



The following appeared as a letter to the editor of a local newspaper.

“Five years ago, we residents of Morganton voted to keep the publicly owned piece of land known as Scott Woods in a natural, undeveloped state. Our thinking was that, if no shopping centers or houses were built there, Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as a natural parkland. But now that our town planning committee wants to purchase the land and build a school there, we should reconsider this issue. If the land becomes a school site, no shopping centers or houses can be built there, and substantial acreage would probably be devoted to athletic fields. There would be no better use of land in our community than this, since a large majority of our children participate in sports, and Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as natural parkland.”

Since the residents are changing the original statement that complies with the conditions of what an undeveloped site is, it is their responsibility to make sure that certain restrictions are followed. According to the definition of undeveloped land, keeping the natural elements and avoiding the tearing down of this elements is an issue to consider even if it is a school built on the site.

Even though the residents originally wanted to keep the property undeveloped and unbuilt, the fact that they emphasize that this area will subtantially be devoted to athletic fields, strongly supports the idea of the residents using the land for similar activities than that of the public parkland, . Moreover, the fact that the residents mentioned the community as being one where children will be the main participants of this area is persuasive enough to make this argument a strong one.


This response is seriously flawed. The first paragraph obliquely addresses the argument made in the topic, but stops short of logical analysis. The second paragraph agrees with the argument and supports its assumptions. In essence, the writer exhibits an uncritical acceptance of the argument.

Aside from a few minor errors, the writer has control over syntax, grammar, and the conventions of standard written English. This response, though, warrants a score of 2, because it offers no discernible analysis of the logic of the argument.





1. 是否可能有其它原因导致胃痛?




2. 因果关系是否能互换?




3. 是否只是巧合?两件事之间其实并无因果关系?






due to, result of, cause, because, reason why等等。




3.21.3 组成

compose v. 组成;写,创作

constitute v. 组成,构成;建立

construct v. 构成,建筑,(建造)

formation n. 组织,形成;(军队)编队

formality n. 遵循的规范;拘泥形式;正式

formative adj. 形成的,影响发展的

institutionalized adj. 有组织的,制度化的

realign v. 重新组合(排列)

recombine v. 重组,再结合 (recombinant n. 重组体)

reconstitute v. 再组成;用水泡

component n. 成分,零部件

constituent n. 成分;选区内的选民

ingredient n. 成分

segment n. 部分 (segmentable adj. 可分割的 segmental adj. 部分的,片段的)


3.36.2 下降

descend v. 下来,下降

plummet v. 垂直或突然坠下;(n. 测深锤)

slippage n. 下降,滑动

slump v. 猛然落下;暴跌


3.36.1 减少,减轻

abate v. 减少,减轻

abrade v. 磨损,磨小 (abraded adj. 磨损的)

brake v. 减速,阻止;n. 刹车

deaden v. 减低某物的力量或强度(削弱力量)

debilitate v. 使衰弱

decline v. 变弱,变小;拒绝;n. 消减

deduct v. 减去,扣除;演绎

detract v. 减去,贬低

dilute v. 把(液体)弄稀,弄淡

diminuendo n. (音乐、演奏)渐弱

diminution n. 减少,缩减

dwindle v. 变小

emasculate v. 削弱;阉割;adj. 柔弱的

flag v. 减弱,衰退;枯萎;(n. 旗,国旗)

impair v. 使弱,损害

implode v. 剧减;内爆

languish v. 衰弱;变得消瘦

minimize v. 把…减至最低数量或程度(最小化)

relent v. 减弱;动怜悯心

relenting adj. 减弱的,怜悯的

retard v. 减速;妨碍

sap v. 消弱,耗尽;n. 树液;活力

subtract v. 减去,减掉 (subtraction n. 减,减法)

taper v. (长形物体的)逐渐变短;n. 细蜡烛

underplay v. 淡化…的重要性;表演(角色)不充分

vitiate v. 削弱,损害

wane v. 减少,衰微;(月亏)

waste v. 损耗,使身体消瘦

abate v. 减轻,减少

allay v. 减轻,缓和

alleviate v. 缓和,减轻

assuage v. 缓和,减轻

buffer v. 缓冲,为…充当缓冲器

cushion v. 缓冲;n. 坐垫

defuse v. 缓和紧张状态或危急局面;从(爆破装置)中卸除引信

disarm v. 使缓和;缴某人的械

mitigate v. 减轻,缓和

palliate v. 减轻(痛苦);掩饰(罪行) (palliation n. 减轻,缓和)

palliative adj. 减轻的,缓和的;n. 缓释剂

salve v. 减轻,缓和;n. 药膏

soothe v. 减轻;抚慰

subdue v. 减轻;征服;压制

subdued adj. 缓和的,(光和声)柔和的;(人)温和的

temper v. 缓和;锤炼;n. 脾气

damp v. 减弱,制止振动(减振);adj. 潮湿的

damped adj. 减震的,压低(声音)的

muffle v. 使声音降低;裹住

muffled adj. (声音)压低的

muffler n. 消音器;围巾

mute v. 减弱声音;n. 弱音器;adj. 沉默的

muted adj. (声音)减弱的,变得轻柔的

abbreviate v. 缩短;缩写 (abbreviation n. 缩短;缩写)

abridge v. 删减;缩短

bowdlerize v. 删除,删改

curtail v. 削减,缩短

decline n. 消减;v. 变弱,变小;拒绝

diminution n. 缩减,减少

dock v. 剪短;扣除…的一部分工资

pare v. 削减,缩减;削;修剪

retrenchment n. 削减,节省

truncate v. 把(某物)截短,去尾

whittle v. 削减;削(木头)

ellipsis n. 省略

elliptical adj. 省略的;椭圆的;晦涩的 (ellipse n. 椭圆)

omit v. 省略,遗漏;疏忽


3.16.3 救助

extricable adj. 可解救的,能脱险的

extricate v. 拯救,救出

rescue n./v. 解救;把…从法律监管下强行夺回

salvage n./v. (从灾难中)抢救,海上救助 (salvable adj. 可抢救的)
