



房屋租赁合同 tenanacy contract 1.出租方----(以下简称甲方)landlord----(hereinafter referred to as party a)地址----addree----电话----tel----2.承租方----(以下简称乙方)tenant----(hereinafter referred to as party b)地址------address----电话(tel)----3.租赁物业 premlses 甲方同意将__________单位及其设备在良好状态下租给乙方,租赁面积统计约_____平方米.party a hereby agrees to lease----in clean and tenantable condition to party b, the size of the leased dremises being approximate----squire meters.4.租赁期 tenancy: 租赁期为___年,自_____年__月__日至_____年__月__日,租赁期第一年内双方不能停止合同, 第二年双方如需退租,应提前二个月,以书面形式通知对方方能解约.5.租金 rent: a.租金每月为_____元正 the monthly rent is_____ b.租金以_____为单位, 租金应以现金或支票支付,当甲方或甲方委托人每月收到乙方租金后,当立即发回收据予乙方.租金必须于每月__号前支付.the rent is payable in----by cash or check.party a(or a’s representative)shall issue a receipt to party b upon receiving the rent.the rent must be paid before or on the----day of each month.6.押金 deposit: a.本合同签订后__天内, 乙方应向甲方缴付__个月租金额做为押金,合计为__party b must pay to party a----months rent as deposit for a total of----of----within----days upon the contract signed.b.在租赁期届满后,乙方付清该物业租赁期内的一切费用,并且将该物业交还于甲方后的十四天内,甲方应将押金无息返还给乙方.c.乙方如违反合同规定,致使甲方未能如期收取租金或对于出租物业造成损坏,甲方可扣留部分或全部押金抵付.7.费用 charges: a.租赁期内的管理费用由__方负责支付.the management fee shall be paid by_____.b,租赁期内之水,电,煤气费,电话费及有线电视费等.每月根据实际用量结算,由__方按单缴付.charges for water, electricity , gas , telephone and cable tv are payable by-monthly to the relative bureau according to bills received.8.甲方的责任:landlord’s responsibilities: a.租赁期内甲方不得无故收回房屋,甲方如有违约,应退还全部押金及补偿壹倍押金给乙方.party a is not permitted to take back the leased presises during the tenancy period.if party a breaches this contract.the deposit will be bouble returned to party b.9.乙方的责任: tenant’s responsbilities: a.乙方如在租赁期内中途退租,在末经得甲方同意下, 原押金不予退还.b.b.租赁期内末经甲方同意, 乙方不能将其所租物业全部或部分转租,私自转租无效.during the period of tenancy , unless with the agreement of party a, party b can not sub-let or let in part or if full the leased premises.c.乙方应爱护租赁物业及其设备,如因使用不当导致损坏,乙方应负责赔偿.party b shall take care of the premises and the facilities of the premisese and shall be responsible for any damages to the premises or the facilitics of the premises owning to the resons of party b.10.争议的解决 arbitration 凡执行本合同或与合同有关的争议,由双方友好协商解决,协商不成, 提请中国有关经济合同仲裁机构调解,调解不成, 提请中国有关经济合同仲裁机关仲裁.in the case of disputes arising over this agreement, the two parties shall negotiate in friendly marmer and in good faitb;in failed, shall submit to china related economic contract arbitrated bureau to mediate or arbitrate.11.其他 others: a.本合同如有末尽事宜, 由甲乙双方洽谈解决.if the contract remain some unperfercted parts, the two parties shall negotiate in peace.b.本合同自签署之日生效,甲乙双方各执一份参照.this contract is effective after both parties making their signatives, each party keeps one copy for reference.c.如有争议,以此合同中方为准.in case of dispute, the chinese version of the contract shall prevail.甲方: party a: 签署: signed by: 日期: date: 乙方: party b: 签署: signed by: 日期: date:



TENANACY CONTRACT 1.出租方----(以下简称甲方)landlord----(hereinafter referred to as Party A)地址----Addree----电话----tel----2.承租方----(以下简称乙方)Tenant----(hereinafter referred to as Party B)地址------Address----电话(Tel)----3.租赁物业 Premlses 甲方同意将__________单位及其设备在良好状态下租给乙方,租赁面积统计约_____平方米.Party A hereby agrees to lease----in clean and tenantable condition to Party B, the size of the leased dremises being approximate----squire meters.4.租赁期 Tenancy: 租赁期为___年,自_____年__月__日至_____年__月__日,租赁期第一年内双方不能停止合同, 第二年双方如需退租,应提前二个月,以书面形式通知对方方能解约.The premises is hereby leased for a term of----years commenciny on----and expiring on----.Neither Party A nor Party B can terminate the contract in the first year of tenancy , in the secong year , shall any party wish to stop the contract.the intiate party shall give the other party two months prior written notice.5.租金 Rent: A.租金每月为_____元正 The monthly rent is_____ B.租金以_____为单位, 租金应以现金或支票支付,当甲方或甲方委托人每月收到乙方租金后,当立即发回收据予乙方.租金必须于每月__号前支付.The rent is payable in----by cash or check.Party A(or A’s representative)shall issue a receipt to Party B upon receiving the rent.The rent must be paid before or on the----day of each month.6.押金 Deposit: A.本合同签订后__天内, 乙方应向甲方缴付__个月租金额做为押金,合计为__ Party B must pay to Party A----months rent as deposit for a total of----of----within----days upon the contract signed.B.在租赁期届满后,乙方付清该物业租赁期内的一切费用,并且将该物业交还于甲方后的十四天内,甲方应将押金无息返还给乙方.On the completion of the contract, Party A shall return the deposit without interest to Party B within 14 days as long as Party B has paid off all outstanding fees in the tenanty period and returned the premises to Party A.C.乙方如违反合同规定,致使甲方未能如期收取租金或对于出租物业造成损坏,甲方可扣留部分或全部押金抵付.If Party B breaches any Party of this contract.such as not paying the rent punctually, or if party B causes damage to the leased premises, Party A has the right to retain part or all of the deposit in compensation.7.费用 Charges: A.租赁期内的管理费用由__方负责支付.The management fee shall be paid by_____.B,租赁期内之水,电,煤气费,电话费及有线电视费等.每月根据实际用量结算,由__方按单缴付.Charges for water, electricity , gas , telephone and cable TV are payable by-monthly to the relative bureau according to bills received.8.甲方的责任: Landlord’s responsibilities: A.租赁期内甲方不得无故收回房屋,甲方如有违约,应退还全部押金及补偿壹倍押金给乙方.Party A is not permitted to take back the leased presises during the tenancy period.If Party A breaches this contract.The deposit will be bouble returned to Party B.9.乙方的责任: Tenant’s responsbilities: A.乙方如在租赁期内中途退租,在末经得甲方同意下, 原押金不予退还.If Party B vacates the premises before completion of the tenancy period without any permission of Party A , the deposit will not be returned to Party B.B.租赁期内末经甲方同意, 乙方不能将其所租物业全部或部分转租,私自转租无效.During the period of tenancy , unless with the agreement of Party A, Party B can not sub-let or let in part or if full the leased premises.C.乙方应爱护租赁物业及其设备,如因使用不当导致损坏,乙方应负责赔偿.Party B shall take care of the premises and the facilities of the premisese and shall be responsible for any damages to the premises or the facilitics of the premises owning to the resons of Party B.D.在已有房内的装饰和设施之外,乙方如要增加设备或其他装修征得甲方同意;租赁期满必须恢复原状,并承担其费用,经甲方验收认可后归还甲.In additon to the decoration and equipment already in the premises , if Party B wishes to make any alterations or decoration to the premises, Party B shall get consent from Party A, On completion of the tenancy, Party B must hand-over the premises to Party A in its origineal condition and fees arising from such work and to be borne by Party B.10.争议的解决 Arbitration 凡执行本合同或与合同有关的争议,由双方友好协商解决,协商不成, 提请中国有关经济合同仲裁机构调解,调解不成, 提请中国有关经济合同仲裁机关仲裁.In the case of disputes arising over this agreement, the two parties shall negotiate in friendly marmer and in good faitb;In failed, shall submit to China Related Economic Contract Arbitrated Bureau to mediate or arbitrate.11.其他 Others: A.本合同如有末尽事宜, 由甲乙双方洽谈解决.If the contract remain some unperfercted parts, the two parties shall negotiate in peace.B.本合同自签署之日生效,甲乙双方各执一份参照.This contract is effective after both parties making their signatives, each party keeps one copy for reference.C.如有争议,以此合同中方为准.In case of dispute, the chinese version of the contract shall prevail.甲方: Party A: 签署: Signed by: 日期: Date: 乙方: Party B: 签署: Signed by: 日期: Date: 荐工厂








翻译目的论, 其鼻祖是德国的翻译理论家费米尔, 早于20世纪70年代就提出了这样的系列模式。对于翻译界来讲, 这样的全新的模式的确存在着一定的意义, 所谓的翻译目的论, 其研究的焦点在于目的的选择, 在翻译的过程中, 基于一定的目的去进行翻译。在他看来, 翻译不仅仅是语言之间的等价交换, 其更多的是在一定的环境下, 基于一定的目的的人类交流。

翻译往往带有一定的目的性, 是符合目的理论的言语学科。其在1984年与赖斯实现了合作, 最终推出了书籍一本, 即《普通翻译理论基础》, 书本对于翻译目的论的基本规则进行了详细的介绍, 主要涉及以下几个方面: (1) 翻译的文本有赖于译者的目的; (2) 翻译的资料是语言和文化的给予者, 源文本是源语言和文化的给予者;在翻译的过程中, 两者的语言和文化实现了沟通; (3) 翻译文本不是对于源语言的机械, 全面的语言还原; (4) 翻译文本之间存在一定的联系, 上述的五个方面的重要性是不断递减的, 其中的目的原则是最重要的。从这样的次序排列可以看出, 在他看来翻译目的论的核心是第一点, 翻译的主要因素取决于翻译的目的。


翻译目的论对于我国高校网页中英文对照的实际水平有着一定的意义, 本文将从这个角度来审视我国高校重视网页中英文对照的重要性和必要性。首先, 这是高等教育网络化的客观要求, 现阶段由于网络被大面积使用到高校的办学过程中, 在网页的建设上开展相关的研究也就成了必要的内容;其次, 这是树立高校学校形象的主要方式, 现阶段我国教育不断发展, 趋向于国际化的发展模式要求进行网页的英文编辑;最后, 实现国际学术交流的必然要求, 目前我国的部分高校有着很多的留学生教育, 如此的网页设计有利于在此方面工作的顺利开展。

综上所述, 中国高校的英文网页制作的质量关系重大, 不仅仅代表着高校的形象, 更是体现了我国教育的国际化。在参考西方部分高校的网站建设的时候, 我们结合自身网站的建设, 还是看到很大差异, 尤其是在翻译目的论下体现出的差异, 已将我们的网页水平下降到一定的水平。无论是网页上的错误译法, 还是网页上的翻译漏洞, 都对大学网站建设不利, 都在交流上出现很多的问题, 这是我们不想看到的。也是作为高校, 必须不断去探索和发现的问题, 以求不断提高网页中英文对照的水平, 更好地实现文化的交流。


在翻译目的论的视角下, 我国高校网页制作上的中英文对照出现了很多失误和不足, 在这些方面还需要作出相应的调整, 主要可从以下几方面入手:

1. 具备尊重受众, 尊重读者的意识

翻译目的论, 要求在翻译的过程中以受众为出发点, 实现宏观层面上的翻译工作。实际上来讲, 它涉及翻译的全部过程, 对于译文的预定能力有着一定程度上的影响。在目的上出现失误, 主要是指译者在翻译的过程中, 缺乏尊重受众, 尊重读者的意识, 造成译文和读者的接受程度不符合。依照翻译目的论的理论, 译者需要依据译文预期的目的和功能来确定使用什么样的翻译技巧和翻译原则。这在高校的网页英文对照的过程中需要重视这一点, 对于学校的介绍不要将那些中国化的宣传直接翻译成英语, 而是结合英文读者的习惯去解释和说明学校的概况。

2. 具备尊重习语, 尊重译入语的习惯

翻译目的论主张, 原文是译文的信息提供者, 追求同样的性质, 同样数量的信息传达, 是译者做不到的事情。在此观点看来, 对外宣传的英语翻译首先要在明确目的之后, 保证读者和接受者在接受信息时不受到影响。结合英国当代翻译理论家诺伊贝特的观点, 对外宣传的翻译要完全结合目的语言, 也就是说要结合译入语的使用习惯、使用方式和使用频率, 从而实现与原始语言的用语习惯的一致性。在高校网页内容编辑过程中, 要尊重相关的习语使用, 尤其是在学校的专业介绍的版块上, 有些专业的术语尽量做到和语言上的一致, 充分体现出译入语的文化和气息, 这一点在我国高校网页编辑上做的不是很理想, 还需要不断强化。

3. 具备尊重原文, 尊重原文预期的态度

在翻译目的论看来, 译文的预期读者, 译文的受众都是对于中国大学比较感兴趣的人, 他们要么是想进修中国高校的学生, 要么是希望了解中国高校教育或希望和中国文化实现交流的学者, 或是希望和中国高校实现合作的外企人士。对于这些群体进行分析, 我们可以看到, 他们往往缺少一定的中国文化知识背景, 在此要求在翻译操作时注意适当的调整, 对于一些原文的内容, 进行详细的批注和解释, 将有利于其顺利地理解网站的内容, 这就是要求做到尊重原文的预期内容, 尊重原文的宣传目的。

4. 具备尊重文化, 尊重文化差异的素质

翻译目的论认为, 翻译应符合目的语文化的习惯。此时文化, 即社会个体成员为了实现异同点熟知的规范和惯例。文化性差异的存在是客观的、难以避免的, 在翻译过程中就是指译文和译语言之间在惯例和规范上出现了冲突, 这是要使用同化和异化的方式, 使翻译尽量做到符合目标语言的文化思维, 实际上文化性翻译失误的情况常常发生, 这就是因为译者没有注意内外有别、文化差异的原因。在高校网页的建设中, 要求译者做到尊重文化, 尊重文化的差异性, 做出适当的调整, 使高校的网站内容趋向于英语国家的表达习惯。

综上所述, 翻译的标准是多样化的, 翻译的目的也是多样化的。相应的翻译手段、翻译的方式也是多样化的。以目的论为理论基础, 我们可以看到, 为什么现在的翻译界出现了如此多的翻译标准, 因为翻译的目的发生变化, 其相应要做的改变也是多方面的。这也对译者提出了相应的要求, 其在翻译的过程中, 需要作出的改善也是必然的。


综上所述, 以互联网为基础建立的网页内容, 在新的形势下需要做的改善是多方面的, 需要不断调整, 尤其要以翻译目的论为基础, 广泛开展高校网页内容的改善和修正, 以语言的精炼、准确、高效为目标, 实现文化的有效交流。从而推动我国高校国际化发展的趋势。为此我们需要在以下几方面做好工作: (1) 具备尊重受众, 尊重读者的意识; (2) 具备尊重习语, 尊重译入语的习惯; (3) 具备尊重原文, 尊重原文预期的态度; (4) 具备尊重文化, 尊重文化差异的素质。相信在不断的探索和研究中, 我国高校在网页质量上将会出现很大的改观。

摘要:本文基于翻译目的论的相关理论, 从翻译目的论的起源, 谈及翻译目的论的基本原则, 在此基础上以翻译目的论的视角, 去审视现阶段我国高校网页的中英文对照, 在进过一系列的研究后, 发现翻译目的论的确在我国高校网页的中英文翻译中得到了广泛的使用。其对于以后的网页中英文对照研究具有一定的历史意义, 是很值得去深究的领域。



[1]孙迎春.“翻译标准多元互补论”研究[J].外语与外语教学, 2003 (8)

[2]卞正东.翻译目的论[J].无锡教育学院学报, 2004 (3)


机场费 airport fee 出站

国际机场 international airport

国内机场 domestic airport

机场候机楼 airport terminal

国际候机楼 international terminal

国际航班出港 international departure

国内航班出站 domestic departure

卫星楼 satellite

入口 in

出口 exit; out; way out


不需报关 nothing to declare

海关 customs

登机口 gate; departure gate

候机室 departure lounge

航班号 FLT No flight number

来自…… arriving from

预计时间 scheduled time (SCHED)

实际时间 actual

已降落 landed

前往…… departure to0

起飞时间 departure time

延误 delayed

登机 boarding

餐厅 restaurant

由此上楼 up; upstairs

由此下楼 down;downstairs

银行 bank

订旅馆 hotel reservation

行李暂存箱 luggage locker

出港、离开 departures

登机手续办理 check-in

登机牌 boarding pass (card)

护照检查处 passport control immigration

行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim

国际航班旅客 international passengers

中转 transfers

中转旅客 transfer passengers

中转处 transfer correspondence

过境 transit

报关物品 goods to declare

贵宾室 V. I. P. room

購票处 ticket office

付款处 cash

出租车 taxi

出租车乘车点Taxipick-up point

大轿车乘车点coachpick-up point

航空公司汽车服务处airline coach

租车处(旅客自己驾车)car hire

公共汽车 bus; coach service

公用电话 public phone; telephone

厕所 toilet; lavatories; rest room

男厕 men‘s; gent‘s; gentlemen‘s

女厕 women‘s; lady‘s

迎宾处 greeting arriving

咖啡馆 coffee shop; cafe

免税店 duty-free shop?

邮局 post office

旅行安排 tour arrangement



Lessor (hereinafter called party A) :**********.


Lessee (hereinafter called party B):********


According to Contract Law of PRC and other regulations, the two parties through consultation hereby agree upon,and shall be bound by,the following terms:

第一条 甲方出租的厂房位于杭州******工业园区一号厂房,一至二层及办公用房。

Article 1: The leasing item is the no.1 workshop from the first floor to the second floor and some offices located in******* District of Hangzhou.

第二条 租赁期限共五年。租赁从9月1日至8月30日止。

Article 2: Lease term is five years from September 1, to August 30, .

第三条 一号厂房一至二层面积共计________平方米。每平方米租金为_______元人民币每年。办公用房共计_______平方米,年租金为__________元人民币。租金合计为 元人民币每年。

Article 3: The area of the no.1 workshop from the first floor to the second floor is _________square meters and the rent of which is_________per square meter every year. The area of offices is_________square meters and the rent of which is ______yuan in RMB.

The above rent adds up to RMB ________yuan a year.

第四条 租金全年共计________ 元人民币,平均每月为_________元。

Article 4: The rent is RMB_______yuan per year and RMB _________yuan per month on average.

第五条 乙方必须按时向甲方缴纳租金,先支付后使用,第一次租金支付方式:本协议签订之日起三日内付一季度租金。

Article 5: Party B should pay rent to party A at the prescribed time before putting into use. The rent of the first three months shall be paid within 3 days from the day on which this agreement is reached.

第六条 其余需租赁的厂房面积按实际使用结算。

Article 6: The rent and other fees of the rest of the factory premises if used are paid according to the actual area which is used.

第七条 乙方用电容量应控制在每平方米_______以内,用水量应控制在 吨/月。在此范围内,乙方按__________元/千瓦/小时按月向甲方缴纳电费,水电费乙方应在每月30日前向甲方缴纳。在此范围以外,乙方承担因超出范围用水、电所产生的一切后果,并赔偿甲方因此造成的损失。如未给甲方造成损失的,则超出部分水电费及罚款乙方按政府有关部门的规定缴纳。乙方使用的电费按国家电价规定每月按实支付给甲方。


D/A:(documents against acceptance)商业单据是凭承兑交单交付款人,是指出口人的交单以进口人在汇票上的承兑为条件。

D/P:(documents against payment)商业单据是凭付款交单交付款人,是指出口人的交单是以进口人的付款为条件。Down Payment: 首期付款

Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee: 不可撤销保证函 Pro forma invoice: 形式发票

Documentary L/C: 跟单信用证,是开证行凭跟单汇票或仅凭单据付款的信用证。

Clean L/C: 光票信用证,是开证行凭不附单据的汇票付款的信用证。

Bills of Lading(B/L): 提单 Compensation: 赔偿金 Process unit: 工艺设备

Delivery and terms of delivery: 交货及交货条款 General provisions: 一般规定 Components: 组件

Implementation: 履行,落实 Container vessel: 集装箱船 Incorporated parts: 配套件 DDP: 完税后交货

Packing and marking: 包装与标记

Design liaison and design review: 设计联络与设计总览 Standards and inspection: 标准与检验

Erection, commissioning, and acceptance: 安装,调试与验收 Liquidated damages and claims: 损失和赔偿金 Force majeure clauses: 不可抗力条款 Demurrage: 滞留费,滞留 Arbitration: 仲裁

Patent infringement, secrecy, licence: 专利侵权,保密,执照 Termination for default: 违约终止 Coming into force: 合同生效 Miscellaneous: 其他事项 Contract amendments: 合同修订 Assignment and subcontract: 分配与分包 Termination for insolvency: 破产终止 Performance bond: 履约保证金 Change orders: 变更通知书

Governing language and unit of measurement: 合同语言与测量单位

Correspondence: 信件







根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及有关规定,为明确甲方与乙方的权利义务关系,经双方协 商一致,签订本合同。

<중화인민공화국합동법>에의한규정 갑방와 을방의 권리의무관게를 확정하여 쌍방의협상이 같은 경우에 이합동을 사용한다。

第一章 房屋情况

제1번아파트 정황

1、房屋位置:,房屋面积:,房屋证件:。아파트 위치:아파트 면적:



第二章 承租用途


3、乙方租用上述房屋用途为______________如有变更,应以书面形式通知甲方。을방이 아파트를 임대하여 용도는막약 변화있으면 을방을 통지해야 한다。

第三章 承租及期限




을방이 아래와 같은 한가지 일이있으면 갑방이 합동을 중지할수있다。


을방이 아파트를 다시 임대 ,혹은 빌려주는 경우;


을방이 아파트를 리용하여 비법적인 활동 혹은 공공리익을 손해했을경우; c、乙方拖欠租金达十五天的。

을방이 집세를 15밤 안냈을 경우

第四章 租金、费用及付款方式


5、租金:乙方按本合同第一章所述房屋及第4条所述期限使用上述房产,需向甲方支付租金,总计租金为人民币____拾____万___仟 ___百___拾___元整(RMB¥_____)。

집세:을방이제1번의 작은4번에의한 기간에 의해 갑방에게 집세를 내야한다총집세가 인민페십만천백십원。


비용: 을방이 임대 기간에 내야할 비용:



돈내는 시간와 방식:을방이한기집세납부해야하며 매기 임대기간이 됐을때

월앞당겨 집세를 내야한다。

第五章 租赁期间房屋修缮

제5번임대 기간아파트 수리

8、在租赁期内,甲方应保证出租房屋的使用安全。该房屋及所属设施的维修责任除双方在本 合同及补充条款中约定外,均由甲方负责(乙方使用不当除外)。乙方应合理使用其所承租的 房屋及其附属设施。如因使用不当造成房屋及设施损坏的,乙方应立即负责修复或经济赔偿。임대기간내,갑방은 임대한 아파트의 사용이 안전하다는 겄을 담보해야한다 아파트의 설치의 수리책임은 쌍방이 보충야속워 갑방이 책임 져야한다(을방이 사용불합당웨).을방이입대한 아파트와 부대시설을 합리하게 사용해야한다 막약 불합당 사용으로 아파트와시설이 파손됀경우을방이 수리하거나 경제배상을 해야한다。


아파트가 방비할수없는 영향을 받아 합동의 내용을 실시못하는방이 아무책임이 없다。


제8번、해결 방식


막약 쌍바이 일이생기면 화이하게 협상해결,협상이 안돼면 청도시구신고할수있다。



a、房屋交接时双方共同参与,如对装修、器物等硬件设施、设备有异议应当场提出。当场难以检测判断的,应于三日内向对方主张。乙方交还甲方房屋不得影响房屋的正常使用。对未经同意留存的物品,甲方 有权处置。

아파트 교제할때 쌍바이 공도 찬가해야한다 ,인터리어 및 부대시설이 마땅하지안을 경우 당시에 제출해야하며 당시에 결정못내릴 경우 3일전으로 사대방에게 제출해야한다을방이 갑방에게아파트 돌려줄때 아파트의 정상사용에 영향을 주지말아야한다 동이를 거치지 않고남긴 물건은 갑방이 처리할권리가 있다。


임대 기간갑방이 집을 명의변경후 , 합동은 새집주인와을방에게 계속쓸모있다


갑방이 집을 늦게내놓거나 을방이 늦게 내놓경우매일집세의 3배를내야하며 상대방에게 준

손실을 배상해야한다

d、11、室内留有品:실내에 남기는 물건


13、本合同共叁份每份叁张,甲乙双方各一份中介备案一份,签字后具有同等法律效力.합동은 3개 매개2장 갑을 쌍바이 각 한개 부동산 한개,싸인후 같은 법률 효률이 있다











海 运 代 理 合 同

Shipping Agency Contract


Party A:


Party B:



For the purpose of dealing with Sea freight shipments, clarifying agency relations of both parties and standardizing operational procedures, through friendly consultations it has been agreed by the parties as follows:

1.甲乙双方责任、义务 Responsibilities and Obligations

1.1乙方持有有效法人营业执照、税务登记证及组织机构代码证、商务部一级货运代理资格或交通部批准登记的 NVOCC 资格,营业范围允许在其营业地经营国际货物运输代理业务。若乙方作为提单等相关单证上的承运人,应当具有无船承运业务经营资质;乙方作为承运人代理人身份的,对承运人的行为承担连带保证责任。

Party B shall have legitimate corporate business license, TAX payer ID, organization code certification, A freight forwarding qualification approval by Department of Commerce or NVOCC qualification approval by ministry of communications, which allow it conduct forwarder business in certain area.Party B shall have NVOCC once it could issue B/L and relevant documents as carrier with its own title on.As agent role, Party B shall assume joint and several guarantee liability for carrier and carrier’s act.1.2甲方在货物出运前填制内容完整、真实的订舱单,通知乙方有关的货物出运信息,乙方负责为甲方办理出口的订舱、拖车、报关、报检、签单等相关出口业务,具体内容以甲方下达的订舱单为准。

Party A shall notify Party B complete and authentic booking information before shipment of goods via Shipping Order;Party B is responsible for chartering, booking, customs declaration, inspection, signing and other related export business per requirements on Shipping Order confirmed by both parties.Page 1 of 6


Party A is responsible for providing Party B authentic and consistent documents needed to conduct and perform duties and works(including packing lists, invoices, contracts, verification forms, customs proxy, Entrust Letter of Inspection, etc.).1.4乙方应及时向甲方提供船期预报以及截止接单日期,作为甲乙双方办理海运订舱事宜的参考。

Party B shall notify and keep Party A updated of the information of shipment schedule timeously for Party A’s advanced plan and arrangement.1.5订舱内容要求更改或取消时,甲方必须最迟于货物装入集装箱的当天以书面形式通知乙方,并与乙方的相关操作人员书面确认。

Party A shall notify Party B not late then loading day in written form once shipping requirements need to be modified or cancelled.1.6乙方在收到船公司或其代理《配舱回单》后,应及时将定舱配载的船名、航次、关单号等信息告知甲方,甲方可在收到乙方《订舱确认书》后一日内书面提出异议。

Party B shall acknowledge Party A of 《Booking Confirmation》about vessel, voyage, booking Ref etc after getting shipping space from Shipping Company.Party A may put forward a demurrer to Party B in writing within 24 hours upon receipt of Party B’s《Booking Confirmation》or SO.1.7乙方保证对甲方提供的信息包括但不限于客户资料和相关费用严格保密。

Party B shall keep all information including but not limit customer data and related costs provided by Party A strictly confidential.1.8乙方保证甲方的货物不会向没有持有正本提单的任何人或任何公司放行,除非有甲方的书面同意。如果乙方违反本义务,乙方愿意承担无正本提单放货的全部责任。若客户主动偿还甲方全部或者部份货款,亦不能免除乙方的违约责任。甲方主动向客户追索货款,并不代表甲方放弃向乙方索赔和追究违约责任的权利。

Party B warrant that Party A’s goods will not be released to the any party without original Bill of Lading, or otherwise approved by Party A in writing.Party B shall assume full responsibility for breach thereof.The Importer refund Party A entirely or partially on its own initiative could not relieve Party B’s liability.Party A has recourse against Importer for losses incurred, which shall not

be operated as a waiver hereof.2.代理费用 Accounting


Party A shall mark down details of charge on Shipping Order base on Party B’s written

quotation, and Party B shall confirm back via fax with signature on.After confirmation, Party A shall ship the goods off and Party B must ensure shipping space.2.2甲方向乙方支付相关港口及海运费,币种为人民币或者美元,乙方银行信息如下。

The currency of payment from Party A to Party B shall be in RMB or USD unless specified.Payment shall be made via telegraphic transfer to following account.开户银行:

Beneficiary Bank Name:


Address of Bank:




Account Name:


RMB Account No.:


USD Account No.:


Party A shall pay Party B the accountable charge by way of parties upon Shipping Order and Invoice.A)付款买单,即甲方付清全部款项,乙方交付甲方的所有单据,包括但不限于提单和核销单。

Payment against documents.B)备用金结账:甲方先付___________备用金至乙方账户,乙方根据实际进出口货物的应付费用进


Deposit deduction.C)航次结账:甲方以航次结账的方式与乙方结算所有费用,即在实际开航____ 天内将该航次应付的所有费用汇付至乙方账户予以结清,并附上所付费用的发票号,以便双方对帐。

Check out per voyage.D)月度结算: 每月____日前结清上一月全部运杂费。

O/A30 days.3.保险条款Insurance


Party A may self-insure their consignment, and can also commission Party B to handle insurance issues, insurance premiums shall be borne by Party A, the costs of which are not included in the those the two sides agreed;In case Party A is not insured, Party B shall not be responsible for the damage from non-B causes.4.索赔条款Claim Terms


Party B must use Diligent Efforts to conduct and perform certain works herein for the delivery of Party A’s goods.Party B shall be liable for all cost and damage caused to Party A due to failure of Party B, including but not limited the lost because of late delivery.4.2运输途中乙方将甲方货物运错,或由于箱体残损、箱封缺失的情况下造成的实际损失,由乙方协助办理索赔,力求确保甲方利益。由于不可抗力、货物本身的自然属性或瑕疵、货物的合理损耗及托运人或收货人自身过失造成的货损乙方免责。

In case Party B transits the wrong goods, or causes the actual loss of Party A by damaged cabinet, or the absence of box sealing, Party B shall assist with claims, and strive to ensure interests of Party A.Party B shall be exempted for damage due to force majeure, natural properties of the goods themselves or defective goods, reasonable loss or loss from fault of the shipper or the consignee.4.3由于不可抗力事故,致使直接影响合同的履行或者不能按约定的条件履行时,遇有不可抗力事故的一方,应立即将事故情况以书面形式通知对方,以避免损失或扩大。

The Party claiming Force Majeure shall promptly inform the other Party in writing and shall

furnish immediately.The Party claiming Force Majeure shall also use all reasonable endeavors to terminate the Force Majeure.In the event of Force Majeure, the Parties shall immediately consult with each other in order to find an equitable solution and shall use all reasonable endeavors to minimize the consequences of such Force Majeure.5.争议解决条款Dispute Settlement

5.1本合同项下产生的任何争议,双方应友好协商。协商不成,应提交中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁,仲裁地为深圳,根据该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力.Any dispute arising under this Contract shall be solved by friendly negotiation.In case negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to China Maritime Arbitration Commission(CMAC).Shanghai Commission, for arbitration in accordance with its rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration.The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.5.2本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行、争议的解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。

This Contract applies the law of the People Republic of China.6.其他 Miscellaneous


The templates of Bill of Lading and Letter of Authorization with authorized signatures are set forth in supplemental Appendixes.The Bill of Ladings issued to Party A by Party B shall match the templates.6.2为履行本协议经双方确认的往来传真、电传、信函、电子邮件等内容均构成合同的一部分。The back-up records of facsimiles, letters, telexes and E-mails confirmed by both parties

during execution activity constitute parts of this contract.6.3 在任何情况下,乙方都不得留臵甲方的货物和相关文件单据。

In no event should Party B exercise lien upon Party A’s goods and relevant documents.6.4 没有甲方书面同意,乙方不得将本合同项下的任何权利和义务转让给第三人。

Party B may cannot delegate and/or assign all or part of the performance of its rights and

obligations hereunder to its Affiliated Companies or to any third party to which it has outsourced the performance of its activities unless approved by Party A with written words.6.5乙方的法定代表人及在本合同上签名的乙方授权代表对乙方在本合同所有应履行义务承担连带保证责任。

Party B’s Legal representative and the person signing this letter is duly authorized by our

company, both are fully aware of this contract and willing to assume joint and several guarantee liability under this contract.6.6本合同一式二份,双方各执一份。合同未尽事宜,双方另行商议,作为对合同的补充。合同自签订之日起生效,有效期为一年,合同期限届满后如续约,则需另签。如一方提前解除合同,需提前一个月通知对方并一次性结清费用及退单。当本合同中文文本与英文文本发生歧义时,应以中文文本为准。

The contract is in duplicate, with each party holds one.Parties hereto may revise or supplement through negotiation matters not mentioned herein.The contract becomes effective since the date of signing and remains in force for one year.In case of renewal, another contract shall be needed.If either party terminates the contract in advance, it shall inform the other party in advance for one month and settle all the costs at one time.The Chinese version of this contract will prevail if there is any conflict between the Chinese version and English version of this contract.甲方乙方

(Party A)(Party B)


Legal RepresentativeLegal Representative(Guarantor)


Authorized representative(Guarantor)(公章)(公章)



Date 2012-11-12Date 2012-11-12

【附提单(带签章)样本】【Attach B/L Template with Signature and Stamp】
