





the spring festival 1

far and away the most important holiday in china is spring festival, also known as the chinese new year.to the chinese people it is as important as christmas to people in the west.the dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the gregorian calendar, so the timing of the holiday varies from late january to early february.to the ordinary chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar new year's day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar.but the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the lantern festival, means the official end of the spring festival in many parts of the country.2

spring festival is the most importantand popular festival in china.before spring festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses.and they go to the flower fairs to buy some flowers.during spring festival ,the adults usually give lucky money to children.people often get together and have a big meal.some people eat dumpling for dinner.i love spring festival.


介绍春节的英语作文 Spring Festival The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people.In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food.They could only eat these during the Spring festival.So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon.Now,although people‘s life is much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday.People still like the festival.Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family.In the evenings,we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programmes.I like the Spring Festival very much.How wonderful the Spring Festival is!


英语电影课, 就是把原版英语电影片段作为英语教学的主要素材, 运用“赏、析、模、演、配、编”等六个教学步骤, 开展教学活动, 促进学生的语言学习、文化习得和艺术熏陶互动发展, 从而提高学生的英语综合运用能力 (特别是听说能力) 和综合素质的一门课程。

课程以学生为中心, 以文化为主轴, 以语音为基础, 以艺术为升华, 通过电影模拟真实的语境, 培养学生具有国际视野和人文素养。以达到24字培养目标:电影语境浸润、文化艺术熏陶、语言能力培养、人文素养提升。


(一) 学生发展的需要

南山外国语学校对学生培养的目标是:育国际化人才。确定了语言与文化的外语教学理念。学生学习纯真地道的语言的同时, 学习异域的社会生活、文化、风俗等, 了解其蕴含的人生观、价值观等, 实质上就是在文化教学的环境中学习语言、训练语言, 强化语言能力。

(二) 教师专业发展的需要

学校师资队伍雄厚:英语教师75人, 法语和俄语教师各1人, ESL专业的外籍教师5人。其中英语特级教师2人、全国优秀英语教师1人、省级英语学科带头人1名、海归英语教师3人、教育学博士1名, 教育学硕士多名。

其中有8人担任学校的行政职务 (2人担任学校正、副校长职务;6人担任学校行政工作) , 对外语教学的管理和科研的推进极为重视。

学校还成立对外交流和英语教研室, 定期对外语教师进行培训和开展各项教研、交流活动。为提升外语教师教学水平和科研能力提供各种平台和机会。

(三) 外语学校特色发展的需要

学校创建于1995年, 是一所十五年一贯制的公办外语学校, 在学制、教材、课程设置、教师资源和教研资源等方面占有一定的优势。但是在全国范围内相似规模的学校中可以互相借鉴互相学习的教学资源很少, 学生在校学习最长达15年, 为学生设计一个具有阶梯性、连贯性、一条龙的外语课程, 对于学校的发展和学生的发展都很有必要。



从小学到高中, 按照《国家英语课程标准》编写。小学6册, 一年1册。初中、高中各一册, 三年用一册。配有教师用书, 教学光盘。课堂教学示范课。

2.教材体例 (以小学为例) :

界面活泼、图文并茂、吸引学生;结构合理、各个部分目标明确, 基本按照“赏、析、模、演、配、编”的教学流程设计活动与任务, 师生操作方便。

3.电影课课程实施 (教学计划、教学步骤、教学评价)

(1) 教学计划

目前我国中小学每学年的教学时间约为38~40周, 如果按每周安排1节课时计算, 则每学年教师可支配课时为38~40课时。而本套教材每课授课时间约需4~5课时 (大课时) , 10个单元的内容共需约38~40课时左右;也可用于教材中作为口语训练补充教材来用。编写和使用说明中对课时安排作了介绍, 供教师参考。


(2) 教学步骤

在本教材中, 我们把教学过程分为赏、析、模、演、配、编六个步骤。 (在原来的五步教学法的基础上发展成六步教学法) 前五个步骤适用于小学五年级以下, 第六个步骤适用于小学六年级以上。模式图和步骤安排如下:

步骤一:欣赏 (赏) :欣赏整部带内应和要学习的片段, 从画面、音乐、情节、英文对白各方面引导学生欣赏, 电影以其音美、画美、意美的特质深深地吸引着学生的注意力。这是语言输入的良好契机, 可视、可听的语言内容更是增强理解和记忆的效果。在不知不觉中把学生牵引到艺术的殿堂与知识的海洋, 在审美体验与审美享受中接受信息, 这样的学习才会学有所“乐”。

步骤二:分析 (析) :分析角色的语言、表达的心理和神情动作等以及文化背景, 帮助学生扫除语言理解上的障碍, 认识中西方文化背景上的差异, 学习真正地道的英文。例如:《狮子王》中虫虫和野猪的对话。

Timon:Gee.He looks blue.

Pumba:I'd say brownish gold.

Timon:No, no, no.I mean he's depressed.

学生很难把depressed和blue, gold联在一起理解。Blue, gold都是表示颜色, 而depressed是表示心情。只要帮助学生分析, 根据前后情节的联系, 以及对人物个性的分析, 就不难知道blue这个单词的意思与心情有关, 同时从影片中人物的表情, 学生也能猜出是忧伤的意思。而憨厚Pumba却没弄懂, 结果闹出了笑话, 学生们不禁为他滑稽迟钝的反应捧腹大笑, 同时也领略到了片中语言的美和西方文化中玩味文字游戏的乐趣, 增长了知识, 学有所“得”。

步骤三:模仿 (模) :由一个单词, 到一个词组, 再到整个句子, 力求发音准确。语调、语速的模仿是最困难的, 必须结合动作和神态, 体会人物的心理活动。多种研究表明, 语言的习得都是从模仿重复开始的, 儿童学习语言, 是从字———词———句的模仿、重复再到自由组合字———词———句的递进过程。通过有趣的机械模仿, 在一遍又一遍的简单重复中, 一词一句已悄然印入学生的脑海之中。看到学生能真正融入到角色之中, 说明语言已经进入到他的思维中。

步骤四:表演 (演) :一般2~3分钟的一个片段适合3~4个同学组成一组来练习表演。

(1) 分好角色:角色的分配要科学合理。平时口语能力较差的学生分配少而简单的台词, 外向活泼的学生分配滑稽幽默有一定难度的内容, 每组分配一位口语较好, 模仿力强的学生做“领头羊”, 带领全组一起练习, 通过优化组合的群体促进个体的学习。

(2) 小组练习:学生各个组同时练习, 没有被暴露压力, 教师要适时地观察和指导, 个别单词的发音, 语调等。

(3) 表演与评价:每组学生到全体同学前面表演一次, 老师或同学来做评价。指出每组的亮点和不足, 从语言模仿, 到表演技巧, 舞台的站位、眼神、身体语言、动作、姿势、神情、语气和声调, 以及合作、创新, 逐渐培养学生的表演素养。

(4) 再练习和表演:多看同伴的表演, 学会欣赏与评价, 指出别人的优点和不足, 对自己也是学习与促进的过程。让学生多多面对观众, 适应不同的表演场所, 比如, 经常组织学生在全校性的文艺活动中表演, 逐步消除他们的紧张情绪。

常常在每个片段的练习表演结束后, 每个学生能把别人的台词都背得滚瓜烂熟, 并能绘声绘色地表演出来。这是因为在同伴那儿的信息摄取有时会比在老师那儿的摄取更容易, 更快捷。学生经常在下课或自己编的对话中不自觉地运用到电影中的语言。这是因为学生的表演已使影片中的语言渐渐渗入其思维之中, 从而内化成自己的语言。

步骤五:配音 (配) :配音不是一件简单的事, 看着画面, 对上口型, 配上流利地道的英语, 常常不是忘了台词, 就是跟不上语速, 或是发错了音, 或是语调不对而紧张得手忙脚乱。这是对他们的意志力的一种考验;同时揭开银幕后神秘的面纱, 让学生走进录音棚做一回“电影人”是他们一生都难以忘怀的经历, 看到自己录制的VCD时, 成功的感觉令他们更加自豪, 自信。

步骤六:编剧 (编) :适合小学六年级以上的学生。学生自己编写英文剧本, 组织学生排练和表演。考虑到舞台布景、音乐、角色、表现等方方面面, 是一个极大的挑战, 但是学生参与以后, 收益匪浅。由原来单一的模仿, 语言输入, 通过活动内化成准确的输出语言。真正学以致用了。














1.学生英语能力及综合素质的提高 (插入学生表演的照片、参加模拟联合国的照片)

学生听说读写等英语应用能力十分突出, 有百余名学生在广东省、全国乃至国际英语竞赛中获得特等奖、一等奖、二等奖的好成绩。最早一批参与实验的学生已经考上大学了, 有英语成绩优秀被保送北京大学小语种的杜金浩同学;第二批参与实验一个年级的学生在去年的全市中考中平均分名列区第一, 其中如袁希迪、程秋帆、黄剑秋、郑迪文在区高二统考中名列区前六名;我校的“模拟联合国”的社团在深圳市也享有盛名, 参加北京大学的全国范围内的“模拟联合国”比赛, 获得大奖。

在深圳青少年英语挑战赛———配音表演中获奖的同学孙杲实, 在加拿大高中入学插班考试中被免于考试, 直接带学分进入学习。

徐海婷同学, 在深圳市英语口语比赛中获得第一名。并在全国范围内入选推荐为“环保大使”, 参加在日本和美国举办的联合国环保大使演讲。 (全英语演讲)

2.教师专业素质的提高 (插入教师上课、参加国外会议的照片)

教师业务能力得以提高, 论文和教学设计60多篇, 区级以上教学公开课100多节。20多位教师在全国各级教学比赛中获奖, 部分成为电影课学校中的种子老师, 到各地送课和讲座。电影课教学法创始人葛岩峰应邀参加韩国亚太地区天才儿童教育论坛, 代表中国电影课试验学校代表团在会上全英语发言介绍电影课成果。


一方面开设了英语、俄语、日语、法语等多种外语课程;另一方面, 英语教育在课程、教材、课时、教法及评价等方面进行了大胆的探索和改革, 提炼了英语“彩虹”模式, 编写出版了全国第一套英语电影教学校本教材———《英语电影听说分级教程》。学校的小学和初中早已是深圳市知名的教育品牌。中考成绩连续八年获南山区第一, 稳居全市前三;高考成绩连年创优, 2009年更是考出“7个状元”、升大学“百分之百”, 深受学生、家长、社会、同行以及主管部门的高度赞誉和一致好评。

4.独特的学校文化 (全国骨干教师培训的集体照)

在校内, 每年的英语文化节中开展电影配音比赛;每年开展电影课教学比赛;每年召开英语教师大会研讨会;每年均派出种子教师去各地讲座和送课。

在校外, 作为全国英语电影课研究协作会主要成员, 学校协助开辟英语电影课研究协作会网站, 共享资源;多次承办全国性的电影课教学观摩赛, 全国电影课学校骨干教师培训。


Introducing Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. It originated[起源] in the Shang Dynasty from the people’s sacrifices[祭品] to gods and ancestors[祖先] at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one.

During the last ten days before Spring Festival, store owners are busy as everybody goes out to purchase[购买] necessities for the New Year. Materials not only include edible[食用的] oil, rice, poultry[家禽], fish and meat, but also fruit, candies and all kinds of nuts. What’s more, various decorations, new clothes and shoes for the children as well as gifts for the elderly, friends and relatives are all on the list of purchasing.

Before the New Year comes, people completely clean the inside and outside of their homes. Then they begin decorating[装饰] their clean rooms with an atmosphere[气氛] of joy and festivity[欢庆]. All the door panels will be pasted with Spring Festival couplets[对联]. Also, pictures of the gods of doors and wealth will be posted on front doors to ward off[避开] evil spirits and welcome peace and abundance[充裕]. Red paper-cuttings can be seen on window glass.

According to custom, each family will stay up to count down for the New Year on the eve of the Spring Festival. Lighting firecrackers[爆竹] was once the most typical custom during the Spring Festival. People thought the banging and popping could help drive away evil spirits. Children will get money as a New Year’s gift, wrapped[包裹] up in red packets. A series of activities such as lion dancing, dragon lantern[灯笼] dancing, lantern festivals and temple fairs will be held for days. The Spring Festival then comes to an end when the Lantern Festival is over.






Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often visit friends and relatives or together eat dumplings, fish, meat and other delicious food. The children are looking forward to receiving red envelope money, and together they play each other the fireworks, with happy. Street with dragon and lion dance and some other carnival activities, CCTV will held the grand Spring Festival gala.




Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year。 To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West。 the dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the GREgorian calendar, so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February。

To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Year’s Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar。 But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country。


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. Before the Spring Festival People clean their houses,put red couplets on their gates,and set off firecrackers to drive away the legendary monster Nian.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, families get together and have a big dinner. Dumplings are the most traditional food.

The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words Happy new year. People enjoy the Spring Festival, during this time they can have a good rest.



(一) 风俗习惯及隐私

1.Hello, Teacher Natalie.How old are you? (错句, 应弄清外教的名姓、称谓关系及不能打听的隐私) 。

2.What’s your name? (这句话虽然对, 但有时因口气太直, 显得有点像盘问, 礼貌一点的说法是:May I know your name?)

3.Gentlemen and ladies (应改为Ladies and gentlemen, 中文说我和你, 英文须说you and I, 以示尊重。)

4.当受到赞扬时必先说“Thank you”而不能按中国的习惯先说“No, no”客气一番, 使对方难堪, 似乎是瞎拍马屁。在赞扬女人时说:“You look beautiful/pretty/charming.”对方总是会很高兴, 不像中国某些女性会害羞、反感。其他的话如:“You have done a good job.”“A good idea!”都是由衷的赞美, 外国人会很高兴。

5.在让外宾先上车、船, 先走时, 不能说:“You go first.”应该说:“After you!”在告别时应说:“I’m leaving.”而不应说:“Igo first.”

6.外国的饮料中, soft drink和liquor是有区别的。white cof fee并非“白咖啡”, 而是加奶咖啡, black coffee实际是“清咖啡”。

7.在聚会或会议时须离开一会儿, 需客气地说:“May I be excused for a minute?”如需上厕所, 决不要当着大家说:“I wan to go to W.C.”应该说:“Where is your washroom?”

8.打电话时应说:“Is Lily speaking?”代替中国人习惯说的“Are you...?”有人打电话找你, 不应说:“Wang Lan, somebody is looking for you on the phone.”应改为:“Wang Lan, you are wanted on the phone.”

9.我们中国人习惯说“喝汤, 养鱼, 打水, 喂饭”, 英美人实用口语的流行说法是eat soup, farm fish, fetch water, spoon food。

(二) 宗教与禁忌

1.应说Merry Christmas而不应说Happy Christmas, 圣诞欢歌应是Christmas Carol, 圣诞夜应是Christmas Eve, 圣诞夜礼物抽签活动决不能用“13”这个编号, 这是西方的忌讳 (taboo number) , 它意味着耶酥的第十三门徒, 是要遭万人咒骂的。

2.外国人的接吻是有规矩的, 宗教上的吻常用的是kissforehead, 是神圣与祝福。

3.有些宗教概念, 在西方是有特殊说法和含义的, 如Judgment Day (末日审判) , hymn (赞主歌) , choir (唱诗班) , missioners (传教士) , prayer (祈祷文) , The Garden of Eden (伊甸园) , Forbidden Fruit (禁果) , shepherd (牧师) , Satan (撒旦) 。英美对魔鬼也有“Give the devil his Due” (对魔鬼也应公正) , 而且说:“No one is saint.” (人非圣贤) 。

(三) 价值观念的差异

西方的价值观多与市场经济相关, 美国人很讲现实, 几个人外出聚餐, 常go Dutches (分担付费) , 吃喝完要doggie bag (打包) , 要想生活得宽裕点就得work like a devil (拼命干) , 或去moonlight a job (做月光活, 加班) , 因为在美国“There’s no free dinner for anybody. (谁也别想白吃饭) ”, 他们若缺钱用, 即使向爸妈借, 向情人贷也要签个IOU bill (欠条) 。他们对商品和信息的反应特别灵敏, 时间观念强, 因此有“Time is money.”“Message is gold.”“Any fool can make a thing, only the cleverest go to the salesmanship.”的说法。下面一个中学生在作文中的投诉信, 就是一个价值观差异的实例:

Dear Mr.Manager:

I am very sorry to bother you, I have to feel very worried.Yesterday I bought a VCD player in your shop.But when I came home, it couldn’t work.It cost me$500.This is a lot of money for my family because we are not rich people.Please change it or repair it, would you?I’d thank you very much on behalf of my family.


1.买了质量不合格的产品用不着低三下四, 说客套话。因为“I’m the customer.I’m always right, I’m your God.”。

2.用不着哭穷, 会被人瞧不起的。

3.什么代表全家感谢, 实在是自降身份。



She pulls wool before her customer’s eyes.(蒙人)

He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.(披着羊皮的狼)

The son was a black sheep of his family.(败家子)

As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.(一不做二不休)

The proof of pudding is in the eating.(布丁香不香,还得尝一尝)

To carry coals to Newcastle.(做徒劳而多余的事)

在其他方面,扩大成语的学习,只要不影响教学的正常进行,都是大有裨益的。如初中英语的许多简单生词也可以和成语、习语联系起来,使学生觉得原来一个个的英语单词并不死板,它们是那么鲜活,那么富有生命力和组合力:play fool(装蒜),foul play(犯规),play truant(逃学),play tricks(捉弄人),pocket money(零花钱),bad money(假钞),quick/easy money(松活钱),dirty money(不义之财)。



(一) 助动词的应用


1.Have some more sweetened milk and biscuits?

中国学生通常的反应是:No, thank you.I’m enough.

2.Pleas pass me a piece of imported paper.

中国学生的直接反应是:This big you want?

然而最好说:Can this size do?

(二) 复杂句与简单句


1. 请把您心中想到的说出来。

a) Please speak out what you have thought in your heart.

b) Please speak your mind.(中国人总想着“心”,而英语里却简略地用speak mind)

2. 他考试失败了,证明他学习不够用功。

a) He failed his examination, which proves that he wasn’t studying hard enough.

b) He failed his exam.That tells his study. (此处tell即表“证明”)

3.你不要掩盖事实真相了, 你讲的那些话不能为你辩解。

a) Don’t try to cover up the actual truth.The words you said cannot defend yourself.

b) Don’t try to cover up everything.Your talk can’t wash. (wash一词表达特别有力)

对要求学好口语的学生,最好建议他们把工夫花在一些关键的“小词”上。诸如make, get, have, do, tell, mind, mean, talk,这一类的小词是“五十个英语词走遍天下”,虽然有些夸张,倒也有一点实际意义。



1.OK!Before the gate of the Summer Palace we’ll be waiting. (此处意为:我们正恭候您的到来!)

2.I am asking:If you will join us in next journey?


3. Don’t talk nonsense.I am being serious.(此处意为:我的确是认真的啊!)

4.She passes the tray to everyone———cups of sugared coffee.

———She is being friendly. (此处意为:她这样做是为了表示友好啊!)


以上所列举的各项英语文化背景知识, 笔者只想说明一点:作为21世纪的英语教师, 要做文化学习的努力, 也要做文化知识的准备和积累。我们不能满足于课堂出现单词apple就知道苹果, 出现crocodile就只知道鳄鱼, 教play就只说“玩耍”。我们不能设想将所有的文化背景知识一股脑儿地教给学生, 但教师的厚积薄发的确是使课堂生动活泼的关键。这种以文化知识的熏陶促进语言教学是我们努力的方向。


[1]杨贤玉.略论文化背景与大学综合英语教学之关系[A].学海采珠 (中卷) [C].成都科技大学出版社, 1995.



The sequence (顺序) of the Chinese Zodiac is Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Cock, Dog, and Pig. This year is the year of Dragon. According to legend, people held a conference with all the animals, informing them that the animals who first came to the conference can represent the Zodiac. However, in spite of being fast, the cat was not picked as its then close friend, the rat, did not wake it. Then the war between them continues till today.


People have different main courses everyday from the 1st day to the 15th day of the New Year, from dumplings, noodles, spring rolls, sticky rice cakes, to Tang Yuan. Each food has a meaning as well. For instance, Jiao Zi looks like gold, implying a wealthy year ahead. Besides eating, young people visit older family members and kids are blessed(祝福) with a red pack of lucky money.



The Chinese have specific way to celebrate their new year. If you walk down the street in Chinatown during Chinese New Year, you see a variety of ancient traditions such as red banners, firecrackers and lion dance performances, streets are filled with lively celebration.

However, legend has said that the new year has not always been a time of festivity. An Asian Chinese story told a chilly start to this festive holiday, it begins with an ancient Chinese beast called Nian.

Every New Year Nian would rise from swelling in the sea to ravage Chinese village in livestock and hurting people. The villages soon found out from a wise gray-haired old man that the only way to scare the beast away was to set off firecrackers and light lamps and to hang red banners on each door. As the story goes, this was the beginning of a tradition that would last thousands of years.
