



Hello,everyone. my name is 6年级英语作文 .i have o happy weekend .

On saturday morning ,I have the breakfast at my grandmothers` by taxi .Then I do my homework .

In the afternoon , my brother and I ply computer games together at my home .

In the evening , we go shopping after eat dinner .That is so exciting !

On sunday morning , my brother go home with me.I have lunch at resturant after that .

In the afternoon , my brother and I have a rest at his home .

Then we play at children`s palace .in the evening ,I have dinner at my grandmothers`.

I take no.71 bus to get home .I take a shower .finally, I go to bed .

This is my happy weekend !


My mother buys me a lot of clothes, among these clothes, I like the sweater which is knitted by my mother best. My mother is good at knitting sweater, she knits the sweater for me in the winter, I feel so warm when I put on it. I am so thankful to my mother, for she taking care of me all the time, I will return her love when I grow up.










下面以一节县级研讨课(教学内容为仁爱版英语教材七年级下册Unit 6Topic 3Section C“Keeping Safe on the Street”)为例,简述“学·导·用”课堂教学模式的具体应用。本课的学习目标是学习并运用新单词和词组,了解常见的交通规则、如何遵守交通规则和懂得珍爱生命。

1. 课前






①独立朗读Section C 1a课文并标好行数,用红笔在课文中圈出新单词并在其正下方写上汉语意思。




2. 课中

首先是激趣导入。教师在课堂中先播放交通事故视频,吸引学生的注意力,给学生以视觉冲击,然后让学生小组讨论为什么会发生事故,我们应该怎么做。他们会得出结论:We should obey the traffic rules.接着,教师向全班出示学习目标,让学生上课一开始就明确学习目标,有学习方向。这样做能够激发学生的学习动机,调动学生学习的积极性,促进学生在后面的各个环节里主动地围绕目标去探索。之后教师与学生一起边谈论图片边呈现有关新单词,即在语境中教学单词。教完单词后让学生多读几遍单词,对单词音形义同时接触。T:Can you pronounce all the new words?Now sit face to face and pronounce the words according to the pronunciation.If you can’t,please turn to your team.然后进行小组合作共学。在这个环节,主要是针对还不会读的单词进行对学群学。所有学生必须起立,按照A→D、B→C这样的对学形式进行学习。教师巡视。学完后的小组同学坐下。随后教师任意抽查若干小组展示,读错的单词让其他组帮忙纠正。然后再次进行全班合作共学。在这一环节,教师借助图片教学,全体学生积极参与。

紧接着教师将话题转回到原先设计的教学内容上。T:Boys and girls,the words we learnt just now are all about traffic.To keep safe,what should we do?What shouldn’t we do?Please discuss the things we should do or we shouldn’t do in groups,then write down your results of your discussion on your exercise books.这一环节既抓住了根本,又充分调动了学生的参与热情。再教学P48的3、4就很顺畅。再次通过小组合作共学,学生很快地学会了祈使句的肯定及否定形式,也为阅读课文Keeping Safe on the Street做好了铺垫。然后请若干小组上台展示讨论结果,其他组同学提出问题,教师适时点拨启发,其他组同学及时评价。


最后,让学生完成本课最后一项任务,即小组根据图片讨论P47的2中短语的意思:a ticket for speeding,a ticket for drunk-driving,a ticket for parking in the wrong place,a ticket for making a wrong turn.组内讨论之后,让全班学生群策群力快速讨论出最好的翻译。结果学生将以上短语翻译成:超速罚单、酒驾罚单、乱停乱放罚单、随意拐弯罚单。这次合作共学不仅使学生充分展示自己的才华,又不偏离任务的中心,而且学生还在无意识中把a ticket for的用法掌握了。课堂上最后10分钟让学生消化本节课内容,先在本组内每人就“How to keep safe on the street”进行发言,然后当堂在作业本上写下来。

3. 课后

在下课的最后一分钟,教师给学生下一课Unit 6Topic 3Section D的前置学习单。





②复习Section A和Section B中问路的几种情况。






Step Ⅰ (for Section A)

Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。

1. The l______ of this song are very wonderful.

2. A lot of young students like c_____ gums.

3. He felt a s______ pain in his leg.

4. S.H.E. is a famous g______ that sings many popular songs.

5. I like music t______ isnt too bad.

6. Lets go out to do some exercise and breathe f______ air.

7. The picture r_____ me of my school days.

8. Do you p______ coffee or tea?

9. Please open the door g______. Dont make so much noise.

10. Thats not the music that they dance a______ with.

Ⅱ. 选择填空。

( )1. —Thats ______ he told me the other day.

—Thanks for telling me the truth.

A. thatB. whichC. whomD. what

( )2. The city _____ we visited a few years ago has changed a lot.

A. itB. whatC. whichD. who

( )3. The young woman ______ we met just now is our English teacher.

A. thatB. whoseC. whichD. where

( )4. The money will be used to help the people ______ lost their homes in the tsunami.

A. whoB. whoseC. whomD. which

( )5. I have to say Beijing is a good place ______.

A. to visitB. visit it

C. visitingD. where to visit

( )6. I cant stand hamburgers!They make me ______ sick.

A. feltB. feel

C. to feelD. can feeling

( )7. I like gentle, traditional music, so this concert ______ me fine.

A. fitsB. suits

C. matchesD. belongs to

( )8. He prefers classical music ______ pop music.

A. atB. inC. fromD. to

( )9. He drives ______ than he did two years ago.

A. much carefulB. much carefully

C. more much careful

D. much more carefully

( )10. —Did you see the football match last night?

—Yes, I had never seen ______ exciting match before.

A. so aB. such a

C. such anD. so an

Ⅲ. 情景交际。(在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯,完整)

A: The weekend is coming again. What are you going to do?

B: (1)_____________________. Why?

A: Yesterday I saw an ad when I walked in the square of the city. It said that some famous singers from CCTV would give a concert this Saturday evening. (2)_____________. Would you like to go with me?

B: (3)_______________. Is Song Zuying at the concert?

A: Yeah. She is a singer who has the sweetest voice. By the way, there are some singers who can write their own lyrics.

A: Thats great. (4)_________________?

B: It starts at 7:30 p.m. Lets meet outside the cinema gate on Saturday evening.

A: OK. (5)____________________!

Step Ⅱ (for Section B)

Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。

1. He has much e______. He can keep working for twenty hours.

2. The photosr______ us of our childhood.

3. The concert s______ me just fine last night.

4. The TV play really has a few good f______.

5. He collected a lot of information about some world c______ artists.

6. These are many old things on show in the e______.

7. Most of my friends like l______ music that they can dance alone with.

8. Many people in the southeastern countries died of bird flu aborting to the l______ news.

9. I have to be h______ and say that I perfer Beijing.

10. I find Zhao Wei the most beautiful in the

e______ circle.

Ⅱ. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。

1. The weather was ______ (special) cold.

2. John likes ______ (music) who play different kinds of music.

3. She is a ______ (success) writer.

4. Yao Ming is one of the best ______ (know) Chinese basketball players in the world today.

5. I listened to a piece of music ______ (call)Heart Strings.

Ⅲ. 选择填空。

( )1. No matter ______ the weather is, you can find him ______ on the farm.

A. what; workingB. what; to work

C. how; to workD. how; working

( )2. The man ______ is smoking is looking for ______ he lost yesterday.

A. that; who B. which; where

C. who; whatD. whom; which

( )3. I hate people ______ talk much but do little.

A. whoB. whomC. whichD. when

( )4. The skirt ______ is made of silk is very expensive. I cant afford.

A. whoB. thoughC. whatD. that

( )5. The bus ______ I went to Shanghai broke down on the road.

A. by it B. by which

C. by thatD. on that

( )6. Mary likes those ______.

A. two pieces music

B. two pieces of music

C. two pieces of musics

D. two piece of music

( )7. She prefers ______ at home rather than______ out.

A. stay; going B. to stay; go

C. to stay; to goD. staying; go

( )8. ______ Lei Feng is no longer living, his spirit lives on today.

A. IfB. SinceC. SoD. Though

( )9. He is ______ honest student. We all like him.

A. aB. anC. theD. /

( )10. The good news ______ them happy.

A. isB. keepC. makesD. feels

Ⅳ. 英汉短语互译。

1. on display _____________

2. sing quiet and gentle songs ____________

3. be important to _____________

4. feel sick _____________

5. instead of _____________

6. 自己作词 _____________

7. 使……记起 _____________

8. 听CD_____________

9. 演奏不同种类的音乐


10. 一个叫S.H.E. 的组合


Step Ⅲ (for Self-check)

Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。

1. Though this movie has quite a good of f______, I dont like it.

2. He is full of e______. He is never tired.

3. Amy Kim is one of the best known p______ in the world today.

4. Most children need eight h______ sleepeach night.

5. Lets go to the museum and look at thepictures on d______.

6. My brother prefer I______ food to French food.

7. His cousin is an h______ boy.

8. Whati______ you so much?

9. I dont think this sweater s______ you. Itstoo big and the color is too dark.

10. The meat t______ bad.

Ⅱ. 选择填空。

( )1. Hes made some great movies ______ the years.

A. inB. onC. amongD. over

( )2. The hero died ______ a cold winter evening. It made people ______ sad.

A. on; feelB. in; feel

C. on; to feelD. in; to feel

( )3. All this ______ overweight people unhappy.

A. makeB. makes

C. to make D. making

( )4. She ______ swimming to skating.

A. lovesB. likesC. prefersD. enjoys

( )5. I saw him ______ football on the playground yesterday.

A. to playB. plays

C. playD. played

( )6. He lost his car license. He is ______ iteverywhere.

A. looking afterB. looking out

C. looking throughD. looking for

( )7. Its not good to sleep less than eight hours, ______ for children.

A. roughlyB. especially

C. extremelyD. easily

( )8. Did you enjoy the days ______ you spent in Beijing during the Beijing Olympic Games?

A. whereB. whenC. thatD. what

( )9. Some of the students are afraid of the teachers ______ strict with them in their students.

A. that isB. who is

C. which areD. who are

( )10. I heard more than 20 percent of the boys in this class ______ overweight.

A. wereB. areC. wasD. is

Ⅲ. 翻译句子,每空一词。

1. 我敢肯定艺术家们更喜欢不同寻常的音乐。

Im _______ that artists _______ music that is _______.

2. 据说他娶了一位外国女子为妻。

_______ _______ _______ he _______ a foreign girl.

3. 无论你什么时候走,最好告诉我一声。

_______ you go, you _______ _______ _______ me know.

4. 如今,大家都想健康长寿。

Nowadays everyone _______ _______ _______ _______ and live long.

5. 到目前为止,她还不会和着那首曲子跳舞。

She _______ _______ _______ the music by now.

Ⅵ. 根据课本第50页内容, 完成下面表格。

Step Ⅳ (能力拓展)

Ⅰ. 阅读理解。

The Music in Germany

你也许听说过大名鼎鼎的贝多芬(Ludwing Van Beethoven)和他的交响曲,实际上舒曼(Robert Schumann)、巴赫(Johan Sebastian Bach)等一大批音乐家也出生于德国,那个国家怎么孕育出这么多的天才音乐家呢?其音乐氛围如何呢?下文将帮你揭开谜底。No matter what kind of music you like, in Germany youll find something to enjoy.

Music is very important to German people. One out of every four Germans plays a musical instrument (乐器). Many famous musical names are from Germany, like Ludwing Van Beethoven, Robert Schumann and Johann Sebastian Bach. Their music is still played across the world.

Many German kids have music lessons at school. They have lessons twice a week for two to four hours each time. Piano lessons can be even longer! What do children do in their music lessons? Sit down and sing? Some German music lessons are different. Students walk around and can try any instrument they like. Sometimes teachers ask them to listen to music and then act it out.

Music is everywhere in German. Dont forget to sit for a while in a restaurant. You can enjoy light music there. Remember to visit a church or a square (广场); there you can listen to people playing music. Many German kids enjoy music with their parents; there are more than 100 music festivals in Germany each year.


1. How many Germans play a musical instrument?


2. Where is Robert Schumann from?


3. How often do many German kids have music lessons at school?


4. Where can you enjoy music in Germany?


Ⅱ. 写作训练营。

话题:谈论影响儿童健康的一些食品广告 (Talk about some food ads that affect childrens health)



advertisement广告;junk food 垃圾食品;chocolate 巧克力;sugar 糖果;cola 可乐; hamburger 汉堡包; as we know 正如我们所知的;stay away from 远离;affect影响;too much 太多;cause导致;overweight (体重)超重


It is bad for ... 对……有害

Whats more ... 还有……


1. 几乎所有的儿童都喜欢看电视,因此电视广告对儿童影响极大。

2. 许多电视台播放诸如糖果、巧克力、汉堡包、可乐等垃圾食品和饮品的广告。

3. 不少儿童看完食品和饮品广告后吵着要父母买。

4. 很多儿童因为吃了太多垃圾食品而超重。





Dear editor,

Im worried about the effect of some TV ads on some junk food and drinks such as sugar, chocolate, hamburger, cola and so on.





I hope my letter will appear in your newspaper and advice the children to stay away from junk food and live healthily.



First, after a long sleeping at night, our body used up all of the energy, and we need to make new energy to support our body, and breakfast is what we need.

Second, we need to do a lot of work in the new day and that means our body need a lot of energy to consume. A healthy breakfast can offer us this energy.

So, never forget to have our breakfast, and better to have a healthy breakfast.





Four hours of flight is brought us from the cold winter wind cool summer. Mood immediately become particularly easily. We came to the sea of saipan, sea blue, clear, even at a glance can see small sharks and small starfish. Seems like a powerful blast of the sea, the sea spray is one of the jumping notes, make numerous beautiful melody of music.

Pile of sand on the beach, we swim freely jumped into the sea, to sit the submarine submerge to see colorful coral, colorful tropical fish, more strange is still can see the ships sank during the second world war and the wreckage of the plane, let me understand this period of history.


8:00, we came to the supermarket to buy bread, ham, beverages and other things that we like to eat.

Out of the supermarket, we intend to take a bus.

A lot of people go to the zoo because the weather was good, we decided to walk to the zoo.

Along the way, we tell each other interesting stories, unknowin gly went to the zoo.




国外交际策略的研究最先于20世纪70年代初, 其概念最初是由Selinker (1972) 在论述第二语言的学习过程时提出的, 它是指语言学习者在遇到由于语言资源有限而无法表达某些信息的情况时, 为克服交流障碍而采取的技能。随着这一概念的提出, 交际策略的研究在80年代得到了快速发展。

近十多年来, 我国许多学者开始引进和介绍国外交际策略理论, 如戴曼纯 (1992) , 束定芳、庄智象 (1996) , 王立非 (2000) 等;而有关中国学生交际策略能力的实证研究也逐渐发展起来, 如陈思清 (1990) , 高海虹 (2000) , 王立非 (2002) , 王艳 (2001) , 孔京京 (2004) 等, 但目前的研究主要还处于理论探讨阶段。

本文通过对2004—2009年这6年发表在15种外语核心刊物和主要外语期刊的有关交际策略的文献资料进行总结发现, 针对交际策略教学实践逐渐多起来, 更多的学者和专家开始把关注点转向交际策略培训的实证研究。此外, 在总结回顾的基础上, 本文就交际策略理论对我国外语教学的启示提出个人看法, 并展望未来发展方向。


综观我国近6年的交际策略研究成果, 我们可以看出, 这些研究涉及了3个方面﹙1﹚交际策略培训理论的探索; (2) 交际策略教学实践的研究; (3) 影响交际策略使用的因素研究。


从这些研究成果中, 我们根据研究视角、研究范围、研究对象和研究方法4个方面逐一对这6年的该领域发表的10篇论文进行归类和评述。从研究视角看, 理论研究有2篇, 实证研究有8篇;从研究范围看, 以课内口语活动中交际策略的使用为研究中心的有2篇;以评估交际策略使用情况和对其认知为焦点的有4篇;探讨进行交际策略教学的有2篇;以互联网教学培养学生使用交际策略意识为焦点的有1篇;以影响交际策略使用的因素为重点的有1篇;从研究对象看, 8项研究的对象全部是大学生, 其中以英语专业大学生为研究对象的有4篇, 非英语专业大学生为对象的同样有4篇;从研究方法看, 8篇实证研究中, 采用定量研究方法的有1篇, 采用定性研究的有7篇。研究手段涉及问卷调查、访谈和实验研究。


刘乃美 (2005) 对国内外的交际策略研究现状和发展进行了较全面的回顾和分析, 并根据Canale和Swain的交际能力模式, 论述交际策略的可教性及其在二语习得中的作用, 进一步指出交际策略研究对我国外语教学的启示。

王金安 (2008) 论证了交际能力和交际策略教学的关系, 并介绍了交际策略教学的内容和步骤。

赵丽、郭威 (2006) 介绍了交际策略使用的有效性理论, 并对我国如何利用交际策略理论进行教学实践作了介绍。



孔京京 (2004) 对非英语大学生在口语活动中, 因词汇问题而导致交流障碍的情况, 进行了交际策略的教学与培训。研究结果表明, 大多数学生在面对交流障碍时, 多采用回避策略或母语借用, 而交际策略的培训对学习者克服障碍、增强口语自信心、促进口语学习都具有积极作用。

曾路、李超 (2005) 运用仿真情景对话进行培养了学生的英语口头交际能力的实验性研究, 该研究包括了两个阶段, 第一个阶段是观察和讨论, 第二阶段是实践阶段。研究发现, 培训前, 学生多采用减缩策略, 培训后则有意识转向成就策略。

张荔、王同顺 (2005) 通过调查问卷的信度和效度的研究, 测试了在英语学习中学生运用各项交际策略的情况, 最为重要的是作者对交际策略问卷的效度和信度进行了分析, 研究结果证实了该问卷的有效性, 为交际策略的问卷研究方法提供了实证支持。

王金安 (2008) 也是通过问卷调查和进行交际策略教学培训具体任务活动, 如实例介绍、策略比较、课堂训练和课后练习到最后的强化训练交际策略, 得出结论, 策略训练可以增加学生的使用口语的信心和使用频率, 促进口语流利度。

刘乃美 (2006) 首先对交际策略研究进行了简短的文献综述和理论阐述, 再通过访谈和问卷调查, 对师范学校英语专业的学生的交际策略了解认识情况进行了研究, 研究发现受试者对成就策略的观念及看法有一致性的认识, 并相信其可以提高口语交际能力和增强信心。研究结果还指出成就策略使用频率还受到各种因素影响, 如学习教学环境、性格、态度和语言知识。


卢植、刘友桂 (2005) 根据Chun (1998) 的发现知道学生在计算机中介性交流 (CMC) 中使用类似于口头讨论中所使用的交际方式, 以此为依据, 作者调查了大学英语三年级学生在CMC中的交际策略运用情况、策略运用与任务类型之间的关系以及词汇习得中的学习策略的有效程度等问题。数据表明, CMC为学习者提供了“虚拟的真实”, 有助于培养学生运用交际策略的能力, 能增强他们驾驭语言的自信心, 提高交际能力。


林意新、李雪 (2009) 的《交际策略研究新探——项影响交际策略使用因素的实证研究》不同以往只针对训练学生运用交际策略的研究, 更不同于以往只从交际策略本身出发进行讨论的文章, 从一个新视角探讨了交际策略的作用——影响交际策略使用的因素。作者主要从性格特征和任务类型这两种因素进行实证研究, 数据表明, 面对不同的任务类型, 学习者倾向于使用不同的交际策略。本文对外语教学有重要启示, 尤其是强调了根据影响交际策略的因素来组织个性化教学。



(1) 对于交际策略理论研究从引进到吸收消化, 并应用到实际中, 从思维和心理过程来研究和解释中国英语学习者的交际策略使用情况和特点。

(2) 对交际策略使用或认知情况的研究, 采用定量和定性的研究方法, 对发现中国英语学习者交际策略学习发展规律起到积极的作用。

(3) 交际策略研究发现通过培训学生的有意识使用交际策略或进行交际策略教学, 能极大提高英语学习者的口语交际能力, 增强他们用口语交流的信心。

(4) 各研究发现交际策略使用的有效性和重要性, 强调了交际策略教学和培训的必要性, 提倡在我国口语教学中进行交际策略教学。

(5) 围绕英语口语课堂教学和英语学习者交际策略使用情况, 提出了许多提高交际策略教学或培训的方法, 促进了我国口语教学水平的提高。

(6) 交际策略研究从英语学习者产出话语为研究出发点转向他们在交际中的心理过程研究, 从交际策略本身的研究逐渐转向影响其因素的研究, 逐渐形成一个完整、科学的交际策略理论体系。


在进6年来, 交际策略的研究取得了可喜的进步, 但其涉及范围和深度有限, 仍有很多的发展空间, 而当前存在问题有:

(1) 尽管交际策略的使用多发生在口语交际活动中, 但是书面交际中的交际中交际策略研究却相对缺乏, 被忽视。只有英语学生在CMC中的交际策略一文中以新颖的角度提到。所以对书面语交际策略研究需要加强, 如写作方面。

(2) 如何不断完善交际策略评估体系和提高测试环境下口语交际性和真实性有待进一步思考。

(3) 从研究角度发现, 我国口语课堂教学以传统法为主, 教师对交际策略的教学不够重视, 甚至对交际策略理论认知不足。


(1) 加强书面交际中的交际策略研究。相对于面对面的人际交流, 以书信或互联网的为中介的人际交流有什么特点?又或, 在英语教学中, 如何研究写作中交际策略使用情况和方法?

(2) 寻找交际策略教学的有效途径。例如:如何将元认知策略理论和方法结合交际策略理论方法中?

(3) 影响交际策略使用的因素。如学习环境对交际策略使用的影响如何?

(4) 探索交际策略研究的发展。与其他策略相比, 交际策略的影响和作用有多大?


本文通过对近6年有关交际策略的方面的论文的分析, 总结了交际策略的现状和成果。以此为基础, 提出了今后值得进一步研究的问题和看法, 作为对交际策略研究认知的一个方向。相对于以前有关交际策略方面的论文内容, 近6年有关交际策略研究侧重点倾向也多样化, 不仅只围绕口语交际策略, 还涉及书面语或计算机等方面的交际策略, 使得交际策略的研究更趋于全面化和标准化。



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[2]孔京京:《开展交际策略教学的一项研究》, 《外语界》, 2004, (5) :33-39。

[3]刘乃美:《交际策略研究对我国外语教学的启示》, 《外语界》, 2005, (3) :55-60。

[4]Liu Naimei.Perception of Communication Strategies:A Study of English Majors in A Normal University[J].中国英语教学.2006, (2) :10-19.

[5]林意新、李雪:《交际策略研究新探——一项影响交际策略使用因素的研究外语学刊》, 《外语学刊》, 2009, (1) :136-139。

[6]卢植、刘友桂:《英语学生在CMC中的交际策略运用》, 《外语电化教学》, 2005, (102) :18-22。

[7]王金安:《英语交际策略教学实践的研究》, 《四川外语学院学报》, 2008, (5) :140-144。

[8]曾路、李超:《运用仿真情景对话培养英语口头交际能力——交际策略训练实验报告》, 《外语界》, 2005, (4) :41-47。

[9]张荔、王同顺:《交际策略问卷信度和效度的研究》, 《外语研究》, 2005, (1) :47-50。

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6~10 CCABD

11~15 ACCDB

16~20 CBDCA

21~25 BCBBA

One possible version:

Problems among Teenagers

As a teenager, I find it hard to relax myself. Not only my teachers but also my parents give me a lot of homework to do. At weekends I have to go to the piano class. I am not allowed to play computer games. I have no time to do sports. Its not good for health, isnt it? I asked other students and they felt the same.

I think we should talk to our teachers and parents about it. We should make good plans for our study. Our parents should allow us to play computer games after schoolwork. Parents can limit the game time. We just need relaxing time because of too much homework.

Our parents are too busy. They work hard and they seldom stay with us. We hope our parents can stay with us at weekends. We can go outing or do sports with our parents together.



6~10 DBBAB

11~15 ABBCD

16~20 CBBDA

21~25 ACBDA

One possible version:

I Expect My School Life

I will study in a high school soon. Everything will be new to me.

I hope my school is big and clean with a large dining room. And the library is full of different kinds of books. So I can read them in my spare time. I can get along well with my teachers and classmates. I and my classmates can help each other. At the same time, I expect my school life is colorful. After class I can listen to music, play chess and basketball. To get more useful knowledge or information, I can surf the Internet. I will keep a good eating habit, play sports to keep healthy, and try my best to make great progress.


My hobby

I have many hobbies, such as reading, writing, singing, drawing, watching TV and doing exercise. I think hobbies can make my life colorful. And I can make friends easier, because we have common interests and we have many things to talk about. Besides, having some hobbies can bring knowledge to me. For example, reading is a good way to get knowledge. I can not learn all from class, so reading can bring me other knowledge. Singing and drawing are skills. They can help me to improve myself.


A large building looks like a matchbox. The cars seemed to be flying through the little beetle; And it was as if people were ants, crawling and climbing, and surrounded by lush, lush mountains, and hugging the county town, a beautiful scene appeared.

Look, the ribbon of the jialing river is like a bright as a mirror, on the river sparkled, as if never gem fall into the river, it is like a glowing ribbon floating, the conspicuous stones, asing if is embroidered on the ribbon flowers, more comely adorn the jialing river.

Bridge spanning the river, although than nanjing Yangtze river bridge as, but not the general that imposing manner, the bridge has five piers, the bridge on both sides of the two rows of about 1 m high concrete railings, have a street lamp every 20 meters, like a guard in the bridge, the bridge of the beautiful night view spectacular.

The most striking is the folk music store, located in the northwest of the county crossroads. There are nineteen floors and all of them are made out of tiles. The blue glass glows sapphire in the light of the sun, and stands tall and tall, just standing on the elephant mountain. The town was so beautiful that it was so beautiful.
