



2015年4月时政预测题(上) ◆时政背景


1.近日第二十个“世界读书日”多地举行读者开放日活动,引导人们爱读书、读好书、善读书。“世界读书日”为() A.4月22日 B.4月23日 C.4月24日 D.4月25日 【答案】B 【解析】世界读书日全称为世界图书与版权日,又称“世界图书日”,最初的创意来自于国际出版商协会。1995年正式确定每年4月23日为“世界图书与版权日”,设立目的是推动更多的人去阅读和写作,希望所有人都能尊重和感谢为人类文明做出过巨大贡献的文学、文化、科学、思想大师们,保护知识产权。 因此,本题选择B选项。 ◆时政背景


2.国务院副总理刘延东在领导小组专家咨询委员会第一次全体会议时强调,当前医改进入攻坚期和深水区,要把()放在第一位,坚持保基本、强基层、建机制,努力构建符合国情、惠及全民的基本医疗卫生制度。 A.维护人民健康权益 B.实现百姓全民健康 C.保障患者及时就医 D.完善医疗设施设备 【答案】A 【解析】刘延东4月21日出席领导小组专家咨询委员会第一次全体会议时强调,当前医改进入攻坚期和深水区,2014年全国就诊总量就达76亿人次,要坚定决心信心,敢于冲破思想观念障碍和利益固化藩篱,奋力把改革向纵深推进。要把维护人民健康权益放在第一位,坚持保基本、强基层、建机制,精心谋划“十三五”医改工作,加强顶层设计,努力构建符合国情、惠及全民的基本医疗卫生制度。 因此,本题选择A选项。 ◆时政背景

4月21日,国家主席习近平抵达印度尼西亚首都雅加达,应印度尼西亚共和国总统佐科邀请出席亚非领导人会议和万隆会议60周年纪念活动。 3.国家主席习近平抵达印度尼西亚首都(),应印度尼西亚共和国总统佐科邀请出席亚非领导人会议和万隆会议()纪念活动。 A.万隆 70周年 B.万隆 60周年 C.雅加达 60周年 D.雅加达 65周年 【答案】C 【解析】4月21日,国家主席习近平抵达印度尼西亚首都雅加达,应印度尼西亚共和国总统佐科邀请出席亚非领导人会议和万隆会议60周年纪念活动。万隆会议,即1955年4月18日至24日,29个亚非国家和地区的政府代表团在印度尼西亚万隆召开的亚非会议。这是亚非国家和地区第一次在没有殖民国家参加的情况下讨论亚非人民切身利益的大型国际会议。这次会议由于在万隆召开,所以也称万隆会议。 因此,本题选择C选项。 ◆时政背景


4.根据国家安全法审稿,国家安全工作应当坚持总体国家安全观,以为宗旨,以为根本,以为基础,以军事、文化、社会安全为保障,以促进国际安全为依托,维护各领域国家安全,构建国家安全体系,走中国特色国家安全道路。 A.人民安全经济安全政治安全 B.政治安全经济安全人民安全 C.经济安全人民安全政治安全 D.人民安全政治安全经济安全 【答案】D 【解析】根据国家安全法审稿,国家安全工作应当坚持总体国家安全观,以人民安全为宗旨,以政治安全为根本,以经济安全为基础,以军事、文化、社会安全为保障,以促进国际安全为依托,维护各领域国家安全,构建国家安全体系,走中国特色国家安全道路。 因此,本题选择D选项。 ◆时政背景


5.近日中国人民银行下调各类存款准备金率1个百分点,这属于()。 A.紧缩的货币政策 B.扩张的财政政策 C.宽松的财政政策 D.扩张的货币政策 【答案】D 【解析】存款准备金是指金融机构为保证客户提取存款和资金清算需要而准备的在中央银行的存款,中央银行要求的存款准备金占其存款总额的比例就是存款准备金率。存款准备金率下调属于扩张的货币政策。 因此,本题选择D选项。 ◆时政背景


6.从2015年起在全国开展义务教育质量监测工作,头一将监测()和()我国义务教育质量监测制度的建立。 A.数学英语 B.语文数学 C.数学体育 D.语文英语 【答案】C 【解析】2014年4月国务院教育督导委员会办公室印发了《国家义务教育质量监测方案》,从2015年起在全国开展义务教育质量监测工作,头一将监测数学和体育。《方案》的出台,也标志着我国义务教育质量监测制度的建立。 因此,本题选择C选项。 ◆时政背景


7.由中国牵头成立的亚洲基础设施投资银行是一个政府间性质的亚洲区域多边开发机构,重点支持基础设施建设,截至到2015年4月15日,亚投行意向创始国成员共有()。 A.21个 B.30个 C.46个 D.57个 【答案】D 【解析】截至4月15日,亚投行意向创始成员国共有57个。3月31日前以及当日提交加入申请的国家均已经过多边征求意见的程序,正式成为亚投行意向创始成员国。”筹建亚投行首席谈判代表会议主席、财政部副部长史耀斌介绍,57个意向创始成员国中,域内国家37个、域外国家20个,涵盖亚洲、大洋洲、欧洲、拉美、非洲等五大洲。 因此,本题选择D选项。 ◆时政背景 经国务院批准,《长江中游城市群发展规划》4月16日印发,这是国家批复的第一个跨区域城市群规划。长江中游城市群是以武汉城市圈、环长株潭城市群、环鄱阳湖城市群为主体的特大型城市群,涉及三个省、31个市,国土面积31.7万平方公里。这一区域承东起西、连南及北,是长江经济带三大跨区域的城市群支撑之一,也是实施促进中部地区崛起战略、全方位深化改革开放和推进新型城镇化的重点区域,在我国区域发展格局中占有重要的地位。 8.日前,径国务院批准,国家批复的第一个跨区域城市群规划长江中游城市群发展规划出台。该城市群涉及三个省、31个市,分别是() A.湖南湖北江西 B.湖南湖北安徽 C.湖北安徽江西 D.湖南湖北重庆 【答案】A 【解析】经国务院批准,《长江中游城市群发展规划》4月16日印发,这是国家批复的第一个跨区域城市群规划。长江中游城市群是以武汉城市圈、环长株潭城市群、环鄱阳湖城市群为主体的特大型城市群,涉及三个省、31个市,国土面积31.7万平方公里。这一区域承东起西、连南及北,是长江经济带三大跨区域的城市群支撑之一,也是实施促进中部地区崛起战略、全方位深化改革开放和推进新型城镇化的重点区域,在我国区域发展格局中占有重要的地位。

因此,本题选择A选项。 ◆时政背景


9.下列关于东盟说法正确的是() A.东盟的成员国不包括中国 B.东盟指东亚国家联盟 C.目前东盟共有5个成员国

D.东盟秘书处设在印度尼西亚首都曼谷 【答案】A 【解析】东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations),简称东盟(ASEAN)。成员国有印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、文莱、越南、老挝、缅甸和柬埔寨。东盟秘书处设在印度尼西亚首都雅加达。 因此,本题选择A选项。 ◆时政背景


10.国家主席习近平4月21日在巴基斯坦议会发表题为《构建中巴命运共同体开辟合作共赢新征程》的重要演讲,高度评价中巴关系,讲话中指出中国同巴基斯坦是()。 A.全面战略协作伙伴关系 B.全天候战略合作伙伴关系 C.建设性战略合作伙伴关系 D.全方位战略伙伴关系 【答案】B 【解析】国家主席习近平4月21日在巴基斯坦议会发表题为《构建中巴命运共同体开辟合作共赢新征程》的重要演讲,高度评价中国同巴基斯坦的全天候友谊和全方位合作,强调中巴要不断充实两国命运共同体内涵,为打造亚洲命运共同体发挥示范作用。习近平介绍中国和平发展理念,阐述中国对南亚睦邻友好政策,表示中国愿同南亚国家加强合作,实现互利发展、共同繁荣。巴基斯坦的伙伴关系被称为“全天候”,指的是无论国际局势如何变化,无论巴基斯坦国内局势如何变化,中巴之间的友谊不变。 因此,本题选择A选项。


1. 习近平4月1日主持召开中央全面深化改革领导小组第十一次会议并发表重要讲话。他强调,必须从贯彻落实“四个全面”战略布局的高度,深刻把握全面深化改革的关键地位和重要作用,拿出勇气和魄力,自觉运用改革思维谋划和推动工作,不断提高领导、谋划、推动、落实改革的能力和水平,切实做到人民有所呼、改革有所应。会议强调,改革人民法院案件受理制度,变立案审查制为()。 A.受理审查制 B.复核审查制 C.立案登记制 D.联网登记制 【答案】C 【解析】习近平4月1日主持召开中央全面深化改革领导小组第十一次会议并发表重要讲话。会议强调,改革人民法院案件受理制度,变立案审查制为立案登记制。 2.国务院总理李克强4月1日主持召开国务院常务会议,部署盘活和统筹使用沉淀的存量财政资金,有效支持经济增长;确定加快发展()的措施,培育经济新动力;决定适当扩大全国社保基金投资范围,更好惠民生、助发展。 A.供应链物流 B.电子商务 C.物联网 D.光伏发电 【答案】B 【解析】国务院总理李克强4月1日主持召开国务院常务会议,部署盘活和统筹使用沉淀的存量财政资金,有效支持经济增长;确定加快发展电子商务的措施,培育经济新动力;决定适当扩大全国社保基金投资范围,更好惠民生、助发展。 3. 中国物流与采购联合会、国家统计局服务业调查中心4月1日发布,3月份中国制造根据国务院教育督导委员会办公室发布的国家教育督导报告,截至2014年底,全国实现义务教育发展基本均衡的县(市、区)累计达到757个。其中,()成为全国第一个整体实现县域义务教育均衡发展的省市。 A. 上海 B.广州 C.北京 D.广州 【答案】A 【解析】中国物流与采购联合会、国家统计局服务业调查中心4月1日发布,3月份中国制造根据国务院教育督导委员会办公室发布的国家教育督导报告,截至2014年底,全国实现义务教育发展基本均衡的县(市、区)累计达到757个。其中,上海成为全国第一个整体实现县域义务教育均衡发展的省市。

4. 正在如火如荼建设中的北京地铁16号线,采用()的模式吸引社会投资270亿元,成为目前北京轨道交通线路吸引社会投资规模最大的项目,基本实现政府当期“零投入”。 A. “分期融资+风险均摊” B.“竞争经营+自负盈亏” C.“定价入市+股权流转” D.“特许经营+股权融资” 【答案】D 【解析】正在如火如荼建设中的北京地铁16号线,采用“特许经营+股权融资”的模式吸引社会投资270亿元,成为目前北京轨道交通线路吸引社会投资规模最大的项目,基本实现政府当期“零投入”。 5.()是“世界卫生日”,今年卫生日的主题是“从农场到餐桌,食品安全人人有责”。为提高公众对食品安全的重视,世界卫生组织发表媒体通报,着重分析食品生产全部过程,帮助人们了解食品生产加工各个环节对食品安全的影响。 A.4月9日 B.4月11日 C.4月7日 D.4月24日 【答案】C 【解析】4月7日是“世界卫生日”,今年卫生日的主题是“从农场到餐桌,食品安全人人有责”。为提高公众对食品安全的重视,世界卫生组织发表媒体通报,着重分析食品生产全部过程,帮助人们了解食品生产加工各个环节对食品安全的影响。 6.日前,国务院教育督导委员会办公室印发了(),标志着我国义务教育质量监测制度的建立。

A.《中国义务教育质量监察白皮书》 B.《国家义务教育质量监测方案》 C.《国家义务教育质量监测计划》

D.《义务教育质量监测制度规划纲要》 【答案】B 【解析】国务院教育督导委员会办公室印发了《国家义务教育质量监测方案》,从2015年起在全国开展义务教育质量监测工作,头一将监测数学和体育。《方案》的出台,也标志着我国义务教育质量监测制度的建立。

7.今年4月7日,中国第二次湿地资源调查结果显示,()湿地资源面积位居全国第一。 A.青海省 B.云南省 C.海南省 D.黑龙江省 【答案】A 【解析】4月7日,中国第二次湿地资源调查结果显示,青海省湿地资源面积位居全国第一。 8.以()为主题的2015年中华环保世纪行宣传活动4月8日正式启动。全国人大常委会副委员长陈昌智出席启动仪式并宣布活动启动。 A.“以科技力量推动节能减排”

B.“加强社会环保宣传,集中整治污染企业” C.“大力推进生态文明,努力建设美丽中国” D.“城乡联动共治污染,多措并举节能减排” 【答案】C 【解析】以“大力推进生态文明,努力建设美丽中国”为主题的2015年中华环保世纪行宣传活动4月8日正式启动。全国人大常委会副委员长陈昌智出席启动仪式并宣布活动启动。 9. 国务院副总理汪洋4月8日至9日在辽宁调研外贸运行情况。汪洋强调,稳增长、调结构是外贸工作的“两个轮子”,不可偏废。稳增长是调结构的(),调结构是稳增长的()。 A. 核心基础 B.目的关键 C.基础持久动力 D.本质主要举措 【答案】C 【解析】国务院副总理汪洋4月8日至9日在辽宁调研外贸运行情况。汪洋强调,稳增长、调结构是外贸工作的“两个轮子”,不可偏废。稳增长是调结构的基础,调结构是稳增长的持久动力。 10. 陆运口岸“三互”大通关模式,4月10日正式在广东东莞启动运行,在全国陆运车检场率先实现()。

A.“网络互联、监察互认、执法互助” B.“信息互换、人货互核、执法互助” C.“信息互换、监察互助、执法互查” D.“信息互联、监管互认、执法互助” 【答案】D 【解析】陆运口岸“三互”大通关模式,4月10日正式在广东东莞启动运行,在全国陆运车检场率先实现“信息互换、监管互认、执法互助”。





Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on Helping Others in Need. You should write at least 120 words and base you composition in the outline below:

1. 现在,在看到他人遇到困难时,很少有人去伸出援手;

2. 这个现象产生的原因;

3. 我的看法。

My View on Helping Others in Need

In modern society we are often sorry to see that people are reluctant to help others out, not to mention helping a stranger; offering a helping hand seems to be out of accord with the times.

Then what’s wrong with our society? Some people may say that facing skyrocketing housing prices, expensive medical expenditure and soaring commodity prices, they have no choice but to struggle to make a living, and thus it would be impossible to spare a hand to help others because it may bring them into trouble. Therefore, standing by indifferently is their only choice.

However, is it necessary to be selfish in order to survive, or in order to ensure that people do not take advantage of you? In my opinion, helping others brings a strong sense of accomplishment. What’s more, the evaluation criteria for judging one individual’s success should be modified so that offering a helping hand to people in need is encouraged and welcomed in our society all the time.


丝绸之路(the Silk Road)是历史上连接中国和地中海的一条重要 贸易路线。因为这条路上的丝绸贸易占绝大部分,所以在1877年它 被德国的一位地理学家命名为“丝绸之路”。这条古道从长安开始, 经过河西走廊(the Hexi Corridor),到达敦煌后分成三条:南部路线, 中部路线和北部路线。这三条路遍布新疆维吾尔自治区(Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region),然后扩展到巴基斯坦(Pakistan),印度, 甚至罗马。


The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route between China and the Mediterranean. Because silk comprised a large proportion of trade along this road, in 1877, it was named the Silk Road by an eminent German geographer. This ancient road begins at Chang’an, then by way of the Hexi Corridor,and it reaches Dunhuang, where it divides into three, the Southern Route,Central Route and North¬ern Route. The three routes spread all over the Xinjiang Uygur Autono¬mous Region, and then they extend as far as Pakistan, India and even Rome.

大熊猫(Giant Pandas),作为中国的国宝,被认为是活化石。中 国大熊猫主要生活在中国中西部和西南部,是目前濒临灭绝的物种。 换句话说,中国大熊猫的故乡是四川。四川成都大熊猫繁育和研究中心(Chengdu Panda Breeding and Research Centre) 大熊猫的家,是市区附近最大的大熊猫基地。


Giant Pandas, regarded as a national treasure of China, are considered a living fossil. Chinese Pandas mainly lives in central-western and southwest China,and is currently an endangered species. In other words, the hometown of Chinese panda is Sichuan. And Chengdu Panda Breeding and Research Centre in Suchuan — home of the Panda is the biggest panda base near the urban district. 孙大圣是中国古典文学名著《西游记》(Journey to the West)中 的一个主要的人物。他是唐僧(Tang Monk)第一个徒弟。其实在中国, 他最受欢迎的名字不是“孙大圣”,而是“孙悟空”,这是教他72变 的第一个师傅给他起的名字。“悟”的意思是“启迪”。“空”的意 思是“无”,这是佛学(Buddhism)中最重要的一个认识。在佛学中, 人必须放弃欲望和所有对财富、名声的渴望,以培养自己为佛。


Monkey King is one of the main characters in Chinese classic literature masterpiece “Journey to the West". He is the first disciple of Tang Monk.Actually in Chinese,his most popular name is not “Monkey King” but “Sun Wukong,,,which was given by his first Master who taught him the 72 supernormal abilities. “Wu” means enlightening. “Kong” means emptiness,which is one of the most important understandings in Buddhism. In Buddhism, one has to give up every human desire and all attachments including the attachments to wealth and fame etc, in order to cultivate oneself into a Buddha.

中国扇子的历史可以追溯到3000多年前的商朝(the Shang Dynasty)。第一种扇子叫作“扇汗”(Shanhan),是拴在马车上用来 挡住强烈的阳光,给乘客遮雨的。“扇汗”有点像现在的雨伞。后来 “扇汗”变成了由薄但是结实的丝绸或者鸟的羽毛做成的长柄扇,称 为中山扇(Zhangshan fan),它主要用于皇帝的仪仗(honour guard)装饰。


The history of Chinese fan can be dated to over 3,000 years ago,around the Shang Dynasty. The first type of fan, known as Shanhan, was tied to a horse-drawn carriage to shut out the strong sunshine and shelter the passengers from the rainfall. The Shanhan was a bit like today’s umbrella. Later this Shanhan became a long-handled fan made of thin and tough silk or birds5 feathers, called a Zhangshan fan, which was mainly used by the emperor’s honour guard as decoration.



Like most Chinese festivals, the Lantern Festival has its own special food, called “tang yuan”. These are round, glutinous rice dumplings with sweet or spicy fillings. The dumplings are said to symbolize both the first full moon and family utility and completeness. Part of the lantern festival tradition involves a game to guess riddles attached to the lanterns. In the old days the riddles were obscure literary allusions to the Chinese classics and so were mainly the preserve of the educated classes. Stilt-walking, drumming and dragon and lion dancing are the main entertainment forms of the Lantern Festival.

—个标准的四合院通常由一个位于中心的院子和四侧房屋构成。 门通常漆成红色,并有大的铜门环。通常情况下,全家人住在大院。 北端的正房由长辈居住,年轻_代生活在两侧的房子,朝南的房子里, 通常是家庭客厅或书房。


A standard siheyuan usually consists of houses on its four sides with a yard in the center. The gates are usually painted red and have large copper door rings. Usually,a whole family lives in compound. The elder generation lives in the main house standing at the north end, the younger generations live in the side houses, and the south house is usually the family sitting room or study.


Ching Ming Festival (the Tomb-sweeping Festival), the custom is full of interesting. In addition to pay attention to ban fire, tomb-sweeping, as well as spring outing, swinging, Cuju, playing polo, Liu inserted a series of custom sports. According to legend, this is because the Ching Ming Festival to Cold Food Observance ban fire, in order to prevent the Cold Food Observance buffet beverages, so we come to participate in some sports, in order to exercise. Therefore, this festival which has both the acid tears of sorrow for the died and the laughter from the players, is a

distinctive holiday


Unlike ancient artists obsessed with saddled horses, Xu Beihong preferred feral and wild ones. Trained in France, the Chinese master studied equine anatomy, spending hours observing horses’ movements and expressions. Xu’s portrayals of horses galloping or trotting past, in a rich variety of poses, are some of the most captivating of their kind. Using mostly black ink, they combine the best methods from East and West. The lines and brush strokes are simple, yet invariable evoke the essence of the animals.

中国是茶的故乡。据说早在五六千年前,中国就有了茶树(tea- shrub),而且有关茶树的人类文明可以追溯到两千年前。来自中国的 茶和丝绸、瓷器(porcelain)—样,在1000年前为世界所知,而且一 直是中国重要的出口产品。目前世界上40多个国家种植茶,其中亚 洲国家的产量占世界总产量的90%。其他国家的茶树都直接或间接 地起源于中国。


China is the homeland of tea. It is believed that China has tea- shrubs as early as five to six thousand years ago,and human cultivation of teaplants can date back two thousand years. Tea from China,along with her silk and porcelain, began to be known the world over more than a thousand years ago and has since always been an important Chinese export. At present more than forty countries in the world grow tea with Asian countries producing 90% of the world’s total output. All tea trees in other countries have their origin directly or indirectly in China.风水:Fengshui; geomantic omen

阳历:solar calendar

阴历:lunar calendar

闰年:leap year


春节:the Spring Festival

元宵节:the Lantern Festival

清明节:the Tomb-sweeping Day

端午节:the Dragon-boat Festival

中秋节:the Mid-autumn Day

重阳节:the Double-ninth Day

七夕节:the Double-seventh Day

春联:spring couplets

春运:the Spring Festival travel

把中国的汉字“福”字倒贴在门上(听起来像是福到)预示新年有好运:turn the Chinese character for luck (fu) upside down to make “dao”(which sounds like arrival) and put it on your door to bring in good fortune for the new year

庙会:temple fair


年画:(traditional) New Year pictures

压岁钱:New Year gift-money

舞龙:dragon dance

舞狮:lion dance

元宵:sweet sticky rice dumplings

花灯:festival lantern

灯谜:lantern riddle

食物对于中国佳节来说至关重要,但甜食对于农历新年特别重要,因为他们能让新的一年更加甜蜜。Food is central to all Chines festivals, but sugary snacks are especially important for Lunar New Year, since they sweetne up prospects for the coming year.


Traditional holiday treats include nian gao (rice pudding), ba bao fan (eight treasure rice), jiao zi (crispy dumplings), candied fruits and seeds.

四合院:Siheyuan/ Quadrangle



剪纸:Paper Cutting



象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters


战国:Warring States

人才流动:Brain Drain/Flow

铁饭碗:Iron Bowl

黄土高原:Loess Plateau

红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals

儒家文化:Confucian Culture


火锅:Hot Pot

《诗经》:the Book of Songs

《史记》:Historical Records/ Records of the Grand Historian

《西游记》:The Journey to the West

唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored Pottery



京剧:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera

秦腔:Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera

相声:Cross-talk/ Comic Dialogue

电视小品:TV Sketches/TV Skit

太极拳:Tai Chi

天坛:Altar of Heaven in Beijing

故宫博物馆:The Palace Museum

敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves

小吃摊:Snack Bar/Snack Stand

春卷:Spring Roll(s)

莲藕:Lotus Root

北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck

门当户对:Perfect Match/ Exact Match

《水浒》:Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh

文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):”The Four Treasure of the Study”/ “Brush, Ink-stick, Paper, and Ink-stone”

兵马俑:Cotta Warriour/ Terracotta Army






1.Describe a situation in which you were very polite. You should explain:

Where the situation took place?

How you showed that you were polite? And why you needed to be so polite?

2.Describe a time when you were late for something important. You should say: When it happened? Why you were late?

How you managed the situation and explain how you felt about it ?

3.Describe an occasion when someone visited your home. You should say: Who the person was?

What the occasion was?

What you did for the occasion and the visitor?

And explain how you felt about his visit. 三立教育

4.Describe your favorite season in yourcountry. You should say: When that season is?

What the weather is like at that time of year?

How that season is different from other seasons?

And why it is your favorite season.

5.Describe a place where you like to go to. You should say: Where the place is?

How you get there?

What it looks like?

And explain why you like this place.

6.Describe a toy that was special to you when you were a child. You should say: When you got it? What it looked like? Who gave it to you?

And how you used it or played with it. 三立教育

7.Describe a teacher or another person from whom you learned something important. You should say: Who the person is? How you know him/her? What you learned from him/her? Why it was important to you?

8.Describe a situation that someone said something positive about your work/study. You should say:

When and where it happened? What did you do?

Who said those words to you?

How did you feel about it and explain why.

9.Describe a special meal that you remember having. You should say:

Where you had the meal? Who you were with? When you had it?

And explain why it was a special meal to you. 三立教育

10.Describe a science subject that you studied and liked. You should say: What it was? Why you chose it?

How you can use it in your life?

And explain what you liked the best aboutthis subject.

11.Describe a historical event that you find interesting. You should say: When it took place?

What historic connection it has? How it impacted the history?

And explain why you find it interesting?

12.Describe a time when you helped someone. You should say: When it happened?

Who you helped and why you helped him/her? How you helped this person?

What the result was and explain how you felt about it. 三立教育

13.Describe a special meal that you remember having. You should say:

When you had the meal? Where you had it? Who you were with?

And explain why it was a special meal to you.

14.Describe an interesting story that you heard or read about in the news.

You should say:

When you heard or read about the story? What the story was about? Why the story was in the news?

And explain why you thought the story wasinteresting.

15.Describe a family photograph that youremember You should say: When it was taken? Where it was taken? Who were in the picture

And explain why you remember this family photograph. 三立教育

16.Describe something you learned in a place/from a person. You should say: What you learned? When it happened? Who taught you? Why you learnt it?

17.Describe an important river in your country. You should say: What the river is called? Where it is?

What you know about it? And explain why is it important

18.Describe a person you know well. You should say: Who person is?

How long you have known each other? What kind of person he/she is?

And explain how you feel about this person.

19.Describe a special day out. 三立教育

You should say: Where you went?

Who you went there with? What you did?

And explain why it was special to you.

20.Describe a recent development in your city You should say:

What the development is? How you know it?

What benefits it could bring?

And explain whether it would change yourlife or not.




On Maintaining Honesty

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Maintaining Friendship by commenting on “Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer.” by Jean de la Fontaine. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


On Maintaining Honesty

By saying “Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer”, Jean de la Fontaine has pointed out the importance of friendship. Nowadays, it seems that people get closer to each other by means of the increasingly advanced communicating technologies, yet the closeness of hearts has in fact been distanced. Therefore, it is high time that we should attach great importance to maintain this precious sentiment.

Everyone need the warmth of friendship. In good times, friendship is flowers growing fast because we irritate it by sharing our joy and happiness; in adversity, friendship is a dose of consolation since friends are always there ready to help. Also, friendship is the effective lubricator for cooperative organizations, communities and different countries in the process of cooperation and development.

As friendship is so important in our life, actions should be taken to pursue and maintain it. And it involves trust and honesty in establishing and maintaining true friendship. Frankness and uprightness contribute to a good relationship. Moreover, tolerance and modesty also help promote the closeness of friends. Only by doing these things will we retain our friends and keep the lamp of friendship burning long.

英语六级培训:http://edu.21cn.com/kcnet2270/ 英语四级一对一咨询qq:1613508081
