


















Rhetorical devices as an indispensable branch in rhetoric have always drawn attention of scholars both at home and abroad.Figures of speech are language forms that are typically regarded as methods to achieve special effects that transcend the literal meaning in specific language context.

The rhetorical devices presented here generally fall into three categories:those involving emphasis, association, clarification, and focus;those involving physical organization, transition, and disposition or arrangement;and those involving decoration and variety.Sometimes a given device or trope will fall mainly into a single category, as for example an expletive is used mostly for emphasis;but more often the effects of a particular device are multiple, and a single one may operate in all three categories.Parallelism, for instance, helps to order, clarify, emphasize, and beautify a thought.Occasionally a device has certain effects not readily identifiable or explainable, so English learners have not always been able to say why or when certain ones are good or should be used.The author’s recommendation is to practice them all and develop that sense when and how to use them.

After brief introduction to the basic principles of several English rhetoric devices, this paper attempted to analyze the rhetoric devices used in Basic English, Book One, used as the textbook for English majors in the freshmen period.

2 Statistics and Analysis of Rhetorical Devices in Col-lege English

2.1 Classifications of rhetorical devices

Rhetorical devices can be divided into three categories:phonological rhetorical devices, semantic rhetorical devices, and syntactical rhetorical devices.

As the name suggests, rhetoric is the use of phonological phrase created by the voice characteristics of rhetorical devices.It includes onomatopoeia, alliteration and assonance.It is an imitation of the sounds of things the rhetorical methods and the Chinese to be exactly the same sound of speech.Proper use of it can make the language more vivid.

Rhetorical means of semantic associations and linguistic characteristics of the changes are created by rhetorical devices.It includes simile, metaphor, allusion, metonymy, transferred epithet, personification, hyperbole, irony, euphemism, pun, oxymoron, zeugma, contrast and so on.

Rhetoric device on sentence structure mainly refers to the balance of the sentence structure or layout focused created figures of speech.It includes repetition, rhetorical question, antithesis, and apostrophe and so on.Repeated them in Chinese, you ask the question, duality, the same inversion.

Generally speaking, rhetorical devices in common use include Asyndeton, Polysyndeton, Parallelism, Antithesis, Anaphora, Epistrophe, Anadiplosis, Epanalepsis, Hypophora, Rhetorical question, Simile Alliteration, Onomatopoeia, Antiphrasis, Epizeuxis, Aposiopesis, Enumeration, Appositive.Moreover, Rhetorical devices in uncommon use include Understatement, Chiasmus, Zeugma, Centuplication, Metabasis, Amplification, Aporia, Apostrophe, Antimetabole, Anacoluthon, Antanagoge, Parataxis, Hypotaxis, Pleonasm

2.2 Examples in College English

The following are the examples of rhetoric devices used in College English, Book One.


A.Computerized shopping, like computerized banking, will be quick, safe and convenient. (Lesson12, P236)


A.In fact, computers can do many of the things we do, but faster and better. (Lesson12, P235)


A.It operates telephone lines, movie cameras, portable radios, electric clocks, and hearing aids. (Lesson7, P130)

B.But in a biography you can find out all about him—what he did when he was a small boy, the way he went about his work, the friends he made, even his taste in neckties. (Lesson10, P185)


A.Old Li, who has been watching, suddenly stood up very excitedly. (Llesson3, P47)

B.There are, I think, a large number of different reasons. (Lesson4, P68)


A.A biography is the life strong of a real person. (Lesson10, P185)


A.In these cases the toast will usually be accompanied by a short speech, for example, at a wedding reception or at a party for somebody who is retiring. (Lesson1, P5)

B.For example, public servants pay more attention to manners than students. (Lesson1, P6)


A.Jefferson was very talented and had many interests:he was a good classical scholar, a musician, a dashing horseman, and a man of wide scientific interests. (Lesson 2, P25)

B.There are tow main sort of juvenile crime:stealing and violence. (Lesson 4, P68)


A.I even might write to Mike Cato’s parents...and tell them how sorry I am that he can be a Londoner, second—class. (Lesson13, P258)


A.What else is a good manner in England? (Lesson1, P6)

B.He knows he is lucky, so why does he feel guilty?He explains in this autobiographical essay. (Lesson13, P256)


A.When struck, its loud and clear sound can be heard 50 kilometres away at night when everything is quiet. (Lesson3, P60)

B.One very simple type of still can also get small amounts of water from the earth—even in a desert! (Lesson7, P130)


A.At length, after a month of illness, on the last day of his vacation, he sat up in bed with a beautiful smile of confidence playing upon his face, and said, “well—the angels are calling me;I’m afraid I really must go now.Good afternoon. (Lesson11, P212)


A.I didn’t think I ever worked on anything I thought was terrible, really. (Lesson14, P293)


A.It’s agonizing, though, when you have to go around shushing. (Lesson14, P295)


A.His eyes may have been fixed on Netty, but his mind was fixed on her uncle’s house;though he was fond of her in his way—I admit that. (Lesson15, P301)


A.I remember her as a tall and active young woman, which black hair and dancing eyes. (Lesson15, P301)

B.The computer where we work will tell our bank computer how much our salary or wages are—and the government computer how much tax we should pay! (Lesson12, P235)


A.To achieve this required precise calculation, accurate timing and huge heating system—no small matters in those times. (Lesson3, P61)

B.One sort of crime, which particularly worries people is juvenile delinquency—that is, crimes committed by young people. (Lesson4, P68)


A.Sometimes he would stare at photo, talk to it or swear at. (Lesson11, P212)

B.They can pay wages, reserve seats on planes, control machines inn factories, work out tomorrow’s weather, and even play chess, write poetry, or compose music. (Lesson12, P235)


A.After a private dinner in someone’s house an Englishman will only shake hands with the host and hostess if it is a fairly formal occasion, like a business dinner, and he will usually put his coat on and say goodbye as he leave the house. (Lesson1, P5)

B.I like working with my hands, with machines, and I love the freedom of being able to move about and talk as loudly as I like. (Lesson5, P90)

Rhetorical Question:

A.He was only joking, but it started me thinking—why shouldn’t I? (Lesson5, P88)

Scesis Onomaton:

A.My landlady was friendly, agreeable, and very helpful about it all—until I introduce Mike when he arrive. (Lesson13, P256)


A.But even so, perhaps the safest advice for the overseas student, no matter what country he is visiting, is to follow the old proverb:”When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. (Lesson1, P6)


A.So many things that now seen like fixed stars were born of fierce struggle and apparent defeat. (Lesson10, P186)

2.3 Analysis of rhetoric effects

By“College English“in the rhetoric of induction, can be seen along the lines of English and Chinese is quite different.Article in English is used more, but more common in Chinese than less use.This drafting practices and cultural background has a significant relationship.

The use of rhetoric to make vivid the article so that readers can better understand the content and thrust of the article, the expression of ideas in the article, while making richer color and depth, it also greatly enhanced the literary essay value.If an article is not flexible and appropriate use of rhetoric, the statement simply stack, then when the readers will feel when this article uninteresting, readers will only read it to know the author's intention, but after reading no longer have the impression, just as the same have not read this article.However, the expression of the same subject of an article, if a reasonable and flexible use of the rhetoric, then the reader when reading the article, not just in reading the contents of the article but savor every sentence, but the reader even in the subconscious desire to want to continue reading, then this article is not simple for the reader to read only, but rose to the level of appreciation.It shows that the use of rhetoric can make an article from the wording of both the structure and substance of the meaning and soul.

3 Application and Effects between English Teaching and Learning

3.1 Improving students’writing

Today, the speech is based on the idiom, not rules, because rules have been broken many of the famous writer.Comparing Shakespeare to create a double precedent, Daniel Defoe and Joseph Addison, the use of word break routine.Is the essence of English grammar is accommodating;its only purpose is to understand.Democracy is the characteristics of English;we do not abuse the right to freedom under the premise of the use of English.

Rhetoric in the students master the use of case, you can encourage them to use bold and try.This is not just writing skills improve, but also on the consolidation of linguistic knowledge and practical application.When necessary, it may be provided in the form of rhetoric for students to complete.

Through the rhetoric of learning, students use English more accurately and beautifully, so that more students of English language skills to a new level.he use of rhetoric, so vivid language, meaning beautiful, more convincing and appealing, or increase the rhythm of language, phonological.

3.2 Effective understanding of text

The importance of English rhetoric reflected not only in writing, but also in reading and understanding among them.Students to read the original, often encounter neither words, nor grammar difficult, not understanding the context of the situation.They search all over the dictionary, or even access to the idiom dictionary did not help.Why?Mostly rhetorical question.In fact, learning English and do not understand rhetoric is hard to read original works.Therefore, English teaching to enhance teaching of rhetoric.

On the other hand, context is very important to help students understanding the text.Context refers to the use of any language belongs to a particular speech community, and each speech community formed a long history, culture, customs, thinking, moral concepts and values.Language is a tool to express ideas and rhetoric is the language of art.Effective use of language as a cultural context refers to the discourse in a particular social and cultural significance in the expression of all, including the communicative purpose, communicative steps, communication format, communication content.Each is a discourse in a particular cultural context and play a role in production, its significance lays in its social function and purpose of use.

3.3 The effects in language teaching

We are about to graduate, and is likely to become English teachers.In English, I think learning a good figure of speech is very important.First, we have sufficient knowledge of rhetoric and understanding to the daily teaching and guiding students.Second, the rhetoric is everywhere, and only sharp enough we can find in any English language learning and to inform students, arousing their attention, which for students and teachers are lifelong benefits.Finally, the role of rhetoric is very extensive, in writing, reading are not uncommon.Teach students to identify figures of speech, or even fluent, are hoping to become true.

4 Conclusion

The effects which are expected to achieve in the thesis are:through the analysis of the English figures of speech listed above, the production of rhetorical effects is basically made clear, and the comprehension of rhetoric turns out to be easier and their application more appropriate.

There are three advantages why we research rhetoric devices.Firstly, it can get students familiar with the meaning of literary works.Secondly, to help students transcend their own thoughts and see things as the members of the other meanings.Thirdly, we maybe become language teachers, we believe some knowledge of rhetoric devices will not only help language teacher to better understanding the literary woks in the text, but also help them how to teach them more effectively.

摘要:修辞格是提高语言表达效果的语言艺术。修辞格的恰当应用能够使语言表达更加生动形象、具体活泼, 给人以美的享受。一直以来, 修辞格的应用都倍受重视, 尤其在英语语言的学习中, 其重要性更是为师生所关注。英语修辞格的精确识别和灵活运用, 首先需要明晓其基本特点与构成, 特别是对中国英语学习者而言, 更需要区分对比英汉两种语言在修辞格方面的异同, 然后根据具体使用情境辨识运度。该文在简要介绍常见英语修辞格的基础上, 选取了旅游英语专业一年级使用的《大学英语教程》中的若干修辞格实例进行了分析。最后提出了在英语教学和学习中运用英语修辞格的若干建议。


关键词: 随机变量 联合分布律 联合密度函数 边缘密度函数











设A ={第i次击中目标},i=1,2,3.

(1)三次射击恰好命中两次:;A A ∪A A ∪ A A ;

(2)三次射击至少命中两次:A A ∪A A ∪A A ;

(3)三次射击都未命中: .









因此,处理二维离散情形时,如果仍然按照一维的方法:首先列出二维随机变量(X,Y)的可能取值,因为这些可能值是一些二元有序数组,我们会发现分布律的二元有序数组中会重复出现多次x (i=1,2,…),y (i=1,2,…),这种情况将会导致分布律无法直观有效地描述一个二维离散型随机变量的分布规律.因此,处理这类问题时,我们就可以采取另外一种方法将X的可能值与Y的可能值单独列出,再找出对应每一对可能取值的概率:



学习二维随机变量(X,Y)的边缘分布时,我们要利用二维连续型随机变量(X,Y)的联合密度函数求X和Y的边缘密度函数f (x)和f (y),此处有一类情况需要更详细的说明.

例2:设随机变量(X,Y)服从区域D上的均匀分布,其中D={(x,y)|x +y ≤1},求X和Y的边缘密度函数f (x)和f (y).























cp /path/to/apache/log/access_log /path/to/apache/log/access_log_yesterday

echo >/path/to/apache/log/access_log



[31/Mar/2002:59:59:59 +0800]

[31/Mar/2002:23:59:59 +0800]

[01/Apr/2002:00:00:00 +0800]

[01/Apr/2002:00:00:00 +0800]

要知道[01/Apr/2002:00:00:00 这个字段是不可以进行“跨天排序”的。因为日期中使用了dd/mm/yyyy,月份还是英文名,如果按照字母排序,很有可能是这样的结果:排序导致了日志的错误

[01/Apr/2002:00:00:00 +0800]

[01/Apr/2002:00:00:00 +0800]

[01/Apr/2002:00:00:00 +0800]

[01/Apr/2002:00:00:00 +0800]

[01/Apr/2002:00:00:00 +0800]

[01/Apr/2002:00:00:00 +0800]

[01/Apr/2002:00:00:00 +0800]

[31/Mar/2002:59:59:59 +0800]

[31/Mar/2002:59:59:59 +0800]

[31/Mar/2002:23:59:59 +0800]

[31/Mar/2002:59:59:59 +0800]

[31/Mar/2002:23:59:59 +0800]



1) 事后处理


grep -v “01/Apr” access_log_04_01 > access_log_new

修改SORT后的日志:所有跨天的数据去掉。也许对日志的事后处理是一个途径,虽然sort命令中有对日期排序的特殊选项 -M(注意是:大写M),可以让指定字段按照英文月份排序而非字母顺序,但对于apache日志来说,用SORT命令切分出月份字段很麻烦。(我尝试过用 “/”做分割符,并且使用“月份” “年:时间”这两个字段排序)。虽然用一些PERL的脚本肯定可以实现,但最终我还是放弃了。这不符合系统管理员的设计原则:通用性。 并且你需要一直问自己:有没有更简单的方法呢?还有就是将日志格式改成用TIMESTAMP(象SQUID的日志就没有这个问题,它的日志本身就是使用TIMESTAMP做时间戳的),但我无法保证所有的日志工具都能识别你在日期这个字段使用了特别的格式。

2) 优化数据源




1) 不中断WEB服务:不能停apache=>移动日志=>重启apache;

2) 保证同一天日志能够按天轮循:每天一个日志00:00:00-23:59:59;

3) 不受apache重启的影响:如果apache每次重启都会生成一个新的日志是不符合要求的;

4) 安装配置简单。

首先考虑了apache/bin目录下自带的一个轮循工具:rotatelogs 这个工具基本是用来按时间或按大小控制日志的,无法控制何时截断和如何按天归档。
