



II.阅读理解。认真阅读下列两篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题,根据短文的内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在“答题纸”上将所选答案的字母涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。(本大题共1 0小题,每小题2分,共20分)

Passage One

The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of September 1666. In four days it destroyed more than three-quarters of the old city, where most of the houses were wooden and close together. One hundred thousand people became homeless, but only a few lost their lives.

The fire started on Sunday morning in the house of the King’s baker(面包师) in Pudding Lane. The baker, with his wife and family, was able to get out through a window in the roof. A strong wind blew the fire from the bakery (面包房) into a small hotel next door. Then it spread quickly into Thames Street. That was the eginning.

By eight o’clock three hundred houses were on fire. On Monday nearly a kilometer of the city was burning along the River Thames. Tuesday was the worst day. The fire destroyed many well-known buildings, old St Paul’s and the Guildhall were among them.

Samuel Pepys, the famous writer, wrote about the fire. People threw their things into the river. Many poor people stayed in their houses until the last moment. Birds fell out of the air because of the heat.

The fire stopped only when the King finally ordered people to destroy hundreds of buildings in the paths of the fire. With nothing left to burn , the fire became weak and finally died out.

After the fire, Christopher Wren ,the architect , wanted a city with wider streets and fine new houses of stone. In fact, the streets are still narrow, but he did build more than fifty churches, and the new St Paul’s is among them.

The fire caused great pain and loss, but after it London was a better place : a city for the future and not just of the past.

21. The fire began in ____.

A. a hotel B. the palace

C. Pudding Lane D. Thames Street

22. The underlined word “family” in the second paragraph means _____.

A. home B. children

C. wife and husband D. wife and children

23. It seems that the writer of the text was most sorry for the fact that______.

A. some people lost their lives B. the birds in the sky were killed by the fire

C. many famous buildings were destroyed D. the King’s bakery was burned down

24. Why did the writer cite (引用)Samuel Pepys ?

A. Because Pepys was among those putting out the fire.

B. Because Pepys also wrote about the fire.

C. To show that poor people suffered most.

D. To give the reader a clearer picture of the fire.

25. How was the fire put out according to the text?

A. The King and his soldiers came to help.

B. All the wooden houses in the city were destroyed.

C. People managed to get enough water from the river.

D. Houses standing in the direction of the fire were pulled down.

Passage Two

Many people who work in London prefer to live outside of it and to go into their offices or schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up early in the morning and reach home late in the evening.

One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one’s own.

Then, in the country one can rest from the noise and hurry of the town. Even though one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep better at night and during weekends and on summer evenings. One can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country. If one likes gardens, one can spend one’s free time digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred and one other jobs which are needed in a garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has the reward( 回报,奖赏) of one who has shared the secret of Nature.

Some people, however, take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in the town, with its cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance-halls and restaurants. Such people would feel that their life was not worth living if they had to live it outside London. An occasional (偶尔的) walk in one of the parks and a fortnight’s (two weeks) visit to the sea every summer is all the country they want: the rest they are quite prepared to leave to those who are glad to get away from London every night.

26. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. People who like country things prefer to live outside the city.

B. People who work in London prefer to live in the country.

C. Because of certain disadvantages of living outside London, some people who work in London prefer to live inside London.

D. Because of certain advantages of living outside London, many people who work in London prefer to live outside London.

27. One can use the same money for _____ to buy a little house with a garden in the country.

A. getting a small flat with a garden

B. having a small flat with a garden

C. renting a small flat without a garden

D. buying a small flat without a garden

28. When the flowers and vegetables in the garden come up, those ____ have the reward of one who has shared the secret of Nature.

A. who live in the country

B. who have spent time working in the garden

C. who have a garden of their own

D. who have been digging, planting and watering

29.People who think happiness lies in the town would feel that ____ if they had to live it outside London.

A. their life was meaningless B. their life was invaluable

C. they didn’tdeserve a happy life D. they were not worthy of their happy life

30. The underlined word “rest” in the last paragraph refers to _____.

A. the rest time B. the rest people

C. the rest of the country D. the rest of the parks and of the sea






31. feel 32. star

33. thanks 34. massage

35. stood 36. marsh

37. publish 38.July

39. about 40. toy

41. merely 42. compare

43. voung 44. where

45. new 46. find

47. chair 48. bird

49. trust 50. driver





Do you have a pet? Are you 51 in taking care of animals? Girls and boys who like animals may want to study to be animal doctors. They are often 52 “vets ”. Many of them work in animal 53 . Others may work on farms or at a 54 . Some study animal diseases and try to find 55 to keep the animals from getting 56 . They do studies in 57 for animals. Vets listen to an animal’s heart. They check its ears, eyes, mouth and blood. They 58 on animals when they need 59 . They may give the animals shots(注射) and tell the pets’ 60 what food is best.


So at about eleven every night when he sat down for his 61 , I would come out of the kitchen and sit down 62 to him and read articles from the front page of the 63 .

When I ran into a word I didn’tknow (and I didn’tknow half of the article, because any word 64 than a couple of syllables gave me trouble) he explained the 65 of the word and gave me the 66 .Then he’d send me 67 . to the sentences so I could understand the word in 68 . Then I would take the paper away with me, armed now with the meaning of those words, and reread and reread the article 69 that the meaning of those words would get_ 70 into my memory. Every evening we did that.

V.根据所学课文内容完成下列句子。(本大题共1 0小题,每小题2分,共20分)

71.Special Agent X came to the cabin to .

72. Even though the man in “Love of Life” was saved and had enough to eat, he still hid food

because he __________.

73. We shouldn’tbe bound by the dictionary in choosing our words because _______.

74. In the story of “Hobbyist”, the druggist makes money by ___________.

75. In the story of “Little Things Are Big”, the author _______ to the white lady because he’s afraid of being misunderstood.

76. Dr. Applebaum’s recent study on the efforts of television on children is about ______.

77. After Mr. Budd helped the police to catch the murderer, many ladies came to his shop to____.

78. According to the author of “Another School Year---What For?” the first course in any science is essentially a history course because ________.

79. From the day the boy called her fat, Lois was committed to ________.

80. According to the writer, the “Deposits” in the “Emotional Band Account” are: Cultivate Kindness, Apologize, Learn Loyalty, ______and Forgive.















A. 糖蛋白存在于细胞膜的外表面,与细胞识别、信息传递及细胞癌变等有关

B. 载体蛋白具有专一性,参与协助扩散、主动运输

C. 血红蛋白可携带氧气,可参与内环境的组成

D. 抗体由浆细胞分泌,专一性很强

2. 某同学在观察减数分裂装片时,发现一个细胞含有成对的同源染色体,但没有四分体,着丝点排列在赤道板位置,且每条染色体都有染色单体。下列相关分析正确的是

A. 水稻的雌蕊是良好的实验材料

B. 这是处于减数第二次分裂中期的细胞

C. 下一时期将发生同源染色体彼此分离

D. 所形成两个子细胞的染色体数目相同

3. 以下有关遗传变异的说法不正确的是

A. 三倍体无子西瓜不育,但是其变异能通过无性生殖遗传给后代

B. DNA分子中发生碱基对的替换、增添和缺失不一定会引起性状改变

C. 在有丝分裂和减数分裂的过程中,会由于非同源染色体之间交换一部分片段,导致染色体结构变异

D. 在镜检某基因型为AaBb的父本细胞时,发现其基因型为AaB,此种变异为基因突变

4. 马拉松长跑是一项高强度体育运动,下列相关分析错误的是

A. 运动员跑步过程中心跳加快,是神经体液调节的结果

B. 出发后运动员体温在较高水平上维持相对稳定,此时产热量大于散热量

C. 途中运动员会大量出汗是下丘脑调节体温相对稳定的结果,应及时补充水分

D. 运动员感到疲劳仍能坚持跑完全程,离不开大脑皮层的控制作用

5. 荔枝椿象吸食荔枝、龙眼等果树的嫩芽,造成果品减产。平腹小蜂可把卵产在椿象的卵内,幼虫取食椿象的卵液,长大后的小蜂钻出卵壳,再次找到椿象重复上述过程。下列叙述正确的是

A. 平腹小蜂与椿象为互利共生关系

B. 平腹小蜂在生态系统中属于初级消费者

C. 平腹小蜂与荔枝椿象之间存在着信息交流

D. 平腹小蜂、荔枝椿象、荔枝构成了一个相互依存的生物群落

6. 下列关于“探索生长素类似物促进插条生根的最适浓度”实验的叙述正确的是

A. 本实验的结果不能够体现生长素作用的两重性的特点

B. 实验中不同浓度生长素类似物溶液浸泡不同插条的时间长短要有不同的梯度

C. 浸泡法处理插条就是将插条浸泡在配制好的生长素类似物溶液中直至其生根

D. 实验中常用的生长素类似物有NAA、2,4-D、IPA、IBA和生根粉等

7. 古代的很多成语、谚语都蕴含着很多科学知识,下列对成语、谚语的解释正确的是





8. 设NA表示阿伏加德罗常数的数值,下列说法正确的是

A. 常温常压下,18g D2O分子中所含中子数为10NA

B. 8.0 gCu2S和CuO的混合物中含有铜原子数为0.1NA

C. 标准状况下,2.24 L Cl2溶于水中达到饱和,转移的电子数为0.1NA

D. 50mL 12mol·L-1盐酸与足量MnO2共热,生成的氯气分子数为0.15NA

9. 下列关于有机物的说法错误的是

A. 乙醇和乙酸都是常用调味品的主要成分

B. 苯和油脂均不能够使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色

C. 麻醉剂三氟氯溴乙烷(CF3CHClBr)的同分异构体有3种(不考虑立体异构)

D. 家中发生天然气泄漏,不能在室内用电话报警

10. 下列根据实验操作和现象所得出的结论正确的是( )

11. 五种短周期主族元素X、Y、Z、W、R。X的原子半径是短周期主族元素中最大的,Y元素的原子最外层电子数为m,次外层电子数为n,Z元素的原子L层电子数为m+n,M层电子数为m-n,W元素与Z元素同主族,R元素与Y元素同主族。下列叙述错误的是

A. 28gZ单质中含有4 molZ—Z非极性共价键

B. Y的氢化物比R的氢化物稳定,熔沸点高

C. Z、W、R最高价氧化物对应水化物的酸性强弱顺序是:R>W>Z

D. X与Y形成的两种常见化合物中阴、阳离子的个数比均为1∶2

12. 我国预计在2020年前后建成自己的载人空间站。为了实现空间站的零排放,循环利用人体呼出CO2的并提供O2,我国科学家设计了一种装置(如1图),实现了“太阳能→电能→化学能”转化,总反应方程式为2CO2=2CO+O2。关于该装置的下列说法正确的是

A. 图中N型半导体为正极,P型半导体为负极

B. 反应完毕,该装置阳极中电解质溶液的pH增大

C. 离子交换膜中每通过1mol离子,产生0.5molO2

D. 人体呼出的气体参与X电极的反应:CO2+H2O+2e-=CO+2OH-

13. 25℃时,用Na2S 沉淀Cu2+、Zn2+两种金属阳离子(M2+),所需S2-最低浓度的对数值lgc(S2-)与lgc(M2+)的关系如图2所示。下列说法不正确的是

A. Na2S 溶液中:c(S2-)+c(HS-)+c(H2S)=1/2c(Na+)

B. 25℃时,Ksp(CuS)约为1×10-35

C. 向100 mL Zn2+、Cu2+浓度均为10-5 mol/L 的混合溶液中逐滴加入10-4 mol/L 的Na2S 溶液,Cu2+先沉淀

D. 向Cu2+浓度为10-5 mol/L 的工业废水中加入ZnS 粉末,不会有CuS沉淀析出


14. 物理学在揭示现象本质的过程中不断发展,下列说法不正确的是

A. 通电导线受到的安培力,实质上是导体内运动电荷受到洛伦兹力的宏观表现

B. 穿过闭合电路的磁场发生变化时电路中产生感应电流,是因为变化磁场在周围产生了电场使电荷定向移动

C. 磁铁周围存在磁场,是因为磁铁内有取向基本一致的分子电流

D. 踢出去的足球最终要停下来,说明力是维持物体运动的原因

15. 如图3所示是演示小蜡块运动规律的装置.在蜡块沿玻璃管(y方向)上升的同时,将玻璃管紧贴着黑板沿水平方向(x方向)向右运动,得到蜡块相对于黑板(xOy平面)运动的轨迹图.则蜡块沿玻璃管的上升运动与玻璃管沿水平方向的运动的形式是

A. 小蜡块沿玻璃管做匀加速直线运动,玻璃管沿水平方向做匀加速直线运动

B. 小蜡块沿玻璃管做匀加速直线运动,玻璃管沿水平方向做匀速直线运动

C. 小蜡块沿玻璃管做匀速直线运动,玻璃管沿水平方向先加速后减速

D. 小蜡块沿玻璃管做匀速直线运动,玻璃管沿水平方向先减速后加速

16. 如图4所示,固定斜面c上放有两个完全相同的物体a,b,两物体间用一根细线连接,在细线的中点加一与斜面垂直的拉力F,使两物体均处于静止状态,下列说法正确的是

A. c受到地面的摩擦力向左

B. a,b两物体的受力个数一定相同

C. a,b两物体对斜面的压力相同

D. 当逐渐增大拉力F时,物体b受到斜面的摩擦力一定逐渐增大

17. 如图5所示,有一面积为S、匝数为N、电阻不计的矩形线圈,绕OO′轴在水平方向的磁感应强度为B的匀强磁场中以角速度ω匀速转动,矩形线圈通过滑环接一理想变压器,滑动触头P可上下移动,副线圈接有可调电阻R.从图示位置开始计时,下列判断正确的是

A. 矩形线圈产生的感应电动势的瞬时值表达式为e=NBSωcos ωt


39.(15 分,除说明外每空2分)(1)稀释涂布平板法 灭菌(防止杂菌污染)(2)碳源 氮源(3)时间 水浴 滤去不溶物(4)(实验)对照(1分)





40.(15 分,除说明外每空2分)(1)可以充分发挥雌性优良个体的繁殖能力 不会与母体子宫建立组织上的联系 (2)诱导精子获能 使卵母细胞成熟 (3)胚胎移植 (4) 原始性腺 饲养层 (5) 乳腺蛋白基因(1分)





(5) 要使人的白蛋白基因在奶牛乳腺细胞中特异性表达,完整的基因表达载体要包括目的基因、乳腺蛋白基因的启动子和终止子、标记基因等部分。





I. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to Y. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (25 points, 1 point for each)

West Germany, by contrast, will not be able to 1 any form of euthanasia for a long time to come. Opposition is 2 fierce, because of the shadow of the past. Countries 3 an uninterrupted recent libertarian tradition have less to fear from setting some 4 rules for voluntary euthanasia. By 5 to discuss it, they usher in something worse.

We watched while pride allowed unimportant battles to be 6 into the most important stands of the war-because we couldn’t 7 and we couldn’t retreat and because it didn’t matter how many American 8 were provided to prove that point. Now we are told that we have to 9 quietly while the American lives are lost so that we can exercise the 10 arrogance of Vietnamizing the Vietnamese.

Newspapers have two great advantages 11 television. They can be used by men as barriers

12 their wives. It is still the only effective screen against the morning features of the loved one, and, as such, performs a unique human 13 . The second advantage is that you can’t line a

14 pail with a television set―it’s usually the other way 15 .

It is only lately that I have found how much science of genetics is 16 . Agronomists and the like have taken to 17 all sorts of vegetables and fruits-changing their 18 nature. This sounds wonderful and often is 19 . For the scientists have not as a rule taken any 20 whatsoever in the taste of the things they’ve tampered with!

My own lack of shame in the rioting then taking place in America 21 me. In one sense, I was the 22 of the ghetto child who through hard work and initiative was 23 himself toward a better life. I was the 24 , the exception. It was my life that was held up to Watts youth to 25 .

II. Each of the following sentences is given four choices of words or expressions. Choose the right one to complete the sentence and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (15 points, 1 point for each)

26. These arguments have never been _________ accepted.

A. amply B. drastically

C. perpetually D. universally

27. It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to revenge when subjected to _________ behavior.

A. unfamiliar B. uncivilized

C. unsatisfied D. uncommon

28. The emergency services said it was _________ that no one was seriously injured in the air crash.

A. miraculous B. mysterious

C. ridiculous D. relentless

29. Banks _________ receive money from their customers in two distinct forms: on current account, and on deposit account.

A. formally B. narrowly

C. normally D. particularly

30. The recession has _________ so many firms that many can no longer survive.

A. lessened B. weakened

C. decreased D. reduced

31. In science, a theory is a reasonable __________ of observed events.

A. explanation B. excavation

C. expression D. evaluation

32. Children do not learn what it is to lose and will __________ violence to release their


A. refer to B. attribute to

C. point to D. resort to

33.A sincere __________ is like the sunshine which can boost our morale.

A. compliment B. supplement

C. accomplishment D. complement

34. He was arrested when his __________ scheme to evade taxes came to light.

A. fake B. fraudulent

C. false D. foreign

35. This old room has not been much in use of late. No wonder it has such a_______ appearance.

A. vulgar . B. fancy

C. shabby D. cheap

36. That little boy was so naughty that he tried to _________ feathers from a chicken.

A. flick B. twist

C. pluck D. toss

37. The task of a teacher _________ patience and conscientiousness.

A. commands B. demands

C. amends D. mends

38. She gave us unfailing _________ and became an essential part of our family.

A. devotion B. inspection

C. exploration D. indication

39. As we were saying goodbye, the train started with a_________.

A. shake B. shiver

C. tremble D. jerk

40. Parents should attach importance to their children’s _________ from adolescence to adulthood.

A. permission B. position

C. transmission D. transition

Read the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding three items III, IV, V.

Why I Came to College

(1) Why have I chosen to attend college? I have put this question to myself at many times and in various forms during the past three and a half months which have constituted the first semester of my freshman year. Have I come because of parental influence, or because I have some goal of my own that I wish to pursue? After pondering these questions on many occasions, I have finally reached the conclusion that I have come to college not for one single reason, but for many, and that it is something that I truly want to do.

(2) Originally, my parents did influence my opinions about education in general. My mother, an elementary school teacher, was always proud of my academic successes, but she never really pushed me or demanded that I achieve excellent grades. However, from the beginning of my schooling, my parents seemed to assume that I would attend college, and by the time I reached high school, I had become accustomed to that idea as well.

(3) When I entered high school, I enrolled in the college preparatory program offered there, looking ahead four years to college attendance. However, as I proceeded further through high school into my junior and senior years, I became genuinely interested in many of the subjects which I was studying. Chemistry, physics, and calculus were the courses which held my interest most strongly and I felt that I wanted to continue to study those areas beyond the high school level. Up to that point in my life, I had always claimed that I wanted to attend college. but didn’t realize why until my high school career drew to a close.

(4) Finally, I began to recognize in myself a strong drive to obtain knowledge. I knew that I would not be content to simply end my educational career with high school and enter the working world. I truly felt a need to continue learning in order to gain a better understanding of the world around me. My final decision to attend college seemed a natural one, and my choice of engineering as a field of study came easily as well, since the profession fit well with my academic preferences.

(5) The fact that I enjoy learning and gaining knowledge was my main reason for choosing to enter college, but I must admit that it was not the sole reason. In today’s world, a college education has become almost essential if one wishes to compete in the job market. In the next several years, this trend will surely continue, with a Bachelor’s degree becoming almost indispensable if one wishes to find a worthwhile position, and a Master’s degree becoming highly desirable for advanced positions. Although it may sound materialistic, I felt that attending college was a practical and necessary step which I took to ensure a secure future for myself and my family. I made my choice to study engineering primarily on the basis of my love of mathematics and the physical sciences; however, the fact that it is a well-paid and respected profession did have some influence on my final decision to study engineering, rather than a pure science curriculum. Either field would have allowed me to study those subjects which hold my interest, but the decision to pursue the one which would ultimately be more profitable was not a difficult choice to make.

(6) A third reason that I am attending college is that I have always hoped that I could make a contribution to the world. I knew that a career involving science and technology would give me the best opportunity to do this. I also knew that in order to pursue such a career, I would be required to go through college. Hopefully, this will enable me to someday make a contribution to the expansion of the frontiers of society’s knowledge, and to in some way benefit mankind.

(7) Finally, I chose to attend a diversified college, as opposed to a purely technical institute, because I feel that college should allow a person to grow in areas other than pure academics. It should also expose that student to a variety of social and political ideas, helping to expand his mental horizons. Attending Rutgers University has definitely allowed me to come into contact with a wide variety of lifestyles which could only be found together on a collegiate campus. Additionally, while I am able to major in a scientific field at Rutgers, I am able to simultaneously take courses which explore other fields of study and allow me to become a more diversified and well-rounded person. This overall gain of general knowledge which is available only to the college student is another reason that I was lured toward the pursuit of a higher education.

(8) Thus, I came to college not for one reason, but for several different ones. It was something that I had planned, even without fully knowing why, for several years. It was certainly the next logical step in my educational career after the completion of high school. However, only in my final two years of high school did I actually begin to recognize in myself the inherent desire to obtain information and learning which pursue the other goals which I had set for myself. I also knew that I wanted to become a more diversified person, and that a college education was the best means to attain that end.

(9) Why have I chosen to attend college? Sometimes I am unsure of the exact reason myself. I am sure, however, that it is what I should do and what I want to do with the next four years of my life.

III. In this section, there are ten incomplete statements or questions, followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (20 points, 2 points for each)

41. According to the passage, the author came to college mainly __________.

A. out of his own will B. because of social pressure






6喧腾 7一瞬间 1我常伏在窗口痴想=chīxiǎng=呆呆地想 2怀着一种隐秘的想望=yǐnmì=隐蔽不显露

3山那边的山啊,铁青着脸=tiěqīng=指人恐惧、震怒或患病时的脸色发青 4是用信念凝成的海=níngchãng=凝聚成为

5当我爬上那一座座诱惑着我的山顶=yîuhuî=引诱;迷惑 6因为我听到海依然在远方为我喧腾=xuāntãng=喧闹沸腾 7在一瞬间照亮你的眼睛=yíshùnjiān=一眨眼 本文来源于369资源 http:// 4紫藤萝瀑布

1嚷 2穗3舱 4绽 5凑 6酿 7发端 8终极 9迸溅 10挑逗 11繁密 12伫立 13凝望 14笼罩 15伶仃 16稀零 17忍俊不禁 18仙露琼浆 19蜂围蝶阵 20盘虬卧龙 1“我在开花!”它们嚷嚷。嚷:rǎng大声喊着说话——第5段


3帆下带着尖底的舱,船舱鼓鼓的=舱:cāng船或飞机的内部——第6段 4又像一个忍俊不禁的笑容,就要绽开似的。绽:zhàn绽破——第6段 5我凑上去,想摘一朵=凑:cîu挨近;靠拢——第6段



8从空中垂下,不见其发端,也不见其终极=终极:zhōngjí最终;穷尽——第2段 9就像迸溅的水花=迸溅:bângjiàn向四外飞溅——第2段 10在和阳光互相挑逗=挑逗:tiǎodîu挑动逗引——第2段

11我沉浸在这繁密的花朵的光辉中=繁密:fánmì繁茂稠密——第7段 12我只是伫立凝望=伫立:zhùlì久立,长时间地站着——第7段 13我只是伫立凝望=凝望:níngwàng注目远望——第7段

14梦幻一般轻轻地笼罩着我=笼罩:lǒngzhào广泛覆盖的样子——第8段 15东一穗西一串伶仃地挂在树梢=伶仃:língdīng孤独——第8段

16后来索性连那稀零的花串也没有了=稀零:xīlíng稀疏,凋零——第8段 17又像一个忍俊不禁的笑容=忍俊不禁jìn:忍不住笑。——6段17页




本文来源于369资源 http://

1训诫 2耸立 3迂回 4凝视 5啜泣 6纳罕 7瘦骨嶙峋 8心惊肉跳 9头晕目眩 10小心翼翼


3第10段=他们打算从崖顶沿着一条迂回的小路下山回家。=yūhuí曲折回旋的;环绕的 4第13段=向下凝视着我=níngshì不眨眼地看



8第9段=蹲在石架上,心惊肉跳=xīnjīngrîutiào因担心灾祸临头而惊恐不安的样子 9第14段=我从石架向下望,感到头晕目眩。tïuyūnmùxuàn=眩xuàn:(眼睛)昏花。(第8页)头发昏,眼发花,感到一切都在旋转。本文来源于369资源 http://

3生命 生命

1骚扰 2小憩 3茁壮 4糟蹋 5庸碌 6辜负 7昂然挺立 8擎天撼地 9肃然起敬


4我可以好好地使用它,也可以白白糟蹋它=糟蹋:zāotà浪费或损坏(第3段=第12页)5也可以任它荒废,庸碌一生=庸碌:yōnglù形容人平庸,没有作为。(第3段=第12页)6我应许自己,绝不辜负生命=辜负:gūfù亏负;对不住 [别人的好意、期望或帮助](第5段)



9那一股足以擎天撼地的生命力,令我肃然起敬!=肃然起敬:sùránqǐjìng由于受感动而产生恭敬和钦佩之情。肃然,形容十分恭敬的样子。(第2段=第12段)本文来源于369资源 http:// 6理想

















17可望不可即 1英雄失去理想,蜕作庸人=蜕


2饥寒的年代里,理想是温饱=饥寒 :jī hán饥饿和寒冷,多用于缺吃少穿的困难情况 3离乱的年代里,理想是安定=离乱:lí luàn离散动荡 4理想如珍珠,一颗缀连着一颗=缀连:zhuì lián连接

5理想是船舶,载着你出海远行=远行:yuǎn xíng行走远路,前往某地 6理想使你倔强地反抗着命运=倔强:juã jiàng刚强,不屈服 7理想是肥皂,洗濯你的自私心=濯(zhuï):洗——27页

8理想被玷污了,不必怨恨=玷污:diàn wū弄脏;污损。比喻名誉受污损 9理想被玷污了,不必怨恨=怨恨:yuàn hân强烈不满或仇恨,也指这种情绪 10理想被扒窃了,不必哭泣=扒窃:pá qiâ偷扒窃取

11可笑地诅咒着眼前的环境=诅咒:zǔ zhîu原指祈求鬼神加祸于所恨的人;现指咒骂 12理想抽芽,榆杨会有浓阴=浓阴:nïng yīn浓密的树荫

13但理想有时候又是海天相吻的弧线=海天相吻:hǎi tiān xiāng wěn大海与天空相接 14唤浪子回头,理想是慈爱的母亲=浪子回头:làng zǐ huí tïu浪子:二流子。不务正业的人改邪归正。

15庸人失去理想,碌碌终生=碌碌终生:lù lù zhōng shēng一生平庸无为

16理想使不幸者绝处逢生=绝处逢生:juã chǔ fãng shēng绝处:死路。形容在最危险的时候得到生路。

17可望不可即,折磨着你那进取的心。=可望不可即:kě wàng bù kě jí只能远远看见而不能接近。即,靠近、接触。——27 本文来源于369资源 http:// 7短文两篇 《行道树》《第一次真好》

1贪婪 2堕落 3点缀 4自豪 5冉冉 6苦熬 7雏形 8丰硕 9稀疏 10珍重 11累累 12低回 13沉甸甸 14眼巴巴 15繁弦急管 16红灯绿酒 17玲珑剔透 18具体而微 19多姿多彩 20不可磨灭 21回味无穷

1贪婪地呼吸着新鲜的空气=贪婪:tānlán对财物、钱等充满非同寻常的强烈欲望——7段 2这无疑是一种堕落=堕落:duîluî∶道德方面下落至可耻或可鄙的程度——2段 3我们的存在只是一种悲凉的点缀=点缀:diǎnzhuì加以衬托或装饰,使原有事物更加美好。——3段32页

4这就是我们最自豪的时刻了=自豪;zìháo自己感到光荣,值得骄傲——5段 5直等到朝霞的彩旗冉冉升起=冉冉:rǎnrǎn渐进地——4段

6但我们苦熬着,牙龈咬得酸痛=苦熬:kǔáo忍受着痛苦度[日子]——4段 7仅仅具有鸟的雏形=雏形:chúxíng未定型前最初的形式——4段

8今天第一次看到这棵果实如此丰硕的柚子树=丰硕:fēngshuî大而壮——2段 9身上只有稀疏的几根毛=稀疏:xīshū宽松;不稠密——4段 10愿你珍重第一次=珍重:zhēnzhîng重视;爱惜——6段

11看见一棵结实累累的柚子树=累累:lěilěi连续不断;排列成串——1段 12有多少“第一次”值得你低回品味?=低回:dīhuí留恋。——3段33页

13沉甸甸垂吊在枝头=沉甸甸:chãndiàndiàn物因重量过甚而下坠的样子——1段 14我和孩子们便眼巴巴地等候小鸟孵出来=眼巴巴:yǎnbābā形容急切地盼望——4段 15整个城市都是繁弦急管,都是红灯绿酒=繁弦急管:fánxiánjíguǎn各种各样欢快的音乐声。弦,指弦乐器。管,指管乐器。——4段32页






21第一次的经验不一定都愉快,但新鲜而刺激,使人回味无穷=回味无穷:huíwâiwúqiïng回味:指吃过东西以后的余味。比喻回想某一事物,越想越觉得有意思。——5段 本文来源于369资源 http:// 8人生寓言(节选)《白兔和月亮》《落难的王子》

1慧心 2嬉戏 3风韵 4慷慨5闲适 6撤销 7禀告 8厄运 9折磨 10行乞 11正色 12落难 13归属 14流落 15无忧无虑 16心旷神怡 17阴晴圆缺 18举世无双 19心痛如割 20险象迭生 21得失之患 22多愁善感 23天灾人祸 24突如其来 25异国他乡

1有一只白兔独具审美的慧心=慧心 :huì xīn佛教指能感悟至理的心智,今泛指聪慧之心——1段

2或是无忧无虑地嬉戏=嬉戏 :xī xì游戏;玩乐——1段

3月的阴晴圆缺无不各具风韵=风韵:fēng yùn优美的姿态神情。——1段36页 4请求他撤销那个慷慨的决定=慷慨:kāng kǎi充满正气,情绪激昂——5段 5从前的闲适心情一扫而光了=闲适:xián shì清闲安逸。——4段37页

6请求他撤销那个慷慨的决定=撤销 :châ xiāo取消——5段

7每当左右向他禀告天灾人祸的消息=禀告 :bǐng gào旧指把事情报告上级或长辈——1段

8遭遇厄运是坏事=厄运 :â yùn不幸的遭遇;苦难的时运——0段提示 9受尽非人的折磨=折磨 :zhã mï使身心承受痛苦——2段

10靠行乞度日=行乞 :xíng qǐ乞讨;又佛教语。谓僧人托钵以求布施——2段 11谁知他正色道=正色 :zhâng sâ严肃的神色——5段

12落难的王子撑着拐杖远去了=落难 :luî nàn遭到不幸;遭遇灾祸——7段 13万物均有所归属=归属 :guī shǔ归于;确定所有权——3段 14从此流落异国他乡=流落 :liú luî穷困失意,在外漂泊——2段

15或是无忧无虑地嬉戏=无忧无虑 :wú yōu wú lǜ没有一点忧愁和顾虑。——1段

16或是心旷神怡地赏月=心旷神怡 :xīn kuàng shãn yí旷:开阔;怡:愉快。心境开阔,精神愉快。——1段

17月的阴晴圆缺无不各具风韵=阴晴圆缺 :yīn qíng yuán quē形容不同的情况——1段 18因为你的赏月之才举世无双=举世无双 :jǔ shì wú shuāng全世界只有一个。形容极为罕见——3段

19她便心痛如割,仿佛遭了抢劫=心痛如割 :xīn tong rú gē心疼痛得像刀割一样——4段 20反倒险象迭生,勾起了无穷的得失之患=险象迭生 :xiǎn xiàng diã shēng危险的局面不断产生。——4段

21勾起了无穷的得失之患=得失之患:dã shī zhī huàn生怕失去个人利益的忧虑心情。——4段37页

22有一个王子,生性多愁善感=多愁善感 :duō chïu shàn gǎn内心忧郁,易于感伤——1段 23每当左右向他禀告天灾人祸的消息=天灾人祸 :tiān zāi rãn huî天:自然。自然的灾害和人为的祸患。也比喻害人精(骂人的话)。——1段

24在一场突如其来的战争中=突如其来 :tū rú qí lái发生在突然之间——2段 本文来源于369资源 http:// 9我的信念

1固执 2鞭策 3盛名 4报酬 5奢望 6蹂躏 7呵责 8懊恼 9沉醉 10迷醉 11猝然长逝 12问心无愧

1固执:gù zhí不轻易改变自己的认识,坚持到底。——说明:课文中无此词语

2或许是因为有某种力量在鞭策着我——正如蚕被鞭策着去结茧一般=鞭策:biān câ比喻督促——2段

3以免受人事的干扰和盛名的拖累=盛名:shâng míng很高的名望——4段

4他们在工作中获得很多的报酬=报酬:bào chou作为报偿付给出力者的钱或实物——5段 5我的惟一奢望是在一个自由国家中=奢望:shē wàng因要求过高而难以实现的希望——5段 6我一直居住在被占领和被蹂躏的波兰=蹂躏:rïu lìn践踏,比喻用暴力欺压、侵凌——5段 7即使受了一言半语的呵责=呵责:hē zã大声斥责——5段

8即使受了一言半语的呵责,也会过分懊恼=懊恼:ào nǎo烦恼——5段

9我一直沉醉于世界的优美之中=沉醉:chãn zuì比喻沉浸在某事物或某境界中——7段 10好像迷醉于神话故事一般=迷醉:mí zuì陶醉——7段

11当他猝然长逝以后=猝然长逝:cù rán cháng shì猝cù然:突然。指突然离开——6段42页

12当事情结束的时候,你要能问心无愧地说=问心无愧:wân xīn wú kuì心地光明坦白,毫无愧疚——1段

本文来源于369资源 http:// 11春

1朗润 2酝酿 3卖弄 4宛转 5嘹亮 6黄晕 7烘托 8静默 9舒活 10欣欣然 11繁花嫩叶 12呼朋相伴 13抖擞精神 14花枝招展



3呼朋引伴地卖弄清脆的喉咙=卖弄:màinîng炫耀。——5段53页 4唱出宛转的曲子=宛转:wǎnzhuǎn同“婉转”。形容声音圆润柔媚。——5段53页 5这时候也成天嘹亮地响着=嘹亮:liáoliàng声音圆润而响亮——5段


7烘托出一片安静而和平的夜=烘托:中国画的一种方法,从旁边或周围涂抹淡墨或者浅的颜色,使画的主要部分更鲜明,更突出。这里是“衬托”的意思。——6段54页 8在雨里静默着=静默:jìngmî∶恭敬庄严地肃立——6段 9舒活舒活筋骨=舒活:shūhuï舒展,活动。——7段54页


11鸟儿将巢安在繁花嫩叶当中=繁花嫩叶:密密的花嫩绿的叶。——5段53繁花嫩叶 12呼朋引伴地卖弄清脆的喉咙=呼朋引伴:hūpãngyǐnbàn呼唤朋友,招引同伴——5段53页



本文来源于369资源 http:// 12济南的冬天

1镶 2响晴 3温晴 4安适 5肌肤 6秀气 7绿萍 8水藻 9贮蓄 10澄清 11空灵 12水墨画 13蓝汪汪


2济南的冬天是响晴的=响晴:xiǎngqíng——(天空)晴朗无云1段 3而能有温晴的天气=温晴:wēnqíng天气温暖晴朗——1段 4暖和安适地睡着=安适:ānshì安闲舒适——2段

5叫你希望看见一点更美的山的肌肤=肌肤:jī fū肌肉皮肤——3段 6那些小山太秀气!=秀气:xiù qì清秀——3段

7倒反在绿萍上冒着点热气=绿萍:lǜ píng植物名,又名满江红,叶子浮出水面,春季绿色,夏季红褐色,可作鱼类及家畜的饲料,也可作水田的肥料,并可供药用。——5段58页

8水藻真绿,把终年贮蓄的绿色全拿出来了=水藻:shuǐ zǎo生长在水里的藻类植物。——5段58页

9水藻真绿,把终年贮蓄的绿色全拿出来了=贮蓄:zhù xù贮备积蓄——5段 10由澄清的河水慢慢往上看吧=澄清:chãng qīng清亮;清澈——5段 11整个的是块空灵的蓝水晶=空灵:kōng líng灵活而无法捉摸——5段

12这是张小水墨画,也许是唐代的名手画的吧=水墨画:shuǐ mî huà指用水墨画的国画,不上彩色——4段

13那么蓝汪汪的,整个的是块空灵的蓝水晶=蓝汪汪:lán wāng wāng指很蓝——5段 本文来源于369资源 http:// 13山中访友[旧版本]

1幽径 2逝川 3青翠 4唱和 5湛蓝 6赞助 7玄奥 8清澈 9禅心 10凝神 11犬吠 12德高望重 13波光明灭 14返老还童 15津津乐道

1哼几段小曲,踏一条幽径=幽径:yōu jìng幽静的小径——2段 2岁月是一去不返的逝川=逝川:shì chuān流逝的水——3段

3每一株树都是我的知己,向我打着青翠的手势=青翠:qīng cuì鲜绿的——4段 4是邀我与你唱和吗=唱和chàng hâ:指歌唱时此唱彼和,互相呼应。——5段61页


6不拉赞助,不收门票=赞助:zàn zhù支持并协助——5段 7刻着玄奥的智慧=玄奥:xuán ào玄秘深奥。——5段61页

8深深的峡谷漾着清澈的禅心=清澈:qīng châ清净而明澈——5段

9深深的峡谷漾着清澈的禅心=禅心:chánxīn佛教指清静、无杂念的心境。——5段61页 10俯身凝神,才发现许多蚂蚁也在树下避雨=凝神:níng shãn精神集中——7段 11幽谷里传出几声犬吠=犬吠:quǎn fâi狗叫——8段

12德高望重的老桥=德高望重:dã gāo wàng zhîng道德:品德;望:声望。道德高尚,名望很大。多称颂年高而有名望的人——3段

13波光明灭,泡沫聚散=波光明灭:bō guāng míng miâ波浪上的光时隐时现——3段 14让憔悴的天空返老还童,露出湛蓝的笑容=返老还童:fǎn lǎo huán tïng由衰老恢复青春。形容老年人充满了活力。——5段

15你们津津乐道的,都是飞行中看到的好风景!=津津乐道:jīn jīn lâ dào兴味特别浓厚地乐意说道。也贬称热衷于某事——5段 本文来源于369资源 http:// 13夏感[新版本]

黛色 灵秀 贮满 终极 匍匐 融融 澹澹 芊芊细草 轻飞曼舞 春华秋实 春花秋月 闲情逸致 黛dài 色sâ :青黑色

灵línɡ 秀xiù:灵活、美丽

贮zhù 满mǎn :满藏

终zhōnɡ 极jí:最后的终点

匍pú 匐fú :爬行

融rïnɡ 融rïnɡ :暖和的样子

澹dàn 澹dàn :荡漾的样子

芊qiān 芊qiān 细xì 草cǎo:细草茂盛

轻qīnɡ 飞fēi 曼màn 舞wǔ :音乐轻快,舞姿优美。春chūn 华huá 秋qiū 实shí :春天开花,秋天结果

春chūn 花huā 秋qiū 月yuâ :春天的花朵,秋天的月亮。泛指春秋美景。

闲xián 情qínɡ 逸yì 致zhì :闲适的情致
