




Dear _,

With intense interest in network communication, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your graduate program for advanced training. I first developed this interest in 1995,when I was still an undergraduate majoring in automatic control. I tried to write some database programs to be applied on a LAN That proved to be a tough job, but I successfully finished it, winning substantial monetary benefit for myself. But more importantly, I discovered where my true academic interest lay and made up my mind as to what kind of career I would pursue.

The choice of network communication for a career was no accident for me. The National University of Defense Technology, where I did my undergraduate studies, offered many courses that helped to prepare me for network communication work, such as mathematics, computer hardware and computer software. To further ground myself in the field of network communication, I took a host of courses with the university's Department of Computer Science, like networking technologies and TCP/IP transport. I also taught myself some typical NOS, such as Netware.

Upon graduation in , I have been working with BC (Beijing Center). My duties have ranged from monitoring channel error rate to utilizing and maintaining modem, including LAN management & maintenance and other things relevant to data communication. With the heavy working load, I have accumulated rich experience and developed a strong capacity for independent research. In , I attended CNE training programs (Novell Certified Network Engineer). This training furthered my understanding of network communication and made my knowledge in this area more systematic. It also helped to clear up my confusions about optimizing LAN performance. I have therefore equipped myself with both adequate theoretical knowledge and rich working experiences in Data Communication.

I believe I am able to complete the graduate study successfully. Graduate studies in network communication will not only satisfy my intellectual curiosity but also enable me to make significant contributions to this country's National Information Networks, equivalent to America's concept of information superhighway. As much expertise as I have now, I feel that I cannot yet play any leading role in state-of-the-art research. I need to upgrade myself further so as to keep pace with the new technologies that keep advancing. I am happy to have learned that your department offers some excellent courses in advanced technologies and that it provides opportunities for the full development of individual capacity and originality. I think it is one of the best places for me to undertake my graduate studies. Among the various subareas of network communication, I am especially interested in the following; (1) Network Communication, (2) Distribute Computing, and (3) Computer Architecture. Any of your suggestions about my specialty orientation will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,



































Dear _,

My first impression on computers as a machine has always impressed me. And I have been motivated to know more about computing which eventually lead me to a new passion. Since computers are broad my passions lead me specifically to networking and how data is transferred over the net. At college I had the chance to understand how it all works and fortunately I did but it also gave me craving for more which took me to the internet for research but was not enough.

In the last two years I have worked as an assistant in an internet shop helping and fixing their problems gave me much needed experience to help in my future career. I have to admit going to study for my passion in university has been a dream in a distance while I was in Kenya, but since I came to UK that dream got a little bit nearer. Although I didn’t have the funds to take me to university while I was in Kenya I was saving bit by bit to take me there.

While I was in secondary school and college I have always been hard working and have always been the top 5 students in class which means with the right equipments and teaching materials it won’t be hard for me at all.

My main aim of studying is to be more knowledgeable in software, hardware and networks and eventually work my way up the ladder to see me through to postgraduate which definitely means I am more respectable and more marketable. After successfully joining university what will drive me is my passion and that my family will look forward to having their son getting the opportunity to be what he wants to be. According to me there is no room for failure and my destination is getting a PhD which is going to make a role model for my future children and my siblings.

To make me blend in with the new hard task I have prepared to make a timetable to effectively manage my time since am a fun of sports namely going to the gym to help me train my brain and my body as well.

I am looking forward with to the challenges that studying in a university for a degree in computer network will bring.

Yours sincerely,






























雅思:5 至5 .5分以上。
















Dear _,With the approach of new century, the developing China is requiring bettertrained and more highly educated men and women than ever before in history.Inorder to make more contributions to the society and, at the same time, satisfymy keen interest in science, I am looking forward to beginning my graduatestudy.I heard of Case Western Reserve University as early as when I was anundergraduate student.She is one of the most highly regarded universities inthe world and is an ideal place for ambitious youth.I plan to study for Ph.D.in Biochemistry at Case Western ReserveUniversity with special interests in metabolism, macromolecular synthesis, andprotein crystal growth.I have had plentiful preparations.First, when being anundergraduate in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University,I got very extensive and intensive education.I took many courses on chemistryand the related subjects, and earned high scores for most of them.Second, mymajor, Polymer, can be put into good use in Biochemistry programs becausePolymer is closely related with biological Macromolecule.Third, I have workingexperience that enriches my theory and laboratory skills.From 1990 to now, I have been engaged as an Assistant Engineer by theResearch institute, Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Corporation(RIBYPC).In thefirst year, I was in charge of a 5-litre reactor for polymerization ofCarboxylated Butadiene-Styene Latex.Then I was transferred to another researchgroup to synthesize PET/PHB copolymer, a kin of polyester, which has theproperty of Liquid Crystal.I am the assistant head of the group.We can preparethe novel polymer with high molecule weight and excellent property in a 2-litrestainless steel reactor.During this monomers, with purity of more than 99.99%;this made my leader very satisfied.More than four years of working experiences expand my capacity.I oftenmake use of NMR, X-ray, DSC and other instrumental methods for research.Amongthem, I am most skilled in NMR reactors, I have experiences on solving problemsof Engineering and Mechanics.What is more, I am familiar with computeroperation and some application software.The above information about myspecialty may be helpful for you to evaluate me.It is said that the 21st century will be the age of Life Science.I hope toenter the esteemed Case Western Reserve University to face this challenge.I amconfident tat I shall be an excellent fellow.After completing my graduatestudy, I would like to return to my homeland and make use of my knowledge toserve the people.By the way, I would like to give thanks to my parents.Being their oldestson, I am offered the most formal education and the deepest love.I never forgetthe 18-year’s life with them.Twelve years in the countryside and six years inShengli Oil Field bestowed me the character of diligence, resolution, andperseverance, as well as the deep love of nature and life.I am also indebted tomy dear wife.Without her never-ended encouragement and support in these years,I could not become closer and closer to the gate of the eminent Case WesternReserve University.Yours sincerely,xuexila.com/shenqing/



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Dear _,

“Women aren’t suited for such hard subjects,” my friend Seung-woo told me with a smug smile. Seung-woo didn’t think that mathematics was a field for women. Although he was my age and wasn’t tied down by most traditional beliefs, he believed that only men could be true mathematicians. The majority of people in my country, South Korea, believe the gender stereotype that women are inherently inferior to men in mathematics. I strongly disagree with this outdated notion. Women are just as capable of outstanding mathematical achievement as men, and I am determined to help disprove gender stereotypes through my example.

Mathematics has always given me a deep sense of satisfaction. Even in elementary school, I was attracted to the precision and logic inherent in mathematical formulas. I devoured as much mathematical information as I could, collecting theorems of mathematicians such as Gauss and Euclid like other students collected stamps. I had the opportunity to test my skills and knowledge in high school, when I competed in several national math competitions, including the Korea Mathematical Olympiad. My strong showing in these venues, along with my top math grades and perfect math score on the Korean SAT, bolstered my confidence in my abilities. I was proud to prove to others that I was capable of performing at the highest levels.

Despite my strong interest and achievement in mathematics, it has been difficult for me to realize my potential due to the Korean educational system, which emphasizes cramming for tests instead of critical understanding. More significantly, Korean social biases against women in the fields of math and science have discouraged me from pursuing my love of mathematics. Thus, I want to study in the United States, where I will be able follow my dream without these constraints. For about a year, I have taken English language courses at a university in Washington, D.C., where I have gained a glimpse of American academic life from the inside. I am very impressed by American students’ devotion to their studies and the system’s ability to support each student’s goals. I am therefore especially interested in attending Boston College, which, in addition to offering outstanding math and science courses, is renowned for its emphasis on cultivating students’ full development, or “cura personalis.” At Boston College, I will be able to focus on my goal of becoming an excellent mathematician.

I am determined to succeed, but I know that I must overcome many challenges. Sometimes, when I feel discouraged by the obstacles I face as a Korean woman in mathematics, I imagine what my life will be like ten years from now. Armed with a Boston College degree, I will visit my old friend Seung-woo. We will have corresponded over the years, so he’ll already know about the many mathematics articles published in my name, and he will be well aware of the international acclaim they received. I will savor the day when Seung-woo admits that I was correct in believing that I could succeed as a mathematician. I will be proud to know that partly due to my achievements, the door to increased opportunities for women in math and science has swung open a little bit wider.

Yours sincerely,























Dear _,

As early as a senior middle school student, I held in great adoration of Chengning Yang and Tsung-dao Lee, two most prominent Chinese-born physicists to have won Nobel Prizes. Thenceforward, I have cherished the constant aspiration of becoming a renowned physicist myself the way these two Nobel laureates did. Even one decade later, I can still recall the first experiment I did in the physics course. When a transmitter in one corner of the lab was connected with electricity, a little bulb connected to a reception antenna in another corner lit up. Though by no means dazzling in itself, this light with its stunning magic ushered me as if into a wonderland, a world replete with intriguing mysteries that only belong to the realm of physics. I believed that I belonged to this special world. That marked the turning point in my life and with it I commenced my quests for answers capable of unraveling those mysteries.

With an unusually solid foundation in physics laid during senior middle school (I received straight A’s in virtually every physics exam), I entered the Physics Department of Dalian Marine University. By the time I graduated in four years, which could only be described as transitory, I found that I had become emotionally attached to this discipline. Realizing that undergraduate studies had only exposed me to the relatively fundamental knowledge of this subject, I embarked on a Master’s program, through very competitive entrance examinations, in fiber-optical communication at the College of Telecommunication Engineering, the University of Beijing Posts and Telecommunications (UBPT).

The moment I came into contact with this brand-new field represented by telecommunications(China tends to lag behind western countries in scientific and technological develop in any given field by many years or even decades), I was filled with excitement over the wonderful prospect that this industry could enjoy. I yearned to be satiated with new concepts, new knowledge, and new expertise and I devoted myself to my program with indefatigable efforts. To my regret, after completing our share of research responsibilities in the 863 Project under the direction of my supervisor, we had no further opportunities to participate in any meaningful projects. I had no alternative but to duplicate the Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror and its Applications in OTDM System which had already been completed by scientists abroad and to verify their research findings by means of computer simulations. It was precisely those backward research conditions and the lack of challenging projects that prompted me to generate the idea of seeking further studies abroad. I believed that the status quo would impose serious restrictions on the development of my intellectual capacities and on the exploitation of my academic potential.

But for two years before I could bring my overseas studies into a reality, I worked at the leading enterprise in the country’s telecommunications industry—China Telecom Beijing Branch Company. As broadband networks engineer and as technical support engineer, I was responsible for the design and operation of four major projects—Construction of Broadband Integrate Services Experimental Network, Experiment and Construction of Broadband DSL Network in Beijing, Test of Timing Clock of Beijing SDH Networks and Equipment Selection for Beijing CDMA Wireless Network. My distinguished work performance resulted in my being sent to Marconi Company’s American headquarters to receive professional trainings in ATM technology. Nevertheless, I still felt that in a company environment work was routinized and technology lacked innovativeness, falling far short of my passions and ambitions. The work was meaningful only to the extent of serving as a means of livelihood. Refusing to be mired in a mediocre condition, I decided that the time had come for me to pursue research work that I had always loved.

Relying on my solid foundation in physics, my well-trained experimental skills and hands-on abilities that I developed over the heretofore studies and work, I succeeded in entering the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). In the superior laboratory conditions, for the first time in my life I had a proud feeling of being involved in real scientific research. When I see how my inspirations turn into reality in the laboratory, once again for the first time in my life I feel that I am creating a kind of wealth far more precious and valuable than money –knowledge. I realized that I had made an absolutely correct decision to come to the United States. At the Center of Nanostructure Materials and Quantum Device Fabrication and Electro Optical Research Center, I have done two years coursework and one year and half lab research. They have significantly enhanced my ability to solve research problems independently. Since last year, I have conducted extensive experiments in the field of nanotechnology and Semiconductor and optoelectronic elements. Although the approaches and solutions I generate during those experiments frequently differ from those of my supervisor’s in many important aspects, I have merited positive comments from him. I am fully confident that by the end of this year my research efforts would come into full fruition.

Nevertheless, I still feel discontented. In retrospect, I developed a commitment to scientific research very early and have persevered under the spirit of this commitment. After my arrival in the United States, I realized that there is tremendous research potential in me to be tapped. All I need to do is to find an appropriate academic environment. Even UTA disappoints me in that I have been kept waiting for nearly four year before I could embark on a major research project that promises important research findings. I have come to the conclusion that whether in China or in the United States it is simply a waste of time passively waiting for research projects. Consequently, the best course of action for me to take is to pursue seek a Ph.D. program at one of the top American universities.

The University of …… comes on top of my priorities because it is a top ranking university in the United States itself and in the entire world. In the field of Electrical Engineering, in particular, it enjoys an unparalleled position. It offers many research-intense programs and the research environment is impeccable. I am deeply aware that for a person who seeks excellence and who wishes to achieve some innovative research results in Electrical Engineering, it is imperative that he or she plunge into an environment which is as challenging and competitive as it is stimulating, promising the realization of one’s ambitions. If admitted, I plan to take advantage of the research resources to their fullest extent and within 4 to 5 years achieve major breakthroughs in research based on what I have so far accomplished. I expect that this may lay a solid foundation for me to undertake lifelong research at some reputed research institutes of American universities or world-class companies like Intel and IBM.

The conventional technology based in communication, control, date processing, signal processing, medical instrumentation and in mainstream computers is in a transition from electronics to optoelectronics and optically enabled technologies. Future generations of integrated circuits, the foundation of current high technology infrastructure, are expected to incorporate significant optical functionality. I hope that my prospective studies at your prestigious universities can solidify my knowledge and bring into full play my latent intellectual capacities. I have experienced too many disappointments and frustrations and what I look for is some truly creative and innovative research work that can lead to important breakthroughs, which can permit me to join the rank of elitist scientists exemplified by Prof. Cheng ning Yang and Prof. Tsung-dao Lee whom I idolize.

Yours sincerely,






















