



When I was in high school, I have dreamt of gaining admission to university of Beijing.But the result of my college entrance examination was not good enough to go to a quite good university in Beijing.However, I don’t regret coming here.As a matter of fact, there are many reasons accounting for my desire for Beijing.One of the most important aspects is that Beijing’s traditional and cultural atmosphere.That’s to say, the things with the taste of Beijing attract me a lot.When I was little ,I like watching TV very much.On the television ,the places in Beijing with historical and cultural color appeal to me.Maybe since then, I have looked forward to going to Beijing and looking the places ever showing on the television.There is a saying that “there are three thousand and six hundred big alleys, while small alleys are like cattle hair ”.Alleys are one of the things what I have expected to see, such as Smoke-bag slanting street ,Juer alley ,south luogu lane and so on,They are not so spacious, but the old green and uneven slate and the accumulation of the mud prove their history.Every alley all but carries a related history.In quiet alleys, sparse weeping willows have the sunlight to flow swiftly from the silt.The alley likes maze , which makes the alley is filled with an unknown mystery.Crossing the Bell Tower and Drum Tower ,then going some way ,you will not think of behind the willow tree shade is the house of He Shen.In brief , the alley is full of ancient and cultural beauty.In addition, I like the private small bookstores in Beijing, such as Photosynthesis Bookstore, One Way Street Library, Timezone 8 and so on.As a result of the impact of e-book and large-scale bookstores, some private bookstores have been forced to move ,and some bookstores are even bankrupt.I like them because their comfortable quiet feeling.They are not like the state-owned bookstores.Maybe they are not large, but they are not a cold feeling.However ,it’s a pity that so many privatebookstores are brankrupt because of financial problem.In fact ,many of them have a quite long history.Since 1979, private bookstores have formed.For example ,Three Taste Bookstore was the meeting location of the intellectuals at that time.Some of them later became famous poets, writers, literary critics,and some were put in prison or went abroad to make a living.Because of Beijing has a lot of history, its many bookstores also have different history.It’s the history of the bookstores that makes them have more history breath.I like Beijing ,not because of its flourish, not because of its status, but because of its cultural tastes.What I said above is just the tip of the iceberg.Maybe only by experiencing can we learn the feeling.Thus, in this winter holiday , I’m going to Beijing to experience the places once showed on the Internet and television.Going to Beijing ,my favorite city ,alone ,at my 18 years old, is the best memory of my adult.That’s all.Thanks for listening.


Modern city

Good morning everyone!Today, I’m here to show my opinion about modern city.Attention please, my friends!I have a problem, how many people present are there who are brought up in cities? Please put up your hands.Ok.点名。I want to ask, what is your upstairs neighbors’ family name? And, how many people are there in the family downstairs?回答。Ok, thank you.As we all know, modern cities provide much convenience for us.You can buy your clothes,buy your food, your drinks, your daily necessity, almost everything you need in supermarkets which can be seen here and there in modern cities.You can go to the amusement park if you want to relieve yourself.You can go to the library to refer to some books if you have something beyond your understanding.You can attend all kinds of training classes if you want to acquire some professional knowledge.You can take a bus or a taxi to where you want to go.In a word, modern cities can facilitate what you wear, what you eat, what you live in, and how you go out.Everything has two sides, so do modern cities.First of all, modern cities separate us from environment.You see, we are enclosed by concrete and steel buildings.In summer, boring sun shine directly on these buildings, thus it’s just like being in a stove to live in them.In winter, streets made in concrete covered by snow can be so smooth that many accidents occur.What’s more, modern cities product so much noise.Stand on the summit of a tall building and look down, that, so many vehicles and so much noise!What is worse is that so many vehicles product so much smelly gas which can pollute the air in a great

deal.Certainly, air pollution is mostly due to factories around cities.What would you like in summer: to sit or lie on grassland under a big tree or sit under the shelter of tall buildings? What would you like in winter: to listen the music caused by stepping on the deep snow in a small forest or to smooth with caution on the snow-covered concrete streets? What would you like: to listen to the songs of birds and smell the fragrance of flowers or to listen to the noise of vehicles and smell their wasteful gas? Also, the relationship between one and another become more and more indifferent.People living in cities who don’t know what their neighbors’ family name is are not minority, for they are rushing to and from their work and there’s no time to communicate with their neighbors.I was brought up in rural areas.When I was just a little boy, in summer, I can swim in a clear river, I can sit under a big tree and hook fishes;in winter, I can take my dog with me to run after rabbit in wheat land, I can clear a strip and throw some seeds to make a trap to catch birds then set them free.So compared with living in a city, I should say I miss more my childhood in rural areas.That’s all for my report.Thank you.吉大通信11班黄明瑞520811252009-11-26



1. 学生。

相对其他年级的学生来说, 大一年级的学生属于较特别的群体。特别之处就在于大一年级的学生刚结束基础教育阶段的学习, 进入到全新的大学教育阶段, 处于学习模式的转变之初;再者, 对于英语专业的学生来说, 大一是专业上的入门阶段, 学生从这个时候才开始系统学习专业正确的英语语音及语言表达。这些特点在口语教学中所呈现出来的问题主要体现在以下三方面:一是语音语调不准, 美式英式发音混淆不清;二是在表达方面体现出词汇量少和惯用汉语思维来进行英语表达, 经常想不出和汉语词汇相对应的英语表达;三是大多数学生对自己的口语表达不够自信, 怯于开口, 鼓起勇气开口时会表现出担心说错单词发错音的心理负担。

2. 教师。

(1) 外教。语言学习, 尤其是口语练习的一个很重要的元素是语言环境。当然, 在国内普通的大学要创造一个全英文的环境还是不太现实, 对此, 不少学校也请了以英语为母语的外籍教师上口语课。外籍教师上口语课固然是一个很好的办法, 学生能直接接触活生生的地道英语, 并一定程度上了解他国文化习俗。但在实际的教学中, 外籍教师上口语课带来的效果并不怎么理想。首先, 几乎没有外教使用学校采用的口语教材。没有统一的教材、教学工具、教学目标, 课堂内容由外教自主安排, 但不是所有外教都能系统安排自己的教学, 所采用的形式和内容都比较随性, 不少学生反映外教课轻松好玩, 但一节课下来真正学到的东西不多。其次, 外教资源有限, 流动性大, 一般都是短期在岗。一学期过后学生面对的又是新的外教, 且新旧外教之间并无工作交接, 不能做到针对性的、系统性的、有层次性的教学进展, 学生能学到的都是些零散的、有限的东西。 (2) 中国教师。也有一些学校选用中国的老师上英语口语课。中国老师上课有统一的教材、系统的教学环节和教学目标。但对于英语口语这个较特殊的课程及大一这个较特殊的教学对象来说, 中国老师的口语存在很多弊端和限制。口语的学习很需要一个正确的语言环境, 有些中国教师本身就不是地道的英语表达者, 对地道的英语表达准确性不够, 对英语国家的人文风俗地理习惯也了解不深, 仅依靠教材进行教学, 对学生英语口语的输入输出很有局限性, 并且对于课堂中出现的临场问题, 不能给出最准确地道的回复。

3. 学校对英语口语重视程度不够。

根据课程安排来看, 口语课的课时相对其他专业课来说, 课时量是最少的, 一般每周只有两小节。当然, 口语的学习和练习不能仅靠课堂几十分钟, 学生在课堂上学习的应该是系统的方法及日常使用的部分表达句型, 更大的提高还是得需要学生在课后花更多时间坚持练习。抛开此点不谈, 学校对于口语课的监管力度和重视程度还是不够。对于外教对课堂内容和方式的自主安排, 就是学校重视程度不够的体现之一。再者, 对于师资的配备及对学生课后的口语练习指导不够。


1. 选用外教上课, 学校加强监督管理。

口语课不同于其他语言基础课及与英语相关的专业课。口语注重的是平常的口头表达, 用于日常生活中各种场合, 与书写式英语有很大的差别。口语的表达与当地人们的生活习惯、文化习俗有着相当紧密的联系。不是本土生活的人或长期生活于该语言环境中的人无法真正准确地用该语言进行表达。在非英语国家生活的中国教师及只在英语国家留学几年的中国教师在英语口语的表达上很有限制性。因此, 英语口语, 尤其是在打好基础的大一年级, 应该选用外教教授本科目, 能够为学生做好正确的口语表达的引导及创设更好的语言环境。但在选用外教上此课程时, 学校应该加强管理, 做到以下几点, 才能更好地保证课堂效果, 避免有的外教随意对待教学:一是严格做到外教的集体备课, 检查备课内容, 确保每节课都有恰当的教学目标, 让学生真正有所获;二是定期对外教进行评教, 并将学生提出的问题与需求及时反馈给该外教, 监督外教教学及让教学更有针对性;三是在口语课的课堂及课间休息, 要求学生只能用英语进行表达, 努力营造一个英语语言环境。

2. 本国英语教师听外教课。

在选用外教授课的基础上, 安排该系或该学院教授英语相关课程的中国教师听外教课, 并对外教课程进行评教。中国老师也有过作为学生学习英语的经历, 比外教更能了解中国学生的需求及就业需求, 在听了外教课后可以为外教的教学提出一些建议, 以达到监督及使教学目标更实际的作用。同时, 中国教师也能学习外教上课所用语言, 这对增强中国老师英语课堂口语运用的能力有一定的帮助, 并且可以满足暂时顶替外教口语课的不时之需, 再者还能增进两国老师之间的交流, 有利于整个院系良好的工作及人事氛围。

3. 营造说英语的环境, 提高学生说英语的积极性。

对于刚入校的大一学生来说, 学校的一切都是新的、陌生的, 一切都是起点。在起点时, 学校为学生营造一个良好的英语学习尤其是说英语的环境和文化氛围, 对学生在大学几年里的专业学习有着非常重要的作用。在此方面, 需要学校多方的努力:校领导的重视, 辅导员的监督, 各任课教师的积极培养。对此, 我有以下建议: (1) 校领导要充分地重视, 监督及号召各部门各年级营造学习英语的积极环境; (2) 作为学生在校“父母”的辅导员, 要在思想和行动上鼓励监督学生大胆说英语, 自身也为学生做好积极学习英语、说英语的榜样; (3) 各任课教师应灵活运用各种教学法, 营造活跃的课堂氛围, 课上课后都鼓励学生说英语; (4) 定期开展英语相关活动或比赛, 鼓励学生积极参与; (5) 英语系部的布置要体现外语系的风采; (6) 在第一学期, 除常规的学术等讲座外, 定期为学生开展由高年级优秀学生做的经验交流讲座或动员活动。

摘要:如何提高学生的口语一直是英语教学中的难题, 本文针对英语专业大一年级的口语教学从学生、教师、学校方面提出问题, 并给出相关对策。



[1]张蔚.交际法与英语专业基础阶段的口语教学[J].外语教学, 2001, (2) .

[2]邓炎昌, 刘润清.语言与文化——英汉语言文化对比[M].外语教学与研究出版社, 1989.

[3]胡文仲.文化与交际[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1994.

[4]Brumfit, C and Johnson, K.The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2000.

[5]Brown G, Yule G.Teaching the Spoken English[M].北京:人民教育出版社, 2000.




新生须参加防诈骗考试而未满80分者还要重考,对此,或许有的人会觉得这是多此一举、小题大做,但其实防诈骗考试乃大学必修课。 大学是教书育人的地方,老师们不仅要导学,更要导为人之道。而作为大学新生,起码要学会保护自己的生命财产安全。这既是对自己负责,也是对家人负责、对社会负责。社会很复杂,除了相关部门有所作为之外,公民个人也要学会防人之心不可无。





1..What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an au pair girl? What kind of family would you like to be with?

2.Do you think divorce is a right solution to an unhappy marriage? Why? What could be reasons for causing divorce?

3.What are the causes of sex discrimination? What do you think of it? What can we do to solve the problem of sex discrimination?

4.Say something about Australia, the United States and Kenya according to “Seeing the World”.5.Retell Text B in Lesson 13 in your own words.In your opinion, what can we do to help those people who cannot sleep well at night?

6.Sum up your own study habits in a few points and tell how to improve them.7.Retell Text A in lesson 18 “How to keep fit” in your own words and tell how to keep fit in a few points.8.What does friendship mean to you? In your opinion, what kind of friend could be regarded as a real friend? What do you think is the difference between friendship and love? 9.Retell the story of Zhou Chenhu in the text “All For a Son” in your own words.And what have you learned from the story?

10.How do you explain the strong desire for a son among so many Chinese both old and young? Do you support “more sons and more happiness”? What’s your opinion on family planning policy in China?

11.Retell Text A in Lesson 25 in your own words.Which people need us to offer a seat on a bus?

12.Would you give up your seat if an old man(woman)was standing by you on a bus? Why(Why not)? Please describe one of your experiences on a very crowded bus.13.Suppose you are now in a Western country and invited to give a talk about(1)the Dragon Boat Festival(2)the Spring Festival

14.Do you think you are a “lucky dog” being a student of English? Why(Why not)? What advantages could we have if we can speak a foreign language?


2012 南京工程学院大一英语期末模拟试题 December 2012Part II Reading Comprehension 30 Directions: There are four passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A B C and D.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage One Science is not a set of unquestionable results but a way of understanding the world around us.Its real work is slow.The scientific method as many of us learned in school is a gradual processthat begins with a purpose or problem or question to be answered.It includes a list of materials aprocedure to follow a set of observations to make and finally conclusions to reach.In medicinewhen a new drug is proposed that might cure or control a disease it is first tested on a largerandom group of people and their reactions are then compared with those of another randomgroup not given the drug.All reactions in both groups are carefully recorded and compared andthe drug is evaluated.All of this takes time and patience.It’s the result of course that makes the best news—not the years of quiet work thatcharacterize the bulk of scientific inquiry.After an experiment is concluded or an observation ismade the result continues to be examined critically.When it is submitted for publication it goesto a group of the scientist’s colleagues who review

the work.Einstein was right when he said:“No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right a single experiment can at any timeprove me wrong.” In August 1996 NASA announced the discovery in Antarctica of a meteorite(流星)fromMars that might contain evidence of ancient life on another world.As President Clinton said thatday the possibility that life existed on Mars billions of years ago was potentially one of the greatdiscoveries of our time.After the excitement wore down and initial papers were published other researchers beganlooking at samples from the same meteorite.Some concluded that the “evidence of life” wasmostly contamination from Antarctic ice or that there was nothing organic at all in the rock.Was this a failure of science as some news reports trumpeted No It was a good example of the scientific method working the way it is supposed to.Scientists spend years on research announce their findings and these findings are examined byother scientists.That’s how we learn.Like climbing a mountain we struggle up three feet and fallback two.It’s a process filled with disappointments and reverses but somehow we keep movingahead.21.The author’s main purpose in writing this passage is to state that ____________.A most scientific discoveries are not reliable B mass media is misleading because it looks at the research results only C scientific research is a process filled with reverses and

requires slow and patient work D repeated experiments are necessary before medicine can be used in patients22.Publication of a scientific finding signifies __________.A a challenge to fellow scientists to prove it wrong B the end of a process C the beginning of a new scientific inquiry D the soundness of the result23.Einstein’s words are used to show that he thought___________.A experiments have proved him right B scientists do not need so many experiments C one experiment is not enough to prove him wrong.D scientific ideas are never free from challenge24.NASA’s announcement of the discovery of evidence of ancient life on Mars shows _________.A the way human beings learn about nature B the failure of the scientific method C the fruitlessness of human search for life on another world D the excitement brought by scientific findings25.It can be inferred from the passage that the media is interested in __________.A the process of scientific research B the results of scientific research C the scientists who do the research D the effects of scientific research on human lifePassage Two Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate and eachcourse which he attends gives him a credit which he may count towards a degree.In manyAmerican universities the total work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses each lasting for onesemester.A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks

while attending auniversity a student will probably attend four or five courses during each semester.Normally astudent would expect to take four years attending two semesters each year.It is possible to spreadthe period of work for the degree over a longer period.It is also possible for a student to movebetween one university and another during his degree course though this is not in fact done as aregular practice.For every course that he follows a student is given a grade which is recorded and the recordis available for the student to show to prospective employers.All this imposes a constant pressureand strain of work but in spite of this some students still find time for great activity in studentaffairs.Elections to positions in student organizations arouse much enthusiasm.The effectivework of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academicauthorities.Any student who is thought to have broken the rules for example by cheating has toappear before a student court.With the enormous numbers of students the operation of the systemdoes involve a certain amount of activity.A student who has held one of these positions ofauthority is much respected and it will be of benefit to him later in his career.26.Normally a student would at least attend __________classes each week.A 36 B 12 C 20 D 1527.According to the first paragraph an American student is allowed _______.A to live in a different university B to take a

particular course in a different university C to live at home and drive to classes D to get two degrees from two different universities28.American university students are usually under pressure of work because_________.A their academic performance will affect their future careers B they are heavily involved in student affairs C they have to observe university discipline D they want to run for positions of authority29.Some students are enthusiastic for positions in student organizations probably because_________.A they hate the constant pressure and strain of their study B they will then be able to stay longer in the university C such positions help them get better jobs D such positions are usually well paid30.The student organizations seem to be effective in _________.A dealing with the academic affairs of the university B ensuring that the students observe university regulations C evaluating students’ performance by bringing them before a court D keeping up the students’ enthusiasm for social activitiesPassage Three Doreen Sykora is now a junior at Mcgill University.She had a difficult time when she firstbegan college.She said “I was always well prepared for my examinations.But I would go in toclass to take the exam and I would fall apart.I could not answer the questions correctly-----eventhough I knew the answers I would just blank out because of nervousness and fear.” HitoshiSakamoto an anthropology

student at Temple University in Tokyo reports similar experiences.These two young students were experiencing something called test anxiety.Because astudent worries and is stressed about a test his or her mind does not work as well as it usuallydoes.The student cannot write or think clearly because of the severe tension and nervousness.Now there are special university courses to help students.In these courses advisors andpsychologists try to help students by teaching them to manage test anxiety.Such a course helpsstudents learn to live with stress and not fail because of it.First students take a practice test tomeasure their worry level.If the tests show that their stress level is high the students can take ashort course to manage the fear.These courses teach students how to relax their bodies.They gettraining to become calm in very tense situations.By controlling their nervousness they can lettheir minds work more easily.Learned information then comes out without difficulty on a test.Doreen Sykora saw immediate results after taking such a course.She now has enthusiasmabout the relaxation methods.“Mostly what I do is imagine myself in a very calm place.Then Iimagine myself picking up a pencil.I move slowly and carefully.I breathe easily and let all thetension out.With each breath more worry leaves me.It really works too.My grades haveimproved greatly I’m really doing well at McGill now.This relaxation method works not only onexaminations

but it has improved the rest of my life as well.” For Hitoshi in Tokyo the results were much the same.He is enjoying school a lot more andlearning more.31.Doreen Sykora and Hitoshi Sakamoto were filled with nervousness and fear during examinations because they were__________.A not ready and unaware of the answers B physically so weak that they fell apart C subject to test anxiety D unable to write or think clearly32.The higher the students’ worry level is __________.A the less calm and relaxing they are B the more difficult they will be trained to manage fear C the more stressed and tense they are D the longer courses they will take to manage fear33.What’s the purpose of some special university student-help courses A To help students to reduce test anxiety.B To show a stress level experienced by students.C To learn more knowledge about test anxiety.D To have a better understanding of test anxiety.34.What’s the meaning of “blank out” in paragraph one A To be like a blanket.B To be sure of an answer.C To be relaxed.D To be unable to think clearly.35.Which of the following best sums up the organization of the passage A Examples----theories----ideas.B Problem----strategy----examples----results.C General statement----examples----result.D Strategy----experiment----examples.Part III Vocabulary and Structure 15 Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this

part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A B C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.36.The president made a _______ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting which encouraged the sportsmen greatly.A vigorous C flat B tedious D harsh37.It is not easy to learn English well but if you _______ you will succeed in the end.A hang up C hang on B hang about D hang onto38.Remember that customers don’t _______ about prices in that city.A debate C dispute B bargain D consult39.The newcomers found it impossible to _______ themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.A suit C regulate B adapt D coordinate40.A _______ to this problem is expected to be found before long.A result C settlement B function D solution41.You have nothing to _______ by refusing to listen to our advice.A gain C seize B grasp D earn42.One day I _______ a newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a nearby state college.A came across C came after B came about D came at43.A peculiarly pointed chin is his memorable facial _______.A mark C trace B feature D appearance44.I hope that you’ll be more careful in typing the letter.Don’t _______ anything.A omit C lack B leak D withdraw45.Our new house is very _______ for me as I can get to the office in five
