










2. The swallows are building a nest under the roof of our house.


3. Swallows come by groups at the advent of spring.


4. He had a few swallows of tea and then hurried out.

他喝了几口茶,就匆忙出去了. 燕子

5. Swallows carry bits of earth in their bills to build nests.


6. He who swallows food handed out in contempt will have a bellyache.


7. Swallows begin their migration south in autumn.


8. The swallows are nesting in the woodshed.


9. Swallows fly about, carefree and at liberty.


10. Swallows were darting through the clouds.


11. The swallows skimmed along the ground.


12. The swallows nested under the eaves.


13. She poured some vodka into a glass and knocked it back in two swallows.


14. Flowers fall off [ will die ] , do what one may . Swallows return, no strangers they.

无可奈何花落去, 似曾相识燕归来.

15. There were swallows in the cloudless blue sky.


言语活动是由说话者与听话者相互作用而发生展开的, 陈志安, 彭宣维. (1994) 认为以话语发生者为中心的话语活动主要表现为:演讲或讲座型的单向相互作用;指示中心不断转移的双向相互作用以及附生于主体言语活动的从属性相互作用等三种方式。无论哪种方式, 人称指示系统都需满足其自足封闭性, 即说话者、听话者是由相应的第一、二人称所规定的, 谈话涉及两者之外的第三者时需确立起一个第三人称的称谓。人称指示系统的自足封闭性能够完成言语活动的正常发生, 维系与终止的指称系统, 防止指称混乱。在实际言语活动中有很多指称映射现象, 如第一人称复数代替第一人称单数、第一人称复数代替第二人称、第三人称代替第一、二人称等, 在这些情况下, 指称是如何完成的, 话语又是如何推进的呢?本文将关注第三人称的指示转移现象, 并通过论述chafe的激活代价理论对其作出解释。

2. 信息状态分类与激活代价理论

2.1 Halliday对信息单位的分类

Halliday (1994) 指出, 信息单位是由两个功能成分构成的结构, 即必要的新信息成分和可舍取的已知成分。他根据说话人希望听话人赋予具体信息以怎样的信息地位而把话语的信息单位分成两个部分。一部分是新闻, 即说话人要听话人当做新信息的信息, 或者是出乎意料的或具有重要意义的信息。另一部分是旧闻, 即被当作听话人已知的内容加以陈述的信息。客观上, 已知信息和新信息用是否可以还原来界定。可还原的信息可能是已经提及的内容, 也可能是存在于情境之中的, 还可能是只能意会的, 或者是说话人为了某种修辞目的的信息;不可还原的信息可能是未曾提及的内容, 也可能是出乎听话人意料的内容。主观上, 语调重音或语调突出可以用来体现新信息。

2.2 Chafe对信息状态的分类

任绍曾 (2010) 对于信息状态的分类, Chafe的认识经历了三个阶段。起初Chafe根据信息与意识的包含关系进行界定。即说话人认为在说话那一刻已在听话人意识里的信息是已知信息, 反之则是新信息。这个定义界定明确, 却把已知信息和新信息之间的关系割裂了, 因为意识的动态特征和信息状态的变化被忽略了。随后, Chafe把信息状态建立在激活的基础上, 他把已知信息界定为“已经是活性的信息”, 即已经激活的信息, 新信息界定为“原来是非活性信息”即原来没有激活的信息。他还增加了第三种信息:可及信息, 即“原来是半活性的信息”。

上世纪90年代, Chafe考虑了意识的动态特征, 并把时间纳入信息状态的界定中来。此时他认为新信息是在谈话某一时间点上新激活的信息, 已知信息是在谈话某时间点上已经激活的信息, 而从半活性状态中激活的信息是可及信息。

2.3 激活代价理论

2.3.1 激活代价理论内容

高军 (2010) 把激活状态、激活代价和时间三者之间的关系表示如下:

把说话前的停顿间隙称作T1, 实际说话时间为T2, 如果在T1为活性信息, 到T2激活后就为已知信息;T1为半活性信息, 到T2激活后就是可及信息;T1为非活性信息, 到T2激活后就为非活性信息, 即新信息。Chafe (1994) 认为, 就激活代价而言, 已知信息从T1到T2的转化中的激活代价是最低的, 因为他在T1就已经处于活跃状态了, 可及信息次之, 已知信息最小。激活前的状态不同, 激活的代价就不同, 信息就处于不同的活性状态。

2.3.2 可及信息的判定

由于Chafe (1980) 区分了意识核心和边缘意识, 所以意识不仅具有在不在听话人意识中的区别, 而且还区别于意识核心和边缘意识上, 因而区分了上述的三种信息状态。在这三种状态中可及信息是最难捉摸的, 为此Chafe提出了可及信息的判定标准:1) 是否在先前的话语中曾是活性信息, 2) 是否与话语中的某个意念又联系或有过联系, 3) 是否与会话的语境有联系, 因而具有边缘活性, 但不是意识核心。如:

(1) We checked the picnic supplies.The beer was warm.

例句中的the beer是新信息还是可及信息?如果是新信息, 则违背了主语由于信息量不太大的意念承担的制约。而the beer与the picnic supplies有联系, 由于这一联系the beer这个概念可能已经在说话人和听话人的边缘意识里了, 因此the beer在此处是可及信息。

(2) Well, the kid is asleep.

话语中没有出现过the kid, 但却有一个kid在说话人的怀里睡觉, 所以the kid在会话中处于说话人和听话人的边缘意识里, 属于可及信息。

3. 激活理论与第三人称指示映射现象

用第一人称复数代替第一人称单数或第二人称是说话者拉近与听话者距离, 或把自己置身于听话者的立场的交际策略, 如:

(3) 妈妈对儿子说:

We (I) don’t want to wake Daddy, do we?

(4) 老师对学生说:

改革开放、现代化建设需要我们 (你们) 。

而第三人称指示语的映射现象的产生和语用意义较负责, 下文讲试图用激活代价理论对其作出解释。

3.1 第三人称指示语代替第一人称指示语



(4) 儿童节目中, 主持人做开场白:

小朋友们大家好, 今天鞠萍姐姐要带大家玩一个游戏。

(5) 我希望上海方面能够给予韩红原谅, 我不是有意伤害大家的。 (新浪娱乐2003年3月26日)


(6) 老师对学生说:


(7) 甲对乙说:

My friend (I) thinks life’s been really unfair to him (me) .First, he (I) lost his (my) job, then his (my) girlfriend dumped him (me) .

此外, 有时人们会用第三人称来写日记, 站在他人的立场讲述自己, 以缓解内心的压力。


(8) 有什么问题给老师说。

(9) 总司令的命令你也敢不服从吗?

人称指示系统具有封闭性, 为了防止指称混乱, 说话人和听话人应用第一、二人称相互称呼;Chafe的激活代价理论也提出, 在说话前一时刻的活跃信息是已知信息, 半活跃信息是可及信息。因此, 在以上例句中, 说话人用第一人称指示语我、我的指称自己是听话人所预期的, 是活跃信息, 因此对听话人而言是已知信息, 是听话人对于说话人自称的核心意识;而第三人称指示语在这些例句中属于可及信息的范畴, 是听话者要耗一定的认知代价理解的信息。在例 (6) 中, 说话人由于面子, 礼貌, 从第三人称角度讲述自己的不幸, 听话人根据自己的观察可以判断说话人是在讲述自己的不幸, 此时, 第三人称指示语he、him、his从听话人意识的边缘被激活半活性信息, 即可及信息。


例句:朱荔芳 (2003) 表轻微责骂

(10) Somebody didn’t clean up after himself.

(11) Each person has to clean up after himself.


(12) 在厨房里忙的不可开交的妻子对慵懒的丈夫说:

Would his highness like some coffee?

(12) This is so kind.Treat me your yesterday’s leftover?

表尊敬, 赞扬, 亲近

(13) 下级对上级


(14) 生意人对购物女士说:

这条项链最配靓女 (你) 了。

在以上例句中, 说话人用第二人称你, 您, 称呼听话人是听话人所预期的, 对于听话人来说, 说话人用第二人称指示语称呼自己的这一概念是已知信息, 如例 (11) 对于听话人来说you在此处是已知信息, 是核心意识, 而his highness是边缘意识。听话人可以根据语境, 用较少的认知代价推断出其讽刺的语气, 因此属于可及信息。

3.3 第三人称指示语特殊用法

由于人称系统的封闭性, 表现为说话者、听话者彼此用第一、二人称相互称呼, 而涉及第三方时要用第三人称指示语来完成整个称谓系统, 田惠刚 (1998) 指出这种情况下, 第三方通常不在场。但很多时候说话人会在第三方在场的情况下使用第三人称he/she指代第三放, 从而产生额外的会话含义。例句:何自然 (1997)

在餐厅点菜时, 男士对服务员说:

(15) She’s going to have a hamburger.

(16) The lady’s going to have a hamburger.

例句 (15) 中, 第三方the lady在场, 男士用she称呼女士, 这种情况下女士觉得没有得到尊重。在这个会话中, 男士是说话者, 而服务员和女士都是听话者, she的使用把女士排除在了会话外。此处, 对女士而言, the lady是她所预期得到的尊重, 如例句 (16) , 因此the lady对这位女士来说是已知信息, 她甚至可以把she当做是新信息, 自己主动再给服务员说:I’m going to have a hamburger.

4. 结论

在言语活动中, 信息状态和说话人、听话人的意识相互作用, Chafe考虑了在会话中, 意识的运动变化, 在已知信息和新信息的基础上, 定义了可及信息。可及信息既不像已知信息不用一点认知努力就可以理解。也不像新信息那样需要提供大量提示才能被理解。第三人称代替第一、二人称的曲折所指现象普遍, 且产生了较多的会话含义, 激活理论的应用和可及信息的界定为第三人称的曲折所指给出了较好解释。

摘要:人称指示系统具有封闭性, 当人称被曲折所指时, 言语活动是怎样推进的呢·本文先总结了Halliday和Chafe对信息状态的分类, 探讨了言语活动中信息状态和意识的关系, 介绍了chafe提出的激活代价理论和可及信息, 然后运用该理论解释了诸多第三人称映射现象的产生, 及其会话含义。



[1].Chafe, W.1980.The deployment of consciousness in the production of a narrative.Norwood:Ablex.

[2].Chafe, W.1994.Discourse:Consciousness and Time.Chicago:The University of Chicago Press.

[3].陈志安, 彭宣维.人称指示语研究.外国语.1994 (3)

[4].高军.英汉下指的认知机制研究.西安大学外国语学报.2010 (3)

[5].何自然.语用学概论.长沙:湖南教育出版社, 1997.

[6].任绍曾.信息单位与信息状态—试析语言信息的二分说与三分说.外语教学与研究.2010 (3)

[7].田惠刚.中西人际称谓系统.北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1998


一、 人称代词 he, she, it。例如:

He likes playing football. 他喜欢踢足球。

She is a good girl. 她是个好姑娘。

It looks like a ball. 它看起来像只球。

二、 单独用作主语的一个人名或称呼语,如 Jim, Kate, Miss Wang, Uncle Li, Father 等。例如:

Jim comes from England. 吉姆来自英国。

Miss Wang teaches us English. 王老师教我们英语。

Father often has lunch at home. 爸爸经常在家吃午饭。

三、 单独作主语的一个地名或物体名称,如 China, Hong Kong, Macao, English, coffee 等。例如:

China is a great country. 中国是一个伟大的国家。

English isn’t easy to learn. 英语不容易学。

Coffee is my favourite drink. 咖啡是我最喜欢的饮料。

四、 可数名词的单数作主语。例如:

A boy often sits at the boor. 一个男孩经常坐在门口。

The book is mine. 这本书是我的。

五、 不可数名词作主语。例如:

There is some milk in the glass. 玻璃杯里有些牛奶。

The bread is on the table. 面包在桌子上。

六、 指示代词 this, that 作主语。例如:

This is a computer. 这是一台电脑。

Whose bike is that? 那是谁的自行车?

七、 某年、某月、星期、日期、节假日名称等作主语。例如:

Sunday is the first day of the week. 星期日是一周的第一天。

June is the sixth month of the year. 六月份是一年的第六个月。

September 10 is Teachers’ Day. 九月十日是教师节。

八、 everyone, something, anything 等复合不定代词作主语时,视为第三人称单数。例如:

Is everyone here today? 今天大家都来了吗?

Something is wrong with your bike. 你的自行车有毛病。

九、 one或one of + 复数名词/代词作主语时,视为第三人称单数。例如:

One of the students comes from Australia. 其中的一个学生来自澳大利亚。

She has two daughters. One is a teacher,the other is a doctor. 她有两个女儿,一个是教师,另一个是医生。

十、 单个的数字、字母、单词或算式作主语时,视为第三人称单数。例如:

“8” is a good number in China. 在中国“8”是个吉祥数字。

“B” is between “A” and “C”. “B”在“A”和“C”之间。

“You” is a pronoun. “You”是一个代词。

Two plus three is five. 二加三等于五。

十一、 当 and 连接的两个名词在意义上指同一个人或物时,视为第三人称单数。例如:

The teacher and writer is coming to our school tomorrow. 那位教師兼作家明天要到我们学校来。











mind的用法4:mind还可作“听从”“服从”解,语气较 obey 弱,接名词、代词作宾语。




make use of 使用,利用

in use 在使用中

of use 有用

use in 用于;…的效用


The stylistic features of English for internet English basically fall into the following two aspects:vocabulary and grammar (including punctuation marks) .This topic is very hot now because with the rapid development of science and technology, the internet entered almost every household;to communicate by the means of internet is becoming more and more familiar with common people.Because the communication means is internet, which is totally different with the other means, so the internet communication English has its own distinctive features.To communicate in the internet more effectively and more distinctly, it is necessary for us to study its stylistics features.In this present essay, the author selected some samples from Internet and then examined and analyzed the samples with the help the knowledge of stylistics theory.

In order to carry out a stylistic analysis, it is necessary to first of all be clear about what style is.However this is a heateddiscussed topic.There are dozens of definition about it:Aristotle holds the view that style as form, Halliday takes the style as prominence, Traugott and Pratt bring up the opinion that style as the selection of features partly determined by the demands of genre, form, theme, etc.These are different views about the definition of style.It is generally accepted that style refers to the way in which language is used in a given context, by a given person, for a given purpose.Some of the linguist may also agree that style is the choice of linguistic features in different contexts;the selection of linguistic features according to situational contexts;a matter of choice.

Nowadays online galaxy is more familiar with"do you yahoo?"and"have you onlined?"to give morning greetings to each other.The netizens can do a lot of things to communicate with each other in this imagined cyberspace:they can read webzine watch webtv, post E-mail to the net partner or just dial a webphone, or through cyber chat to find a cyber lover to go through a computer-intimated romance.This paper will mainly focus on the net English for the use on cyber chat, E-mail, BBS and electronic forum.

Style is a recognizable but elusive phenomenon.It is a concept which, though widely used and multifariously defined, yet evades precision.The concept of style is, of course, the product of abstraction.It is abstract in the first place in the sense that style is one quality out of several possessed by any work.Then for while stylistic diagnosis or identification can rely upon one or two features selected from the language of texts as being sufficient evidence of stylistic uniqueness, a full and explicit statement of style will require a more complex presentation of interrelated features.We may identify the style of a given text by referring simply to the preference for certain words, or the predilection for a particular clause structure;and this would certainly bring us nearer to the heart of the problem.But it seems probable that the secret of the style may rely on many parts of this kind of analysis.This paper select two categories of them:lexical category and grammatical category, which are fundamental categories.

2 Stylistic Features

2.1 Lexical features

Generally speaking, English for internet communication is informal, so it is in favor of the shortened form, slang and some informal words.In many cases, the English for internet communication fabricated some new words, then the internet English obviously has the casual features.

1) As we all know that internet charge fees according to the time, so in order to save time and to communicate more effectively and more quickly, the net English always take the form of blending or shortening words.

Where r u?=Where are you?;i c=I see;u c?=You see?;Must b, =must be;IOW=in other words;A/S/L=age/sex/location;P.O (post office) ;p.m (=afternoon) ;ASAP (as soon as possible) ;yr (year) ;lw (last week) ;pls (please) ;cu2 (see you too) ;FYI (for your information) ;TTYL (talk to you later) .

2) To make the language more effectively, lively and vividly, the net English use the exclamation marks in a large scale.Obviously this kind of words can create the auditory sound.

Mmmm ahshar goshohwowGoddear

3) As the net English is informal, its vocabulary always take the informal words, that is the net English often used because of their vividness, forcefulness in expressions and rich flavor of life, eg.Hi (How do you do?/How are you?) nice (great) Bye (Nice to see you!) ;ok (okay) ;Leave (depart) ;Tired (fatigued) ;Quit (resign)

How's today? (How are you getting along today?) ;How are you doning? (How are you?) .

A colloquialism is an expression used in, or suitable for, ordinary, familiar, or informal conversations.

4) Slang are widely used in the English of internet communication.Slang refers to words or phrases, or particular meanings of these, that are in common informal use, but generally considered not to form part of standard English, and often used deliberately for picturesqueness or novelty or unconventionality, e.g.

Wanna (want to) gonna (go to) yeah (yes) went to (wenna) demand to (demanns)

You're nuts. (You're insane.) He's just a booker. (He studies too much.)

You are out of your tree. (You're out of your mind.)

Pop up (show up unexpectedly) kick butt (good/do well)

Although slang words may be picturesque, novel or unconventional, as said above, they may, when used inappropriately, make the writer sound offensive or funny, because they are too general and vague and are unintelligible to most people.However because of the informality of the internet, which would like to provide the space for people to say what they could not say in the real world, so the slang words are able to express the Webbers'true meaning.

5) Neologism:English for internet communication enlarge the vocabulary with the emerge of so many newly-born things.In order to name them, the new words must be created.There are certain categories of this kind including abbreviation:TIA (Thanks in advance) , blending:boat+hotel=botel, psychological+warfare=psywar;compounding:screen name;affixation:spammer发垃圾邮件的人.;extension:domain name域名

The informal style text always uses informal words.In modern English, the clipped words and contractions are widely used in informal passages.

2.2 Grammatical categories

1) To be terse in expression, the most distinctive grammatical feature for the net English is the wide use of omission, which is the obvious feature for spoken English.In these omissions, the single form of the second person used as the subject, they are often omitted.e.g.

Offline?Busy?Received my E-mail?Leaving?

In spoken English, the elliptical sentence is in a high frequency of appearance, which indicated the informal style.But it should be paid attention that these kind of usage of omission only have meaning when they are in given context.The sentence openers are always not capitalized, which will be definitely judged as mistakes for the grammar teacher, which can be seen here and there in the net English.

e.g.hi, everybody.u c?ur name?

2) Concerned with the structure the sentence, the net English is preferred to use simple sentence, compound sentence and imperative sentence, rarely uses complex sentences.But some time the web masters is explaining some difficult technology problems, he will use complex sentence:

e.g to be frank, I don't think u r right.'coz, every sword has two blades.

3) Punctuation marks are used in a high frequency.From some certain aspect, we'd like to say this system of marks is something like the pictographic writing for the net English.

e.g."0-<" (this marks combination is fish-like and stand for the word:fishy, to express the meaning that, something should be doubted) ;

":-) " (this is a smiling face, if you turn it left for 90 degree, a very vivid facial expression, the following is alike)

" (8-) " (wears glasses)

4) The English for net communication often uses"do"to emphasize the affirmative tone.That is typically informal in style.

e.g.I do like reading.

When you do buy these once-in-a-lifetime contraptions do see that you get value for money!

This is typically language usage for spoken English, but as informal English and the net English to some extent is spoken English in the form of written English, so this linguistic phenomenon can also be seen on the internet.The conjunctions, prepositions and even pronouns can be omitted, which is a typical linguistic features for informal English.

e.g.I took no notice of him so he flew into a rage. (Informal) I took no notice of him so that he flew into a rage. (Formal) The net English for communication always take the omitted form.The phrases are also like this:

e..g.take (the) advantage of;go to (the) university;all (the) morning;catch (a) cold, have (a) report for me.

This omission occurs in the sentences:

e.g:I go (and) see my mother once a week.

There's a man below (who) wants to see you.

I'm not the fool (that) you thought me. (下转第227页) (上接第225页)

The internet English prefers verbal phrases to the single verbs which has the same meaning with the phrases.This is another distinctive grammatical feature:

e.g.I can't put up with your bad manners. (informal)

I cannot tolerate your bad manners. (formal)

2.3 Figures of speech

The webmaster who can be said as the expert of net user likes using some rhetoric devices when they are chatting with others.Pun, personification, hyperbole, simile, synecdoche and metaphor etc.are quietly often used.


—Can I invite u to a dance?

—With pleasure.

—Can I hold u now?


Here, this conversation obviously used the rhetoric device pun.The word"hold"can both means"take somebody's hand"and"hug".In this case, hold probably means the second meaning.

3 Conclusion

When we are going to examine the stylistic features of a given literary text, we should consider this question from the following two aspects:the first is the user of language, the other is the user's use of language.From the aspect of the user's use of language, the socio-situational features includes the following three aspects:1) field of discourse:the English for internet communication is aiming for communicate with the others but by a totally different means that is internet.Anyway this is a kind of communicative activity involved with the interpersonal communication skills so the English is something like the dialogue happened between the real people while takes the written form, so from this aspect the English for internet communication is informal.;2) mode o discourse:spoken English and written English are quite different in the manner of communication.The English for internet communication take the form of writing but something like talking which is its distinctive feature;3) tenor of discourse, the cyberspace is a imagined world, everybody would lay down his own mask in the real world to expose his own real self, so the English for internet communication is absolutely informal.But the netnews and the cyberzine may also are formal in the style.


[1] 施孝昌.最新网络英语[M].上海:上海远东出版社, 1998.

[2]王家鲲.当代英语发展的某些趋势[J].解放军外国语学报, 1999 (11) .


















语言的交流是促成时代发展进步的重要工具之一,更是国际间跨文化交流的主要工具。众所周知,交流是双向的,在交流的过程中就创造出了一系列在本民族语言中没有的词汇,例如汉语中嵌入了像“伊妹儿”,“麦克风”“比基尼”这样的“洋文洋句”,而中国特色词汇也在交流中融进了英文,比如“Kongfu”“Tofu”“Taiji”等等。此外,一些中式英语也逐渐被西方人接受,最典型的就是“Long time no see”这样的从一开始被认为是错误的而被渐渐接受的语法上的变化。由此可见,语言是在不断变化的,随着中西交流的进一步深化,双方语言上的变化会越来越多。并且,像中文这样没有动词第一、二、三人称单数之分的语言,在英语习得时也会经常丢掉动词第三人称单数词缀,同中国学生一样也造成了很大的困扰。同时,在交流过程中,中文或者像中文一样没有第三人称单数或时态的其他语种也会对英语母语者产生一些负迁移。甚至在一些美剧或访谈中时常会看到英语母语人士在讲话时动词第三人称单数缺失现象,因此更加猜测动词第三人称单数未来的发展趋势是将逐渐被动词原形取代,不再进行区分。


笔者进行大胆假设,将-s或-es的表现形式去掉,看是否会对英语母语者造成理解上的困扰。例如:John play football;she teach English按照正常逻辑这两个句子很显然是错误的,但笔者拿着这两个句子以口语和书面形式采访了十几位英语母语者,其中包括留学生,教授等,在口语交流或书面语中,他们很自然地理解了我想表达的意思,然后告诉我这个句子错了。由此,笔者认为,将-s或-es的表现形式去掉并没有对句意表达造成很大的影响。












他带着一副事已至此 、 无可奈何的样子走了出去.

2. Sir Joh Bjelke - Petersen resigns as Premier of Queensland after 19 Years.

1987年,乔·波杰克 - 彼德森在就任澳大利亚昆士兰州后辞职.

3. Reporter: What is the reason that you feel king thunder thunder resigns?

记者: 您觉得王雷雷辞职的原因是什么?

4. White resigns ( Black wins )

白方负 ( 黑方胜 )

5. Black resigns ( White wins )

黑方负 ( 白方胜 )

6. At the year of twenty, will resigns at thirty the wit at forty, the judgement.

在你二十岁的时候, 意志起决定性作用;三十岁时,智慧;四十岁时, 是判断.

7. The committee will let the CEO off the hook if he resigns his post.






2. Homeopathic treatment is based on the “like cures like” principle.


3. The Russian health service has stimulated public interest in home cures.


4. Doctors sometimes fall back on old cures.


5. The wound cures easily.


6. A good sweat often cures a cold.


7. The emphasis is swinging away from simply finding cures for illness to ways of preventing illness in the first place.


8. That cant about cures were never got up by sound practitioners.


9. He has tried all sorts of cures, but without success.

他已试用过各种各样的疗法, 但仍不见效.

10. My cold cures itself automatically.


11. A water or and alcoholic extract of rice polishings produced dramatic cures in polyneuritic fowls.


12. Just as bitter medicine cures sickness , so unpalatable advice benefits conduct.


13. Purpose To observe effect on physiotherapy cures prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc.


14. He is the cure who rules over the other cures, you understand.


15. A doctor sells herbs and cures people on the street.
