



Different people have different habits,so I have many good habits.

I often listen to English tapes in the morning.I think for me a great help.Writing class I have taken careful notes,and careful listening.Home to see your review notes,reading prep.I love to clean.Therefore,I develop a love of a good cleaning habits,I always sweep the floor,wiping the ground.

These are my habits.How about you?





My Eating Habits

Under the take care of my mother, my eating habit is very regular. I often eat porridge in the morning. Sometimes my mother will prepare some pickles for me. But sometimes I will put an egg into the porridge to have the egg porridge. At noon, I will eat in school canteen. Sometimes I will have noodles. At night, my mother will prepare a big meal for me. After dinner, I will eat a little fruit.



英汉比喻辞格是应用最广泛的辞格, 因其历史悠久而融入了鲜明的文化与思维内涵。英汉对于喻体 (vehicle) 的使用往往不止在一个句子或是一句诗里, 而喻体的英汉差异直接体现出思维方式的此种不同。首先, 在喻体使用中, 中国作品喜欢用自然现象、动物、植物和物品这些“目之所见”之物作为喻体, 而英语则少的多。这说明中国人的传统比喻思维比起西方, 较多地“凝滞于物”, 缺乏“潇洒出尘”的创造性思维。其次, 中国作品喜欢用一些成双成对的动物、植物、物品及自然现象来比喻两两相依的爱情, 西方则微乎其微。这就说明中国比喻更喜欢追求喻体和本体表面上的相似。再次, 中国作品相对缺少把相隔最远的东西出人意料的结合在一起的特征, 对于虚构事物作为喻体的比喻, 中国比喻思维也略低于西方。

二、 比喻和习惯表达对翻译的影响

比喻及习惯表达, 都是具有浓郁民族文化色彩的语言成份, 也是翻译过程中导致理解障碍的原因之一。 (金惠康.《跨文化交际翻译》) 只有深入研究对比, 理解两种语言在比喻和习惯表达上差异, 才能摆脱理解障碍造成的困境, 真正达到译文“入木三分”。由于文化差异, 不同的民族对同一世界的认识, 可以有不同的透视角度, 因而就会产生喻体不同, 比喻相似的现象, 即比喻的差异。此外, 两种语言在习惯表达上也有差异, 例句: If you ever think he is lazy, think again.

直译为:“如果你认为他懒的话, 再想一想吧”。由于忽略了在特定环境下英语习惯表达的特点, 没有将原文的真正意思译出来。正确译法是:如果你认为他懒的话, 那你就错了。

英语中有许多的现成的成语比喻, 出自圣经的有:“as oldas Methuselah” (玛士撒拉一的老) ;“as wise as Solomon” (像所罗门一样的聪明) 等等, 在汉语中也有生动的比喻, 例如火中取栗“pull chestnuts out of fire”;肉中刺、眼中钉“a thornin the flesh”等等。这些比喻涉及历史典故、宗教信仰、文化习俗、天文地理、动物和植物等各个方面, 可以说是社会文化的缩影。语言是文化的载体, 是反映社会的一面镜子, 而比喻则是其中富有独特的民族文化色彩的代表, 不同的文化社会就使其语言中的比喻有很大的差异。

三、 英汉比喻的翻译方法

在英汉翻译时, 译者应熟练掌握原语“source language”和目的语“target language”。一方面在做翻译时, 译者必须掌握英语语法及大量的英语词汇, 但有些时候, 即使他对西方文学很有自信地认为能领会其意境, 然而在翻译中, 还是会有许多的困难及观念上的错位, 也只有在掌握原语的基础上, 才能更好的了解西方文学的精髓之所在;另一方面, 西方文学翻译成中文的时, 译者往往对自己的中文过于自信, 对译文没有再三的推敲, 而仅仅是凭主观上的臆断进行翻译, 其翻译出来的文章没有做到很好的遵循汉语的语法规则, 是不理想的作品。只有很好的结合原语和目的语才能更好的翻译, 而中西文化差异就是影响这种结合的重要因素, 在此通过英汉比喻的翻译来指导原语和目的语结合方法。英汉比喻的翻译应以比喻内容为基础, 发挥比喻美的真正所在, 同时致力于形式表现, 尽可能用“形神兼备”的翻译来传神达意。在实在不可能“形似”时, 要“神似”的条件下, 竭力用其他方法和手段表现出原比喻的意之真谛, 美之内涵。

四、 解决比喻带来的文化差异的方法

保留原喻体, 以直译为主。这种方法尽可能保留比喻形象, 可最大限度地再现原语风貌, 还可以此丰富本民族的语言, 体现一下异国情调的美感。例如:I see Russian soldiersstanding on the threshold of their native land, guarding the fieldswhich their fathers have tilled from time immemorial. (Winston S.Churchill , Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U.S.S.R.) 我看到俄国士兵站立于国门, 守卫着他们祖先自古以来耕种的土地。此句中作者threshold (门槛) 比作frontier (边境) 。这里我们保留原喻体, 用直译法处理这个比喻。如果原比喻的差异既不能保留, 又没有合适的替换, 那就只能放弃比喻, 这样, 原有的语言形式上的美学价值就会丧失, 原有的感染力就会削弱, 这时就要想方设法发挥译入语的优势, 借助其他手段来弥补损失的美感, 以获得审美效果上的功能对等, 如:Theship plows the sea. (船在乘风破浪地前进) 。原文中plow比喻的是船像犁铧翻土似的翻起浪花在海上前进, 描写它沉稳有力, 现在用“乘风破浪”代替, 四字成语简洁有力, 读者同样可以感受到一种动态的气势。

结语:语言和文化息息相关。语言不能脱离文化而存在, 就是说不能脱离社会流传下来的。决定我们生活的面貌的风俗和信仰的总体。由于语言和文化的相关性, 比喻作为语言中的一种修辞手法, 在翻译的时候, 就要充分理解其内在的文化因素。通过英汉比喻对比, 将有助于我们正确理解英汉比喻性用语, 恰当的把握起深层次民族特性, 从而增强语言的感染力。


[1]孙丽元.从喻体看英汉比喻的文化差异[J].合肥工业大学学报 (社会科学版) , 2003.

[2]顾嘉祖.语言与文化[M].上海外语教育出版社, 1998.


My father is a peoples policeman. He is very tall and has eyes that smile like a moon. He is always conscientious in his work. But Dad will go home with me as soon as he has time.


My father likes to “recharge” at any time. In addition to professional materials, he always pays attention to other fields in his spare time. He told me that knowledge is equal to wisdom. Knowledge can make me a very interesting person. In study, as long as there is something I dont understand, my father will be very interested in finding the answer with me.


“Smoking is harmful to health” my father has a bad habit, which is to love smoking. Every time I saw my father smoke, I would give him a smoking ticket. There are many tickets at home, but my father still hasnt quit smoking. Still secretly ran to the balcony to smoke. My mother and I are really helpless.



my dream 我的梦想


Our students are always crammed with all kinds of courses and homework. I also have a lot of interests. I want to learn some new things.

I am free during the national day. I want to learn something I want to learn, such as swimming, driving and so on. The National Day holiday is the most relaxing time of the year when I go to school.

I have a lot of homework to do, and I seldom have time for entertainment. But during the National Day holiday, I can watch movies, listen to music, read books, and I can do whatever I want to do. This is really good, so for me, the National Day holiday is the best time.




This summer , I had a really good time.What did I do? Let me tell you.

I went to ... for vacation.The weather there is fine. And I visited ... . I had some speicial food there. They were delicious.I took a lot of photos and bought a lot of souvenirs for my classmates.

When I was there , I learned a lot of Chinese history and I knew some interesting stories. I like this city.If I have time ,I may go there again.

I did some housework this vacation.I thought it was good for my parents.And I can learn a lot from it.

I also played some sports.I like basketball ,swimming and playing badminton.

Wow!My vacation was so colorful.







My father is of middle height . He has big eyes , the same as me . He has short hair , looking more gently . I believe my father is a talented man . He is decisive and efficient in doing things .By his own talents and efforts , he has secured for the family a good social position and a comparatively rich life . He usually educates me that the person must to be honest , friendly to other ,and working diligently.

This is my father . I Love him forever !




On Saturday afternoon,I played with my friends at my home,some played chess,others played at my room.It was funny.

On Saturday night,I studied at school.On Sunday morning,I went shopping with my sister,On Sunday afternoon,I staying at home.

On Sunday night,I studied at school,too.This is my happy weekend!





My classroom is nice and big。


There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom。 There are two black boards on the walls。 There are two pictures。 My classroom has eleven lights and twelve fans。 What color are the fans? They are blue。 At the corner, there is a shelf。 Many books are on the shelf。 I like the books very much。


This is my classroom, it is very tidy。 I like my classroom very much。



It’s Friday afternoon, and all the friend are thinking about their plans for the weekend. On Saturday. I will go to visit my grandparents by bus. I will go to bookstore. On Sunday. I will go to the supermarket with my mother. I will visit my good friend. I will surf the internet and listen to music. I will have a happy weekend. What are you going to do on the weekend?

星期五下午,并且所有朋友考虑他们的周末计划。 在星期六。 我将去乘公共汽车拜访我的祖父母。 我将去书店。 在星期天。 我将去超级市场与我的母亲。 我将拜访我的好朋友。 我将浏览互联网并且听到音乐。 我将有一个愉快的周末。 你在周末做什么?


The game began, we first separated who is ”cat“, after the separation, let ”cat“ tens of seconds, we quickly quietly hide in a secret place. Ten seconds later, Cat walked slowly toward me, and my heart suddenly began to pound. After a while, the footsteps of ”cat“ got farther and farther away from me, and the stone in my heart finally fell down. I looked up, bad, ”cat“ has come over, he suddenly caught me, I struggled hard, but still did not escape the ”cat“ palm. Although I was caught by ”Cat“, I was very happy!

This summer vacation I had a very happy, the summer vacation is coming to an end, I hope to learn more knowledge in the new semester.




I have a good friend. She is a pretty girl. She lives in Jiujiang. She is a middle school student. She has big eyes, a small mouth, a small nose and a round face. She is tall and thin. She likes watching TV and playing the basketball. On the weekend, she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening.

She is a good student. She is good at English. She likes speaking in English. She always reports news in English in her school.

She says we are good friends. We often send e-mails to each other everyday. I like her very much.


