




Reading the novel is not the first time of my knowing The Joy Luck Club. When I watched the film, the meaning of the title, the theme of the novel, the reason for the arrangement of stories from four mothers and their daughters and other important things were all unknown to me. But I knew that was my type for it is about feelings between mothers and daughters, and especially chinese speaking Eglish.

Amy Tan, a Chinese American writer, is the author of the book in which she explors the mother-daughter relationships. Originally, the relationships between mother and daughter seem to be quite complex in a family but in Amy Tan“s work, it is perfectly typical for its portrayal of conflicts between the traditional Chinese mothers speaking shabby English and the open wholly Americanized daughters who just wear a Chinese face but speak fluent English. I never think it is richly dramatical, and instead these kinds of conflicts, in fact, truly ecists in many Chinese immigrants” family. The novel is written impressively and deeply especially, I think, in understanding of mothers“ love for their daughters for reasons that the previous experience of her with her mother provided the basis for her novel. It is said that the exprience of anthor is similar to that of Jingmei woo. Maybe, the novel implies the deep and complex feelings of auther for her mother and her closest relatives in China.

It gives me a greatly deep impression that the book is begun with Feathers From a Thousand LI Away. It penetrates the mothers” hope and love for their daughters through a swan“s feather. Through the old woman”s words In America I will have a daughter just like me. But over there nobody will say her worth is measured by the loudness of her husband“s belch. Over there nobody will look down on her, because I will make her speak only perfect American English. And over there she will always be too full to swallow any sorrow! She will know my meaning, because I will give her this swana creature that became more than what was hoped for. and the mothers” former tragic sufferings, we will find that all the mothers are in hope of their daughters never suffering from their sufferings. And the mothers waited, year after year, for the day, they could tell their daughters it is their hope through a feather of the swan in perfect American English. At first, it is a little difficult to understand the reason for these words. However, through the whole novel, in fact, you will find the old woman represents the four mothers, the feather of swan embodies the hope of mothers for their daughters. These sentences show implicitly the feelings of author and her understandings for mothers. In fact, in the Joy Luck Club, the feather indeed is gained by Jingmei Woo. And from the beginning to the end,the feather has been existing.

Only if one high-quality novel, like a perfect verse, needs you spending much time reading once more, you will understand something. I thought that the novel is loosely plotted and is in disorder. But the fact verifies that I am wrong. Through the whole story, the novel begins with the death of Jingmei“s mother and ends in Jingmei visiting China to see the twin-half sisters whom her mother had been forced to abandon when the Japanese attacked China many years ago. What”s more, in detail, the stories of four mothers and four daughters have relative connections in theme about love between them and the mothers“ hope for their daughters. And the theme shows the comflicts and harmonization between different cultures.Then I think why the author titled the novel Joy Luck Club . I am puzzled by it and the purpose of writer. The name of club made mention of by Jingmei”s mother. And the author directly titling the novel the name of their meeting implies her feelings for her mother. I can guess that the title originated from a kind of hope or belief. According to mothers“ former sufferings, they were not happy. Even at the present, all of them hides the previous tragic experiences. Maybe, the club is a place where they can pretend to be happy or avoid the past memory or worries or even the shock of culture.

Reading the novel is as we are reading our life and then think our past, present and futere. Especially, the conflict between Waverly Jang and her mother impresses me most. Waverly is a woman who is quite independent-mined and intelligent, but her mother”s constant criticism is terribly annoying. She once had a gift for international chess.however, when she realized her mother taking advantage of her achievement and talent to show off in public, especially to the strangers, she felt terribly ashamed and annoyed. She shouted to you can not make me . From then on, her mother felt cold at Waverly and were particularabout her favorite things. In fact, I think Waverly felt sacred subconsciously at letting her mother down and something that she did was aimed at flattering her mother. When waverly brought her boyfriend, Rich, to her families, her mother just smiled but she still was particular about Rich“s appearance, having many spots on his face. Description about the conflicts of manners between Chinese tradition and American notions has given me a greatly deep impression and quite interesting. These words of And then he had helped himself to big portions of the shrimp and snow peas, not realizing he should have taken only a polite spoonful, until everybody had had a morsel. vividly express the American character of being casual which counts as discourtesy in China. The part of Rich criticizing her mother”s cooking is quite funny and impressive. Our Chinese habit of making disparaging remarks seems to be extremely common. Being modest and avoiding showing off are parts of Chinese traditional manners. Her mother complaining about This dish not salty enough, no flavor , in fact, was a cue to eat some and proclaim it it the best she had ever made. But the Rich did not understand. From the following description of her mother being horrified, I judged that her mother was bly objective against Rich and even their marriage. Waverly also had such an opinion. But I am wrong and from their conversation I understand something more important. Mother is the only one that understands their daughters or sons in the world.And none of the mothers do not love their children. And the heaty conversattion can make a b bridge between the different generation or even the peonple from the different cultures. I find that if you would not like to tell your hearty words out, others are not able to know what you are and what you think. People each have different opinions about the same things. Waverly had thought that her mother disapproved of her marriage and hated her Rich. However, her mother“s meaningful words surprised Waverly and even me. Just be particular about who I really care for and love. It occured to me that whoever we hurt is always who we really love for reasons that others would not care for our complaint. Yes, who will care for those who you do not love ? The answer is known by us fron the beginning to the end. It is the love for Waverly that her mother has been showing her. Waverly, a wholly Americanized girl, never trully knew her mother and was ignorant of the love for her. Indeed, the language and the culture did make a great difference in the exchange of feelings, which is a terribly high barrier between Waverly and her mother, also between other three mothers and their daughters. But love and understandings, finally will prevail over others.

Personally, through the whole novel, the conflict between mothers and daughters, virtually, is that of the cultures between the East and the West. Mothers represent the classic, traditional Chinese culture but the daughters are the symbol of just, free, open and modern American one, which are two kinds of contradictory elements. However, through the whole novel, it is easier to find that finally they can understand each other and be in harmony. When Jing-Mei saw her twin-half sisters, she was surprised at this kind of familiarity. And now I also see what part of me is Chinese. It is so obvious. It is my family. It is in our blood. After all these years, it can finally be let go. shows that Jing-Mei understood her mother”s stubbornness and love and was struck by mother“s greatness. The resolution of the contradiction shows that the cultures of the East and the West can be in harmony with each other.


The Joy Luck Club

I spent nearly a whole afternoon to read “The Joy Luck Club” which I think is a little sorrowful, but very attractive.Through out the story, there are conflicts, hardship, hurts, torture and so on.“The Joy Luck club”tell us the story of four immigrant mothers and their children that were raised in America.The four Chinese women immigrated to America because of their own reason such as escaping from the war, from the unfortunate marriage and so on.From the four mother’s experience of leaving their motherland, there remain a lot of things that desire our thinking.The war made people lose their home and their family.The traditional Chinese feudal ethics forced everyone to follow.So they leave their hometown to pursue freedom and hope.It seemed a new start to settle in America, but their life was still full of conflicts between the old generations and the young generations with different cultural background.Maybe, it was the culture conflict made them quarrel a lot, for they have different sense of value, family background and education.“All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me.They have clung to me all my life” written by Abraham Lincoln.Mother love is the most altruistic love in the world.Whatever they do is just to ensure

their children’s bright prospect.In this novel, children didn’t understand their mothers’behaviour.The misunderstanding of love hurt them both.They need more tolerance and understanding in their life.What impressed me most is women’s struggle for gender inequlity, and their seeks for self-confidence.I appreciate this book very much, it tells me a lot of things that I can never learn from text books.















[1]AmyTan.TheJoyLuckClub[M].NewYork:BallentineBooks, 1989.


第一代 Generation Ⅰ(1975~1981年)



第一代Polo装备了0.9 L排量的4缸发动机,最大功率只有29 kW,即便以当时的技术标准衡量,这款发动机也不能算是出类拔萃的,但却能称得上是绝对的经济版本,满足了大多数家庭的使用要求。一年之后,大众推出了1.1 L排量的升级版Polo,最大功率上升至37 kW。在推出第一代Polo期间,大众公司还生产了一款Polo的三厢车型,名为Derby,装备的是一款日后同样在Polo上使用的1.3 L发动机。

第二代Generation Ⅱ(1981~1994年)

1981年德国法兰克福国际车展前夕,大众推出了第二代Polo。外形方面,大众设计师对第二代产品做了部分修改,保留三门设计的同时,缩小了行李厢后盖的斜度,尾部显得更加陡直。这样一来,原本两厢轿车后排空间宽大的优势进一步加强,后排座椅放倒后,行李空间可以扩展到1 000 L,如此的数据在当时可谓是同级别车型中的佼佼者。

在第二代Polo推出时,厂家对动力并没有做出更多的推进,1.1 L和1.3 L发动机仍然担任主要的动力输出。直到1982年,大众才推出了更加强调运动性能的Polo Coupe,这个车型分支开创了Polo运动版本的先河,同时为今后GTI版本Polo的诞生埋下了伏笔。

Polo量产之后的34年间有很多值得记忆的精彩时刻,其中在1983年,Polo的总产量达到100万辆,成为该车型历史中具有里程碑式意义的一页。在第二代Polo服役的14年间,大众对该车型进行了两次比较大的改进。第一次是在1986年,推出了当时Polo车型的顶级运动款Polo GT G40,排量1.3 L的GT G40装备了机械增压装置,最大功率达到85 kW,刷新了之前所有Polo车型的动力记录。同年,大众为Polo装备了首款柴油发动机,为小型车提供了更低燃油消耗的动力选择,其百公里油耗仅为6.0 L。

第三代Generation Ⅲ(1994~2001年)



从第三代产品开始,1.4 L和1.6 L发动机开始加入Polo的动力序列,不仅如此,大众还为其搭载了全新TDI涡轮直喷柴油发动机。所有这些能够加强内功的改进都得益于Polo和Golf之间有了更多技术共享的机会。

1998年Polo推出了GTI版本,GTI最初只用于Golf的运动车型,后来各厂家不同车型纷纷推出了GTI版本,渐渐地,GTI成为高性能紧凑轿车的代名词。Polo GTI也成为当时最快的Polo车型,最高时速超过了200 km/h,3 000辆装备了最大功率为88 kW的1.6 L发动机的Polo GTI刚上市便销售一空。到1999年时,Polo的累计产量已经突破600万辆。


第四代Generation Ⅳ(2001~2009年)



第四代Polo面世短短4年后,也就是2005年,此时正值Polo诞生30周年,在这一年大众发布了第四代Polo中期改款车型,全新设计的U型前脸替代了之前可爱的四眼大灯设计,在动力方面也换装了1.4 L汽油直喷FSI发动机,更加注重环保和能耗问题。



第五代Polo车长为3 952 mm,比上一代加长了36 mm,车身宽度也加宽了32 mm,达到1 682 mm。外形上第五代Polo的最大特点是车身压得很低,更贴近地面,高度只有1 454 mm,运动趋势更加明显。

大众此番为新款第五代Polo配备了具有高效环保的动力组合,其中有两款发动机是全新研发的,一款是1.2 L TSI涡轮增压直喷汽油发动机,最大功率为77 kW,百公里油耗只有5.5 L。另一款1.6 L TDI高压共轨柴油发动机,最大功率虽没有1.2 TSI出色的,但也达到了66 kW,对于紧凑型两厢Polo已经足够高效。

篇5:喜福会书评 英文

The Expression of Love

——Book Review on The Joy Luck Club “The Joy Luck Club” is the story about the four central pairs of Chinese immigrant mothers and daughters born in America: Suyuan Woo and Jing-mei “June” Woo, An-mei Hsu and Rose Hsu Jordan, Lindo Jong and Waverly Jong, and Ying-ying St.Clair and Lena St.Clair.The novel shows us conflicts between mothers’ hopes and daughters’ disobedience and rebellion.The conflicts and misunderstanding may result from the generation gap and cultural difference, however, in my point of view, what rigidifies their relationship is the way of expressing love.It is no doubt that the mothers and the daughters love each other deeply and mothers spare no effort to give daughters everything they could provide.From mothers’ perspective, they hope daughters a brighter further and full of promises.So they express their love by planning daughters’ blueprints and then impose their will on daughters and force them to walk their scheduled path.And for daughters, especially those live in an American, they struggle for individual freedom and wish to live their own way.Due to schemed future, they cannot accurately make a definition for their identities.Under this condition, criticism form mothers and rebellion for daughters become how they express love.In this way, love becomes a heavy burden for both of them.Mothers and daughters need to express their love in the right way.So empathy and effective communications is of great importance.Mothers should show their love according to their daughters’ interest or at least make them know why they make the choice for them.Fortunately, the novel ends up with the reunion of mothers and the daughters.It is evident that due to mothers’ telling frank stories and daughters’ patient hearing, soul communication has happened among them.They perceive the deep love form each other.So expression of love is significant and remarkable.The novel teaches us how to express our love and is worth reading.参考文献

[1] Tan, Amy.1989.The Joy Luck Club [M].New York: Ivy Books.[2] A Study of Communication Barriers Between Mothers and Daughters in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club.





