



million的用法2:million用作定语且有a或其他数词修饰时,一般要用单数形式; 用在of短语前或表示不确定数字时常用复数形式。million指“钱”时可用单数形式,也可用复数形式。



make a million 发大财

a million to one 可能性极小,百万分之一

parts per million 百万分之

thanks a million 非常感谢


1. 概念。

(1) 表示说话人的意图, 指打算、准备做的事情, 这种打算通常经过预先考虑并含有已做好某些准备的意思, 所表达的行动通常被认为很可能付诸实施。常与attwoo'clock, to-night, tomorrow, nextweek/month/year, infivedays/weeks等表示时间的词连用。


—I'm goingtobuyabicycle.


—SheisgoingtomeetTom atthestationatsix.


(2) 表示说话人的预测, 通常指有迹象表明某件事将要发生, 是说话人确信其即将发生或肯定要发生。在besure, beafraid, believe, think之后都可以这样用。



听这风声, 我们横渡时风浪一定很大。

—Howpalethegirlis!I'm sure/Ibelieve/Ithinkshe isgoingtofaint.


2. 构成。

由“begoingto+动词原形”构成的一般将来时的结构中, “be”动词随主语的人称和数的变化而变化。


—Iam goingtofindapart-timejob.






3. 否定、疑问句的结构。

由“begoingto+动词原形”表示一般将来时的句子, 变否定句时在be动词后加not, 变疑问句时将be动词提至句首。例如:





在“Nine Million Bicycles”中,Katie率真从容地吟唱出了对爱情的忠贞不渝和执着追求。在古今中外咏叹爱情的诗或歌中,借物借景抒发感情的词句不胜枚举,这首歌的歌词也是如此,而且这首歌词中的海誓山盟还饱含着浓浓的现代气息——从北京的自行车到对宇宙的终极探索,从地球的人口问题到网络技术的飞速发展,歌词营造的意象及其创作手法让人耳目一新。

特别值得一提的是,这首歌的歌词运用了多种修辞手法。其一是明喻(simile)。歌词把北京自行车的惊人数量和主人公满腔的痴情爱意放在一起,以具体比喻抽象,新奇而传神。北宋词人秦观一句“无边丝雨细如愁”就曾用无边无际的雨来比喻无影无形的愁,两者可谓有异曲同工之妙。其二是隐喻(metaphor)。“the fire of your love”便是用“of短语”构成的隐喻,以“火焰”比喻“爱情”,生活中类似的隐喻表达有很多,如:the light of learning (智慧之光)、the warm sunshine of praise (表扬的温暖阳光)等。其三是对比 (contrast)。浩瀚广袤的宇宙亦有尽头,可歌者的爱情誓言却超越了时空界限;人口数量的庞大让个人感到自身的渺小,却淹没不了歌者对爱情的专一 ——有限与无限、大与小、多与少形成鲜明对比。歌词中的数字极具冲击力,但即使这些惊人的数字营造的意向仍然无法企及歌者的爱意。在数字的使用上,这首歌广受好评的同时,也引发了不小的争论。有人说北京没有九百万辆自行车,只有七百多万辆。物理学家Simon Singh甚至在英国《卫报》(The Guardian)上“声讨”词作者和Katie严重缺乏科学常识,120亿光年应该改为137亿光年,而称这一数字为“this is a guess”也是对当今天文学研究成果的侮蔑。Katie后来应Simon Singh的要求修改了部分歌词并重新录音,并表示为自己缺乏相关常识而感到羞愧,尽管她认为物理学家的“新词”很难与曲调配合。虽然在“数字精确度”这个问题上饱受争议,但我们得承认,音乐并非科学,这些数字虽不精确,却并未妨碍其对创作者心中所想的传神表达。

这首融合着爵士乐风和流行元素的慢版抒情小调,在从容平和中透露着一种执着的信念和优雅的自在。它讲述的故事与北京有着似有若无的关联,而大众喜欢这首歌曲的原因正像Katie自己所表达的那样:“I like this song because it is a simple juxtaposition of a trivial idea against an important idea.”

Nine Million Bicycles 九百万辆自行车

★There are nine million bicycles in Beijing

That’s a fact

It’s a thing we can’t deny

Like the fact that I will love you till I die★

We are twelve billion light years from the edge

That’s a guess

No one can ever say it’s true

But I know that I will always be with you

I’m warmed by the fire of your love everyday

So don’t call me a liar

Just believe everything that I say

There are six billion people in the world

More or less

And it makes me feel quite small

But you’re the one I love the most of all

We’re high on the wire

With the world in our sight

And I’ll never tire

Of the love that you give me every night


And there are nine million bicycles in Beijing

And you know that I will love you till I die



























①millions of+复数名词:数百万的......

②主语+want to+动词原形+using+宾语:“主语”想要通过使用“宾语”来做某事

③the language of emoji:“绘文字”的语言。绘文字:日本在无线通信中所使用的视觉情感符号,绘指图画,文字指的则是字符,可用来代表多种表情,如笑脸表示笑、蛋糕表示食物等。微 信公 众 号【一句话 学英语】最早由栗田穰崇(Shigetaka Kurita)创作,并在日本网络及手机用户中流行。【注】“the language of+语言名称”中的the不能省略。



⑥主语+except+宾语+to be+形容词:“主语”盼望“宾语”......样


1. Talk about short stories and dramas.

2. Learn how to act out a play

3. Learn how to request and order food

4. Learn noun clauses as the object and predicative

The first period Intensive reading

Step I.Warming up

1.Mark Twain is probably one of the few American writers with whom students are already familiar. This exercise makes the teacher find out how much the students know about this writer and decide how much they need to know about the author before they read the play.

T: Do you know something about the American writer Mark Twain?

Ss: A little.

T: Today we will learn something about this great writer in the American history. Now please read “About Mark Twain” on page 23 so that you can know more about him.

1. Students read the passage about Mark Twain and answer the questions given in the form on page 23.

a. What’s the real name of Mark Twain?

b. When was he born and when did he die?

c. Do you know all the places where he lived?

d. Can you name three of his famous stories?

T: As we know, Mark Twain is known as a humorist during his life. And this is reflected in THE MILLION POUND BANK-NOTE. So, today we will learn some parts of this famous play.

Step ⅡPre-reading

Get the students to discuss the question with their partners and then ask them to report their work. Encourage to express their opinions freely.

T: If a rich person gives you a large amount of money to use as you like, for example, one million pound, what will you do? Why?

( Students have a discussion on this question. Whatever choice students make here, they should be ready to offer their classmates a good reason for it.)

T: I think all of you have a good idea. Do you want to know what happened to Henry Adams in THE MILLION POUND BANK-NOTE written by Mark Twain? Have you ever read the story? So this class we will learn the story together.

Step Ⅲ While reading

1. Scanning

Get the students to comprehend the whole scene quickly and accurately and meanwhile help them form a good habit of reading. Give the students some time to read through the scenes and then answer some questions

a. How did Henry Adams come to England?

b. Where did Henry work before? How much did he have?

c. What did the two gentlemen give Henry?

d. When can Henry open the letter.

2. After the students discuss the questions and then check the answers with the whole class.

T: Listen to the tape and try to find out the characteristics of the whole passage.

Ss: This is part of a play. So, the narration is written in the present tense.

T: OK. All of you have done a good job. Next, let’s read the scene again and do some exercises.

Step Ⅳ Post-reading

Do comprehending exercises and explain :

a. a large amount of: a large quantity of; a great deal of

e.g. They bought a large amount of furniture before they moved their new house.

b. make a bet: make an arrangement to risk money, etc. on an event of which the result is doubtful.

e.g. We made a bet on the result of the match.

c. permit sb to do something: allow somebody to do something

e.g. My mother doesn’t permit me to ride in the street after it rained.

d. by accident: as a result of chance

e.g. I only found it by accident.

e. stare at: look at somebody or something with the eyes wide open in a fixed gaze( in astonishment, wonder, fear, etc)

f. to be honest: to tell you the truth; to be frank

e.g. To be honest, I don’t think we have a chance of winning.

Step Ⅴ Homework

1. Review the key sentences in this part

2. Preview the words in the second period.

3. Act out the play in groups

The second period: Acting

Step I Acting

T: Are you ready to act out the play now< class?

Ss: Yes.

T: Good. Let’s welcome the first group and the second group please get prepared.

T: Class, we should pay attention to some examples of Mark Twain’s humor in this scene, which will help us better understand the play and act it out more appropriately. Do you agree with me?

Ss: Yes, of course.

Step II Homework

Review what we learned in this unit


(1) 除了定型的词、词组、成语、惯用语、缩略语等用汉字表示外, 凡是可以用阿拉伯数字而且又很得体的地方, 特别是当所表示的数目比较精确时, 均应使用阿拉伯数字。遇特殊情形, 或者为避免歧解, 可以灵活变通, 但全书体例应相对统一。

(2) 年份不应简写, 如1997年不应简写为“97年”或“九七年”。文稿中应避免出现“今年”“明年”等字样。

(3) 用阿拉伯数字表示多位整数和小数, 分节时从小数点起, 向左和向右每3位数字一组, 组间空1/4个汉字的位置。

(4) 一个用阿拉伯数字书写的数值应避免断开转行。

(5) 用阿拉伯数字写纯小数必须写出小数点前定位的“0”。

(6) 表示数值范围时, 数值后面不宜接写“左右”或“以上”, 如20~50 m, 不可写成20~50 m左右或20~50 m以上。

(7) 数量的增加或减少要注意下列用词的概念。

(1) 增加为 (或增加到) 过去的2倍, 即过去为1, 现在为2; (2) 增加 (或增加了) 2倍, 即过去为1, 现在为3; (3) 超额60%, 即定额为100, 现在为160; (4) 降低到60%, 即过去为100, 现在为60; (5) 降低 (或降低了) 60%, 即原来为100, 现在为40; (6) 为原数的1/5, 即原数为5, 现在为1, 或原数为1, 现在为0.20。



Rapetosaurus is a kind of medium sauropod. Its about 15 meters long, 3.5 meters high, 8 tons of weight. Its head is prolate, and has flat mouth. It has rows of long pencil shaped teeth at the lateral of the mouth. Its nostrils are on the head, close to the eyes. It has slender neck at the back of the head, which takes up a considerable length of the body, expanding the scope of the foraging and observation.

The rahonavi

The rahonavi is 0.6 meters long, about 300 grams of weight, is one of the smallest dinosaurs. The rahonavis has a big head and a pair of big eyes. It has small teeth in the mouth, which are suitable for hunting insects and other small animals. Its neck is thin, the body is thin, with a long tail behind the body. Seen from the forelimbs structure, it probably is a kind of animal with strong ability to fly, and some evidences showed that it has feathers, which further confirmed that its a kind of animal that can fly.



2. 邻近的两个数字并列连用表示概数时, 应使用汉字, 连用的两个数字之间不加标点, 如七八公里、五十二三岁、两三家医院等。

3. 我国清朝以前 (含清朝) 以及非公历的历史纪年要用汉字。例如:清咸丰十年九月二十日、八月十五中秋节等。

4. 部队医院编号有“第”字者, 其编号用汉字。例如:解放军第三0四医院。


Shen Yaoyi was born in Shanghai in 1943 and graduated from the Engraving Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1966. Having taught at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, the National Academy of Chinese Theater Arts and Renmin University’s Xu Beihong School of Arts, Shen is now a board member of the Chinese Artists Association and vice chairman of the Beijing Artists Association.

Shen was in his 30s in 1975 when he started work on the 185 cm by 375 cm oil painting Revolutionary Ideals Higher than Heaven, which he finished in 1976. The world famous Long March -- the Chinese Red Army’s 8,000-mile military retreat which took from 1934 to 1935 -- was the main theme of his artworks. Shen spent three months retracing the Long March route from Jiangxi Province in southeast China to Shaanxi Province in northwest China. Upon his return he created the graphic novel Following Chairman Mao on the Long March and started work on the oil paintings Revolutionary Ideals Higher than Heaven and Start of the Long March (part of the National Art Museum of China collection).

The romantic effect of Shen’s realist technique and use of contrasting light and shadow singles out Revolutionary Ideals Higher than Heaven as a masterpiece. The oil painting shows Mao Zedong giving a rousing speech that obviously heartens his follow soldiers and acts as a beacon of warmth amid the arduous toil of their journey to safety in the same way as the blazing bonfire around which they gather to rest and listen. The painting pays tribute to Mao and the heroes that marched with him, giving broad scope to the shade of red that epitomizes their spirit. The figures in the picture appear robust and in ruddy health, and although set in darkness, the bonfire gives the scene a rosy glow. Shen Yaoyi thus vividly portrays the Long March scenario and the emotion it inspired in him personally as an artist.

“My first journey along the Long March route in 1975 was not enough to appreciate its full ethos. I had to take the trip several times before I could begin to comprehend the true feelings and experiences of those who had gone before me,” Shen said. He has traveled the Long March route a total five times and created similarly themed artworks such as The Red Ribbon of the Earth and Zunyi Conference (part of the National Museum of China collection), the former of which won the gold award at the Seventh National Fine Arts Exhibition and first prize in the Fourth National Illustrated Story Book Competition.

It took Shen Yaoyi six years from 1988 to 1993 to complete The Red Ribbon of the Earth series, which comprises five volumes and 926 pictures.

The size of the illustrations in the series differs. The first 163 pictures are 58 cm by 60 cm and the rest are 39 cm by 60 cm. To imbue the figures he portrays in these graphic artworks with their essential characters, Shen met and talked with veteran Long Marchers. Of the 100 people the illustrations depict, 77 are real. They include Chinese leaders Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Wang Jiaxiang, Zhang Wentian and Peng Dehuai. Shen skillfully sets them against historical backdrops of battlefields, raging rivers, craggy mountains and treacherous swamps, all of which the Red Army faced along their arduous journey. In 2006, The Red Ribbon of the Earth broke auction records for illustrated storybooks when it fetched a price of RMB 15.4 million.

Artworks on China’s revolution are gaining in popularity because they embody both the ideology and passion of people of that time and represent the concepts of socialist realism and idealized visual art. Such artworks are crucial to the collective memory of several generations. Li Yanfeng, Oil Painting section manager of China Guardian, believes that the connotation of these pictures and the values they represent surpass their artistic influence. “The profound historical background reflected in these artworks draws both art lovers and art collectors to the market,” Li said.


2.邻近的两个数字并列连用表示概数时, 应使用汉字, 连用的两个数字之间不加标点, 如七八公里、五十二三岁、两三家医院等。

3.我国清朝以前 (含清朝) 以及非公历的历史纪年要用汉字。例如:清咸丰十年九月二十日、八月十五中秋节等。

4.部队医院编号有“第”字者, 其编号用汉字。例如:解放军第三0四医院。


“The combined immunization campaign constitutes an important step forward for Chad in its agenda to accelerate child survival and development,” said Bruno Maes, the Representative in Chad for the UN Children’s Fund.

The government has mobilized more than 9,600 additional community workers across the country to ensure that all targeted children are reached, according to a UNICEF press release.

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