



UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message for World Oceans DayJune, 2010


2010年6月8 日

Oceans play a key role in our daily lives.They are integral to sustainable development and an important frontier for research.As scientists explore the oceans at greater depths than ever before, they continue to discover new forms of marine life.This research has great potential to advance human well-being.海洋在我们的日常生活中发挥着关键作用,是可持续发展的有机组成部分,是重要的科研前沿地带。科学家正在对海洋进行前所未有的深入探索,他们不断发现新形式的海洋生物。这一研究很有可能为人类谋取福祉。

But, if we are to fully benefit from what oceans have to offer, we must address the damaging impacts of human activities.The diversity of life in the oceans is under ever-increasing strain.Over-exploitation of marine living resources, climate change, and pollution from hazardous materials and activities all pose a grave threat to the marine environment.So does the growth of criminal activities, including piracy, which have serious implications for the security of navigation and the safety of seafarers.但是,如果我们希望充分得益于海洋所能带来的惠益,我们就必须消除人类活动产生的破坏影响。海洋生物多样性正日益面临更大压力。对海洋生物资源的过度开发、气候变化及有害物质和活动所致的污染,这些都对海洋环境构成严重威胁。犯罪活动的增加,包括海盗行为,同样也是严重威胁,对航行安全和海员的安全有着严重影响。

Much action is already being taken within the framework of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea — our “constitution for the oceans”.More than 15 years after the Convention’s entry into force, it continues to act as our guide.But if we are to safeguard the capacity of the oceans to service society’s many and varied needs, we need to do much more.On this second annual commemoration of World Oceans Day, I urge Governments and citizens everywhere to acknowledge the enormous value of the world’s oceans — and do their part in ensuring their health and vitality.已开始在1982年《联合国海洋法公约》框架内采取许多行动,该公约是我们的“海洋宪法”。该公约生效已有15年之久,但它仍是我们的行动导向。然而,如欲保障海洋服务于人类社会多种多样需要的能力,我们还需要做更多工作。在此世界海洋日两周年活动之际,我促请各国政府和世界各地公民认同世界各大洋的巨大价值,各尽所能,确保各大洋的健康和活力。


[ 录入者:陈燕华 | 时间:2010-10-31 13:58:32 | 来源:中评网 | RSS] 中国2010年上海世博会高峰论坛上午在上海开幕,联合国秘书长潘基文出席论坛并致辞。











16 September 2015 Ozone layer can absorb more than 99% solar ultraviolet that is harmful to humanity so to protect the livings on earth. For this reason, ozone layer is called "the umbrella of the earth". Annual 16 September is observed as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon gave a speech to appreciate global community’s common action to lessen the use of ozone-depleting substances and the efforts for recovering ozone layer by the middle of this century. He also looked forward to the forthcoming Paris climate conference at the end of this year to make more contribution to environmental protection.

In the speech, Ban Ki-moon said that use of ozone-depleting substances such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) had severely damaged the ozone layer that protects people from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation. Through common effort, the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer had been adopted 30 years ago. On the basis of former document, and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was drafted. The practice of two documents helped largely reduced the use of substances that deplete the ozone layer, contribute to the recovery of ozone layer and prevent millions cases of skin cancer or cataract every year.

Ozone layer depletion is one of global environmental problems that we are facing and has got much attention from international community since 1970s. In 1985, on discovering Antarctic ozone hole, the international community formalized the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer in capital of Austria, Vienna. Further on 16 September 1987, the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was drafted to control the production, use and trade on chlorofluorocarbons.


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Secretary-General’s Message on World Literacy Day 秘书长国际扫盲日致辞 8 September 2013 2013年9月8日

More than 773 million young people and adults around the world cannot read this message.They are among the ranks of our fellow citizens who have not yet gained full literacy skills.They may not be able to fill out a job application, decipher a bus timetable or read a story aloud to their children.Two out of three are women who are denied this essential ingredient to full participation in society.全世界有7.73亿以上的年青人和成年人不会念这份致辞。他们是我们的同胞,但却还没有充分掌握识字技能。他们可能无法填写求职申请书、辨认汽车时刻表或大声朗读故事给子女听。其中三分之二是妇女,她们被剥夺了充分参与社会的这一基本要素。

In our knowledge-based era, literacy is a foundation for a more just, inclusive and sustainable world.It can advance all the Millennium Development Goals.Literacy enables people to gain access to information to improve their health and nutrition, widen their livelihood options, cope with environmental change and make informed choices.在我们这个立足于知识的时代,识字是实现一个更加公平、更具包容性和更可持续世界的基础。识字可以推动各项千年发展目标,可以使人们获取信息,改善自身的健康和营养,可以拓宽谋生手段,应对环境变化和作出明智的选择。

When we invest in learning and literacy, we invest in human dignity, development and peace.That is why I launched the Global Education First Initiative, which focuses on ensuring that every child can go to school.Worldwide at least 250 million primary-school–age children cannot read, write or count.Half of these girls and boys never make it to school or are pushed out before their fourth year.Another 200 million adolescents, including those who completed secondary school, do not have basic literacy skills--and so our initiative also focuses on improving the quality of education as well as fostering global citizenship.当我们为学习和识字进行投资时,我们是在投资于人的尊严、发展与和平。这就是我启动“教育第一全球倡议”,确保每名儿童都能上学的目的。全世界至少有2.5亿小学学龄儿童不会读写或计算。其中半数男孩和女孩根本没机会上学,或还没有上到四年级就辍学了。另有2亿青少年,包括上完中学的人没有掌握基本的识字技能-因此,我们的倡议还侧重于提高学习质量,以及培养全球公民。



24 October


Dear friends,


United Nations Day is a chance to recognize how much this invaluable Organization contributes to peace and common progress.


It is a time to reflect on what more we can do to realize our vision for a better world.


The fighting in Syria is our biggest security challenge.


Millions of people depend on UN humanitarian personnel for life-saving assistance.


UN experts are working hand-in-hand with the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to destroy Syria’s stockpiles.


And we are pushing for a diplomatic solution to end suffering that has gone on far too long.


Our most urgent development challenge is to make sustainability a reality.


The Millennium Development Goals have cut poverty in half.


Now we must maintain the momentum, craft an equally inspiring post- development agenda and reach an agreement on climate change.


This year again, we saw the United Nations come together on armed conflict, human rights, the environment and many other issues.


We continue to show what collective action can do. We can do even more.


In a world that is more connected, we must be more united.


On United Nations Day, let us pledge to live up to our founding ideals and work together for peace, development and human rights.





This first International Widows’ Day is an occasion to call attention to the many “firsts” that women must face when their husbands die.In addition to coping with grief, they may find themselves for the first time since marriage without any social safety net.Far too often, widows lack access to inheritance, land tenure, employment and even the means to survive.今年是第一次开展国际寡妇日活动,在这个日子里,我们呼吁人们关注妇女在丈夫死亡后必须“第一次”面对的许多问题。妇女不仅陷入悲痛,而且还可能在结婚后第一次发现她们没有任何社会安全网。寡妇往往不能继承财产,没有土地保有权,不能就业,甚至没有生存的手段。

In places where a widow’s status is linked to her husband, she may find herself suddenly shunned and isolated.Marriage – whether she desires it or not – may be the only way for a widow to regain her footing in society.在寡妇的地位与丈夫紧密相联的地方,寡妇可能发现人们突然躲避她,她陷入孤立无援的境地。无论寡妇是否愿意,结婚可能是她在社会重新立脚的唯一途径。

Of the approximately 245 million widows in our world, more than 115 live in extreme poverty.In countries embroiled in conflicts, women are often widowed young and must bear the heavy burden of caring for their children amid fighting and displacement with no help or support.全世界约有2.45亿寡妇,其中超过1.15亿人生活极端贫困。在冲突不断的国家,妇女往往年轻就守寡,不得不在战火中和颠沛流离的生活中肩负起照顾子女的重担,她们得不到任何帮助或支持。

Some of these widows are teenagers – or even younger.The death of their husbands can leave a terrible legacy these widows must endure throughout their remaining years.一些寡妇仍然是少女,有的甚至更年轻。丈夫死亡后,给寡妇们留下的可能是终身噩梦。

All widows should be protected by the rights enshrined in the Convention on theElimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and other international human rights treaties.《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》和其他国际人权条约庄严载有各项权利,应可保护所有寡妇。

But in reality, interpretations of customary codes, as well as traditional mourning and burial rites, often deny widows virtually all of their universally recognized rights.但在现实中,对习惯法规的各种解读以及传统的丧葬礼仪往往剥夺了寡妇几乎所有的普遍公认权利。

Despite the many difficulties widows face, many make valuable contributions to their countries and communities.Some take on leadership roles at the highest levels.Others work in their families, taking in orphans, serving as caregivers and reaching across lines of conflict to mend tears in the social fabric.虽然寡妇面临许多困难,但许多人依然对国家和社区作出了宝贵贡献。一些人在最高级别发挥领导作用。其他人则在家里工作,收养孤儿,照顾他人,跨越冲突线,修补社会组织出现的裂痕。

We must recognize the important contribution of widows, and we must ensure that they enjoy the rights and social protections they deserve.我们必须承认寡妇的重要贡献,我们必须确保她们享有她们应得的权利和社会保障。


Secretary-General’s Message on the International Day against Drug Abuse

and Illicit Trafficking


New York, 26 June 2011


Drug trafficking, once viewed largely as a social and criminal problem, has transformed in recent years into a major threat to the health and security of people and regions.The $61 billion annual market for Afghan opiates is funding insurgency, international terrorism and wider destabilization.In West Africa, the $85 billion global cocaine trade is exacerbating addiction and money-laundering while fueling political instability and threats to security.Every $1 billion of pure cocaine trafficked through West Africa earns more than ten times as much when sold on the streets in Europe.毒品贩运过去基本上被视为是一个社会和刑事问题,但近年来逐渐成为危害人民健康和地区安全的重大威胁。每年610亿美元的阿富汗鸦片制剂市场正在为叛乱活动、国际恐怖主义和更大范围的破坏稳定行为提供资金。在西非,850亿美元的全球可卡因贸易加剧了吸毒成瘾现象和洗钱行为,助长了政治不稳定和安全威胁。每10亿美元的经西非贩运的纯可卡因一旦在欧洲街头售卖就可赚十几倍的钱。

Because the threat is so urgent, I recently established a Task Force to develop a UN system-wide strategy to coordinate and strengthen our responses to illicit drugs and organized crime by building them into all UN peacekeeping, peacebuilding, security, development and disarmament activities.In this way, the United Nations can integrate the fight against drug trafficking and other forms of organized crime into the global security and development agenda.由于这个威胁十分紧迫,我最近成立了一个工作队负责制定联合国全系统战略,以协调和加强我们对付非法药物和有组织犯罪的办法,为此要将这些办法纳入联合国所有维持和平、建设和平、安全、发展和裁军活动。从而使联合国能够将打击贩毒和其他形式的有组织犯罪工作融入全球安全和发展议程。

This year’s International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is an opportunity to highlight the importance of addressing these twin threats through the rule of law and the provision of health services.Our commemoration coincides with the 50th anniversary of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.今年禁止药物滥用和非法贩运国际日是一个机会,可藉此强调通过法治和提供保健服务克服这两个威胁的重要性。我们的纪念活动恰逢《1961年麻醉品单一公约》五十周年。

This Convention and the other major international drug control treaties do more than help us in the fight against drug trafficking;they protect vulnerable people through a wide range of activities to which States parties commit themselves, including education and prevention, treatment of drug dependence, care and rehabilitation for drug users, and social support.该公约和其他主要国际药物管制条约不仅有助于我们打击贩毒,而且还可通过教育和预防、戒毒治疗、吸毒者关怀和康复及社会支持等缔约国承诺开展的广泛活动保护弱势群体。

These measures are critical, because drug use, at its core, is a health issue.Drug dependence is a disease, not a crime.The real criminals are the drug traffickers.这些措施至关重要,因为吸毒的核心是健康问题。吸毒成瘾是一种疾病而不是犯罪。贩毒者才是真正的罪犯。

But the supply side is only half of the equation.Unless we reduce demand for illicit drugs, we can never fully tackle cultivation, production or trafficking.但供应方面只是这个等式的一半。除非我们减少非法药物需求,否则永远无法完全解决毒品种植、生产和贩运的问题。

Governments have a responsibility to counteract both drug trafficking and drug abuse, but communities can also make a major contribution.Families, schools, civil society and religious organizations can do their part to rid their communities of drugs.Businesses can help provide legitimate livelihoods.The media can raise awareness about the dangers of narcotics.各国政府有责任打击贩毒和药物滥用,而社区也可作出重大贡献。家庭、学校、民间团体和宗教组织可以各尽其能,让社区远离毒品。企业可以提供合法的生计手段。媒体可以提高人们对麻醉品危险的认识。

We can succeed if we reinforce our commitment to the basic principles of health and human rights, shared responsibilty, a balanced approach to reducing supply and demand, and universal access to prevention, treatment and support.This will foster communities free of drug-related crime and violence, individuals free of drug dependence who can contribute to our common future, and a safer world for all.我们如果对健康和人权、共同责任、均衡减少供需以及普及预防、治疗和支持服务等基本原则做出更有力的承诺,就能取得成功。这样做将有助于营造没有毒品犯罪也没有暴力的社会,促使人们远离药物依赖,并能够为我们共同的未来和一个对全体人民更加安全的世界做出贡献。

annual:一年一度的 foster:有助于,培养 commemoration:纪念活动 tackle:处理,解决


联合国秘书长潘基文2012年联合国日视频致辞时间:2012-10-25 14:00

The Secretary-General Video Message on United Nations Day 24 October 2012

联合国秘书长潘基文联合国日视频致辞 2012年10月24日

Every year on UN Day, we celebrate the United Nations and the values of its founding Charter.每年的联合国日,我们都庆祝联合国,弘扬其创始《宪章》所载的价值观。

This year, at a time of turmoil and global transition, we reaffirm our pledge to the peoples of the world: 今年,在这动荡和全球变革之时,我们重申对世界人民的承诺: To stop the wars …


To work for justice … 谋求正义……

To address silent crises like hatred, hunger, disease and environmental degradation.应对各种无声的危机,例如仇恨、饥饿、疾病和环境退化。

People and problems cry out for sustainable solutions.The world needs greater global cooperation.We can forge this at the UN.人民吁求可持续的出路,各种问题亟需可持续的解决办法。世界需要更多全球合作。我们能够在联合国推动这一切。

The United Nations is not just a meeting place for diplomats.The United Nations is a peacekeeper disarming troops … a health worker distributing medicine … a relief team aiding refugees… a human rights expert helping deliver justice.联合国不仅仅是外交家的会议场所。联合国是解除部队武装的维持和平人员……是分发药品的保健工作人员……是援助难民的救济团队……是帮助伸张正义的人权专家。

But we can only succeed with the support of our partners: NGOs and CEOs;scientists and scholars;philanthropists and community leaders.然而,只有在我们的伙伴,即非政府组织和首席执行官、科学家和学者、慈善家和社区领袖的支持下,我们才能取得成功。

No single leader, country or institution can do everything.But each of us, in our own way, can do something.Together, as partners, we can meet the threats … end the wars and wipe out poverty.任何一个领导人、国家或机构都不是万能的。但我们每个人都能以自己的方式有所作为。我们作为伙伴共同努力,就能应对挑战……结束战争并消除贫穷。


Message on World Youth Skills Day


July 2016 2016年7月15日

Today’s world has the largest generation of youth in history.Their needs and potential are increasingly recognized in the international community.I am proud to have made youth issues a priority, including by appointing the first-ever Youth Envoy to serve as a liaison between the United Nations and the world’s young people.当今世界的一代青年人数众多,史无前例。青年的需要和潜力日益受到国际社会的承认。我引以自豪的是,我把青年问题列为优先事项,并任命首位青年特使,在联合国与世界青年之间搭起桥梁。

This elevation on the global agenda comes at a critical time.Young people hold the key to society’s future advancement, yet too often they face barriers to their personal progress.More than 73 million are unemployed, making youth three times more likely than adults to be out of work.提升青年问题在全球议程的地位之时,正值一个关键时刻。青年人掌握着社会未来进步的钥匙,但他们自身的进步却往往受到太多阻碍。目前有7300多万青年失业,失业率比成年人高三倍。

The turmoil prevailing in many societies today adds to the urgency of addressing youth unemployment.Too many youth in developing countries are trapped into working poverty stemming from the irregularity of jobs.They toil without formal employment or social protection.Jobs creation is not keeping up with new entrants to the labour market.今天许多社会动荡不安,使解决青年失业问题平添几分急迫性。由于不能正常就业,发展中国家有太多青年人沦为穷忙族。他们辛苦劳作,没有正规工作,得不到社会保护。新增就业机会赶不上新进入劳动力市场的人数。

Young people are understandably searching for the financial security, personal satisfaction and sense of purpose that come from meaningful employment.Leaders have pledged to assist them in this effort.The visionary 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for

韩刚笔译学习QQ群 341275074 substantially increasing the number of youth with the skills they need for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.青年人追寻有意义的就业机会,进而获得经济保障、实现自我价值,这是可以理解的。各国领导人已承诺在这方面协助青年人。《2030年可持续发展议程》高瞻远瞩,呼吁大幅增加掌握就业、体面工作和创业所需技能的青年人数。

Empowering young people through skills development strengthens their capacity to help address the many challenges facing society, including poverty, injustice and violent conflict.There is no better investment than helping a young person to develop their abilities.Successful skills programmes link young people with opportunities to gain experience and jobs.It is especially critical to cultivate girls and young women with skills in science, technology and innovation.通过提升技能而增强青年的权能,使青年更有能力帮助解决社会面临的许多挑战,包括贫穷、不公正和暴力冲突。帮助青年提升能力是最好的投资。成功的技能提升项目把青年与积累经验和就业机会联在一起。培养女童和青年妇女掌握科技和创新技能尤其重要。

The United Nations Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth is bringing together the UN system, governments, businesses, academic institutions, youth organizations and other partners to scale up action and impact in this area.联合国发起的“为青年创造体面工作机会全球倡议”汇集了联合国系统、各国政府、企业、学术机构、青年组织和其他合作伙伴,共同加强这一领域的行动和效果。


May, 2010



This year’s observance of World No Tobacco Day focuses on “Gender and tobacco, with an emphasis on marketing to women”.今年世界无烟日活动的主题是“两性与烟草——关注针对女性的促销行为”。

Although fewer than 1 out of 10 women are smokers, that still adds up to an estimated 200 million women around the world.Moreover, that number could grow, since the tobacco industry is spending heavily on advertisements that target women and associate tobacco use with beauty and liberation.虽然只有不到十分之一的女性吸烟,但这仍使全世界女烟民人数近达两亿。而且,由于烟草企业花巨资制作针对女性的广告,将烟草与美丽和妇女解 放挂钩,这一数字还有可能增长。

According to a recent study by the World Health Organization(WHO), the number of girls and boys who smoked was about equal in half the 151 countries surveyed.This finding is even more worrisome since young people who smoke are likely to continue in adulthood.世界卫生组织近期对151个国家的调查显示,有一半国家,男孩和女孩的吸烟人数不相上下。由于青少年在成年后很可能继续吸烟,这一结果越发 令人担忧。

Evidence indicates that the prevalence rate of tobacco use among women is on the rise in some countries.Governments everywhere must take action to protect women from tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, as stipulated in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.有证据表明,一些国家妇女烟草使用率在上升。各国政府必须采取行动,根据《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》的规定,保护妇女远离烟草广告、促销和赞助活动。

The Convention also calls on Governments to protect women from second-hand tobacco smoke — especially in countries where women feel powerless to protect themselves and their children.As WHO data show, of the 430,000 adults who die each year from second-hand smoke, nearly two thirds are women.这项公约还呼吁各国政府保护妇女远离二手烟雾,在妇女感觉无力保护自己和子女的国家尤应如此。世界卫生组织的数据显示,在每年因二手烟雾死 亡的60万人当中,近三分之二为妇女。

Around the world, more than 1.5 million women die each year from tobacco use.Most of these deaths occur in low-and middle-income countries.Without concerted action, that number could rise to 2.5 million women by the year 2030.在世界各地,每年有超过150万妇女死于烟草使用。其中大多数死亡发生在低收入和中等收入国家。如果不采取协调一致的行动,到2030年,这一数字将可能达到250万。
