



13. Qi Qiao is a smart woman who is good at making cotton cloth.


14. Now , this person photographic memory, but more than likely he is great at taking call notes.

这个人不但记忆力惊人, 更重要的是他很擅长做电话记录.

15. Yesterday, the striker has leapt to the headlines again, with his best at doing things: goal.

而昨天, 这位前锋再次跃上头条, 凭借他最擅长做的事: 进球.



1 坚强是强壮的枝干它可以让树迎风不倒;坚强是屹立的风帆它可以让船破浪前行;坚强是坚固的地基它可以让楼房百年不塌。

2 母亲是一座高山,蕴藏着万物,哺育我们成长,强壮我们的身心。

3 晨跑能够强壮我们的身体,增强我们的动力,锻炼我们的意志。

4 刺桐树长在校门口的台阶上方,像一位高大强壮的哨兵,日夜守护着美丽的校园。刺桐树的树干上有很多刺,像刺猬一样用来防身的。它的叶子又宽又大,像我们的手掌。

5 我们要多设想一些美好的事物,比如健康、强壮、富裕和幸福,将那些贫困、疾病、恐惧和焦虑驱赶出我们的精神世界,就像把垃圾倒在离家很远的地方一样。抛弃它们吧!尽量避开和远离那些对生活失去希望的人。

6 坚强是强壮的枝干它可以让树迎风不倒;坚强是屹立的风帆它可以让船破浪前行;坚强是坚固的地基它可以让楼房百年不塌。有人说,遇到困难不哭就是坚强;有人说,笑到最后的就是坚强;还有人说,勇敢承认同样是坚强。

7 学校的教学楼,高大挺拔,如一位强壮的巨人;学校的花朵,清香四飘,如一位位美丽多姿的仙女;学校的草坪,平平坦坦,如一块绿地毯。哦,学校,我的另一位母亲!

8 勇敢寓于灵魂之中,而不单凭一个强壮的躯体。

9 寒冷的冬天来临了,竹子没有青松般强壮,但却要与青松一样与风霜雨雪搏斗。被严霜覆盖了,它决不凋零;被寒风吹弯了,它决不低头;被大雪压低了,它决不倒下。


1) 乌鸦,虽然歌声不及百灵和黄莺,身体比不上健壮的老鹰,说话不如喜鹊会说,美丽更比不上鸟王孔雀……但他的心灵却是最美的,愿所有的鸟包括人都能像乌鸦一样有着一颗金子般美丽的心灵。

2) 春天像健壮的青年,有铁一般的胳膊和腰脚,领着我们向前去。

3) 姐姐身材苗条,长得很健壮,比我整整高了一个头。她的脖子略长些,惹我生气时,我就会喊她“长劲鹿”。她剪着挺有精神的运动头,看起你来,两眼忽闪忽闪的,好像会说话。

4) 春天就像健壮的青年,充满朝气;春天就像健康的老人,另人回味。

5) 春天像小姑娘,花枝招展的,笑着,走着。春天像健壮的青年,有铁一般的胳膊和腰脚,他领着我们上前去。春天像位爱美的姑娘,让世界姹紫嫣红。

6) 春天就像活泼的儿童,憧憬渴望;春天就像健壮的青年,充满朝气;春天就像健康的老人,令人回味。

7) 这人四肢健壮,宽圆的肩膀,高挺的胸脯,结实得像钢桩铁柱一般。这是一个粗线条的汉子,浓眉大眼,皮肤黝黑,肩膀宽阔,身材高大,站着像一座石塔,跑起来有如一阵狂风。

8) 你瞧,他像一头健壮的小鹿,一股气的冲向终点。

9) 哥哥刚满岁,健壮笔挺的身材,肌肉鼓鼓的。头发又黑又硬,一根根向上竖着。两道浓眉下衬着一双大眼睛,瞪起眼看人就像小老虎。特别是那双大脚板,穿上码的球鞋,走起路来噔噔直响。

10) 姐姐身材苗条,长得很健壮,比我整整高了一个头。她的脖子略长些,惹我生气时,我就会喊她长颈鹿。她剪着挺有精神的运动头,看起你来,两眼忽闪忽闪的,好象会说话。

11) 叔叔是一个十分健壮的农民,脸孔黧黑,眼睛明亮,一眼就可以看出是个老实的庄稼汉。

12) 来到象房,我们看到一头年轻而健壮的象,它有着墙壁似的躯干,柱子似的腿,蒲扇似的大耳朵,白玉似的大牙齿。大鼻子又粗又长,能伸、能卷,非常有趣。

13) 这棵大枫树的挺拔健壮与沧桑,在夕阳的衬托下变得如此美好,树叶像一只只小手,互相紧握,彼此传达着无限的关爱,令人陷入沉思。

14) 读书愈多,精神就愈健壮勇敢。

15) 春天像健壮的青年,有铁一般的胳膊和腰脚,领着我们上前去。

16) 春天就像健壮的青年,充满朝气。


Listening is one of the compulsory courses for the students majoring in non-English in the author’s college (Zhaotong University, Yunnan) .It focuses on developing learners’listening comprehension competence.So learners are required to understand the conversation produced at normal speed by native speakers and the news in English on radio, such as VOA and BBC after two years’study.But most students cannot meet such requirement.Teachers have made every effort to help students to improve their listening comprehension proficiency, but slow achievement can be achieved.In listening teaching process, the author found many students are poor in English Phonetics knowledge, even worse, many students cannot pronounce English words correctly.Students’such lack of English Phonetics knowledge is one of the individual factors influencing their listening comprehension.

2 Purpose of the Study

The study aims at investigating into whether there exists the correlation between English phonetics and listening achievements on college non-English majors’listening achievement.Furthermore, it is to encourage teachers involved in teaching listening comprehension to take students’English Phonetics knowledge into consideration while teaching.It is also to increase our understanding about English listening comprehension anxiety by examining the relation between learners’listening anxiety and listening achievement.In order to prepare the students as qualified as possible in their future teaching career, the author hopes that the study will play a positive role in the teaching and learning of listening.

3 The Study

3.1 Research questions

We want to know whether there exists lack of English Phonetics knowledge in students’listening learning process, and whether there is negative correlation between lack of English Phonetics knowledge and listening proficiency.Furthermore, we also want to know whether the students can use some ways to improve their listening comprehension as well as encourage the teachers involved to continue to find more effective ways to help the students to make listening learning more efficient.To put it specifically, the study is to answer the following three questions:

1) Do Chinese college students majoring in non-English experience a lack of English Phonetics knowledge?

2) What’s the relationship between Lacking of English Phonetics knowledge and listening proficiency?

3) Can Chinese college students majoring in non-English use some ways to improve listening comprehension?Is it necessary for students to be instructed more effective ways to listening comprehension?

3.2 Research hypotheses

Three hypothesis were proposed in this study:

1) Chinese college students majoring in non-English experience a lack of English Phonetics knowledge.

2) Lacking of English Phonetics knowledge is negatively associated with students’listening proficiency.

3) Chinese college students majoring in non-English can use a number of ways to improve listening comprehension.More effective ways need to be instructed to students to improve listening comprehension.

3.3 Subjects

The participants in this study are 50 first-year college students majoring in non-English from three classes at Zhaotong University in Yunnan.

3.4 Instruments

The instruments used in the study were two listening tests, two questionnaires.Two listening tests of CET-6 were used to check students’listening proficiency.The questionnaires consist of the English Phonetics Scale (EPS) and English Listening Comprehension Coping Way Scale (ELCCWS) .

1) English listening proficiency tests

Seliger et al noted that in second language acquisition research, tests are generally used to collect data about the subject’s ability in and knowledge of the second language of certain disciplines.In the present study, the tests are used as a measure of learners’listening proficiency.Two listening proficiency tests of CET-6 (the listening part) of January 2001 and June 2001 are administered to the subjects, and the subjects’listening proficiency is determined by the average score of the two listening tests.

2) English phonetics scale (EPS)

English Phonetics Scale (EPS) is used to measure students’English Phonetics knowledge levels in listening learning process.The scale consisted of 50 items.The EPS is answered on a 5-point Likert-type scale with five responses ranging from“strongly disagree”to“strongly disagree”:1) “strongly disagree” (scale point one) ;2) “disagree” (scale point two) ;3) “neither agree nor disagree” (scale point three) ;4) “agree” (scale point four) ;5) “strongly agree” (scale point five) .A high score represents high level and a low score represents low level for English Phonetics knowledge.

3) English listening comprehension coping way scale (ELCC-WS)

English Listening Comprehension Coping Way Scale (ELCC-WS) is used to investigate the subjects’coping ways to improve listening comprehension.Before designing English Listening Comprehension Coping Way Scale (ELCCWS) , the subjects were asked to do self-report on how to improve the listening Comprehension in class and after class.The ELCCWS consists of 30 items.It was also translated into Chinese when administered to the subjects.The 5-point Likert-type scale in ELCCWS ranges from“never”to“frequently”:1) “never” (scale point one) ;2) “seldom” (scale point two) ;3) “uncertain” (scale point three) ;4) “occasionally” (scale point four) ;and 5) “frequently” (scale point five) .The higher the overall average, the more frequently the way was used.

3.5 Data collection

In the second week of January 2013, listening test one was conducted for the subjects.A week later, listening test two was conducted for the same subjects.Just after the listening tests, the subjects were immediately required to complete the EPS and the ELCCWS within twenty minutes.As Divine and Kylen argued that if subjects answer quickly, their answer may come from a true feeling which they might rationalize away if students reflect the answers too long after.All subjects were given instructions on how to complete the EPS and the ELCCWS before distributing the two questionnaires.The author explained the purpose of the investigation and asked the subjects to understand the meaning of each question before answering, and then honestly answer each question according to their own true feelings and listening learning experiences.The subjects were told that there was no distinction between“right”and“wrong”answers to each question.The two questionnaires were immediately collected after the subjects completed.

3.6 Data analysis

After all the data needed are collected, analyze them with SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) 10.0.The analysis includes reliability analysis of the EPS and the ELCCWS, correlation analysis between EPC and LP (Listening Proficiency) , and descriptive analysis of the ELCCWS.

3.7 Results of the study

The results of descriptive and inferential statistical analyses of the EPS revealed that a majority of Chinese College students majoring in non-English acknowledged having experienced a lack of English Phonetics knowledge in the process of listening learning.The results of the statistical correlation analyses between the EPS and the LP indicated that lacking of English Phonetics knowledge has a significant and negative relationship with English listening proficiency.Therefore, lacking of English Phonetics knowledge takes a negative effect on the process of listening comprehension and lacking of English Phonetics interferes with the process of listening comprehension.

4 Implications

The present study provides evidence to support the theory that lacking of English Phonetics knowledge does exist in English learning and the theory that lacking of English Phonetics knowledge has a negative relationship with listening proficiency.

This study also has important pedagogical implications.The teachers should be aware of the existence of lacking of English Phonetics knowledge and try to create a friendly and relaxed learning atmosphere for the students.And the teachers shoulder the responsibility to let the students know the fact that English Phonetics knowledge plays an important role for them and it can influence their listening proficiency.Furthermore, the study offers some information about how to deal with lacking of English Phonetics knowledge in listening learning.Teachers must play an active role in improving students’listening comprehension by teaching them more Phonetics knowledge.

摘要:随机抽取云南省昭通学院非英语专业的50名学生, 采用两份调查问卷, 即英语语音知识量表和英语听力理解能力应对量表, 以研究英语语音知识的掌握程度与英语听力理解能力的相关性, 并了解学生提高英语听力理解能力的方法和策略。



[1]Bacon S M.Listening for real in the foreign-language classroom[J].ForeignLanguageAnnals, 1989 (22) .

[2]Chaudron C.Intake:On models and methods for discovering learners’processing of input[J].Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 1985 (7) .

[3]Feyten C M.The power of listening ability:An overlooked dinal, 1991 (75) .

[4]Wolvin A D, Coakley C G.Listening[M].2nd ed.Dubuque.IA:William C.Brown, 1985.











1.strong; sturdy; euathenia; sthenia; robust


1. 你长得又强壮,又漂亮。

2. 矫正运动能使衰弱的肌肉强壮。

3. 那矿工的胳臂很强壮。

4. 他比从前加倍强壮了。

5. 削弱强者不能使弱者变得强壮。

6. 他是一个强壮的,活泼有力的人。

7. 我自祖先那儿遗传到强壮的体格。

8. 野兔的腿强壮有力,所以跑得快。

9. 屋子里站满了穿着黑制服的强壮汉子。






鲍姆嘉登(A.G.Baumgarten 1714-1762)是德国普鲁士哈利大学的哲学教授。他关于美学的主要观点集中在两个方面:一是他把美学规定为研究人感性认识的学科。鲍姆嘉登认为人的心理活动分知、情、意三方面。研究知或人的理性认识有逻辑学,研究人的意志有伦理学,而研究人的情感即相当于人感性认识则应“Aesthetic”。“Aesthetic”一词来自希腊文,意思是“感性学”,后来翻译成汉语就成了“美学”。1750年鲍姆嘉登正式用“Aesthetic”来称呼他研究人的感性认识的一部专著。他的这部著作就被当作历史上的第一部美学专著。二是鲍姆嘉登认为:“美学对象就是感性认识的完善”。





IP地址是指互联网协议地址(英语:Internet Protocol Address,又译为网际协议地址),是IP Address的缩写。IP地址是IP协议提供的一种统一的地址格式,它为互联网上的每一个网络和每一台主机分配一个逻辑地址,以此来屏蔽物理地址的差异。目前还有些ip代理软件,但大部分都收费。


Internet上的每台主机(Host)都有一个唯一的IP地址。IP协议就是使用这个地址在主机之间传递信息,这是Internet 能够运行的基础。IP地址的长度为32位(共有2^32个IP地址),分为4段,每段8位,用十进制数字表示,每段数字范围为0~255,段与段之间用句点隔开。例如159.226.1.1。IP地址可以视为网络标识号码与主机标识号码两部分,因此IP地址可分两部分组成,一部分为网络地址,另一部分为主机地址。IP地址分为A、B、C、D、E5类,它们适用的类型分别为:大型网络;中型网络;小型网络;多目地址;备用。常用的是B和C两类。






那么,互域网怎么分配IP地址呢?互联网上的IP地址统一由一个叫“ICANN”(Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers,互联网赋名和编号公司)的组织来管理。

IP地址现由因特网名字与号码指派公司ICANN(Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)分配。



APNIC(Asia Pacific Network Information Center): 我国用户可向APNIC申请(要缴费)
















2.look out

3.be careful

4.take care


临时为一顿简单的晚餐构想菜单、买原料是很 耗费时间 的.

12. I have something important to do this evening. Will you slap up a quick meal?

今晚我有要事, 你能快点做项顿简单的饭 吗 ?

13. I only use my microwave to heat up leftovers for a quick meal.


14. Can you slap up a quick meal for my friend before we rush to the game?

你能在我跟朋友们赶去看比赛之前给我们草草凑合一顿饭 吗 ?

15. Quick at meal, quick at work.



2. The election was held six months ahead of schedule.


3. Their countries had been at war for nearly six weeks.


4. Any property which does not sell within six weeks is overpriced.


5. She bought Ann two bras and six pairs of knickers.


6. More than six million youngsters tune in to Blockbusters every day.


7. The batteries had a life span of six hours.


8. On arrival, a six-course meal was top of the agenda.


9. It would take three to six hours for a round trip.


10. This drug has one important limitation. Its effects only last six hours.


11. The six-person jury deliberated about two hours before returning with the verdict.


12. They walked through the dense Mozambican bush for thirty six hours.


13. She was only six and still missing her front teeth.


14. He was six feet four, all lanky and leggy.


15. He had a staff of six salespeople working for him.



It was all because of him that we gave up the plan.


He will in no wise give up any chances to get a better job.


According to expert opinions, they gave up the experiment immediately.


She experienced a loss of identity after giving up her career to get married.


The priest persuaded him to give up his bad habit.


After a few tries they decided to give up.


Shedding a land empire is always harder than letting go of overseas colonies.


In winter she wears mittens.


The monks prefer winter to summer for they have more privacy.

去年冬天杰里负责将长凳加热。 [正译]去年冬天杰里成为了候补球员。

Jerry became a bench warmer last winter.


I sometimes think about winter and the snow that falls during the winter month.


The bike stood in the basement all winter. 《21世纪大英汉词典》


She lived in California during the winter. www.ok06.com


Once the ice comes, the ship will have to winter over. 《21世纪大英汉词典》


This pond often catches in winter. 《21世纪大英汉词典》


We must paper out the cold wind in winter. 《21世纪大英汉词典》


Running outside in winter? article.yeeyan.org


Yes, America has only one president at a time, but in the dark winter of 1932, it was almost as though America had no president at all. article.yeeyan.org


One winter, I came to this pier. Ruby Pier. www.putclub.com


No one can stop the onset of winter. article.yeeyan.org


Not usually, but it always snows in winter. www.ebigear.com


Hey, Frederick, can you show us what you collected for the winter. www.ebigear.com


B: Well, the worst of the winter should be over. www.ebigear.com


It was winter, and I was in Harlem. www.elanso.com


Some of them sleep for the whole winter. www.hjenglish.com


It was frequent in the winter. www.ebigear.com


Why do swallows FLY for winter? open.163.com


But usually Christmas shall be in winter. www.tingvoa.com


Many animals either limit their activity during the winter or hibernate. www.elanso.com


He can get by with his old overcoat this winter. www.ebigear.com




Her shoes look cheap.


上一篇:说 课 稿《悲剧美》下一篇:常思责任确保精神永不懈怠12