



occlusal wear - loss of enamel on the biting surface of the teeth due to the abrasive action of chewing natural unprocessed food.

odontoblast process - the extension of the cy lasm of an odontoblast which remains surrounded by dentine during tooth formation. the process is still an active part of the cell and contributes to the production of intratubular dentine in response to ageing, tooth wear or arrested caries.

odontoblasts- cells lining the dental pulp, derived from the dental papilla wich form the dentine of the tooth crown and root. new odontoblasts may become differentiated from less specialised pericytes in the pulp.

occlusal interference - contact between opposing teeth during chewing, which prevents the other teeth touching. in extreme lateral and protrusive positions of the jaw, this would happen in most dentitions and be of no concern. when occlusal interference occurs close to the area of maximum tooth contact, it may be troublesome.

oncogenes - genes which have the capacity if expressed to cause tumour formation.

organelle - a structures within a cell which has a specific structure or function, such as thenucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, lysosomes and mitochondria.. cell organelles are a feature of eucaryotic cells.

osmotic pressure - water tends to move towards dense concentrations of ions. sugar solutions on the surface of exposed dentine cause water to be drawn out of the dentinal tubules causing which distorts the odontoblast causing pain.

osseous integration - a term used to describe the desired adhesion between an implant and the bone which holds it in place.

osteoblasts - cells which differentiate from pericytes and secrete both the matrix and mineral of bone.

osteocalcin - a calcium binding protein, synthesised by the osteoblast and secreted into the matrix at the time of bone mineralisation. mice bread without the osteocalcin gene develop heavy bones suggesting that osteocalcin is a negative regulator of bone formation

osteoclast - a multi-nucleate cellcapable of removing both the organic and mineral component of bone. osteoclasts activity is controlled by nearby osteoblasts.

osteoid - the extracellular matrix inwhich bone forms. it is high in collagen and other bone proteins but lacks any crystal formation.

osteonectin - a bone glycoprotein which has the property of binding to both collagen fibres and the hydroxyapatite crystals, and thus may be important in initiating bone mineralisation by acting as a template for nucleation. osteonectin is also produced by endothelial cells and plateletes and is able to bindfibrinogen.

osteopontin - an adhesive glycoprotein related to sialoproteins, which is secreted by osteoclasts to assist in their adhesion to the bone surface. after bone resorption it may then act as a signal to stimulate osteoblast activity

osteoporosis - a reduction in bone mass which occurs commonly in post menopausal females, but also in older men. it is due to a reduction in the activity of the ovaries and a decreased secretion of oestrogen. bone formation and bone healing are not affected but more bone is resorbed by osteoclasts than is replaced. lack of exercise is also a factor in bone loss.

oxytalin fibres - are related to elastic fibres, though they have a smaller core of elastin. they are found in the periodontal ligament and in the epidermis of thin skin, but not in the oral mucosa.


neural crest cells - cells derived from the ectoderm layer in the embryo. this layer folds to form a neural tube which will later become the spinal cord of the animal. cells from the crest of this fold, leave the ectoderm and migrate into the mesoderm layer. these neural crest cells are thus of ectomesenchymal origin. they migrate to form the dental mesenchyme, supportive cells of the nervous system, the adrenal cortex and melanocytes of the skin.

neuromuscular junction the synapse between the axon terminal of a motoneurone and a skeletal muscle fibre. the release at this synapse of the neurotransmitter substance, acetyl choline causes the muscle to contract.

neuropeptides - compounds which have extremely potent affect to excite or depress nerve cells, in very low concentration. in this regard they are distinctly different from neurotransmitters. they include substances such as prostaglandins, substance p, endorphins and enkephalins. neuropeptides also have receptors on lymphocytes and thus influence the immune response.

neurotransmitters - chemicals which are secreted into a synapse in order to transmit an electrical nerve impulse from a nerve axon of one cell to the cell body of another nerve cell. they bind to receptors on nerve cells and are produced rapidly in high concentrations at nerve synapses. in these respects they differ from neuropeptides. there are many different neurotransmitter substances. they include acetyl choline, epinephrine, histamine, serotonin gaba and glutamate.

neutrophils - members of the family of white blood cells which are involved in non-specific phagocytosis of bacteria and foreign material. neutrophils are also called polymorphonuclear leucocytes (pmn) because of their multi-lobed nucleus. neutrophils also release toxic enzymes, stored safely in their cy lasm as lysosomes and released in the presence of foreign proteins. these toxic enzymes may do more harm to the host tissues than the bacteria they were released to kill.

niche - an opportunity which can be exploited in order to make a living or survive in an ecosystem.

noma - a highly destructive and usually fatal infection of the teeth and jaws which is a progression of anug only found in malnourished children. - also called cancrum oris.

nucleic acids - occur as chains of nucleotides, either asdna (two chains) or rna(one chain) and make up the genetic material of a cell.

nucleotides - are made up of three components, a pentose sugar (ribose or deoxyribose), a phosphate group and an organic base which may either be a purine ( adenine or guanine) or a pyrimidine ( cytosine thymine or uracil).this basic structure is found in many important cell molecules such as in adp, atp and coenzymes. nucleotides also form the subunits from which nucleic acids (dna and rna)are built.



市场营销学科的术语在不同的教材中并不完全一致, 而且, 即使在同一本教材中, 术语的精确性也不足以描述表达或限定学科概念。以高等教育出版社吴健安主编的《市场营销学》第三版为例:

一词多译:在129页关于相关群体的阐述中, 认为相关群体也可以称为“参考群体”或者“参照群体”, 应该明确使用其中一个。而且某种相关群体有影响力的人物称为“意见领袖”或“意见领导者”, 但是领袖和领导者在中文中是完全不同的概念。领袖是一个政治名词, 并且具有强烈的感情色彩;而领导者这个词比较恰当。在211页中关于marketing positioning的中文表述就包括三种:市场定位、产品定位、竞争性定位, 应该按照原文忠实地直译为市场营销定位。

用词不精确:在174页中, 关于营销分析系统的描述中, 认为:“完善的营销分析系统通常由资料库、统计库、模型库三部分组成”, 但是, 在管理学下属学科管理信息系统中, 上述三个部分的精确表述应该是:数据库、方法库、模型库。尽管可以用“资料库、统计库、模型库”来没有歧义地表述, 但与管理学科的主流用法不一致。

用词错误:在66页中, 关于密集式成长战略, 图3-5中应该把市场深入改为“市场渗透”, 因为在该书最后一行也明确提出“市场深入”也叫“市场渗透”。因为在管理学领域大家普遍接受的术语是“市场渗透”。


在很多经典的译著中, 对account (客户) 、leads (潜在客户) 这两个术语的翻译都出现了不确切的现象。例如, 在罗宾斯第九版的《管理学》中译本里面, 就把account (客户) 翻译成了账户;在管理信息系统 (机械工业出版社, 2008年1月版) 中, 引用LAUDON主编的《管理信息系统》时, 上述两个单词的翻译也不确切。

上述两本教材, 被国内许多高校选定为本科甚至研究生教材, 其中包括为数不少的985、211大学。其中account (客户) 、leads (潜在客户) 的应用极其广泛, 管理学领域关键术语使用不确切, 会混淆学科概念, 更严重的是, 有可能误导学习者, 对学科素养的培育产生不利影响。

以上述两个术语为例, 进行如下分析:由于会计学科比市场营销学科出现的早, 因此上述两个术语首先应用于会计学。根据上海译文出版社的《新英汉词典》, account (客户) 第一个汉语名词用法就是账户, 第六个用法是利润;leads (潜在客户) 第一个汉语名词用法是领导, 第二个用法是引导, 第四个用法是线索。因此, 在罗宾斯第九版的《管理学》中译本里面;LAUDON主编的《管理信息系统》的中文引用译文中都采用了会计学的译法。但是, 在市场营销学科中, account从第六个用法利润派生为客户, 其中的含义是客户就是利润源泉, 也可以理解为一个优质老客户就像卖方的提款机一样, 为卖方提供源源不断的利润;leads从第四个用法线索派生为潜在客户, 其中的含义是潜在客户需要卖方积极挖掘线索才可以开发为客户, 也可以理解为一个潜在客户就像引导卖方走向提款机的lead (译为:引导) 一样, 为卖方提供源源不断的新客户。


首先从学科历史上理解这些术语的来源, 培育更高的学科素养。account (客户) 、leads (潜在客户) 这两个术语极具代表性。

其次, 建议直接使用英文原文作为客户和潜在客户的管理学学科术语, 就像ERP、CRM等和IT相关的术语被广泛接受一样, 如果account (客户) 、leads (潜在客户) 这两个术语直接用英文, 就不会引起歧义, 同时也不带有褒贬等感情色彩, 达到精确地描述表达或限定学科概念的目的。

最后, 有师资能力的学校, 应该向清华、北大等国内顶尖高校看齐, 采用英文原版教材, 在进一步督促学生提高外语水平的同时, 可以达到培育更高的学科素养、直接用英文消除歧义的双重目的。


[1]LAUDON.管理信息系统 (第九版) .高等教育出版社, 2008年6月.[1]LAUDON.管理信息系统 (第九版) .高等教育出版社, 2008年6月.

[2]薛华成.管理信息系统.机械工业出版社, 2008年1月.[2]薛华成.管理信息系统.机械工业出版社, 2008年1月.

[3]新英汉词典.上海译文出版社, 1978年4月, 第一版.[3]新英汉词典.上海译文出版社, 1978年4月, 第一版.


引 言



一 中文心理学术语的特点

心理学始创于19世纪初,由德国哲学家、教育学家赫尔巴特(Johann Friedrich Herbart,1776—1841)将其从哲学学科领域中划分出来,独立成为一门学科。在中国,尽管古典文献中蕴含着丰富的心理学思想,也“有一套完整而独特的范畴体系”[2],但其作为现代人文社会科学独立学科则始于20世纪初,比西方晚了一个世纪。“1921年中华心理学会的成立被视为我国现代心理学学科的形成标志。”[2]2000年国务院学位委员会将心理学确定为一级学科,确立了心理学的学科地位,也标志着该学科发展进入了新的阶段。






1)基本概念体系借自西方心理学,本土术语少,如黑林错觉(Hering’s illusion)、非条件反射(又译无条件反射,unconditioned reflex)等;



3)心理学术语翻译和使用尚欠规范,使用大量含源语成分的短语型术语缩略词,如CR(conditioned reflex,条件反射)、F 分布(F distribution)等,通过对南大术语库(NUTERM)动态心理学术语数据库关键词底表观察,保留英文字母的关键词涵盖了从A到Z的所有字母,在林崇德等主编的《心理学大辞典》里也有同样的现象。


二 术语翻译方法探讨








“很多科学术语可以按照汉语从左到右的顺序来翻译(现在一些外国语言学家称这种结构叫作“积木”结构)。”[4]心理学作为侧重理科的交叉学科,“积木”结构术语比较常见,而且汉英两种语言在语言线性上具有一定程度的相似性,很多英语心理学短语术语都可以用这种方法进行翻译。如:private self译为“私我”;social control theory译为“社会控制理论”;role coordination译为“角色协调”等。


直译较之逐字翻译而言,考虑到了目的语的语法等诸多因素,并进行适当的调整,是既保持原文概念又尽量保持原文形式的翻译方法。逐字翻译也可纳入直译中,作为直译的起点。直译能较好地保留原文的形式同时也能比较准确表达概念,较少出现翻译过剩的问题,如术语identical element theory of transfer应译为“迁移的相同要素说”。


进行因子分析前,先对风险认知的13个变量进行KMO和Bartlett球形检验,结果显示,KMO值为0.816,Bartlett球形检验P值为0,表明数据适合因子分析。采用主成分分析方法选择因子,同时选择方差最大法进行因子旋转,13个变量剔除因子载荷低于0.5的3个变量之后,10个变量共提取4个主因子,累计贡献率达到66.379(表3),解释效果较好。其中,第一主因子“心理风险”的贡献率为19.732%;第二主因子“功能风险”的贡献率为 16.478%;第三主因子“财务风险”的贡献率为15.234%;第四主因子“健康风险”的贡献率为14.934%。

2)术语产生方法以翻译为主,且翻译方法多为逐字翻译和直译,中文术语欧化程度较高,但渐有本土化趋势,如格式塔治疗(又译完形疗法,Gestalt therapy)、心理年龄(又译为智力年龄,mental age)、人格心理学(又译个性心理学,personality psychology)等;

心理学中personality是一个重要术语,译为“人格”,借自日语。《牛津心理学词典》对该词的定义为:The sum total of the behavioural and mental characteristics that are distinctive of an individual.(个人特有的行为和心理特征的总和。)[6]











如:hysteria(歇斯底里);Gestalt psychology(格式塔心理学,又译完形心理学);Eros(爱洛斯);ID(伊底)等。



针对部分企业遇到的节能项目“资金、技术、管理”风险问题,中国海油在系统内以试点单位为平台,引进第三方服务公司,进行合同能源管理方式运作,帮助所属单位实施节能技术改造项目,在取得了良好的节能效果的同时,实现了管理、技术、资金的“零风险”。山东海化以合同能源管理模式开展七项节能项目,共累计实现节约标煤18 468 t,CO2减排48 387 t,节约生产成本2349万元/年,按合同期五年计算,累计节约生产成本约11 743万元。






如:ID(本我);IQ(intelligence quotient,智商);questionare-data(Q-资料);J.N.D(just noticeable difference,最小可觉差)。

心理学术语hysteria音译为“歇斯底里”,又译为“癔症”,是一种神经病(neurosis)。在西方心理学概念中神经病(neurosis)和精神病(psychosis)的界定是比较模糊的,美国精神病家协会(American Psychiatrist Association)把神经病、精神病都称之为精神错乱(mental disorder)[7]。根据刘烈的分析,神经病和精神病患者的区别在于:前者能自省,而后者“极少自省或不能自省地为幻觉所惑”[7]。所以“歇斯底里”属于神经病范畴,“癔症”为中医术语,与精神错乱概念相近,在民间指“疯”。









借译+直译:phi phenomenon译为“phi现象”;substance P译为“P物质”;

音译+直译/意译:Gestalt psychology译为“格式塔心理学”,又译“完型心理学”;

结构翻译法:根据构词原理进行的翻译。metamemory译为“元记忆”;quasi need译为“准需要”;sense of... 译为 “……感/意识”。

在溶出时间为60 min、液固比为2.51、溶出温度为60 ℃ 的条件下,考察搅拌强度对铁溶出率的影响,结果如图4所示。


三 结语







[6]Andrew M.Colman.Oxford Dictionary of Psychology[Z].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2007:564.



basement membrane - a thin sheet of proteins held together by type iv collagen. on this sheet epithelial cells attach with hemi-desmosomes. all epithelia, whether simple cuboidal cells such as found in the salivary glands, or endothelial cells lining capillaries or thick stratified squamous epithelia of the skin, are all anchored to a basement membrane.

benign- not harmful. in the sense of tumours, not malignant. when referring to parasites, quite harmless.

biofilm - a layer of microorganisms on a surface which is kept constantly wet. dental plaque is an oral biofilm

biosurfactants - products of bacteria which increase the hydrophilic nature of a surface so as to allow for better adhesion.

blood clotting - one of three key processes in haemostasis, the prevention of blood loss. after three minutes of rupture of a small blood vessel, the entire cut is filled with a blood clot. after an hour, the clot has retracted inside the vessel making the plug even more effective. within a few more hours, fibroblasts have moved into the clot, followed by capillary -forming endothelial cells. within 10 days the clot is replaced by fibrous scar tissue. clotting takes place in three steps. 1. in response to damage to the blood vessel prothrombin activator is formed. 2 this activator converts prothrombin into thrombin. 3.the thrombin acts as an enzyme converting fibrinogen into fibrin threads which adhere to the damaged walls of the blood vessel, trap platelets, blood cells and plasma to form a clot.

blood groups - blood cells from different people do not always have the same cell surface antigens. a transfusions of blood whose antigens do not match the recipient evokes an immune response and the donor cells are broken down. two of the common blood groups are the a,b,o group and the rh group. the blood group antigens are glycoproteins or glycolipids.

bolus - a piece of food which is being chewed to break it down into small pieces.

bone membrane - a theoretical membrane separating the fluid surrounding bone crystals from the fluid of the surrounding connective tissue. the membrane would be formed by the endosteum.

bone morphogenic proteins (bmp) - part of the cytokine family of transforming growth factors. bmp have a powerful ability to cause differentiation of stem cells into osteoblasts and to initiate bone formation.

bradykinin - one of several substances, all known as kinins, which cause vasodilation and increased capillary permeability, both events associated with inflammation.

buffers - chemical which are able to keep the ph of a solution within a normal range, neither acid nor alkali. salivary buffers are important in reducing the progress of caries by neutralising plaque acids.


ganglion - a collection of nerve cells usually found outside the central nervous system, from which axons arrive from the periphery and proceed to the spinal cord or brain.

gene cloning - a technique which uses recombinant dna, inserted into a host cell as a plasmid which reproduces copies of itself, and hence the inserted gene, many times

generic - belonging to the same main group. for example generic medicines are identified by the main group they fall into rather than by their trade names.

genes - the unit of inheritance that transmits information from one cell to its daughters and hence to the next generation. a gene consists of a specific series of dna nucleotides. each three nucleotides is the code for an amino acid. humans have about 200,000 genes which collectively are know as the genome.

genetic engineering - see recombinant dna.

genome - the complete complement ofgenetic material in a species.

gingival crevice fluid - a secretion found in the gingival sulcus, formed by the cells attaching the gingival epithelium to the tooth.

gingival sulcus - a potential space between the gingival margin and the tooth, lined by non-keratinised epithelium. the depth of the sulcus is normally between 1 and 2 mm in health.

gingivitis - an inflammation of the gingival mucosa, due to the increase in the virulence or mass of bacteria in the gingival sulcus, or to reduced resistance of the host.

glands - a collection of cells secreting a specific product such as insulin or sweat.

glucocorticoids - one of the two major hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla. the most common glucocorticoid is cortisol (hydrocortisone) but they all share the common effect of increasing blood glucose concentration. they may achieve this at the cost of body protein stores, by converting amino acids into glucose. cortisol also converts fatty acids into glucose. any type of stress, including trauma, infection, fear, anxiety or malnutrition causes an increase in cortisol secretion. cortisol stabilises the membrane of lysosomes, which are then unlikely to rupture, a process which stimulates inflammation. cortisol therfore inhibits inflammation. cells like neutrophils, are less able to protect the body from foreign proteins. stress therefore reduces the bodies ability to cope with infection. malnutrition not only stunts mental and physical development but also allows viral, bacterial and parasitic infections to flourish.

glucosamine - a glucose or galactose molecule with an amine group attached. see also glucuronic acid.

glucose - a molecule of great importance to life as it provides a ready source of energy for both plant and animal cells. glucose can only be formed in plants with the aid of sunlight. this process of photosynthesis sustains all animal life on earth. the glucose molecule is formed by a ring of a six carbon atoms. it is progressively broken down in a process called glycolysis during both aerobic and anaerobic respiration into atp

glucuronic acid- a glucose molecule with an acid carboxyl group. one of the two molecules which makes up the repeating disaccharide unit of glycosaminoglycans other molecule is a glucosamine.

glycine - one of 20 amino acids commonly found in proteins.

glycogen - a polysaccharide made up of repeated glucose units. animals make glycogen and store it in liver and muscles.

glycolysis - the breakdown of glucose in series of metabolic steps. energy in the form of atp is released even if there is no oxygen available as in anaerobic respiration. in the presence of oxygen as in aerobic respiration the breakdown is more complete and yields more energy.

glycoproteins - are proteins which have many sugar molecules attached to them. they are an important component of saliva where they provide lubrication for the teeth. they also have a wide range of other functions in connective tissues. examples are fibronectin, osteonectin, osteopontin and interferon. glycoproteins are also found in cell membranes where they define part of the cells identity. the four major blood groups are defined by glycoproteins on the cell membranes of red blood cells.

glycosaminoglycans (gags) - large to huge molecules of the connective tissue matrix, made up of repeating disaccharide units linked to a protein core. the disaccharide units are made of glucosamine and glucuronic acid. the position of a sulphate molecule on the glucosamine determines the type of gag.

golgi apparatus - a cell organelle which is part of the inner cell membrane. it collects and stores the products from the endoplasmic reticulum. it is prominent in actively secreting cells.

gomphosis - a form of tooth attachment in which the root is help in a bony socket by a fibrous ligament.

gonial angle - the angle made by the posterior part of the ramus and the lower border of the mandible.
