the crossword individually .Then correct the answers .

2. SB Page 82 , 1b .Explain to the students that they need to write clues like the clues for the crossword in activity 1a .Have Ss do the activity in pairs .As they work ,move around the classroom listening and offering help where necessary .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 83 , 2a .

1. Draw attention to the sample answer .Say , Each statement goes with one conversation .Now listen to the tape and write the numbers of four conversations next to the statements .

2. Play the recording of conversations 1-4 .Ss listen and write the numbers in the boxes next to the pictures .Check the answers .

SB Page 83 , 2b .Play the tape, Ss listen and complete the task . Repeat playing the tape as often as necessary .Check the answers .

SB Page 83 , 2c .

1. Read the instructions .Explain to Ss that they should make up their own answers ,not just repeat what is on the tape .

2. Ask two or more pairs of students to practice the sample dialogue for the class .

3. Ss complete the task .Then ask some pairs of students to practice their conversations for the class .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 84 , Part 3 .

1. Draw students’ attention to the instructions and the example .

2. Ask Ss what sorts of things bother them .

3. Tell Ss to think five things that bother them .For each thing ,Ss should write a polite request .Remind Ss to write in sentences .

4. Tell Ss to role play their requests and replies .

SB Page 84 , Part 4 .

1. Draw students’ attention to the instructions and the example .

2. Ask a few students about places where they make small talk .

3. Tell Ss to write small talk questions suitable to each of the five places .Ask Ss to use their questions to role play conversations with their partners .

4. Ask Ss to share their answers as dialogues with the class .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 84 , Part 5 .

1. Ask Ss about things that they like and dislike .Ask for reasons . Discuss whether the reasons are good or not .

2. Tell Ss to write five things they like or dislike .

3. Ask Ss to share their likes and dislikes with their partners .The partner should ask for reasons .

SB Page 85 , Part 6 .

1. Explain to Ss that they are going to reflection what they have learned from studying English .

2. Explain that they are going to write an essay about their learning experience .

3. Students do activity on their own .Monitor and provide support as required .

Step 5 Homework

SB Page 85 , Part 7 .

1. Explain to Ss that this is an opportunity for them to reflect on what they have learned ,and to make plans and resolutions to improve their learning of English .

2. Explain that they will not be marked on this section , and that their answers will remain secret .They should not feel that they should award themselves high marks , but instead give hones answers .

3. Students complete the questionnaire individually .Tell students that it is acceptable for them to write their answers in Chinese if they wish. Monitor and give help as needed .


在初中教学中, 大部分教材是以单元为基本组成形式的, 英语教材也不例外。人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材在单元内设置了性质相同、形式相异的学习活动, 教材的编排体系遵循传授知识、巩固知识、运用知识的规律。教师在单元教学的过程中, 需要在一定的连续时间内完成多种具有内在联系的教学活动, 从而使教学目标得以实现 (张华2000) 。人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材主要围绕英语语言、英语思想以及英语文化等内容组成不同的单元, 不同单元具有一定的递进性, 从而使学生通过系统性的学习获取一定的语言知识, 并不断增强学生的综合语言运用能力。人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材的每个单元都设置了单元标题句, 学生通过单元标题句可以了解该单元的主要教学目标以及主要内容。因此, 在人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材的教学过程中, 教师需要正确解读和拓展单元标题句, 只有这样, 才能更好地领悟教学目标, 对教学活动进行更合理的安排 (李晓蓉2013) 。

一、人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材的基本结构

人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材一共有5册, 其中, 七年级、八年级教材被分为上、下两册, 九年级教材为一册。全套初中英语教材共设置了78个话题, 每个单元的话题都是由标题句引入的, 大部分话题与学生的实际生活相联系, 大多数的单元标题句包含某一功能项以及与该功能项相关的多个句式, 同时还包括实践该话题的必要策略 (宋运来2009) 。以人教版《英语 (新目标) 》八年级上册教材为例, 八年级上册第一单元的标题句为“How often do you exercise?”, 该单元的话题为“Free Time Activities”, 语言功能为“描述你在日常生活中常做的事情”, 要求学生掌握多种句式, 如how often以及why引导的句式, 同时也要求学生掌握多种频率副词的用法, 最后指出具体的学习策略。

二、人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材编排的理论依据

人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材是以长期以来的英语教学为事实依据的, 以句子为单位的英语“听说法”是有效的教学方式之一 (姚小鸽2014) 。根据“听说法”的相关理论, 在学生刚开始学习英语语言时, 教师可以采用句式操练的方式, 帮助学生完善英语语言知识系统, 培养学生的英语语言习惯和英语语言意识 (薛晓玲2011) 。

在20世纪末, 我国教育界提出了“结构+功能”的教学理论, 认为任何一种语言从本质上看都是一种社会符号。因此, 在进行英语教学过程中, 应将英语看成一种系统性的符号进行教学, 注重提高学生的语言运用能力与语言交际能力。现阶段人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材在结构安排方面遵循了“结构+功能”的相关理论, 在编写的过程当中, 不仅重视语言培养的目标, 同时强化语言规律的习得与养成。人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材的每个单元都为话题设置了对应的语境, 同时选取对应的语言结构来实现语境功能, 将英语的交际功能以及词汇的语用意义嫁接到句子中, 使语言具有多重效应。


在我国现阶段的初中英语教学中, 从教学资源研发、教材编写、课堂教学到教学评价都必须以《英语课程标准》 (以下简称《标准》) 为基本依据, 体现该课程的学习目标以及性质。因此, 初中英语教师必须深入研究《标准》, 了解其所包含的教学目标以及相关理念 (丁振月2011) 。现行的《标准》明确规定, 初中英语教学以培养学生的综合语言运用能力为目的, 提倡通过体验、交流、合作等方式学习相关知识。同时, 《标准》制订了分等级的培养目标, 其中所规定的第三、四、五级的口语教学目标分别为:能与他人沟通自己较为熟悉的话题;能与他人沟通生活中常见的话题并给出简单的点评;能与他人交流自己生活中的各种话题并能清晰地陈述自己的观点。人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材在《标准》的指导下安排具体内容, 所有的话题都是通过一种概念性的单元标题句呈现的, 在单元标题句后安排一些具有一定功能的语言项目以及语言结构。

教师在教学时, 可以按照人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材的基本结构, 从单元标题句出发, 以小组为单位组织学生进行交流与沟通, 从而使学生在使用英语进行信息交流的过程中获取必要的语言知识 (韩刚2009) 。

因此, 教师在教学人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材的不同单元时, 需要从解读单元标题句出发, 根据解读过程中所获取的信息设计单元教学。以教授人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材八年级 (上) Unit 1H ow often do you e xercise?为例, 教师可以从四个不同的层面对该单元标题句进行解读:第一, 在该单元标题句中所出现的频率副词often与frequency存在一定的关联性, 可以促进学生回忆已经学习过的频率副词;第二, 从句式角度来看, 该句的时态是一般现在时, 教师在授课时可以组织学生讨论日常生活中的活动, 并与一般现在时进行联系;第三, 针对该标题句, 教师可以要求学生结合自身实际用英语进行表达, 使英语教学的语用目标得以顺利实现, 这与《标准》要求有高度的一致性;第四, 教师可以创设逼真的场景, 增强学生对此句的理解。


人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材在编写的过程中, 遵循以单元标题句为核心的基本思想。因此, 教师有必要正确理解教材的编写思想, 以单元标题句为基础拓展教学, 实现《标准》中所规定的语言运用能力目标。

传统的初中英语教材的编写以“结构+功能”为基础, 课堂教学以句式操练为主。随着教育的不断发展以及研究的不断深入, 教育界逐渐认识到以对话形式模拟实际交际对提高英语教学效果具有非常积极的意义。这种教学思想在我国初中英语教学中不断发展, 并取得了较好的应用效果。上文中提到的“结构+功能”的教材编写思想应运而生, 同时成为人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材编写的主要思想。人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材突破传统的英语实践观念, 重视我国现阶段初中英语教学的实际状况, 强调语言的社会功能 (邵燕楠、黄燕宁2013) 。

在人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材中, 各单元都是以标题句为基础的, 通过标题句可以明确英语的语用功能, 提高学生的英语能力。语言功能可以传递事物的相关信息, 同时检验信息的真实性, 例如, 在Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister中, 该标题句可以被用来陈述个人的特征。学生在学习该标题句后, 就可以根据已经学习的词汇对自己的个性特征进行表述, 并向他人传达某些观点或者对某事的态度。另外, 当该标题句被用于不同的语境时, 必然产生不同的语意。一般情况下, 初中生在使用英语表达信息的过程中都倾向于表达自己的经历与情感。例如, Unit 10的单元标题句为I’m going to be a basketball player, 该句充分说明了说话者的喜好。

总之, 人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材的编写以科学的实践观为支撑, 以标题句为单元话题, 同时在教材目录中明确可能涉及的话题内容, 对该话题结构以及语言结构进行了必要的处理, 指明话题相关的词汇以及相关的执行准则, 从而使教材重点一目了然。


大部分初中英语教材是以单元为基本形式组织相关内容的, 教师在教学过程中, 必须深入解读与拓展单元标题句, 这对提高初中英语的教学质量具有非常重要的意义。





邵燕楠, 黄燕宁.2013.学情分析:教学研究的重要生长点[J].中国教育学刊, (2) :60-63.


薛晓玲.2011.人教版与外研社版高中英语教材比较[J].聊城大学学报 (社会科学版) , (2) :217-218.

