





备课人: 时间:40mins 内容:字母(I-L)+动物(cat,dog,tiger,bird,pig).

1.(2mins)提前进教室与学生交流+告诉学生接下来定自我调节让每位学生满意. 2.课前复习/热身:(5mins)“字母(E-H)+动物(cat,dog,tiger,bird,pig).” (1)复习跟读字母(E-H)

(2)老师随意指穿不同颜色衣服的同学问同学们是什么颜色。 3.新课:

(1)字母I-L(12mins) 先示范字母的读音,要求学生仔细听,认真观察教师的口型,再进行模仿。每个字母都要用升降调来读。 逐个板书英文字母。书写每个字母时,教师要做好示范,从起笔到收笔,用几笔写成的都要示范清楚。带着学生用右食指在空中模仿,然后让学生在四线格上临摹。 (2)动物(20mins) 学习 .老师教授单词 游戏A .教师在小树上挂上动物单词。

.请两个学生到小树前面,站在离小树3-5步的地方。 .教师说出一个字母,两个学生谁最先正确重复教师说的字母,就可以从树上摘下相应的字母,摘下最多者获胜。 .每组学生轮流参赛,得到卡片最多的小组获胜。 游戏B 要求学生小组讨论仿照老师给出的例子(red pig)将昨天所学颜色词与动物词相结合,多者获胜。 4.家庭作业(1mins) (1)抄写O-T每个字母五遍













一、 日常用语对话



M:Hello!My name is mickey.Good morning everyone!

幼儿:Good morning Mickey!


M:how are you ?

幼:I am fine. /just so so .

小结:与mickey一起说说“hello” 打招呼儿歌。



1、 师:昨天mickey去了一个好玩的地方,他拍了一些照片想和我们小朋友一起分享,我们一起去看看好吗?Are you ready?

师:Ok,let’s go

2、师:oh!Where is this?奥!这是哪里?


师:What did you see?你看到了什么动物呀?并做做动作。(兔子、老虎、狗、大象、蝴蝶)






师:Look ,who is coming ?你们看,还有谁来了?






本文扩展阅读:动物园(zoological garden)是搜集饲养各种动物,进行科学研究和迁地保护,供公众观赏并进行科学普及和宣传保护教育的场所。动物园有两个基本特点:一是饲养管理着野生动物(非家禽、家畜、宠物等家养动物),二是向公众开放。符合这两个基本特点的场所即是广义上的动物园,包括水族馆、专类动物园等类型;狭义上的动物园指城市动物园和野生动物园。动物园的基本功能是对野生动物的综合保护和对公众的保护教育。


My Favorite Animals 作文赏析

The King of Grassland

Lions are the king of grassland. They make people feel scary to look at them, even to think about them.Lions are aggressive energetic animals that have short slender legs, strong bodies, long tails, and huge heads. Lions have a heavy coat of fur, and their manes are fluffy.

They are nimble runners and possess speed, grace, and endurance. Lions have developed acute senses of sight and smelling.

They feed mainly on meat. Antelopes are their favorite preys.

Most lions in the wild are endangered as a result of habitat destruction. Lions, however, can play a very necessary role in food chain. Only with those lovely animals can we have a colorful world. So act now!

Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan Mastiffs are large meat-eating animals of China. Tibetan Mastiffs live in Tibet. They are one of the most fierce and noble animals in the world.

They are nimble, graceful animals that have stocky bodies, and big, beautiful heads. They have a heavy coat of fur. Their fur keeps them warm.

Tibetan Mastiffs have streamlined design bodies which help them run without suing up a lot of energy. Most full-grown males are about 0.8meters high. They are swift runners and possess grace speed and endurance. Tibetan Mastiffs have developed acute senses of sight and hearing.

If a Tibetan Mastiff regards you as its master, it will be your best friend. It will never hurt you. It will spare no effort to help you when you are in trouble, ring happiness to you when you are sad and take care of you when you need help.

Most Tibetan Mastiffs can only live on highland, but people bring them to inland for trade and money. Protecting animals is everyone’s responsibility. Only with those lovely animals can we have a colorful world.

My favorite animal

My favorite animal is my pet cat, Ann. I got her as a birthday present when I was 8. In my eyes, she is not only a pet but an important friend as well.

Ann is a yellow cat with white lines. Her long tail is really remarkable. When I come back home, she waves her tail friendly. After we play, she becomes tired and lies down on the floor. She puts her tail around her, just like a graceful princess.

Ann is really docile. Every Friday, she sits in front of the door and waits for me. When I come back home, she plays with me to make me happy. Ann always comforts me when I feel low. She sits on my knees and licks my hand softly. She lets me forget all the unhappiness. Because of her, I won’t be unhappy any more.

Time passed by quickly. And I can still remember the night 4 years ago, since then, we got to know each other; we became good friends; we shared our happiness and sadness.

Now, Ann already became an important part of my life. So I will take good care of her forever.

My favorite animal

My favorite animal is my small cat Snowy. I got her when I was ten. In my eyes, she is my good friend. Snowy is a pure white cat with two small blue eyes. From her eyes, I can see her happiness and loyalty. She is just what she is——day after day.

Snowy is lovely and clever. When I feel angry, she will please me with her long tail. She likes to play balls with me and she often sleeps on my knees or rolls over to make me happy. When I feel very low, she will stay quietly near me. But when I stroke(用手捋) her head, she will rub me with her head and body to comfort me and keep me smiling. This is my unconditional friend, Snowy.

As time goes by, I realize that Snowy is my family member. And she will forgive you for all your faults, never holding them against you later. And that’s the reason I love my cat so much.

My favorite animal

My favorite animal is my dog, he came to my family when I was nine years old. He is a pure white dog, so I gave him a name——Snow.

Snow is very beautiful and has a black sensitive nose. Once I bought some food and put them into a case, then I went to bed. When I got up, I saw him standing on the case and staring at me miserably.

Snow is not only very clever but also loyal. He only trusts me, no matter how well others treat him. Sometimes I regard him as my friend who can share the same feeling with me. When I feel low, he would come and touch my hand. When I get happy, he would rush up to me and jump into my arm.

I am happy that I can meet him in my life. He is my good friend, I will always take good care of him.

My favorite animal

My favorite animal is my pet dog Yuan Yuan. I got her when I was ten years old. She is my best friend in my eyes. So I cant’s stop loving her.

Yuan Yuan is a beautiful girl. She has pure white fur with two black round eyes and a wet small nose. When people see her, they always call her a white lion. She is really cute and lovely. And she never cares what I look like and what kind of mood I am in. She is just what she is——day after day.

Yuan Yuan is also very loyal and clever. She always does her best to make me happy. She never feels bored to play with me. When I throw the ball out of the window. She will catch it as quickly as possible. We often have good time together.

When I feel low, she will be very quiet and stare at me miserably. But if I give her a glance, she will rush out and run to me happily. She often forgives me for all my mistakes without holding them against me later.

When Yuan Yuan came in my life, I think feeding dog is a life long commitment. We can’t treat them like a servant because they make our life colorful and full of sunshine.

Northeast Tigers are my favorite animals. It is well known as the national treasure of China. They are

reddish tan with stripe on their bodies. They live in the forests and mountains in Northeast China.

As for the reason that I like Northeast Tigers best is that they look very beautiful and they are quite agile. Unluckily, instead of protecting those creatures of the nature, lots of people kill them for their fur. That’s why the number of Northeast Tigers is getting smaller and smaller. If we don’t protect them right now, one day when Northeast Tigers disappear, it is no use doing anything to make them appear.

Don’t you feel a sense of shame when you are killing those valuable animals just because their fur can make money? As a student, I want to tell them loudly, “Please don’t let money cover your eyes! Remember no sale, no killing. ”

Dolphins are my favorite animals

They are one of the most precious animals. Their bodies are very long. Dolphins live in the sea. And they live on fish, shrimps and so on.

As for the reason that l like dolphins best is that dolphins are very friendly and peaceful. They never attack people. Instead, they have saved many people in danger in the past years. How helpful the dolphins are! Besides these, dolphins are quite clever. People often train them so that they can give a dolphin show which brings people a lot of happiness and joy.

Unluckily, the number of dolphins is getting smaller and smaller. Because of water pollution, there is less and less space for dolphins. Many people make money by catching and killing dolphins. If we don’t protect them, maybe we’ll lose our good friends one day. As a student, I hope more and more people should take actions to protect dolphins.

Let me introduce an endangered animal from China to you now. That is Northeast Tigers.

The Northeast Tigers are living in forests and mountains in Northeast China. They look very beautiful because they are not only reddish tan, but also have special fascinating stripes. Most of them are 1 meter tall and 2.2 meters long, and their weight is between 169-290 kilograms. But unfortunately, the number of them is only 10-20 wild ones and 500 in the zoos. Do you know why their quantity is reducing every year? Because people like their fur, and they kill them for their fur. It’s really cruel, is’t it? Don’t you think we should stop those people from killing them just for their fur and bones?

In my opinion, we should respect every life in the world, including all animals. They are our close friends. We can get along well with them in harmony. And it’s also our duty to protect the Northeast Tigers.

Lovely Koalas

There are many kinds of animals in the zoo, such as pandas, monkeys and so on . but if I were asked to choose my favorite animals. Without hesitating, I would select koalas, because they are very cute.

Koalas are fluffy, lovely animals that have stocky legs and short tails. Their heads are as round as a ball. They are so lazy that they usually sleep 22 hours a day. They feed mainly on leaves, and are very friendly to people.

Most koalas are from Australia, so if we want to see them, we need to go to the zoo. Koalas are well protected by Australian government, because they are becoming rare and endangered.

Animals are our friends and we share the same home---earth. So we should stop killing animals and try our best to protect them

Hello, everyone! Now the tiger you see is called Northeast Tiger. Isn’t he very beautiful? Let me tell you something about the endangered animal ----the Northeast Tigers.

The Northeast Tigers are about 1 meter tall and 2.2 meters long. They weigh around between 160 kilograms and 290 kilograms. They live in the forests and mountains in northeast of China. They like eating some small animals. Some people think they are kind of scary, but I think they are beautiful, as they are striped and reddish tan. It’s pity that there are only 10-20 wild ones and 500 in the zoos left in the world. Why are they in danger? As we all know, people kill them for their fur and destroy their habitat.

Let’s stop killing them at once, because they are equal to us human beings, and protecting animals is protecting ourselves.

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to China. I’m your tourist guide. Do you want to know about Northeast tigers? Today, we will have a look at them..

These beautiful tigers are called Northeast Tigers because they live in forests and mountains in Northeast China. They are 1 meter high, 2.2 meters long and their weight is 160-290 kg. They feed on small animals, like rabbits, sheep and zebras. People are afraid of tigers, as they may also eat people. They have got reddish tan and striped fur and people usually kill them for their attractive fur to make clothes. This is very cruel. As a result, their number is decreasing. There are only 10-20 wild ones and 500 in the zoos. Northeast tigers are in danger now.

Northeast Tigers are our friends. Don’t hurt them any more. Let’s protect them and enjoy our lives together.

Pandas are my favorite animals. They are one of the most precious animals.

They have many beautiful soft fur which is white with some black place. They live in China. And they live on bamboos. As for the reason that I like pandas best is that they are very peaceful and cute. They never attack people. Instead, they use their funny looking to make lots of kids laugh. Besides these, pandas are quite clever. People often train them to wave hands to people. They bring us happiness and joy.

Unluckily, the number of the panda is smaller and smaller. Because of the forest is going to disappear, some people want to use them to make money. There is a saying, no sale no killing. People should take actions to protect pandas.

If you care enough for living, make a better place for you and for me and for entire human race.



假定你是班长李华,世界动物日 (World Animal Day, 10月4日) 即将来临,现在请你结合以下要点用英语写一则倡议书来号召你班同学保护动物。

1. 禁止滥杀动物; 2. 保护动物的生活环境;

3. 使每个人都认识到保护动物的重要性。 注意:

1. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 2. 词数100左右;

3. 文章首句已给出,不计入总词数; 4. 参考词汇:滥杀

kill at random。

ear classmates, As we know, some animals are dying out for various reasons. There is no doubt that animals are our friends. With World Animal Day coming near, what should we do to protect animals? First of all, we should forbid people’s killing animals at random. Second, we should do all we can to protect animals’ living environment. With their living environment destroyed, the animals will become extinct sooner or later. Third, we should try our best to make everyone realize the importance of protecting animals. In a way, protecting animals means protecting ourselves. Dear classmates, let’s start now and make every effort to protect animals—our good friends!






Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower. Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat.

In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty. There fore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life, reserves.

Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved.






