




1. debate 辩论 2. environment 环境

3. decrease 减少 4. untreated 未经处理的

5. stomach 胃 6. ecological 生态的

7. establish 建立 8.destroy 破坏

9. conservation 保护 10. variety 各种各样 vary v.

11. equipment 设备 12. agriculture n.农业

13. measure 措施 14. organization n 组织

15.management 管理 16.economic adj.经济的

17.apparently 明显地 18. technician 技术员

19. forcefully 强有力地 20. beneficial 有益的


1. They made a clear statement (state) that nobody is to enter the lab without permission.

2. After a short inspection (inspect) of the ruins in Yushu County, Premier Wen Jiabao held a meeting immediately.

3. Unfortunately, the fire caused the destruction(destroy) of the books in his father’s study.

4. The expert told us that personal contact was beneficial (benefit) to the promotion of understanding.

5. When shopping, what is your regular practice concerning(concern)the terms of payment.

6. It’s reported that there is a 30% decrease (decrease) in the unemployment rate in that city.

7. Please remain seated (seat); the winner of the price will be announced soon.

8. This kind of animal lays (lay) its eggs in water.


1. be concerned about/ for 忧虑 2. be associated with 与.....有关

3. take action / measures.. 采取行动 4. focus on 集中, 关注

5. result from/ lead to/ arise from … 导致 6. wipe off 消除

7. in addition 另外 8. run out ( of) 用尽

9. rely/ depend on 依靠 10. be stocked with 储备有....

11. under way 在进行中 12. think of ….as 认为是

13. as / so long as 只要 14. be home to 为...所在地

15. With the development of agriculture and industry随着工农业的发展


1. debate n. vt.&vi. open the debate 自由辩论 beyond debate 毋庸辩论

1)After a long debate(经过长久的争论), he was chosen captain of our school football.

2)The government is debating the education laws.(政府正在讨论教育法规)

debate with sb. about ath. 与某人讨论某事

考虑做....../ 是否做..... debate doing sth./ whether to do sth.

He is debating whether to (他正在考虑去....还是...)go for a walk or to visit a friend.

2. lay vt. & vi. 1)产卵,下蛋 2)铺设,摆放 3)安排,拟定


The hen which has laid an egg is lying on the grass, having a rest

A new railway has been laid (铺设了一条新的铁路)between Beijing and Tibet already.

The government has laid some laws (制定了一些制度)to decrease the loss the financial crisis has brought.

lay stress/emphasis on sth. 强调 lay the blame on 归咎于

lay sth. aside 搁置一边 一个下岗工人 a worker laid off


lay→laid →laid →laying (摆放)

lie→lay → lain →lying (躺,位于)

lie→lied → lied →lying (说谎)


①She laid the baby down gently on the bed.

②The little girl lying on the grass lied that she had laid the book on the table.

③The hens began laying/ to lay eggs in October.

④He laid his failure to his lack of experience.

3. approach vt. & vi. 临近, 靠近n. approach

①With the approach of December 25. (随着12月25日的临近,…), people began to

jump into the Christmas rush.

②Sometimes we can use different approaches to the same problem.


③The best approach to learning English (学英语最好的方法)is to practice more.

辨析: approach/way/method/means

①He adopted a different approach to the problem.

②Driving a car is a popular means of transportation.

③There are various ways/ methods of payment.

④She had a strange way to make us happy in her class.

4. expand vt. & vi. 膨胀,扩大

① He is thinking of expending his business in South Africa.(扩展他的生意)

② Water expands when it freezes.水结冰时体积膨胀。

辨析: expand/enlarge/spread

①Metals expand when they are heated.

②I want to enlarge the lawn.

③Bad news spreads faster than good news.

5. appreciate vt. appreciation n. 欣赏 appreciative adj. 欣赏的,感激的

①His abilities are not fully appreciated by his employer.


②You can’t appreciate Chinese poetry (你无法欣赏中文诗) if you don’t understand its rhythm and cultural background.

appreciate sth. /doing sth..= thank sb. for sth. ; 注意:appreciate it if……


I really appreciate your timely help./ thank you for your timely help.

I will appreciate it if you will turn down the radio a little. 请你把音乐声调小点儿好吗?

6. raise vt.

raise a sunken ship onto the surface of the sea 将一艘沉船吊到海面上来

raise a child 抚养孩子 raise/ put forward a new question 提出一个新问题

raise some money for the quake relief 为地震灾区募捐

rise vi. rose risen rising

①He rose to welcome me gladly.(起身欢迎我)

②The smoke from our fire rose straight (升起)in the still air.

arise vt.&vi.(pt. arose pp. arisen ) 发生,出现 arise from(= result from )

①He raised his voice (他提高了噪音) to make himself heard.

②His voice rose with anger. 他的噪音由于生气而提高。

③The accident arose / result from his drunk driving.

7. decrease vt. 降低,(使)减少 反义词:increase

n. 减少,减少的数量

①The population of the village decrease by 120 to only 1124.


②There has been a decrease in the annual birth rate in the past few years..


8. beneficial adj. n. benefit v. benefit

vt.&vi. 对……有益 benefit sth. 得益于……be nefit from

The plants benefited from the rain. = The rain benefit the plants.

n. for the benefit of sb. 为某人着想

be of benefit to...(= be beneficial to…)


Is this diet beneficial to you?

9. concern vt. n. concern adj. concerned prop. concerning

a concerned look 关切的表情 all the people concerned 所有相关人员

a book concerning the education of children (与孩子教育相关的)

The boy’s poor health concerns his parents.

be concerned with sth. / about ( for, over) sth. (与......有关/关心)

①I am not concerned with the matter any longer.(我不再与此事有关。)

②She felt quite concerned for/ over/ about (非常担心) her child’s safety.

用concern 适当形式填空。

1)The letter is chiefly concerned with export goods.

2)The news concerns/ is concerned with your brother.

3)He is concerned for her safety.

4)We read stories concerning visitors from other space.

5)As far as I am concerned (就我而言), you may do whatever you like.

10. prohibit vt. 禁止,阻止

禁止某人干某事 prohibit/ prevent/ stop/ keep.. sb. from doing sth.

We must take measures to prohibit the air from being polluted. (防止大气污染)

11. rely on 依赖,信任近义词组:depend on rely/ depend on it that….

rely on sb. for sth/ to do sth. 依赖某人做某事

You can rely on it that he won’t let out the secret. 你可以放心,他不会泄露秘密的。

I rely on you to finish the task today. 我相信你今天能完成任务。

12. cut back on

①In a gesture to keep healthy, I had to cut back on smoking (少抽烟)

② With Father laid off, my family had to cut back on expense. (必须削减开支)。


1. The world’s population has grown to more than six times what it was (1800年的人口)。

①Our new square is twice larger than/ as big as/ the size of the old one. (老广场的两倍大)。

②We have five times as many books as you. ( 比你多五倍的书)。

2. But I do agree that recycling may be the key to helping both sides.

Jimmy, do be more careful next time. (下次务必再细心些)。

3. My suggestion is that we (should) cut back on our production. (我们必须缩减生产规模)。

4. It’s apparent that (很显然) you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment.

课 堂 检 测


1. Much to the couple’s comfort, their income is now double it was five years ago.

A. that B. than C. which D. what

2. The government has announced plans to cut back defense spending 10% next year.

A. upon; to B. on; by C. of; by D. for; to

3. -I’m still working on my project.

-Oh, you’ll miss the deadline. Time is .

A. running out B. going out C. giving out D. losing

4. His long absence from school our fears about his safety.

A. added B. improved C. raised D. attached

5. The experts is ________ the work finished last week.

A.assessing B.assuring C.assigning D.assembling



I think the key to solving the problem is to cooperate rather than quarrel.


We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems concerning the pollution.


It’s obvious/ apparent he is guilty according to the evidence.


Picking the flowers in the park is prohibited/ forbidden.

5.This plan sounds a good idea, but remains to be seen (得拭目以待)whether it works.


Not catching the last bus , we had to walk home.

7. 要是他明天不来怎么办?(what if)

What if he doesn’t come tomorrow?

8. 要是你能帮我解决这个技术问题,我将非常感谢。

I would appreciate it if you can help me to solve the technical problem.


序号:018 课题:M4U3

编写人:孙雪雪 审核人:裴如东


1.real (adj.)→ really (adv.) → realize (vt.) → reality (n.)

2.deliver (vt.) → delivery (n.) 3.burn (vt.) → burnt (adj.)

4.announce (vt.) → announcer (n.) → announcement (n.)

5.industry (n.) → industrialize (vt.&vi) → industrial (adj.)

6.employ (vt.) → employer (n.) → employee (n.) → employment (n.)

7.satisfied (adj.) → satisfy (vt.) → satisfactory (adj.) → satisfaction (n.)

8.imagination (n.) → imagine (vt.) → imaginable (adj.) → imaginary (adj.) → imaginative (adj.)

9.determine (vt.) → determined (adj.) → determination (n.) 10.guide (vt.) → guidance (n.)


1.He thought her perfect, but in reality (real) she was selfish and vain.

2.There is a radar station monitoring (monitor) enemy planes at the top of the mountain. .

3.Their proposal (propose) to build a new building has finally been rejected.

4.I left him, determined (determine) never to set foot in that house again.

5.He hasn’t much imagination (imagine).

6.Last night I was watching TV in the sitting room when I smelt something in the kitchen burning (burn).

7.He watched the children’s performance with great satisfaction .(satisfy)

8.I didn’t get much of an impression (impress) of the place because it was dark when we drove through it.

9.Are the children safely (safe) fastened into their seats, darling?

10.Her idea is of central (center) importance in the development of the theory.


1.传递 pass on 2.与…相连接 be connected to

3.发出(气味,热等) give out 4.提出(观点,议案等) put forward

5.最后的但同样重要的 last but not least 6.被控告犯……罪 be accused of

7.关闭,使停止,使倒闭 close down 8.发现,(偶尔)遇见 come across

9.传达 get sth across 10.以…为背景 be set in


1.reality n. 现实,事实

1) In reality/ …, (实际上) he is not completely wrong.

2) We must make the most of our time to turn our dreams into realities/ realize our dreams/ live our dreams/ make our dreams come true.(实现我们的梦想)

3) The failures in his career brought him back to reality. (工作上的失败使他面对现实)

拓展: realization n.实现;明白,认识,体会

The next year saw / witnessed (见证) the realization of all my dreams.

= The next year, all my dreams came true/ were realized / were turned into realities.

2.proposal n.[C]


The government put forward/ came up with a proposal (提出建议) to improve public transportation.


receive a proposal from sb. make a proposal to sb.

propose v. 建议,提议

注意:proposal和propose后接从句表示“建议”时,从句要用(should) do的虚拟语气。

1)The proposal that public transportation (should) be improved (improve) was accepted by the government.

2) He proposed that the book (should) be banned (ban).

3.give out

1) 分发The teacher gave out the examination papers.

2) 发出(气味,热,信号,叫声等)The roses gave out a sweet perfume.

3) 宣布He gave out the news in an excited (excite) voice.

4) (人)身体垮;(机器失灵)Tom’s legs gave out and he couldn’t run any farther.

5) 被用完,耗尽We had just reached home when the petrol gave out / ran out/ was used up.

Our food had C , and we had to return to the camp.

A. given in B. given away C. given out D. given up

4.deliver v. delivery n.

① The postman delivers letters (送信) every day.

② The doctor delivered Mrs. Jones of twins.

③ He delivered/ made/ gave an important speech (作了一个重要的演讲) at the meeting.

④ deliver …from… = save/ rescue …from… 把…从…解救出来

5.impress vt.

① impress the words on the cloth 在布上印字

② △ impress sb. The book didn’t impress me at all. (根本没有给我留下什么印象)

△sb. be impressed by / at / with

我被他的表演深深地打动了。 I was deeply impressed by his performance.

△ 使某人牢记某事 impress sth. on sb. impress sb. with sth

He impressed the importance of the work on me /on me the importance of the work /me with the importance of the work. (他使我牢记这份工作的重要性。)

impression n.

leave / make an impression on / upon sb. =leave sb. with an impression 给某人留下…的印象


The beauty of the city left/ made a deep impression on me.

The beauty of the city left me with a deep impression.

6.responsible adj. responsibility _ n. 责任,职责 the sense of responsibility/ duty_ 责任感

① It isn’t I who am responsible for (负责) the accident.

②The bad weather is responsible for the small attendance (出席).

③Give the job to a responsible man.

7.employ vt.雇佣;使用

1) We employed him as a cook. (雇佣他做厨师)

2) He employed / spent all his free time in playing.

be employed in / employ oneself in = be engaged in 忙于、从事某活动

他从事英语教学工作。 He was employed/ employed himself in teaching English.

employer n. 雇主,老板 employee n. 雇员

employment n. 雇佣,就业 unemployed adj. 没有工作的,失业的

in / out of employment 有工作/失业

8.accuse vt. 控告;指责

accuse sb. of sth. / sb. be accused of sth. charge sb. with sth. sue sb. for sth.控告某人某事

他被控告偷了钱包。 He was accused of/ charged with sued for stealing the wallet.

punish / scold / criticize / praise / thank / admire sb. for sth.

9.rescue vt. / n. 解救,援救

vt. rescue / save / deliver sb. from sth. 从…中把某人解救出来


The firefighters rescued ten children from the burning house.

n. a rescue team 营救队 come / go to one’s rescue 来 / 去援救某人

10.come out; come about; come back; come down; come in; come from; come on come up with

①When will his new book come out ? ②The price of the oil has come down dramatically.

③The passage she quotes comes from Shakespeare. ④The whole poem is coming back to me now! ⑤How did this dangerous situation come about?

11.put forward

① The idea that you put forward / came up with (提出)at the meeting is wrong.

② May I put your name forward as the Chairman?

③ Put / Set the clock forward by ten minutes.


1.not only…but (also) 当此结构连接两个句子,且not only分句放在句首时,not only后面的句子要用部分倒装,但but also后面的句子仍用陈述语序。

I think not only does he work faster (他工作得更快), but also he works better.

A people to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for people who need it.

A.Not just will help be given to B.Only help will be given to

C.Not only will help give D.Help will be given only to

2.It’s ( about / high ) time that sb. did… / should do…“是该做…的时候了” (从句常用虚拟语气。)

该到我们努力学习的时候了。 It’s (about/ high) time that we studied/ should study hard.



A 1.--- Why was Mr. Green fired by the shop?

--- He was ______ of cheating customers.

A. accused B. complained C. announced D. claimed

B 2.My cell phone is old and it is high time that I ______ a new one.

A. buy B. bought C. will buy D. am going to buy

A 3.Many a quarrel ______ through a misunderstanding. So you should talk more with him.

A. comes about B. comes across C. come about D. come up

B 4.It has been that the Olympic Games will be held in London. .

A. accepted B. announced C. appointed D. assured

A 5.--- Lily, my beautiful flower died.

--- It ______ for a long time.

A. hadn’t been watered B. hadn’t watered C. hasn’t been watered D. hasn’t watered

C 6.Not only ______ about the food, but also he refused to pay for it.

A. the customer complained B. complained the customer

C. did the customer complain D. does the customer complain

C 7.He _____ the suggestion that the working time should be shortened to eight hours a day, but was refused by his leader.



教学模式是具有理论支撑的教学活动的操作框架。我们在构建高三英语一轮复习教学模式时依据了许多教育教学、现代学习方式和英语语言学等方面的理论, 其中最主要的是建构主义和结构主义学说。

1. 建构主义理论

建构主义者认为, 学习不是教师单向地传输, 不是学生顺从地接受, 学习是一个主动的、有明确意图的、积极的建构过程。在这个过程中, 教师是教学过程的指导者、组织者, 学习的促进者, 学生是知识的主动建构者;学习者以已有的经验为基础, 通过与外界的交互作用建构新的理解。

根据建构主义学习理论, 在一轮复习教学中, 我们可以在正式复习某个方面的内容前通过学案向学生展示复习目标和相关的诊断练习, 以此创设问题情境、揭示新旧知识之间的联系, 为学生的探究性学习提供条件。在学生自主预习复习目标、完成诊断练习的过程中, 我们还可以指导学生有效进行建构活动, 如细心揣摩各个知识点复习应达成的目标, 认真体味每道诊断练习所蕴涵的题旨。

2. 结构主义理论

结构主义学派认为, 每一门学科都有其基本结构, 这种结构就是一门学科的基本原理、概念、规律、规则等稳定性最强、沉积性最强的内容;掌握了这些结构就能从整体上驾驭所学学科, 并能由此出发独立地向学科的深度和广度进军, 进一步获取新知识, 认识和解决新问题;学科教学必须教授和学习学科的基本结构。

事实上, 一个学生如果连单词的读音、拼写都不会, 连句子的基本结构都搞不清楚, 是无法自主建构知识体系的, 只有夯实了“双基”, 才能为建构活动提供不竭的源泉。所以, 我们应十分重视以夯实基础知识为主要目标的一轮复习。首先, 在时间安排上, 要确保一轮复习占整个复习时间的一半左右, 甚至更多一点;其次, 在内容选择上, 要强调语言知识的基础性地位, 倡导输入型教学。


我们所构建的一轮复习教学模式为:诊断—解惑—巩固—纠错。这四个环节涉及课内和课外。通常情况下, 诊断和纠错环节分别于课前和课后完成, 根据具体情况, 也可将诊断和解惑放在课内完成, 将巩固和纠错放在课后完成。具体操作步骤和要领如下。

1. 诊断

(1) 编写复习导学方案


第一, 复习目标。以单元为序, 从词汇、句型、交际用语、语法等方面理出学生应该掌握的重要语言点和一般性语言点, 并用显性的方式呈现出来。复习内容的确定一般立足于某个单元, 但不拘泥于这个单元, 不同单元间的知识适当进行整合。

第二, 诊断练习。针对复习目标部分的重点内容编选诊断练习。诊断练习的内容与所列举的重点语言点一一对应, 并且基本涵盖相关语言点的主要用法, 因而这些练习可以充当教学的引子。为了促使学生自觉注意语言的上下联系, 充分暴露自己的思维过程, 有效建构知识的框架体系, 诊断练习可采用一定量的填空、完成句子、句型转换、句子翻译等综合式、表达型的主观题型。

第三, 词组短语。列出课本内容中一些不必作为语言点来复习的常见词组和短语, 以便于学生集中记忆。过于简单的词组短语和结构不固定、学生凭语言能力可以自动生成的搭配不列入该部分的内容, 以便减轻学生的学习负担。

第四, 巩固练习。根据所复习的重难点内容编选适量的巩固练习。题型以高考题型为主, 难度稍高于诊断练习。语篇类练习在话题、语言知识运用等方面尽量与所复习的内容相关。

(2) 指导学生预习

督促、指导学生在课前充分预习复习目标部分的内容, 认真完成诊断练习, 熟记词组短语, 并通过查阅资料、独立思考和相互间讨论等方式, 了解目标要求, 熟悉复习内容, 发现存在问题, 获得感性认识。

(3) 批改诊断练习

为了督促学生认真完成诊断练习, 同时为了充分了解学情, 教师一般应仔细批改学生所做的诊断练习。如果时间来不及, 可以抽改一部分学生的练习, 或者只改一部分学生的一部分题目。

2. 解惑

(1) 诊断反馈

通过课件呈现学生在诊断练习中出现的共性的典型错误, 同时提出学习建议, 使学生明白问题所在, 明确听课的重点, 明晰努力的方向。

(2) 点评总结

通过课件呈现诊断练习并点评, 在讲评诊断练习的基础上引导学生总结归纳各个语言点的用法。

3. 巩固

(1) 即讲即练

针对诊断练习批改时所发现的学生的典型错误编选少量的、单项的补偿性练习, 并在相应的诊断练习处理完毕后立即让学生去做一做。

(2) 当堂测评

当堂完成导学方案中的巩固练习, 时间如果来不及, 则留待课后完成。

4. 纠错

(1) 督促学生自我纠错

经常查阅学生的导学方案和课堂记录, 确保学生适时记录、及时纠错, 尽力消除在复习过的导学方案中仍然留有空白、错误或没有订正和订正后依然有错的现象。

(2) 定期进行统一纠错

一段时间后, 让学生集中做教师依照该段时间内错误率较高的诊断练习题和巩固练习题而改编的纠错练习。

总的说来, 在一轮复习教学中, 其教学步骤最好能体现这样的先后关系:先让学生做诊断练习, 后答疑解惑;先呈现具体实例, 后抽象概括语言用法;先口头总结, 后书面 (投影) 归纳;先直观呈现讲解要点, 后口头或笔头检查学生掌握的情况。


实施基于“建构主义和结构主义学说”的高三英语一轮复习教学模式已经有四年时间, 其间取得了许多成绩, 也对很多问题有了更为清醒的认识。

1. 该模式有效实施的基本条件


(1) 确立正确的教学观念 (动力条件)

观念对人们的行为发挥着先导作用, 人们会根据自身形成的观念自觉进行各种活动。教师要从内心认可、接受该教学模式, 需要领会、掌握如下内容:建构主义和结构主义理论, 陈述性知识向程序性知识转化的规律, 我国英语教学“课时少、任务重、缺乏语言环境”的特征, 自主、探究、合作的现代学习方式等。

当然, 教师在观念没有转变的情况下也可以直接使用该模式, 期待在该模式的使用中不知不觉地体验新的观念, 转变旧的观念。

(2) 将教学理念物化成教学材料 (物力条件)

教学理念, 包括教学方法, 只有在被物化成教学材料以后, 才能被运用于课堂教学当中。使用该模式需要编选的材料有:一轮复习中的学习目标、诊断练习、巩固练习, 特别要注意编选好诊断练习。

(3) 认真做好课前准备工作 (人力条件)

备好课是上好课的前提。高三英语一轮复习教学模式的第一步是“诊断”, 这是区别于当下英语学科大量采用的演绎式的复习方法的重要标志。要保证这一步的实效, 除了编选好诊断练习外, 一定要坚持全面批改或者抽样批改诊断练习, 以此督促学生认真预习、获得体验、建构知识体系, 也帮助教师了解学情、有针对性地备好课。

2. 建议

(1) 课堂教学有必要采用适宜的教学模式

在高三英语复习教学中, “术”比“道”更重要。教学活动中教师教什么、如何教直接影响着学生学习的主动性和积极性, 影响着教学的效果和质量。教师想要在教学实践中获得成功就必须注重对教学内容 (教什么) 和教学方法 (如何教) 进行合理组合, 即能按某一种或几种有效的模式进行教学。[1]如果教师借鉴使用了经过大量实践检验的复习教学模式, 就有了解决问题的种种方案, 而无须一切从头开始探索, 并且只要条件具备, 环境适当, 其教学效果总是明确的和可以预期的。

(2) 模式建构应体现动态过程

教学模式有相对稳定性的一面, 特别是在最优化后的一定时期内。教学模式的相对稳定性使其具有质的规定性, 否则教学模式就会变成游移不定、不可捉摸、不可理解的东西。但我们也要清醒地认识到, 教学建模是渐进的, 有一个“建构—超越—再建构—再超越”的过程, 所以, 模式使用决不能固化、僵化, 而应力求在实践中创造性地使用它们, 并最终打破、超越现有的模式, 发展、组合、建构新的模式。[2]

(3) 模式运用应因环境制宜

任何模式, 都有特定的使用场合和条件, 从来就没有一种“放之四海而皆准”的万能模式, 教学中一定要根据具体的教情、学情等因素对其进行灵活运用。


在高三英语复习教学的实践和研究中, 我们根据建构主义和结构主义学说和复习教学实践建构、概括了“诊断—解惑—巩固—纠错”这一一轮复习教学模式, 并通过课例研究等手段, 对该模式进行了验证。作为教研员, 笔者还把经过验证的、质性相对稳定的模式广泛运用于具体的教学实践之中, 并取得了明显的成效。但是, 随着形势的发展和人们对复习教学的新认识, 这一模式还需要与时俱进, 不断完善。


[1]李朝辉.教学论[M].北京:清华大学出版社, 2010.


编写人:王秀芹 杨丽娟 审核人:张广军


1.astonish vt. 使吃惊

astonish sb be astonished at/to do sth

to one’s astonishment / satisfaction / confusion / fright / delight / comfort

1) What he said at the meeting _astonished everyone present.

2) We were astonished when we heard the astonishing news.

3) To the astonishment of everyone, the top student failed the exam this time.

4) He looked at me in astonishment . (吃惊地)

2.clothing / cloth / clothes / dress.

a piece of clothing 一件衣服 articles of clothing 几件衣服

children’s clothing 童装 冬装 winter clothing

food, clothing, and shelter 衣食住 男装店men’s clothing shop

a suit of clothes many/some/ a few clothes

put on one’s ~ / take off one’s ~

How much cloth does it take to make a blouse for a girl ?

a table cloth 一块桌布

My sister is wearing a red dress .

3.whatever pron. 无论什么,无论何事

名词性从句 = anything that

让步状语从句 = no matter what

孩子想要什么就给他什么是不妥当的。 It’s improper to gove a child whatever he wants.

Don’t change your plans, whatever happens. / no matter what happens.

whatever weather it is, we will go.

4.envy v. / n. 嫉妒,嫉妒或羡慕的对象

嫉妒某人的 envy sb. sth 成了……的羡慕对象 be the envy of

出于嫉妒 out of envy 嫉妒地,羡慕地 with envy

feel envy at 对…… 感到嫉妒

The boy’s new toy is the envy of his friends.

我们嫉妒他的好运气。 We envy jim his good fortune.

He said these words out of envy .

他对我的成功感到嫉妒。 He feels envy at my scuccess

5.view. n. 景色,视野,观点,见解 v.考虑,看待,观看

Standing on the top of the hill, you can enjoy a fine view of the West Lake.


After two hours’ driving, the Summer Palace came into our view .


From their point of view (按照他们的观点),the suspect should be sentenced to death.

短语: 在某人看来 fromone’s point of view

鉴于,考虑到 in view of

把…视作 view … as

初看 at first view

用view / scene /scenery /sight 填空

1) The police quickly reached the scene of the murder.

2) If you stand here, you’ll get a better view of the river.

3) The sunrise at Huangshan is a remarkable sight .

4) The West Lake is famous for its scenery .

6.look forward to + n / ving

We’re so much looking forward to receiving your letter .


1)The day we looked forward to came at last.(come)

2)The day we look forward to is coming (come).

3) He looked forward to see what was happening (看看发生了什么事).

短语: pay attention to / get down to / be / get used to / object to / turn to

stick to / devote … to / take to / be addicted to / appeal to / adjust to

7.total adj. / n. / v.

1)The club has a total membership of about 300.

2)The room was in total darkness (一片漆黑).

3)The repairs came to over $500 in total (总共).

4)Imports totalled $1.5 billion last year(总计为).


序号:007 课题:Module 2 Unit 2

编写:王秀芹 审核:张广军


1. We found the weather was s urpringly good.

2. The trip that he had last week was tiring and u ncomfortable .

3. Most students get tired of e ndless homework.

4. The beauty of the grassland makes many viewers s peechless .

5. Making an appointment with the doctor is a c ommon practice in some countries.

6. There are 56 students in our class in t otal .

7. In that area , people live in perfect h armony with nature.

8. The Olympic Games is a ctually a great success.

9. Police have stepped up their search for w itnesses of the accident who knew about it.

10. Police are looking into other possibilities.


1. Mr. Smith bought a new house , which was the of his neighbours .

A. envy B. admire C. respect D. pride

2. Those flowers are so special that I would do I can to save them .

A. whatever B. no matter what C. whichever D. that

3. The good news we had looked forward to at last .

A. coming B. having come C. came D. comes

4. He sat against the wall and listened to the teacher .

A. close ; close B. closely ;closely C. closely ; close D. close ;closely

5. John may phone tonight . I don’t want to go out he phones .

A. as long as B. in order that C. in case D. so that



Module2 Unit 2

编写人:杨丽娟 审核人:张广军


1. 值得做某事 _____________

2. 在山脚下

3. 在黎明

4. 当心








1. 我和我哥哥一直忙于筹划假日。




5. 登山可能会让人觉得非常疲惫,随着高度增加,空气越发变得稀薄,很多人感到恶心。


Module2 Unit 2

编写人:王秀芹 审核人:张广军



2. 和….有共同点

3. 以……形式

4. 够不着

5. 扩大视野

6. 处于完全寂静中

7. 固定航班

8. 轮流做某事

9. 用完



1. 三条河流交汇在一起。

2. 在这个完美世界里居住着的人们发现了永葆青春的秘密。

3. 周围的森林是众多鸟儿和动物们的家园。

4. 在这个天堂一般的世界里,人们和大自然和谐相处。


M3 U1 课文内容

一.Integrating skills

Passage A: Reading:

When Polly left home that morning, the city was already ___________ __________ a grey mist. After work, she stepped __________ __________ the fog and wanted to take her usual bus. But the fog is too thick for the bus to run ___________ far. So she ___________ an underground train. While on the train, she sensed that she was followed by a tall man. How she wished _________ someone _________ __________ ____________ to help her, but fear __________ ___________ _____________. To her surprise, the man turned out to a kind blind man who wanted to help people in the fog. He thought it gave him a chance to _________ _________ other people’s help. So he is a grateful helper.

Passage B: Project:

There are many types of sharks, but only about 30 types of sharks have ever been reported ____________ ___________ human beings. The chances of being attacked by a shark is small ____________ ___________ other dangers. Many more people drown in the ocean every year than ___________ ___________ by sharks. There are three types of shark attacks. Two of them are more likely ____________ ____________ ____________ for humans. However, if you __________ the advice, you will be safer: for example, hit the shark _________ _________ nose; ___________ your finger __________ the shark’s eye.


1. deserted (adj.) →(v.)

2. observe (v.) → (n.) (adj.)

3. stressed (adj.) → (n./vt.)

4. confidently (adv.) → (n.) →(adj.)

5. reduce (v.) → (n.) →(adj.)

6. accept (v.) → (n.) → (adj.)

7. truth (n.) → (adj.) → (adv.)

8. related (adj.) → (v.) →(n.) → (n.)

9. deeply (adv.) → (adj.) →(n.) → (vt.)

10. deadly (adj.) → (adj.) → (n.) → (v.)

三.Important sentences

1、Polly found herself ___________ ___________ ___________ a man standing with his hand ___________ on her arm.(波莉发现自己身边站着一个男人,他的手搭在她的胳膊上。她盯着他看。)

2、“Ah, twenty! A nice age __________ __________.(啊,二十岁!多好的年龄啊!)

3、___________ ____________(一旦出来) in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.

4、___________ ___________ ____________ the steps here.(当心)

5、She could feel her heart ____________ ____________ _____________(因……害怕而跳动).

6、When __________(攻击) in this way, the shark ___________ __________ (等)you to swim by and attacks you suddenly.

7、The face that she saw was ___________ of an old man.

8、There was no one ___________ ____________.(在视线范围之内)

9、The shark bumps you to find out if you are ___________ ___________ ____________ ______________.(适合于吃)

10、The tall man was ____________ _____________ _____________.(到处都看不见)

四.Multiple choices

1、Their demand is the good use we_________ our spare time for our study of science and technology.

A. make from B. make of C. make out D. make into

2、In hilly, dry or mountainous areas where it is impossible to grow crops, it makes very good _____________ to keep sheep or goats.

A. sense B. senses C. reason D. reasons

3、The bus didn’t arrive on time. Timmy waited anxiously and _______ his watch from time to time.

A. stared at B. glared at C. glanced at D. peered at

4、To solve the problem of feeding the world, scientists are developing new types of plants which are less likely to be _________ by pests and diseases.

A. attracted B. attacked C. accepted D. accessed

5、---How are you managing to do your work without an assistant?

---Well, I ___________ somehow.

A. get along B. come onC. watch out D. set off

6、They built a wall to avoid soil __________.

A. to wash away B. washing away

C. to be washed away D. being washed away

7、The theory he’s stuck __________ us that earthquakes can be forecast.

A. to proves B. to proves to C. to prove D. which proves to

8、___________ Bill’s flat with our small one, I found his seemed like a palace.

A. Compared B. compared to C. Comparing to D. Comparing

9、She is a kind and beautiful girl and I think she is really fit ________ you to get married ________.

A. of; with B. for; to C. for; with D. of; to

10、Please go and get the dictionary by yourself. It’s ________ you put it last time.

A. there B. where C. there where D. on there



Covered in; out into; that; took; for; to come along; held her still; pay back


As attacking; compared to; are bitten; to be deadly; follow; on the; Stick in


1.desert 2.observation observational 3.stress 4.confidence confident

5. reduction reductive6. acceptation acceptable 7.true truly

8. relate relation relationship 9. deep depth deepen 10.dead death die dying


1. staring up at; resting 2. to be 3. once out 4. watch out for 5. beating with fear 6. attacking; waits for 7. that 8.in sight 9. fit to be eaten 10. nowhere to be seen
