



古别离,古别离陆游,古别离的意思,古别离赏析 -诗词大全


作者:陆游朝代:南宋 孤城穷巷秋寂寂,美人停梭夜叹息。






古别离,古别离韦庄,古别离的意思,古别离赏析 -诗词大全


作者:韦庄  朝代:唐 晴烟漠漠柳毵毵,不那离情酒半酣。



邓恩出生于罗马天主教家庭, 曾就读牛津大学和剑桥大学, 但未获任何学位。他曾在欧洲大陆游历, 1598年任掌御玺大臣T.埃杰顿爵士的秘书, 仕途似乎一片光明。1601年因与妻子安妮·莫尔秘密结婚遭到反对而失去了工作, 更糟的是还短暂入狱。在获释后的十年中两人生活艰苦, 但贫穷并没有破坏他们的婚姻, 夫妻感情甚笃。我们可以从邓恩的名诗《别离辞·莫伤悲》中清楚地感知到他们的爱。据17世纪的传记作家艾萨克·沃尔顿所述, 约翰·邓恩是在1611年即将离开他的妻子前往法国之际作此诗赠妻子安妮。妻子安妮去世后, 邓恩悲痛不已, 其后并未再婚。此后邓恩继续诗歌创作, 尤其是写出了著名的Holy Sonnets (1618) , 但爱的主题从此再没有出现在邓恩的诗歌中, 可见夫妻感情深厚。

玄学派诗歌的主题是爱、死亡和宗教。这些诗与传统的伊丽莎白抒情诗有很大差异。这些诗的风格特点是“玄学奇喻 (一种应用不同寻常的、似是而非的形象的比喻方法) , 依赖聪明才智、新异的意象和巧妙的辩论”来表现诗人的思想。在玄学派诗歌中, 玄学诗人喜欢拿两个完全不相似的对象比喻, 表面上看似奇怪不合理, 但却充满哲学性、理性和智慧。约翰·邓恩的奇喻中最著名的一个就是在《别离辞·莫伤悲》中将两个分离的爱人比喻成圆规的两脚。这首诗不仅是邓恩早期著名的作品, 而且是英国玄学诗最具代表性的作品之一, 它展示出了玄学派诗歌的一些特点, 特别是从天文学、生理学、经院哲学和数学等非传统领域选出的引人注目的意象。

邓恩在诗的第一节将恋人的分离类比为贤士的死亡。通常这样的比喻会使读者感到悲伤, 且这也不是邓恩的真正意图。然而正是这一矛盾显示出邓恩独特的写作技巧。读到这里, 我们没有感到悲伤而是平静。在人们的心中, 贤德之士从未真正死去。虽然他们的肉体不复存在, 但他们的美德永存于世。因此, 他们没有留下任何遗憾, 在平静中死亡, 没有恐惧、抱怨和悲伤。他们的死亡平静得难以察觉。通过这个比喻, 诗人想要表明他和妻子会平和地分离, 因为他们只是肉体上分离, 精神上却在一起, 就像灵魂与肉体不可分一样。

在第二节邓恩继续第一节中的比喻。“So let us melt, and make no noise.”这里所说的“融化” (melt) 可能意味着两层含义, 感官接触的“融化”和灵魂的“融化”。他们的分离将使感官的欢愉不得不暂时抑制。而同时, 因为他们之间的爱如此炽热, 两人的灵魂已经超越了各自的肉体, 不可分开地融合在了一起。邓恩希望这种融合像贤德之士离世一样的平静, 不期望他们的爱“叹如暴风, 泪似洪彼”。此处邓恩利用自然现象来增强感情的表达, 同时这些现象发出的声响也与贤德之士平静离世形成鲜明对比。邓恩认为眼泪和叹息是世俗恋人分离时的表现。邓恩和妻子不会在离别时刻表现出任何的悲伤, 因为那将是对其纯洁爱情的“亵渎”, 使得他们的爱与世俗恋人的爱无异。

邓恩在第三节又用了一个出人意表的比喻。“地动带来的灾害和恐惧”, 而“天体的震动”虽大却无害。地震会造成人员和财产重大损失, 给人们带来不幸和恐惧。对于天体的“震动”, 人们可以看到空间的变化, 但却感觉不到对他们的生活有任何影响。邓恩将地球的“震动”比作“世俗”恋人的分离, 因为世俗之爱是以感官的快乐为基础的, 分别往往意味着一场灾难性的情变。与此相反, 天体的震动象征着邓恩和妻子的分离, 剧烈的震动却对双方感情无碍, 因为他们的爱是一种“精神之爱”, 而不是“肉体之爱”。在这里邓恩运用他的天文知识完成了这一奇特隐喻。在邓恩生活的年代, 人们都受到天文学家托勒密的天动学的影响。这一学说指出, 地球是宇宙的中心, 行星在一定轨道上围绕着地球做同心运动。而且, 人们还认为天是圆的、永恒的, 因此是完美神圣的。相反, 地球上的万物是不完美的, 必定衰败消亡。通过这样的比喻邓恩表达他和妻子是分不开的, 他们的爱情是神圣的。

在诗的第四和第五节邓恩进一步直接阐明自己与爱人之间的爱情与世俗爱情的区别。世俗男女不能承受与爱人分离, 因为他们的爱与感官紧密联系, 一旦感官离别, 他们的爱也就无从表达, 爱情也因此不复存在。但是邓恩和妻子的爱提炼到了精美的程度, 是成熟的爱, 是心灵的契合, 并不需要肉体来维持。他们使对方确信在他们心中有对彼此忠诚的爱, 不在乎接触不到对方的眼睛, 嘴唇和手。

在第六节中, 邓恩巧妙地用黄金来比拟爱情。黄金是最贵重、性质最稳定的金属。首先邓恩写到他与妻子的爱如同黄金般纯洁珍贵。别离是爱的延展, 如同黄金能被锤锻成薄薄的金叶, 只会“延展” (远离) 而不会“分裂”。诗人再次强调他的远行不会影响他和妻子的爱。

在最后三节中邓恩写下了其最负盛名最不寻常的玄学奇喻, 充分展示了邓恩的卓越天分。他将自己和妻子比作圆规的两脚。圆规是几何学工具, 因此初次读这样的比喻感觉其似乎怪诞。但是, 思虑之后, 我们不难理解其合理性和内涵。这就是为什么越来越多的人认为这一比喻是玄学奇喻中的经典。在邓恩的诗中, 一种机械的、毫无感情的工具——圆规被赋予了火热的爱的意义。在这三节中邓恩传达了三层含义。首先, 他和妻子的灵魂自始至终合二为一, 就像圆规的两脚, 无论是否分开, 都是一体。因此不管发生什么, 他和妻子都不会真正分开。其次, 当他远离家乡, 他就像圆规的一脚绘制一个圆, 妻子像固定的一脚留在家里。因此, 圆周脚的“游走”, 即邓恩的离开, 将伴随着圆心脚的“倾斜”和“倾听”, 那就是妻子的心。就像圆规倾斜的两脚那样, 他们一直关心着对方。最后邓恩想传达的是, 圆的完成离不开圆规两脚的合作。“你坚定, 我才能终止在出发的地点。”这里, 圆心脚的“坚定”象征着妻子对他忠诚的爱。正如只有圆心脚保持不动, 圆周脚才能画出一个完美的圆, 妻子对他忠诚的爱保证了他此行的圆满完成。而当他旅行圆满归来, 他们也将享受团聚。在邓恩生活的时代, 圆被视为完美的象征。因此圆的完美表明了他们的爱的完美。

贤德之士的平静离世, 地球和天体的震动, 金叶子和圆规, 这些意象在传统爱情诗中似乎是不适当的, 但在这首诗中它们是如此生动, 含义如此深刻, 更显说服力。诗中邓恩将理性与激情, 才智与知识, 哲理与情感结合在一起, 来表现他和妻子之间深刻而忠诚的精神之爱。读邓恩的诗, 要想全面理解诗中的奇喻, 我们就需要更多和更深入的思考, 因为它们是如此出乎意料。在《别离辞·莫伤悲》中, 邓恩以一种令人惊奇的方式感动着我们, 使我们以一种前所未有的方式体验着真爱。20世纪以来邓恩的作品影响了的大批诗人, 今后将深刻地影响越来越多的人。

摘要:17世纪有一派诗人被称为玄学派诗人, 其中主要的代表是约翰·邓恩。邓恩特别擅长用精巧的类比在诗歌中来表达感情。《别离辞·莫伤悲》是他的最著名的诗歌之一, 这首诗充分展现了邓恩诗歌写作的技巧和他对爱情的态度。要理解这首诗人们必须要首先理解玄学派非同寻常的奇喻。本文主要对《别离辞·莫伤悲》这首诗中对爱新颖而奇特的表达方法和其中出人意表的奇喻进行探究。



[1]"John Donne."The Literature Network.26August2008.http://www.online-literature.com/donne/

[1]"A Valediction:Forbidding Mourning."Wow Essays.26Au-gust2008.http://www.wowessays.com/dbase/ae3/tmw264.shtml

[2]"A Valediction:Forbidding Mourning-A study Guide."Cummings Study Guides.25August2008.http://www.cum-mingsstudyguides.net/index.html#Online%20Guides

[3]"John Donne."WIKIPEDIA..Wikimedia Foundation Inc.25August2008.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Donne

[4]"Metaphysical Poets."WIKIPEDIA..Wikimedia Founda-tion Inc.25August2008.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphys-ical_poets

[6]李新博.两情若是久长时又岂在朝朝暮暮[J].外语教学, 2001, (2) .

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[8]吴湘毅, 黄泽锐.论邓恩爱情诗《别离辞·莫伤悲》中的玄想比喻[J].韩山师范学院学报.2002 (3) .



作者:王缙朝代:唐 下阶欲别离,相对映兰丛。




作者:沉缙  朝代:唐  体裁:乐府      白水东悠悠,中有西行舟。舟行有返棹,水去无还流。





欲别牵郎衣, 郎今到何处?

不恨归来迟, 莫向临邛去!























开篇即直入主题,陈述别离的事实。主语“我们”将诗歌的叙述者和阅读者置身到事件之中,拉近读者与文本、作者的距离。“随着别离/我们的世界便分成两个”陡然将诗歌的视野格局打开,告诉读者这里不是简单随意的say goodbye,而是对“我们”来说具有开天辟地意义的分开。“身边感到冷,眼前忽然辽阔”分别从触觉和视觉,进一步呈现别离:首先这是一种“感到冷”的负向触觉体验,然而“眼前忽然辽阔”犹如“晴空一鹤排云上”,将感性体验牵引至正向的豪迈情愫。“像刚刚降生的两个婴儿”一句既是对别离造成的心理体验———被“抛入”到各自“冷”的 世界中的婴儿所面对的骤然到来的陌生感和无助感———的深化,也呈现了另一种境 况———离别之后 天地新 , “我们”的前途命运也像新生儿一样充满了令人欢欣鼓舞的无限可能性; 同时也暗含别离之前“我们”的关系,曾像在母亲子宫中的双胞胎一样亲密无间、被浓浓的爱意包围。





第二节顺承上文,别离之于“我们”,就像降生之于婴儿,被动承受着分离的挣扎与苦痛,然而却也由此开启了全新的生命状态。进入各自世界之后的工作是“辛苦”的,然而通过“耕耘”,“我们”正向改变和塑造着世界,分离时“身边感到冷”, 通过辛勤工作“我们”变出了“暖”, 这是客观外在环境在耕耘之后的改变,“生的变成熟”则是指主观内在精神状态的改变和成长、成熟。虽然饱含着辛酸和艰苦,分离之后我们积极创造,为各自的存在赋予了意义和价值。




第三节呈现“修成正果”之后的重逢,为了再见“如初见”般甜蜜喜悦,“我们”以“感谢的情怀”回顾“所来径”。现代心理学告诉我们人们在处理记忆材料时可以选择性进行加工和再造,正如有时候历史是“被叙述”的,记忆相当于个人的历史,也是被“想”的,这其中蕴含着主观因素的充分作用。通过“我们”主观上的努力,“我们”实现了让重逢如初见,巨大的欢欣再现了当初的欣喜: 一如亲密无间、厮守在同一个充满爱意空间中的“前生”状态。




“人生短短几个秋”的川上之叹再度将诗歌的情感基调拉回到伤悲, “春”与“冬”的对立象征生命中的暖冷、起伏,然而末两句以近似阮籍“礼教岂为我辈而设”的洒脱气度超越这一切的安排和束缚,将生命的意义指向更高远的精神境界,即一种不拘泥于外物、形而上的存在姿态,实现了整首诗的升华。正如冯至曾经自道,这是一种“不卑不亢,忍受风雪,享受阳光”的高昂生命境界。














8.劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。 ——王维《送元二使安西》

9.故乡何处是,忘了除非醉。 ——李清照《菩萨蛮·风柔日薄春犹早》



















28.悲莫悲兮生别离,乐莫乐兮新相知。 ——楚辞 九歌《少司命》






















50.胡马依北风,越鸟朝南枝。 ——古诗十九首 《行行重行行》



作者:李白朝代:唐体裁:乐府 别来几春未还家,玉窗五见樱桃花。况有锦字书,开缄使




A Valediction:Forbidding Mourning is a metaphysical poem written by John Donne.According to Donne's biographer Izaak Walton, Donne composed it for his wife, Anne More, in 1611, when Donne was about to embark on a trip to France and Germany.It was first published in the 1633 collection Songs and Sonnets, two years after Donne's death.John Donne was born in 1572 in London, England.He is known as the founder of the Metaphysical Poets, a term created by Samuel Johnson, an eighteenth-century English essayist, poet, and philosopher.Metaphysical poetry is a term used to describe a school of highly intellectual poetry marked by bold and ingenious conceits, incongruous imagery, complexity of thought, and frequent use of paradox.The main themes of the metaphysical poets are love, death, and religion.According to them, all things in the universe, no matter how dissimilar they are to each other, are closely unified in God.

2 Understanding of the Poem

From the title of this poem, readers can know that it is a poem about separation.To have a complete understanding of this poem, readers must have some knowledge about John Donne and his poetry.Donne’s poems give a more inherently theatrical impression by exhibiting a seemingly unfocused diversity of experiences and attitudes, and a free range of feelings and attitudes, a free range of feelings and moods.The mode is dynamic rather than static, with ingenuity of speech, vividness of imagery and vitality of rhythms, which show a notable contrast to the other Elizabethan lyric poems, which are pure, serene, tuneful and smooth running.The most striking feature of Donne’s poetry is its tang of reality, in the sense that it seems to reflect life in a real rather than a poetical world.

The first stanza“As Virtuous men pass mildly away”, when the old, virtuous, high-respected men die, God gently urges their souls, their spirit to go;their friends look this differently.Here Donne shows the metaphysical idea:their love is combined as one just like soul and body is combined is a person, it is impossible to separate them apart from soul thought the body may decease.The metaphorical usage here is using their souls to refer to their love.It is interesting that this kind of common feelings as love, fear, death, and even jealousy are expressed in such a way that seems holy and difficult and strange, but it is of the typical feature of John Donne.We can also appreciate the beginning of the poem in this way:the poet compared his departing with his lover to the death of the noble man.As a virtuous man dies, he knows that he has reconciled himself to God and will therefore be accepted into heaven.Thus he dies in peace and calm, and the people surrounding him at his deathbed are sad, but not anguished.In the same way, when two virtuous lovers part, there is no pain, because they know that each will be true to the other, even when they are apart.He presented his own opinion of departing for the first time in this poem:true love can endure the trial of departing.And the departing between lovers should be calm and peaceful.

In the next stanza, “let us melt”means let our love combined as one, let our souls melt together;and“tear-floods”means tears drop like floods;it is a kind of exaggerated expression.“so let us melt, and make no noise”, because true love is built on the communication of the two souls but not on physical connection.Although departing is bitter, the souls of the two have melted together.They should separate from each other by making no noise and not explain love by tear-flood and sigh-tempest just as the laity do.Donne asks his wife don’t cry, don’t sign, and don’t let others hear“us”in case they profane our love;for they are laity, they are laypeople, they do not understand what true love is.

In the third stanza, the poet used two peculiar images to describe the difference between true love and love of the laity.To the common people, separation with the lovers is like the moving of the earth, which means the end of everything including love.“Moving of the earth”means the earthquake;when earthquake happens, it does bring harm and fear to people, and people try to explain the reason;but when other planets quake, they do no harm to people.The poet compared the departing between true lovers to the movement of the celestial bodies.Although its influence is bigger than the moving of the earth, it is harmless.He further confirms this by saying that earthquakes bring fear and commotion, but celestial movements, such as moving of the sun and moon, are more innocent.The narrator is saying that he and his lover have a kind of celestial love.Therefore, their parting does not need to cause commotion.What seems strange here is the relationship between love and Earth or the moving of Earth.Donne’s imagination is so powerful that he could bind them together.

In stanza four, Donne explains that the earthly lover’s love in essence is just senses, they can only use their senses to love;when being away they cannot bear, cannot stand their separation;but we can feel each other form our soul.In ordinary people’s eyes, the separation of lover means they can’t feel and can’t touch each other, and with the separation, their love would reduce.But for Donne, he treated their love sacred and not the same as others’.

Stanza five is closely related to stanza four, by using the link word“but”, he shows that their love is not an earthly one, but refined and interwoven together as each of us will not know exactly what is it;therefore they don’t care much about the sense’s touching as eye contact, lips touching and hands holding, etc.therefore, though“I”must go away from you, “I”will not endure the break of our love, for it expands like a piece of gold, thin as it is, it will never break.The narrator states that their two souls are one.When they depart, they will not be separating, but expanding.

In the sixth stanza, “a breach, but an expansion, like gold to airy thinness beat”, the word“airy”means extremely thin and light.Here we may find the important symbolism of gold.He uses the conceit of gold because gold is 1) a malleable substance that can be stretched far apart while still staying together like the gold which can be beaten to airy thinness;2) It is also the most precious of all the metals, the least reactive of all metals, which ties in with Donne’s placing of the lovers above the emotional“laity”;3) In terms of alchemy, gold is also the most noble metal, and the most difficult to destroy.From this readers can feel that Donne and his wife have come to a kind of spiritual harmony, as if they have a soul contract that binds them together.Maybe Donne favors a Plato’s spiritual love;common people couldn’t bear this kind of departure.However, in Donne’s case this kind of love is the supreme one.

Finally, it ends with one of Donne’s most famous metaphysical conceit, in which he argued for the lovers’closeness by comparing their two souls to the feet of a drawing compass.The two lovers are likened to the two points of a compass.At first it seems ridiculous, but Donne showed how it makes sense.As far as we know, a compass has two legs.When we are drawing a circle, one leg of the compass is standing on one location and the other turn around the standing one until it come back to the starting point.The poet used the very feature of the compass to describe the true love.The lovers are dependent on each other, and as long as they cooperate with each other perfectly, can they draw the circle that stands for perfect love.At the same time, the poet explained the main idea of this poem more clearly:departing is not the end of love.If the souls of two lovers must be two, they are two in such a way that as stiff as the two legs of a compass, your soul is just like the fixed foot of the compass that so not move, and mine another:but if yours move, and mine will move around you.This means I will but my love into you and will never change my love for you.The metaphysical metaphor of love to compass is impressive.And though it sits in the centre, here he uses the word“sit”rather than“sits”;it shows a concessive clause, yet one part of the compass moves afar, the other part leans with it;and when it goes erect, the other comes near;that their love will live with their concern about each other.The compass gives us a concept of a round, and this reminds us of the science—mainly physics at that time—the idea that universe was mainly consisted of“rounds”;Earth was round and the very center of the universe, and other planets were round too, they turned around the earth.as a further understand of this poem, we should know that a round has a center;here Donne compared his wife to the very center, and him the round;though how far he went, he would come to her at last.The conceit here is the most imposing one in this poem.

3 Stylistic Analysis of A Valediction:Forbidding Mourning

Literary stylistics is a study of literary discourse from the perspective of linguistics.It is a bridge that links the literary criticism and linguistics together.It has three features in analyzing literary discourse:analyzing from linguistic angle, adopting objective standard and stressing the aesthetic features of language.Poetry is an important part of literary.It has unique style, exhibiting beauty in music, visual aesthetics, imagery and implied meaning (zhang Delu, 1998:43) .And stylistic analysis of a poem is usually from the perspective of sound, rhyme, meter, rhetoric, sentence pattern, together with introduction of author and the background of the poem, etc.The following part aims to provide a stylistic analysis of A Valediction:Forbidding Mourning.

3.1 Graphological style

Generally speaking, any poem has the following pattern:a form in parallel short line arrangement;the first letter of each line is capitalized;several lines constitute a quatrain.This poem is very much in line with this pattern.It consists of nine quatrains, and each quatrain has four lines.The writing format is very neat without any deviation, creating visual aesthetic beauty.

3.2 Phonological style

The stylistic function of phone includes:pronunciation, intonation, expression effect, onomatopoeia and rhythm.All these help create the music beauty of the poem.

3.2.1 Meter

A poem’s meter is the rhythmic pattern of its syllables.Much like the time signature of a song, this pattern determines the poem’s general musical shape.Strictly speaking, meter and poetry are two separate things, because not all poetry is metrical and not all metrical writing is poetry.The vast majority of significant poetry is metrical, though, so understanding meter is an important part of understanding poetry in general.

Poetic meter has two basic types:qualitative and quantitative.Quantitative meter is governed by syllable length and was commonly used in classical languages, such as Latin and ancient Greek.Qualitative meter is governed by syllable stress and is the de facto meter of English and the Romance languages.Although several English-speaking poets have experimented with quantitative meters, nearly all poetry in English is instead written using qualitative meters.

Metrical poems are divided into lines, with each line being composed of one or more feet.A foot is a particular combination of either long and short or stressed and unstressed syllables.The most common feet in English poetry are the iamb (unstressed-stressed, as in the word“concur”) and its opposite, the trochee (stressed-unstressed, as in the word“conquer”) .Poems written using iambs or trochees are called iambic or trochaic, respectively, followed by the Greek prefix for the number of feet present in each line (mono-, di-, tri-, and so forth) and the suffix-meter.Thus, the most famous English meter is called iambic pentameter, because it consists of five iambs per line.

The meter of this poem is iambic tetrameter.But a few feet has no stressed syllables, such as“mildly away”in the first line, “whisper to”in the second line and“profanation of”in the seventh line.Meanwhile, some feet has no unstressed syllables, such as“do say”in the third line, “no noise”in the fifth line and“love so”in the seventh line.And some feet of this poem is trochaic, for example, “sad friend”in the third line, “absence”in the fifteenth line, and“those things”in the sixteenth line.

Meter not only brings music beauty to poetry, but also helps strengthen the poetry expression force because the stressed parts are emphasized (Wang Zuoliang, 1987:235) .In stanza one, the poet compares their love to virtuous men’s death.The words“away, say”at the end of line one and three, and“go, no”at the end of line two and four are stressed.Four double vowel words slow down the speed when reading, creating serene atmosphere when one leaves the world.The word“dull”in line thirteen is also stressed which emphasizes that laity’s love is based on senses which can not bear absence.After that, the poet by using adversative“but”and stressed“we”to show that their love are different from laity’s love.Thus, the theme of the poem comes out:true love will not be influenced by departing;on the contrary, true love will be enhanced by temporary separation.

3.2.2 Rhyme

The rhyme of this poem is very neat:a-b-a-b.The end rhyme is important in the expression in meaning.Each quatrain expresses an independent idea.When readers finish reading the first, the second, and the third line, they can tell whether these lines are complete according to the end rhyme.The end of line thirteen and line fifteen constitute an eye rhyme (visual rhyme in spelling with same vowel letter and different pronunciation, not in conformity with full rhyme) .This end rhyme is in line with the theme of the poem:true love and laity’love is like“love”and“remove”, seem to be the same but different in essence.

3.2.3 Poetic Licence

To create regular meter or rhyme, poets usually use poetic licence which means combining two words into one word to save a syllable and balance the meter.There are several poetic licence usages, such as“th’earth” (=the earth) , “th’other” (=the other) .

3.3 Lexical style

Some sounds if combined together can create beautiful and harmonious effect, while some create unpleasant or uncomfortable effect.For example, liquid and nasal sounds soft, and some consonants and plosive sounds hard.Donne chose words carefully in this poem.For example, as we mentioned above, the serene atmosphere when one leaves the world created by a series of soft fricative sounds.

3.4 Syntactic style

This poem has enjambment.Enjambment is common in English poetry and has its special effects (Wang Zuoliang, 1987:242) .The enjambment appears in line three, seven, thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen.When read these lines, readers usually have very short time to pause and want to finish reading the whole sentence quickly to get the meaning.

3.5 Rhetoric style

As founder of metaphysical poetry, Donne is famous for his unique conceits and analogy.In this kind of poems, poets usually argues more than simply expressing feelings, and seemly irrelevant ideas, images, etc are combined together.

3.5.1 Analogy

The first analogy is about separation between lovers and virtuous men’s death.Because the theme is true love, separation between lovers is trivial.Donne tells us that there is no need to show sorrow when saying good-bye;by using this analogy, he shows that death is unobservable.When look at it at first sight, it seems strange while think about it later, we can know that there is another meaning in it:saying good-bye to the dead is so peaceful, why should saying good-bye to live men be that painful?The second analogy is about earthquake—separation in laity’s love and sphere’s trepidation—absence in“our”love.This analogy stresses that their love is different from laity’s love.

.5.2 Metaphysical conceits and paradox

In stanza six, the poet compares their love to extending of gold which won’t break in extending.This gold-like love is airy, pure and sacred, different from sublunary love.In the last three stanzas, he compares lovers facing departing to the two feet of a compass.This conceit has several implied meaning:the two feet of a compass is linked at one end which implies that real absence between lovers is impossible;the two feet will come together after finishing drawing the round which implies that absence is temporary.Round symbolizes perfect love.In drawing the round, as long as the fixed foot remains fixed, the other foot sooner or later comes back and brings a perfect round.Here, the fixed root symbolizes women’s loyalty.This conceit shows Donne’s worry and admonishing to his wife.

4 Conclusion

Poetry is art of language, and analysis of it helps to understand it and improve the ability to appreciate poetry.Readers must take all aspects and components into consideration and treat it as a whole when understand and appreciating poem (Wang Zuoliang, 1987:182) .This paper analyzes the poem from several angles, aiming at explaining the theme and what the poet wants to express from stylistic perspective.And by this stylistic analysis, one can see that literary stylistics’application in poetry helps reader have a deeper and more complete understanding and enhance poetry’s attraction and deepen its influence.


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