




Life on Mars Checkout Teaching aims: To review key vocabulary and programmer items taught in this unit.To give students the opportunity to practice the programmer and vocabulary items,and to gain confidence through doing so.To allow students to check their progress and ask any questions they may still have.Teaching importance To review key vocabulary and programmer items taught in this unit.Teaching difficulties:

To allow students to check their progress and ask any questions they may still have.Teaching aids: Multi-Media Teaching procedures: Step 1:Revision Revise the use of can, could ,may, might and object clause.Step2:Exercise 1.Explain the context of Part A.Simon is dreaming about going into space.2.Ask students to read through the text.Then ask them to complete the sentences using the grammar items learnt in the unit.Step 3:Revision Revise the vocabulary in the unit.Step4:Exercise

1.Tell the students that in Part B they have to rearrange the letters to form words.2.Ask the students to unscramble as many words as they can without looking at the previous pages.When they have done as much as they can ,ask them to refer to the Vocabulary section on page 8 for extra help.3.Ask students to volunteer answers.Ask another student to write the words on the board as they are read out.Students

then write their scores in the paw.Step 5 Homework 1.Ricite the context of this unit.2 Draw a picture of what you think an alien looks like.And then write a guide to living on Mars in 2100.




get lost 走失;迷路

hate to go shopping 讨厌去购物

hear from sb.=receive/ get a letter from sb.


be abroad 在国外

at least 至少

take place = happen 发生

one-child policy 独生子女政策

be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

the population of China 中国的人口

live longer 活得更长

medical care 医疗保健

control the population 控制人口

be known / famous as 以……而闻名

work well in doing sth.做某事方面很有功效

have a long way to go 有很长的路要走

be short of 缺乏……

one of the greatest problems 最大问题之一

be in trouble 陷入麻烦中/ 在困境中

prefer boys to girls 重男轻女

offer sb. a good education


a couple of 一些 ;几个

even though = even if 即使

have a lot of pressure 有许多压力

the differences between A and B



1.We got lost and couldn’t find each other. 我们走失了,互相找不到对方。

2.It seems that their living conditions were not very good. 似乎他们的生活条件不是很好。

3.It is possible that Kangkang’s father was the only child in his family.


4.One answer is known as the one-child policy. 其中一项众所周知的措施是独生子女政策.

5.And even though we have made a lot of progress, we have big pollution problems in the

city. 虽然我们已经取得了很大的进步,但是仍存在严重的城市污染问题。



1.already 和 yet

already “已经”(多用于肯定陈述句)。

如:He has already gone home. 他已经回家了。

yet “已经; 还”(用于否定句或疑问句)。

如:Have you found him yet? 你已经找到他了吗?

I haven’t finished my homework yet. 我还没完成作业。

※ already 也可用于疑问句,表“出乎意料或惊奇”

Have you finished your homework already? 难道你已经完成作业了?

2.ever 和 never

ever “曾经”(多用于疑问句,问初次经历)。

如:I have ever been abroad. 我曾出过国。


如:I have never seen him before.

----Has he ever been abroad? 他曾出过国吗?

----No, never. 不,从来不。


just “刚刚”(多用于肯定句,位于谓语动词之前)。

如: I have just tried to call you. 我刚刚打电话给你。


before “之前”(一般位于句末;常与never呼应)。

如:He says he has never seen such beautiful scenery before.



possible (反义词)--impossible

rise (过去分词)--rose

conclude (名词)--conclusion

medicine (形容词)--medical


less (反义词)--more

excellent (近义词)--great/good

different (名词)--difference

come (过去式)-came (过去分词)-come

see (过去式)-saw (过去分词)-seen

peace (形容词)--peaceful


1.---- I really hate to go shopping. 我真讨厌去购物。

---- So do I . 我也是。

So do I .为倒装句,表示前面提到的肯定情况也同样适合另外一个主体,表“某某也一样”,结构为“so + be /情态动词/ 助动词 + 主语”。

如:Jim is a student, so is Tom. 吉姆是一名学生,汤姆也是。

Jim can swim, so can Tom. 吉姆会游泳,汤姆也会。

Jim likes sports, so does Tom. 吉姆喜欢运动,汤姆也喜欢。

如表前面不怎样,后面“也不”怎样时,其结构为“ neither/ nor + be /情态动词/ 助动词 + 主语”。

如:Jim wasn’t Chinese, neither/ nor were they. 吉姆不中国人,他们也不是。

Jim can’t speak Japanese, neither can I . 吉姆不会说日语,我也不会。

Jim didn’t go there, neither did I . 吉姆没去那儿,我也没去。


如:Jim is a good student. So he is. 吉姆是一名好学生,的确如此。

Jim swims well. So he does. 吉姆游泳很好,的确如此。

2.At that time, China was the country with the largest population in the world.


population为不可数名词,表示人口的多少只能用 “large”或 “small”修饰,提问人口用“what”.

如:The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing. 上海的人口比北京多。

What’s the population of China?= How many people are there in China?


3. Great changes have taken place in China. 中国发生了巨大变化。

take place 指必然性的“发生”或有计划、安排之内的“举行”。

如:The meeting will take place next Friday. 会议将在下周五举行。

happen 指偶然的、没有预料的“发生“,其结果往往给人带来不幸或麻烦。

如:The accident happened yesterday. 事故发生在昨天。


如:The population has increased a lot. 人口增长发很多。

4.increase 可作及物动词也可作不及物动词。其含义是“增长,增加,加强”等。

increase by… 指“增加了……”; increase to…指 “增加到……”

5. and about one fifth of the people in the world live in China.


one fifth 是分数表达法。英文分数表达法:分子为基数词,分母为序数词,先读分子后读分母。当分子大于1时,分母的序数词则变为复数,直接在词尾加“s”。

如:one fourth四分之一three fourths 四分之三one second二分之一two thirds三分之二

6.It has worked well in controlling China’s population.


work well in doing sth. 表“在……方面很有功效”, 如:

如:Doing eye exercises works well in protecting our eyesight.


7. Because of our large population, we are short of energy and water.

be short of… 表 “缺乏……”

如:She is always short of money at the end of every month. 每个月底她总是缺钱。

be short for… 表“是……的缩写”.

如:TV is short for television. TV是television的缩写形式.

8. Can all Chinese families offer their children a good education?


offer 表“(主动)给予, 提供”

offer sb. sth. “提供某人某物”.

如:I offered him a glass of wine. 我敬了他一杯酒。

offer to do sth. “(主动)提出做某事”

如:She offered to cook for her mother. 她提出帮她妈妈煮饭。

I can’t go shopping in big stores unless I travel for a couple of hours.


9. unless = if not 表“除非…; 如果不”,引导条件状语从句。

如:I won’t go unless I hear from you. = I won’t go if I don’t hear from you.


Unless Bill studies hard, he’ll fail in the exam. 如果比尔不努力, 他不会通过考试的.

10. a couple of… 表 “几个人或几件事”.

如:a couple of years ago 几年前; a couple of students 几个学生

couple 指任何两件同类的东西

如: a couple of watches 两只手表; five couples of cats 五对猫

11.pair 指两件不可分开使用的东西,它们可指两件互不相连的东西(鞋子、袜子等),也可指


如:a pair of shoes 一双鞋子a pair of pants 一条裤子


( )1.-They have been to Australia.

-So _____ I.

A. do B. have been C. did D. have

分析:D 此句为so引导的完全倒装句。其含义为“A如此,B也如此。”其结构是so+be/助动词/情态动词+主语。本句为完成时态,其助动词是have。故选D。

( )2.The population of Shanghai is larger than _____ of Shenyang.

A. that B .it C. one D. this

分析:A 此句要用相同成分即上海的人口和沈阳的人口做比较。因为population是不可数名词,所以用that代替。如果是复数名词则要用those来代替。

( )3.-_____ the population of the U.S.A. in ?

-It _____ about 296 million.

A. What is; is B. What was; was

C. How many is; was D. How many was; is

分析:B 问人口的多少用what而不用how many。本题问的是的人口, 故为过去时态。

( )4._____ of the teachers are women in our school.

A. Two third B. Two threes C. Two thirds D. Second three


( )5.He’s read this book before, _____?

A. hasn’t he B. doesn’t he C .isn’t he D. wasn’t he

分析:A 本题考查反义疑问句反问部分的时态与人称的单复数要与陈述部分一致的用法。

( )6.The _____ population may be the greatest challenge of the world today.

A. increase B. increased C. increasing D. increases

分析:C 本题考查increase的现在分词作定语的情况,表示“正在增长的”。increased是它的过去分词也可作定语,但表示的是“已增长过的”。

( )7.The little girl has _____ finished reading the book you lent her.

A .already B. yet C. still D. once

分析:A already“已经”,常用覨t now.

分析:C 上句为否定情况,应用neither/nor+助动词+主语,表示“我也未参观过造纸厂”。


I. 根据句子意思及首字母提示补全单词

1. ---No one likes “Little Emperors.” ---N___________ do my parents.

2. The cars in the cities are i____________ rapidly these days, so traffic jam comes into being.

3. People couldn’t live long because of poor medical t________________.

4. In China, some people in less developed areas p__________ boys to girls.DA被动语态。根据题中changes是复数,答句用完成时态。故选B。

( )9.Students today have a lot of pressure(压力) _____ they have to learn too much knowledge at school.

A. in order to B .unless C. because D .because of

分析:C in order to和because of后面不能接从句,unless不符合题意。故选C,用because。

( )10.-I have never visited a paper factory.


A. So have I. B. So I have. C. Neither have I. D.I haven’t now.

分析:C 上句为否定情况,应用neither/nor+助动词+主语,表示“我也未参观过造纸厂”。


I. 根据句子意思及首字母提示补全单词

1. ---No one likes “Little Emperors.” ---N___________ do my parents.

2. The cars in the cities are i____________ rapidly these days, so traffic jam comes into being.

3. People couldn’t live long because of poor medical t________________.

4. In China, some people in less developed areas p__________ boys to girls.

5. His mother told him that the sun r__________ in the east and sets in the west.

II. 翻译词组,补全句子

1.We must ___________ ___________ (采取措施) to control the population.

2. Doing eye exercises ____________ __________ (起明显作用) in protecting our eyesight.

3. In 1960s, we were ________ _________ (缺乏) food and money .

4. He wouldn’t leave the TV set, __________ ___________ (既使) he was going to have an important exam the next day.

5.Her daughter __________ __________ (迷路) in the shopping center yesterday.

III. 完成下列句子的汉译英(每空1分,满分30分)

1.中国人口有多少? 中国有大约13亿人口。

_______ the _________ _______ China ? China ______ a population of ______1.3 billion.

2. 为什么中国要实施独生子女政策? 虽然跟以前比,中国人口增长放慢了,但人口问题依然严峻。

---Why does China _________ __________ with its __________ policy ?

---___________ its population is __________ _________ slowly than before, its population problem _________ ___________ quite ___________.

3. 这所学校里老师的数量是300人,其中四分之一是女教师。

_________ ___________ of the teachers in the school __________ 300, _________ ___________ of them ___________ women teachers.

4. 上周石油的价格增长了百分之二。 的确如些。

The price of oil ___________ ___________ 2% last week.

__________ _________ _____________.

5. 你生活在哪种家庭,是大家庭,还是小家庭?

_________ _________ of family are you ________, ________ family or _______ family ?

IV. 选择题

( ) 1. Two thirds of the surface of the earth ____ covered with water.

A. is B. are C. has

( ) 2. The number of workers in this factory _____ increasing.

A. are B. is C. will

( ) 3. ---It seems to me that you are very hard-working, Maria.

---I have to. I have a lot of _____ from my family and society.

A. time B. efforts C. pressure

( ) 4. ---______ have you done with the waste ?

---I have thrown it away.

A. How B. What C. Where

( ) 5. ---Which country has a ____ population, England or Germany ?

A. smaller B. less C. few

( ) 6. About one fifth of the people in the world _____ in China.

A. live B. is living C. has lived

( ) 7. ---Excuse me, is Joan in ?

---Sorry, she isn’t here. She ___ to the airport to see her parents off half an hour ago.

A. went B. has gone C. has been

( ) 8. ---Who will go to the airport to meet Jenny ?

---I will. I _____ her several times. I can find her easily.

A. met B. have met C. will meet

( ) 9. We are tired. We have studies for ____ hours.

A. a couple B. couple C. a couple of

( ) 10. The more excellent our public transportation is, _____ our life will be.

A. the happier B. the more happy C. the more happily

( ) 11. ---What did Jeff say about the lost girl ?

---He said that he had seen her _______.

A. three days agoB. three days before C. for three days

( ) 12. ---Dad, my teacher said I had made a lot of progress recently.

---I’m glad to hear that. But I think you still _______.

A. have a long way to go B. have a rest C. live in the present

( ) 13. ---I went swimming last Sunday.

---_________. I like it very much.

A. So I do B. So I did C. So did I

( ) 14. ---We haven’t been to the Great Wall. ---_________.

A. So has she B. Nor she has C. Neither has she

( ) 15. ---Did you know _______?

---They had a quarrel about the answer to the question.

A. what did they happen B. what happened to them C. what they happened


I. 根据句子意思及首字母提示补全单词

1. Neither 2. increasing 3. treatment 4.prefer 5. rises

II. 翻译词组,补全句子

1. take measures 2. works well 3. short of 4. even though 5. got lost

III. 完成下列句子的汉译英

1 What’s the population of, has, about / around

2. carry on, one-child, Though, growing more, still seems , serious

3. The number, is, a quarter, are

4.increased by, So it did

5. What kind/ sort / type, in, extended, nuclear

IV. 选择题



1.能听懂会说并在实际情况中运用以下对话:Who′s your Math/English……teacher ?

Mr Zhao/..What′s he/she like? He ′s /She′s thin and short .And she′s very kind.

2.能够正确使用Mr, Miss, Mrs, 对西方人的称呼有进一步了解。






(1) T:Hello, everyone! Nice to see you again!Now , first Let′s review some words.

Young/funny/tall/strong/kind/old/short/thin. (要求学生根据图片认读单词)

(2) Let′s chant.

T:Now Let′s chant together. (Play the tape)


T:Thank you for your chanting. Now Let′s look at the form..What′s the math teacher like?

Ss: He′s smart. (Then the teachers fills “smart” in it. And then the teacher asks the similar questions

And fill in the form just like this

T:Would you like to chant again?Looking at the form.

【设计意图】第一遍让学生跟着录音唱, 第二遍唱之前通过问答的形式把关键信息填入事先准备好的学科教师调查表内, 再让学生看着表的内容唱, 渗透培养学生收集信息的能力。

(3) 教师风采

T:Sounds great! But Who′s your math teacher?What′s he like?Can you fill in the form by yourself

【设计意图】引导学生描述自己的老师, 先请学生集体口头来表达, 再引导学生填写表格, 同时可以检测上节课单词的掌握情况, 请学生4人一组进行交流, 渗透语言技能的培养, 同时也可以扩大语言训练面。


(1) Let′s try.

教师出示A Let′s try部分的挂图。

T:Please look at this pictures .How many people are there?What′s he like? (Ask some students to

Talk about this picture)

【设计意图】在做听力题之前, 引导学生观察相应插图, 通过几个问题来描述图画内容, 从而猜测出题意图, 渗透听力技能的培养。

T: Now, Let′s listen and please circle on your books.

(2) Let′s talk

①T:Now Let′s go on listening , please listen to the tape and answer my questions:

Who′s Chen Jie′s math teacher? What′s he like?

②the students answer the questions.

板书设计:Unit1 A-Let′s talk

Who′s your math teacher? Mr Zhao.

What′s he like? Thin, short, 【kind】

③the students listen again and read after the tape .

④学生齐读, 分小组读, 同桌读对话. (学生看板书背诵对话)

⑤教师Present the pictures of teachers引导学生make a dialogue,

⑥学生2人一组编对话, 根据插图替换对话内容.

【设计意图】从Let′s try直接过渡到Let′s talk的教学, 通过听音回答问题的方式出示对话的关键词, 请学生齐读.分小组读, 同桌读, 这是适当的机械性操练, 是学生灵活运用语言点的基础.以方便学生快速掌握对话和替换对话, 同时也是在逐步进行学法指导。


Magic Match Game

教师准备三组图片, 分别为能表示人物特征的图片, 姓氏类 (用Mr.Miss.Mrs加姓氏表示) 。

人物特征类 (smart, strong……) 请三位同学各抽取一张图片后出示给全班同学看, 请全班同学提问, 这三位同学回答。

【设计意图】这部分是语言的操练部分, 根据同学们熟悉的真实人物的图片来进行这游戏, 更具有挑战性和趣味性, 能激发学生的兴趣。


从学生的作业本中, 准备一个听力练习, 以检测学生对本堂课语言点的掌握程度.


①Please listen to the tape (A-Let′s talk) 3 times.

②Design a card for your favourite teacher, draw a picture of him or her.

③Get ready to describe your card in class.



2. by listening to tapes


3. study by working with a group


4. practice doing sth.


5. improve ones speaking skills


6. too... to...


7. specific suggestions


8. add to 增加

add... to 把……加到……

add on 附加,加上

add together 加起来

add up to 总共, 总计

9. not... at all

根本不……; 一点也不……

10. have fun doing sth.


11. get the pronunciation right


12. first of all 首先

13. laugh at 嘲笑……; 因……而发笑

14. later on 后来

15. take notes 做笔记

16. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事

17. impress sb. with sth.


= impress sth. on/ upon sb.

= impress sth. on/ upon ones mind

18. make up 组成, 构成

19. be angry with sb. 生某人的气

20. try ones best to do sth. 尽力做某事

1. This week we asked students at New Star High School about the best ways to learn more English. 这个星期我们询问了新星中学的学生们学习更多英语的最好方法。

2. I dont know how to use commas. 我不知道怎样使用逗号。

3. You said you couldnt understand people who talked fast. 你说你听不懂那些讲话太快的人。

4. I dont have a partner to practice with. 我没有互相练习的同伴。

5. Perhaps we have seen young children playing together. 也许我们看见了小孩们在一起玩。

6. If you dont know how to spell new words, look them up in a dictionary. 如果你不知道如何拼读新单词,就在词典中查找它们。

7. And unless we deal with our problem, we can easily become unhappy. 除非我们处理好我们的麻烦,否则我们很容易变得不高兴。





任务一:我们的方法一样吗? 任务二:评价学习方法。任务三:伸出援助之手。任务四:择优而学。


通过本单元的学习让学生学会运用by +v-ing 句型谈论学习方法。谈论学习中遇到的困难,学会针对学习中的困难,给别人提建议,学会评价学习方法。

三、单元重难点: 重难点词汇:

1.flashcard 2.take notes 3.frustrating 4.memorize 5.aloud 6.comma 7.make mistakes 8.pronunciation 9.be afraid to 10.what about „? 11.why don’t you „? 重难点句型: how do you study for tests? well, i study by working with my classmates.have you ever studied with a group?yes i have.i’ve learned a lot that way]

i don’t have a partner to pratice english with „maybe you should join an english club.四、单元教学方法: 采用concluding, role playing 和 comparing 的学习策略,来展开课堂pairwork问大师的口语交际活动和讨论活动来谈论名人所采用的学习方法。词汇教学:情景操练,反复使用。







unit 1 how do you study english? the first period(grammar and vocabulary)1.知识目标:

重点词汇:flashcard, take notes, frustrating, memorize, aloud, comma, make mistakes, pronunciation, be afraid to, what about, why don’t you„?

重点句型:how do you study for tests? /well.i study by working with my classmates.have you ever studied with a group? /yes, i have.i’ve learned a lot that way.i don’t have a partner to practice english with./maybe you should join an english club.2.能力目标: ⑴学会谈论学习方法 ⑵学会谈论学习中遇到的困难 ⑶学会针对学习中的困难,给别人提建议 ⑷学会评价学习方法


重点:verb + by with gerund 难点:运用所学知识谈论学习中的困难,并能提出相应建议。三.教学准备: tape recorder flashcards 四.教学方法:情景操练,反复使用,师生互动,生生互动。五.教学进程:

step one free talk 1.greeting.2.duty report step two presentation t: what do you do to improve your english?s1:i listen to the tape to improve my english.s2:i listen to the english songs to improve my english.s3:i watch english movies to improve my english.t:ok.we can also say: how do you improve your english? i improve my english by listening to the tape.i improve my english by listening to the english songs.i improve my english by watching english movies.2.ss repeat these sentences.then make the conversations in pairs.step three grammar by + v-ing 形式,by意为通过或凭,后面接动名词,该结构表示通过某事得到某种结果。如:i study by reading english every day.提示:be + v-ing 结构常用下列句子来回答: how do you „? how can i „? eg: how do you learn english ? i learn english by listening to the tape every day.practicess try to make sentences by using the structure.相关链接:by是个常用介词,以前所学的用法有:⑴表示位置,意为“在„旁边,靠近„”,如: there are some trees by the river.⑵表示运输或渠道的方式,意为“乘坐”,如: he goes to school by bus.⑶表示时间,意为“在„以前,不迟于”,如: i’ll come back by 4:00.step four new words ask ss to read the words, then read the words they can’t pronounce after the

teacher.the teacher explains the following words, then ask ss to make some sentences by using the given words.aloud/loudly/loud, pronounce/pronunciation, memorize/memory, afraid/be afraid of/be afraid to do sth, be angry with sb/be angry at sth step five summary

六.作业设计: ask ss to make a learning-method report.try their best to tell us he/she learn english.七.板书设计:

unit one

1.loudly/aloud/loud a: how do you study for a test? 2.memorize/memory b: i study by doing sth 3.be afraid of sth a: how do you improve your english? be afraid to do sth improve my english by doing sth 4.be angry with sb be angry at sth



本节重点以使用“by ”来阐述或表达做事的方法在教学设计中我重点强调了如何用“by” 说、写用“I go to school by bike” 导入之后让学生discuss学习中的策略对程度较差的学生要求能用by 说一句话对程度较好的学生要求用“by ”表达学习方法并能表明理由。这样做就是最大限度的为听力、阅读文章作出铺垫而在文章的教学上首先让学生找出显在的方法句即由“by ”引导的和隐性的方法句即没有“by ”引导但仍然呈现一种方法紧接着就是词汇的训练将其体现在句子中由词至句的操练帮助学生明白意思并能掌握用法而整个教学过程的检测体现于pair work和group work之中。本节着重从以下几点入手




九年级英语Unit 2教学反思

本节课让学生学会描述自己和他人在外貌、性格、爱好等方面的变化。学会使用used to结构来表示过去经常而现在已不存在的习惯或状态。我在课前先让学生欣赏歌曲《Yesterday once more》让学生在怀旧的音乐氛围中观看一些旧照片再通过新旧照片的对比来引出本课的教学重点并复习再现了一系列描述性形容词。通过让学生谈论自己和他人的各种变化来巩固练习used to 的用法最后以

Interview 来结束本课希望学生能珍惜现在、展望未来。

在教学中我发现我对used to的用法讲解的还不够透彻在后来的学生调查活动中我发现学生对used to的用法还没有完全掌握。若是我在教学中再做一下讲解板书再清晰些相信效果会好点。

1.针对日常教学重难点以及存在的疑难问题自己出题进行针对性的训练。教师应多思考多研究分析教材的重难点、找出学生出错的根源并把各种错误进行汇总变换方式训练达到举一反三的目的。例如used to do sth., be/get used to(doing)sth.be used to do sth., be used for doing sth.这些短语的用法尽管反复训练错误重现率还是很高。我们应通过造句、看图写话、设置情景等方式不断强化再通过选择填空、句型转换、词形转换等题型进行训练达到灵活运用的目的又如don’t have to do 2.由浅入深层层推进。对于学生难以理解的先分类进行讲解、训练待学生掌握后再进行综合讲解、训练。这种有计划、分步骤、分层次的练习使学生的思路清晰有利于弥补以前所学知识的欠缺。比如时态一直是一些学生害怕的一个项目到复习阶段各种时态混在一起混淆不清一般过去时与过去进行时;一般过去时与现在完成时现在完成时与过去完成时一般将来时与过去将来时等。分类训练时一定要学生弄清各种时态的特征一般现在时表示经常性、一贯性发生的动作与它常用的时间状语有often , usually, always , on Saturday, every day„过去完成时表示到过去某一时间止已经完成和发生的动作或状态。它表达的时间概念是“过去的过去”与它连用的时间状语有如by the end of by last weekbeforewhen„在单项训练的基础上再进行综合比较、鉴别、运用学生会掌握地更牢固。如在学习现在完成时时我们按照学生的认知规律设计以下练习 初级Have you done your homework ______?(for,just,yet)中级He hasn’t come to school because he is ill.提问

______ _____he come to school? 高级He came here two hours ago.同义转换 He ______ ______ here for two hours.各种时态都分别先由浅入深进行单项训练再进行综合训练。不断巩固反复操练直至掌握。3.当堂训练当场发现问题及时采取有效应对措施。尽可能让学生在课堂上练习对于反复出错的题目通过滚动式的训练不断强化直到掌握。英语试题有个特点客观选择题较多。复习阶段学生容易产生疲惫、厌倦的情绪若离开教室这个安静、激励思考的环境学生思想易放松。做出的练习极可能是乱七八糟。一者不能反映学生的真实水平再者会使他们养成马马虎虎的习惯。所以课堂上练习能刺激学生的大脑紧张程度能激励学生去思考而且碰到疑难问题还可以问老师。

九年级英语Unit 3教学反思

【学生情况分析】 学生的基础知识和口语表达能力比较好大部分学生热爱英语喜欢表达自己的观点但有一部分学生基础比较差接受能力稍弱。【知识背景】 学生已经接触过被动语态的基本形式 be p.p.【教学内容】 unit 3 section A  the first period【教学目标】 1Know how to use “should be allowed”.2Talk about what you are allowed to do.【目标】 通过探究性学习方式将语法渗透在课堂教学中并且创设情境让学生在训练中发现语法规则巩固规则运用规则让学生在学习过程中发展自己的探究能力、创新精神和合作精神。【任务设计】 1.Talk about what you are allowed to do 2.Agree and disagree 通过任务1中句型的操练掌握should be p.p.的用法能够运用句型组织句子通过任务2学会熟练表达自己的观点达到练中学学中用。【教学步骤】 1.创设情境激发学生探究欲望Lead-in。我先通过实际生活和学生问答引出本课的结构、功能。TWhat do your parents let you do at home SMy mother lets me go shopping on Sundays.TThat sounds nice.So you are allowed to go shopping on Sundays.What about you Tracy SMy father lets me watch TV at home.TGood.So you are allowed to watch TV at home.几轮对话之后教师在黑板上写出两句被动语态的句子让学生自由讨论他们在家可以做的事情然后列出清单。2.布置任务激励学生学会联系实际去运用被动语态。任务1.收集个人资料。任务2.将每一种情况都用被动语态表达出来。任务3.集中各种家庭规则讨论哪些是好的哪些是不好的。任务4.展开讨论。针对校规的一些内容用“Teenagers should be allowed to do...because...“or ” Teenagers should not be allowed to do...because...”句型来阐述自己的观点。学生在收集时对自己感兴趣的都能记下来不过有些学生在表达时对被动语态的灵活运用有待提高如有些学生说“ My parents should be allowed me to play computer.”以及类似的句子。通过小组合作有学生发现这个问题有的能纠正有的就举手问老师所以我在他们的训练中反复强调主语在被动句中的位置引导他们自己纠正错误认识到主动句中的主语和谓语动词的关系。最后很多学生收集到下面一些句子。I am allowed to watch TV for half an hour every night.I am allowed to go shopping with friends once a week.I am not allowed to play computer games every night.教师将以上句子展示出来要求他们根据这些句子内容谈谈自己的观点用Teenagers should be allowed to do sth.句型来表达。3.操练。

九年级英语Unit 4 教学反思


Unit 1 How can we become good learners ?


Section A 初中英语人教2011课标版 1教学目标 Language aims: 1.Marst the words like expression, discover, secret, look up, grammer…… 2.Marst the sentence:..find it difficult to learn English.I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie!.Ability aim: Use by to talk about the way of your study.Emotion aim: Learn how to study better.2学情分析

学生对于课程的学习,很有兴趣,与学生现实生活结合紧密。3重点难点 by doing 4教学过程 4.1 第一学时 教学活动

活动1【导入】复习并导入新课 Step1 Revision.A: Do you like English? B: Yes, I do.I like it best of all the subjects.A: How do you study English? B: I study English by….Step2.Present new words, and phrases.I am an English teacher.But I didn’t use to like English.I found it difficult to learn it well.I was afraid to speak English in front of the class.I found the secret to language learning after I saw an English cartoon.I fell in love with it.The expressions on their faces interested me so much.Sometimes I didn’t understand the key words.So I looked them up in a dictionary.In this way, my English has improved.活动2【讲授】讲授新课 Step 3 Learning.When I was a junior student, I had a best friend, Wei Fen.She is beautiful, guess what she is doing? … She likes English, too.Can you guess how she studies English? Read and choose T or F.Yes, all of you did a good job.Next, let’s read it again, carefully.Read and answer the questions.Complete the sentences.Step 4 Summary

Try to find out the language pionts.活动3【活动】任务型活动 Step 5 Retelling the article.Step 6 Task 1 Do a survey



a.学习并熟练运用目标语句“ThisThat…is tallshortlong…”

b.能准确认读及运用单词long, short, tall, giraffe, elephant snake


能听懂、朗读主要句型“ThisThat…is tallshortlong…”, 并围绕其描述动物或物品的特征。


创设学习情境, 激发学生学习的热情和兴趣, 提高学生学习的积极性和主动性。同时, 教育学生要爱护小动物, 保护大自然。


根据本节课的教学内容和学生对知识的理解程度, 结合本课的教学目标与学习目标, 确定本节课的重点能听懂会说重点句型“ThisThat…is tallshortlong…”。




本节课的授课对象为一年级学生。他们想象力丰富, 喜欢幻想, 对事物充满好奇, 乐于参加表演, 喜欢做游戏, 急于得到别人特别是老师的肯定。所以在本节课教学中, 因为有了第五模块形容词及复数表达法学习的基础, 学生对动物的单词并不陌生, 学生的语言已有一定的积累, 本课主要是对形容词的理解与运用。首先培养学生的学习兴趣, 使学生掌握一定的语言知识。其次, 培养学生利用所学的语言知识解决实际问题、进行交际的能力。最后, 培养学生的合作、互助意识, 以发展学生的思维, 培养学生创新意识。


CAI课件、单词卡片、实物、图片、听力练习 (表格)


Ⅰ.Warming up (热身启动)

Say a chant with actions.

Father pig is fat.

Mother pig is thin.

Look at six baby pigs:2 are black, 4 are pink, 5 are little, and 1 is big.

Ⅱ.Presentation and leading (任务呈现与课文导入)

1.Free talk.

T shows some toys and lead the students to say the sentences with the words (little, big, fat, thin)

2.T:Can you use“fat, thin, little, big”to describe the animals?

Ss:That dog is little.

That panda is big.

That pig is fat.

That monkey is thin.

At the same time, teacher gives the little rewards (little giraffes, snakes, elephants) to the students who said quickly.


T:Look, where can you see the monkeys?On the farm or at the zoo? (show the pictures of“farm”and“zoo”)

Ss:At the zoo.

(read this new word in pairs or in lines) T:Good.Do you like the zoo?


T:I like zoo, too.What animals can you see at the zoo?

Ss:elephant, giraffe, lion, snake, hippo, monkey panda…

T:Look, so many tickets of Dalian Forest Zoo.Do you want to get it?


T:今天我们就和Amy、玲玲一起去动物园看看, 学习描述小动物的特点并赢得门票。

4.Title:Today we are going to learn Module 6 Unit 1.T:Let’s go to the zoo.

Ss:Yes.Let’s go to the zoo.

Ⅲ.New Teaching (课文学习)

1.Listen and find what animals do they see.T:What animals do they see?





(1) T shows the slides and say:“Is it a snakegiraffeelephantlion?”

(2) T say the words, Ss do the actions about the animals.

(这些小动物有什么特点, 你能用动作表演出来吗?)

(3) T writes the number, T says the words, Ss say the numbers.

(4) T says the numbers, Ss say the words.

(5) (认读) T show the cards of the words, Ss say the words in pairslineslittle teacherin groups together…

2.Listen again.

T:Let’s listen again.And tell me what do they say?


(1) Ss:That snake is long.That snake is short.The elephants are big.The giraffes are tall.

T:Show the pictures and the words of longshorttallshort.And at the same time, stick them on the blackboard.

(2) T:That snake is long. (手势) That snake is short. (手势)

T say the words, then let Ss to do the actions.

T do the actions, Ss say the words.

(3) T:Show me your ruler.Look, this ruler is long.What about yours?

S1:This ruler is short.

S2:This ruler is long, too.

T:Can you talk about your ruler with your partner?Ss talk with partners.

(4) T:What do the giraffes look like?S1:The giraffes are tall.

T show the word“tall”and teach the sentence“The giraffes are tall.”

T:What about Amy?What does Amy say?

Ss:I am short.

T:What’s the meaning“short”?


T:Now, I want to compare with you.Look, I am tall What about you?

S3:I am short.

S4:I am short.

T:I’ll choose a child to the front.Xxx, come here To compare with me, which word do you choose?

S5choose the word“tall”or“short”and say“I am tall/short.”

T:Now compare with your partner.

3.Listen and read the dialogue.

Ⅳ.Practising and Production (练习与任务完成)

1.Do the exercises on AB——Listen and tick.

2.Game.Quickly Answer——Tick or cross.

T show the pictures on Computer with sentences, le students to watch the pictures and read the sentences then use their fingers to judge“Yes or No”.

eg.—That snake is long.Ss:No.


(1) T show some animals and ask“Can you talk abou my animals?”

S1:This bear is tall.

S2:That bear is fat.

(T use the tickets to encourage Ss)

(2) T:Look, a mini zoo.Can you talk about the animals at this zoo?Have a try.

S1:This snake is long.

S2 (补充) :This snake is thin.

S3 (补充) :This snake is green.

Ⅴ.Summary and Homework (总结与布置作业)


Today we’ve learnt the words of“long, short, tall, giraffe, elephant, snake”and the sentences of“ThisThat is tallshortlong…”to describe things.





