



Unit1 My school subjects Teaching aims and demands: 通过学习本单位,学生能基本掌握学校中常见课程科目的英语名称 通过数据调查,学生能了解其它学生对课程的喜好程度 学生用简单的英语句子练习表达

Important words: Subject,Art,Music, Maths, Chinese, English, Science, History, Geography, without, pass, twice, route, step, best, friend, secret, lot, different, stuck, sad, problem, rich, poor Important sentences: What classes do you have? Can you go to each class without passing any class twice? How far is your route in steps? On which side is the Music room? Which class is nearest to the Music class? What is a best friend? What’s your favourite subject? Music is my favourite subject? I like Maths Materials for teaching 制作一张大的课程表,用英语标注课程名称 若干张英语字母

自制一个大张的课程表 青蛙玩具或图片

几位朋友的照片或图片 各种科目的课本 Part1 上课时,教师拿出学生现在用的课本对他们说:“Look, this is Chinese.This is English.This is Art.This is Music.”教师边拿出课本边带着大家一起说这些表示不同科目的词。学习之后,教师可以将词贴在黑板上,并让小组的同学相互提醒大家读这些单词。在此基础上,教师可以让学生进行单词比赛,如每个小组选出一个人,到别的小组进行“考试”。让学生说出某单词的读音及拼写,比如:“What’s the English for ‘Yinyueke’? How do you spell the word ‘music’?”最后,小组记总分。复习单词后,教师可以用本单元的问题这样问学生:“What classes do you have? Can you name them? What classes does this school have? Can you go to each class without passing an class twice?”教师用手指指一下路线,然后说:“Now you can trace the route and find out your own route.Remember, your can’t pass the class twice.”学生完成之后,教师提醒大家说:“Now please work in pairs and check your answers.Are they OK?”接着,教师让大家相互问问题:“Which class is nearest to the Music class?”教师给出示范:“The Art class is nearest to the Music class.”教师举例之后,让学生两人一组进行问答,共同完成该项目。最后教师可以在学生练习的基础上再进行检查。Part2 第二部分是问卷调查。学生通过问问题了解出学生最喜欢的科目是什么。每个学生至少要问六位同学,并把他们的名字写上。问问题时,教师要鼓励学生把所有的项目都问到,有利于学生学习和巩固新单词。为了使大家相互了解所问的结果,教师可以问大家:“Which class is your favourite class? Please tell us.”学生可以汇报自己询问的结果,比如:“Five pupils in my group like the Art class.Four pupils like the Science class.”根据学生的反馈,教师可以做些适当的评论,如:“Many of us like the English class.I am very happy.English is very useful.I hope you can learning.Not many pupils like Chinese.But I think Chinese is very useful, because we are Chinese and we should know our own language.”等等,评论不必太多,语音也不要太复杂。Part3 第三部分是让学生根据所给的内容在图表上做出标记。教师可以首先问大家一个问题:“What do mice eat?”正确的回答是:“Mice eat whatever we eat.They eat food, fat, oil that have been spilled and left on counters, floors, appliances and tables.They eat grains, like cereal, oats, rice and vegetables, like potatoes and carrots that are in cardboard boxes and plastic bags.They eat pet food in boxes or bags and they eat any garbage that is not in a can with a tight lid.”教师稍微介绍一些信息后,就鼓励学生阅读第三部分的要求,并按照要求完成该题的任务。学生应在该图表上补充信息,画出九个米团子、七个蛋糕和五根香肠的位置。画好图后,教师根据图上的信息问学生:“How many pieces of cheese did the mice eat? How mant cookies did they eat? How many pieces of meat did they eat?” 学生回答问题后,教师可以问:“Do you like to keep a mouse as your pet?”如果学生不能用英语回答此问题,也可以说一两句汉语。教师也可以让大家举手,看有多少人喜欢养老鼠。Part4 第四部分是游戏部分。这一次的游戏有一定的难度,需要每个学生开动脑筋,共同完成一个任务。首先,教师让每一个人抽取一张字母卡片,然后让该学生用此字幕说出三个单词,并将三个单词编成一句话。每个学生最好能将自己编的话写在一张纸条上后贴在黑板上,然后全组的同学再用这些话编一个小故事。由于是第一次进行这样的活动,学生可能不知道如何做,因此,教师最好带着学生一步一步地做。比如:“Please take a letter and use this letter to make three words.”等这一部分做完了,教师再说:“Now please put all the sentences together.Let’s see whether we can make up a story.”教师的要求不必太高,只要意思清晰就可以了。最后看哪个组最好。Part5 第五部分是写出自己的课程表,并在课程表上圈出最喜欢的课程。首先,教师拿出自己自制的大张课程表,让大家熟悉这些课程的名称,然后教师说:“Look here, this was my timetable.When I was young, in the elementary school, I had this timetable.Please have a look.Do you know which subject is my favourite subject?”教师让学生猜,最后再告诉学生自己最喜欢的课程,并在上面画一个圈,给大家做一个示范。接着,教师说:“Now please write your own timetable on this page.Then circle your favourite subject.”等大家写出自己学校的课程表之后,教师问几个学生:“What’s your favourite subject?”最后,教师再让学生做两人一组的练习或离开座位去问别的同学。Part6 第六部分是听力、阅读及回答问题的练习。由于文章比较短小,教师最好让学生多听几遍,特别是让学生多读几遍。如果有可能,教师采取各种形式(比赛读、小组读、个人读、男女生分开读等)课文之后,教师让大家相互问一个问题“Who is your best friend?”然后再让该学生介绍一下自己的好朋友。介绍的内容可以简单一些。比如:“Zhang Hua is my best friend.He often helps me with my English.I often help him with his Maths.We often play computer games together.Sometime we go to play football and see a film.”为了保证效果,教师可以在黑板上写出一些短语,让学生根据这些短语的思路来说自己的朋友。比如:age?tall?handsome?pretty?like what? Favourite sport? Do what things together? Part7 第七部分是看图说话。教师可以先引导大家看这些图的内容。比如,教师就每张图提出几个问题让大家回答:

Picture 1:What’s the boy doing? What book is he reading? What’s on the window sill? Picture 2:What jumps onto the book? Is the boy surprised to see the lizard? What colour is the lizard? Picture 3:What’s the boy doing now? Is the lizard friendly? Is the boy reading books now? Picture 4:what is the boy doing now? where is the lizard? What’s the boy going to do next? 教师也可以将问题复印若干张,然后发给学生,两人一张或每人一张。教师可以让学生相互问答,然后再讲故事。学生讲故事时,不必太复杂,只要能将意思连上就可以了。Part8 第八部分是说和唱。教师需带着大家反复朗读这些句子,然后再听节奏和歌曲的录音带,最后跟着一起说和唱。Part9 第九部分是让学生圈出与学校生活有关的任何单词。如果有的学生圈出的单词跟学校没有关系,教师也不必太在意,可以把该单词写在黑板上,最后告诉大家这个单词属于哪一类就行了。此部分有四十个单词。


了解如何询问别人的愿望以用如何表达自己的愿望。交际用语 Expressions in communication---When is your birthday?

---It‟s in May.---On which date is your birthday?

---It‟s on May 7th.Who will be there?

We‟ll have a good time.Here‟s a little present for you.----What‟s your wish?

---I wish that I could… 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions January, February, March, April, May, June, August, September, October, November, December, date, present, thought, buy, choose, even, aunt, uncle, right, person, wish, blow, candles, buy a birthday cake, blow out candles, sing a happy birthday song, give presents, make a wish 所需教具 Materials for teaching 小鸡蛋糕六块、小塑料餐刀、叉子 大挂历一个(需要月份)

生日帽子若干个(根据过生日的学生数)小生日礼物若干份 月亮、星星



单元教学活动1 Look, ask and write.a)上课后,教师拿出已经准备好的大挂历,展示过后,教师说,“I‟ve got some really beautiful pictures.Please guess, how many pictures have I got?”学生应能猜出“Twelve”.接着,教师再问:“How many months(板书)are there in a year?” 学生也能说出 “Twelve” 教师可以继续说:“Ok, now let‟s see what they are.”教师拿出第一张挂历说:“Look, this is January.”教师结合挂历上的内容简单讲一讲,争取提高他们的兴趣。然后教师再问:“Who was born in January? Please stand up.Let‟s see how many of us were born in January.”接着,教师用类似的方法带出第二月,第三月,第四月等。等说完十二个月后,教师带着大家读这十二月的英语名称。在熟悉这些词的基础上,教师说:“If you were born in January, you are January.If you were born in May, you are May.Do you understand? Simon says.„May stand up.‟ If you were born in May, please stand up.Now let‟s begin.”教师带着大家一起玩,并在给出几次指令之后,请学生来给指令:“Who can come here and say this?”

b)下一步,教师可以带着学生一起唱Happy Birthday Song.唱完后,教师问,“When is your birthday, who can answer? 等学生回答后,教师再问,“On which date?”并鼓励引导学生说出答句,教师示范几组对话后,观察学生的反应情况,在学生都可以进行问答的时候,教师让学生在书上的月份下写上自己的名字。然后,两人一组做对话练习。学生可以根据自己的实际情况进行替换。为了让学生多说英语,教师允许学生下座位继续问同学的生日时间,边问边把他们的名字写在正确月份的蛋糕上。c)教师问:“Who was born in January? Please stand up.”让该月出生的学生站起来后教师说:“Please go and stand in front of the blackboard.Who was born in February? Please go and stand at the door.Who was born in March? Please stand up and go to the window.”教师依次说出各个月份,并附带上一些指示语言,目的是让学生通过活动记住这些月份的英语单词。

单元教学活动2 Read, look and choose 第二部分是阅读,并为自己家里的人挑选生日礼物。在学生不看书的情况下,教师可以将书本上的话在说给大家听,然后再让大家打开书,分别给每个人挑选一件礼物。最好能让学生说为什么要给他挑选手表或其他物品。学生先画出连线,然后再两人一组相互说自己为他们每个人选的礼物。教师可以引导学生这样说:“ I choose the watch for my father, because my father works in an office.He needs the time very much.”在学生练习的基础上,教师可以请一些学生说给大家听。

单元教学活动3 A mini play 第三部分是有关生日的对话。在此部分之前,教师可以问学生几个问题,以启发学生思考,“What do you usually do to celebrate your birthday? What do you often do at your birthday party?” 这时可以先将一些生日聚会中的活动的英文表达方式介绍给学生,要求学生掌握。进入该部分时,教师可以先帮助学生检查是否有不会念的词汇。教师先采取A、B组的形式来对话,然后再采取男、女生的形式,最后让两人一组进行练习。如果有些学生很快就熟悉了,教师可以给他们做示范的机会

单元教学活动4 Listen, read and answer 第四部分是阅读理解练习。教师可以让学生自己阅读并根据要求回答问题。教师要提醒大家回答的时候不要超过三个词,“No more than three words”,越简洁越好。最后,教师组织大家说出答案。

单元教学活动5 Read and write 第五部分是培养学生写单句的能力。学生只需写出一个比较正确的句子就可以了。可以模仿所给的例句写

单元教学活动6 Listen and chant 第六部分是说说唱唱。由于本段的说唱比较容易,教师需多带着学生读几遍,以达到背诵的目的。本题中的问题,也只希望学生能模仿句型,教师不需给学生解释句法结构,只要学生照着说就可以了。说唱完之后,教师可以请学生两人一组进行该句型的对话练习并表演。

单元教学活动7 Read, look and do 第七部分是让学生根据所读的句子要求做一个手工装饰。学生既可以做秋天的装饰,也可以做冬天的装饰,只要能反映出主题及季节就可以。此活动可以在课下做,上课时进行展览。

单元教学活动8 Listen and sing 第八单元是歌曲部分。教师可以带着大家先说后唱,边唱边跳,甚至可以变换一些队形来表演这段歌曲 知识扩展

January takes the name from Janus, a two-headed Roman god who guarded doors and gates.One of his heads was said to look towards the past, the other to the future February comes from the Latin Februarius, meaning “to purify”.The ancient Romans held a festival of purification to prepare for the year to come March is the month of Mars, which was the Roman god of war, always shown as a fierce, bearded figure clad in an armour and helmet and carrying a spear and a shield.He was also the god of farming.March marks the beginning of the season when war and farming, two of the most important activities in a Roman‟s life, could start again April comes from the Latin word aperire, which means to open the thought of April as the opener of the year is a very apt one, for it is in April-after the wind and rain of March-that the year really starts to open, with the weather turning soft and gentle and all the leaf and early blossom unfolding on the trees May the goddess Maia gave her name to the month of May.She was not a very famous goddess, but she had a famous father, Atlas, who was supposed to carry the world on his shoulders, and a famous son, Hermes June some people think it was named after an old Roman family called Junius, but it is more likely that it was after the goddess Juno, the wife of Jupiter and queen of heaven, who rode about in a chariot drawn by peacocks July Julius Caesar, the great Roman general, gave his name to July.Among the many things Caesar did was to re-arrange the Roman calendar.This gave him a problem with the name of the seventh month.In the old calendar it had been the fifth month, and this was the meaning of its name Quintilis.Caesar realized that it would be silly to have the seventh month with a name like “the Fifth”, so he decided to call it after himself – and Julius became July August the Romans used to call August Sextilis, the sixth month.But when Julius Caesar reformed the calendar the name no longer suited it.Finally to Romans changed it to August to honour and flatter their Emperor Augustus, grand-nephew of the great Caesar September was the seventh month of the old calendar, and when it became the ninth the Romans did not bother to rename it.Its name comes from septem, meaning seven October, like September, bears its old name which is two months out of date.It means “the eighth month” but it is, of course, the tenth.The Anglo-Saxons used to call it “the yellow Month”

November, the eleventh month in our calendar, means “ninth month” – it is another name from the old calendar which has not been altered.Though its place in the year has been moved.November, to Anglo-Saxon ancestors, was Blotmonath, or “Blood Month”, when they killed off the animals they could not feed during the winter.December is another month whose old name has stuck.It means, literally, the tenth month.But to us it means much more than that: it means parties, chestnuts and turkey and toys – and Christmas



播放Flash动画歌-< ABC字母歌> 1.Warm up!(Let’s do it again!Follow me)Eyes on me, eyes on you!Listen to me, listen to you!2.Self-introduction: Hello, boys and girls.I’m your new English teacher.I am twenty-seven years old.I like drawing and singing.Being with you is my greatest joy.猜名字,引出句型I’m_____.以开火车形式了解学生中文名,操练句型What’s your name? I’m XX.3.学习问候短语Hello!/ Hi!/ Good morning!/ Good afternoon!/ Good evening!可用高中低三音阶跟读,增强趣味性


5.Greetings to cartoons:向小朋友展示著名的卡通人物图片,要求用问候语一一打招呼。6.互动游戏Making Friends:请小朋友选出一个最想交朋友的同学,然后用学过的问候语来打招呼。

7.学习P.4对话:介绍课文内容中出现的四位小伙伴,Monkey Munchy, Panda Pandy, Dog Doffy and Cat Catty 8.学习P.2 歌谣:先听录音,然后跟读,分角色演绎歌谣

9.学习P.1对话: 听录音并跟读,用Say ____ to ______.做句子替换游戏,老师可加入些有趣的单词。

课间给新生取英文名: English name: Boy: Lucas, Carter, Tyler, Logan, Jacob, Noah, James, Ryan Girl: Grace, Zoe, Fancy, Chloe, Cherry, Hannah, Victoria

Homework: 1.听录音,Unit1 P2, 熟练表演律动歌谣

2.听录音,Unit1 P4, 熟读4句问候语,下周过关。




2,lemon, mango, nose三个单词

3,句型This is the letter...Eg:this is the letter L.二,教学目标

1,认识字母L,M,N三个字母,lemon, mango, nose三个单词,以及This is the letter...这个句型



2,单词lemon, mango, nose

3,句型This is the letter...四,教学难点









4,第三关,猜一猜,玩This is the letter...游戏,老师拿一张纸在纸上写字母。让孩子们猜老师写了什么字母,然后跟老师说this is the letter...第二节课


2,正式教学几个以LMN开头的英文字母,lemon, mango,nose.3,课堂第五关,找小伙伴。准备好LMN,以及lemon, mango, nose的单词卡片放在一个箱子里面,让小朋友们去抽一张。抽完之后让小朋友们速度找到自己的小伙伴,然后走上讲台上说:“来吧来吧,L--mango”






I like this reading-room.教学目的和要求

Teaching aims and demands





Expressions in communication

This reading-room is very nice.I come here every day.Is it OK to say this?

Pardon? What did you say?

What books do you like reading?

Which book would you like to read?

I’d like to read a book on animals.重点朗读词汇

Key words and expressions

reading-room, pardon, love, picture, nice, story,cartoon, music, easy, maths, Chinese, panda, eating,walking, playing, climbing, resting, drinking.所需教具

Materials for teaching



阅览室的图片 如何导入教学?

教师上课时首先问学生:“Do you often go to the reading-room in your school?” 接着,教师问:“What kind of books would you like to read? Do you like to read books on animals(about animals), or on food or on science? Do you like story book? Do you like picture books or do you like cartoons?” 教师可以将事先准备好的书一一给他们展示。接着,教师问学生:“Have you brought your own books to our class? If you have, please come here and show it to our class and you can tell your classmates what book it is.OK? Who wants to be the first one?” 教师鼓励学生到前面来简单介绍一下自己带的书。学生说完后,教师可以问:“Can I borrow your book?”教师把所有借来的书都放在桌子上,摆放成准备借阅的样子。在学生谈完,教师也基本摆好书后,教师对学生说:“I’ve got many books here.Which book would you like to read? You can come here and borrow one book.” 教师鼓励学生到前面来借书。学生应该说:“I’d like to read a book on animal.” 或说:“I like this book.” 并用手指着书。如果学生不熟,教师应带领学生说:“I’d like to read a book on animals.” 并让学生相互问答: A: Which book would you like to read? B: I’d like to read a book on food.在学生练习的基础上,教师可以迅速把教室后面的几张桌子围一下,教师找几个同学同时到前面当图书管理员,并找一些学生前来借书。教师告诉两个学生说:“You two come here and say, ‘This reading-room is very nice.I like it very much.Yes, I like this room, too.I come here every day.’ Then, you go to borrow books.” 教师带着他们走到书前看书。图书管理员说:“We have many books here.Books on animals, food, fruit, vegetables, clothes, co lour, sports, and so on.Which book would you like to read?” 借书的学生说:“I’d like to read a book on…” 教师可以先后让更多的同学来扮演这些角色并进行练习。在学生练习的基础上,教师说:“Let’s look at the picture.This is a reading-room.Many children are in this reading-room.Some children are sitting there, reading books.Some children are working at the computers.There are many books.Books on animals, on clothes, on food and fruit and on drawings and paintings and so on.This girl asks, ‘Which book would you like to read?’ This girl answers ‘I’ d like to read a book on animals.’” 教师示范后,让学生两人一组先进行练习,然后再找几个学生到前面进行介绍。根据介绍的情况,教师再考虑是否让学生再重新分组练习一下。单元教学活动2

Listen, match and practice.第二部分是听力练习。在听录音之前,教师首先应带着学生看一看各种类型的书,看看学生是否知道这些书的内容。如果有生词,教师应带着大家读一读,并用英语简单进行一下说明。然后,教师让学生听录音,同时提醒大家:“Now listen very carefully.This is a listening comprehension exercise.We have many children’s names here.You listen to the dialogues among these children and decide which is his or her favourite book.Then you draw a line to match the name with the book.Do you understand? Let’s begin.” 教师开始从头到尾给大家放一遍,然后,教师再给大家放第二遍,并提醒大家进行检查和核对。在做完题目之后,再让大家一起听一遍录音,这次听录音的同时,让学生重复听到的内容.提高听力的同时,也锻炼了口语.录音原文:

This is a nice reading-room.Many children are reading in it.Ann: Bill, your book is here.It’s a book about animals.Bill: Thank you.What about you? Which is your favourite book, Ann? Ann: I like reading cartoons.I like the cartoon pictures very much.Alex, you like cartoons, too.Is it right? Alex: Yes, but my favourite book is on stories.I like reading story books.I often read books with Tony.Tony: Yes, he is right.We often read together.Alex: Tony, what’s your favourite book?

Tony: I like to read books on maths.Lucy and I often learn maths together.Lucy: Yes, he can help me with my maths.My maths is not very good.Tony: Come on, your Chinese is very good.Lucy: Thanks.I read lots of Chinese books.Chinese is my favourite lesson.Kim, you like reading Chinese books, right? Kim: Yes, But my favourite lesson is English.I like our English teacher and I like reading English books.Hi!Anna, this is your favourite book, it’s about music.Anna: Well, I don’t like music now.This is Sam’s favourite.Sam likes singing now and he likes music books.Kim: What do you like reading now? Anna: I like reading picture books.I don’t like reading the books with many words.Kim: I see.答案:

Bill → animals

Ann → cartoons Alex → story book

Tony → Maths Lucy →Chinese book

Kim →English Anna → picture book

Sam → music 在学生做完听力练习之后,教师跟学生核对答案。然后教师说:“Now I want you to work in pairs and say the dialogue.One is A and the other is B.You can change any names of the books.” 学生练习之后,教师可以检查几对学生的对话情况。单元教学活动3

Guess the riddles.第三部分是猜谜语。学生根据所看到的句子,讲句子和图连线。可有多种选项。教师可以让学生自己先连线。然后让学生读出句子,并说出答案。I give you milk.(cow)I can swim.(fish / duck)You can eat me.(orange, fish, duck, pig, cow)You can bounce me.(ball)I say “Oink”.(pig)I wear this.(cap)单元教学活动4

Read, tick and tell.第四部分是用所给的句型谈论书的内容。教师首先需带着大家一起看看每一本书的封面,然后再谈书里面的实质性内容。这部分可以让学生先说,然后老师补充或总结.1)Animals It’s a book about animals.What do they eat? How long do they live? How big are they? etc.2)Stars It’s a book about space.How many stars? How far are they?

3)Garden plants It’s a book about plants in the garden.What plants? How to grow plants?

4)Science It’s a book about science.How do people live in this world? How do people get to know about the world? 5)Adventure It’s a book about people’s life on a desert/forest, mountain/village.6)Christmas It’s a book about Christmas party.7)Birds It’s a book about birds.How do they live and what do they eat? 8)Friends and Enemies It’s a book about friends.How to make friends? And how to turn the enemies to friends? 9)Math Fun It’s a book about fun Maths.10)Touch the Sun It’s a book about the sun.11)Superman It’s a book about a superman’s life.12)Cartoon Origami 2 It’s a book about paper folding.And it contains some famous Disney Cartoons.13)The Sports Book It’s a book about sports players and sports.14)The Magic Potato It’s a book about the story of a potato.15)Delicious Breads It’s a book about our food.教师可以引导学生继续说一些有关书中的内容。谈论的时候最好两人一组,以便更多的学生有说、练英语的机会。


Listen and match the final sound.第五部分是听单词读音并做出选择。将有相同读音的单词连线。可以让学生以比赛的方式进行,比速度和准确率.tree → bee

box → fox clock → sock

ball → bell flag → dog

hat → mat 单元教学活动6

Look and tell.第六部分是让学生自己介绍一段有关熊猫的内容。教师可以先拿出可爱的熊猫图片让大家看,并问大家是否喜欢。同时,告诉大家熊猫越来越少,我们应该保护动物,特别是熊猫。学生以两人为一组的方式进行介绍。讲的时候可以按照所给的句型讲,同时可以增加一些自己知道的事情。最后教师抛开熊猫的话题,问大家:“What’s your favourite animal? Please tell us.” 单元教学活动7

Let’s chant and sing.第七部分是歌谣和歌曲。教师可以让学生跟着录音带反复唱,反复朗读。单元教学活动8

Bring and tell.第八部分是让学生谈论自己所带的书,让他们简单地谈论一下书的内容。此活动可以小组形式进行。如果有时间的话,教师可以让一些讲得好的同学在班级里介绍自己的书。单元教学活动9

Listen and circle the first sound.第九部分是听单词,辨单词首音。教师应提醒同学说:“Now we are going to listen to some words, and you decide which beginning sound it is.Then you circle the sound.For example, ‘moon’, you circle the sound ‘m’.” 然后教师放一遍录音。单元教学活动10

Look, read and draw.第十部分是根据句子在本图画上添加必要的内容。教师可以让学生自己先画,然后两人相互进行检查。


Look and match.第十一部分是让学生看图并找到相应的单词连线。完成之后,教师可以问学生是否喜欢这种运动。Do you like to play hockey? 教师应注意的地方


