





「不是有現成的 Confucius 嗎?」孔子反問。



「那倒是的。」 孔子想到自己平常鼓吹謙虛之道,不禁沉吟起來。「那,該怎麼印呢?」


「杜先生本來要印 Tu Fu,」老闆說,「我一聽表示不好,太像『豆腐』了。」 杜先生說,「那就倒過來,叫Fu Tu 好了。」 我說,「那更不行,簡直像『糊塗』!」 「那怎麼辦?」孔子問。

「後來我就對詩聖說: 『您老不是字子美嗎?子美,子美……有了!』 杜甫說:『怎麼有了?』

我說:『杜子美,就叫 Jimmy Tu 吧!』」


「其實韓愈也來過,」老闆又說。「真的呀?」 孔子更好奇了。「他就印Han Yu 吧?」 「本來他要這樣的,」 老闆說。「我一聽又說不行,太像 Hang you了。韓老說,那『倒過來呢?』

我說,「 You hang?那也不行。不是『吊死你』就是『你去上吊吧』,太不雅了 」 「那後來呢?」孔子 問。

「後來呀,」老闆得意洋洋,「還是我想到韓老的故鄉,對他說: 『您老鄉不是韓昌黎嗎?』他說『是呀』,我說就印 Charlie Han 好了!」

「太好了,太好了!」孔子笑罷,又皺起眉頭說,「他們都解決了,可是我到底怎麼印呢?」 老闆想了一下,叫道,「有了!」 「怎麼樣?」 孔子問。

「您老不是字仲尼嗎?」老闆笑道。「對呀,」孔子 滿臉期待。

老闆大聲道「而且還曾週遊列國,那就印 Johnny Walker 好了!」


On Confucius College After reform and opening up, China’s reputation and good image is valued by many counties.Understanding of Chinese culture has become the trend of the world.Only 7 years, Confucius College is global in scope, blossom everywhere.Then what is the meaning of Confucius College opened in? First, on the aspect of culture, dialogues between two different nations can strengthen their relations.However, at the same time, they can make those two nations distant or alienated from one another.The difference in language is the main cause that has made people of one nation to feel prejudice and bias towards other nations or culture.Confucius College plays an important role in the development of the culture, and it is to encourage necessary contacts between Chinese culture and the local culture.Confucius College not only help people from various countries to understand China better, but also it plays an essential role in the teaching of Chinese language in other countries.Second, at the political level, Confucius College has greatly enhanced the Chinese influence, promoted a deep knowledge of China and mutual exchanges, and promoted world peace and harmonious development.Some people, especially foreigners, however, are against Confucious College.They insist that with an increasing number of confucious College established, it is a potential threat to their own cultures, therefore, it is essential to prevent this trend.From my perspective, Confucius College help act as a positive part in the interflow of culture and political.We should make good use of them to spread and enrich our own.By Elena(杨新卓)


Aristotle (384-322BCE) is, just as Jonathan Barnes said, “a teacher who inspired—and who continues to inspire—generations of pupils”. (Smith:online) He brought education a great step forwards and has been influencing education, especially education in western countries, to a remarkable extent.Confucius (551-479BCE) is regarded as the father of education in eastern education history and is especially important to education in China and many surrounding countries.His theory of education has been practicing for so long a time and some of his ideas are still of high popularity today.

Living in different places and times, Aristotle and Confucius both had a lot of practice of education during their lives and developed their own theories of education, and their theories of education have something in common as well as great differences.

2 Purpose of Education

Aristotle thinks that education plays a key role in people’s life.According to him, the purpose of education is to produce a good man, who has to learn to control his animal activities by reasoning.The aim of education is to develop the full potentialities of each man.It seeks to develop man’s intellectual capacities thoroughly.It aims also to develop each man’s health and strength.The purpose of producing good men is to serve the state.In other words, the final purpose of educating is to produce qualified citizens for the state.It seems, concerning education, that Aristotle pays much attention to the development of the state as well as the development of individuals.That is the reason why he says education should be“guided by legislation to make it correspond with the results of psychological analysis, and follow the gradual development of the bodily and mental faculties” (Fieser:online) .

Confucius’goal of education is to create gentlemen who carry themselves with grace, speak correctly, and demonstrate integrity in all things.These kind of educated gentlemen are called“Junzi” (君子) in Chinese, which is talked about quiet a lot in The Analects of Confucius (论语) collected by his disciples.Confucius, like Aristotle, has noticed the relationship between education and society, but he thinks that“learning for one’s personal growth is more valuable than for the purpose of participating in administration”. (Yang Shengliang, 2003:117) To demonstrate that, he says that“one is worthy of esteem if he has been learning for a long time without any intention to go to the administration” (Gao Shiliang, 2006:34) Thus, it can be seen that Confucius emphasizes on education’s function on individual development rather than serving the state.

Although both Aristotle and Confucius see well-educated people as an essential factor for the management of the states, they have different focuses—the former focuses on the state’s development which will be promoted by well-educated people while the latter on the development of individuals being educated who can do good to the state.

3 Contents of Education

In Aristotle’s theory, education subject material is designed to train the future rulers in the use of reason instead of serving any vocational activities which are the functions of slaves.Future rulers must learn obedience and responsibility before they rule.There are generally four types of knowledge that should be taught:

1) Basics, including reading, writing and mathematics (not for purposes of trade, but as a preparation for the intellectual abstractions of higher mathematics) ;2) Natural Sciences, such as astronomy, biology, physiology, zoology, chemistry and physics;3) Physical Education, because the training of the body is important to the physical well-being of every citizen;and 4) Humanities, such as rhetoric, grammar, poetry, politics, philosophy, ect. (NC State University:online)

Those subjects are not taught at the same time.Aristotle creatively divides education into three periods, and in each period there are different emphases of learning.The first period of children’s education is conducted mainly in their families by their parents when they are under the age of seven, during which they are introduced to such amusements as will prepare them for the serious duties of life.Their literary education is conducted from seven to twenty-one which is divided into two periods of training, with puberty as a boundary.During the former, children grow fast mentally, so they should get systematic formal education.They should be taught“technical skills (play, physical activity, gymnastic training, moral, ect) ;music;liberal education (reading and writing) ”. (Aquinas, 2003:207) The latter is revealed in Lyceum Academy which serves as higher education to get preparations for future ruling.

In addition, Aristotle holds that the subjects should not be studied to achieve a specific aim, but in the liberal spirit which creates true freemen.For example, Painting is studied to make people attend to physical beauty rather than simply prevent people from being cheated in pictures, and music is studied for the moral influence which it exerts on the feelings instead of mere amusement.

Confucian courses may be divided roughly into basic course (Six Crafts) (六艺) and specialized course (Six Books) (六书) .Six Crafts involve Rite, Music, Shooting, Carriage-driving, History and Arithmetic.Rite represents moral education, History and Arithmetic represents intellectual education, Shooting and Carriage-driving represent physical education and Music represented aesthetic education.The pupils are required to accept overall studying and training in six Crafts so that“the humanists have no worries, the wise have no perplexities, and the courageous have no fears.” (Gao:191) Six Books include Shi (诗) (Book of Songs) , Shu (书) (Documents of the Elder) , Li (礼) (Records of Ritual Matter) , Yue (乐) (Music) , Yi (易) (Book of Changes) , and Chunqiu (春秋) (Rich Dew of Spring and Autumn) .“Six Crafts focus on practical education, while Six Books on textbook education.”According to Confucius, moral education is important because it is the means by which one can rectify this situation and restore meaning to language and values to society.He believes that the most important lessons for obtaining such a moral education are to be found in the canonical Book of Songs, because many of its poems are both beautiful and good.Confucius places the text first in his curriculum and frequently quotes and explains its lines of verse.

It is obvious that although the specific subjects are different, both Aristotle and Confucius stress the overall development of the students’potential talent.“It is the all round developing of human ability that composed the central content of Confucius’education theory.” (Chen Huazhong:online)

4 Educators

Generally, Aristotle states that“the state is a university which arranges the entire scheme of education and is itself the highest grade and the state is both teacher and pupil”. (Mc Enroe:online) To be specific, Aristotle addresses the question of what teachers need to know and be able to do in order to be effective at their chosen profession.“Writing in Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle saw the teacher’s knowledge base as consisting of sophia (wisdom) and phronesis (prudence) ” (Illinois State University:online) .Sophia is the ability to think well about the nature of the world.It is the base of phronesis which involves the ability to think about how and why people should act in order to get to a particular end.In all, A teacher should be thoroughly knowledgeable and should seek knowledge incessantly.

Confucius requires that a teacher be one who has developed their own character.Like Aristotle, Confucius also holds that a teacher should be learned and should never stop learning.A teacher should set good example to students.He says:“How can one without correct behaviors instruct others?” (Gao:409) Another striking feature of his attitudes to teachership is that one can always learn from any other who is also a kind of“teacher”.

5 Educatees

Just as mentioned before, Aristotle’s purpose of education is to produce qualified citizens for the state, and according to him, citizenship only includes the aristocracy which included rulers, soldiers, and priests, and education would be given to this group exclusively.The farmers, laborers, merchants, and slaves would be trained in whatever specific skills were required of them.Training industrial arts or vocational skills is not regarded as education in Aristotle’s theory.

Contrary to Aristotle, Confucius is willing to teach anyone, whatever their social standing, as long as they are eager and tireless.His private school provides for everyone to be educated equally, which challenges the conventional education by the government then.This occurs for the first time in mankind history.He says, “Inever refused to instruct those who are willing to bring me a bundle of dried meat as payment.” (Gao:100) and“Instruction recognizes no castes”. (Gao:86) In his 3000 disciples there were over 70 outstanding ones including Mengyizi from aristocratic origin and Zhonggong from poor family.

From the different inclusions of the educatees in the two theories there emerged the idea of equality in the East much earlier than in the West.In this aspect Confucius’theory is more recommendable.What is in common of the two’s ideas is that they both think little about education of women.What is discussed above is restricted only to men.

6 Conclusion

Although Aristotle has no works specializing in education and nor does Confucius have any masterpiece on education in writing, they do demonstrate something of education in common as well as something different.They both think that education is important to the states, but Aristotle aims at the development of the state, while Confucius pays more attention to individual growth.When it comes to who should enjoy education, Aristotle excludes people of lower social position, while Confucius teaches whoever willing to learn, but just like Aristotle, he also excludes women from education.Both of them believe a teacher should be a knowledgeable person and an incessant seeker for knowledge.

Of course, the above is not all the similarities and differences of these two great theories.It is necessary that educators look deep into the“old”theories to get something new, and take advantages of them to benefit our school.


[1]Mark K, Smith.Aristotle and Education, The Encyclopedia of Informal Education, [DB/OL].http://www.infed.org/thinkers/etarist.htm.

[2]James Fieser.Aristotle:General Introduction[DB/OL].http://www.iep.utm.edu/a/aristotl.htm.IEP.

[3]Yang Shengliang.‘Learning for Oneself’—Confucius’Commentaries on‘Learning’[J].Confucius Studies, 2003 (5) .

[4]Gao Shiliang.The System of Chinese Classical Education Theory—Explanation of Confucius’Education Theory[M].Beijing:People’s Education Press, 2006.

[5]Thomas, Aquinas.Ten Lectures on Aristotle[M].trans, Su Long.Beijing:China Yanshi Press, 2003.

[6]Chen Huazhong.Confucius Educating Humanity”[DB/OL].http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/Educ/EducHuaz.htm.Boston University.

[7]A M McEnroe.Confucius’s Educational Theory[DB/OL].http://www.newfoundations.com/GALLERY/Confucius.html.NewFoundations.






In teaching there should be no distinction of classes.当仁,不让于师。

When it comes to benevolence, one need not give precedence even to his teacher.学而时习之,不亦说乎?

Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseveranceand application? 温故而知新,可以为师矣。

If a man keeps cherishing his old knowledge, so as continually to be acquiring new, he may be a teacher of others.学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。

Learning without thought is labourlost;thought without learning is perilous.敏而好学,不耻下问。

He was of an active nature and yet fond of learning, and he was not ashamed to ask and learn of his inferiors.十室之邑,必有忠信,如丘者焉,不如丘之好学也。

In a hamlet of ten families, there may be found one honourable and sincere as I am, but not so fond of learning.知之者,不如好之者,好之者,不如乐之者。They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who delight in it.默而识之,学而不厌,诲人不倦,何有于我哉。

The silent treasuring up of knowledge;learning without satiety;and instructing others without being wearied--which one of these things belongs to me?


I am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge;I am one who is fond of antiquity, and earnest in seeking it there.三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。

When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers.I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them.学如不及,犹恐失之。


2016 Confucius Institute Scholarship Application Procedure


In order to support development of Confucius Institutes, facilitate Chinese language promotion and Chinese cultural transmission in the world, cultivate qualified Chinese language teachers and talented students of Chinese language, Confucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban)(hereinafter referred to as Hanban)launches the “Confucius Institute Scholarships” program for providing sponsorship to students, scholars and Chinese language teachers of other countries for pursuing a study in relevant universities in China(hereinafter referred to as “host institutions”).一、招生类别及申请条件

I.Category & Eligibility


The 2016 Confucius Institute Scholarship Categories are:

1.Scholarship for Master’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(MTCSOL)Students 2.Scholarship for one-Academic-Year Study + MTCSOL Students 3.Scholarship for Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(BTCSOL)Students 4.Scholarship for One-Academic-Year Study Students 5.Scholarship for One-Semester Study Students 6.Scholarship for Four-Week Study Students Application is open to applicant who owns a non-Chinese citizenship, aged between 16 and 35, in good health condition,(Applicant is currently working in a Chinese language teaching position shall not exceed the age limit of 45.Undergraduate student shall not exceed the age limit of 20).1.汉语国际教育专业硕士 资助期限为2学年。申请者须具有学士学位或相当学历,汉语水平不低于HSK五级180分、HSKK中级50分,提供毕业后拟任教机构工作协议或相关证明者优先。

1.Scholarship for Master’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(MTCSOL)Students This category provides a sponsorship for 2 academic years.Applicant should own a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent, a minimum score of 180 in HSK Test(Level 5), and a minimum score of 50 in HSKK Test(Intermediate Level).Applicant who is able to provide the employment agreement or certification upon finishing the study from designated working institutions is preferred.2.一学年研修+汉语国际教育专业硕士


2.Scholarship for One-Academic-Year Study + MTCSOL Students This category provides a sponsorship for 3 academic years.Applicant should provide the employment agreement from a designated Confucius Institute or a prospective working institution.Applicant should hold a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent, a minimum score of 180 in HSK Test(Level 3), and a minimum score of 60 in HSKK Test(Beginner Level).3.汉语国际教育本科 资助期限为4学年。申请者须为具有高中以上学历,汉语水平不低于HSK三级180分、HSKK中级40分。

3.Scholarship for Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(BTCSOL)Students This category provides a sponsorship for 4 academic years.Applicant should hold a high school diploma or above, a minimum score of 180 in HSK Test(Level 3), and a minimum score of 40 in HSKK Test(Intermediate Level).4.一学年研修生 资助期限为11个月。面向孔子学院(课堂)学员,海外本土汉语教师、中文专业学生、HSK考试成绩优秀者,不招收在华留学生。汉语水平不低于HSK三级180分、HSKK初级60分,或者不低于BCT(A)180分、BCT(口语)180分。

4.Scholarship for One-Academic-Year Study Students

This category provides a sponsorship for 11 months.Application is open to Confucius Institute(Classroom)students, overseas Chinese language teachers, Chinese language major students and excellent performers in HSK test.International students who are now studying in China are not eligible for the scholarship.Applicant should have a minimum score of 180 in HSK Test(Level 3), and 60 in HSKK test(Beginner Level).Alternatively, applicant should hold a minimum score of 180 in BCT(A), and a minimum score of 180 BCT(Speaking).5.一学期研修生 资助期限为5个月。申请者无来华留学经历,汉语水平不低于HSK二级120分、HSKK初级40分,或者不低于BCT(A)100分、BCT(口语)120分。

5.Scholarship for One-Semester Study Students This category provides a sponsorship for 5 months.Applicant should have no prior experience of studying in China, but have a minimum score of 120 in HSK Test(Level 2), and a minimum score of 40 in HSKK(Beginner Level).Alternatively, applicant should have a minimum score of 100 in BCT(A), and a minimum score of 120 in BCT(Speaking).6.四周研修生


6.Scholarship for Four-Week Study Students This category provides a sponsorship for 4-week study which is mainly focusing on Chinese language.Application is mainly open to Confucius Institute(Classroom)students, excellent performers in HSK test, and outstanding club members of Confucius Institute Magazine.Applicant should submit a HSK or BCT score report, and have no prior experience of studying in China.已获2016“孔子学院奖学金证书”的汉语桥获奖者,凭证书奖项注册办理入学手续。

“Chinese Bridge”(Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students)Winners who have been awarded the 2016 “Confucius Institute Scholarship Certificate” can apply for admission according to the scholarship specified in the certificate.二、学习专业、接收院校和入学时间

II.Majors, Host Institutions & Admission 本委托150所中国大学培养孔子学院奖学金生,学习专业有汉语国际教育、汉语言文学、中国历史、中国哲学,中医,中国音乐、中国舞蹈等。申请者可登录奖学金网站(http://cis.chinese.cn)申请表中查询有关学校。

This year, 150 Chinese universities are entrusted as the host institutions of the scholarships which provide various subjects including Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History, Chinese Philosophy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Music, Chinese Dance, etc.For more detailed information of the host institutions, please find the Application Form on the Confucius Institute Scholarships Website(http://cis.chinese.cn).汉语国际教育专业硕士、一学年研修+汉语国际教育专业硕士、汉语国际教育本科、一学年研修生、一学期研修生均可选择在2016年9月1日或2017年3月1日入学。

Admission for students of MTCSOL, one-Academic-Year Study + MTCSOL, BTCSOL, one-Academic-Year Study, and one-Semester Study is either on September 1st, 2016 or March 1st, 2017.四周研修生课程安排在2016年7月15日至8月14日,或2016年12月15日至2017年1月14日。需单独开班,一般10人以上,可另外安排学习时间,孔子学院(课堂)须提前3个月提出申请。

Four-Week Study courses are available from July 15th-August 14th, 2016, or December 15th, 2016 – January 14th, 2017.Courses at other time durations can only be arranged on the condition of recruiting 10 students minimum, and applicants from Confucius Institutes(Classrooms)should initiate your application 3 month in advance.三、资助内容、标准及学习考核

III.Scholarship Coverage, Criteria and Academic Assessment 孔子学院奖学金全额资助内容包括:学费、住宿费、生活费和综合医疗保险费。

The Confucius Institute Scholarship provides full coverage on tuition fee, accommodation fee, living allowance and comprehensive medical insurance expenses.学费由学校统筹用于奖学金生培养与管理,组织奖学金生参加汉语水平测试(HSK/HSKK),开展文化活动。

Tuition fee is under the overall planning and utilization of host institutions to provide teaching, management, Chinese language proficiency tests(HSK/HSKK), and cultural and social activities for scholarship holders.住宿费由接收院校统筹使用,为学生提供免费宿舍,一般为双人间;经学校批准,选择校外住宿的,可按月或季度获得学校发放的住宿费,标准为:700元人民币/月/人。

Accommodation fee is under the overall planning and utilization of host institutions which should provide scholarship holders with free dormitory rooms(usually double rooms).For those who live off campus with the permission of host institutions are entitled to accommodation allowance from host institutions on by month or by quarter.The allowance criteria are RMB700 per person on monthly basis.生活费由接收院校按月发给。本科生、一学年和一学期研修生标准为2500元人民币/月;汉语国际教育专业硕士生3000元人民币/月。接收院校按每学期注册学籍,当月15日(含15日)前到校注册的,发给全月生活费;十五日以后报到的,发给半月生活费;毕业生的生活费发至学校确定的毕业之日以后半个月;奖学金生在学期间(正常假期外)因个人原因离开中国时间超过15天,停发离华期间生活费;因个人原因休学、退学的,停发生活费。

Living allowance is granted by the host institutions on monthly basis.The allowance criteria per person are:  BTCSOL, One-Academic-Year Study, One-Semester Study: RMB2,500 per month  MTCSOL: RMB3,000 per month Enrollment status is based on semesters of host institutions.Students who are enrolled before the 15th(or on the 15th)of the admission month, are entitled to the full allowance of that month.Students, who are enrolled after the 15th of that month, are only entitled to half of the allowance.The living allowance for the month of graduation will be granted half a month later upon confirming the graduation status by host institutions.During the study, for any students who is absent from China of personal reasons for more than 15 days(excluding legal holidays), the allowance will be suspended during absence.Allowance will be terminated in case of schooling suspension or dropping out for personal reasons.综合医疗保险费。由学校参照中国教育部来华留学有关规定统一购买,标准为800元人民币/人/年。

Comprehensive medical insurance is purchased by the host institutions in accordance to relevant regulations on international students stipulated by the Ministry of Education of China.The insurance fee per person is RMB800 per year.所有学历生须参加评审,学习成绩和汉语水平测试达到优秀者可在第二学年继续享受全额奖学金,达到良好者 获得部分奖学金,其余停发奖学金。部分奖学金资助内容是:学费、住宿费和综合医疗保险费。一学年和一学期研修生结业前参加一次汉语水平测试。汉语测试报名费均由学校报销。

The degree scholarship program applicants(Category 1, 2, 3)are subject to annual academic performance review.Only those who achieve outstanding records in academic and Chinese language proficiency are entitled to a full scholarship for the following year;those who achieve average academic records are entitled to partial scholarships;the others will not be entitled to scholarship any longer.Partial scholarships consist of tuition fee, accommodation fee and comprehensive medical insurance.The One-Academic-Year Study and One-Semester Study programmers is required to attend Chinese language proficiency test before graduation.Test fee is reimbursed by host institutions.四、招生流程

IV.Admission Procedure 试行全年招生。申请者、推荐机构和接收院校可登录奖学金网站查看招生流程信息及奖学金评审结果。

Scholarship recruitment is open all year round on a trial basis.For applicants, recommending institutions and host institutions, please find admission procedures and scholarship recruitment results on the Confucius Institute Scholarships website(http://cis.chinese.cn).1.申请者登录奖学金网站,注册、填写《孔子学院奖学金申请表》并附上有关证明材料电子扫描件。

1.For application, please log on to the Confucius Institute Scholarships website(http://cis.chinese.cn)to register, complete the Confucius Institute Scholarships Application Form online, and upload the scanned copies of relevant supporting documents.2.汉办委托各国孔子学院(独立设置的孔子课堂),有关海外汉语考试考点,中国驻外使(领)馆教育、文化处(组),接收院校作为推荐机构,择优选拔本地申请者,审核申请材料,并与接收院校联系,收取并转交奖学金生入学材料。

2.Entrusted by Hanban, Confucius Institutes(independent Confucius Classrooms)in different countries, overseas Chinese language testing centers, educational and cultural sections of Chinese embassy and consulate, and host institutions in China are working as recommending institutions to engage in the applicant selection, materials review, host institutions connection, and collecting and handing over applicants’ documents to host institutions.3.申请材料经过汉办奖学金处确认有效后,由接收院校审核入学资格,并向汉办提交预录取人选。

3.Once application materials are verified by the Division of Scholarships of Hanban as valid, host institutions will then review the eligibility of applicants and submit the admission list to Hanban.4.汉办对符合条件者进行综合,择优录取。评审结果一般在申请材料确认有效后45个工作日内发布。

4.Hanban will conduct an overall assessment of all applications and admit applicants on the basis of competitive selection.Normally, the admission results will be announced within 45 working days after the application materials are confirmed as valid.5.接收院校与学生确认留学意向后,须在15个工作日内将《录取通知书》、《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW202表)和奖学金证书复印件等寄达推荐机构。

5.After confirming with the successful applicants, host institutions are required to post “Letter of Admission”, “Visa Application Form for Foreigners to Study in China"(JW202 Form), copy of the scholarship certificate and other relevant documents to the recommending institutions within 15 working days.五、免责声明

V.Disclaimer 1.申请材料不完整或不符合招生条件的,概不受理。1.Incomplete or unqualified applications will not be processed.2.申请材料弄虚作假,或非本人填写提交的,一经查实,申请资格将被取消。

2.Applicants will be disqualified from application in case of fraudulent application materials or application materials are completed and submitted by someone else.3.获奖者因故不能报到,应在报到日前15天书面告知接收院校并注明原因。无故未报到者,取消奖学金资格。

3.Scholarship winners who cannot register with the host institutions on time should inform the host institution about the reasons in written form within 15 days before the admission date.For those who do not register as requested without reason, the scholarship will be canceled.4.入学体检不合格,或中途退学、休学者,奖学金资格将被取消。

4.Scholarship will be canceled for those who do not pass the admission physical examination, drop out, or take schooling suspension during the study.六、联系方式

孔子学院总部/国家汉办 奖学金处

地址:北京西城区德胜门外大街129号 邮编:100088 Fax:+86-10-58595727 Email:scholarships@hanban.org VI.Contact Information

Division of Scholarships, Confucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban)Address: 129, Deshengmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100088 Fax: +86-10-58595727

E-mail: scholarships@hanban.org


Appendix: Application Documents for Confucius Institute Scholarships



Confucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban)

01/06/2016 附录: Appendix:


Application Documents for Confucius Institute Scholarships


Recommending institutions and host institutions should examine the completeness, validity and accuracy of applicant’s name, nationality and permanent address on the passport.If the following documents are not in Chinese or English version, notarization documents should be provided.一、与所有申请者有关的证明材料

I.For all applicants 1.护照照片页扫描件。未满18周岁的申请者,须提交在华法定监护人署名的委托证明文件。

1.A scanned copy of the passport photo page.Applicants under the age of 18 shall submit relevant documents of entrusted legal guardians in China.2.HSK、HSKK或BCT、BCT(口语)成绩报告。来华参加“汉语桥”复赛获奖者可提供“汉语桥”获奖证书和“孔子学院奖学金证书”。

2.Score reports of the HSK, HSKK or BCT, BCT(Speaking).Winners of the finals of the “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competitions may submit the award certificate and the “Confucius Institute Scholarship Certificate”.3.推荐机构负责人签发的推荐信(客观评价申请者并注明是否孔子学院学员或其它身份;在职汉语教师须附上就职机构出具的在职证明和推荐信。)

3.Recommendation letter signed by the head of the recommending institutions(please provide objective comments on the applicant, including whether the applicant is a student of Confucius Institute or other identity.Chinese language teachers shall submit an employment verification letter and a reference letter provided by the institutes they work for.)


I.For degree scholarship program applicants 4.提供最高学历证明(毕业预期证明)和在校学习成绩单。

4.Certification of the highest education diploma(or proof of expected graduation), and an official transcript.5.汉语国际教育专业硕士和“一学年研修+汉语国际教育专业硕士”须提供两名副教授以上职称导师的推荐信;提供毕业后拟任教机构工作协议或相关证明者优先被录取。

5.Applicants of the Scholarship for MTCSOL Students and Scholarship for “1-Academic-Year Study + MTCSOL” students are required to provide 2 reference letters from professors or associate professors.Those who can provide an employment agreement or related documents with the designated teaching institution are preferred.三、接收院校如需要提供其他证明材料,将直接与申请者联系沟通。
