




dear sir/madam:

are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership?

i specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. in addition to my knowledge of business processes, i also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies.

i am relocating to shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. currently, i serve as manager for bit company‘s information industry division. briefly, some of my accomplishments include:

developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance

implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and sql database

my business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects. the enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. i would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.








April 13,2000 p.O.Box 36 Tsinghua University Beijing,China 100084 Dear Sir/Madam: Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System.I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements.I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S.degree.My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice.Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English.My ability to write and speak English is out of question.I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.With many thanks, Wang Lin


1 Literature Review

Some experts have studied the format problems of references in the English majors’theses (Zhong Weizhen&Huang Guowen, 1999;Liu Xinmin, 1999, 2001) without telling difference between the APA style and the MLA style.Then, Jiang Xin introduces the main writing styles of English theses, such as the APA style, the MLA style and the Chicago style, and their differences (Jiang Xin, 2002) .As we know, different styles are required according to different subjects.The APA style is popular in the fields of psychology, sociology, economics etc and is widely adopted in the linguistics (Liu Xingbing and Yu Gongmao, 2007) .“Theses in the field of applied linguistics require that the manuscript be typed in the format described in a manual published by the American Psychological Association (APA) ” (Wen Qiufang, 2004, p.297) .Liu and Yu introduce the APA reference style from the aspects of abbreviation, order and format (Liu Xingbing and Yu Gongmao, 2007) .Meanwhile, the MLA style, described by Modern Language Association, is widely used in the humanities, especially literature and art (Jiang Xin, 2003) , and fully described by Ren Xiaojin (Ren Xiaojin, 1997) .

Although a lot of relevant studies have been done, it is still far from the popularization of the standard reference style in the English majors’graduation papers.Moreover, the previous studies just focus on the format problems of references without discussing the in-depth relation between references and academic honesty.Through a detailed survey, this paper focuses on the common problems of references, not only on the format problems but also on the academic cheating in the English majors’graduation papers, and analyzes the causes and provides some suggestions.

2 Research Design

43 English Majors'graduation papers from a university in the northwest of China were chosen as the samples.They covered the main English research fields including literature and linguistics.

A survey was conducted in the following three steps.Firstly, according to the different styles they should follow, they were classified into two main types, papers on literature and papers on linguistics including translation, applied linguistics and intercultural communication.There are 29 papers on linguistics which should follow the APA style while the other 14 papers on literature should follow the MLA style.

Second, two types of papers were respectively surveyed according to the different standards, that is, the APA style and the MLA style.There were three focuses in this survey.The first focus of the survey was whether it concluded complete information.The second focus of the survey was whether there were some common problems in the format and if there were, what were they.The third focus of the survey was how many papers had the problem of inconsistency between the references or works cited list and the in-text citations because both the references list in APA and the works cited list in MLA contain that are referred to in the papers, no more or no less.However, a bibliography in MLA includes all the work consulted in the writing process.

At last, gather the data of the two types and present it in the tables and analyze it.

3 Research Results

3.1 Common problems in linguistic papers following APA format

3.1.1 Incomplete information

A reference in APA style includes the information about the author, the date, the title of the cited materials and the publication which is the information of the publication place and publisher for a book and the journal name, volume, issue number and pages for a journal.Though this survey, 41.4%of the samples failed to provide complete information about the sources.For the books, the place of publication and the publisher were most likely lost.For example:

*Hinkel, E.2001.Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning.Cambridge University Press.

For the journal articles, the volume, the issue number and the page range were likely absent.For example:

*Chomsky, N. (1 959) ."Review of Verbal Behavior by B.F Skinner".Language

3.1.2 The problems in format were shown in Table 2

All of papers in the survey had the problems of capitalization.In APA style, capitalize only the first letter of the title, but all of the students capitalized the first letter of major words in the title.E.g.

*Rubin, J. (1987) .Learner strategies:Theoretical Assumptions, Research History and Typology, Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice Hall

100%of students didn’t indent the subsequence line or lines five spaces from the left margin when an entry runs more than one line.93.1%of the students used the improper title“Bibliography”rather than“References”.93.1%of the students didn’t underline the titles of books and journals.65.5%of students didn’t order the references alphabetically by authors’surnames.

3.1.3 Inconsistency between the references list and the in-text citations

One of the common problems in linguistic papers is the inconsistency between the references list and the in-text citations.There are two kinds of mistakes.69.0%of the reference lists contained the surplus entries which were not cited in the paper.34.4%of students lost the cited work (s) when they compiled their references lists.

3.2 Common problems in literature papers following MLA for-mat

The students may more familiar with the MLA style, so the problems in MLA papers are less than those in APA ones.What’s more, most of students used the title“Bibliography”which includes all of the consulted works in the process of writing rather than“Works Cited”, the problem of inconsistency is not so outstanding as the one in APA style.

3.2.1 Incomplete information

The references in MLA style contain the same information as the ones in APA style, but the information of the data is arranged at the end.In the samples, 57.1%of them failed to provide complete information about the sources.The mistakes are similar with the ones in APA style.

3.2.2 The problems in MLA format were shown in Table 3:

The students in this survey made fewer mistakes in MLA style.

There were some similar problems in punctuation, order, indentation and underlining as in APA style.Look at this example:

*Gillie, Christopher, Longman Companion to English Literature, London:Longman Group Limited, 1978

In this example, this student indented the subsequence line two spaces from the left margin rather than five spaces in standard.Three periods should be used in the end of every part of information, but this student used commas.What’s worse, he italicized the title but didn’t underline it according to the standard format.

4 Suggestions and Limitations

4.1 Design special course to popularize the standards in APA and MLA format

The students failed to provide complete information of the sources and present in the standard format because they were not familiar with the APA and MLA format.What’s worse, some students didn’t differentiate the APA style from the MLA style.In order to help the students to compile the standard reference or works cited list, special course should be given.In such a special course, the common formats of a reference or works cited list are briefly but clearly described.

4.2 Remind of students to keep the academic honesty in mind and be consistent between the in-text citations and the references or works cited list The inconsistency between the reference or work cited list and

The inconsistency between the reference or work cited list and the in-text citations includes two kinds of mistakes.On the one hand, the reference or work cited list contains the surplus entries which are not cited in the text.On the other hand, some works cited in the text are absent from the reference or work cited list.Both of these behaviors violate the academic honesty, no matter intentionally or not.

There are two reasons for the surplus entries.They may confuse a bibliography and a references or works cited list.What’s more, some students add the surplus entries in order to make the list longer which is a typical kind of academic cheating.The reason for omitted references may be the writers’carelessness.They may forget the sources of the citations without any record.

To keep away the academic cheating, a bibliography should be differentiated from references or works cited list at first.“A bibliography may include any work that you have consulted during your research which may not be cited in your thesis” (Wen Qiufang, 2004, p.260) .It is usually preferred when compiling a book.In the APA style, a thesis requires a reference list, which only contains cited works that are referred to in the thesis, rather than a bibliography (Wen Qiufang, 2004) .In the MLA style, the title Works Cited is most appropriate for a paper and as the heading Works Cited indicates, this list contains all the works that are cited in the text.Secondly, a working bibliography including all the relevant materials should be produced before writing.In the process of writing, take a record about the works which have been referred to in the text on the bibliography.When finishing the body of paper, compile the references or works cited list according to the record and have a check at last.In this way, a references or works cited list is the exact one, no more or no less.

4.3 Limitation

Because samples in the research are limited, this paper just focuses on the most common problems and there are many other problems of references without being mentioned in this paper.More detailed studies can be carried on in the future.


[1]Gibaldi J.MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers[M].5th ed.Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Press, 2001.

[2]Wen Qiufang.Applied Linguistics Research Methods and The-sis Writing[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Re-search Press, 2004.

[3]蒋新.英美学术论文文献的几种主要引文方式[J].图书与情报, 2003 (3) :26-30.

[4]刘新民.英语论文写作规范[J].大连外国语学院学报, 1999 (8) :33-43.

[5]刘新民.再谈英语论文写作规范[J].外语与外语教学, 2001 (4) :30-32.

[6]刘兴兵, 余功茂.英语论文APA格式评介[J].郧阳师范高等专科学校学报, 2007, 27 (2) :75-82.

[7]任晓晋.英语论文MLA格式要求评介[J].武汉大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) , 1997, 5 (232) :116-120.





[文章编号]1006-2831(2013)02-0136-6 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-2831.2013.01.033

1. 引言

摘要是对正文简洁而完整的描述,同时又是独立于正文的语篇(Tippet, 2004)。早在20世纪70年代,国际上就已公布并不断更新了关于学术论文摘要写作规范的统一标准,从最初的国际标准(ISO)214-1976到之后的国际标准(ISO)5966等。随后我国也在80年代发布了国家标准GB7713-87等以规范学术论文摘要的格式与内容。摘要作为导读性语篇很大程度上左右了读者对整篇论文的第一印象,因此,对于学术论文来说摘要是至关重要的一部分。随着学术论文摘要得到越来越多的关注,国内外学者对学术论文摘要的研究角度也日趋多样(如:语用学,文体学角度等),形式愈加丰富,包括各类语篇的摘要研究,不同语种的摘要对比研究等,如:Day(1995)和Patrick(2003)分别探讨了科技论文摘要和会议摘要的特点;张春芳(2009)等中国学者对英汉学术论文摘要的异同进行了深入研究。


本文选择中国英语专业本科毕业论文的英文摘要作为研究对象,运用韩礼德的衔接理论(Halliday & Hasan, 1976)及Fries(1983)的主位推进理论,对其中存在的衔接与连贯问题及特点进行分析,并探索其原因,以期为提高中国学生的英文摘要写作水平尽一份绵薄之力。

2. 理论框架与研究方法

韩礼德与哈桑的《英语的衔接》(Cohesion in English, 1976)中将英语中的衔接手段分为两类:词汇衔接(Lexical cohesion)与语法衔接(Grammatical cohesion),其中语法衔接包括照应(Reference),省略(Ellipsis),替代(Substitution)和连接(Conjunction)。每一种衔接又可继续细分为不同类型。



3. 结果与讨论

3.1 衔接手段



3.1.1 词汇衔接



(1) <1>Eating is something very daily routine, and it also contains a profound influence. <2>Eating etiquette as a cultural category is effected by religion, history, and economics from different countries. <3>Therefore, different countries are also having different eating etiquette, and it is shows on the style of eating a meal, seating arrangements, the order of serving dishes, drinking wine, and the rite of having a meal. <4>In this essay, Chapter two and Chapter three distinguish the difference between dining and drinking etiquette for the formal occasions in United Kingdom and China. <5>As China is a country with 5000 years history and abundant cultural heritage, in Chapter two, the essay introduce a special word “Face” which belongs to the Chinese culture. <6>Face is an essential component of the Chinese national psyche. <7>“Face” is a sensitive word which uses frequently during the Chinese dinner. <8>The reasons why causes all these difference is also one of the aspects this easy (essay, typing mistake) focus on. <9>A variety of food and different society atmosphere are the leading reasons in all. <10>Chapter four gives a deep analysis to these two issues. <11>Cultural difference, traditions and the environment make all the difference in eating etiquette. <12>All in all, knowing other countries eating etiquette could help us form a point on our countrys dignity than respect others custom.

该例共有22处重复衔接(斜体标出),其中有些重复是多余且能够避免的,如第<6>,<7>句中的两个face,可以通过合并两个句子来避免不必要的重复。又如这篇摘要中共使用4个different 和4个difference来表达“不同、差异”,这样的重复衔接死板而累赘,此时不妨使用其他表达不同的同义词,即使用相似衔接手段。


3.1.2 照应

照应,又称指称,是回指某个上文提到过的单位或意义的语言学单位(胡壮麟,1994),包括内指指称和外指指称。摘要虽然是独立的语篇,但它作为正文的缩写,与正文有着密切的关系,通常由外指指称来实现,例如:the essay; the thesis; the paper等,其中的定冠词the就是外指指称,然而,这种外指指称与摘要本身的衔接连贯无关。因此,本研究分析的照应仅包括内指指称,即对摘要内部的衔接连贯有所贡献的照应,结果如表3所示:


honorable leaders,my name is lipandeng, from the city of pingdingshan, henan province. as a boy of 22 years old, i major in english and going to graduate from foreign language department, henan univer

honorable leaders,

my name is lipandeng, from the city of pingdingshan, henan province. as a boy of 22 years old, i major in english and going to graduate from foreign language department, henan university. now, i am applying for a job in your unit. hopefully, you can accept my application.

i became interested in english when i first came across her in a primary english training class. dreaming of studying in foreign language department of henan university, the best english department in our province, i have undergone many ups and downs to persevere in my efforts. it is absolutely true that “where there is a will, where is a way”. at last, i realized my dream and became an english major in henan university.

during four-year study, i took advantage of this precious opportunity and tried to grasp every chance to acquire all kinds of knowledge,especially english. i have made rapid progress in learning basic english skills, including listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translating. since spoken english plays a more and more important role in our society, i pay much attention to it and did a lot of practice in daily life. for example, i often practiced oral english in the english corner and took part in oral english contests as well as english drama contests.

as an english major, my excellent oral english enabled me to have worked as a part-time english interpreter, helping kaifeng import and export company to do business with foreign manufactures. so, i am capable of teaching college english students, doing simultaneous translation and guiding foreign travelors in tourism.

in addition, being enthusiastic and active in social activities, i bravely participated in english speaking contests, english drama contests, english tutoring and mastery of computer skills. although i have encountered numerous difficulties and failures, yet i made up my mind to go on with my pursuits. “no pains, no gains”, keeping this proverb in mind, i strived to bear any burden, met any hardship and stroke a balance between studies and activities. as a result, i accumulated tremendous experience and widened my horizon through lots of activities, which meanwhile promoted my studies.

“aa a man sows, so he shall reap”. now it is the time for me to roll up my sleeves to begin my career. if you give me an opportunity, i will assure you of my determination and excellence in return.

i am looking forward to hearing from you.








Cover Letter

December 7th,.

Dear Madame or Sir

When you read this cover letter,I know I have seen the aurora of hope.Thank you for reading my cover letter during your busy work and giving me a chance to show myself I am a senior of Liao Ning Institute of Technology、English Department,majoring in the tendency of linguistics and literature.Owing to be born in the educational family,I own the good quality,and eager to engage in the education career.Pure,friendly and aggressive are three aspects to modify my characters.I am willing to work hard and have good cooperation with difference people.

Four-year professional learning during the college has laid a solid foundation of English knowledge and relevant theories,In the meantime,I have good achievements of language study and especially with the Extensive Listening,Extensive Oral English and Japanese.l am confident that the courses studied in the college,such as the Integrated English Advanced Writing,advanced English,Oral Translation,English&American Literature,etc.Contribute effectively to my future work in the field of education

On September 20th,.I passed the TEM Four successfully.In addition,I am quite skillful in computer operation,such as WORD、EXCEL and so on.In addition,I am a leader in department,and do well in any tasks that my teachers` orders.l took active part in the school sports meeting and got great achievements.

During my study,I am not only accumulating knowledge,but also putting the knowledge into application.I have participated in lots of practice in my spare time and vocation. Sometimes to be a tutor、sometimes to be a tourist guide.Therefore,I own numerous experiences.

As known to us all,this school is one of the most prominent schools in this area.Not only depends on your leadership,but also attributes to all of the teachers` efforts.Soon I will be graduated from school and I am looking for a suitable field in which will make development all the time.The only principle for me to choose job is that I can make good use of my potential,I believe that I am the best candidate.

Enclosed please find my resume both In Chinese and English.I would appreciate an opportunity to have an Interview and can be reached at Tel:XXXXXX.E-mail:XXXXX

Looking forward to hearing from you soon and best regards.
