九年级 Unit1---5 单词拼写


九年级 Unit1---5 单词拼写(共9篇)

篇1:九年级 Unit1---5 单词拼写


1.Before the examination, we should review our t___________ carefully.2.The c___________ between you and me lets us know each other better.3.Please read a___________ so that everybody can hear you.4.While in trouble, you need to be p___________ and solve the problem step by step.5.It is unnecessary for you to l___________ every new word up in the dictionary during reading.6.You are required to take n___________ in the meeting.7.C___________ is my favorite subject.8.The government must pay a___________ to the environmental problem.9.Having a good p___________ is necessary for an English major.10.With the coming of the summer holiday, the number of the visitors is i___________ 11 Everyone is born with the a___________ to learn.12 I’m fond of(喜欢)singing but not regarding it as a l___________ career.13 Please practice this dialogue with your p___________.14 Students should be a___________ in the class.15 All things considered(一切考虑在内), you did very w___________.16 The living room c___________ with the study(书房).17 Shakespeare c___________ many comic characters.18 It’s necessary to learn a language by studying g___________.19 This book helps me learn much k___________ about science.20 He d___________ America in 1492.Unit 2 1 It’s a traditional custom to eat m___________ on the Mid-Autumn Festival.2

It is dangerous for kids to talk with s___________.3

The man who s___________ the gold was caught by the policeman.4

Don’t eat too much, there are delicious d___________ after dinner.5

I want to buy a house with a beautiful g___________.6

I a___________ him for his bravery.7

The Chinese New Year is as important as

C___________ in the foreign countries.8 That t___________ goes with your shirt.9

Lu Xun had written many great n_______.10 Children like to play a game called “Trick and T___________” during the Halloween.11 The tea trade helped to s___________ the popularity of tea.12

Operate on me, I am alive, not d____.13

His parents do a good b___________ and have made much money.14

The students who break the school rules will be p___________.15 The flower is a good p___________ for Mom on Mother’s Day.16 People are w___________ against smoking in the hospital.17 I like enjoying the w___________ of the sun on the beach.18 He is l___________ in bed with a sever fever.19 If you go to England, you have to exchange your China yuan for p______.20 Mary invited many friends and r___________ to her birthday party.Unit 3 1 I am going to the r___________ to wash my hand.2 Collecting s___________ is my favorite hobby.3 I want to go to the b______

to buy some storybooks.4

We have got plenty of time.There is no need to r___________.5

The teacher s___________ parents talking with their children regularly.6

She works in a bank, she is a c______.7

It is i_____ to interrupt(打扰)others while talking.8 Do you know Tom’s a___________? I want to write a letter to him.9

Internet makes it c___________ for people to connect with others.10 I can’t find my watch in every c____.People like to send p___________ while traveling.12

He hasn’t eaten for two days, so he r___________ another bowl of rice.13 I am lost, I can’t find the correct d_____.Wuhan is the most important city in C___________ China.15 Jerry is the student to w___________ I gave a book just now.I can speak four languages, Chinese, English, French and I___________.17

This c___________ can help you learn something about earth, and the teacher is very humorous.18 The river flows through the city from the e___________ to west.19 Your answer to this question is c___________, you do a good job.20 There are two important reasons why the u___________ is safer than the overground railways.Unit 4 1 The movie is so h___________, and I can’t stop laughing(忍不住).2 Please be s___________, I am doing listening now.3

Please give a brief i___________ about yourself at first.4

An exchange of opinions is h___________, we can find our shortcomings(短处).5

The Four A___________ tigers are Hongkong, Singerpore, korea and Taiwan.6 I don’t know how to d___________ with this problem.7

How d___________ you speak to me like that? 8

Finishing this project will take t____ of time.9

Nowadays, students are very busy and don’t have much p___________ time.10 Let’s welcome our headmaster to give a s___.The two stone lions of strange shape g___________ the entrance.12 To do this well does r___________ some time and patience.13 France is a E___________ country while Japan is an Asian country.14 Tom f____ the examination, so he was sad.15 They always take p___________ in everything good that I do.16 Because of the bad cold, he was a___________ from school.17 Computer games have a terrible i___________ on the young.18 Smoking in p___________ is not allowed in some countries.19 He is always planning but s___________ carries through with any of them.20 That is e___________ what I want.Unit5

This kind of car is very expensive and only made in G______.2

The river is polluted and the s______ of the water is covered by oil.3 His father built a new house with different used m______ beside the river.4

The western people eat with forks and knives, but we Chinese use c______.5

Every c______ has two sides.6

Gold and s______ were in short supply and many colonies produced different forms of paper money.7

This shirt is so comfortable and it is made of c___.8 Hangzhou is k______ for the West Lake.Climate change is one of the world’s top ten e______ problems.10 Snow White is a beautiful f______ tale.11 Your paper has some mistakes and it still needs to be p______.12 With the development of economy, China has been playing an important role on the i______ stage.13 Chanel(香奈儿)is widely regarded as the crowning jewel in F______.14 We-chat(微信)has been w______ used among young people.15 No m______ what difficulties you meet, don’t lose heart.When you go to other places, you must try some of the typical l______ food.17 A good relationship between the b______ and employees(员工)is really important.18 A terrible t______ accident took place in this morning.19 Students are not allowed to bring m______ phones at school.20

Many American p______ are made in China.5 look 13 partner 6 notes 14 active

unit1 7 Chemistry 15 wisely/well 1.textbooks 8 attention 16 connects 2.communication 9pronunciation 17 created conversation 10 increasing 18 grammar 3 aloud 11 ability 19 knowledge 4 patient 12 lifelong 20 discovered unit2 moon-cakes 8 tie 15 present 2.strangers 9 novels 16 warned 3.stole 10 Treat 17 warmth 4 desserts 11 spread 18 lying 5 garden 12 dead 19 pound 6 admire 13 business 20 Relatives7 Christmas 14 punished

unit3 4

rush 7 impolite 1 restroom 5suggests 8 address 2 stamps /suggested 9

convenient 3

bookstore 6

clerk 10 corner 11 postcards 12 requests 13 direction 14 Central unit4

humorous 2

silent 3

introduction 4

helpful 5

Asian 6

deal 7

dare unit5 1 Germany 2

surface 3

materials 4

chopsticks 5 coin

whom 16 Italian 17 course 18 east 8

tons 9

private 10

speech 11 guard 12 require 13

European 14

failed 15

pride 6 silver 7 cotton 8 known environmental 10 fairy 11 polished


France correct 20 underground

absent 17

influence 18

public 19

seldom 20


widely 15

matter 16 local 17 boss 18 traffic 19

mobile 20 products

篇2:九年级 Unit1---5 单词拼写


1.他的左手21.我的书41.看电影 2中文老师22.一点42.我喜欢夏天

















1.how about.......?

2.What do you like?

3.Do you like biscuits?

4.Where are you going?

5.Where are they?

6.Can you fly?

7.What’s 5 plus 7?

8.9 minus 6 is 3.9.What is it?

10.There are two giraffes.11.There is an elephant

12.Would you like to join us?





17.Are you thirsty?

18.Could you help us?

19.What a good idea!

篇3:九年级 Unit1---5 单词拼写


在一、二年级的基础上, 培养三年级学生学习的兴趣和基本的语言技能, 同样也是了解语法, 渗透语音的关键时期。如果没有一定数量的单词积累, 就谈不上语言技能, 语法或者语音。


1. 相似字母容易混淆。英语26个字母中, b和d, p和q, W和M学生经常弄错, 例如, door经常会写成boor, puppet经常会写成puqqet, 还有Wake经常会写成Make。

2. 相似单词容易混淆。有许多单词, 它们的形状差不多, 由于粗心, 学生也经常会写错。例如milk大部分学生会写成mike, bed会写成bad, nine和nice也经常混淆。

3. 思维定势受影响。许多学生背单词都是死记硬背, 这样很容易受思 维定势的影响, 如许多学生会把 two 拼写成 tow, doctor 拼写成 docter。

4. 完全拼写不出。


1. 没有掌握发音规律。三年级的学生背单词都是死记硬背, 这样的记忆很容易就会遗忘。拼写单词时由于他们没掌握发音规律, 而使得拼写单词屡屡犯错。像milk的发音是[milk], 知道m发[m], i发[i], l发[l], k发[k], 那样的话就不会再把milk写成mike了。

2. 没有养成良好的习惯。学生麻痹大意, 拼写单词态度不端正, 随意的书写习惯都会导致学生犯下大大小小的错误。三年级的学生刚刚从低年级转入中年级, 许多时候还是坐立不安, 拼写好的单词也不去检查, 默完单词后就等着老师去批, 有时间也不会仔仔细细去检查。

3. 没有家长严格的监督。学生大多数来自农村, 而且面对的大部分是外来务工的家庭, 家长文化水平不高, 学英语的意识不强, 再加上平时工作不稳定, 对学生听读背这类口头作业不加以监督, 学生回家没有拼背单词的习惯, 使得默写越来越差。


1. 先认读单词, 再聚焦拼写

三年级和一、二年级一样, 我们应该让学生多接触单词, 熟悉单词, 使学生对单词有一定敏感, 不仅要让学生了解字母本身的发音, 还要让学生了解并逐步掌握字母在单词中的发音规律。

单词认读要分类。这个是指按字母在单词中的发音来分类认读。比如说“i”这个字母, 我把学过的单词分成pig, big, sister, milk和Bike, kite, like, rice等。前面的单词都是发[i], 后面的发[ai]。这样, 学生在认读的过程中, 了解相同的字母在不同的单词中的发音是不同的。通过这样不断的训练和刺激, 让学生进一步掌握这种字母发音的认读方法。

2. 重视语音教学, 构成单词拼写

单词的构成, 和单词发音有着至关重要的联系, 发音的正确与否对单词的拼写有一定的影响作用, 所以在教单词的同时, 应该适当加入语音的练习, 让学生对一些字母的发音有一定的了解, 多听多读多总结, 尽量模仿录音里的内容, 做到发音准确。学生发音准确了, 教师更应该做到发音准确, 以便学生听清楚。

3. 巧用教学手段, 提高拼写兴趣

“兴趣是最好的老师”。为了要提高学生学习兴趣, 促使学生自觉主动去拼背单词, 我们要巧用教学手段, 通过游戏、活动、表演等形式去激励学生, 帮助学生记忆单词。

C dck游戏在课堂教学中总是受到学生的青睐, 充分利用游戏活动具有的趣味性、竞争性和激励性, 可以充分调动学生的英语学习积极性, 加深学生对英语学习的印象, 刺激记忆, 提高学生的学习效率。游戏的形式有很多, 应该注意在设计时, 是为了辅助教学, 为课堂教学的顺利进行服务, 在游戏开始时要把游戏规则向学生讲清楚, 游戏结束时要对此次游戏活动作总结。游戏的参与面要广, 要让整班学生都参与进来, 培养学生养成互帮互助的集体主义精神。例如, 单词拼写时可以设计缺字母填空的游戏, 看哪个组完成得快, 并给予奖励。

设计这类游戏还要注意缺掉的字母也是遵循一定的发音规律, 不是随便拿走一个字母或者几个字母。

组织课堂有效的活动, 让学生在课堂活动中去感受英语单词并且初步掌握单词的拼读规律。比如说, 可以给学生一些单词, 然后要求学生将这些单词按一个字母的读音分类; 也可以给学生一个字母的读音, 让学生说出相应的单词; 还可以用诗歌, 让学生大声朗读这类诗歌, 在朗读中感受字母在单词的发音。如“i”的发音, 可以使用下面的诗:

小学生表演欲很强, 热情很高。表演可以吸引学生, 同时也可以让教师在学生表演的过程中发现问题和不足, 纠正学生的错误, 同时纠正教师自己的教学方法。例如, 我们可以通过让学生朗读小诗、唱歌、表演对话等形式, 鼓励学生使用正确的语音, 让学生掌握英语单词拼读规律, 培养学生拼写英语单词的能力。在表演的时候, 可以以男女生打擂台赛的方式, 只要语音正确就可以得一颗星, 最后比一比, 谁表演得更好。这种竞赛的方式在无形中培养了学生认读并读准单词的兴趣。

如果把整个英语学习比喻成建造高楼大厦, 那么单词拼写肯定是建造中使用的一块块砖。单词拼写是英语学习的基础, 是英语学习的一个重要环节。单词拼写对农村小学三年级来说是学习英语过程中较困难的事情, 也比较容易使学生丧失学习的兴趣和信心。在三年级的英语教学中就要巧妙地引导学生对英语单词的认识, 逐步掌握英语单词的拼写规律。只要我们坚持培养拼写能力, 加上灵活的方法, 帮助学生突破这道难关, 相信三年级这层楼会建造得非常牢固。


[1]教育部.2012.义务教育英语课程标准 (2011年版) [M].北京:北京师范大学出版社.

[2]陈琳, 王蔷, 程晓堂.义务教育英语课程标准 (2011年版) 解读[M].北京:北京师范大学出版社, 2012.


































篇5:九年级 Unit1---5 单词拼写

班级 ______________ 姓名 ______________ 分数 ______________

1. Beijing is the c _______________ of the P.R.C as well as the centre of China’s political matters and culture.

2. She wore sun-glasses so that I didn’t r _______________ her at the first sight.

3. Smoking is strictly f _______________ in the gas station.

4. The sunlight is a kind of limitless e _______________ for us to use.

5. He was w _______________ so that we couldn’t hear what he was saying.

6. Children are taught to believe in the _______________ (原则) of equal opportunity for everyone.

7. His work this week hasn’t been up to his usual _______________ (水准).

8. I know your back hurts, but you have to wait _______________ (耐心地) until the doctor arrives.

9. In fact, he felt the condition even _______________ (糟糕) than before.

10. The doctor are busy _______________ (做手术) on the wounded soldier now.

11. The a _______________ of air can easily cause a man to die.

12. Cancer is a kind of disease which is almost i _______________.

13. Please follow these sentence p _______________ to make a few sentences.

14. His teacher asked him not to be c _______________ with himself with a little success.

15. She was e _______________ to that man but got married to this man.

16. The girl was so _______________ (着迷) by the mighty river that she would spend hours sitting on its bank and watching the boats going and coming.

17. It being very hot, the boy had to stand in the _______________ (阴凉处).

18. The city of Nanjing _______________ (目暏) the cruelty of the Japanese invaders.

19. Look, our troops are _______________ (接近) the enemy’s position and will soon attack them.

20. It said that that plane _______________ (坠毁) in the valley.


班级 ______________ 姓名 ______________ 分数 ______________

1. What he says is not in h _______________ with what he does.

2. Before taking action, be sure to get p _______________ from your parents.

3. In China the a _______________ population takes up a large part of the whole population.

4. A $ 1,000 r _______________ has been offered for the return of the stolen painting.

5. It doesn’t seem ugly to me; on the c _______________, I think it’s rather beautiful.

6. The models are kept in locked cases as they are too valuable and _______________ (易碎的) for classroom use.

7. Although he was _______________ (残疾的) when he was only ten years of age, yet he aimed high, for which his classmates spoke highly of him.

8. Finally, Chairman made a short speech, _______________ (结束时说) that the plan should be carried out soon.

9. In Britain, some abandoned cats and dogs will be _______________ (收养) by kind-hearted people.

10. It rained _______________ (连续的) for seven days, completely ruining our holiday.

11. As far as I know, that country c _______________ of many tiny islands.

12. I can’t s _______________ my dictionary with you. I don’t like someone else to use it.

13. SARS is a kind of disease s _______________ very quickly.

14. There are seven c _______________ and four oceans in the earth.

15. Volleyball is played t _______________ the world.

16. Smoking _______________ (香烟) is harmful to our health.

17. I’ll _______________ (推荐) you a good book which will give you a lot of knowledge.

18. You’d better have all the programmes _______________ (简化) .

19. We gave our classroom a _______________ (彻底) cleaning before the National Day.

20. There will be a large apple _______________ (收成) in my hometown this year.


1. capital 2. recognize 3. forbidden 4. energy 5. whispering 6. principle 7. standard 8. patiently 9. worse 10. operating 11. absence 12. incurable 13. patterns 14. content 15. engaged 16. fasinated 17. shade 18. witnessed 19. approaching 20. crashed


篇6:九年级 Unit1---5 单词拼写

一、遵循读音规则, 层层拓展

任何事物都是有规律可循的, 外语单词也不例外。如读音规则, 在单词的学习中, 我们会发现, 大部分单词都有一定的发音规律, 利用拼读规律教单词, 就能使学生抓住规律, 记住单词。如在学习face时, 同时可以教学cake、name、skate。教师领读, 让学生跟读, 然后启发学生找出发音规律;做听写练习时, 教师有意地把字母或字母组合相同的单词放在一起听写, 强化学生对音形的记忆;在教teacher时, 可以把单词分成两个音节来记, t-e-a tea, c-h-e-r cher。这样, 就把难点分散, 学生觉得容易多了。老师也可以通过扩展词汇量, 来帮助学生更进一步记忆所学的词汇, 就刚举例的单词teacher来说, 让学生用已有的知识层层深化所学单词, 将词扩展到短语, 如:a teacher, a Chinese teacher, an English teacher, an old teacher, a new teacher……通过训练, 使学生逐步形成听音拼词, 见形读音的习惯。

二、直观为原则, 记住单词的“形”, 理解单词的“意”

在新授英语单词时, 可以将单词的字母构成进行形象化的联想, 例如eye一词, 在教学时, 可以引导学生将y想象成一个鼻子, 两边的e则是两只眼睛。这样一来, 小学生对单词的记忆便充满了画面感与趣味感, 而不再是26个字母的枯燥组合, 进而增加他们对学习英语的兴趣。又如chocolate一词比较长, 学生普遍感觉到很难记, 如果将单词分为三个部分, 运用形象化联想与母语汉语拼音的辅助, 就会使该单词的记忆变得非常有趣。具体的记忆方法是这样的, “巧克力, 如果你去迟了 (late) , 就会被一个长着大眼睛大鼻子的人 (oco) 吃 (ch) 了”。如此一来, 学生会在会心一笑中学会chocolate的拼写。

三、相似词拓展总结, 触类旁通, 举一反三

(一) 相同特征口诀记忆

英语单词中有很多的词具有相同的字母组合或者结构, 可以引导学生进行总结归纳。如单词puppet, jacket, supermarket, basket, 它们都具有“et”的字母组合, 由于ET是外星人的意思, 所以我将这一特征编成了一句话:“一个外星人ET穿着jacket, 拎着basket去supermarket买puppet。”学生会在有趣的口诀中掌握更多的单词, 并逐步培养她们创编出更多的口诀, 使单词学习更加具有趣味性。

(二) 形近词总结归纳

在小学英语课本中有很多简单的英语单词, 只相差一个或两个字母, 巩固这些单词, 就可以复习到很多以前学过的拼法相似的单词, 将它们进行总结归纳, 使学生温故而知新。

例如car一词, 改变一个字母就可以变成cap, bar, cat, can;bad一词, 则可以联想到bed, bag, cap, bar, bat;bear一词, 可以联想到ear, pear, dear, beer。

四、趣味游戏, 激活兴趣, 巩固记忆

小学阶段是学习英语的入门阶段, 我们的教学应根据儿童的生理和心理特点, 高度重视中、低年级的单词教学, 采用生动, 活泼, 形象直观和行之有效的教学方法, 注重对学生学习兴趣的培养, 才能使之爱学、乐学、并学得好, 笔者在教学实践中设计了以下的游戏来巩固单词教学, 取得了较好的效果。

(一) 字母串串烧

这种练习有一定难度, 学生必须熟练掌握单词的拼写后才可以做。例如, 给出字母串m, a, p, t, s, 要求学生把它串成一个单词, 对单词熟悉的学生很容易找出答案stamp。通过这类练习可以检查学生对单词的熟练程度。

(二) 囊中寻宝

事先准备好一些单词卡片 (有的写中文, 有的写英语) 和图片, 将卡片和图片放入一个布袋子里。开始时告诉学生袋子里装的是许多宝物, 让他们上来轮流摸宝。如果他们摸到的是写有英语的单词卡片, 则要翻译成中文;如果是中文, 则要翻译成英语并拼读出来;如果是图片, 则要看图说英语单词并拼读出来。

(三) 补全单词闯关游戏

第一关, 单词只差一个字母, 如d_g;第二关单词差两个字母, 如m_nk_y;以此类推, 最后一关, 只给出一个字母以及所在位置, 如__o_, 此游戏富有挑战性, 每一关难度加大, 并且很好地复习了所学单词的拼写。

(四) 提问记单词

这一方法可以用在学生有些疲惫、注意力不太集中的时候, 通过提问来激起学生的学习兴趣。如在教学表示人物性格特征的单词clever, nice, naughty, shy, talkative等时, 可以提出以下不同的问题:clever这个单词的第三个字母是什么?shy是由几个字母组成的?你能拼读出它吗?……学生个个兴趣盎然, 情绪高涨。

篇7:九年级 Unit1---5 单词拼写

1. My teacher is very angry with me now. He can h____ say a word.

2. My son’s e____ habit is not very good, and he doesn’t like vegetables at all.

3. There are many d____ between English names and Chinese names.

4. Eating too much junk food is bad for your h____.

5. Miss Wang tells us to t____ to learn English.

6. Do you like going h____ in the mountains? It’s very exciting.

7. The music s____ very beautiful. I like it very much.

8. When you can’t sleep at night, try to listen to light music to r____.

9. I am going to my hometown for the summer v____ next week.

10. I don’t know how to learn English. My English teacher gives me some a____.

11. Mary can’t come to school today because she has a f____.

12. You have a bad cold; you s____ eat anything for 24 hours.

13. ——When did your father l____ for Shanghai?


14. How did you work out the math p____. It’s very difficult.

15. A small n____ of students in our class come to school by car.

16. I got up late this morning. I had a q____ breakfast and went to school.

17. My sister usually t____ the train to school.

18. Thank you for a____ me to your birthday party.

19. The band “Black Duck” gave a c____ in Shanghai yesterday.

20. He isn’t new here. M____ he knows the way to the zoo.

21. We are getting r____ for the English test. We are practicing speaking English.

22. ——How often do you exercise?

——T____ a day.

23. ——What do the students usually do on w____.

——They usually watch TV.

24. ——What’s your f____ program?

——It’s Animal World.

25. ——Do you often s____ the Internet?

——Yes, quite often.

26. ——Why is he healthy?

——Because his eating h____ are pretty good.

27. Li Ping is a q____ boy. He’s a boy of few words.

28.——Do you think he is right?

——I b____ so.

29. ——I don’t feel very well.

——So you must have a healthy l____.

30. The weather s____ very hot in summer. I can’t stand (忍受) it.

31. ——What’s she doing now?

——She’s b____ her little sister.

32. ——I’m going h____ in the mountains.

——That sounds interesting.

33. ——What do you think of Thailand?

——I hear it’s a good place to go s____.

34. ——Why does Gary study so hard?

——To i____ his English.

35. ——How does Bob get to school?

——He takes the s____.

36. I u____ walk, but sometimes I take a bus.

37. The early bus takes him to school, and the bus r____ usually takes

about half an hour.

38. ——Is your home far from school?

——No, not far, only two m____.

39. There are many good h____ for patients in Jiangsu.

40. ——Can you come to my birthday p____ on Wednesday?

——Sure, I’d love to.

41. Sorry, I c____ help you. I’m busy.

42. ——When can you play t____ with me?

——How about Thursday afternoon?

43. Please keep quiet. I’m t____ to study.


很多教师采用“汉-英”双语转换的方式来考察学生的识记情况。本文认为这种设计存在缺陷, 并且其效果并不令人满意, 存在死记硬背、会背不会用等问题。有些教师认为:“把英语翻译成汉语, 同时又把汉语翻译成英语, ‘双语切换’的方式来练习英语思维。汉语思维是现成的, 把它直接转化成英语思维岂不是‘捷径’, 干嘛要舍近求远?”这种用汉语思维来学习英语的方法是会造成事倍功半的结果。20世纪存在主义哲学家海德格尔曾经说过:“语言乃存在之屋。” (海德格尔, 2000) 同时, 语言更是思维之屋。思维模式和语言有着内在的联系。汉语-英语的单词训练只会强化汉语思维, 干扰英语思维, 影响英语水平的提高, 长期的结果, 体现在词汇和句法方面, 就是错误百出, 不符合英语表达习惯。因此在平时的学习中, 教师应该注意英汉两种语言的对比分析, 预防和排除汉语思维对英语习得的负面影响。

Paul Davies&Eric Pearse认为:学生是否可以用英语实现交流, 是评价英语教学成功与否的根本标准。 (Davies, P.&Pearse, E., 2002) 本文认为, 英语思维是英语语言交流的根本, 因为西方的实证性思维重视语言的作用, 把语言作为思维的工具, 认为要把概念和观念具体化必须借助语言。所以, 英语教师在教学中, 必须“舍近求远”, 摒弃“汉-英”和“英-汉”的双语转换, 采用全英文环境, 塑造学生的英语思维和能力。例如, 在课堂中听懂英语指令, 使用英语回答问题、小组讨论和做报告, 在确保了课堂的全英文的环境后, 才能渐渐培养学生的英语能力和英语思维。“英-英”单词拼写练习能够更好地培养学生的英语思维 (如例1) 。“汉-英”单词拼写既固化了学生的汉语思维, 阻碍了英语思维的形成和培养, 使学生语言转换的程序复杂化, 忽视了单词的语篇环境, 降低了学习的有效性。


教育部颁布的《普通高中英语课程标准 (实验) 》对语言知识八级目标中要求学生能够运用词汇理解和表达不同的功能、意图和态度等。在英语辞典中, 我们不难发现许多词都有若干种不同的意义注解。这些注解反映了词的多义性, 也反映了词义演变的各种过程。一个词的音和义并不是永远不变的统一体, 一个词的实际意义必须根据语篇环境而定。因而, 教师在教学中应该遵循“词不离句、句不离篇”的原则, 加强学生在语篇的环境下对单词意义的揣摩和推测的能力。“汉-英”单词拼写, 纵然比较省时, 但并不高效, 它恰恰将单词孤立起来, 学生无法在句子中体会单词的意义、用法、语气和色彩等等。“词不离句”是教师在设计单词拼写练习时需要坚持使用的原则 (如例2) 。


课程标准对语言技能目标 (八级) 提出:能识别不同文体的特征。中学英语教师应该加强对学生文体意识的培养。在高中英语教学中, 我们可以从语音层面、词汇系统、句法结构等三个维度来进行分析。本文认为教师可以从语音层面来设计词汇练习, 培养学生的文体意识。例如, 在人教版选修6 Unit 2 Reading中一首五行诗:


Sleepy, salt

Drying, drooping, dreading

Week in, week out


此首诗歌中包含了三组头韵[s]、[d]和[w], 使这首诗歌读起来朗朗上口, 易于记忆, 同时又展示了乡间农民辛苦劳作的情境。

除了头韵, 还有尾韵和拟声, 教师可以挖掘单词发音特点, 创造一些类似的句子或诗歌, 这样能够引导学生注意语音的使用, 达到的语言效果, 分析和感受语言的美学价值, 不失为一种高效、有趣的单词记忆和评价的方法 (如例3) 。


课程标准在语言知识八级目标中对语音方面的要求是学生根据语音辨别和书写不太熟悉的单词或简单语句。作者在教学中发现, 学生根据语音辨别单词的能力比较薄弱, 语音辨别和拼读能力亟待加强。这就要求教师在课堂设计中, 有意识地增加语音练习, 并将语音贯穿于词汇、听、说、读之中, 从而促进学生整体把握词汇的音-形-意的能力 (如例4) 。二二、教学实例

笔者结合自己的高中英语教学实践, 以外研社必修四M 1为例, 针对前文所提出的问题, 总结出词汇拼写练习的行之有效的策略。


(1) ___________adj.that can be used in stead of sth else

(2) ___________n.a statement that says what you think will happen

(3) ___________adj.involving the possibility of sth bad happening

(4) ___________vt.to need or be dependent on/upon sth

(5) ___________vt.to seize in the name of the law and usually put in prison

(6) ___________n.the furthest edge of an area or a place

(7) ___________n.an order given to a person or an animal

(8) ___________n.the amount of money that sb asks for goods or service

(9) ___________n.a button that you press up or down to turn on electricity

(10) ___________vt.to fasten or join one thing to another

【设计说明】 (1) ~ (10) 的答案为:alternative、prediction、risky、rely、arrest、limit、command、charge、switch、attach, 且是M 1的重点词汇, 这种练习以英-英的形式出现, 有意识地培养了学生的英语思维能力和逻辑能力, 发展词汇策略, 为学生阅读能力的提高奠定良好的基础。


(1) 10 million b________were used in the construction of the building.

(2) All cars will be p___________byelectricitygeneratedby hydro-electronic power station.

(3) It is police’s duty to arrest c__________.

(4) Both bowling and softball are my favorite r____________.

(5) Surgeons carry out operations for o________________in clinics.

【设计说明】这5个句子都是简单句, 容易理解。学生结合生活常识进行逻辑判断, 便能够猜测出空格处所需要的意义。所考察单词brick、power、criminal、recreation、surgeons和第四句中bowling和softball是外研社高一必修四的M1的词汇;construction.generate、hydro-electronic出现在外研社高一必修三的M6, 考察了新词汇的使用, 巩固了已学词汇, 起到了温故而知新的效果。本设计坚持了“词不离句”的语篇原则。


(1) Poets write p___________.

(2) Criminals commit c_____.

(3) Commanders give c_____.

(4) Predictors p______what is predictable.

【设计说明】例3中的poet, criminal, commanders和predictor, 均为身份或职业类词汇, 通过下定义的方式, 既使句子内部包含头韵, 读起来朗朗上口, 又能凸显生活话题, 激活学生认知, 粘合新旧词汇知识, 同时潜移默化地培养学生的构词法知识。












【设计说明】例4的设计凸显了词汇的音标, 意图训练学生自主拼读词汇的能力, 从而使学生整合地掌握词汇的音-形-意。这种练习不仅简单又实用, 而且经过长期的训练学生便能够根据语音辨别和书写不太熟悉的单词或简单语句。


词汇学习在语言学习中的地位是非常重要的。Nation研究发现, 学生接触新词汇至少需要5-16次才有可能真正地掌握该词汇 (Nation, 1990) 。教师必须摒弃英语词汇学习只能靠学生自行背诵的看法, “把教育从死的知识和无活力的概念中解放出来, 教育的全部目的就是使人具有活跃的智慧, 而智慧是掌握和运用知识的方式, 绝不是知识在大脑中的机械堆积” (钟启泉, 2009) 。

本文细致入微地对单词拼写的现状进行了分析, 并且提出了新的设计方案, 这些词汇策略不仅符合中国学生的实际状态和新课程标准对高中英语词汇能力的要求, 也有助于学生英语思维和语篇意识的形成, 为未来的发展和终身学习奠定良好基础。


[1]Davies, P.&Pearse, E.Success in English Teaching[M].Shanghai:Shanghai foreign Language Education press, 2002.

[2]Nation, I.S.P.Teaching and Learning Vocabulary[M].New York:Newbury House, 1990.

[3]戴军熔.新课改背景下高中英语教学面临的突出问题[J].中学外语教学, 2011 (9) .

[4]海德格尔.荷尔德林诗的阐释[M].上海:商务印书馆, 2000.

[5]汪榕培、卢晓娟.英语词汇学教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1997.

[6]余文森.有效教学十讲[M].上海:华东师范大学出版社, 2009.


一、 考查单词的拼写能力

1. Thelittle boy had so many strange questions that his teacher didn’t u______him.

2. People use______(现代的)machines to do much work.

3. There are 31days in______(八月).

(Key:1. understand 2. modern 3. August)

点拨 这类题所考查的词一般较长,无词形变化,主要考查同学们的记忆和拼写能力。

二、 考查词形变化和语法知识的运用能力

4. Nearly two years has______(过去)since she went there.

5. Who is a bit______(胖),Lily or Lucy?

6. He sings English songs very______(好).

7. Can you answer the______(第三个)question in English?

8. Two bridges were______(建造)across the Ganjiang River a few years ago.

9. Jane liked the two beautiful dictionaries very much,but she______(买)neither.They were both too expensive for her.

10. It will be______(多云的)tomorrow,won’t it?

11. In autumn the ground is often covered with fallen l______after a strong wind.

12. Helen preferred singing to______(跳舞).

13. The shop sells______(妇女)handbags.

(Key:4. passed 5. fatter 6. well 7. third 8. built 9. bought 10. cloudy 11. leaves

12. dancing 13. women’s)

点拨 这类词的考查,要求同学们根据句意、语法知识及结构,分析要用什么形式。其解题步骤为:




三、 考查近义词语的辨异与英汉语言之间的区别

14. How long may I______(借)the book?

15. The boy drew a big elephant______(用) his pencil.

16. How long will it______(花费)you to build the new building?

17. They went______(穿过)the forest and reached the small village.

18. He won’t do it.I won’t do it,______(也).

(Key:14. keep 15. with 16. take

17. through 18. either)

点拨 同样意思的词有时会有多个,而到底哪个最切题意、最符合英语习惯呢?一是需要同学们平时掌握好近义词语的用法和英汉两种语言的差异;二是要从句子结构入手判断该词在句中的作用。

四、 考查有关常识的掌握情况

19. S______10th is Teachers Day.

20. C______is spoken by the largest number of people in the world.

21. People in England use Mr,Mrs or Miss with the f______name.

22. Canada is on the n______of the USA.

(Key:19. September 20. Chinese 21. family 22. north)

点拨 这类题目要求同学们不要读死书,要注意积累课外知识。


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