



退运换货协议Agreement on Returning and replacing Goods

compensation agreement索赔协议

劳动人事方面包括:劳动合同(labor contract)、保密协议

(confidentiality agreement)、竞业禁止协议(non-compete

agreement)、人事代理协议(human agency agreement);

不动产方面包括:商品房买卖合同(contact of sale of commodity

houses)、租赁协议(tenancy agreement)、土地使用权出让、出租、转让合同(contract for assignment,lease and transfer of

the right to the use of land)、抵押合同(mortgage contract)、

贷款合同(loan contract)、物业管理合同(property management

contract)、建设工程承包、安装合同(contract for construction

engineering and installation of project);

服务类包括:技术服务(technical service agreement)、咨询

(technical consultant agreement)、开发(technical development

agreement)、转让(technical transfer agreement)、许可协议

(licensing agreement)、代理协议(agency agreement)、保

险合同(insurance contract)、融资协议(financing agreement)、

风险投资管理协议(venture capital management agreement)、

法律顾问协议(employment contract for legal consultant);

公司方面包括:合资企业(joint venture contract)、章程(articles

of association, corporate bylaw)、合伙协议(partnership

agreement)、股权转让协议(agreement on assignment of equity

interests)、和解协议(composition agreement);


买卖合同(sales contact)、采购合同(purchase contact)、

运输合同(carriage contact)、进出口合同(import and export

contact)、仓储保管合同(warehousing and safe-keeping

contact)、补偿贸易合同(contact for compensation)

人身方面包括:遗赠抚养协议(legacy-support agreement)、

离婚协议(divorce agreement)

无偿合同nude contract contract without compensation; gratuitous contract; naked contract


室内灯 residential lamp / light 枝状大吊灯 chandeliers

吊灯 pendant lamp / light

半吊灯 half pendant lamp / light 台灯 table lamp / light 壁灯 wall lamp / light 孙光辉 Jacky Sun

落地灯 floor lamp / light 吸顶灯 ceiling lamp / light 水晶灯 crystal lamp / light 木灯 wooden lamp / light 宫灯 palace lamp / light

仿水晶灯 imitated crystal lamp / light 低压灯 low voltage lamp / light 工艺灯 artificial lamp / light 石艺灯 marble lamp / light 羊皮灯 parchment lamp / light 镜前灯 mirror front lamp / light 镜画灯 picture lamp / light 吊线灯 track / line lamp / light 格栅灯 grille lamp / light

水珠灯 water pearl lamp / light 导轨灯 track lamp / light 柱灯 pillar lamp / light 蒂凡尼灯 tiffany lamp / light

风水灯 water fountain lamp / light 户外灯 outdoor lamp / light 路灯 street lamp / light 筒灯 down lamp / light 投光射灯 spot lamp / light 翻译整理 Translated by 孙光辉 Jacky Sun

庭院灯 garden lamp / light 草坪灯 lawn lamp / light 草地灯 lawn lamp / light

防水灯 water proof lamp / Under water lamp 柱头灯 water jet lamp / light 水底灯 underwater lamp / light 户外壁灯 outdoor wall lamp / light 组合灯 assembled lamp / light 太阳能灯 solar lamp / light 彩灯 holiday lamp / light 烟花灯 firework lamp / light 节日灯 holiday lamp / light 圣诞灯 Christmas lamp / light 椰树灯 coconut lamp / light

卤素灯 Halide Lamps / Halogen Lamps 白炽灯泡 incandescent light bulbs 组合开关 integral switch 专业照明 illumination 舞台灯 stage lamp

应急灯 emergency lamp / light

嵌灯/嵌入灯/埋地灯 recessed light / lamp 车灯 car lamp 车头灯 head lamp 孙光辉 Jacky Sun

投光灯 spot light / lamp 走线灯 light linear

泛光灯 flood light / lamp

景观灯 landscape light / lamp

电子感应灯 electronic senor light / lamp 灭蚊灯 mosquito killer lamp 光源 light 灯泡 bulb

节能灯 energy saving lamp 孙光辉 Jacky Sun

节能灯(紧凑型荧光灯) Compact Fluorescent Lamp 荧光灯 fluorescent light /lamp 荧光灯支架 fluorescent light fixtures 电筒 flashlight/torch light / lamp 灯杯 lamp cup

金卤灯 metal halide/halogen lamp 溴钨灯 Bromine tungsten lamp 汞灯 mercury lamp 钠灯 Sodium lamp

卤钨灯 Halogen tungsten lamp 碘钨灯 iodine tungsten lamp 氖灯/霓虹灯 neon lamp

孙光辉翻译 Translated by Jacky Sun 石英灯 quartz lamp

倍尔诺照明 Banner lighting company 卤素灯 halogen lamp 灯饰配件 light fittings 灯罩 lamp shade 灯头/灯座 lamp holder 灯头/灯座 lamp base 灯盘 lamp house 压克力配件 acrylic fitting 塑胶配件 plastic fitting 陶瓷配件 ceramic fitting 五金配件 hardware fitting 玻璃配件 glass fitting

荧光灯 fluorescent light /lamp 孙光辉 Jacky Sun / Jacky Frost

节能灯 Compact Fluorescent Lamp (2U 3U 4U) 荧光灯支架 Fluorescent Light and Fixtures 节能灯 Energy Saving Lamp 电子镇流器 Electronic Ballasts 压铸件 die-casting fitting 开关 switch

电线 electric wire / power cored 插针/插头 Pin (plug) 插座 socket

电感镇流器 Inductive / magnetic ballast 电子镇流器 electronic ballast 适配器 adapter 孙光辉 Jacky Sun 变压器 transformer 启辉器 starter

整流器 commutator 感应器 sensor 调光器 dimmer 端子台 termianl

汞灯 Mercury Lamps 其他词汇 Others

荧光灯管 Linear fluorescent light tube 荧光灯支架 Fluorescent light fixtures 三基色 tri-phosphor

三基色稀土荧光粉 tri-phosphor Fluorescent Powder 三基色灯管 tri-phosphor tube light 三基色发光二极管 tri-phosphor LEDS 孙光辉搜集整理 Arranged by Jacky Sun 伪彩色LED显示屏 pseudo-color LED panel 全彩色LED显示屏 all-color LED panel 光及辐射 Light and radiation

光通量(单位为:流明lm) Luminous flux , Φ

光强度 luminous intensity, I 光强度单位:坎德拉 candela, cd 照度 Illuminance, E 照度单位:勒克斯 Lux, lx 辉度 Luminance, L 辉度单位:坎德拉每平方米 cd/㎡

色温 Co1or Temperature 色温单位:绝对温度 Kelvin, K 光色 Light color 演色性 Color rendering

平均演色性指数 general color rendering index, (Ra) 灯具效率 Luminaire efficiency 不可见光 Invisible Light 光谱 Spectrum

白炽灯泡 Incandescent bulb 气体放电灯 Gas discharge lamp 发光二极管 LED

荧光灯 fluorescent light /lamp 孙光辉 Jacky Sun / Jacky Frost

节能灯 Compact Fluorescent Lamp (2U 3U 4U) 荧光灯支架 Fluorescent Light and Fixtures 节能灯 Energy Saving Lamp


勘测设计院surveying and designing inst...... 设计院designing i titute; designin......

城建设计院urban construction design in...... 城市设计院city designing office

电力设计院electric power design instit...... 国家设计院national academy of design n...... 航道设计院navigation-way administratio...... 化工设计院chemical design institute; i...... 建筑设计院architecture design institut...... 勘察设计院prospecting and designing in...... 煤矿设计院coal mining designing instit...... 深圳设计院shenzhen design institute

石油设计院petroleum designing institut...... 铁道设计院railway design institute

勘测survey; reconnaissance: 地质勘测...... 北京建筑设计院beijing architectural design...... 长江船舶设计院changjiang shidesign institu...... 城乡规划设计院institute for urban and rura...... 第二勘察设计院ssdi

工业建筑设计院industrial architectural des...... 杭州园林设计院hangzhou garden designing in...... 轻工业设计院light industrial designing i......

山东电力设计院shandong electric power desi...... 上海船舶设计院shanghai ship design institu...... 设计单位,设计院design institute


床上用品:Bedding; bedclothes

被子 Quilt; Duvet(充羽毛、绒制成的)

被壳 Comforter Shell

传统式枕套:Pillow Sham

开口式枕套: Pillow Case

靠垫 Cushion

帷幔 Valance

窗帘 Curtain

闺枕 Boudoir Pillow

圆抱枕 Neck Roll

被单 Bed Sheet

包被单 Sheet

床单 Flat Sheet

床罩 Fitted Sheet; Bed Cover

床裙 Bed Spread; Bed Skirt

枕巾 Pillow Towel

桌布 Tablecloth

盖毯 Throw

毛毯 Woolen Blanket

毛巾毯 Towel Blanket

睡袋 Sleeping bag; Fleabag

蚊帐mosquito net /mosquito bar /mosquito curtain

高级床上用品: advanced bedding/bedclothes

high-ranking bedding

high-grade bedding

high-level bedding

绸被面 satin comforter cover; satin quilt cover 床垫 mattress

床罩 bedspread; bedcover

底下床单 bottom sheet

垫被 mattress pad; bed pad

毛巾毯 terrycloth blanket

毛毯 blanket

棉被 quilt; comforter

木棉枕头 down pillow; kapok pillow 寝具 bedding

褥子 mattress pad; bed pad 上层床单 top sheet

太空被 synthetic fiber comforter 席子 mattress

枕套 pillow case; slip



Regulation of Stationery Management

1、 The aim of this regulation is to rationalize the purchasing and distribution of thestationery.


2、 The stationery contains three categories : consumables, management consumablesand management item.


1) consumables : pencil, glue, solid glue, tape, drawing pin, paper clip, rubber band, note book, label, massage book, rubber, binder clip, staples and so on.


2) Management consumables : auto pencil, ball pen, signature pen, whiteboard pen, wihiteboard eraser, mark pen, correction tape, battery ect.


3) Management items :scissor, stapler, hole punch, pen、stamp、calculator ect.


3、 The stationery can be adopted by individual and department. The items adopted byindividual should be kept and maintained by the person himself/ herself. Whereof the items adopted by department refer to those use by all department members.


4、 The consumables will be distributed regularly based on history record, circa

consumption rate ( for example, every two months one person can take one ball pen.). Exceptions are acceptable according to actual needing.


5、 Members who adopt for Management consumables should return their old one for anew one since the third time. But those Who can not be recycled are excepted. 管理消耗品文具自第三次发放起,必须以旧品替换新品,但纯消耗品不在此限。

6、 Members who adopt for Management should fill in the adopted form ( see attached 1)and return their old one for a new one. He/She should compensate it or buy self if he/she damage or lost the management items.


7、 In general, Members submit their application to the Dept. assistant for purchasing thestationery at the middle of every month. The Dept. assistant place the order to Sourcing Dept. Normally, the applied stationery is to be received by the applicant within ten working days as of the application date. In case of emergency, members can give their

requirement at any time. If the applied items are out of stock, the applicant can choose other substitution or cancel this order.


8、 There will have a “stationery distribution record” to record every distribution in order tocontrol the stock.


9、 When a new member is on board, the Dept. assistant will deliver the most using

stationery to him/her, and record in the list. If there are no stock of the required items, they can apply to Dept. assistant to purchase. When members resign, the remaining stationery should be returned to Dept. assistant.


The presswork ( letter paper, envelop, ----- ) should be managed by Dept. assistant. 印刷品(如信纸、信封......)除各人特殊表单外,其印刷、保管均由部门助理统一管理。
