



As we celebrate the impact of volunteers on our world, let us remember the many places they are needed: in war zones and classrooms, in hospitals and homes – wherever struggling people seek a helping hand.


Let us also remember that volunteering can embrace all people, from the activist who works full-time for a cause to the occasional citizen who reaches out when he or she can. Each sets an example of the spirit of compassion we need. Each makes a valuable contribution to reaching our common goals.


The timeless act of volunteering in the service of others has taken on new dimensions in today’s digital age. Anyone with an Internet connection or a mobile phone can make a difference.


I applaud all people who volunteer each year for the benefit of their communities. I am especially grateful to the 7,700 United Nations Volunteers who support efforts to prevent conflicts, help societies recover from fighting, promote sustainable development, assist in crisis situations and carry out numerous other projects for the greater good. Their work has advanced the Millennium Development Goals, and I am confident they will also contribute to the progress on the post- development agenda.

我赞扬所有每年为社区服务的志愿者。我特别感谢7 700名联合国志愿者,他们促进冲突预防,帮助社会摆脱战争,他们推动可持续发展,在危机局势中提供援助,并开展各种项目实现更大的利益。他们的工作推动了千年发展目标,我同样相信他们的工作有助于加快后发展议程的进展。

Founded on the values of solidarity and mutual trust, volunteerism transcends all cultural, linguistic and geographic boundaries. By giving their time and skills without expectation of material reward, volunteers themselves are uplifted by a singular sense of purpose.


On this Day, let us renew our determination to offer strength and inspiration to others through volunteerism.



高斋翻译TransElegant 整理的CATTI和MTI备考资料

Message on International Day of the Girl Child 国际女童日致辞 11 October 2014 2014年10月11日

All over the world, an alarming number of adolescent girls are assaulted, beaten, raped, mutilated and even murdered.The threat of violence at the hands of family members, partners, teachers and peers grossly violates their rights, diminishes their power and suppresses their potential.全世界遭到攻击、殴打、强奸、残割甚至杀害的少女人数之多令人震惊。来自家人、伴侣、教师和同伴的暴力威胁严重侵犯了她们的权利,削弱了她们的权能,抑制了她们的潜力。

This violence is exacerbated and reinforced by the multiple deprivations adolescent girls face, including unequal access to education, skills, information, sexual and reproductive health services, and social and economic resources.Girls are subjected to discriminatory social norms and harmful practices – such as female genital mutilation--that perpetuate a cycle of violence.A culture of impunity allows violence against adolescent girls to continue unabated.Conflict and humanitarian crises dramatically increase the risk of violence, abuse and exploitation.少女面临多种权利被剥夺现象,包括无法平等获得教育、技能、信息、性保健和生殖保健服务以及社会经济资源,这种状况加剧并加深了她们所受的暴力。女童受制于各种歧视性社会规范和有害习俗,例如残割女性生殖器,而这些规范和习俗使暴力成为一种长期循环。有罪不罚文化使侵害少女的暴力行为得以持续存在,有增无减。冲突和人道主义危机也大大增加了发生暴力、虐待和剥削的风险。My UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign is engaging governments, international organizations, civil society groups, the media and citizens everywhere to raise awareness and increase political will and resources for preventing and ending violence against women and girls.A parallel campaign – HeForShe –emphasizes that gender equality is not just a women’s issue by enrolling males to act against all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls.As we define the post-2015 development framework and review progress achieved under the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, ending gender violence and promoting the empowerment of girls and women must beat the heart of our global agenda.我发起的联合国制止暴力侵害妇女行为联合运动正在促使世界各国政府、国际组织、民间社会团体、媒体和公民提高对暴力侵害妇女和女童行为的认识,加强预防和制止这类行为的政治意愿,并为此增加资源。另一个并行的运动——―男性促进女性权利‖——强调性别平等不只是女性的问题,它号召男性参与行动,消除对妇女和女童的一切形式的暴力和歧视。我们在界定2015年后发展框架以及审查《北京宣言和行动纲领》落实进展时,必须将消除性别暴力、增强女童和妇女权能置于我们全球议程的核心。

To end the cycle of violence against adolescent girls we must go beyond raising awareness and take action to equip girls with knowledge, skills, resources and power to determine their own path in life.We must provide them with safe transport, and access to sources of energy and water, quality health services and supportive environments that will allow them to thrive.为了消除循环不断的侵害少女的暴力行为,我们除了提高认识之外,还必须行动起来,让女童获得知识、技能、资源和权能,从而决定自己的人生道路。我们必须为女童提供安全的交通,让她们能够获得能源、水和优质保健服务,并给她们提供一个可以茁壮成长的支持性环境。


难度:容易 作者:沪江英语 来源:英语巴士


Charity plays an important role in upholding the values and advancing the work of the United Nations.Donations of time or money;volunteer engagement in one’s own community or on the other side of the world;acts of caring and kindness with no thought of recompense;these and other expressions of global solidarity help us in our shared quest to live together in harmony and build a peaceful future for all.慈善事业对于弘扬联合国价值观念,推进联合国的工作,具有重要作用。奉献时间或捐献款项;在自己的社区或在遥远的世界其他地方投身于志愿者的行列;力行关爱而不求回报;如此种种全球团结的善举,帮助我们实现共同的追求,让大家和睦相处,其乐融融,为所有人建设一个和平的未来。

I welcome this first observance of the International Day of Charity, which wasproclaimed last year by the United Nations General Assembly and which coincides with the anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa, whose life and good works for some of the human family’s poorest and most vulnerable members inspired emulation across the world.去年联合国大会宣布了国际慈善日,今年首次开展纪念活动,对此我表示欢迎。国际慈善日恰逢特里萨修女逝世周年纪念日,她一生为人类大家庭中最贫穷、最脆弱的人们奔走呼号,作出杰出贡献,成为全世界竞相学习的楷模。

Strangely, charity sometimes gets dismissed, as if it is ineffective, inappropriate or even somehow demeaning to the recipient.“This isn’t charity”, some donors take pains to claim, “this is an investment”.Let us recognize charity for what it is at heart: a noble enterprise aimed at bettering the human condition.然而令人费解的是,慈善事业有时却被人不屑,似乎这种事业没有效益,不合时宜,甚至对于接受者来说有失尊严。有些捐助者会刻意宣称:“这不是施舍,而是一种投资。”让我们对慈善事业的实质予以承认:慈善是高尚的事业,其目标是让人类生活更加美好。At a time when we aim to accelerate our efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and define a bold agenda for the period beyond 2015, the role of charity can and should grow.目前,我们正在力求加快速度,实现千年发展目标,并为2015年后规划雄心勃勃的议程,此时此刻,慈善事业的作用可以也应当发扬光大。


May, 2011


This year’s observance of World No Tobacco Day falls in the midst of preparations for September’s United Nations high-level meeting on non-communicable diseases.By controlling tobacco, we can go a long way towards addressing many of these chronicailments, including cancer and heart disease.今年世界无烟日活动适逢为九月份联合国非传染性疾病问题高级别会议开展筹备工作期间。通过控制烟草,我们可以在防治许多这些慢性病方面取得长足的进步,其中包括癌症和心脏病。

The use of tobacco, which is highly addictive, killed approximately 100 million people in the twentieth century, and unless we act, it could kill up to a billion in this century.烟草很容易使人上瘾,烟草的使用在二十世纪导致了约一亿人死亡。如果我们不采取行动,它在本世纪可能造成多达十亿人丧生。

The greatest tool in our arsenal is the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.Since it was opened for signature in 2003, more than 170 countries have become parties, making it one of the most rapidly embraced treaties in United Nations history.我们现可运用的最好工具是世界卫生组织《烟草控制框架公约》。该公约自2003年开放供签署以来,已有170多个国家成为缔约国,使之成为联合国历史上获得最迅速接受的条约之一。

From reducing demand through higher prices and taxes to restricting advertising and sponsorship, from warnings on packages to prohibitions against sales to minors, countries are using the Treaty’s provisions to protect their citizens.They are sending a clear message that tobacco use makes us poorer — in health and economic terms.各国正在使用该公约的条款保护其公民,包括通过提高价格和税收降低需求,限制广告和赞助,要求在包装上印出警告,禁止向未成年人进行销售,等等。这些国家正在发出一个明确的信息,即烟草的使用会令我们越来越糟糕——在健康和经济方面都是如此。

The Treaty’s comprehensive defence against industry tactics includes measures to reduce the illicit trade in tobacco products, address issues of liability, support economically viable alternative crops and protect public health policies from undue pressure.该条约对烟草行业策略的全面防御包括规定措施,以减少烟草制品的非法贸易、解决赔偿责任问题、支持经济上可行的替代作物和保护公共卫生政策免遭不当压力。

The Framework Convention is clearly working to safeguard health in all countries that have adopted and enforced it.Yet, as the reports from States parties show, we have a long way to go.I urge all parties to fully meet their obligations under the Treaty, and I call on the few countries that have not yet become parties to do so.Together, we can halt the tobacco epidemic and the many problems it brings.在所有已通过和执行了框架公约的国家中,该公约显然正在发挥保障健康的作用。然而,正如一些缔约国报告所显示的那样,我们还有很长的路要走。我敦促所有缔约方充分履行条约所规定的义务,我也呼吁无数不多的尚未成为缔约方的国家成为缔约方。我们齐心合力,就可以制止烟草的流行及其带来的诸多问题。
