



Our art teather is not too young and not too old .He has black hair two big and black eyes ,a small nose and a big mouth .Look, he is wearing a blue and white jacket ,a blue hat ,brown pants and a pair of old shoes.He is very funny.He is a good art teather .We all like him .



My favorite animal is rabbit. Its name is Sweet. Sweet has long ears. It’s very small. It’s white. It has a short tail. It has red eyes. It likes eating carrots. It likes jumping. I like it very much. It’s lovely. It’s my best friend. I like the rabbit.












师:Ann,what is this?

生1:It is a dog.

师:Good,can you describe it?


生1:It is white and...


师:OK,you can use Chinese to answer the question.


师:Well,thank you.Anybody can help her?

生2:It is cute and loyal.

师:Well done!Sit down,please.




例如,如果学生回答得比较优秀,教师表扬他们时可以说“Great”“Perfect”“Well done”等;如果学生回答错误了,教师也要鼓励,同时安慰他们“Don't worry,try again.”“Never mind!”英语课堂上,教师要关注学生的情感变化,维护学生的尊严,提升学生的自信心。


I. Sound Recognition(在句中找出与划线部分发音相同的单词,并写在括号内) 6%

1. ( ) “Let me open the door for you, grandma.” he says.

2. ( ) My neighbor has a lot of shopping.

3. ( ) That evening Jim sees the two men again.

4. ( ) Do you smile when you say “hi” every day?

5. ( ) Don’t give up! Keep jumping!

6. ( ) Do you give back things you find?

II. Match the words and meanings(词义配对) 12%

( ) 1. cabbage A. to go after and try to catch

( ) 2. cheapB. any person who lives in a town or city

( ) 3. chaseC. a plant that has thick green that form a round head

( ) 4. citizen D. low in price, not dear or expensive

( ) 5. helpful E. giving help, useful

( ) 6. snackF. a small amount of food or drink eaten in between regular meals

III. Fill in the blanks (按要求填空) 18%

A: (用所给词的适当形式填空) 10%

1. It’s twelve now. Ben ______ (have) his lunch. He usually _____(have) it at twelve.

2. What does your uncle do? He is a ________(dive).

3. Look, my sister is dancing. Let’s _____(clap) for ______(she).

4. Puppy, here _____ (be) your yummy food.

5. Lucy and her father ______(do) housework every day.

6. What time ____ Beeno _____ (go) to school on Mondays?

7. Can Polly _________(tell) us the answer?

B: (根据各句的提示或要求完成句子) 8%

1. Peter wants a piece of _______ , some crayons and a pair of _______to draw and cut? (根据句意写出划线部分单词的同类词).

2. Are these hard sweets or ________________? (写出划线部分的相反意思)

3. I don’t want much rice , but I want some ______________ (土豆).

4. We can’t ________________(吃和喝) in the school hall.

5. Grapes, bananas and apples are ___________ (水果).

6. __________(这些词) are easy for you to read.

7. Teachers have their lunch in the _________ (地点)every day.

IV Choices(选择) 20%

() 1.Tom likes reading the _______books.

A. sick B. tick C. thick

() 2.Grandma’s bag is old, _____ it is nice, ____ she likes it.

A. and / so B. but / soC. and / but

() 3.Tom, _______ on the grass! The grass is growing.

A.don’t walkB. doesn’t walkC. is walking

() 4. --What do you want _____ dinner?-- Rice, fish and soup, please.

A. with B. ofC. for

() 5.Look, our bus is coming. Let’s ______ the bus.

A. get off B. jump on C. get on

() 6.One man asks, “Excuse me. Where is the school hall, please?” This man is a ____.

A. headmaster B. visitor C. guide

() 7. --Oh, I feel tired. --_____ a seat, please mum.

A. Take B. SitC. Sit down

() 8.Oh, a purse. What’s in it? ________ some cards.

A. There are B. There is C. There isn’t

() 9. --What ___ Kitty and you like ? --Oh, we like sweets.

A. doB. don’tC. doesn’t

() 10. That gift shop _____ from 9 am to 5 pm.

A. open B. close C. opens

V. Rewrite the following sentences (按要求改变句型) 16%

1. Don’t do eye exercises, please. (写出肯定句)


2. Tom and Tim go to school at half past seven . (划线提问)


3. Their little baby cries every night. (根据提示的单词把句子作相应改变)


4. Are the children reading books? (根据提示改写)


5. Mary has got some stamps. (改一般疑问句)


6. There is a sign “NO CAMERAS” beside that picture. (根据情景写句)So this sign tells us:____________

7. Is that boy Jack’s friend? (写出肯定回答)


8. My classroom is on the tenth floor, on the right. (划线提问)


Part Two: Reading and writing

I. Reading the passage and finish the exercise

A. Read and number the pictures (阅读理解,根据内容出现的顺序给图片编号) 10%

1. Eat right. For good health, it’s important to eat a balanced diet. That includes lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low fat milk. But fats and sugars should be limited. This can help you stay at a healthy weight.

2. Be active. Children should try to get 60 minutes of exercise a day. Activities such as riding a bike, jumping rope and using the stairs can help you stay fit.

3. Drink water. More than half of the human body is made up of water. The body needs water to survive. Make sure to drink when you are thirsty and when it is warm outside.

4. Wash your hands. Washing your hands can stop the spread of germs. Always wash your hands with soap and warm water. This can keep you from getting sick.

5. Get enough sleep. Children between the ages of 6 and 9 need about 10 hours of sleep each night. Children ages 10 to 12 should have about nine hours of sleep each night.

B. Read the passage “Stay healthy” again, then judge the following sentences (根据上面的文章判断下列句子,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示) 10%

( )1. Washing your hands in cold water without soap can stop the spread of all germs.

( )2. 60 minutes of exercise a day can help you stay fit.

( )3. Eat a balanced diet is very important.

( )4. 9 hours of sleep each night is enough for a 7-year-old child.

( )5. When you are thirsty and when it is warm outside, please drink more water.

Ⅱ. Write a composition(根据提示写作文) 8%

Lily’s mother doesn’t work. She stays at home. But she does many things for Lily and her father every day. Even on Sunday she’s busy too. What does Lily’s mother do? (请以Lily’s mother’s Sunday 为题写一篇作文)


Part One

I. 1.says 2.shopping 3.sees 4.smile 5.jumping 6.give

II. 1.C2.D3.A4.B5.E6.F

III. A. 1. is having, has2. diver 3. clap, her

4. is5.do 6. does, go 7.tell

B. 1. paper, scissors 2. soft ones 3. potatoes

4.eat or drink 5. fruits 6. These words 7. office

IV. 1.C2.B3.A4.C5.C6.B7.A8.A9.A10.C

V. 1. Do eye exercises, please.

2. When / What time do Tom and Tim go to school?

3. Now their littlie baby is crying.

4. Are the children reading books or watching TV?

5. Has Mary got any stamps?

6. So this sign tells us: Don’t take pictures.

7. Yes, he is.

8. Where is your classroom?

Part Two

I. A. 5,1,3,4,2B. 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T

II. 略


My Backpack

I have a backpack. It is large and it is blue. It is a birthday gift from my parents. I love it very much. It is very “hard-working”, because I keep all my school things in it. It is very heavy. It is with all the time during school days. It is a good friend of mine.



Many relatives come to my home, so my grandmother is very happy. She misses them very much. We ate the big dinner at 5 o’clock.

My parents prepare the dinner for the whole day. At about 9 o’clock, we ate the birthday cake. Grandmother said that she is fashionable, too. I love my grandmother and I always give my best wishes to her.











1. 是儿童语言能力发展的需要。


2. 是课程标准的要求。



3. 是本校教学的需要。





1. 合理选材,激发学生的写作兴趣,设计面向全体的写作任务。



比如学习了五年级下册(Book 6) Unit 4 What are you doing后,笔者布置了一个给同学或者English teacher打电话的任务,问一问对方在干什么并记录下来。这个任务难度较低,学生能较快掌握;对于自己能用英语打电话,大多数学生都兴致勃勃,跃跃欲试。以下是一位同学的习作:


B:Hi, Wang Yuting.This is Shi Fangyu.

A:Hi, Shi Fangyu.What are you doing?

B:I’m talking to you.

A:Come on.Shi Fangyu.What are you doing?

B:I’m doing homework.What are you doing?

A:I’m eating dinner.

从学生的生活经验着手的写作话题,学生会倍感亲切、自然,很容易与自己的生活联系起来,习作自然就生动起来。笔者鼓励学生联系生活实际,进行适当拓展,使习作的内容更加生动和丰富。如学习了Book 6 Unit 5 Look at the monkeys A Let’s talk后,一位同学进行了以下拓展:

A:I see a monkey, a bird and a small dog.

B:What is the monkey doing?

A:It’s eating many bananas.It’s hungry.

B:What is the bird doing?

A:It’s singing in the tree.

B:What about the small dog?

A:Oh, no!It’s biting my shoes.


2. 由易到难,降低写作难度,加强写作指导。



如五年级下册Unit 2 My Favourite Season A Let’s talk,课本上提供了四幅季节图片,教师可以在课堂上让学生先说出有关季节的词,师生共同填写表格,再根据表格内容组成句子,请学生将句子组合成对话,将对话写下来成为习作。


I love fall.The weather is usually cool and windy.The leaves are colourful.I can eat many fruits.I can climb mountains with my parents.I can go to school with my friends.Fall is so good to me.

3. 通过多种形式的任务,进行写作训练。



(1) 利用课本Let’s find out等版块,利用替换练习词句。

如五年级上册Unit 5 My new room P61学习了there be句型和介词以后,课本上Let’s find out就有一个学生比较喜欢的挑错活动,还给出了例句。五年级学生已经有比较丰富的生活经验,找出错误难不住他们,关键是如何表达。在例句和老师的示范指导下,学生马上就会发现写一个正确的句子,由此举一反三,逐渐写出更多的句子,写作能力也随之提高。课本的P62, P63, P70, P73, P75都有类似设计,都可以加以利用。

(2) 利用task time等进行调查活动,学会写简单句。


如五年级上册Unit 4What can you do的Task time,笔者先请学生写上同学的名字,接下来开始用“Can you...?”来询问同学做家务情况,再用图表表示出来,最后是学生自己做总结报告:3 students can....4 students can....


仿写就是模仿范文进行写作。五年级的教材给对话提供了很多供替换和仿写的图片和短语,教师可以要求学生在所学对话和句型的基础上举一反三,进行替换和仿写,并坚持下去,使仿写对话成为学生的习惯,坚持一段时间以后,习惯就自动化了。写作不再遥不可及,而是日常在做的一件事情,也就变常态化了。下面是学生学习了五年级下册Unit 1B Let’s talk后仿写的对话:

A:What do you do on the weekend?

B:I often watch TV and go shopping.And you?

A:I usually watch TV and do homework.

B:Let’s watch TV together.



教师提供课文中主要的生词和句型或框架,让学生围绕设置的主题,运用这些词语自由表达,然后把说的内容编成一篇对话或短文。如五年级上册recycle 1就提供了写作的框架,学生可以围绕主题,结合生活实际,写出自己的短文。



摘要:语言是交流的工具之一。在小学高年级开展写作教学是儿童语言能力发展的需要, 是课程标准的要求, 是活用教材、开发课本资源的表现。进行写作教学时, 教师首先要合理选材, 设计面向全体的写作任务;其次要由易到难, 降低写作难度, 加强写作指导;最后要通过多种写作形式, 实施写作教学。



[1]人教社.义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语 (PEP) 五年级上册、五年级下册 (供三年级起始用) [T].北京:人民教育出版社, 2003.

[2]教育部.全日制义务教育英语课程标准 (实验稿) [M].北京:北京师范大学出版社, 2002.

[3]教育部.全日制义务教育英语课程标准 (2011年版) [M].北京:北京师范大学出版社, 2012.

[4]胡亚琴, 黄丽娟.小学英语写作训练“三步教学法”[J].中小学外语教学 (小学篇) , 2010 (12) :14-17.


1.知识目标:①能听说认读单词flower,river ,grass,lake ,forest, path,sky ,cloud, mountain等九个单词. 





四会单词的学习以及在句型There is /are…中的操练。


grass, forest,path,以及mountain的发音。





1. Free talk

T:Hi ! boys and girls. Stand up,please.

Good morning, everyone!

T:How are you today?

T:Nice to meet you!

T: Do you like singing songs?

T: Let’s sing a song : Bingo.(播放录音唱)

T:Sit down,please.

T:Now,Group1,2,3,4,5.Let’s climb up the mountain. If you can pass the words, the sentences and the paragraphs, you are the winners. Let’s have some competitions. OK?Ss:OK!


1. T:Now,please look at the pictures.What are these? ( 课件: 风景名胜) 

T:Yes,they are beautiful places.Do you want to go there to have a look?

Now,look,who am I?(Teacher拿上旅游旗)

T:Yes,I’m Miss Guide. Would you like to go and see the beautiful places with me?


T: OK! Let’s go! Look. Where are we? ( 课件: 自然公园)

T: Yes , We are in a Nature Park.

2. 课件:T:nature park教读nature park


T:Look! What can you see?

T:It’s a river.教读单词卡。读,齐读,开火车或抽读。

T:River,river,there is a river.

T:Now,What else can you see?

T: Grass,grass,there is some grass.


T: Well, There is apath . Can you see it now?



T:Look,What’s this?Is this a river?


T:It’s a … .教读,lake, lake. I can see a lake. There is a lake. big lake , small lake教读,抽读。


T:Now,many trees are here.There is a forest now. 

There is a forest in the nature park.



T:(师拿出花 闻)Mm, how fragrant! What’s this?拿出卡片学生读。Flower.抽读,齐读。




① T:Now, boys and girls. Let’s play games.

T:Look at my cards carefully, 

Guess.What’s missing?

② Picking apples.

课件T: If you can read the word, please pick the apple and read the word. Or: He or she point at the word, you please read it out.师示范,请生点一个读一个。评比。

③ Find friends: 

Look at the pictures and the words, match them please.(所有單词都会的组前进一步)

④ Sentences: Now, boys and girls, look at another pictures. Try to say some sentences with the new words.

提示学生说There is a __________.(然后请生自由说句子, 注意用 There is/ are … or I can see…句式)

⑤ Chant 

T: Now , look at the screen, there is a chant. Listen to it carefully, then say it with me.

Flower, flower, there are some flowers.

River , river , there is a river .

Lake , lake , there is a lake.

Grass , grass , there’s some grass.

Forest, forest, there is a forest.

Path , path , there is a path. 


1. 小组活动(1)Page 70, Part 2 Compare with Picture 1, what difference in Picture A/B /C? Now, let’s see who has the fiery eyes?

Find out the differences:

Discuss in your group. 生说 There is a _____ in Picture A /B….


2. 口头作文:

T: Congratulations! Let’s go on. Now,look ! Where are we now? Yes ! We are in Jiangjin now.(师提示,引导读。) 

课件: 

There is a big river along our city. It's the Yangtze River. 

There is a Binjiang road by the river . There are many flowers , trees and some grass on it. There is a path to Aiping Mountain.

Marshal Nie Rongzhen said:"Jiangjin is a good place."

Welcome to our city -Jiangjin.

Well, boys and girls. Do you want to be a guide, and show everybody around the beautiful places in the world?OK! Have a try ,please.(请生来当小导游)

Take out your pictures,say something about your pictures in your group.请生说,评价,奖励

T:Congratulations.You did fairly well . All of you are the winners.


Well,so much for today .Thank you .

Please turn back and say:“Thank you . Goodbye!”


PEP Book 5 Unit 6 In a Nature Park Part

A Let’s learn

river grass path lake forest

flower mountain cloud sky

There is a / an ….


When the things are urgent for me, I will be very impatient and get myself in the mess. Being impatient is my weakness, I know it is not good for me, but I just cannot control myself. Now I have learned to make things slowly, I can’t lose control no matter how bad the things are going on. I believe I can get over my weakness and be a better person.


