





Toboggan: a fast sled used for sliding down snowy or icy hills.

RV:(recdreational vehicle)large motor vehicle equipped with living space ,such as a toilet,kitchen,sleeping space,etc.

Manifest destiny:American philosophy from the 19th century;belief that Americans have a destiny or fate to explore new areas and take over new lands.Hitchhike:

Cinco de mayo:it was a festival of Mexican,today it means freedom and independent


Dive: a very cheap,often sketchy restaurant or bar

Cuckooa: man who is a stupid,incompetent fool

Pit stop: a break to get food or grass or use the bathroom.


The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence: people tend to want whatever they don’t have.

Have itchy feet:

Yellow fever:refer to westen men who like to date Asian women ,for example:John only dates Chinese girls,he denifite have yellow fever.

Backseat driver: a passenger who gives unnecessary or annoying directions to the diriver.

Dog days of summer: hot and humid weather,usually in late July.

Digging a hole to China:1)to dig a hole .2)to have unrealistic goals or expectatry.If she thinks she can pass her drivers exam,she’s just digging a hole to


Get lobstered: get a very bad sunburn,turn bright red.

Black gold: the oil

To shanghai: to kidnap, trick, or force someone to do something unwillingly. for example :I didn’t want to go to the movies last night, but my friend she

shanghai to me.

Don’t eat yellow snow: don’t do things that obvious that is stupid or damage.


1.Americans’ perception of Chinas

2.Road trip

3.Great Wall graffiti zone


5.new years resolutions


A summary of Text 12

Title:How Radiation Threatens Health

Author:Nina Bai

Source:Scientific American, 15 March, 2010


The radiation leaks at Fukushima makes people feel worried, and it’s necessary to know that the health effects caused by radiation exposure depend on its level, type and duration. Every person is exposed some background radiation from natural but only beyond this level people can get radiation sickness. At the same time, the radiation which takes different forms is produced by different heavy isotopes. On the other hand, the exposure time is so important that high single dose of radiation can do much more harm to human than the same dosage accumulate overtime. Last but not least, the government should remember the Chernobyl’s lessons but we’d better not do too many extra measures to make people feel scared.(124 words)


主 题:小学英语课堂教学中的创新教育(电影英语)



英语课堂教学中每一教学步骤都应多设信息沟,层层递进,可根据一定的教学内容或语言材料,设计适量灵活性较大的思考题,或让学生从同一来源的材料或信息中探求不同答案,培养学生积极求异的思维能力。我出过这样的一道题检验学生:If the green house is on the right side of the road, and the red house is on the left side of the road, where is the white house? 这其实是一个脑筋急转弯,学生却大多想不到。有的说“It is between the green house and the red house.”,还有的说“It is on the road.”这些学生不能正确回答这个问题是因为他们陷入“先入为主”的思维定势障碍中。正确的答案应该是“In the USA.” 。




想象是创造的源泉,没有想象就没有创造。要培养思维的独创性,首先要培养学生的想象力。在英语课堂教学中可运用手段形象生动地再现教学内容,做到声像结合,图文并茂,适合小学生好奇、求趣 、求新的年龄特点。帮助学生在语言与表达对象之间建立联系,调动学生学习积极性,使学生更自觉、更有趣地进行英语交际活动。在这基础上合理安排一些游戏多角度地培养学生想象能力。例如,在学习5A Unit 4 Halloween中的一些动物时,我在电脑中设计一个野生动物园,让学生模仿动物的声音和样子来学。 Chicken, chicken, 咯咯咯, duck, duck, 嘎嘎嘎……这样,学生就会很有兴致,有的装成猴子,有的扮成马,……。再难的词在学生口中变得流利起来,枯燥的单词很快被学生记住。然后只露出动物的一小部分,让学生猜动物。

2. 在情景中创新

儿童是善于模仿的。从母语学习的规律看,一个人的语言能力,尤其是儿童的语言能力的发展是从模仿开始的。学生在模仿课文语言时,能获得发现的乐趣,能获得成功的喜悦,这就是孩子心目中的创新意识、创造性思维。教师应努力为学生创设语言实践的情景,抓住课文中的重点句型,精心设计练习,引发学生的求知欲望,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生在运用语言的过程中及时把课文语言转化为自己的语言。例如, 在学习5A Unit 8 A camping trip中一些野营用品时,我设置了一个野营旅行的场景,准备一些实物或图片。先让学生说说需要做些什么事情,要用到哪些东西,然后自然地引出野营用品。除了书上列出的单词外,还适当增加了一些,以扩充词汇量。教授完单词后,让学生根据情景进行对话,教授几个重要句型。这样,学生可以身临其境的学习,达到了双倍的效果。


英语课堂教学活动,不仅仅是语言知识的传授和能力的训练,更重要的是师生之间、学生之间在信息传递和情感交流中思维的碰撞,新信息的获取。我国著名外语教学法专家王才仁指出:教学的实质是交际,是师生之间思想感情和信息的交流,师生是民主、平等、合作、互动的关系。为此,要培养学生的创新思维能力,教师应努力创设民主、宽松、和谐的教学氛围,使学生身心愉悦,有安全感,引导学生自由地、敏捷地去探索,迸发出创新思维的火花。由“学生”决定“教法”,使教师成为一位顾问,一位交换意见的参加者,教学内容是教师“带着学生走向知识”,而不是“带着知识走向学生”。因此,最佳的课堂信息传递应是师生、生生多向传递型,教师可以在教学中采取小组合作的方法,让学生在合作中动脑、动手、动口,从而达到同学间彼此沟通,取长补短。以小组形式展开唱歌、对话表演、猜谜语、完成调查表等竞赛。例如课堂上开展Group work, Team work, Pair work 等教学活动,要以小组成员合作性活动为主体,以小组目标达成为标准,以小组成绩奖励为评价依据,师生在小组内相互讨论、评价、启发、激励,从而拓展学生的思维空间,提高学生的创造思维能力。


课堂教学中,教师要善于设计新颖别致,并能唤起学生共鸣的问题,让学生在独立思考的基础上,再进行集体讨论,集思广益。也可运用所教知识,让学生自由地求异发散,编写新内容,如在学完课文中一段对话后,黑板上写几个key words , 让学生自己去编一些内容,这样会使学生相互启发,相互交流,从而以创新意识来灵活运用所学知识,创新实践能力也真正得以提高了。再有5A Unit 8 A camping trip中,许多学生始终搞不清there be …和 have / has 用法。教师不要单纯地自己去讲定义,而是要让学生进行归纳总结,也就是让他们进行自主学习。在这一学习过程中,学生们自己会发现there be 表示某地有某物,是“存在有”,而have / has 表示某人有某物,是“拥有”或“所有”。

陶行知先生曾经讴歌:"处处是创造之地,天天是创造之时,人人是创造之人。" 因此,教师在课堂中要实施创造性教学,寓创新素质的培养于课堂教学之中。学生的学习过程既是一种认识过程,也是一种探究过程。教育的过程本身就是一种探索与创造。英语的课堂教学只有学生的主体作用与教师的主导作用很好地进行统一,不断探索课堂教学的新思路、新方法,引导学生发现、探究、解决问题的能力,才能培养学生的开拓精神和创新意识,逐步培养其求异创造能力。

研讨过程: 邓克羽发言:创新是一个民族前进与发展的源泉与动力,中国走向世界需要英语,中国的创新和未来更需要英语,然而纵观目前的英语教学,往往由于教师只重视语法的教学,从而忽视了孩子们的求知欲望、全体参与性和进取心。




周旋发言:我在教授5A Unit 3 At a Music lesson 中的单词时,巧妙的通过一首英文歌曲“We can sing and dance.”让学生站在台上随着音乐自由舞蹈、唱歌、弹吉他、拉小提琴等等,课堂气氛高潮迭起,而学生们也在愉快中学到了知识。大家纷纷登台献艺,学习效率大大提高。单词、句型、巩固率达99%。





Nanotechnology is a new world which may have the ability to reproduce many things. And nanotechnology is more interesting than the atomic scale, because on the nanoscale we can put the atoms

together to make anything. Scientists can develop nanoscopic machines which can replicate themselves enough to produce objects. At the same time, nanotechnology which is rapidly becoming an interdisciplinary field may not only have its biggest impact on the medical industry delicate surgeries and cosmetic surgery, but also have the potential to have a positive effect on the environment. But some people worry that nanotechnology will end up like the virtual reality. So the most

immediate challenge in nanotechnology is that we need to learn more about materials and their properties at the nanoscale so that nanotechnology will definitely continue to impact us.


Good morning everyone. Welcome to my presentation. My name is …My major is mechanical engineering. The research direction of my team is the robot, so I’ll talk something about applications of the teleoperator robot in our life with two examples. The main contents of my speech are the medical robot and the cooking robot.

First of all, we should know what teleoperator robot is. Teleoperator

robots are mainly used for various operations of non-industrial production, for example, the medical robot, the cooking robot and the cleaning robot. Let’s first see the medical robot. The main characteristics ofthe medical robot is remote control. The remote control lets people stride across the space-time barrier. It means that the doctor and the patient can be in different places, as is shown in the pictures. The patient is in Strasbourg while the surgeon is in New York. The display screen

provides surgery scene to the surgeon. By operating the main operation terminal and inputting commands, doctors can control the robot to have surgery.

Robots can also serve our daily life. Most of us may already know that the robot cooks in the university cafeteria of Beijing Jiaotong University. We all think that it’s very interesting. These pictures show us the process of the robot cooking. First, the chef puts raw materials into the robot, then choses the dish to cook in the display screen. Next, the robot starts to

cook. In the cooking process, the chef follows the robot’s voice prompts to add spices. Just three minutes later, the robot pours the cooked dish into the prepared basin. The robot cooking not only takes less time but also uses less gas. It can save fifty percent of gas.

As the above examples allude, teleoperator robots provide service for mankind and make our life more convenient. Meanwhile they save us a lot of time and sources of energy. I believe in the future teleoperator robots will be more widely used and provide better service to our life. That’s all. Thank you.
