




Name: Marsha

Gender: feMale

Date of Birth: May, 1985

Citizenship: Fedu county, Dinyi, Qhandong

Major: English (B.A)

S Objective

Assistant of your office or the manager; Interpreter of company or organization which concerns

international business; College or vocational university‘s teacher.

S Education Background

September to July , Shandong University of Architecture

September to July 2002, Linyi No.1 Middle School

S Main Skills

About English

Have past the Test for English Major -4; fluent oral English, and good pronunciation.

Major target: ESP of technology, esp. architecture and real estate, and also international business.

About German

Have learned about 200 hours of Hochschuldeutsch 1, 2. Can do basic reading and writing.

About Chinese

Have got the Certificate of Chinese, the score is 86.2

About Computer

Have a good command of computer, knowing the basic maintain of hardware and software;

Good sense of Visual Foxpro language.Intersted in web page design, and had mastered the

MACROMEDIA, which including Dreamweaver,Flash and Firework.

Skilled in Microsoft Office, including FrontPage.

S Work Experience

Have part time job in Shanghai Yaru Consulting Co.Ltd during and summer holiday.

Did the market research for Shandong Shiguang Boiler Co.Ltd (shanghai branch) in shanghai.

Experiences on be a tutor of junior, senior middle school students and college students.

Many times of doing promotion sales for stores during the campus life.

S Activities

From .10 to2005.5, be the assistant of the director of Foreign Language Department.

From 2004 to 2005, be the minister of the Network Department and Publicity Department of theStudents Union.

S Awards & Honors

In the year of 2004, awarded the “Model student stuff ”prize of our school.

In the year of 2004, won the third level scholarship of our school.

In the year of 2003, won the “Excellent Student” prize of our school.

S Interests

Have intensive interest in traveling, photographing; Reading,esp.on business, economy and computer.

S Self-Evaluation

Strong sense of responsibility, good spirit of teamwork. Can learn new things well in short time


如何使用Key Words?



• 通过网上的招聘启事和公司的网站搜集你所需要的关键词,如果你回复一个招聘广告,就可以直接引用广告中的关键词语到英文简历和求职信中,这是最有效的方法,你能把简历做到雇主心里去,因为广告直接表达了他们想寻找什么样的人填补该职位。下面举ABC公司的招聘广告为例,文中的关键词都用粗体标注出来了:

ABC Company seeks an experienced human resources manager to work in our busy downtown office. Duties include ensuring regulatory compliance with FMLA, ERISA and HIPPA laws, maintaining personnel records, coordinating new staff orientation meetings, organizing recruitment campaigns and maintaining the employee handbook.


The qualified candidate will have a minimum of four years of human resource experience in a fast-paced environment with strong knowledge of benefits administration including medical, dental, life, 401(k) and COBRA. Proficiency in MS Office programs is required. Bachelors degree preferred.

当然,除了在招聘广告中出现的词语,你还可以使用这些词的同义、近义词,比如可以用“HR Manager”代替原文中的“human resources manager”。另外,广告中说到MS Office很重要,你可以把它具体化为你熟练使用的应用程序,如Outlook, Word或Excel。你还可以搜集同行业中各个公司的招聘广告,主要看“requirements”, “skills”和 “qualifications”部分,从中总结出现频率较高的、HR人员最常使用的行话。

• 想象自己是个HR经理,思考职位的.需要,再选择性地使用我们给你的最热门关键词,你就能够快速找到适合应聘领域的Key Words;

• 有许多关键词“放之四海而皆准”,它们表示的技能对大部分工作都不可或缺,你应该牢牢记住并灵活地使用这些词,如teamwork, writing, planning, coordinating, designing等,


• 你还可与行内人聊天,仔细询问和倾听他们的言谈,发现并学习你所感兴趣的领域的行话;

你在搜集Key Words的过程中会发现,不同的词语(Words)或同义词可以用来描述同一个职位或技能。假设,你把曾经担任实习秘书(Secretary)的经历写入简历,而寻找行政助理(Administrative Assistant)的系统就会把你的简历剔除。所以,你应该把“administrative assistant”放入简历。同理,一位律师(Attorney)应该在简历中包含“lawyer”;一个人力资源经理(HR Management)应该把“Personal Administration”写入简历。

你可以在简历行文中使用到关键词,比如在Education, Professional Skills, Honors & Awards或English & IT Skills这些部分中,提及相关的关键词;但往往简历的逻辑结构或是有限的空间,会阻碍你这样做。这种情况下,可以专门设立一个关键词部分(Key Words Section)来列出,这部分有许多种名称,如:Special Knowledge, Key Word Preface, Key Word Section或者Areas of Expertise。下表是一个营销管理专家的Key Word box,你会发现,使用这种方式,你不需要用连词或段落,只要直接列出单词或短语就可以了。

Areas of Expertise

• Sales • Profits & Loss • Multi-Site Management

• Budgets • Needs Analysis • Employee Motivation

• Market Trend Analysis • Technical Expertise • Team Training






简历是求职者向招聘单位推销自己的重要工具, 它也是打开面试大门的金钥匙。一份语言规范、得体的英语简历体现出求职者具备清晰的思路、良好的语言表达、较强的沟通交际能力, 而且体现出求职者所具备的专业特长、语言功力、综合文化修养等, 因此英语简历的写作显得尤为重要。


(一) “I”使用的错误

为了引起招聘方的注意, 在写作中, 应聘者主观地认为“I”的出现会加深招聘方的印象, 这样的写法适得其反。“I”的反复出现会另招聘方非常不舒服, 认为应聘者骄傲, 不顾及他人的感受。所以在写作中, 尽量少用“I”或“my”的句子。

如:As a result of my steady efforts in study, I can get good scores. (wrong) As a result of steady efforts in study, I can get good scores.

(二) 语法、句法错误

在简历的写作中, 恰当运用简单句, 避免使用复合句是书写句式时不错的选择。简单句虽然简单, 但招聘方阅读时倍感枯燥无味, 很难留下深刻印象。简洁中蕴含信息容量很大的语言是招聘方希望看到的。

如:As I have been in Japan for 4 years, I know Japanese well. (wrong) having been in Japan for 4 years, I know Japanese well. (right)

另外, 在时态的运用上学生也经常混淆和模棱两可, 对于过去时和现在时的运用常常错位, 例如, 在写作中, 描写相关经历用过去时, 介绍自己曾经获得的奖项用一般现在时。

(三) 词汇使用错误

在词汇的表达上学生经常使用中式英文。“三好学生” (excellent student instead of three good students.) “辅导员” (counselor instead of ideological tutor.) “班长” (class president instead of monitor.) 因语感较差, 导致中式英文的表达出现较多。

(四) 时间顺序错误

在英语简历的写作中, 学生在说明学历和工作经历时经常先写过去, 再写现在。而英文简历的写作要求采取倒叙的方式说明学历和工作经历, 先写现在的学习和工作经历, 然后再写过去。在写作上一定要注意规范化的写作, 而不要受到汉语习惯的影响。一定要写出地道、符合西方表达的句子。

(五) 版面格式不规范

在简历的写作中, 美观、大方的排版会给招聘方留下美好的印象。合乎规范的排版应是条目化, 符合西方人的阅读习惯和审美意识。在简历的写作中, 学生演常常根据自己的喜好来排版, 五花八门, 各式各样。简历的写作需要培养学生跨文化的交际意识, 培养学生具备规范化和正确性的意识。


(一) 书写特点

1. 大写。

大写标题可以迅速吸引读者的注意力, 读者在瞬间后捕捉到主题意思, 使得招聘方即刻理解了简历的主旨, 有效地引领招聘方逐步理解各项内容, 为求职者成功申请到面试打开了一条通路, 也为找到满意工作奠定了基础。


2. 粗体和黑体。

在简历的写作中, 单词粗体和黑体起到了强调的作用, 表明了作者的亮点所在, 优势得以展现, 希望以此吸引招聘方的注意力, 使得招聘方会着重阅读, 加深印象。

如:Education Background

3. 颜色。

简历书写者为了让招聘方清晰辨识到重点信息, 深刻领会简历书写者的意图, 有些文字用蓝颜色, 以此来表明重点, 增加更多的有力条件, 为成功面试铺垫基石。

4. 字号。

简历撰写者通过多种多样的方式来展现自己的优势以此来获得招聘方的青睐。字号的变化体现了求职者的心情。下面这个例子的标题字号为13.5, 正文字号为小五。简历撰写者希望读者多多关注并予以重视。

5. 标点。

英文简历是求职者成功取得面试资格的一个重要环节, 是打开就业渠道的一扇门。在简历中, 简历书写者陈述与招聘相关的工作、技能、特长等诸多事宜, 通常是陈述句, 句号运用多。

(二) 词汇特点

1. 名词。

在简历写作中, 简历书写者运用积极、乐观的词汇来陈述与招聘工作相关的事宜, 更为积极地展现简历书写者的资质, 招聘方会在阅读时感到愉悦舒服, 愿意录用阳光明媚的人士, 它会给公司的前景加砖加瓦, 同时增加了自信心, 有利于面试成功。

如:Creation, independence.

2. 动词。

在英语简历的写作中, 每个具体的动词描绘着简历书写者的学习、工作经历。因简历书写者的具体行为动词可以展现不同阶段所做的具体事情, 动词的生动运用可以把平时地相关事宜传递出来, 因此动词运用较多。

如:Demonstrate, design, communicate, purchase.

3. 形容词。

在简历写作中, 形容词的运用生动形象地展现了简历篇章美的韵味, 栩栩如生地勾画出求职者不同一般的经历和良好的社会阅历。

如:Active, energetic, modest, creative.

4. 词汇重复。

为了保证招聘方清晰读懂简历, 不产生任何误会和曲解, 简历书写者使用重复词汇来达到清清楚楚、明明白白的目的。努力做到简历清晰明了, 一目了然。

如:Work as a teacher.Work as a tutor.

5. 词语并列。

在简历写作中, 意思上相近的词并列排放, 准确无误地表达了每一个词的意思, 烦琐中显现简单, 招聘方进一步明晰此词的意思, 加深了印象。

如:Supervises and directed, questions and concerns.

(三) 句法特点

1. 主动语态。

在简历的写作中, 直截了当、简洁明了, 没有拐弯抹角。执行者和接收方一目了然, 主动语态的运用明晰了执行者和接收方。

如:I can make full use of my financial management knoewledge and skills.

2. 陈述句。

陈述句客观、真实地展现出简历书写者实事求是地写出了与应聘工作相关的经历和技能。陈述句在简历中的运用丰富了简历书写者所具备的各项能力, 没有任何虚构浮华之词, 真真切切。

如:An individual's resume usually includes personal data, job objectives, educational background, work experience or employment history and other information or references.

3. 过去分词短语。

在简历的写作中, 过去分词短语的使用丰富了句式结构, 使得句子结构紧密, 句意达到了言简意赅的效果。

4. 平行结构。

在简历的写作中, 平行结构运用较多, 它平衡和协调了前后的句子, 节奏分明, 保持了语言的连贯性。语言内容鲜明, 语言气势突显。

如:Guide and direct the large-scale events, manage and coordinate large-scale events.

(四) 语篇特点

1. 版面设计。

条目化、分项式的版面设计是英语简历语篇设计的特点。版面设计具有条理性, 会给招聘方留下美好的印象。版面设计美观、大方会另招聘方赏心悦目, 爱不释手。同时也增加了简历书写者的面试机会。


英语简历的书写重在“简”, 啰嗦繁杂的句式是避讳的。简简单单的句式干净利落, 令招聘方对大篇幅的内容一目了然。“and”在简历中使用较多, 它简化了复杂的句式关系。

如:Supervise general office activities and assist the executive vice-president such as writing and reports.

3. 词汇同现。

词汇同现联结了句与句之间的密切关系, 控制整个语篇的主题范围, 加强了语篇的衔接力, 语义连贯, 相互之间互为联系, 互为补充。在简历的写作中, 词汇同现的使用加强了语篇的粘合力。“Vice-president”是中心词, 与之工作有关的词汇依次使用。

如:Vice-president, Duke University, North Carolina, PA (2002-present) .


写好英文简历是求职成功的重要部分。简历中的书写、词汇、语句、语篇特点不但体现了简历书写者的逻辑思维能力, 而且也体现了语言文字表达的能力, 是一个人综合能力素质的体现。通过探讨写作策略, 希冀帮助求职者成功就业, 找到满意的工作, 为社会贡献自己的一份力量。


[1]陈鹏霞.英文求职信与求职面谈英语会话[M].世界图书出版公司/香港商贸出版社, 1991.

[2]丁往道, 等.英语写作手册[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1994.



Balance Sheet基本方法

选择要应聘的工作后,必须看清招聘广告上所列出的每项要求,再将自己的学历、能力与兴趣逐一与之比较,作一张balance sheet。

例如,一则关于marketing management trainee和job requirement是这样写的:

We are looking for a competent person to fill the captioned position:

-University graduate major in Marketing Management. Prepared to develop career in the commercial field

-Outgoing personality

-Able to communicate at different levels

-Good knowledge of PC operations

-Proficiency in written and spoken English/Mandarin


-University graduate with major in Marketing

-Having actively participated in Business clubs activities and learned accounting and management

-Good in communication with people and like a lot of out door activities, know how to tackle with people from all walks of life

-Skillful in operating Words, Excel, Lotus1-2-3, etc

-Fluent in English and Mandarin

这个方法的好处是可以让求职者清楚了解该职位是否适合自己,而本身资料又是否切合要求,而且,明白了各项要求后,就可依据每一点在履历表上重点提出自己在该方面的强项。突出卖点(selling point),将之放在最吸引人的地方,使招聘者一眼可见,有利于present自己。

Work experience工作经验的陈述




2006/7-2006/8 General Clerk, IBM

2007/7-2007/8 Account clerks, Manley Toy Trading

2008/6-2008/8 Salesgirl, Esprit.


Three years of job experience in different positions have offered me opportunity: As a General Clerk (IBM),Accounts clerk (Manley Toy Trading), I have learned how to prepare purchasing orders,place orders, handle accounting matter, check voucher,… also (Salesgirl, Esprit) developing the technique of selling, serving and stocking.


Job objective 事业目标

通常,一般求职者只会在履历表开端简单地写上所应征的职位-Position Applied: Management Trainee或I am applying for... 其实,若懂得利用这小小空间写出自己的事业目标(job objective),更能显示出你对该工作的热爱及憧憬,能令招聘者对你加倍留意。


Job objective:

To begin as a Marketing Management Trainee, with opportunity to advance to executive level and contribute to the development of firm.





期望岗位: 英语专业相关岗位


姓    名: 史丹红

性    别;女                                          出生年月:1985年2

政治面貌:团员                                        籍    贯:浙江宁波

毕业院校:浙江理工大学                                专    业:英   语

学    历:本科                                        健康状况:良好





2004 C 2008 浙江理工大学

2001 C 2004 浙江省宁波市鄞州区鄞江中学

1998 C 2001 浙江省宁波市鄞州区集士港镇中学


高级英语       高级英语写作       英译汉      英美文学

口语            语言学            汉译英       视听说

精读             口译              听力         法语




全国英语专业八级考试(TEM8) 全国英语专业四级考试(TEM4) 大外英语六级(CET6)





能熟练运用office软件 Word、Excel、PowerPoint等的各种功能进行高效的办公室日常工作


9/2004―6/2005  担任班级生活委员和寝室长职务

9/2005―6/2006  担任寝室长职务

9/2005―6/2006 社会实践(走访6家公司)

9/2005―6/2006 获学年社会活动积极分子

9/2007―11/2007 兼职笔译(为建筑公司翻译酒店,宾馆等设施服务资料)

2/22/2008―2/24/2008 在上海光大会展中心作为宁波杰视光学仪器有限公司的翻译人员和外国客户洽谈生意

1/4/2008―20/7/2008 宁波小星星车业有限公司外贸员,并多次在上海参展上与客户英文洽谈

28/7/2008―18/10/2008 宁波海欣进出口公司业务员,熟练制作各种报关单据。了解了各种贸易术语,熟悉外贸的整个流程













Name:Shi Danhong




Birth date:February 2, 1985


Marital Status:Single

Address:Room 616, Building 3, Xiasha Campus, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, China



Position Desired

To work as a coordinator in a foreign trade company

Work Experience

9/2005―6/2006   being a trainee in a foreign trade Corporation in Ningbo

9/2004―6/2005 Being a English tutor

Educational Background


Zhejiang Sci-tech university

Academic Main Courses

Advanced Listening; Advanced Writing

Integrated English; Translation;

Intermediate Interpretation: French


Yinjiang middle school in Ningbo

Scholarships and Awards

9/2005―6/2006 the rustler for the social activities

Language Skill:

Fluent English; Beginning French

Computer skills:

Skilled in using Microsoft software (Excel, PowerPoint and Word.)


Reading, watching movies, listening to music


Honest, responsibility, positive, easy-going, considerate
















English recommendation

Dear Sir or Madam:

My name is Shi Danhong, coming from Ningbo of Zhejiang province. I have acquired English bachelor’s degree smoothly in Zhejiang Sci-tech university next year.

Please consider my application for a qualified job hunter .Being an English major, I’m longing for an opportunity to realize my personal value . You will note that I have acquired the professional knowledge of English and practical skills. Furthermore, I have won other prizes for my excellent performance.

Four-year hard-working and good education strengthens me and my social experiences cultivate my all-round ability, capable of communicating with high sense of responsibility. In my spare time, I widely read a large amount of books, not only substantiated myself, but also have trained my technical ability in many aspects. All these make me have a big understanding of nowadays development of English. I’m confident that employing me is a kind of investment for you.

If you think that the record of mine qualified me for a start in your company. Please call 13777084282. My references and I’m ready for your interview at any time.

Your early reply will be much appreciated.




One with a solid professional knowledge, with the spirit of teamwork, with a strong will and self—confidence to students of machinery — XXX。

Solid professional knowledge is fundamental to the success。 I am well aware that the University take full advantage of four years, a serious study, and achieved good results。 Through four years of university study, not only I have the machinery industry theory, but I do have a strong capacity and design capability。

Large—scale socialized production with the development of the skills needs of the community have a number of complex talent。 Learning courses in the same time, I self—study computer, foreign languages and international financial and other popular knowledge。 In the computer context, can skilled use of FORTRAN, C programming language, and proficiency in the use of AUTO CAD, WOTD for graphics and word processing。 In a foreign language context, with a certain degree of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation capability, has completed 5,000—word translation of professional literature。 In addition, also shown on the financial interest has a self—study, “International Finance”, “portfolio investment”, “Money and Banking” and other basic courses。 And has a small trial to test their abilities in the stock market, and accumulated some experience, an increase of knowledge。 In short, to broaden their knowledge and improve the quality of its own。

Team spirit is a guarantee to play the school。 In order to it, I actively participated in collective activities, with strong coordination ability。

A strong will is the essential quality of success。 In order to it, man I do not tear easily。

I have the knowledge, I re—team, I am confident, I firmly believe that……

Give me an opportunity, but also you a surprise!

Choose me, right!




April 13,2000 p.O.Box 36 Tsinghua University Beijing,China 100084 Dear Sir/Madam: Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System.I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements.I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S.degree.My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice.Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English.My ability to write and speak English is out of question.I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.With many thanks, Wang Lin


Dear Sir or Madam,Now and then corporations send out feelers for just the right type of creative person.This person must fit any criteria.Usually,after all is said and done,the corporation wants aperson who can manage,create and communicate.An active youth is just around.On my graduation from college recently,I am eager to gain aposition that will offer me opportunities and also changes.I thought perhaps you would keep me in mind for apossible opening.I am strong,optimistic,dynamic and honest.During my education,I h***e grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice.Not only h***e Ipassed CET,but more important Ican communicate with others freely in English.My ability to write and speak English is out of question.Moreover,I h***e had benefited much from my part-time jobs.A copy of my antecedents is enclosed for your reference.I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional informat ion you require,please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for an interview.Very truly

yours,Fu Zuying
