




(一)基础:引导词---who, which, that, whom,

练习1.I like cities___________are quiet and clean. 2.I prefer students _________are hard- working.

3.I hate TV shows _________ are noisy and boring.4.The music __________ is gentle and quiet attracts me a lot.

5.The food __________tastes delicious is not always healthy.

6.Those boys ___________ are playing basketballs over there are from Class Fifteen.

7.The books ____________ are written by Lu Xun are worth reading.

8.The town ___we visited last week is much larger than before.9.The book ___ he bought is very interesting.


1先行词被___________或___________所修饰,或本身是______________________时,只能用 that,

2.被修饰的先行词为 ________________________________________________等不定代词时, 只能用 that.

3.先行词被 _____________________________________________等词修饰时,只能用 that,而不用 which。

4.先行词里同时含有______________________,如I can remember well the persons and some pictures that I saw in the room.

5. 以______________________引导的特殊疑问句,只能用that.如: Who is the girl that is crying?

练习1. I am interested in everything___ is about the World Cup.

2. Is there anything___I can do for you? 3. This is the very bike ______I lost

4.To my surprise, he gave me nothing __ I need. 5.This is the best dictionary __ I have ever used.

6. He was the first person _______passed the exam.

7.He talked happily about the men and books________interested him greatly.



一、1~ 5 DBCCA 6~ 10 ADCDB 11~ 15 DDABC

16---20 BCBBC 21---25 CBABC

二、1.looks after 2.Why not 3.speak to 4.in English 5.small feet

三、A.1.are 2.thank 3.too 4.have 5.do

B.1~ 5 CDAEB


五、1.are 2.do 3.interesting 4.don|t like 5.swimming 6.watching

7.gets 8.are playing 9.friendly 10.doesnt 11.study 12.good

13.tell 14.I 15.woman


七、1~ 5 CBABB 6~ 10 CABAB

八、(A)1~ 5 F T T F F


(C)1~ 5 BABDD



(一) 培养学习英语的兴趣

兴趣是最好的老师, 浓厚的兴趣可培养同学们的求知欲, 激起强大的学习动力, 促使自己顽强拼搏, 努力学习。古今中外取得巨大成就的人, 无一不是对自己所从事的职业产生强烈、浓厚的兴趣。孔子曾说过, “知之者不如好之者。”讲的就是这个道理。要想培养自己学习外语的浓厚兴趣, 首先就得明确英语学习的重要性, 以及英语的重要地位, 从而培养自己远大志向, 形成明确而强烈的学习动机。经常看一些英语节目, 听自己喜爱的英文歌曲, 阅读英文故事等, 都将非常有助于培养同学们的学习兴趣。

(二) 树立能够学好英语的自信心

要想学好英语, 除了有浓厚的兴趣外, 还得有坚强的决心和高度的自信心。古人曾指出:“学者须先立志”, “无志则不能学”。一旦有了自信心, 就能克服困难, 满怀热情地投入到学习中来。英语学习过程中会遇到许许多多的坎坷, 成绩也会出现大的浮动, 无论怎样, 决不气馁、永不放弃。相信太阳每天总是新的, 只要坚持, 终会超越自己。

(三) 要有正确的学习态度

1. 要勤学苦练。

学英语没有捷径可走, 要真正掌握英语, 达到运用自如的程度, 非下苦功夫不可。下苦功夫就是要进行大量的听、说、读、写训练, 使各项技能达到纯熟的地步。语言知识应该了解, 但不下苦功在听、说、读、写上练习, 仅靠死记硬背一些孤立的单词、一些语法条条, 是很难掌握英语这一交际工具的。应该是learning English而不是learning about English。就像学游泳、跳芭蕾舞一样, 对其理论掌握再好, 不通过反复训练是永远也学不会的。

2. 要持之以恒。

学习英语既然是练功夫的过程, 就并不是那么轻松。要不怕困难, 坚持学习。学如逆水行舟, 不进则退, 最忌“三天打鱼, 两天晒网”。要日积月累, 付出长期的努力。人贵有志, 学贵有恒。

(四) 要掌握有效的学习方法

1. 要过语音关。

语音是学习英语的第一关。不掌握正确的发音, 就不敢大声朗读和对话, 句子不能上口, 后续的训练就难以进行。要仔细听老师的发音和录音带, 大胆实践, 反复模仿, 对比纠正。不要怕出错。对中国学生来说要达到发音完全正确并非一日之功, 要有信心, 有耐心就一定能够成功。

2. 注意英语和汉语的区别。

英语和汉语是两种不同的语言系统。如英语语音中的短元音、辅音连缀, 以摩擦音、破擦音收尾音节等在汉语中都没有。英语有形态变化, 如名词复数变化、动词时态变化等, 而汉语基本上没有。英语语法和句子结构同汉语也存在着一些差异。中学生的汉语习惯已相当牢固, 对英语学习有一定的干扰作用。从一开始就要养成良好的习惯, 不要用汉字注音, 不要用汉语句子套用英语句型。一旦通过大量的阅读, 养成用英语思维的习惯, 并产生英语语感, 就会逐步减少犯“中国式英语”的错误的机会。

3. 掌握规律, 事半功倍。

虽然学习英语没有捷径可走, 但掌握英语语言的规律, 能起到事半功倍的作用。如记忆单词, 要将单词的读音和拼写之间的关系联系起来, 即掌握拼读规则, 按前缀、后缀同词根或词干的复合关系, 按反义、同义和同音关系, 以及按单词在句子或语言环境中的关系来记单词就很容易记住, 也有兴趣。学习语法也是一样, 掌握词形的变化、句型的变化是学习语法的关键。规则很多, 各种规则也有例外, 要灵活记忆, 不能死记规则, 以偏概全。

(五) 要培养良好的学习习惯

1. 课前预习

预习的过程是个人独立阅读和思考的过程, 它能促使同学们自己查阅有关资料、查阅字典, 从而减少盲目性, 提高听课质量。

2. 争取课内外各种机会多练习英语

1) 学会听别人说

2) 大胆和别人交谈。学习英语必须在“听”中提高自己, 在“说”中检测自己。把听到的, 找机会向你的同学、朋友、老师“卖弄”一下;当你体会到成功的喜悦时, 那些曾让你感到枯燥的句型、课文, 就会一下子变得亲切而有意义了。


(1) 磁带要选对, 要选难度适合自己的。听的时间要有保证:每天听半小时。应该说, 听纯正、地道的语音、语调, 就是一种享受。

(2) 听要一句一句地听, 说也要一句一句地说。不要求快。要反复听, 反复说, 直到听懂每一个词, 说好每一句才行。练习可以起到一石三鸟的效果:既巩固了语言知识, 提高了听力水平, 又实现了口语运用。

3. 专心听课

上课时应做到:眼到、口到、手到、心到。努力在课内有目标有意识地去识记该课的生词、短语、句型、重点句子。强迫自己在课内记住这节课最重要的内容, 这样, 使自己真正体会到“这节课学到不少东西”的踏实感、成就感, 进而激发动机, 提高兴趣, 更有信心去迎接今后的学习。

4. 勤记笔记

课堂上做笔记可以帮助集中注意力, 理顺思路, 增进记忆, 锻炼分析归纳、综合概括以及快速反应的能力。笔记也为日后复习提供记忆纲要。

5. 及时、经常、科学地复习

复习是学习之母。要解决困扰学习者最大的知识遗忘问题, 只有靠科学的复习。从时间安排上讲, 复习既要及时又要经常, 不仅在当天, 而且在第二天、一周后、一个月后、在你需要用它之前、在考试前都要安排复习。温故而知新, 从而更牢固地掌握知识。














1. What’s Bob doing? A. That’s Jenny.

2. What’s Mike like ? B. She’s medium height.

3. Where did you go last Sunday? C. Yes, I do.

4. How’s the weather in Toronto? D. It was pretty good.

5. What do you think of the game show? E. I went to the movies.

6. What does Nancy look like? F. Yes, you can listen outside.

7. Can we listen to music now ? G. He’s very serious.

8. Do you like hot weather? H. He’swatching TV at home.

9. How was the park? I. I can’t stand it.

10. Who’s that? J. It’s windy and cloudy.


________ I love it .

___2____ Yes , I watched “Harry Potter” yesterday.

________ Oh, I can’t stand them.

________ Do you like to watch TV?

________ I don’t mind them. How about you?

________ I do , too. What do you think of soap operas?

________ What do you think of it ?


1. You don’t have to clean the classroom now .You ________ clean it tomorrow.

A. can’t B. can C. do D. don’t

2. The game show is boring. I ________ it .

A. like B. don’t like C. love D. mind

3. Ms Lin is short ______ curly hair.

A. of B. by C. for D. with

4. He ______ me his watch and asked me what I thought of it.

A. bought B. put C. showed D. liked

5. Do you enjoy _______ to country music?

A. listen B. listening C. to listen D. listened

6. ----- ________ was your vacation, Nancy?

----- ________ It was great.

A. What B. Where C. How D. Why

7. ---- _________

---- It’s raining.

A. How’s the weather? B. What do you think of it ? C. What does it look like? D. Who’s that?

8. There are many students on the playground. Some are playing football. ________ are playing basketball.

A. Others B. Other C. The other D. Some

9. The American likes Chinese food, ______ jiaozi , rice and so on.

10. Liu Ming likes ______ jokes. He never stops ______.


1. football , captain , Li Jie , of , team , the , the , is


2. tall , hair , who , the , with , curly , girl , is


3. cartoons , blackboard , drawing , he , the , is , on , funny


4. classroom , the , crying , in , I , found , boy , the , thin


5. class , don’t , late, arrive , for


6. sunglasses , they , the , can’t , classroom , in , wear


7. guitar , you , pratice , do , to , day , every , have , your


8. bed , morning , your , you , to , the , have , make , in



1. 在感恩节,美国人吃什么?

____________________________________________ at Thanksgiving?

2. 体育课上我们得穿运动鞋。

We ____________________________________________ gym class .

3. 你认为体育世界这个节目怎么样?

____________________________________________ Sports World?

4. 他们从8点到10点一直在打网球。

They played tennis ____________________________________________ .

5. 你们将和谁一起过圣诞节?

____________________________________________ Chrismas Day with?

6. ----- 他们在干什么?

------ 他们在参观博物馆。

------ ____________________________________________ ?

---- They’re ____________________________________________.

7. 他是一个聪明的卷发男孩吗?

Is he ____________________________________________?


Do you know Mr King ? He and his wife work in the 1 office. She works harder than he does , so she is the 2 of the office . The man has to 3 her.

When they get home , the woman always feel tired and doesn’t 4 to do anything . Mr. King does 5 of the housework . He does the cooking , washing and claning. And their children think his 6 is delicious.

It’s Saturday today and they don’t go to work . Mrs King 7 some friends to dinners. Now they’re talking in the sitting room. And Mr King is busy in the kitchen (厨房) . They say he’s a 8 cook , too. It makes the man 9 .

“ I’m abler(能干)than her at cooking, “ said Mr King, “But my spouse (配偶) is better than 10 at work.”

1. A. different B. same C. small D. their

2. A. teacher B. worker C. head D. host

3. A. look at B. look after C. wait for D. listen to

4. A. want B. have C. decide D. get

5. A. little B. some C. most D. many

6. A. chicken B. cake C. hamburger D. food

7. A. asks B. tells C. makes D. takes

8. A. bad B. good C. quick D. slow

9. A. sorry B. happy C. careful D. clear

10. A. them B. me C. mine D. ours













1. A. Computers. B. Dogs C. Red

2. A. Yes, I would. B. I’d love to C. I’d like.

3. A. She likes fruit. B. She is tall and helpful. C. She is a nurse.

4. A. My brother’s B. Me. C. Mine.

5. A. Sometimes. I got up late and was late for work

B. More than five hours a week.

C. I went to work every day.

6. A. Her birthday. B. 200 yuan C. I’ve no idea.



7. What will Jack do if it is fine this Sunday?

A. He will go fishing B. He will play basketball C. We don’t know

8. Where did the woman live before?

A. In Shanghai. B. In Paris. C. In London.

9. What did Bill do last night?

A. He finished his homework. B. He washed his clothes. C. He watched TV.

10. How long does the film last?

A. For seventy minutes. B. For eighty minutes. C. For an hour.

11. Where are they talking?

A. A little dog B. At a pet shop. C. In an office.

12. When did the man feed the fantail goldfish?

A. At 7.00 B. At 7.20 C. At 6.40

13. What does the woman want to buy?

A. some books B. clothes C. some food

14. What’s Suzy’s favourite subject?

A. Maths B. English C. History


15. When did some countries have a dream to go to the moon?

A. In the 1960s. B. In the 1950s C. In

16. Who was the first man in space?

A. Yuri Gagarin. B. Neil Armstrong. C. Yang Liwei.

17. Which country did the first man in space come from?

A. America. B. Russia C. China

18. What happened in 1969?

A. An American spaceship flew to the moon.

B. A Russian spaceship flew to the moon.

C. A Chinese spaceship flew to the moon.

19. When did Yang Liwei fly around the Earth?

A. In . B. In 2003. C. In .



1. ― day it is! ―Let’s go out and enjoy the sunshine!

A. What a lovely B. How sunny C. What a terrible D. How terrible

2. ― you late for school yesterday? ―Yes, I .

A. Did, did B. Was, was C. Were, was D. Did, was

3. Simon reading. He reads books even while he has meals.

A. is like B. is crazy about C. is fond D. dislikes

4. Eddie doesn’t like waking up early. He barks who wakes before 11 o’clock.

A. to someone, up him B. at someone, him up

C. to anyone, up him D. at anyone, him up

5. ―It’s very hot in the room! ―Why not keep the door .

A. close B. closed C. open D. opened

6. ―Can you anything strange? ―It like a small mouse.

A. listen, sounds B. hear, listens C. hear, sounds D. sound, hears

7. Lucy, what two days ago?

A. you happen B. you happened C. did you happen D. happened to you

8. The parents were to the policeman because he helped them find their child.

A. helpful B. unhappy C. grateful D. rude

9. the teacher’s help, I can’t work it out so easily.

A. With B. Without C. On D. No

10. ―Can you join us this afternoon?

―Sorry, I can’t. I take care of my little sister because my mother is out.

A. can B. may C. would D. have to

11. There are trees in that school. They need to plant more.

A .few B. a lot of C .a few of D .a little

12. We stopped , but heard nothing from the room.

A. to listening to B. to listen to C .listening D .to listen

13. I worked hard at English. , I still find it too difficult for me.

A. So B. And C. However D. Because

14. If you don’t do your best, the will be bad!

A. news B. ideas C. classes D. results

15. When you leave your classroom, you shouldn’t the lights .

A. leave, off B. turn, on C. turn, off D. leave, on

16. You should try your best to remember in the class.

A. nothing useful B. useful something C. useful everything D. everything useful

17. Everyone thinks that Simon should get award his hard work.

A. a, of B. an, for C. /, for D. an, with

18. He get into house last night because he his key.

A. can’t, left B. could, forgot C. couldn’t, lost D. can, lose

19. I saw a snake in the grass.

A. sleep B. to sleep C. slept D. sleeping

20. Please be matches to keep yourself safe.

A. carefully with B. care of C. careful with D. careless of

21. Each of the students an English book in our class.

A. has B. have C. there is D. there are

B)完形填空: 通读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

One night, Mary heard some big 22 noise. “Doh, Doh, …” It 23 for a few minutes. Mary went out of her bedroom to search everywhere. Her parents were sleeping and there were no 24 people in the house. Mary returned to her bedroom.

Mary heard 25 again. She thought, “It is a cat? My neighbour has a cat. But cats miaow. They don’t 26 big noise.”

“Maybe it’s a bird 27 around and looking for a place to rest. No! That doesn’t make 28 noise.”

“Maybe it’s the whisper of my parents. They 29 be talking in their room. But that noise wasn’t a whisper at all.”

Mary went to bed again but she heard the noise again. She was 30 . Her legs were 31 and she could not walk any more.

22. A. strong B. strange C. frightened D. loud

23. A. sounded B. went about C. went on D. went away

24. A. any B. other C. the other D. others

25. A. the noise B. a noise C. noise D. the other noise

26. A. like B. make C. have D. give

27. A. going B. jumping C. flying D. running

28. A. some B. any C. many D. so

29. A. may not B. must C. mustn’t D. can’t

30. A. angry B. worried C. frightened D. sad

31. A. weak B. strong C. sick D. bad




“Well, we’re in our new house. Let’s get a new pet.” Mrs. Brown said to her husband.

“That sounds a good idea,” he answered. “Maybe we can see the ads(广告)in the newspaper.”

“Let’s go to the animal shelter. Many pets there need homes. Tomorrow is Saturday, we can go together,” she said.

The next morning, the Browns met Mr. Snow at the animal shelter. “We want to be sure that the pets here go to good homes,” Mr. Snow said. “So I need to ask you some questions.”

After they talked for a while, the Browns planned to get a small dog. It wouldn’t need a big house or a big yard(院子). A small dog would bark and warn(警告)them if someone tried to come into their house. After Mr. Snow gave the Browns a book on pet care, they chose one and wanted to take her home right away. But the animal doctor needed to check her. So Mr. Snow told them to come again on Sunday. On Sunday afternoon the Browns went to the animal shelter. The animal doctor said, “Shadow has had all of the shots(预防针). She will be healthy.” The Browns thanked the doctor and took Shadow home.

1. From the reading we know that .

A. the Browns live in a small house

B. the Browns knew about Shadow from the newspaper

C. Shadow is a small dog

D. Mr. Brown didn’t need a pet

2. “Animal shelter” in the passage means .

A. a place to sell(卖)small dogs B. a place to keep animals that have no homes

C. a place to study animals D. a place to sell books on pet care

3. Mr. Snow asked the Browns some questions to .

A. see where they lived B. find out how rich the Browns were

C. know where they would keep their new pet D. make sure they would love pets

4. The Browns think that a small dog .

A. doesn’t run quickly B. eats less food than a bigger one

C. can help them watch their house D. usually has a beautiful name


When the world was very young, people lived only in hot places. They did not live in cold places because they could not keep warm there.

At first men did not know how to make a fire. Sometimes trees were hit by lightning. Then a fire was started. People took some of the fire near their homes. A fire was very important for three reasons. It kept them warm. Wild animals were frightened when they saw it. And when food was cooked, it tasted much better.

But men did not know how to make a fire. When they had a fire, they did not let it stop burning. If it went out(熄灭), they could not start it again. They had to wait for lightning to start another fire. Sometimes they had to wait for years.

Later, they learned how to make a fire. But it was not easy to make something burn.

Now we have matches. We can carry them in our pockets and make a fire when we want to.

5. People found that .

A. the cooked food tasted better than the uncooked food

B. the uncooked food tasted much better than the cooked food

C. wild animals enjoyed the cooked food

D. wild animals kept warm near the trees

6. People didn’t let a fire stop burning because .

A. they were not able to make a fire B. they liked to wait for lightning

C. it rained now and then D. they didn’t like to make a fire

7. Now we can make a fire .

A. by lightning B. if it is necessary C. for three reasons D. in our pockets


Elephants are interesting animals with large ears, a long trunk, and short legs. They use their legs to stand and walk. Unlike lions and tigers, an elephant cannot use its legs to jump or run fast. But elephants do have something that most animals do not have ―a trunk!

It is difficult for an elephant to bend(弯曲) down to reach food on the ground because of its short, fat legs. That is why an elephant has a trunk. It uses its trunk to reach food it needs. Without its trunk, an elephant would be helpless.

An elephant uses its trunk as a monkey might use its arms and hands. The elephant can scratch(抓)an itch(痒), pick up a small peanut or a piece of popcorn, and touch objects with its trunk. An elephant’s trunk can even wrap(裹)around a tree and pull it out of the ground.

An elephant’s trunk also helps it drink water. An elephant can drink as much as 50 gallons(加仑) of water into its trunk. Then the elephant squirts(喷出)the water into its mouth and down its throat. An elephant’s trunk is very useful!

8. In paragraph 2, helpless means .

A. without help B. never help C. trying to help D. full of help

9. What is one way that the elephant’s trunk is like a monkey’s hands?

A. Both have fingers. B. Both squirt water.

C. Both hold food. D. Both have fingernails(指甲).

10. This story mostly tells the reader that elephants .

A. use their short legs to find food B. are stronger than most animals

C. drink water once a day D. would be helpless without a trunk


1. He (重)about four kilograms when he was born.

2. Every year (千)of foreign visitors come to Suzhou.

3. He is very young, so he can’t look after (自己).

4. Chen Dan is a clever young boy. He can learn things (快).

5. Do you know that he is fond of (收集)stamps?

6. There are lots of (老鼠)in the old man’s house.

7. Sandy’s sister (刷)her cat’s fur once a day.

8.He wants to be a (科学家)when he grows up.

9. I wanted to see the rainbow after the rain. But it didn’t (出现).

10. When I woke up, I heard somebody (敲)on my door.

11. The students of Class 8 are planning (visit) Guilin this summer.

12. I look forward to (own) a computer.

13. Julie (feed) her pet last night? Yes.

14. Shall we go (row)tomorrow? A good idea.

15. Mr. Wang (find) a job in a big city two years ago.








学生会要表彰一批优秀学生,Andy想推荐他的同学Peter竞争最乐于助人奖(Most Helpful Student Award)。请以Andy的名义给学生会主席写一封推荐信。词数约80,不包括已给出的开头和结尾。




3、电脑用得好,为帮扶俱乐部(the Helping Hands Club)从网上获取资料


Dear Sir

I would like

We will be glad if he can win the award.

Thank you









